Zero Gear Warrior
Zero Gear Warrior
Zero Gear Warrior
a) Bodyweight Squat x 10
For this set up, you would perform Squats x 1st x 20 reps then with the
remaining amount of time left in the minute, you would do burpees for as many
reps as possible until the minute is up.
So if it takes you 30 secs to complete the Squat reps, that means you have 30
secs to do as many burpees as you can until the minute is up
Pre and Post Workout Considerations: It’s very important that you include both
a pre-workout and post workout foam roll session as well as some static stretching
to end your training session.
If you feel extremely tight and sore before you train, foam rolling will help you
loosen up.
It’s recommended you stretch AFTER your training session then foam roll again to
help accelerate recovery.
***Just note to stretch and foam roll after every training session to be sure.
Here’s are two resources that will help you out for stretching and foam rolling:
>>> Foam Rolling
>>> Stretching and Mobility Work
Rest Days and Listening To Your Body: One of the main focuses within any
training program I design is to make sure you DO NOT over-train your body. While
these workouts are designed to brutally tough and challenging, it’s still your job to
listen to your body.
This is where training experience comes into play. Sometimes you know when you
can go that extra bit and sometimes on some days, we just don’t have it that day,
This is where YOU must make the call. If you have to take a day off due to massive
fatigue or soreness, don’t sweat it. Get in some extra recovery work via mobility and
foam rolling then come back the next day and get yourself right back on track.
When you feel beat up, stiff, and sore, you may need to rest. There’s a difference
between feeling “lazy-tired” and fatigued. When you’re fatigued, it’s better you rest
it out, let your body recover and come back the next day so you can get after it
When you feel “lazy-tired” wake the F up and get your ass into gear! ;)
To help you out when you’re feeling fatigued, here’s a resource you can use to help
increase recovery:
>>> Salt and Ice Baths, plus Contrasts Showers
**Quick Tip / Trick On How To Get STRONGER w/ Just Your Bodyweight**
READ this blog post à “The No Matter What Method”
3 Rounds Of:
15 Jumping Lunges
200m Run
***Rest 1min between rounds
3 Sets for Total Time
10 Burpee Broad Jump
Prisoner Walking Lunge x 15 / Leg
200m Run
***Rest 1min between rounds
Hill or Stair Sprint x 30-40 yards (do flat sprint if need be) then Immediately do 10 Burpees upon
completion of sprint
***Repeat sprint variation, then do 9 Burpees and so on until you do only 1 Burpee
6 Min AMRAP Of:
3 x Wall Walks - Nose to Wall If Possible
6 x Drop Lunges / Leg
9 x Sitouts / Side
24 Mins Of:
24 Drop Lunges (total - not per leg)
24 Push Ups + T-Rotation
24 Drop Squats
24 V-Seat Reaches
24 Burpees
GOAL - is to MOVE for the whole 24 mins - little to NO breaks.
5 Rounds Of:
200m Run
15 x 2 sec PAUSE Squats (pause 2 secs at the BOTTOM of each squat)
3 Handstand Pushups OR 6 Pike Presses
Planks x 5 mins total time under tension
***you can rest as much as you need to on these, but you must round up at least 5 mins of time under
tension in the plank (on forearms) Time only counts when you're in a plank - use good form and
4 Rounds of:
a) Forward Sprint x 10 yards / Backpedal Back x 50 total yards
b) 25 V-Seats
c) 25 Hand Release Push Ups
d) 25 Second Superman Holds
For Time:
Run 200m
30 Burpees
40 Renegade Planks (per arm)
50 Hand Release Pushups
60 Walking Lunges (per leg)
Run 200m
For Time:
3 Min AMRAP of:
Bottom 1/2 Burpee x 5
Squat Thrust x 10
Jump Squat x 15
Rest 1 Min then repeat above 3 Min AMRAP again
For Time:
Bottom 1/2 Burpee x30, 15
Squat Thrust x 30, 15
Jump Squat x 30, 15
5 Rounds Of:
a) 25 Burpees
b) 25 Squats
c) 200m Run
800m Run @ 100%
Then - 12 min AMRAP Of
a) 6 Turkish Get Ups – Alternate Sides Each Rep
b) 12 Burpees
***2 Min Rest Then:
800m Run @ 100%
***Hold something in your hands if you want on the TGU's – water bottle, bag, kettlebell if you want
10 Rounds Of:
100m Sprints @ 100% (Make sure to warm up properly before)
10 Push Ups
10 Squats
***Rest 90-120 secs between rounds - make the sprints ALL OUT Efforts!
1 Mile Run
Then - Descending Ladder with reps 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 for each:
a) Bulgarian Split Squat R / L
b) Bulgarian Split Squat R / L
c) Hand Release Push Ups
d) Recline Row / Pull Up
e) Burpee
1 Mile Run
For Time:
1A) 20, 15, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Of:
a) Burpees
b) Strict Pull-ups OR Recline Row
1 Burpee
1 Sit Up
Run 1 Mile
Then 10 Min AMRAP Of:
Wall Walk x 2
Lunge Jumps x 6/Leg
800m Run
1 Mile Run
Descending Ladder with reps 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 for each:
a) Bulgarian Split Squat R / L OR Split Lunge
b) Bulgarian Split Squat R / L OR Split Lunge
c) Pike Press OR Handstand Push Ups
d) Recline Row / Pull Up
e) Burpee
1 Mile Run
12 Min Time Cap To Complete:
5 Rounds Of:
400m Run
25 Burpees
***Rest 60 secs between rounds
For Time:
15 Burpees
30 Hollow Rocks
***Take 1 Rep Away Each Round until you hit ZERO burpees
Then Rest 3 mins:
10 Min AMRAP
5 Squat Jumps
10 Hand Release Pushups
50m Sprint
Run x 10 Mins @ 75%
5 Rounds OF:
5 x Pull Ups OR Recline Rows
10 x Hand Release Push Up
15 x Squats
200m Run
5 Rounds Backwards
200m Run
15 x Squats
10 x Hand Release Push Ups
5 Pull Ups OR Rows
5 Rounds Of:
100m Run
5 Burpees
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Max Superman Holds
***Rest 60 secs between rounds
Run 1 Mile
E.M.O.T.M. x 12 Mins
5 x Squat
5 x Squat Thrust
5 x Push Up
5 x Pull Up OR Recline Row
Run 1 Mile
6 Rounds Of:
E.M.O.T.M. x 20 mins
Even Minute - 6 x Burpee Broad Jumps
Odd Minute - 18 x Squats
***Rest 3 Mins Then:
12 min AMRAP Of:
6 Pushups
15 Full V-Seats
100m Sprint
5 Rounds Of:
Run 400m
10 1/2 Burpees
10 Mountain Climbers / Side
10 Walking Lunges / Leg
E.M.O.T.M. x 10 Mins
3 HSPU’s OR 3 Pike Presses
10 Squat Jumps
***Rest 3 Mins Then:
E.M.O.T.M. x 10 Mins
5 Burpees
15 Hollow Rocks
Attack This For Time:
800m Run
20 Prisoner Squats
20 Burpee + Jumping Knee Tucks
20 Jumping Lunges (Per Leg)
20 Hand Release Push Ups
400m Run
10 Prisoner Squats
10 Burpee + Jumping Knee Tucks
10 Jumping Lunges (Per Leg)
10 Hand Release Push Ups
200m Run
6 Rounds AFAP:
10 Bodyweight Burpee Man Makers
10 Pull Ups OR Recline Rows
60m Run
For Time:
50 V-Seat Reaches
40 Squats
30 Walking Lunges (per leg)
20 Burpees
10 Pushups
Run 400m
10 Push Ups
20 Burpees
30 Walking Lunges (per leg)
40 Squats
50 V-Seat Reaches
Complete 9 Rounds For Time Of:
11 Bodyweight OH Squats
11 Push Ups
11 Walking Lunges (total steps)
11 Hollow Rocks
E.M.O.T.M. x 15 mins
40 yard sprint
12 Lunges (6 / leg)
***Rest 3 Mins Then:
10 Min AMRAP Of:
a) Burpee Broad Jump x 2
b) Pull Up Or Recline Row x 6
c) Push Ups x 12
d) Bodyweight Squat x 18
5 Rounds Of:
Run 200m
10 Burpee Lateral Hop
10 Pushups
Run 200m
20 Hip Extensions
***Rest 1 Min between rounds
4 Rounds Of:
400m Run
15 Burpees
15 Squats
***Rest 60 secs between rounds
4 Rounds Of:
25 T-Rotation Push Ups (total reps)
50 Prisoner Squats
25 Lateral Burpees
50 Hollow Rocks
Complete 20-15-10-5 Reps For Each Movement Of:
Walking Lunges (per leg)
Bottom 1/2 Burpee
Broad Jump
Complete A 1 Min AMRAP Of Each:
a) Bodyweight Squats
b) Push Ups
c) Recline Rows Or Strict Pull Ups
d) Burpees
***NO REST between switching movements
***REST 1 min after you hit all 4 movements
***Repeat circuit 3 rounds total
Squat x 20
Push Ups x 20
Drop Lunge x 20 / Leg
Recline Row x 20
Hip Extensions x 20
Burpee x 20
***Every time you start a new round, start with the NEXT movement down from the top of the list.
So, with Round 1 you’ll start with squats, Round 2 you’ll start with push ups, then on Round 3 you’ll
start with drop lunges, and so on down the list.
Aggressive Strength Training Resources
Travis Stoetzel is a hardcore and aggressive strength coach located in Omaha, NE
where he owns and operates The Forged Athlete Gym, which caters to highly
dedicated athletes and serious lifters of all walks of life.
Below you can gain knowledge insight on the various tools and resources he
uses to help turn his clients and athletes into strong, jacked, and athletic soldiers.
The section below showcases the other various strength and conditioning
programs and products he has created and uses to help people all across the
world get results.