The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: Insolvency Professional Agency
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: Insolvency Professional Agency
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: Insolvency Professional Agency
The IBC 2016 is a landmark development in the dynamic world of resolution of stressed assets laws in our country. The economy
is straddled with humongous NPAs in the financial sector and the twin balance-sheet deficit problem is plaguing the banking sector
no end. It’s one of the largest legal move in the country’s war to clean up around $117 billion of stressed assets in the economy.
In this situation the IBC, 2016 provides for resolution in a time bound manner, promotes entrepreneurship which will lead to an
improvement in credit availability and would balance interest of all stakeholders, the IBC envisages to minimize the role of
Adjudicating Authority and tackles laws of 100-year vintage like the The Presidency Towns Insolvency Act, 1909 and Sick
Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act, 2003.
The present paper is a commentary on the Insolvency Professional Agency framework that is the bulwark of the IBC in terms of
the procedural and regulatory ambit of the code. The authors have endeavored to explain the concept of Insolvency Professional
Agency along with the role and scope of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
International Journal of Law
person can be liquidated but an individual cannot. He has to reasonable time, before the Board in person, or through his
be declared bankrupt. If the default is above Rs.1000 (may be authorized representative for clarifications required for
increased up to Rs.1 lakh by the Government, by notification), processing the application.
the Code applies to such individuals and partnerships shall
appoint resolution professional upon confirmation received Code of Conduct for Insolvency Professionals
from the Board. DRT shall within 14 days admit or reject the 1. An insolvency professional must maintain integrity by
application. DRT shall issue public notice inviting claims being honest, straightforward, and forthright in all
from all creditors within 21 days of such notice. Creditors professional relationships.
shall register claims with resolution professional. Resolution 2. An insolvency professional must not misrepresent any
professional shall prepare a list of creditors. Approved facts or situations and should refrain from being involved
repayment plan shall be binding on creditors and debtor. If the in any action that would bring disrepute to the profession.
DRT rejects the repayment plan, then bankruptcy proceeding 3. An insolvency professional must act with objectivity in his
can be initiated. professional dealings by ensuring that his decisions are
made without the presence of any bias, conflict of interest,
Insolvency Professional Agency coercion, or undue influence of any party, whether directly
Chapter II of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India connected to the insolvency proceedings or not.
(Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016 describes the 4. An insolvency professional appointed as an interim
Insolvency Examination, the board either by its own or resolution professional, resolution professional, liquidator,
through designated agency conduct NATIONAL or bankruptcy trustee should not himself acquire, directly
INSOLVENCY EXAMINATION, to test the knowledge and or indirectly, any of the assets of the debtor, nor knowingly
practical skills of individuals in the subjects of insolvency and permit any relative to do so. Independence and Impartiality
bankruptcy. 5. An insolvency professional must maintain complete
Chapter III and V of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of independence in his professional relationships and should
India (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016 describes conduct the insolvency resolution, liquidation or
bankruptcy process, as the case may be, independent of
Eligibility external influences.
1. A person must not be a minor. 6. In cases where the insolvency professional is dealing with
2. Should be a resident of India. assets of a debtor during liquidation or bankruptcy process,
3. Should qualify as per other norms of the code. he must ensure that he or his relatives do not knowingly
4. Should not be convicted by any court for contempt for a acquire any such assets, whether directly or indirectly
punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding 6 unless it is shown that there was no impairment of
months or for an offence involving moral turpitude. objectivity, independence or impartiality in the liquidation
5. Should not be insolvent declared by any court. or bankruptcy process and the approval of the Board has
6. Should be of sound mind. been obtained in the matter.
7. Should be a fit and proper person (integrity, reputation and 7. An insolvency professional shall not take up an assignment
character). under the Code if he, any of his relatives, any of the
partners or directors of the insolvency professional entity
Qualifications and Experience of which he is a partner or director, or the insolvency
A person is eligible for registration, if he- professional entity of which he is a partner or director is
1. Has cleared the National Insolvency Examination. not independent, in terms of the Regulations related to the
2. Has passed the NIE, and has 15 years of experience in processes under the Code, in relation to the corporate
management after Bachelors Degree. person/ debtor and its related parties.
3. Has passed the NIE and has 10 years of experience as- 8. An insolvency professional shall disclose the existence of
a. CA any pecuniary or personal relationship with any of the
b. CS stakeholders entitled to distribution under sections 53 or
c. Cost accountant 178 of the Code, and the concerned corporate
d. Advocate person/debtor as soon as he becomes aware of it, by
making a declaration of the same to the applicant,
Application for Certificate of Registration: committee of creditors, and the person proposing
1. An individual enrolled with an insolvency professional appointment, as applicable.
agency as a professional member may make an application 9. An insolvency professional shall not influence the decision
to the Board in Form A of the Second Schedule to these or the work of the committee of creditors or debtor, or
Regulations, along with a non-refundable application fee other stakeholders under the Code, so as to make any
of ten thousand rupees to the Board. undue or unlawful gains for himself or his related parties,
2. The Board shall acknowledge an application made under or cause any undue preference for any other persons for
this Regulation within seven days of its receipt. undue or unlawful gains and shall not adopt any illegal or
3. The Board may require the applicant to submit, within improper means to achieve any malafide objectives.
reasonable time, additional documents, information or Professional competence.
clarification that it deems fit. 10. An insolvency professional must maintain and upgrade his
4. The Board may require the applicant to appear, within professional knowledge and skills to render competent
International Journal of Law
professional service.Representation of correct facts and his certificate of membership with the insolvency
correcting misapprehensions. professional agency with which he is registered.
11. An insolvency professional must inform such persons 24. An insolvency professional must not conduct business
under the Code as may be required, of a misapprehension which in the opinion of the Board is inconsistent with the
or wrongful consideration of a fact of which he becomes reputation of the profession. Remuneration and costs.
aware, as soon as may be practicable. 25. An insolvency professional must provide services for
12. An insolvency professional must not conceal any material remuneration which is charged in a transparent manner, is
information or knowingly make a misleading statement reasonable reflection of the work necessarily and properly
tithe Board, the Adjudicating Authority or any stakeholder, undertaken, and is not inconsistent with the applicable
as applicable. Timeliness. regulations.
13. An insolvency professional must adhere to the time limits 26. An insolvency professional shall not accept any fees or
prescribed in the Code and the rules, regulations and charges other than those which are disclosed to and
guidelines there under for insolvency resolution, approved by the persons fixing his remuneration.
liquidation or bankruptcy process, as the case may be, and 27. An insolvency professional shall disclose all costs towards
must carefully plan his actions, and promptly communicate the insolvency resolution process costs, liquidation costs,
with all stakeholders involved for the timely discharge of or costs of the bankruptcy process, as applicable, to all
his duties. relevant stakeholders, and must endeavour to ensure that
14. An insolvency professional must not act with mala fide or such costs are not unreasonable. Gifts and hospitality.
be negligent while performing his functions and duties 28. An insolvency professional, or his relative must not accept
under the Code. Information management. gifts or hospitality which undermines or affects his
15. An insolvency professional must make efforts to ensure independence as an insolvency professional.
that all communication to the stakeholders, whether in the 29. An insolvency professional shall not offer gifts or
form of notices, reports, updates, directions, or hospitality or a financial or any other advantage to a public
clarifications, is made well in advance and in a manner servant or any other person, intending to obtain or retain
which is simple, clear, and easily understood by the work for himself, or to obtain or retain an advantage in the
recipients. conduct of profession for himself.
16. An insolvency professional must ensure that he maintains
written contemporaneous records for any decision taken, Particulars of Insolvency Professional Registered under
the reasons for taking the decision, and the information Regulation 7 read with Regulation 5 of Insolvency and
and evidence in support of such decision. This shall be Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professionals)
maintained so as to sufficiently enable a reasonable person Regulations, 2016:
to take a view on the appropriateness of his decisions and 1. Registration No. -IBBI/IPA-002/IPN00001/2016
actions. 17/10001
17. An insolvency professional must not make any private Name of IP – Mr. Devendra Singh (ICSI Insolvency
communication with any of the stakeholders unless Professional Agency).
required by the Code, rules, regulations and guidelines Place – Delhi.
there under, or orders of the Adjudicating Authority. 2. Registration No. - IBBI/IPA-002/IPN0000/2016-
18. An insolvency professional must appear, co-operate and be 17/10002
available for inspections and investigations carried out by Name of IP – Mr. Satyendra Prasad Khorania (ICSI
the Board, any person authorized by the Board or the Insolvency Professional Agency).
insolvency professional agency with which he is enrolled. Place – Jaipur.
19. An insolvency professional must provide all information 3. Registration No. - IBBI/IPA-001/IPP00002/2016-
and records as may be required by the Board or the 17/10010
insolvency professional agency with which he is enrolled. Name of IP – Mr. Anil Katia (The Indian Institute of
20. An insolvency professional must be available and provide Insolvency Professional of ICAI).
information for any periodic study, research and audit Place – Chandigarh, Haryana & Punjab.
conducted by the Board. Confidentiality.
21. An insolvency professional must ensure that The Governing Body Insolvency Board
confidentiality of the information relating to the Chairperson – Dr. M.S. Sahoo
insolvency resolution process, liquidation or bankruptcy Whole time members – Ms. Suman Saxena (WTM [Research
process, as the case may be, is maintained at all times. and Regulation Wing]),
However, this shall not prevent him from disclosing any Dr. Navrang Saini (WTM [Registration and Monitoring
information with the consent of the relevant parties or Wing]),
required by law. Occupation, employability and Dr. Ms. MukulitaVijayawargiya (WTM [Administrative Law
restrictions. Wing]).
22. An insolvency professional must refrain from accepting Ex-officio members – Dr. Shashank Saksena (Adviser [capital
too many assignments, if he is unlikely to be able to devote markets], Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of
adequate time to each of his assignments. Finance),
23. An insolvency professional must not engage in any Sh. Amardeep Singh Bhatia (Joint Secretary, Ministry of
employment, except when he has temporarily surrendered Corporate Affairs).
International Journal of Law
When the RBI dropped a bomb on June 13, 2017 by ordering
banks to take the top-12 defaulters to bankruptcy codes, a
positive outcome of this came when bank lost all hopes of
business – the first time there was strong negotiations between
banks and borrowers. A small step towards the great future,
resolution of bad loans with the banks as it was certain that
now defaulters will lose their coronal jewel as they do not
cease to act irresponsible towards their debts.
The new insolvency and bankruptcy procedure which brings a
procedure within a defined time to recover from defaulters
unlike the past non-mandatory and translucent ways from the
past and it is very laborious without the proper Insolvency
Resolution Professional (Agency / Agents).
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Economic Times, 2016.
2. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (PDF). Gazette of India.
Retrieved, 2016.
3. Notification (PDF). E-Gazette. Gazette of India.
Retrieved, 2016.
4. NCLT ok ays first insolvency resolution scheme under
IBC, Live Mint, 2017.
5. Legislative Brief of the Code (PDF). PRS India.
Retrieved, 2016.
6. India Overhauls Century-Old Bankruptcy Laws in Win
for Modi, Bloomberg, 2016.