Indian Capital Markets and The Regulatory Authorities
Indian Capital Markets and The Regulatory Authorities
Indian Capital Markets and The Regulatory Authorities
7.1 Introduction
The major thrust of the securities market reforms has been on the improvement of
the operations and efficiency of the markets. For this purpose, some structural changes
have also taken place. In order to make capital markets more vibrant and dynamic,
there always needs an efficient intermediation. Without the presence of effective
regulators, the capital market may find it difficult to develop in a healthy manner. The
several aspects like disclosures, listing, liquidity accounting, trading, and settlement
have to be taken care of for the purpose of maintaining the interest of the investors in
the market. The regulatory body must be present in the market to ensure the investor
protection as well as in promotion and growth of capital market.
While the Reserve Bank of India regulates the banking sector in India, the financial
sector in general and stock exchanges in particular are regulated by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India. Apart from this, there are the authorities like Ministry of
Company Affairs, Ministry of Finance also which govern the market to some extent.
This chapter presents the status of regulatory authorities in Indian capital market. An
attempt has also been made in this chapter to present the recommendations and the
implications of some of the committees which were specifically entrusted the task for
developing capital market from time to time. Naturally, SEBI has a dominant role in
regulating the Indian capital market and hence more emphasis is given to SEBI, its
functions, objectives, formation and its role in promotion and development of capital
markets in India.
Since the capital markets have gone through various scams, the need was felt to
regulate and control the activities of the capital markets from time to time. Whenever,
some irregularities were found, the steps have been taken to avoid such things in
future. But this was a reactive and not proactive action in the past. Though the
‘damage control’ was done from time to time, fewer efforts were focused on
preventive measures which may be clear from the following discussion.
The first move towards regulating the Indian capital market was fallout of the panic
which was created in 1865 in BSE. ‘Share mania’ crisis of 1865 left the brokers, small
investors, bankers and creditors in chaos. This was the first time that Indian capital
markets underwent a crash. In response to this, a ‘Bill for the relief of Insolvent
Debtors in the Presidency of Bombay’ was introduced in then Bombay Legislative
Council’.1 This bill was sent to the ‘Select Committee’, but it remained unnoticed for
almost two years. In September 1867, the Bill was withdrawn and thus, the first
attempt to regulate the Indian capital markets failed.
In the second half of the nineteenth century and during the first half of the twentieth
century, the developments in the capital market in India had a low profile. At that
time, India was ruled by the British Empire, which did not give significance to the
aspect of regulation of the capital market. Before independence, i.e. prior to 1947,
Britishers did not institute any legal mechanism or system which could regulate the
capital markets in India.
During the late 19th century, the then government asked BSE to have self regulatory
system involving rules and guidelines about the functioning of the stock exchange. But
the brokers and stock exchanges refused to come out with any such regulatory
After the First World War, again the capital markets experienced ups and downs and
this resulted into formation of Atlay committee. This Committee recommended the
strong regulatory network in the Indian capital market. The Bombay Securities and
Contract Act was enacted in 1925. Further, in 1947, the same act was replaced by
Capital Issues Control Act.
Around the same time i.e. in 1949, the Reserve Bank of India which was formed in
1935, was nationalized and became a central bank to regulate the banking sector in
India. Though the RBI dose not directly regulate or govern the Indian capital market,
the policy measures introduced by RBI have implications for the Indian capital
markets. The role of the RBI is significant in promotion and development of the
banking sector in India. It announces monetary and credit policies from time to time
keeping in mind the requirements of the economy as the whole. E.g. in order to control
the inflation, the RBI may come out with increase in interest rates or repo/reverse repo
rates. But due to such move the stock markets may experience downtrend due to
increase in financial charges reducing profit margins of the corporates. Though it does
not regulate the stock exchanges, the RBI has an influence over the stock exchanges in
the country.
In 1956, the Indian Companies Act was passed by the parliament. This act is one of
the important functionaries in governing the entire corporate sector. From the
formation of the companies, to the liquidation of the companies, everything is
regulated and governed as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. As the
corporate sector is connected with the stock exchanges, the compliance of Companies
Act provisions is a primary requisite for all the companies desiring to raise the capital
from the markets. Thus, with enacting the Companies Act, India started controlling
and regulating corporate sector which results into healthy environment in the capital
When these developments were taking place, the rules and procedure to be followed
for recognition of the stock exchanges were also needed to be formalized. With this
intention, Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 came into existence. 3 These
rules contained provisions relating to recognition of stock exchanges, periodical
returns and annual reports of these exchanges, listing requirements etc. These rules
were made statutory standardized formalities which should be applicable to all
recognized stock exchanges. Later on, after SEBI’s formation, some of these
provisions were shifted and SEBI was made more powerful to apply these rules.
Though the formal decision to open the economy was introduced in 1991-92, the plan
of opening up of the economy was being prepared in the late 1980’s. Similarly, to
cope up with the problems associated with opening up of the economy, a committee
was formed by the Central Government in 1985 under the Chairmanship of Mr.
M.J.Pherwani. In 1985, the idea of an autonomous, full fledged and strong capital
market regulator was recommended by the Committee. The then Prime Minister, late
Rajiv Gandhi, in 1987, announced this strong regulation and actually, in 1988,
Securities and Exchange Board of India, came into existence. Initially, the SEBI was
not given the autonomy of a full fledged regulator of the Indian capital markets. But
eventually, SEBI Act was passed in the year 1992 by the Parliament and thus the
authority of an autonomous, independent regulator was given to the SEBI. In its two
decades of functioning as a regulatory authority of Indian Capital markets, SEBI has
totally changed the way of functioning of the stock exchanges. As the liberalization
process required a strong regulator due to whims of capital movement, the SEBI
continues to play a dominant role in controlling and developing the capital market in
After its setting up in April 1988, SEBI was given some interim functions. These
functions were-
-To collect information and advice the Government on matters relating to capital
-To perform any other function entrusted by the Government regarding regulation of
capital market.
After three years of setting up of SEBI, in 1992, statutory powers were entrusted to
SEBI. In order to curb the malpractices, SEBI was promoted on the same lines in
which Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) was promoted in the USA. Some of
the malpractices which frequently disturbed the primary market were
brokers/consultants’ speculative motive, grey market, delay in listing and allotment in
shares. Apart from this, some malpractices frequently found in the secondary markets
(stock exchanges) were lack of transparency, delay in settlement, insider trading etc.
In order to curb these malpractices, a strong regulator was needed for development of
capital market.
SEBI, which has been entrusted with such regulatory functions, was formed with the
following broad objectives.
-Investor protection to ensure steady flow of savings into the capital market.
-Ensuring the fair practices by the issuers of securities, namely companies so that they
can raise resources at least cost.
Though initially SEBI carried out the functions of supervisory and advisory body of
the Government, later on legislation giving powers to the SEBI was passed. SEBI Act
gave powers to SEBI in order to protect interests of the investors in securities and to
promote the development of and to regulate the securities market and other matters
connected therewith or incidental there to.
Chapter III provides for the transfer of assets and liabilities of the existing Boards to
the new Board, under the Act.
Chapter V deals with registration of stock brokers, sub-brokers, transfer agents etc. on
which action was already taken by the SEBI, since May,’ 92.
Chapter VI gives the provisions regarding accounts, finance, audit, penalties and
adjudication. It also elaborates authority, establishment, jurisdiction and procedure of
appellate tribunal.
Chapter VII gives the power to issue direction to the SEBI. The final power over SEBI
rest with the Central Government as Central Government is an authority for appeal
against SEBI’s order. If it is necessary to supercede the SEBI and to call for returns
and reports, Central Government may use its powers which are given in Chapter VII
As per Section 11 of the SEBI Act, the functions which are entrusted to the SEBI are
classified into Regulatory and Developmental Functions.
Regulatory Functions
-Registration of brokers, sub-brokers and other players in the market.
-Controlling insider trading and take-over bids and imposing penalties for such
Developmental Functions
-Investor education
-Training of intermediaries
-Promotion of fair practices and a code of conduct for all Self Regulatory
Organizations (SROs)
After getting a status of an autonomous and strong regulatory authority, SEBI started
functioning to protect the interest of the investors. While performing the functions,
SEBI works through six different departments which are entrusted specific functions.
These departments are-
i. The Primary Market Department- It looks after policy matters and regulatory issues
regarding primary markets, registration, merchant bankers, portfolio management
services, underwriters etc.
ii. The Issue Management Department- It is responsible for granting the prospectuses
and letters of offers for public issue. It coordinates with primary market policy for
monitoring of issue related intermediaries.
iii. The Secondary Market Department- It looks after regulatory issues for secondary
market. It also regulates the registration and monitors the members of stock
exchanges. Monitoring of insider trading, price movement, EDP and SEBI’s data base
is also maintained by this Department.
The Legal Department- It looks after all the legal matters arising out of functioning of
the SEBI. While issuing various guidelines or regulating the financial markets, some
legal complications may come out which are looked after by the Legal Department.
The Head Office of the SEBI is situated at Mumbai (Bandra Kurla Complex). It also
has three regional offices at New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai for northern, eastern and
southern region respectively.
SEBI, being a Board , has the composition of nine distinguished members. The
composition is as under.
-The Chairman
(The Chairman of SEBI is appointed by the Central Government. While appointing the
Chairman and the nominated members, the Central Government has to see that these
persons should have ability, integrity and standing who have shown capacity in
dealing with problems of the securities markets. They are required to have good
knowledge or experience in administration also.)
-Two officials from Central Government (These are nominated from Ministry of
Finance, Law and Company Affairs)
-Five other members are nominated by the Central Government out of which at least
three should be whole time members.
(While nominating these members of the Board, it is emphasized that these members
have good knowledge or experience in the areas of finance, law, accountancy,
economics etc.)
Investor protection is the major responsibility of the SEBI. For this purpose lot of
guidelines have been issued by the SEBI to control and regulate the capital market in
India and thereby, to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the interest of the
investors in the capital market. To perform this job, SEBI has formed two non
statutory advisory committees- Primary Market Advisory Committee and Secondary
Market Advisory Committee. These committees have members from the categories
like market players, recognized investors’ associations and other eminent persons in
the financial markets.
From its inception, SEBI’s chairmen from time to time have significantly contributed
in the development and emergence of SEBI as a regulatory authority in Indian Capital
Markets. The following chart gives details about former chairmen and their respective
Earlier, there were various other acts to govern the capital market. Capital Issues
(Control) Act, 1947 played an important role in functioning of the Indian Capital
Market since India’s independence. But after SEBI’s inception, the said Act was
repealed by the Capital Issues (Control) Act, 1992. Now most of the powers under this
Act are administered by SEBI. The powers of SEBI were further wide spread when
Parliament passed the SEBI (Amendment) Bill, 2002. The Bill gave the powers to the
SEBI like seizure of books of accounts, imposing penalty of Rs.25 Crores on insider
trading, penalty of Rs. 1 Lakh per day where small investors are cheated, suspension
of governors of stock exchanges. Even the investigating agencies to be appointed were
also entrusted on SEBI’s governing board.
-Power to levy fees or other charges for carrying out the purpose of regulation.
-Power to summon and enforce attendance of persons and examining them on oath.
-Power to hear appeals by companies against the decision of stock exchanges for
refusal of listing their securities.
While evaluating the SEBI’s role in the Indian capital market, some important aspects
have been considered. Registration of intermediaries, redressal of grievances of
investors, primary market regulation, secondary market regulation , regulation of
takeovers, emergence of institutional investors, maintaining fairness and integrity of
the markets are some of the aspects on the basis of which SEBI’s role has been
examined as regulator in capital market in India.
7.6.1.Registration of Intermediaries-
SEBI started the registration of intermediaries in the securities markets for the first
time, by making registration mandatory for categories like merchant bankers,
registrars and transfer agents, brokers, bankers to the issue, debenture trustees,
underwriters, portfolio managers, mutual funds, depositories, foreign institutional
investors etc. Following table gives some highlights regarding registration of
intermediaries from SEBI’s inception.
Stock Exchanges 21 22 23 22 19
Debenture Trustees - 27 37 35 30
Underwriters - 38 57 59 19
Mutual Funds - 37 39 39 44
Depositories - 1 2 2 2
From Table No.7.2, it can be seen that there is substantial growth in the number of
registered bookers. Especially, the sub brokers registered under SEBI increased in
number sharply during 2005-2009. Due to derecognition of three stock exchanges, the
number of stock exchanges declined to 19 in the year 2009. Portfolio managers,
depository participants and FIIs have shown a remarkable increase after 2005. But
registrars and transfer agents, underwriters, bankers to the issue, merchant bankers
show a declining trend. This implies more reliance on brokers as intermediaries in the
SEBI has instituted a separate mechanism for redressal of the investors’ grievances.
Due to increasing interest and number of transactions in the capital markets, there was
also increase in number of grievances so also the redressed grievances.
Table No 7.3
2008-09 30,19,560 28,48,566 94.34
The Table No.7.3 gives an idea about grievances received by SEBI and redressal
thereof from 1991-92 to 2008-09. It is clear that initially, the redressal rate was too
low i.e. 21.61%. This is understandable as SEBI was newly instituted and with less
power given to it, SEBI found it difficult to redress the grievances in time. But
especially after 1997-98, the redressal rate is almost around 95 % which means that
SEBI has been very effective in grievance redressal. Thus, the basic objective of SEBI
i.e. to protect the interest of the investors is near to its fulfillment.
The major step initiated by SEBI in regard to primary market was improvement in
disclosure norms. The full and fair disclosure by issuers of securities is directed by
SEBI for protection of investors’ interest. The various guidelines have been issued by
SEBI in relation to raising the capital from the primary market. Filing of offer
documents has been made mandatory by SEBI and it has also prohibited companies
from giving future projections.
Table No.7.4
2001-02 34 28 9,229
2002-03 28 23 4,982
2003-04 98 58 17,872
2004-05 88 59 12,559
*Observations are the queries raised by the SEBI. If SEBI thinks it necessary to have
additional information from any clause in the offer document, it can issue such
observations. The issue of capital is allowed only after fulfillment and satisfactory
compliance towards these queries raised by the SEBI.
The Table No.7.4 shows that there are number of observations issued by SEBI
consistently, over the last decade to the issuers of securities in primary market.
Amount involved in those observations does not correlate with number of
observations, but observations issued against offer documents received by SEBI for
companies is quiet significant. Therefore, it can be observed from this table that SEBI
has been objectively scrutinizing the offer documents and thus, trying to maintain
fairness in primary market.
Table No.7.5
1992 2010
Transfer of shares Physical Online trading
No.of depositories - 2
Stock Exchanges - 03
Table No.7.5 gives highlights about how the secondary markets have changed the
functioning of stock exchanges. From open outcry, the markets shifted to online and
screen based trading system. There has been faster settlement and clearing. This is also
directed by SEBI and Settlement Guarantee Fund has also been established. Due to the
dematerialization of securities, with the help of depositories, markets have become
more efficient. This can be seen from more number of trades, more turnover and
increased number of demat securities. This has, to some extent, tried to solve the
problem of liquidity.
SEBI has notified ‘takeover code’ to provide exit route to minority shareholders in the
process of takeover. This code regulates the process of substantial acquisition of
shares in a listed company. Prior to this code, this process was a part of listing
provision. But now, SEBI’s regulatory functions extend the scope towards such
takeovers/acquisitions. The code makes it mandatory for the acquirer to make a public
offer to acquire a further 20 % equity in the target company. The tender offer should
be handled by a SEBI registered merchant banker. For this purpose, SEBI has directed
acquirers to open an escrow account before making public offer. In case of non-
compliance, such proceeds of escrow account shall be forfeited as per the provisions
of Takeover Code.
Table No.7.6
*Open offer stands for the interest shown by the parties for takeover. This further is
given in quantity as well as amount involved in all these proposed takeovers.
#Exemption is the concession granted to the bidders from open offer as per the
takeover code issued by SEBI. The column of ‘No’ gives the number of cases while the
amount involved in those cases is given in the next column.
The Table No. 7.6 reveals that due to the SEBI’s ‘Takeover code’, more and more
acquirers had to make public offer. This offer straightway comes under the purview of
SEBI. With the advent of this ‘Takeover code’, SEBI is in a position to protect
companies from unwarranted acquisitions. Some unscrupulous acquirers were
identified with this particular move. This has helped in providing relief to minority
shareholders against malafide acquisitions or takeovers.
Throughout the various phases of development, SEBI has come out with guidelines
and directions on specific issues of capital markets. While these directions were given
and guidelines being formulated, some committees were appointed to give
recommendations and also to take review of the present system prevailing in the
market. Subsequent paragraphs highlight some of the major committees with reference
to their terms of reference, methodology, constitution and important
The committee, in its meetings, carefully considered the questions raised by various
stock exchanges, and also the replies given to SEBI explaining the practices followed
by brokers and stock exchanges. The committee also reviewed SEBI’s guidelines in
respect of stock brokers and sub brokers. The committee met brokers, jobbers, traders,
financers to make specific recommendations.
Major Recommendations
1. For jobbing transactions identified and included in the turnover as proposed in the
report, the scale of fees to be reduced to 1/200 %.
2. In the case of carry forward, renewal of badla transactions the offsetting entries may
not be counted as a part of turnover.
3. For government securities and PSU bonds and units traded in similar manner, the
turnover may be calculated separately and a registration fee of 1/1000 % be charged
on such turnover rather than present scale of 1/100 %
4. If brokers are carrying out transactions in securities without reporting it to the stock
exchange, those transactions would be taken into account for the purpose of turnover
and the broker would be responsible for registration fee.
5. Stock exchanges to ensure that registration fees are properly calculated and paid to
the SEBI.
6. The trade put through on other stock exchanges, would be included in the turnover
of that exchange.
7. The activities like underwriting and collection of deposits would not be taken into
account for the purpose of calculating the turnover of the brokers.
Rules existing before 1992 contained provisions which were more oriented towards
issue management but merchant banking business also needed to be covered under the
regulations. The committee, therefore, examined the rules and regulations and
deliberated upon bringing out the rules and regulations to control the business of
merchant bankers in the capital markets.
Major Recommendations
3. Merchant bankers be allowed to take up both: fund based and non fund based
activities with the changing market conditions. This may include services like
insurance broking, margin lending etc.
5. The processing fees to be levied are to be adjusted against registration fees in case
of grant of registration. Processing at the time of renewal of registration to be more
simple i.e. automatic renewal on payment of stipulated fee.
The committee met the different market participants such as stock brokers, office
bearers of stock exchanges, representatives from financial institutions etc. The
committee sought explanation from these market players regarding possible modalities
to regulate short sales and stock lending mechanism along with its operational
Major Recommendations
1. The stock exchanges having online trading system would modify their trading
software within three months and the other stock exchanges which are to begin online
trading, would incorporate necessary features in the software.
2. In the event of a broker having declared a transaction as ‘sale for delivery’ and
subsequently fails to give deliveries, a penalty of 2 % of auction price to be charged on
the broker for the quantity undelivered.
3. The client / broker selling the shares at one stock exchange against his outstanding
purchase position at another stock exchange will be considered as ‘short sale’.
4. SEBI to review any increase/ decrease in the margins as also the threshold limits in
future depending upon the market conditions.
5. Any addition or deletion in the list of the identified scrips for the purpose of
disclosure or for imposition of margin could be reviewed by SEBI depending upon the
market conditions.
The committee held a number of meetings to deliberate extensively on all the existing
provisions of regulations and on the issues which came up before SEBI for
administration in financial sector. The committee had deliberations with market
participants, industrialists who have made acquisitions of companies, intermediaries
involved in corporate takeovers. Apart from these, financial and investment
institutions and financial journalists were also invited for deliberations.
Major Recommendations
1. SEBI should appoint a panel comprising experts of SEBI and the recommendations
of the panel may be taken into account by SEBI while considering exemptions to be
covered under the regulations.
5. The highest and average price paid by the acquirer of shares of target company
during the twelve month period prior to the date of public announcement be disclosed
in public announcement.
7. The acquirer shall make firm arrangements for finance required and disclose full
details of the arrangements both in the public announcement and in the letter of offer.
8. SEBI Act be amended to expand the scope of adjudication and additionally, the
provisions should be made in company law for personal disqualification of directors of
the acquirer who violates the provisions of the regulations.
The committee sent out a questionnaire to a number of agencies, intermediaries,
market participants and experts and received comments from them. A number of
meetings were held to deliberate extensively upon the issues of new securities law. All
the presidents of the stock exchanges in India, professional agencies like ICSI were
also consulted for this purpose. The status of securities law in other countries was also
compared with Indian context. Finally, the committee came out with the report in three
parts. First part highlights recommendations of the committee and proposed new
legislation. The second part contains the report in relation to Companies Bill 97. The
third part relates with Depositories Act and relevant recommendations.
Major Recommendations
2. Those pockets which have been excluded from the present legislation have to be
included in the scope of new legislation.
4. There has to be a strong market regulator and all the aspects relating to the
regulation be brought under the same.
9. All the market participants which are presently beyond the purview of securities
laws, be brought under these laws and be regulated by SEBI.
10. SEBI to consider organizing investors’ education programmes, for the benefit of
general public.
11. The stock exchanges can entrust the function of clearing house to a clearing
corporation separately constituted.
12. The depository should not be liable for the loss caused to the beneficial owner as a
result of fraud or negligence of the participant.
13. The appeal against the order of SEBI shall lie with the Securities Appellate
Tribunal (SAT) and not to the Central Government.
15. The stamp duty levied at the stage of issue of securities should be made uniform.
The committee had lot of deliberations among themselves. The members exchanged
their views with each other through fax and e-mail continuously. Mr.Himanshu Kazi
and Mr. Ravi Narain also provided valuable inputs and they attended the meetings also
by invitation. The committee also sought the explanation from the stock exchanges.
Major Recommendations
1. There should be a scrip wise position limit, but for ease of implementation, this
position limit should be achieved through the use of prohibitively high margins.
2. Stock exchanges should make the necessary software changes to incorporate client
codes in all transactions within a short period of time.
3. The exchanges implementing carry forward should obtain SEBI approval for the
eligibility criteria, process of choosing the scrips for carry forward list and disclosure/
transparency provisions relating to the above.
4. Intra-day margins should be levied on carry forward trades if and only if they are
levied on normal trades.
5. The weekly carry forward system under rolling settlements may be introduced as
carry forward product to make it easier for the market to understand and use the
7. Both the products daily and weekly carry forward, be permitted and the exchanges
were free to decide to introduce either of the both or neither. This choice should be left
to the market place.
Notes of Dissent.
Prof. J.R. Varma – The weekly carry forward product will migrate to a full fledged
futures market. Hence, the product will cease to be regulated as carry forward product
and it will be regulated as futures/ derivatives contract.
Dr. R.H. Patil – The weekly carry forward product should be supported by risk
mechanism similar to the futures market.
Mr. Anand Rathi – The weekly carry forward product would amount to introduction of
carry forward system without the checks and balances which modified carry forward
system (MCFS) approved by SEBI has imposed.
Internet Based Securities Trading and Services (1999)10 (Appendix B 7)
The committee took stock of the developments in the use of internet in securities
business at the international level and within the country. The matters related to
encryption of messages are considered / handled by the committee along with
Department of Telecommunication.
Major Recommendations
1. SEBI registered stock brokers interested in providing internet based trading services
will be required to apply to the respective stock exchange for a formal permission. The
stock exchange, before giving such permission to brokers, shall ensure the fulfillment
of net worth requirements, operational and system requirements, risk management
2. The security measures to be made mandatory like user id, passwords, firewalls,
socket level security etc.
3. Advance security products used for E- Commerce may be made optional like
SMART cards, second level passwords etc.
5. Brokers should follow the similar logic / priorities used by the exchange to treat
client orders.
7. 128 bit encryption should be allowed to be freely used by the DOT, GOI to ensure
safety, security and integrity as well as for maintaining investor trust in the internet
based trading system. (Encryption is a system where a message is encoded into bits of
binary system. This code is sent to the requisite recipient only so that he can decode
the same and the message becomes readable. 128 bit encryption adds more safety
while transmitting the messages electronically)
There are a number of reports and codes which have already been published
internationally. The committee reviewed all the best internationally accepted practices
in corporate governance. Though the committee reviewed these reports, the primary
objective was to view corporate governance from the point of view of investors and
shareholders. The committee identified the three key constituents viz. shareholders,
board of directors and management with reference to their roles and responsibilities in
corporate governance. The draft report was sent to chambers of commerce, investors’
associations, stock exchanges, ICAI, ICSI, AMFI, merchant bankers’ association,
academicians, foreign investors etc.
Major Recommendations
1. It is necessary that the ‘code’ is also reviewed from time to time, keeping pace with
changing expectations of the investors, shareholders and other stakeholders and with
increasing sophistication achieved in capital market.
5. Audit committee should meet at least thrice a year. The quorum in the meeting
should be either two members or one-third of committee members, whichever is
6. Audit committee should review the financial statement, adequacy of internal control
system, findings of internal investigations, discussion with external auditor.
8. Management discussion and analysis report should form part of the annual report to
the shareholders.
9. Disclosures must be made by the management to the board relating to all material
financial transactions, where they have personal interests that may have potential
conflict with the interest of the company at large.
10. The half yearly declaration of financial performance including summary of the
significant events in the last six months, should be sent to each household of
11. The board committee under the chairmanship of non-executive director, to look
into the redressing of shareholder complains.
12. The company should arrange to obtain a certificate from the auditors of the
company regarding compliance of mandatory recommendations and annexe the
certificate with the director’s report, which is sent annually to all the shareholders of
the company. The same certificate should also be sent to the stock exchanges along
with the annual returns filed by the company.
The committee had in all four meetings wherein there were extensive discussions
regarding the question that whether there is a possibility of reduction in the cost for the
investor with regard to demat operations. The committee examined various charges
regarding demat operations especially charged by Depository Participants (DPs).
Before submitting the report and concluding the deliberations, the committee had a
survey of investors through the investors associations.
Major Recommendations
1. The ways and means may be found out to make the companies bear at least a
substantial part of the cost of dematerialization to provide relief to the investors as the
companies are saving lot of costs of printing, postage etc.
3. Sick companies or BIFR cases should not be included in compulsory demat scrips
as the cost involved in such companies for demat operations may be too large.
5. DPs may be allowed to take money by way of reasonable advance from the clients
or any other suitable safeguards.
6. DPs may have account closing charges at their discretion, but if a DP introduces
such charges for the first time, it should give sufficient time to the clients to exit.
7. SEBI may evolve a mechanism to address the issue of management of risk on demat
1. As the committee was working on the cost aspect, it was improper and inconsistent
on the part of depositories to raise their charges during the tenure of committee.
2. The insurance policy taken by the depositories to cover the liability of the
depository should be made available to ‘Investor Protection Groups’ recognized by
The committee had deliberations with representatives from stock exchanges for
functioning requirements. The members of ICAI were consulted for examining
accounting practices and audit qualifications. Similarly Dept. of Company Affairs was
also consulted for reviewing the regulatory requirements. AMFI, as a financial
intermediary was also consulted by the committee to come out with specific
Major Recommendations
3. The risk report shall be prepared, discussed by the Board of Directors of the
company and published in the annual report.
4. The stock exchanges shall be required to inform SEBI in cases where companies
fail to remove audit qualifications.
6. SEBI may refer the matter to Dept. of Company Affairs to initiate necessary action
under Companies Act and also to ICAI in cases where actions are required against the
auditors of the company.
The committee had three meetings where the terms of reference were elaborated/
discussed. Mr. Y.H. Malegam was also invited in one of the meetings, to have expert
advice in the matter. The self regulatory models of various types like- voluntary,
statutory, member-defined, supervised and self- managed -all were discussed at length
during the committee meetings.
Major Recommendations
1. A member-defined SRO model in the short term and a supervised SRO model in the
medium and long term be applied as it would be effective and efficient.
4. The SRO should have a disciplinary committee comprising five members viz.
chairman, any director of the SRO, two independent directors, an independent member
with judiciary experience/ background.
5. SEBI to provide the details of all registered merchant bankers to facilitate the
calculation of fees to be charged from merchant bankers as registration charges. A
reasonable interest income from corpus of SRO would also be available to meet the
cost of SRO.
6. SEBI to have the powers to dismantle the SRO’s board of directors or derecognize
the body.
The group had deliberations among the members as well as with other legal experts,
stock exchanges and market participants. The group also considered the experiences of
other countries where stock exchanges were already demutualised like Austria,
Hongkong, U.K., Singapore etc. In India NSE has been looked as a demutualised or
corporatized stock exchange and hence the group felt it helpful that capital,
organizational structure and management of NSE be compared with other stock
exchanges in the world.
Major Recommendations
1. The stock exchanges which are setup as association of persons and those which are
setup as companies limited by guarantee be converted into companies limited by
2. A common model for corporatization and demutualization be adopted for all the
stock exchanges.
3. The provisions of Income Tax Act and Securities Contract (Regulation) Act have to
be amended as the stock exchanges would shift from ‘not for profit entity’ to ‘for
profit Company’.
4. The stakeholders viz. shareholders, brokers, and investing public through the
regulatory body should be equally represented on the governing board of a
demutualised exchange.
6. The demutualised stock exchanges should follow the relevant norms of corporate
governance applicable to listed companies.
7. The stock exchange should appoint a CEO who shall be responsible for day to day
activities of the exchange and in addition, voluntarily it can have a CFO.
9. The stock exchanges could explore the possibility of merger for alternative use of
infrastructure. For this purpose, the stock exchanges may use the ‘Euronext model.’
*STP involves electronically capturing and processing transactions in one pass, from
the point of first ‘deal’ to final settlement. It results in reduced settlement cycle,
greater transparency, reduced risk, more timely processing and improves attractiveness
of market.
The committee confined its discussion to STP only. It has deliberated on the issues
involved in reducing manual intervention in the trade process, reduction of paper and
standardization of messaging protocols. The committee also discussed issues like
RTGS, stamp duty and other ancillary issues. The committee also invited other
persons from various organizations and associations to provide inputs on various
issues. The committee also studied a few international experiences in achieving STP.
Major Recommendations
2. Recognition be given to the electronic contract notes as a legal document as an
alternative to paper based contract notes.
5. The issues relating to payment system have to be addressed by RBI as SEBI does
not govern or regulate payment system.
6. There is need to have RTGS system so that settlement of funds takes place faster. If
it requires a time period, EFT facility may be increased in terms of its coverage and
value so that the payments may be made faster.
The committee deliberated over several sittings and invited relevant parties and
experts in the field to take valuable inputs. The committee’s deliberations and analysis
was confined to 21 IPOs specified by SEBI. These IPOs were taken out of public
issues during 2003-2005.
Major Recommendations
1. For the purpose of reallocation or payment to these deprived applicants only the
closing price at which these shares were listed on the first day of listing will be
3. A ‘spillover’ method of reallocation of shares is to be applied. Totally unsuccessful
applicants shall be reallocated shares equally from the available pool, till they each
receive the minimum shares allocated to the lowest category in the IPO.
5. The reallocation or payment, to the valid deprived applicants, may be made as far as
possible as per the bank records in their demat accounts.
The committee extensively reviewed the existing laws governing the stock exchanges.
Initially the draft of the rules was prepared by Dr. S.P. Narang and Mr. V.K. Agarwal.
This draft was the basis of discussions during the committee meetings and
deliberations. Apart from that, rules of BSE were also referred to develop a set of
model rules. Then the draft was hosted on the SEBI’s website for public comments.
After deliberating upon these comments, the recommendations were submitted finally
to the SEBI.
Major Recommendations
2. The stock exchanges be empowered to impose a penalty of Rs. 5 Lakhs for violation
of the rules.
4. The system of registration of sub-brokers be modified and to be brought under
jurisdiction of respective stock exchange.
The committee had meetings at regular intervals and accordingly deliberations have
taken place extensively. The committee also received representations from merchant
bankers and other participants in the primary market regarding the various changes
required in SEBI’s guidelines to make them more investor friendly. Some of the
suggestions discussed in the committee meetings were recommended to SEBI.
Major Recommendations
1.The company may be allowed to disclose the floor price, just prior to the bid
opening date, instead of ‘Red herring prospectus’, by way of public advertisement.
2. SEBI may consider providing flexibility to the issuer company by permitting them
to indicate a 20 % price band. Issuer may be given the flexibility to revise the price
band during the bidding period.
3. The issuer may be allowed to have a closed book building. i. e. the book will not be
made public.
4. SEBI may examine the requirement to delete the provision that a company make an
IPO of less than 25 % of paid up capital with minimum 60 % allocation to Q. I. B.*
*Q.I.B. stands for Qualified Institutional Bidder which include banks, financial
institutions and other bidders who apply for the IPO. These bidders are registered
with SEBI and they also fulfill the eligibility criterion for qualifying as a bidder in
public issue. Therefore they are known as ‘Qualified’ Institutional Bidders (Q.I.B.s)
5. Black out period for research should be restated from 40 days before issue opening
till 40 days after issue closing.
6. The draft and final offer document may be made available on the lead manager’s
and company’s website till listing.
7. ‘Retail investor’ may be redefined in terms of the amount applied for, instead of the
number of shares applied for.
The committee held in all nine meetings during June-July, 2002. The committee, in
those meetings deliberated upon the issues like liquidity, auction, investor protection
fund, scrutiny of trading activity etc. The issues of short sales, margin trading and
securities lending and borrowing were also considered and discussed in the committee
meetings. Finally, the committee came out with some recommendations for
development in secondary market.
Major Recommendations
1. The short sale be defined as failure to deliver securities at the time of settlement and
this should be monitored at the time of delivery and settlement.
2. The short sales should be regulated by putting in place a sound and efficient
securities lending and borrowing mechanism.
3. The model of margin trading may be considered for introduction immediately as it
does not require legal amendments/ clarifications.
6. The return of the borrowed securities by the clearing corporation/ clearing house
should be independent of the normal settlement.
7. The existing scheme may be allowed to continue for a period of six months and the
feedback thereon may be obtained from the participants before revising the scheme.
Major Recommendations
2. Risk factors should appear in the offer document in the following manner: risk
envisaged by the management and how these risks are proposed to be addressed.
4. A company shall not be allowed to come out with a public issue unless at least 75 %
of the means of finance are to be raised from public issue.
5. Only one standard financial unit should be used in the offer document.
6. The issuer company to include in the offer documents, the financial statements
prepared on the basis of more than one accounting standard, to disclose all material
7. The draft offer document shall be submitted to SEBI needs to be approved and
signed by the Board of Directors of company.
8. Differentiation should be made in the funds being raised for a financial purpose like
fixed assets and working capital. The requirement should particularly be stated very
clearly and specifically.
9. The initial decision as to whether the issue should be permitted may be taken by
10. If more than one merchant banker is associated with the public issue, the
responsibility of each merchant banker is to be clearly disclosed and demarcated.
The committee felt that views from the public on as many issues as possible should be
considered while undertaking a review of such an important corporate activity area. A
press release was issued seeking suggestions and inputs in a structured manner from
the public. The committee has also taken into consideration the prevailing practices
and key regulatory requirements relating to takeovers.
Major Recommendations
2. Unless the acquirer declares an intention in public statement, the acquirer shall be
debarred from alienating any material assets of the target company for two years.
3. The independent directors on the board of directors of the target company should
make a reasoned recommendation on the open offer.
5. An open offer to be withdrawn where any stipulated condition is not met for reasons
outside the reasonable control of the acquirer.
6. Where a change in control over the target company occurs, shareholders of the
target company ought to rightfully get an adequate exit opportunity.
7. The initial acquisition threshold for a mandatory open offer be raised to 25 % of the
voting capital of the target company.
8. Every open offer of substantial acquisition ought to be for every share held by all
shareholders of the target company, as on expected date of the close of the tendering
The committee decided to adopt consultative strategy to have benefit of views of all
the stakeholders, viz. market infrastructure institutions, shareholders, industry
associations, investors and general public. The discussions were also held with
representatives of NSE, BSE, NSDL, CDSL, LIC, MCX and others. The committee
also examined global experience concerning ownership and governance norms of
Major Recommendations
1. The concept of dispersed ownership to be favoured for the well being of the stock
6. All transactions in securities of the board members of the MIIs and their family
have to be disclosed to the board of the MIIs.
8. Working of the MII should be reviewed again by SEBI, after five years once the
suggestion made by the committee is implemented.
1. Creation of two-tier stock exchanges along with fiscal measures to streamline the
stock market.
3. Merchant bankers should enter into a tie up with the brokers, to quote floor price.
Major Recommendations
1. Only authorized clerks of the members be permitted to enter the trading ring.
3. In case of any disputes on trading floor between members and their authorized
assistants, the floor committee shall officially intervene and give judgment in the
4. The operations department of the stock exchange shall supervise the operations,
make announcement at the time of trading, suspension of trading, collection of
quotation etc.
5. There has to be Customers’ Protection Fund and insurance cover to the member of
stock exchanges.
Major Recommendations
1. There should be some criteria for setting up new stock exchange, which will
develop the National Market System in the country.
4. NSE to have license of Additional Trading Floor (ATF) instead of multiplying the
number of stock exchanges in the country.
6. By the end of trading day, the exchange system will give out rates and list of
completed transactions for each trading member.
7. Only large and medium sized companies and PSUs to be listed on this exchange.
8. There shall be completely automated system in terms of both trading and settlement
10. The problems of lack of liquidity, inefficient and outdated trading system, outdated
settlement system to be removed by establishment of NSE which would ensure equal
access to investors all over the country and provides a fair, efficient and transparent
securities market to investors using electronic trading system.
Major Recommendations
3. Vetting the powers of Capital Control Issues Act to SEBI to enable SEBI to perform
supervisory and regulatory functions.
Major Recommendations
1. The companies ineligible for listing on the other stock exchanges should be
provided listing on OTCEI.
2. The companies with a paid up capital of less than Rs.10 Crores, should be listed on
OTCEI to provide liquidity.
3. The upper limit of Rs. 25 Crores for listing on OTCEI, should be removed and
made at par with other stock exchanges.
5. Companies delisted on other stock exchanges and those with an offer on ‘TAP’
system, should be allowed to be listed only on OTCEI.
6. There should be a shift from to T+3 to T+7 for the purpose of settlement. This is
particularly relevant in respect of permitted securities traded on other exchanges on
T+7 basis.
7. The promoters should play a more active role in increasing the number of
companies listed and traded.
8. The market making requirements on the sponsors should be liberalized. Issue with a
paid up capital of Rs. 10 Crores should attract compulsory market making. The higher
the paid up capital, the lower is the need for holding inventory by the market makers.
7.8 Conclusion
The regulatory authorities in Indian capital markets have been instrumental in the
development of Indian capital markets. Initially, the capital markets in India were
grossly non regulated. As the people attracted towards the capital market were less in
number, the need to regulate these markets was not also felt seriously. During the
initial phase of development of capital markets in India, the then British Government
did not give adequate attention to regulate the capital market. But immediately after
independence, Capital Issues (Control) Act was passed as first attempt of regulation of
Indian capital markets. Though this Act was just a step further to earlier Bombay
Securities and Contract Act of 1925, some significant provisions were enacted in the
law to govern the capital market. In 1949, the RBI was nationalized and made the
Central Bank to regulate the banking sector in India. As there was no other separate
body for regulating financial sector, RBI was also expected to play an important role
in financial sector. The policy measures taken by the RBI to control and regulate
banking sector and economy, as a whole, have direct and indirect implications on the
functioning of stock exchanges in India. Further, in 1956, the Companies Act was
passed and further in 1969, major commercial banks were nationalized. The enactment
of the Companies Act was a major landmark as the Act contains the provisions
relating to formation and liquidation of companies which raise the capital through the
capital markets.
The major step in regulation of Indian capital market was establishment of SEBI in the
year 1988 which started the functioning from 1992 as a statutory authority in
regulating the Indian capital market. Since last two decades, SEBI has been significant
as a regulatory authority. Though initially, SEBI was reactive, gradually, it became a
strong regulator in financial sector in India. Now, SEBI has been looked as a strong
promotional and developmental authority in Indian capital markets. SEBI has come
out with a number of guidelines on various aspects related to the capital market.
Especially, SEBI has concentrated on investors’ protection and accordingly it has
worked to regulate the market. Apart from issue of guidelines, lot of committees were
appointed by the SEBI from time to time to give recommendations on various critical
issues. The reports of most of these committees have been accepted and accordingly
amendments are made in the existing procedures and laws in the capital market from
time to time.
Recently, some more acts were also enacted like Depositories Act and some earlier
acts like Capital Issues (Control) Act were abolished. This step was taken in line with
the new developments taken place especially after the globalization. But during all
these developments, SEBI has emerged as a strong regulatory authority in
development of capital markets in India.
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