Virology: Herpesviruses II: Herpes Simplex
Virology: Herpesviruses II: Herpes Simplex
Virology: Herpesviruses II: Herpes Simplex
VIROLOGY antipyretic
Syphilis- can cross the placenta and cause anomalies; can be Turn patient to the side, side rails of bed up when seizure
treated before 18 months of gestation ensures
Primary- chunker painless ulcer with rubbery edge 7: ask in which body part the rashes started
Part of the cell that is affected: nucleus-> viral DNA HHV 8
RNA viruses single stran; DNA- double strand May tubig yung rashes
RNA viruses Usually present in people with full-blown AIDS
1. RNA sense- served as mRNA
2. RNA antisense Herpesviruses II: herpes simplex
3. Capsid Similar to bulutong tubig
Envelope- must be destroyed by meds HSV-1 (common in children): very red eyes
The virus cannot be fully eradicated; the immune system must (keratoconjunctivitis-> may lead to blindness)
always be up else the virus will resurface HSV-2: May cause genital ulceration (increases the risk of HIV
Herpersviruses I: Cytomegalovirus transmission)
Close contact- through direct contact; mother must wear mask
to prevent her child from contracting the disease Varicella Zoster virus
May cause genetical anomaly to the fetus Transmission is through direct contact duh
Immuno-compromised patients and infants are more Superficial scars which may take years to fade
These antiviral drugs are more toxic to infants so diagnose DNA viruses: Adenovirus
DNA viruses: Parvovirus
Herpesviruses I: Epstein-Barr virus May cause erythema infectiosum or fifth disease (Not
Nasophrayngeal carcinoma caused by cigarette smoking is contagious)
more usual here in the Philippines through tissue biopsy (Do Usually occurs in the colder months
not touch because it has affected the squamous cells) There is malar blush or slap cheeks; no discomfort
Versus Burkitt’s lymphoma Next: Trunk and extremities
Jackie O had lymphoma of the nodes On the 5th day: Reticular or lacy-pattern rash with central
Herpesviruses I: HHV-6 & 7 Fever is also low so need to worry
6: Subtypes: A & B No vaccine present
Roseola infantum Different from parvovirus in dogs
Face and trunk fine rashes
No peeling off versus DNA viruses: Papillomavirus
Responsible for genital warts Symptomatic treatment: analgesic, anti pyretic, alternating cold
Cryosurgery to remove the warts (repeated) and hot compress, soft diet, complete bedrest
Cannot fully eradicate it In males: wear properly fitted suspensory- supporter; not
Puts females at risk for HPV cancer so there is a vaccine advised to walk around- may increase inflammation
Rhinovirus Hepatitis C
Common cold
Infects the mucosa and submucosa of the URT Rabies
see if nasal discharge changes its color the you may give an Infects warm blooded animals
antibiotic Found in the saliva
*negribodies Grade 2
Incubation: average 20-60 Grade 3 circulatory failure, rapid and weak pulse
Variable incubation period d/t viral dose, location of bite, host Grade 4: shock, palpatory blood pressure
response (low immune-faster time, area where you got beaten, DEATH
animal who bit you (10-14 days) Tx: symptomatic and supportive treatment; side drip; vit c for
Tx: copious washing with soap and water capillary permeability (skin test!!!); IV fluid; antipyretic
Stage 2: increased excitement Xaspirin!!!! (Will lead to bleeding)
Prodromal (?) 3. Japanese B encephalitis
Terminal: tachycardia, prog paralysis 3. Lassa Fever
Cause of death: resp failure 3. Ebola and Marburg virus
No cure for rabies 3. Hantavirus
Clinical and epidemiological features 3. Nipah and Hendra virus
Bring the dog’s head sa clinic kung papatayin mo man
Two booster doses if bitten again after 3-6 mos of the first bite
Six months after: seven daily injection and antiserum
Coprosky (?) high cure rate
Semple vaccine- cheaper, more widely used
Decapitation of the dog, then send dog to the clinic
Capillaries- Herman’s sign
The virus will destroy the new platelets thus it will lower in
Decrease blood coagulation factor 7, 5 and 9
Classification of dengue according to severity
Grade 1: torniquet test (10-15 secs) then marks will be seen
Rample test (Bp apparatus: bp up) 110/70 add 110+70/90 (bp:
90, stop for several seconds- marks will be seen); platelet
count has decreased; do not wait for patient to bleed because
it will not clot; PTK, severe nosebleeding