SJVN Sor 2012

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1.0 SJVN SOR-2012 incorporates most of the items related for Infrastructure Civil
2.0 No brand names of the material have been mentioned in the nomenclature to
make them generic in nature.
3.0 The rates worked out for SJVN SOR-2012 are as per Standard Specifications
and for Road Works, the Specifications adhered to the relevant Clauses of the
Ministry of Rural Development’s (MORD) wherever feasible, which may be
referred for detailed description, provisions and interpretation.
4.0 The rates in SJVN SOR are inclusive of EPF and no extra loading on this
account shall be made.
5.0 Corporate Cost Engineering Cell shall revise the rates or notify applicable
chapterwise Cost Index for every financial year i.e. by 30th April.
6.0 The rates in SJVN SOR are applicable in the State where Corporate
Headquarter is located. No cost index shall be applicable on the rates in the
SJVN SOR for the projects located in the state of HP.
7.0 For the Uttrakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar or other states in India where
SJVN undertakes construction activities applicable premium shall be notified by
Corporate Cost Engineering Cell.
8.0 Market rate analysis shall be carried out for the items not covered in SJVN
9.0 This schedule of Rates shall not be applicable in foreign countries i.e. Nepal
and Bhutan.
10.0 The estimates for Infrastructure Civil Works based on SJVN SOR shall require
no vetting from Cost Engineering Cell; however the requisite approval would be
taken from the Designated Approving Authority as per DOP.

Cost Engineering Cell

SJVN Limited, Verma Niwas,
Date: New Shimla-171009
Mortars 1
1 I
Earthwork 1-6
2 II
Formwork 1-6
Concrete 1-9
4 IV
Brickwork 1-5
5 V
Stone Masonary, Precast Concrete, Block Masonary and 1-8
6 VI Marble Work
Wood Work 1-17
Paving & Flooring 1-4
Roof Coverings 1-4
9 IX
Steel Work 1-6
10 X
Painting and Polishing 1-8
11 XI
Plastering, Pointing, White Whashing, Colour Washing, 1-9
12 XII Distempering and Other Finishes
Repairs to Building 1-6
Miscellaneous Work 1-7
14 XIV
Demolition and Dismantling 1-12
15 XV
Arboriculture and Gardening 1-6
16 XVI
Road Work 1-35
Chapter No 1

Chapter No 1



101 Lime mortar1:3 (1 lime
Cum 2410.31
102 Cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cum
cement :2 sand)
103 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cum
cement :3 sand)
104 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cum
cement :4 sand)
105 Cement mortar 1:5 (1 Cum
cement:5 sand)
106 Cement mortar 1:6 Cum
(1 cement :6 sand)
107 Cement Mortar 1:8 (1 Cum
Cement:8 Sand)
108 Cement lime mortar 1:1:6 (1 Cum
cement: 1 lime putty:6 sand)

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Chapter No II

Chapter No II


201 Cutting in earth work and disposal of excavated earth upto a lead
of 20 metres:
201A Spade Work: Cum 55.43 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
201B Pick Work:- Cum 83.20 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
201C Jumper Work:- Cum 202.74

201D Blasting Work:

201E Soft Rock Cum 256.31

201F Hard Rock: Cum 361.40

201G Chiselling/wedging out of rock where blasting is prohibited:

201H Soft Rock:- Cum 397.85 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
201I Hard Rock. Cum 596.94 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
202 Excavation in earth work and disposal of all excavated earth upto
a lead of 20 metres and lift upto 1.50 metres, disposed earth to
be levelled and neatly dressed:
202A Spade Work: Cum 68.20 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
202B Pick Work: Cum 96.97 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
202C Jumper Work: Cum 235.97

202D Blasting Work:

202E Soft Rock: Cum 289.60

202F Hard Rock: Cum 411.31

202G Chiselling/Wedging out of rock (where blasting is prohibited:

202H Soft Rock Cum 431.15 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
202I Hard Rock Cum 646.85 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

203 Excavation in earth work and banking in 20cm. layers including

breaking clods, ramming and dressing ground for the purpose of
making embankment or filling up ground depressions upto a lead
of 20 meters and lift upto 1.50 meters
203A Spade Work: Cum 74.52 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
203B Pick Work Cum 105.96 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

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Chapter No II


204 Excavation in foundations, trenches etc., in earth work, lift upto

1.50 Metres stacking the eacavated soil not more than 3 metres
clear from the edge of the excavation and then returning the
stacked soil in 15cm. layers, when required in to plinths sides of
foundations etc., consolidating each deposited layer by ramming
and watering and then disposing of all surplus excavated earth as
directed with in a lead of 20 metres.

204A Spade Work. Cum 116.87 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
204B Pick Work. Cum 145.20 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
204C Jumper Work: Cum 302.56

204D Blasting Work.

204E Soft Rock. Cum 348.19

204F Hard Rock. Cum 480.69

204G Chiselling/wedging out of rock where blasting is prohibited:

204H Soft Rock. Cum 631.78 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
204I Hard Rock : Cum 947.61 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
205 Excavation in drains and channels etc. in earth work including
dressing of side and bed and disposing of excavated earth upto a
lead of 20 metres and lift upto 1.50 metres disposed earth to be
levelled and neatly dressed:
205A Spade Work: Cum 93.56 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
205B Pick Work. Cum 116.19 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
205C Jumper Work. Cum 249.30

205D Blasting Work.

205E Soft Rock. Cum 309.38

205F Hard Rock. Cum 432.08

205G Chiselling/wedging out of rock (where blasting is prohibited)

205G1 Soft Rock. Cum 569.59 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
205G2 Hard Rock. Cum 835.51 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

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Chapter No II


206 Excavation in earth work and filling in 15 cm. layers in foundation

and plinths including ramming, watering and consolidating upto a
lead of 20 metres and lift upto a 1.5 metres.

206A Spade Work. Cum 99.63 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
206B Pick Work. Cum 108.07 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
207 Filling in plinth with sand under floors including watering, Cum 720.07
ramming, consolidating and dressing complete.

208 Lead: Extra for a lead of 20 metres or part thereof for.

208A Spade Work. Cum 7.50 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
208B Pick Work. Cum 8.31 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
208C Jumper Work Cum 8.99 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
208D Blasting Work.

208E Soft Rock. Cum 9.67 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
208F Hard Work: Cum 12.15 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
208G Chiselling/wedging out of rock (where blasting is prohibited)

208H Soft Rock. Cum 9.67 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
208I Hard Rock. Cum 12.15 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

209 Extra for every additional lift of 1.50 metre or part thereof for:

209A Spade Work. Cum 8.31 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
209B Pick Work: Cum 9.18 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
209C Jumper Work: Cum 14.94 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

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Chapter No II

209D Blasting Work:

209E Soft Rock. Cum 14.32 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
209F Hard Rock: Cum 17.98 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
209G Chieselling/Wedging out of rock (where blasting is
209H Soft Rock: Cum 14.32 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
209I Hard Rock: Cum 17.98 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

210 Dressing the ground including cutting and filling upto 15 cm.

201A Spade Work: 10 sqm 44.76 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate

211 Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation,

grass,brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm.
measured at a height of 1 metre above ground and removal of
rubbish upto a distance of 20 metres outside the periphery of the
area cleared:
211A Upto 30 cm Girth: Sq.m 5.39 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
211B Felling trees of the girth (measured at a height of 1 metre above
ground level) including cuttng of trunks and branches removing
the roots and stacking of serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable materials.
211C Beyond 30 cm. girth and upto and including 60 cm. girth. Each Tree 102.42 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
211D Beyond 60 cm girth and upto and including 120 cm. girth Each Tree 454.34 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
211E Beyond 120 cm. girth and upto and including 240 cm girth. Each Tree 2104.03 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
211F Above 240cm girth. Each Tree 4218.60 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

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Chapter No II


212 Open timbering in trenches including use of and waste of all

necessary timber work including walls, struts, open poling
boards/horizontal sheeting/runners etc. as may be necessary and
fixing and removal complete (measurements to be taken of the
face are timbered).
212A Depth not exceeding 1.50 Metres. Sq.m 108.62

212B Depth exceeding 1.5 metres but not exceding 3 metres. Sq.m 110.42

212C Depth exceeding 3 metres upto 9 metres Sq.m 113.46

213 Close timbering in trenches including use and waste of all

necessary timber work including walls, struts,close poling
boards/horizontal sheeting/runners etc. as may be necessary
shoring and packing cavites wherever required and fixing and
removal complete (measurements to be taken of the face area
213A Depth not exceeding 1.5 metres: Sq.m 180.30

213B Depth exceeding 1.5 metres but not exceeding 3 metres: Sq.m 183.64

213C Depth exceeding 3 metres upto 9 metres. sq.m Sq.m 187.24


214 Removal of Snow from road surface height upto 1.5 metres:

214A Fresh Snow. Sq.m 9.18 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
214B Solidified Snow. Sq.m 90.64 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

215 Removal of slips in all kinds of soil (including saturated soil but Cum 94.49 Labour rate for this
excluding boulders and rocky portion requiring blasting upto a is considered
distance of 20 dosposing of un-serviceable materials,metres through rate
stacking serviceable materials and neatly dressing the surface.

216 Removal of boulders on rocky portion of slips (Where blasting is Cum 153.76
required) upto a distance of 20 metres disposing of un-
serviceable materials, stacking serviceable materials and neatly
dressing the surface.
217 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches for structures
(bridge works) complete i/c refilling trenches in 250mm layers,
ramming and watering etc. and dressing of sides, bottom
etc.including dewatering,shoring and shuttering complete.
217A Ordinary Soil.

217B Depth upto 3 Metres. Cum 166.35 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
217C 3 Metres to 6 Metres depth. Cum 205.47 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
217D Above 6 Metres depth. Cum 266.17 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
217E Hard Soil.

217F Depth upto 3 Metres. Cum 219.60 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

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Chapter No II

217G 3 Metres to 6 Metres depth. Cum 280.74 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
217H Above 6 Metres depth. Cum 342.80 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
217I Ordinary rock(not required blasting).

217J If blasting is resorted to Cum 356.13

217K If blasting is not resorted. Cum 638.10 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

217L Hard rock (required blasting). Cum 515.16

217M Hard rock (blasting prohibited). Cum 957.09 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

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Chapter No III

Chapter No III

301 Providing from work of ordinary timber
plankings so as to give a rough finish
including centring,shuttering, strutting and
propping etc. height of propping and centring
below supporting floor to ceililng not
exceeding 4 metres and removal of the same
for insitu reinforced concrete and plain
concrete work in:-
301A Foundations,footings,bases of columns etc. Sq.m 443.86
and mass concrete.
301B Flat surfaces such as soffits of landing and
the like:
301C Floors etc. upto 200mm in thickness: Sq.m 820.95

301D Floors etc. above 200mm in thickness. Sq.m 903.89

301E Vertical surfaces such as walls (any Sq.m 527.91

thickness) partitions and the like including
attached pillasters,buttresses,plinth and string
courses and the like.
301F Sloping or battering surfaces including folded
301G Where inclination to horizontal plan does not Sq.m 675.63
exceed 30 degree requiring shuttering only on
the under side.
301H Where inclination to horizontal plan exceeds Sq.m 1157.53
30 Degree (where shuttering may be provided
both on underside and upper side if required
only the area of underside shall be measured
for payment).
301I Arches:-

301J Arches upto 6 metres span. Sq.m 2174.01

301K Arches exceeding 6 metres Sq.m 2890.97

301L Columns,pillars,posts and struts.

301M Square,rectangular,polygonal in plan. Sq.m 691.45

301N Circular or curved in plan. Sq.m 953.69

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Chapter No III

301O Beams,cantilivers, girders and lintels

301P Sides and Soffits of beams, beam Sq.m 643.07

haunchings, contiliver girders, bressumers
and lintels not exceeding 1 Metre in depth:
301Q Sides and Sofits of beams, beams Sq.m 656.64
haunchings, cantilivers, girders,bressumers
and lintels girders,bressumers and lintels
exceeding 1 metre depth:
301R Edges of slabs and breaks in floors and walls:

301S Under 20 cm. wide. Rmt. 136.04

301T Above 20 cm. wide: R/Metre 173.37

301U Cornices and mouldings: Sq.m 1042.80

301V Small surfaces such as cantiliver ends, Sq.m 1915.28

bracket and ends of steps, caps and bases to
pillasters and columns and the like:
301W Chullah hoods, weather shade, chajjas, Sq.m 747.14
corbels etc. including edges.
301X Staircase with sloping or stepped soffits Sq.m 550.61
including riser and stringers excluding landing

301Y Spiral stair cases. Sq.m 596.81

301Z Chimneys and shafts. Sq.m 527.91

301AA Well Steining: Sq.m 502.00

301AB Vertical fins and vetical sun breakers: Sq.m 642.58

302 Extra for every additional height of proping Sq.m 111.20

and centring upto a height of 7 metre
excluding bricks/stones/C.C. pillars for
303 Extra for providing form work with sheathing
ply wood lining so as to give fair finish in:
303A Foundations,footings,bases of columns etc. Sq.m 49.26
and mass concrete.
303B Flat surfaces such as sofits of suspended
floors,roofs landings and the like
303C Floors etc. upto 200 mm in thickness: Sq.m 49.26

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Chapter No III

303D Floors etc. above 200 mm in thickness: Sq.m 49.26

303E Vertical surfaces such as walls, any thickness Sq.m 49.26

partitions and the like including attached
pillasters buttresses,plinth and string courses
and the like.
303F Sloping battering surfaces including folded
303G where inclination to horizontal does not Sq.m 49.26
exceed 30 Degree requiring shuttering only to
the under side.
303H Where inclination to horizontal plan exceeds Sq.m 267.17
30 degree degree (where shuttering may be
provided both on under side and upper side if
required) only area of under side shall be
measured for payment.
303I Columns,pillars,posts and struts.

303J Square,rectangular or polygonal in plan. Sq.m 49.26

303K Circular or curved in plan : Sq.m 106.51

303L Beams,cantilevers, girders and lintels.

303M Sides and sofits of beams,beam haunchings, Sq.m 49.26

cantilever girders,bressumbers and lintels not
exceeding 1 m in depth.
303N Sides and sofits of beams,beam haunchings, Sq.m 49.26
cantilever girders, bressumers and lintels
exceeding 1 m in depth.
303O Edges of slabs and breaks in floors and walls.

303P Under 20 cm. wide. Metre 9.60

303Q II Above 20 cm. wide. Metre 9.60

303R Cornices and mouldings Sq.m 106.51

303S Small surfaces, such as cantilevers ends, Sq.m 49.26

brackets and ends of steps, caps and base of
pillasters and columns and the like :
303T Chullah hoods,weather shades, Chajjas, Sq.m 49.26
corbels etc. including edges.
303U Stair cases with slopping or stepped sofits Sq.m 49.26
including risers and stringers excluding

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Chapter No III

303V Spriral stair case: Sq.m 49.26

303W Chimneys and shafts. Sq.m 49.26

303X Well steining: Sq.m 502.00

303Y Vertical fins and vertical sun breakers: Sq.m 49.26

304 Extra for providing form work with sheathing

of steel sheets so as to give a fair finish in:
304A Foundation, footings, bases of columns etc. Sq.m 126.22
and mass concrete.
304B Flat surfaces such as sofits of suspended
floors roofs, landing and the like
304C Floors etc. upto 200mm in thickness Sq.m 126.22

304D Floors etc. above 200mm in thickness: Sq.m 126.22

304E Vertical surfaces such as walls (any Sq.m 126.22

thickness) partitions and the like including
attached pillasters, buttresses, plinth and
string courses and the like:
304F Sloping or battering surfaces including folded
304G where inclination to horizontal plan does not Sq.m 126.22
exceed 30 degree requiring shuttering only on
the underside.
304H Where inclination to horizontal plan exceeds Sq.m 234.67
30 degree requiring shuttering both on
underside and upper side
304I Arches.

0304J Arches upto 6m span. Sq.m 104.04

304K Arches exceeding 6 m span. Sq.m 104.04

304L Columns,Pillars,posts and struts.

304M Square, rectangular or polygonal in Plan Sq.m 126.22

304N Circular or curved in plan Sq.m 99.50

304O Beams,cantilevers,girders and lintels.

304P Sides and sofits of beams Beam Sq.m 126.22

haunchings,cantilever girders, Bressumers
and lintels not exceeding 1 metre in depth.

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Chapter No III

304Q Sides and sofits of beams. Beam Metre 126.22
haunchings,cantilevers girders,Bressumers
and lintels exceeding 1 metre in depth.
304R Edges of slabs and Breaks in floors and
304S Under 20 cm. wide. Metre 21.63

304T Above 20cm. wide. Metre 21.63

304U Cornices and mouldings. Sq.m 99.50

304V Small surfaces,such as cantilever ends, Sq.m 126.22

brackets and ends of steps,caps and bases of
pillaster and the like:
304W Chullah hoods, weather shades, Sq.m 126.22
chajjas,corbals etc. including edges:
304X Stair cases with sloping or stepped soffits Sq.m 126.22
includings rizers and stringers excluding
304Y Spiral stair cases. Sq.m 126.22

304Z Chimneys and shafts: Sq.m 126.22

304AA Well steining: Sq.m 99.50

304AB Vertical fins and vertical sun breakers: Sq.m 126.22

305 Providing form work with steel plates

3.15mm.thick welded with angle iron in frame
30x30x5mm. so as to give a fair finish
including centring, shuutering, strutting and
propping etc. with wooden battens and
ballies, height of propping and centring below
supporting floor to ceiling not exceeding 4
Mtrs. and removal of the same for insitu-
reinforced concrete & plain concrete work

305A in: Foundation, footings basis of columns etc. Sqm 176.89

and mass concrete.
305B Flat surfaces such as soffits of suspended
floors, roofs, landings and the like.
305C Floors etc.upto 200mm. In thickness. Sqm 326.47

305D Floors etc.above 200mm. In thickness. Sqm 380.39

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Chapter No III

305E Vertical surfaces such as walls (any Sqm 212.88
thickness) partitions and the like including
attached pillasters buttresses, plinth and
string courses and the like.
305F Columns, pillars, posts and struts

305G Square, rectangular or polygonal in plan. Sqm. 286.27

305H Circular or curved in plan. Sqm. 441.84

305I Stair cases with sloping or stepped soffits Sqm 257.03

excluding landing.
305J Beams, cantilever, girders and lintels.

305K Sides and soffits of beams, beam Sqm 269.76

haunchings, cantilevers, bressumers and
lintels not exceeding 1 Mtr. in depth in all
heights from floor.
305L Sides and soffits of beams, beam Sqm 309.49
haunchings, cantilevers,girders, bressumers
and lintels exceeding 1 Mtr. in depth in all
heights from floor.
305M Edges of slabs and breaks in floors and walls:

305N Under 20 cm. wide. Rmt. 104.76

305O Above 20 cm. wide. Rmt. 113.41

305P Sloping or battering surfaces including folded

305Q Where inclination to horizontal plane does not Sqm 362.16
exceed 30 degree
305R Where inclination to horizontal plane exceeds Sqm 546.73
30 degree
305S Cornices and mouldings. Sqm 627.41

305T Chullah hoods, weather shades, chhajjas, Sqm 359.24

corbels etc. including edges.
305U Well steining. Sqm 209.24

305V Vertical fins and vertical sun breakers. Sqm. 288.32

Page 6
Chapter No IV

Chapter No IV




401 Providing and laying in foundations mud concrete with Cum 1331.12 Reduce through rate
graded Stone aggregate 40mm nominal size by Rs.151.02 per
excluding. Cost of Form work. Cum. in case water
borne used

Lime Concrete.

402 Providing and laying in foundation and Cum 2798.59 Reduce through rate
plinth/underfloors lime aggregate 40 mm nominal size by Rs. 151.02 per
and 40% mortar comprising of 1 lime putty : 1 Surkhi : Cum. in case water
1 Sand and curing complete excluding cost of form borne used
403 Providing and laying in foundation and Cum 2770.14
plinth/underfloors lime concrete with graded stone
aggregates 40mm nominal size and 40% mortar
comprising of 1 lime Putty, 2 sand and curing
complete excluding cost of form work.
404 Providing and laying in foundation and Plinth/under Cum 2571.20
floors lime concrete with graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size and 40% mortar comprising of 1
lime :Putty:3 sand and curing complete excluding cost
of form work.
405 Providing and laying in foundation and plinth under Cum 2821.60
floor lime concrete with graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size and 40% mortar comprising of 1
lime putty 2 surkhi and curing complete excluding cost
of form work.
406 Providing and laying on terrace upto floor two level Cum 3085.20 Reduce through rate
lime concrete with graded stone water borne/brick by Rs. 149.67 per
aggregate 25mm nominal size and 50% mortar Cum. in case water
comprising to 1 lime putty and 2 surkhi. borne used

407 Deduct rate for concrete for using 63mm nominal size Cum 20.62
graded stone aggregate instead of 40mm nominal
size graded stone aggregate.
408 Deduct rate for concrete for using 50mm nominal size Cum 10.31
graded stone aggregate instead of 40mm nominal
size graded stone aggregate.
409 Deduct rate for concrete for using 63 mm nominal Cum 10.31
size water borne aggregate instead of 40mm nominal
size water borne aggregate.
410 Deduct rate for concrete for using 50mm nominal size Cum 10.31
water borne aggregate instead of 40mm nominal size
water borne aggregate.
Cement Concrete:

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Chapter No IV


411 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4(1
cement:2 sand :4 graded stone aggregate 40mm
nominal size)and curing complete excluding cost of
form work in:
411A Foundation and plinth. Cum 4006.67 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 138.18 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

411B Walls including attached but tresses,pilasters, and Cum 4070.72

their caps and bases and string courses etc. upto floor
two level:
411C Independent piers columns and pillars upto floor two Cum 4356.03
412 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1
cement:3 sand:6 graded stone aggregate 40mm
nominal size) excluding cost of centring and
shuttering in:
412A Foundations and plinth: Cum 3309.06 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 143.0 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

412B Walls including attached buttresses, pilasters and Cum 3373.11

their caps and bases and string courses etc. upto floor
two level:
412C Independent piers, columns and pillars upto floor two Cum 3274.24
413 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1
cement:4 sand:8 graded stone aggregate 40mm
nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
form work in:
413A Foundation and plinth: Cum 2935.16

413B Walls including attached buttresses pilasters and their Cum 3000.95
caps and bases and string courses etc. upto floor two
414 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement Cum 2944.87
: 4 sand : 8 Graded stone aggregate 25mm nominal
size) and curing complete excluding cost of form work
in foundation and plinth in breast and retaining walls
415 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1
cement : 5 Sand :10 graded stone aggregate 40mm
nominal size) and curing complete excluding the cost
of form workin:
415A Foundation and plinth. Cum 2642.30

415B Walls including attached buttresses pilasters and their Cum 2707.97
caps and bases and string courses etc. upto floor two
416 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:6:12 (1
cement:6 sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
centring and shuttering in:

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Chapter No IV


416A Foundation and plinth: Cum 2486.47

416B Walls including attached buttresses,pilasters and their Cum 2550.52

caps and bases and string courses etc. upto floor two
417 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:1:2 (1 cement
: 1 Sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) and curing complete excluding cost of form
417A Foundation and plinth. Cum 5705.52 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 128.27 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

417B Walls including attached buttersses,pilasters and their Cum 5769.56

caps and bases and string courses etc. upto floor two
417C Independent piers columns and pillars upto floor two Cum 6054.88
418 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:1.5:3 (1 Cum
cement :1.5: Sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size and curing complete excluding cost of
form work.
418A Foundation and plinth : Cum 4601.15 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 140.65 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

418B Walls including attached buttresses, pilasters and Cum 4665.19

their caps and bases string courses etc. upto floor two
418C Independent piers, columns and pillars upto floor two Cum 4950.51

419 Providing and laying cement concrete

1(1/4):2:4(1(1/4) cement: 2 sand:4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and curing complete
excluding cost of form work.
419A Foundation and plinth. Cum 4462.61 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 141.35 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

419B Walls including attached buttresses pilaster and their Cum 4526.65
caps and bases and string courses etc. upto floor two
419C Independent piers,columns and pillars upto floor two Cum 4811.97
420 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 Cum
cement:2 Sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
form work in:
420A Foundation and plinth Cum 4052.38 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 146.18 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

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Chapter No IV


420B Walls including attached buttresses, pilasters and Cum 4135.94
their caps and basis and string courses etc. upto floor
two level.
420C Independent piers, columns and pillars upto floor two Cum 4421.25
421 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement Cum
: 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) and curing complete excluding cost of form
421A Foundation and plinth Cum 3369.26 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 154.56 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

421B Walls including attached buttresses,pilasters and their Cum 3433.30

caps and bases string courses etc. upto floor two
421C Independent piers, Columns and pillars upto floor two Cum 3718.62

422 Providing and laying upto floor two level cement Cum
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 Sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete
including form work in:
422A Kerbs,Steps and the like Cum 6898.18 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 146.18 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

422B String courses coping bed plates, anchor blocks plain Cum 9224.45
window sills and the like

422C Small arched lintels not exceeding 1.5 clear span over Cum 11202.37
sailing, coping and the like requiring form work to
suspenede portions.
422D Mouldings as in cornices, window sills etc. Exceeding Cum 9816.83
15cm. in girth.
422E Moulding as in cornices, window sills etc. not Cum 9866.56
exceeding 15cm. In girth :
423 Providing and laying upto floor two level cement Cum
concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone
cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) and curing complete including form
work etc.
423A Kerbs steps and the like : Cum 6195.86 Reduce through rate
by Rs. 154.56 per
Cum. in case water
borne used

423B String Courses,copings,bed plates,anchor blocks Cum 8521.73

plain window sills and the like.

423C Small arched lintels not exceeding 1.5m clear span Cum 10499.80
over sailing copings and requiring form work to
suspended position.

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Chapter No IV


423D Mouldings as in cornices window sills etc. exceeding Cum 9114.11
15cm in girth.

423E Mouldings as in cornices,window sills etc.,not Cum 9163.84

exceeding 15cm. In girth.

424 Extra for additional lift over rates upto floor two level 1% rate of C.C work
for all concrete work above floor two level. 1% rate of from plinth level to
C.C. work from plinth level to floor two level floor two level

425 Extra for laying cement concrete

425A In or under water including cost of pumping or bailing Labour rate for this
out water and lowering slush etc. complete. Per is considered
mtr.depth through rate
425B In or under liquid mud including cost of removing Labour rate for this
slush etc. complete same as per item No.092401 Per is considered
mtr.depth through rate
425C In or under foul condition. Cum 80.77 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
426 Providing and laying damp proof course 25mm thick Sqm 152.08 Reduce through rate
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement:2 sand:4 stone by Rs. 4.38 per
aggregate 10 mm nominal size) and curing complete. Sqm. in case water
borne used
427 Providing and laying damp proof course 38mm thick Sqm 204.90 Reduce through rate
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement:2 sand:4 stone by Rs. 6.10 per
aggregate 12.5mm nominal size) and curing Sqm. in case water
complete. borne used
428 Providing and laying damp proof course 50 mm thick Sqm 253.37 Reduce through rate
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement:2 sand:4 by Rs. 8.00 per
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal graded stone Sqm. in case water
aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete. borne used

429 Providing and laying damp proof course to horizontal

surface with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement:2 sand) and
curing complete .
429A 15mm thick Sqm 109.76

429B 20 mm thick. Sqm 140.67

430 Applying a coat of hot bitumen (mexphalt 80/100 or Sqm 124.09

equivalent) using 1.70 kg. per square metre on damp
proof course after cleaning the surface with a piece of
cloth lightly soaked with kerosene oil.
431 Providing and laying cement concrete work 1:2:4 (1
Cement:2 Sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
form work and reinforcement for reinforced concrete
work in :
431A Foundations,footings bases of columns and the like Cum 4152.95
and mass concrete.
431B Walls (any thickness but not less than 0.10 metre Cum 4216.99
thickness) including attached pilasters
buttersses,plinth and string courses etc. from top of
foundation upto floor two level :

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Chapter No IV


431C Suspended Floor roofs, landing and shelves and their Cum 4182.58
support balconies, beams, girders, bressumers and
contilever upto floor twolevel
431D Columns, pillars posts and struts upto floor two level. Cum 4531.94

431E Stair cases (except spiral stair cases) excluding Cum 4540.18
landing but including preparing of the surface and
finishing of nosing upto floor two level.
431F Spiral stair cases including landings etc. upto floor two Cum 5012.12
431G Arches upto floor two level. Cum 4295.11

431H Chimney and shaft floor two level: Cum 4246.63

431I Wall staining : Cum 4230.94

432 Vertical and horizontal (thickness not more than 0.10 Cum 4292.53
m) individually or forming box louvers and projected
band upto floor two level
433 Providing and laying cement concrete work 1:1.5:3 (1
cement : 1.5 sand :3 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
form work and reinforcement for reinforced concrete
work in :
433A Wall (any thickness but not less than 0.1 m thickness) Cum 4746.56
attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string
courses etc. from top of foundation level upto floor two
level :
433B Lintels, beams girders bressumers and cantilevers Cum 4712.15
upto floor two level :

433C Column, pillars, posts and struts upto floor two level : Cum 5061.51

434 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:1:2 (1 cement

: 1 sand :2 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) and curing complete excluding cost of form work
and reinforcement in reinforced concrete work in

434A Walls (any thickness but not exceeding 0.1 metre Cum 5859.56
thickness) including attached pilasters, buttersses,
plinth and string. buttersses, plinth and string.
buttersses, plinth and string. foundation level upto
floor two level.
434B Lintels beams, girders, brassumers and cantilevers Cum 5838.93
upto floor two level etc.
434C Columns pillars, posts and struts upto floor two level. Cum 6221.01

435 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement Cum 18528.36
: 2 sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) reinforced concrete chajjas not exceeding 10cm.
thickness upto floor two level including finishing the
exposed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :
3 Sand) to give a smooth and even surface
centring/form work and curing complete excluding the
cost of reinforcement.

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Chapter No IV


436 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 Cum 16663.69
cement : 2 Sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) for reinforced concrete chajjas not
exceeding 10cm. thickness upto floor two level
centring/form work and curing complete excluding
cost of reinforcement.
437 Providing and laying upto first floor two level
reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 Sand :
4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) to give
a smooth and even surface including centring and
shuttering etc. but excluding cost of reinforcement in :

437A Kerbs, steps and the like : Cum 6979.55

437B String courses, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks, Cum 9305.73
plain windows sills and the like :
437C Small Arched lintels not exceeding 1.5 m clear span Cum 11283.49
over a sailings, copings and the like.
437D Mouldings as in cornices windows sills etc. exceeding Cum 9897.28
15cm in girth
437E Mouldings as in cornices windows, sills etc. not Cum 9947.01
exceeding 15cm. In girth.
438 Providing and laying upto first floor level reinforced
cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 Sand : 6 Graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) to give a mooth
and even surface centring and shuttering etc. but
excluding cost of reinforcement in :

438A Kerbs, steps and the like : Cum 6979.55

438B String courses, copings bed plates anchor blocks, Cum 8602.55
plain window sills and the like :
438C Small arched lintels not excluding 1.5m clear span Cum 10580.99
over sailings copings and the like
438D Mouldings as in cornices, window sills etc. exceeding Cum 9195.39
15cm in girth
438E Mouldings as in cornices window sills etc. not Cum 9245.18
exceeding 15cm in girth :

439 Providing reinforced cement concrete eave board Cum 9577.81

25mm thick and 15cm to 30 cm wide in 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 sand : 4 Graded stone aggregate 10mm
nominal size) upto floor two level including centring
and form work and curing complete excluding cost of
440 Encasing rolled steel sections in beams and columns Cum 8316.29
with cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 concrete
1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 Sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size) including
centring/form work and curing complete excluding
cost of reinforcement upto floor two level

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Chapter No IV


441 Encasing rolled steel sections in grillages with cement Cum 4647.52
concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded
stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size) upto floor two
level including form work and curing complete
excluding cost of expanded metal and hangers :

442 Providing mild steel/Tor steel reinforcement for R.C.C.

work including bending, binding and floor two level :
placing in position complete upto

442A Mild steel : kg 72.27

442B Tor Steel : kg 76.19

443 Extra for additional lift of concrete for all R.C.C. work 1% rate of C.C work
above floor two level : reinforcement : from plinth level to
floor two level

444 Extra for rendering smooth the top of suspended Sqm 63.30
floors landings stair cases (treads and risers) and
other such : Items with cement mortar 1:2 (1
cement : 2 Sand) including a floating coat of neat
cement and curing complete and protecting the
surface with a layer of 7.5 cm. of earth laid over 15mm
layer of sand in case of suspended floors and
landings, steps etc. including subsequent removal
and clearing of the same :
445 Applying cement slurry on R.C.C. slab or cement Sqm 24.90
concrete work using 2.75 kg. of cement per sq.metre
of floor area before laying cement concrete flooring
including roughening, cleaning of the concrete
surfaces complete.
446 Providing in RCC work smooth finishing of the Sqm 76.67
exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
447 Providing throating or plaster drip and moulding to mtr.
R.C.C. chajja.

448 Providing and filling in position bitumen mix filler of 100M 350.98
proportion 80 kg. of hot bitumen 1 kg. of cement and length
0.25 cu.m. of sand for expension joints. 12mm
thick & 1
cm deep
449 Providing and filling in position blown bitumen in 100M 957.44
expension joints. length
thick & 1
cm deep
450 Providing and fixing in position 12 mm thick 100M 1137.52
impregnated fibre board in expension joints. length
thick & 1
cm deep

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Chapter No IV


451 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:8:16 (1 Cum 2320.32
cement: 8sand:16graded stone aggregate 20mm.
nominal size) and curing complete on slab and floor
excluding the cost of form work, screed laid under
452 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5;10 (1 Cum 2552.77
cement :5sand :10 graded stone aggregate 40mm.
nominal size) with 15 % plum and curing complete
excluding cost of form work in retaining walls/Breast
walls, the size of plums shall usually be 150mm. to
300mm. as per H.P.P.W.D.Specification.
453 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:1.5:3 (1
cement :1.5 sand :3 graded stone aggregate 20mm.
nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
form work and reinforcement for feinforced concrete
work in:
453A Foundation footings bases of columns and the like Cum 4682.51
and mass concrete.

453B Suspended floors roofs, landings and shelves and Cum 4712.15
their supports, balconies, beams, girders, bressumers
and cantilevers upto floor two level.
453C Stair cases (except spiral stair case) excluding Cum 5069.74
landing but including preparing of the surface and
finishing of nosing upto floor two level.
453D Spiral stair cases including landings etc. upto floor two Cum 5541.69

453E Arches upto floor two level Cum 4905.86

453F Wall Staining Cum 4760.50

454 Vertical and horizontal fins (thickness not more Cum 4822.10
than0.10m) individually or forming box louvers and
projected band upto floor two level.
455 Extra cost for providing and mixing polyester Per Tonne 1299.97
triangular synthetic fibres in specified ration 6-18mm
length designed for melting point 240-260 degree
centigrade and having specific gravity of 1.33-140 as
per IS-456 amendment August 2007 & IRC 44-bag in
all types of CC, RCC, plastering 2008 @ 125
grams/50kg of cement and flooring work etc.

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Chapter No V

Chapter No V

501 Brick work using common burnt clay building
bricks in foundation and plinth in :-

501A Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand). Cum 4622.40

First Class Bricks
501B Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand). Cum 4466.10
Second Class Bricks
501C Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 sand) Cum 4365.43
First Class Bricks
501C Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand) Cum 4209.06
Second Class Bricks
501D Cement Mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 sand) Cum 4227.04
First Class Bricks
501E Cement Mortar 1:5 (1 Cement : 5 Sand) Cum 4070.67
Second Class Bricks
501F Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand) Cum 4108.46
First Class Bricks
501G Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand) Cum 3952.09
Second Class Bricks
502 Extra for brick work in :
502A Super-structure above plinth level upto floor Cum 130.16
two level (First Class Bricks).
502B Extra for brick work in : Super-structure Cum 130.16
above plinth level upto floor two level
(Second Class Bricks).
502C Super structure above floor two Per cum 1 % of the rate of brick
level. per floor work from plinth upto
floor two level
503 Half brick masonry in common burnt clay Sq.m 530.87
building bricks in cement lime mortar 1:1:6
First Class Bricks
504 Half brick masonry in common burnt clay Sq.m 512.25
building bricks in :- Cement Lime Mortar
1:1:6 Second Class Bricks
504A Cement Mortar 1:3 Sq.m 553.21
First Class Brick
504B Cement Mortar 1:3 Sq.m 534.67
Second Class Brick
504C Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) First Sq.m 523.25
Class Bricks
504D Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 sand) Sq.m 504.64
Second Class Bricks
504E Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand) with Sq.m 626.39
hoop iron.
First Class Bricks
504F Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand) with Sq.m 607.85
hoop iron
Second Class Bricks

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Chapter No V

504G Extra for half brick masonry in super- Sq.m 24.80

structure above plinth level upto floor two
505 Square and rectangular pillars. in super Cum 216.15
structure above plinth level upto cum floor
two level. (First Class Brick)
506 Square and rectangular pillars in super Cum 216.15
structure above plinth level upto floor two
507 Circular pillars. Cum 1283.45
(First Class Bricks)
507 Circular pillars. Cum 1236.99
(Second Class Bricks)
509 Curved on plan upto mean redius not Cum 381.05
exceeding 5 metres. (First
Class Bricks)
510 Curved on plan upto mean radius not Cum 369.28
exceeding 5 metres.
(Second Class Bricks)
511 Tapered surface of brick masonry Sq.m 236.67
(First Class Bricks)
512 Tapered surface of brick masonry. Sq.m 230.39
(Second Class Bricks)
513 Brick work in arches in Super-structure span
not exceeding 6 metres, using common
burnt clay building bricks in cement mortar
1:4 including centring and shuttering
513A Plain arches (First Class Bricks) Cum 9948.61

513B Plain arches. (Second Class Bricks) Cum 9785.68

513C Gauged Arches: (First Class Bricks) Cum 11080.49

513D Gauged Arches. (Second Class Bricks) Cum 10903.39

514 Extra for cutting or chamfaring of brick work Sq.m 17.84

to required shape in masonry work

515 Half Brick thick honey comb brick work with Sq.m 339.81
common burnt clay building bricks in cement
mortar 1:4(1 Cement : 4 sand)
First Class Bricks
516 Half Brick thick honey comb brick work with Sq.m 339.81
common burnt clay building bricks in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand)
Second Class Bricks
517 Extra for forming cavity 5cm. To 7.5cm. wide Sq.m 82.77
in cavity walls with necessary weep and vant
holes including use of cores and cost of
providing and fixing bitumastic coated M.S.
Ties of 25mm x 3mm section at not less than
3 ties per square metre as per approved

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Chapter No V

518 Extra for forming cavity 5cm. To 7.5cm. wide Sq.m 82.77
in cavity walls with necessary weep and vant
holes including use of cores and cost of
providing and fixing bitumastic coated M.S.
Ties of 25mm x 3mm section at not less then
3 ties per square metre as per approved

519 Providing half brick masonry with common metre 171.67

burnt clay building in cement Mortar 1:3(1
cement:3 sand) in super structure for closing
cavity 5cm. to 7.5cm. wide in cavity walls
complete with 10cm. wide bitumastic felt
type 3 Grade I. First Class Bricks.

520 Providing half brick masonry with common metre 166.66

burnt clay building in cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement: 3 sand) in super structure for
closing cavity 5cm to 7.5cm. Wide in cavity
walls complete with 10 cm. wide bitumastic
felt type 3 Grade-I (Second Class Bricks).

521 Jointing old brick works with new brick work. Sq.m 192.47
First Class Bricks
522 Jointing old brick work with new brick work. Sq.m 188.52
Second Class Bricks
523 Providing 7.6 cm. thick drip course with
specially moulded burnt bricks at Junctions
of roof and walls.
523A In cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 sand) metre 44.91
First Class Bricks)
523B In cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) metre 43.50
Second Class Bricks.
524 In cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand)

524A First Class Bricks. metre 42.65

524B In cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) metre 41.24

(Second Class Bricks)

525 Moulding and cornices with brick masonry in

cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand):
(Girth to be measured in cm. and length in
running metre)
525A Brick work using common burnt clay building 1 metre 1 0.78
bricks of first class in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cm
cement:4 sand) in superstructure projection
First Class Bricks 1 cm

525B Second Class Bricks 2 metre 1 0.85

1 cm

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Chapter No V

526 Providing brick bands 7.6 cm. thick and 5cm.

projected from wall face in common burnt
clay building bricks laid in cement Mortar 1:4
(1 Cement : 4 Sand).
526A First Class Bricks. metre 24.04

526B Second Class Bricks. metre 23.27

527 Extra for laying brick work in or under water
and/or liquid mud excluding cost of pumping
out or bailing out water but removing slush:

527A First Class Bricks. 1 cum per 182.88


527B In or under water and/or liquid mud 1 cum per 182.88

excluding cost of pumping and or bailing out meter
water but removing slush : depth
Second Class Bricks
528 Brick work in or under foul positions :

528A First Class Bricks Cum 93.06

528B Second Class Bricks Cum 93.06

529 Common burnt clay building bricks 7.62 cm

thick in :
529A Cement Mortar 1:3(1 cement:3 sand)

529A1 First Class Bricks Sq.m 410.03

529A2 Second Class Bricks : Sq.m 397.62

530 In cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand)

with hoop iron.
530A First Class Bricks Sq.m 479.12

530B Second Class Bricks Sq.m 466.71

531 Brick fencing 5.6 cm. on R.C.C. work

(Materials to be paid for separately).

531A First Class Bricks Sq.m 150.24

531B Second Class Bricks Sq.m 150.24

532 Brick tile masonry using common burnt clay

brick tiles in foundation and plinth :
532A Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand) Cum 6729.65

532B Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand). Cum 6301.29

533 Extra for common burnt clay brick-tile

masonry in :-
533A Super structure above plinth level upto floor Cum 160.60
two level.
533B Superstructure above floor two level. Per cum
1 % of the rate of brick
per floor
work from plinth upto
floor two level

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Chapter No V

533C Square or rectangular pillars : Cum 310.69

534 Curved or plain upto a mean radius not Cum 568.37

exceeding 6 metres.

535 Brick tile masonry in plain arch span not Cum 12190.44
exceeding 6 metres using common burnt
clay brick tiles in plain arch work in
superstructure in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 sand) including centring (height
of props not exceeding 3.5m) shuttering
complete :

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Chapter No VI

Chapter No VI




601 C/o Dry rubble masonry in breast wall and Cum 1371.30
retaining walls revetment walls and
parapets etc.
602 Random rubble masonry/polygonal rubble
masonry (uncoursed/brought to courses)
with hard stones of approved quality in
foundation and plinth including leveling up
with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement :6
sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) at plinth level in

602A Cement Mortar 1:6(1 cement:6 sand) Cum 3110.80

603 Random rubble masonry/polygonal rubble 3110.80

masonry (Uncoursed/brought to courses)
with hard stone of approved quality in
foundation and plinth including levelling up
with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6
Sand : 12 Graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) in cement mortar 1:6 (1
cement:6 sand) in breast walls and
retaining walls.
603A Random rubble masonry/polygonal rubble Cum 1371.30
masonry (uncoursed/brought to courses)
in walls with hard stones of approved
quality in foundation and plinth laid dry,well
bonded,faced with selected stones and
built with bond or through stones evenly
placed at the rate of two per square meter

Stone Masonry, Precast concrete Block masonry and Marble work

604 Extra for random rubble

masonry/polygonal rubble masonry
(uncoursed/brought to courses) with hard
stone of approved quality in :-
605 Superstructure above plinth level and upto
floor two level including levelling up with
cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement:6 Cum 179.20
sand:12 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size).

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Chapter No VI


606 Super structure above floor two level Cum 1 % of rate of stone
work from plinth upto
floor two level
607 Square or rectangular pillars. Cum 201.88

608 Circular pillars : Cum 709.17

609 Curved or plain for a mean radious not Cum 265.58

exceeding 6m.
610 Squared rubble masonry coursed with
hard stone of approved quality in
foundation and plinth including raking out
joints in:-
610A Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) Cum 4402.30

610B Cement Mortar 1:5 (1 cement:5 sand) Cum 4609.26

610C Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) Cum 4721.29

610D Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) Cum 5100.01

610E Cement mortar 1:8 (1 cement : 8 sand) Cum 4314.81

610F Laid Dry : Cum 2082.44

611 Square rubble masonary coursed with

hard stone of approved quality in
foundation and plinth in Retaining
walls/Breast walls including walls rakingout
joints in:-
611A Lime surkhi mortar 1:1:1 (1 Lime putty :1 Cum 3755.18
surkhi :1 Sand).
611B Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 Cement:6 Sand) Cum 3477.72

611C Cement Mortar 1:5(1 Cement:5 Sand) Cum 3624.94

611D Cement Mortar 1:4(1 Cement:4 Sand) Cum 3796.71

611E Cement Mortar1:3(1Cement:3 Sand) Cum 4115.69

611F Laid dry. Cum 1864.52

612 Extra for squared rubble masonry coursed

with hard stone of approved quality in:-

612A Superstructure above plinth level and upto Cum 172.40

floor two level
612B Super structure above floor two level : 1 % of rate of stone
work from plinth upto
floor two level
612C Square and Rectangular pillars Cum 232.51

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Chapter No VI


613 Precast concrete block masonry(including
quion blocks,jamb blocks, closer etc.) with
solid concrete blocks of approved size
made of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1
cement:3 sand:6 graded stone aggregate
40mm and down gauge) foundation and
plinth upto floor level

613A Cement mortar 1:6 Cum 4261.81

614 Precast concrete block masonry (including
quions blocks,jamb blocks, closer etc.)
with solid concrete blocks of approved size
made of cement concrete 1:5:10 (1
cement:5 sand:10 graded stone aggregate
40mm and down gauge) foundation and
plinth upto floor
614A Cement mortar 1:6 Cum 3617.46

615 Precast concrete block masonry in

partition walls 10 cm. thick with solid block
of approved size including quion blocks,
jamb blocks, closer etc. made of cement
concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement:3 sand:6 graded
stone aggregate 40mm and down gauge)
in :-
615A Cement Mortar 1:6 Sq.m 442.75
616 Precast concrete block masonry in
partition walls 10 cm. thick with solid
blocks of approved size (including quions
blocks, jamb blocks, closer etc.) made of
cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement:5
sand:10 graded stone aggregate 40mm
and down gauge) in:
616A Cement Mortar 1:6 Sq.m 377.65
617 Extra for precast block masonry above 1 % over the rates for
floor two level. stone masonry above
plinth level upto floor
two level
618 Providing and laying precast cement Cum 3698.94
concrete hollow block masonry with
cement concrete blocks of size 40cm x
19cm x20 cm i/c quion block jamb blocks
and closers etc. made of cement concrete
1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal

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Chapter No VI


619 Providing and laying precast cement Cum 3201.80
concrete hollow block masonry in wall with
cement concrete blocks of size 40cm x
19cm x20 cm i/c quion blocks, jamb blocks
and closers etc. made of cement concrete
1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 sand : 8 graded stone
aggregate 25m
620 Dressing of stone for:
620A Coursed rubble masonry. Cum 747.23

621 Boulder filling dry hand packed tightly as in Cum 935.17

wire crate apron bund (wire crates to be
measured separately).
622 Wire crates of G.I. wire filled with boulders Cum 899.43
with square cut faces against the wire.
(Wire crates to be measured and paid for
623 Wire crates made of G.I. wire filled with
boulders with square cut faces against the
wire (Boulder filling to be measured and
paid for separetaly).
623A G.I. Wire 4mm thick corresponding to Sqm 271.68
623B 15cm. x 15cm. mesh. Sq.m 207.88

623C G.I. wire 5mm thick corresponding to SWG- Sq.m 297.95

8. 15cm.x15cm. mesh.
624 Boulder filling dry hand packed tightly in Cum 1146.40
wire crates vertical bunds with sloping face
(wire crates to be measured separately)

625 Stone filling behind retaining walls : Cum 1032.55

626 Plain Ashlar cyclopean Masonry Cum 5237.40

627 Ashlar punched masonry. Cum 4251.80

628 Sunk or moulded masonry. Cum 12139.40

629 Arch, Domes or circular moulded masonry. Cum 13518.40

630 Ashlar moulded and curved columns: Cum 18734.80

631 Dessing of stone (for face work): Sq.m 105.49

Hammer dressing (Unit sq.m. of face area) Excludes through and
bond stone

632 Fine chisel dressing (3 line dressing) Sq.m 434.56

633 Ordinary chisel dressing (2 line dressing): Sq.m 222.32

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634 Rough tooled dressed (1 line dressing): Sq.m 87.43


Marble work :

635 Dressing of Marble for : 10 199.27

steps,jambs,walls,pillars and other plain
636 Moulded jambs and heads, straight 10 283.20
mouldings and plain arches or domes.

637 Moulded arches or domes and circular 10 513.44

638 Dressing of marble on Veneer work 2.5 Sq.m 628.61
cm. to 5 cm. thick.
639 Labour for fixing marble in Veneer work Sqm 891.04

640 Cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement: 2 Cu.m 22580.63

marble dust).
641 Marble work (table rubbed and polished) in
steps,jambs,walls,pillars and other plain
work in cement mortar 1:2 (1 white
cement:2 marble dust) with an admixture
of pigment to match the marble shade :

641A White makrana marble. 10 1778.11

641B Pink Makrana marble. 10 1287.86

641C Jaisalmer Yellow Marble : 10 1140.79

641D Baroda Green Marble : 10 1483.96

642 Marble work (table rubbed and polished) in

steps,jambs,walls, pillars and other plain
pigment to match the marble work in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 sand)
including pointing in cement mortar 1:2 (1
White cement:2 marble dust) with an
admixture of shade.
642A Chitor black marble. 10 Cud.m 895.67

642B Bhanslana black Marble: 10 Cud.m 797.62

643 Marble work (table rubbed and polished for

walls lining) Veneer work 2.50cm. thick in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand)
including pointing with white cement
mortar 1:2 (1 white cement: 2 marble dust)
with an admixture of pigment to match the
marble shade :
643A White makrana marble : Sqm 5363.05

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643B Pink Makrana Marble : Sqm 4137.43

643C Jaisalmer yellow marble : Sqm 3769.75

643D Baroda Green Marble : Sqm 4627.68

644 Marble work (table rubbed and polished)

for wall lining (Veneer work) 2.5 cm. thick
in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand)
including pointing with cement mortar 1:2
(1 White cement:2 marble dust) with an
admixture of pigment to match the marble
644A Chittor Black Marble. Sqm 3156.94

644B Bhanslana black marble : Sqm 2911.82

645 Marble work (table rubbed and polished)

for wall lining (Veneer work) 4cm. thick in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand)
including pointing with white cement 1:2 (1
white cement:2 marble dust) with an
admixture of pigment to match the marble
645A White makrana marble : Sqm 7608.91

645B Pink Makrana Marble : Sqm 5647.93

645C Jaisalmer yellow marble : Sqm 5059.63

645D Baroda green marble : Sqm 6432.32

646 Marble work (table rubbed and polished)

for wall lining (Veneer work) 4cm. thick
incement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand)
including pointing with cement mortar 1:2
(1 White cement:2 marble dust) with an
admixture of pigment to match the marble
shade :
646A Chittor Black Marble : Sqm 4079.14

646B Bhanslana Black Marble : Sqm 3686.95

647 Stone work on plain Ashlar Cyclopean in
superstructure upto floor two level
including pointing with cement mortar 1:2
(1 cement :2 sand) in:-
647A Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) Cum 11625.60

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648 Stone work ashlar punched (ordinary work) Cum 10624.60
in superstructure upto floor two level in
cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement:6 sand)
including pointing with cement mortar 1:2(1
cement : 2 sand)
649 Stone work plain in coping plinth cornices, Cum 17181.64
string courses and plinth courses in
cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand)
including pointing with cement mortar 1:2
(1 cement : 2 sand)
650 Stone work sunk or moulded upto floor two Cum 18106.20
level in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
sand) including pointing with cement
mortar 1:2 ( cement : 2 sand).
651 Extra for additional cost of centring for Sq.m 391.30
arches exceeding 6 metres span including
all structing, bolting, wedging etc. and
removal (Area of soffit to be measured)

652 Extra for stone work in plain Ashlar 1 % of rate of stone

cyclopean or ashlar punched: Above floor work from plinth upto
two level floor two level
652A Square or rectangular pillars Cum 1635.20

652B Circular pillars: Cum 4985.40

652C Curved on plan with a mean radius not Cum 1145.20

exceeding 6 metre.
653 Extra for stone work sunk or moulded or
curved in:
653A Square rectangular pillars Cum 2125.20

653B Cornices. Per cm 14.00

girth per

643C Circular pillars: Cum 6048.00


654 Cutting, opening through walls for doors, Cum 232.19

windows and other openings or enlarging
existing openings,converting window in to
door opening etc.,or cutting out defective
masonry for under pinning and including
proving fixing and removing, storing,
clearing and stacking stone and removing
surplus stones and rubbish off the
655 Extra for under pinning of walls with square Cum 611.03
stones (labour for cutting of old walls to be
measured separataly) :

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Chapter No VI


656 Forming jamb to opening with hard stone Cum 302.61
of approved quality fine dressed including
cutting toothening and properly bounding
into old work, including facing and pointing
to match existing work complete :

657 Making good under sills (or over arches, Sq.m 332.92
lintels and bressumers) including all
pinning when necessary.
658 Cutting into old masonry to form toothings Sq.m 168.07
and bending in new stone work in:
Mud Mortar :-

658A In cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement:6 sand). Sq.m 368.90

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Chapter No VII


701 Providing woodwork in frames of

doors,windows, clerestory ,windows
and other frames wrought,framed and
fixed in position.
701A First Class Indian teak wood. Cum 165853.08

701B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Cum 134906.76

701C 1st class deodar wood. Cum 91677.99

701D 2nd class deodar wood. Cum 90349.02

702 Providing wood work in frames of false

celling partitions etc. sawn and put-up
in position.
702A 1st class deodar wood. Cum 89717.16

702B 2nd class deodar wood. Cum 88394.40

702C 1st class kail wood. Cum 88394.40

702D 2nd class kail wood. Cum 68232.46

703 Providing wood work in trusses,

purlins, rafters, posts, post plates, wall
plates and the like wrought framed,
hoisted and fixed in position.
703A 1st class deodar wood. Cum 91308.52

703B 2nd class deodar wood. Cum 89989.55


704 Providing and fixing panelled glazed or
panelled and glazed shutters for doors
windows and clerestory windows.
Including black enamelled iron butt
hinges with necessary screws.

704A 50 mm thick

704A.1 First Class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 7545.91

704B 40mm thick

704B.1 First Class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 6522.20

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704B.2 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 5463.71

704B.3 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 3782.31

704B.4 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 3736.91

704C 35mm thick

704C.1 1st class indian teak wood. Sq.m 5950.06

704C.2 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 5002.98

704C.3 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 3468.54

704C.4 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 3427.92

705 Providing and fixing 25mm thick

panelled glazed or panelled and
glazed shutters for cup boards etc.
including :-
705A First Class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 4786.45

705B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 4076.12

705C 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 2869.60

705D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 2839.14

706 Bright finished black enamelled iron.

Hinges with necessary screws:-
706A First Class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 4673.80

706B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 3963.49

706C 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 2756.90

706D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 2726.44

707 Providing and fixing flush door shutters

decorative type core of block board
construction with frames of first class
hard wood and well matched first class
indian teak plyveneering with vertical
grains or cross bends and face
vencering on both faces of shutter.

707A 40mm thick including black enamelled Sq.m 3056.93

M.S. butt hinges.
707B 35mm thick including black enamelled Sq.m 2822.33
M.S. butt hinges

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707C 30mm thick including black enamelled Sq.m 2572.80

M.S. butt hinges
707D 25mm thick including nickel plated Sq.m 2508.25
bright finished M.S. piano hinges.
708 Providing and fixing flush door shutters
interior grade, commercial type, core of
black-board construction with frame of
first class hard wood and well matched
commercial ply veneering with vertical
grains of cross bands and face
veneers on both faces of shutters.

708A 40 mm thick including black enamelled Sq.m 2055.97

M.S. butt hinges.
708B 35 mm thick including black enamelled Sq.m 1883.93
M.S. butt hinges.
709 Providing and fixing flush door shutters
core of black board construction with
frame of first class hard wood and well
matched firtst class Indian teak ply
veneering with vertical grains of cross
band and face vaneers on one face
and commercial ply veneering with
vertical grains of cross band on other
face of shutters.
709A 40 mm thick including black enamelled Sq.m 2509.53
M.S. butt hinges.
709B 35 mm thick including black enamelled Sq.m 2384.41
M.S. butt hinges.

710 Providing and fixing wire gauge

shutters using galvanised M.S. wire
gauge of I.S. gauge designation 85 G.
with wire of dia 0.56 mm for doors
windows and clerestorey windows
including bright finished black
enamelled iron hinges with necessary
710A 40 mm thick

710B 1st class Indian teak wood Sq.m 4676.36

710C 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 3882.49

710D 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 2696.91

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710E 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 2662.86

711 Extra for providing and fixing Sq.m 45.94

galvanised M.S. wire gauge of I.S.
gauge designation No. 140 g to doors,
window and clerestory windows with
wire of dia 0.71 mm instead of I.S.
gauge designation no. 85 g with wire
of dia 0.56 mm

712 Providing and fixing 45mm thick

louvered shutters with fixed venetain
12 mm thick for windows in cluding
black enamrlled/bright finished M.S.
butt hinges with necessary screws.
712A 1st class Indian teak wood Sq.m 5987.47

712B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 4907.08

712C 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 3374.43

712D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 3328.06

712E 1st class kail wood. Sq.m 3328.06

712F 2nd class kail wood. Sq.m 2620.86

712G 1st class chil wood. Sq.m 1578.42

712H 2nd class chil wood Sq.m 1425.89

713 Providing and fixin necessary screws.g

40 mm wide louvered shutters with
fixed venetain 12 mm thick for
windows including black
enamelled/bright finished M.S. butt
hinges with
713A 1 st class Indian teak wood Sq.m 5420.14

713B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 4446.52

713C 1 st class deodar wood. Sq.m 3054.63

713D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 3012.88

713E 1st class kail wood. Sq.m 3012.88

713F 2nd class kail wood. Sq.m 2375.58

713G 1st class chil wood. Sq.m 1436.02

713H 2nd class chil wood Sq.m 1298.66

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Chapter No VII


714 Providing and fixing louvers 50 mm

wide in greeves in cleare story
windows frames excluding the cost of
frames. (i) 12mm thick
714A 1st class Indian teak wood Sq.m 2627.93

714B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 2168.38

714C 1 st class deodar wood. Sq.m 1473.15

714D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 1453.43

714E 1st class kail wood. Sq.m 1453.43

714F 2nd class kail wood. Sq.m 1152.60

714G 1st class chil wood. Sq.m 709.10

714H 2nd class chil wood Sq.m 644.23

714I Asbestos cement sheet 6mm thick Sq.m 715.36

714J Glass sheets Sq.m 655.66


715 Providing and fixing plain lining with

tongued and groved jointing and
screws (frame work and cover fillets to
be measured and paid for separately
715A 1st class Indian teak wood.
715A.1 12mm thick Sq.m 2475.04

715B 2nd class Indian teak wood.

715B.1 12mm thick Sq.m 2038.22

715C 1st class deodar wood.

715C.1 12mm thick Sq.m 1387.52

715D 2nd class deodar wood.

715D.1 12mm thick Sq.m 1368.79

716 Providing and fixing particle board

lining with butt jointing and nails (frame
work and cover fillets to be measured
and paid separtely)
716A 12 mm thick Sq.m 522.21

716B 19 mm thick Sq.m 686.43

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717 Providing and fixing ply wood lining

with butt jointing and nails (frame work
and cove fillets to be measured and
paid for separately)
717A 4 mm thick Sq.m 310.86
717B 6 mm thick Sq.m 458.66
718 Providing and fixing commercial ply
wood ceiling of approved quality with
butt jointing and nails (frame work and
cover fillets to be paid for separately)

718A 3 mm thick Sq.m 245.42

718B commercial ply 4 mm thick Sq.m 294.69
718C 6 mm thick Sq.m 442.49

719 Providing and fixing plain square

edged cover fillets (beading)
40mmx12mm section with wood
screws in ceiling and lining including
mitring at junctions.
719A 1st class Indian teak wood. Metre 112.93
719B 1st class deodar wood. Metre 67.81

719C 1st class kail wood. Metre 67.13

720 Providing and fixing plain square
edged cover fillets (beading)
50mmx12mm section, with wood
screws in ceiling and lining including
720A mitring at Indian
1st class junction.
teak wood. Metre 133.02

720B 1st class deodar wood. Metre 78.82

720C 1st class kail wood. Metre 77.97

721 Providing and fixing plain square

edged cover fillets (beading)
60mmx12mm section with wood
screws in ceiling and lining including
721A mitring at Indian
1st class junctions.
teak wood. Metre 153.10
721B 1st class deodar wood. Metre 89.84

721C 1st class kail wood. Metre 88.82

722 Extra for making chamfered edges of Metre 8.30 Labour rate for this is
beading. considered through

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723 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick Sq.m 934.05

plaster of paris. (Gypsum unhydrous)
ceiling tiles upto 5 metres above floor
level over wooden frames and
rendered smooth with plaster of paris
(Frame work to be measured and paid
for separately)


724 Providing 50x50x50mm wooden plugs

including cutting bricks/stone work and
fixing in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :
3 sand) and making good the walls
724a 2nd class Indian teak wood. Each 23.00
724B 2nd class deodar wood. Each 17.34

725 Providing and fixing 40 mm thick plain

framed panelling with necessary
screws priming coat on unexposed
surface etc. complete, with.

725A 1 st class Indian teak wood Sq.m 6818.43

725B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 5351.46

725C 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 3673.84

725D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 3628.41

726 Providing and fixing 12mm thick and

100 mm wide palmet with 25mm
diameter wooden curtain rod and
brackets including fixing with 25x3mm
M.S. flat 10 cm long and plugs etc.
726A First class Indian teak wood. Metre 667.98
726B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Metre 558.83
726C 1st class deodar wood. Metre 385.77
726D 1st class kail wood Metre 381.09
727 Providing and fixing 12mm thick
150mm wide pelmet with 25 mm
diametre wooden curtain rods and
brackets including fixing 25x3mm M.S.
flat at 10 cm. Long and plugs etc.
727A First class indian teak wood. Metre 806.35

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Chapter No VII


727B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Metre 651.38

727C 1st class deodar wood. Metre 451.55

727D 1st class kail wood Metre 448.04

728 Providing and fixing brass curtain rail Metre 107.72

with rollers stop ends and brackets in
pelmets instead of wooden curtain rod
25 mm dia and brackets of first class
deodar wood (actuallenght) of rails of
be measured.
729 Providing and fixing 25mm
diametercurtain rods with brackets,
plugs etc. where ever required.
729A First class Indian teak wood. Metre 166.72
729B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Metre 141.97

729C 1st class deodar wood. Metre 98.46

729D 2nd class deodar wood. Metre 97.53
730 Providing and fixing M.S. round or Kg 84.84
square bars at required spacings in
wooden frames of windows and
clerestory windows
731 Providing and fixing M.S. Round or Kg 90.24
Square bars with M.S. Flats at required
spacings in wooden frames of windows
and clerastory windows.

732 Providing and fixing M.S. grills of

required patterns in wooden frames of
windows etc. with M.S. Flats, square or
round bars with round headed bolts
and nuts or by screws.
732A Plain grill. Kg 102.73

732B Ornamental Crill. Kg 128.86

733 Providing and fixing fly proof

galvanised M.S. wire gauge of IS
gauge designation 85 g with wire of dia
0.56 mm to windows and clerestory
windows including 60x20 mm beading
733A 1st class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 983.96
733B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 855.01
733C 1 st class deodar wood. Sq.m 653.80

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733D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 648.27

734 Providing 40x3 mm flat iron hold fast Each 75.53
40cm. Long including fixing to frame
with 10mm diameter bolts & nuts and
wooden plugs and embeding in
cement concrete block 30x10x15cm.
1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 sand: 6 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)

735 Providing and fixing 75 mm x 60mm

rounded hand rails in straight length
complete in.
735A 1st class Indian teak wood. Meter 891.37
735B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Meter 746.23
735C 1st class deodar wood. Meter 505.09
735D 2nd class deodar wood. Meter 498.85
736 Providing and fixing 75mm x60mm Rate as per item No.
moulded hand rails in straight length 734 plus 50% extra for
complete. moulded
737 Extra for hand rails if sunk to receive Meter 41.14 Labour rate for this is
iron core considered through
738 Providing and fixing 40 mm thick plain
framed panelling with necessary
screws priming coat on unexposed
surface etc. complete, with.
738A 1 st class Indian teak wood Sq.m 6818.43

738B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 5351.46

738C 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 3673.84
738D 2nd class deodar wood. Sq.m 3628.41
739 25mm thick wooden shelves supported
on 40x40 mmx6mm or L iron brackets
fixed at suitable distance 7.5x7.5x15
cm=block of cement concrete mix
1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded
stone aggregate 30 mm nominal size)

739A 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 4464.61

739B 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 3224.15

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Chapter No VII


740 40 mm thick wooden shelves

supported on 40x40x6mm T or L iron
brackets fixed at suitable distances but
not exceeding 75 cm apart in
7.5x7.5x15 cm. Blocks of cement
concrete mix 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 sand
: 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) with

740A 2nd class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 6410.77

740B 1st class deodar wood. Sq.m 4548.66
741 Providing and fixing turned caps (or
pendents) with ball ornaments to tops
or bottoms of newels (up to 100mm. In
section) with glued and dowelled joint
complete in.
741A 1st class Indian teak wood. Each 757.32

741B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Each 686.94

741C 1st class deodar wood. Each 460.84
741D 2nd class deodar wood. Each 457.78
742 Providing and fixing turned caps (or
pendants) with ball ornaments to tops
or bottoms of newels exceeding
100mmx100mm but not exceeding
150mmx150mm in section with glued
and dowelled joints complete in.

742A 1st class Indian teak wood. Each 1383.80

742B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Each 1261.67
742C 1st class deodar wood. Each 847.55
742D 2nd class deodar wood. Each 842.66
743 Providing and fixing 25mm + 25mm
balusters 25mmx25mm square
wrought fixed with ends housed
(square or splay) to hand rails and
treads or strings complete in.
743A 1st class Indian teak wood. Meter 260.37

743B 2nd class Indian teak wood. Meter 241.13

743C 1st class deodar wood. Meter 162.11

743D 2nd class deodar wood. Meter 161.30
Fittings (Aluminium Anodised)

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Chapter No VII


744 Providing and fixing anodized

aluminium sliding door bolt anodized
colour and shade with bolts and nuts
screws etc. complete.
744A 300x16mm Each 205.29
744B 250x16mm Each 189.65
745 Providing and fixing aluminium tower
bolts (berrel type) anodized trans
parent or dyed to required shade and
colour with screws etc. complete.
745A 300x10mm Each 100.58

745B 250x10mm Each 84.94

745C 200x10mm Each 69.30

745D 150x10mm Each 61.48

745E 100x10mm Each 45.69

746 Providing and fixing aluminium

handles anodized transparent or dyed
to required colour & shade with
necessary screws etc. complete.

746A 125 mm Each 42.80

746B 100 mm Each 34.98

747 Providing and fixing anodized Each 28.43

aluminium fan light pivot with
necessary screws.
748 Providing and fixing anodized Each 43.13
aluminium fan light catch with
necessary screws complete.
749 Providing and fixing 300mm long Each 44.12
anodized aluminium chain for fan light
catch including necessary screws
750 Providing and fixing bright finished
brass sliding door-bolts with nuts and
screws etc. complete.
750A 300x15 mm Each 795.84
750B 200X16mm Each 639.44

751 Providing fixing bright finished brass

tower bolts (barrel type) with screws
etc. complete.
751A 250x10 mm Each 330.57

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Chapter No VII


751B 200x10 mm Each 312.11

751C 150x10 mm Each 230.28

751D 100x10 mm Each 159.90
752 Providing and fixing bright finished
brass handles with screws etc.
752A 125mm Each 211.17
752B 100 mm, Each 164.17
753 Providing and fixing brass door latch
with necessary screws etc. complete.

753A 300x16x5mm. Each 196.80

753B 250x16x5mm. Each 188.98
754 Providing and fixing bright finished Each 903.83
brass 100mm. Mortice latch and lock
and a pair of levers, handles with
necessary screws etc. complete
(indian make of approved quality)
755 Providing and fixing 100mm bright Each 247.63
finished brass floor door stopper with
rubber cushion screws etc. to suit
shutter thickness complete
756 Providing and fixing bright finished
hard drawn hooks and eyes.
756A 300 mm Each 67.98

756B 250 mm Each 64.70

756C 200 mm Each 61.57

756D 150 mm Each 56.88

756E 100 mm Each 49.06

757 Providing and fixing bright finished

brass heaps and stapples (safety type)
with necessary screws etc complete.

757A 150 mm Each 131.36

757B 115 mm Each 83.03

758 Prokviding and fixing 65x35mm. Each 207.85

special quality bright finished brass
cup board locks or wardrobe locks with
six levers including necessary screws
etc. complete. (Indian make of
approved quality).

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Chapter No VII


759 Providing and fixing chromium plated

brass sliding door bolts with nuts and
screws etc. complete.
759A 300x16mm. Each 874.04
759B 250x16mm. Each 702.00

760 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.

sliding door bolts with nuts and screws
etc. complete.
760A 300x16mm Each 95.98

760B 250x16mm Each 88.16

761 Providing and fixing oxidised M.S.

tower bolts (barrel type) with necessary
screws etc. complete.
761A 250x10 mm Each 54.06
761B 200x10 mm Each 45.46
761C 150x10mm Each 36.86
761D 100x10mm Each 29.04

762 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.

handles with the necessary screws etc.
762A 125mm Each 19.11
762B 100mm. Each 19.11
762C 75mm Each 15.98
763 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.
hooks and eyes.
763A 300 mm. Each 25.29
763B 250mm Each 20.60
763C 200mm Each 17.47
763D 150 mm Each 14.34

763E 100mm Each 12.78

764 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S. fan Each 19.64
light pivots with necessary screws etc.
765 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S. fan Each 16.20
light catch with necessary screws etc.
766 Providing and fixing 300mm long Each 20.20
oxidized M.S. chain with hooks for fan
light including necessary screws etc.

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Chapter No VII


767 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.

hasps and stapples (safety type) with
necessary screws etc. complete.

767A 150mm Each 21.26

767B 115 mm Each 20.87
767C 90 mm Each 17.74
768 Providing and fixing M.S. tower bolts
(barrel type) with necessary screws
etc. complete.
768A 250x10mm. Each 50.93
768B 200x10mm Each 46.24
768C 150x10mm Each 43.16

768E 100x10mm Each 33.77

769 Providing and fixing M.S. handles with
necessary screws complete.
769A 125mm Each 19.11

769B 100 mm Each 15.98

769C 75mm Each 14.42
770 Providing and fixing M.S. hooks and
770A 300 mm. Each 25.37
770B 250mm Each 20.68

770C 200 mm Each 17.55

770D 150 mm Each 14.42
770E 100 mm Each 12.86
771 Providing and fixing 300mm long M.S. Each 20.28
chain with hooks for fan light including
necessary screws, etc complete.

772 Providing and fixing M.S. safety hasps

and stapples with necessary screws
772A etc.
150 mm. Each 21.26
772B 115 mm Each 17.74
772C 90 mm Each 14.61
773 Providing and fixing bright finished Each 96.97
or/and black enamelled iron (Helical
door spring 150mm)

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Chapter No VII


774 Providing and fixing anodised

aluminium work for door, window,
ventilators and partitions with extruded
built up standard tubular and other
sections of approved make conforming
to IS 733 and IS 1285 anodised
transparent or dyed to required shade
according to IS 1868. (Minimum
anodic coating of grade AC 15) fixed
with rawlplugs and screws or with
fixing clips, or with expansion hold
fastners including necessary filling up
of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and -
sides with required PVC/neoprene felt
etc. Aluminium sections shall be
smooth, rustfree, straight, mitred and
jointed mechanically where ever
required including cleast angle,
aluminium, snap beading for
glazinge/panelling C.P. brass/stainless
steel screws. All complete as per
architectural drawings and the
directions of Engineer-In-Charge.

774A For shutters of doors, windows & Per kg 569.57

ventilators including providing and
fixing hinges/pivots and making
provisions for fixing of fittings where
ever required including the cost of
PVC/neoprene gaskets as required
(fittings and glazing/panelling shall be
paid for separately)
775 Providing and fixing glazing in
aluminium door, window, ventilator
shutters and partition etc with
PVC/neoprens gasket etc. complete
as per the architectural drawings and
the directions of Engineer-In_charge
(cost of aluminium snap beading shall
be paid in basic item.)
776 Glazing with glass panes of 4mm Per Sqm 603.89
thickness (weight not less than 10.00
777 Glazing with glass panes of 5.50mm Each 996.75
thickness (weight not less than 13.75
kg/ sqm.
New Items

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Chapter No VII


778 Providing and fixing 25mm thick Sq.m 1889.41

Commercial Board water proof
shutters for up boards i/c fixing with
shutters for up boards i/c fixing with
nickel plated piano hinges with screws
etc complete)
779 Providing and fixing 19mm thick Sq.m 1618.44
Commercial Board water proof
shutters for up boards i/c fixing with
nickel plated piano hinges with screws
etc complete)
780 Providing and fixing square edges
cover fillets (beading) 19mmx6mm
section i/c mitring at junctions with
wood screws and nails complete.
780A 1st class Indian teak wood. Rmt. 30.37
780B 1st class deodar wood. Rmt. 20.33


781 Providing and fixing M.S. pressed butt

hings with necessary screws. (Copper
781A 125x65x2.12mm Each 34.54

781B 100x58x1.90mm Each 28.56

781C 75x47x1.70mm Each 23.87

781D 50x37x1.50mm Each 11.56

782 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.

presses parliamentary hinges with
necessary screws etc complete
782A 150x125x27x2.80mm Each 73.71

782B 125x125x27x2.80mm Each 57.46

782C 100x125x27x2.80mm Each 49.64

783D 75x100x20x2.40mm Each 40.39

784 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.

single acting spring hinges with
necessary screws etc. complete.
784A 150mm Each 153.41
784B 125mm Each 145.59
784C 100mm Each 110.43

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Chapter No VII


785 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.

double acting spring hinges with
necessary screws.
785A 150mm Each 301.99
785B 125mm Each 255.07
785C 100mm Each 191.28

786 Providing and fixing oxidized M.S.T.

hinges with necessary screws.
786A 300x115x2.24mm Each 51.41
786B 250x100x2.24 mm. Each 43.59

Page 17
Chapter No VIII

Chapter No VIII



801 40 mm thick marble chips flooring rubbed and polished to

granolithic finish under layer 34 mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement 2 sand 4 graded stone aggregate 10 mm)
and down guage and top layer 6 mm thick marble chips of
required sizes laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 ( 3
cement :1 marble powder by weight) in proportion of 4:7 (4
cement marble powder mix 7 marble chips by volume)

801A Dark shade pigment with ordinary cement (in top layer only) Sqm 579.95

801B light shade pigment with white cement (in top layer only) Sqm 671.61

801C Medium shade pigment with approximately 50% white Sqm 627.44
cement and 50% & ordinary cement (in top layer only)
801D White cement without any pigment (in top layer only) Sqm 626.65

801E light shade pigment with ordinary cement (in top layer only) Sqm 586.76

802 40 mm thick marble chips flooring rubbed and polished to

granolithic finish, under layer 32 mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 10 mm
and down gauge) and top layer 8 mm thick marble chips of
required sizes laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3
cement: 1 marble powder by weight) in propontion of 4:7(4
cement marble powder mixed : 7 marble chips by volume).

802A Dark shade pigment with ordinary cement(in top layer only. Sqm 603.23

802B light shade pigment with white cement( in top layer only) Sqm 720.90

802C Medium shade pigment with approximate 50% white Sqm 661.71
cement and 50% ordinary cement (in top layer only)
802D White cement without any pigment (in top layer only). Sqm 665.16

802E light shede pigment with ordinary cement (in top layer only) Sqm 611.96

803 40mm. thick marble chips flooring rubbed and polished to

granolithic finish with under layer 30mm thick cement
concrete1 :2:4(1cement:2sand :4graded stone aggregate
10mm and down gauge) and top layer 10mm thick with
marble chips of required sizes laid in cement marble
powder mix3:1 (3 cement : marble powder by weight) in
proportion of 4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix : 7 marble
chips by volume.
803A Dark shade pigment with ordinery cement (in top layer only) Sqm 627.80

803B Meduim shade pigment with approximate 50% white Sqm 701.53
cement and 50% ordinary cement(in top layer only)
804 40mm. thick marble chips flooring rubbed and polished to
granolithic finish with under layer 28mm thick cement
concrete1 :2:4(1cement:2sand :4graded stone aggregate
10mm and down gauge) and top layer 12mm thick with
marble chips of required sizes laid in cement marble
powder mix.3:1(3 cement:1 marble powder by weight) in
proportion of 4:7(4cement marble powder mix:7 marble
chips by volume).
804A Dark shade pigment with ordinery cement (in top layer only) Sqm 653.08

804B light shade pigment with white cement (in top layer only) Sqm 836.36

804C Meduim shade pigment with approximate 50% white Sqm 746.99
cement and 50% ordinary cement(in top layer only)
805 Extra for providing and fixing glass strips in joints of
terrazzo floors.
805A 40 mm.wide and 6 mm.thick. Metre 64.74

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Chapter No VIII



806 White glazed tiles 6 mm thick in flooring, treads of steps Sqm 960.55
and landing laid on a bed of 12 mm thick cement mortar
1:3(1 cement :3 sand) finished with flush pointing in white
806A cement.
Extra for laying white glazed tiles in treads of steps not Sqm 72.76
exceeding 30 cm. in width.
806B White glazed tiles 6 mm thick in 12 mm thick cement Sqm 1034.49
mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 sand) and jointed with cement

807 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand:4 graded

stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)laid in one layer
finished with a floating coat of neat Cement.
807A 40 mm thick. Sqm 250.27

808 50 mm thick cement concrete flooring with metallic concrete Sqm 348.20
hardner topping under layer of 35 mm thick cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement:2 sand:4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) and top layer of 15 mm thick metallic
concrete hardner consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardner
mix : 2 stone aggregate 6 mm nominal size) by volume with
which metallic hardening compound of approved quality is
mixed in the ratio 4:1 (4 parts of cement: 1 part of metallic
floor handening compound of approved quality by weight)
including finishing complete.

809 Cement plaster skirting (upto 30cm height) with cement

morter 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand) finished with a floating coat
of neat cement including rounding of junction with floor.

809A 15 mm thick. Sqm 167.38

809B 20 mm thick. Sqm 199.52

810 First class brick flooring laid dry and grouted with cement
morter 1:4 (1 cement :4 sand) including finishing the joints
810A 10 cm thick (using conventional brick) Sqm 450.07

811 Kota stone slab flooring 20 mm (average) thick base of

cement mortor 1:4 (1 cement :4 sand) laid over and jointed
with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the
shade of the slab. Including rubbing and polishing
811A 25 mm thick. Sqm 1292.79

811B 30 mm thick. Sqm 1423.38

812 Kota stone slab 25 mm thick in risers of steps,skirting dado Sqm 1351.66
and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3
(1 cement :3 sand) and jointed with grey match the shade of
the slabs including rubbing and polishing complete.

813 Providing and laying granite stone in flooring Sqm 5334.77

20mm(average)thickness base of cement mortar 1:3(1
cement: 3 sand) laid over and jointed with grey cement
slurry mixed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to
match the shade of granite stone i/c rubbing and polishing
complete. 20mm.thick
814 Providing and fixing Garsa stone 12mm.cladding on Sqm 1447.62
R.C.C.surface side as on faces of Arch masonry walls
etc.on 12mm. thick cement plaster 1:3(1 cement:3sand)
and jointed with cement slurry i/c scaffolding etc. complete.

815 Providing and laying spartic ceremic tiles 5.5mm.thick in Sqm 1499.61
flooring (300 x300mm. size)treads of steps laid on a bed of
12mm. thick cement mortar 1:3(1 cement: 3 sand) finished
with flush pointing in white cement.

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Chapter No VIII


816 Providing and laying 20mm. Thick acid proof tiles of size Sqm 2400.04
upto 300 x 300mm. of specified shade in floors, treads of
steps and landing laid on a bed of 12mm. thick cement
mortar 1:3(1 cement:3 sand) jointing with cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles.

817 Providing and laying marble work (Table rubbed and Sqm 4234.74
polished) in flooring 20mm. thick base in cement mortar
1:3(1 cement:3sand) including jointing with cement mortar
1:2(1 white cement:2 marble dust) with an admixure of
pigment to match the shade of the marble. 20 mm thick
White makrana marble.
818 Providing and laying marble work (table rubbed and Sqm 3275.26
polished) in flooring 20mm. thick base in cement mortar
1:3(1 cement:3sand) including jointing with cement mortar
1:2(1 white cement:2 marble dust)with an admixure of
pigment to match the shade of the marble. 20 mm.thick
Pink makrana marble.
New Items

819 Providing and laying red sand stone slab flooring 40mm Sqm 1543.90
average thick on 20mm average thick base of cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) laid over and jointed with
grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade
of the slab i/c rubbing and granite polish finish complete.

820 Providing and laying red sand stone slab in treads and Sqm 1547.83
risers of steps on a bed of 20mm tick cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 sand) laid over and jointed with grey cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab i/c
preparing of nosing i/c rubbing and granite polish finish
821 Providing and laying heavy duty precast cement conrete
inter locking paver blocks vibro compacted upto M- 50
grade i/c border or kurb block grey or coloured over sub-
base of concrete with 25mm thick average thickness of
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) laid over and jointed
with neat match the shade of blocks i/c curing rubbing &
polishing complete (Sub base concrete floor to be paid for

821A 40mm thick block Sqm 1161.90

821B 60mm thick inter locking blocks Sqm 1311.42

822 Providing and fixing 2mm thick PVC coloured, carbed or

mosaic/metalled finish laid with approved adhesive on sub-
floor (damp proofing treatment to be paid for separately) Sqm 1161.62

823 Providing and fixing 10mm thick anti skid water proof stain
and impect resistent heavy duty vetrified tiles Nitco or
equivalent 600x600mmx10mm manufactured of approved Sqm 1737.30
shade and colour in flooring, treads of steps and landings
laid over 12mm thick cemen
824 Providing and laying Duro stone vetrified tiles
(300x300mmx10mm) in grey/coloured or of approved
shade in flooring, treads of steps and landing laid on a bed Sqm 1870.46
of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) laid
over and jointed with neat cement slurry
825 Providing and laying Duro stone vetrified tiles
(300x300mmx8mm) in grey/coloured of required shade in
skirting risers of steps and dados on 12mm thick cement Sqm 1605.43
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) laid over and jointed with
neat cement slurry finished with flush

Page 3
Chapter No IX

Chapter No IX

901 Providing corrugated G.I sheet roofing fixed with
galvanised iron J.or L. hooks bolts and nuts 8 mm
diameter with bitumen and G.I. limpet washers filled
with white lead complete excluding the cost of purlins
refters and trusses.
901A 0.80 mm thick sheet. Sqm 1035.71
901B 0.63 mm thick sheet. Sqm 863.43

902 Extra for providing and fixing curved coorrugated GI

sheet in roofing
902A 0.80mm thick Sqm 6.81 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
902B 0.63 mm thick Sqm 5.50 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
903 Providing and fixing corrugated G.I.sheets vertically or Sqm 5.05 Labour rate for this
to a pitch exceeding 60degree is considered
through rate

904 Straight cutting and waste in C.G.I. Sheet roofing for

making opening of area exceeding 40 for
chimney stacks, sky light etc.
904A 0.80 mm thick sheet. Meter 192.01

904B 0.63 mm thick sheet Meter 170.11

905 Providing ridges or hips 60 cm over all in plain

G.I.sheet with galvanised iron J or L hooks, bolts and
nuts 8mm dia G.I. Limpet and bitumen washers
905A 0.08mm thick sheet . Meters 628.41

905B 0.63 mm thick sheet Meters 532.59

906 Providing valleys 90 cm over all in plain G.I. sheets

fixed with galvanised iron J or L hooks, bolts and nuts
8mm dia G.I. limpet and bitumen washers complete:-

906A 1.60 mm thick sheet. Meters 1289.73

906B 0.80 mm thick sheet. Meters 745.38

906C 0.63 mm thick sheet Meters 626.30

907 Providing and fixing 15 cm. wide 45 cm. overall

semicircular plain G.I. sheetgutter with iron brackets
40x3mm size bolts and nuts and washers etc.
including rain water pipe complete as per design.

907A 0.80mm thick sheet. Meters 508.32

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Chapter No IX


907B 0.63mm thick sheet. Meters 449.82
908 Conversion of G.I. sheet to rain water pipe 0.63mm
thick and fixing the same
908A 100mm dia Meters 192.48
909 Extra for making opening or receses in plain G.I.
sheet of girth not more than 1 metre.
909A Upto in area. Each 17.51 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
909B Above 100 sq. cm. up to 400 in area. Each 41.01 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
909C Above 400 sq. cm in area. Each 61.51 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate

910 Providing and fixing on wall face C.I.rain water pipes

including filling the joints with spun yarn and cement
mortar 1:2 (1 cement :2 sand)
910A 75 mm dia pipe Meter 507.96
910B 100 mm dia pipe Meter 608.79
910C 150 mm dia pipe Meter 1425.19
911 Providing and fixing m.s.holder bat clamps of
approved design to C.I.or S.C.I pipes embeded in and
including cement concrete blocks 10 x10x10 cm of
1:2:4:mix (1 cement 2 sand 4 stone graded stone
aggregate sand 4 stone graded stone aggregate 20
mm nominal size) and cost of cutting holes and
making good the wall etc.
911A 100 mm diametre for C.I. pipe Each 133.57
911B 150 mm dianetre for C.I.pipe Each 165.54
912 Providing and fixing on wall face C.I. accessories for
rain water pipes including filling the joints with spun
yarn soaked in neat cement slurry and cement mortar
1:2 (1 cement :2 sand)
912A C.I plain bend.

912A.1 75 mm diametre Each 207.81

912A.2 100 mm diametre Each 287.73

912A.3 150 mm dia metre Each 629.81

912B C.I.plain shoes plain

912B.1 100 mm dia metre Each 308.51

912B.2 150 mm diametre Each 537.10

912C C.I. branch (plain)

912C.1 75 mm dia single branch Each 297.32

912C.2 100 mm dia single branch Each 410.81

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Chapter No IX


912C.3 150 mm dia metre single branch Each 999.06

912D Providing lead caulked joints to sand cost iron rain

water pipe and fittings
912D.1 75 mm dia pipe Each 215.62

912D.2 100 mm dia pipe Each 399.98

913 Providing and laying six courses water proofing Sqm 657.52
treatment with bitumen felt over roofs consisting of
first, third & fifth courses of blown or resideual
bitumen applied at 1.45 kg 1.20 and 1.45 kg
persq.mof area respectively second and fourth course
of roofing felt type 3 grade i (hessain bese finished
bitumen felt ) sixth and final course of stone girt 6 mm
and down size or pea sized gravel spread at 6
or (0.006 cu.m) per sq.m including preparation of
surface excluding grading complete

914 Supplying and applying bitumenous solution primer on Sqm 40.51

roof and or wall surface at 0.24litre per sq m

915 Deduct for omitting in water proofing treatment final Sqm

course of spreading.
916 Stone grit 6 mm and down size or pea sized gravel 6 Sqm 9.14
917 Providing perpex sheet roofing fixed with G.I. or J. and Sqm 1378.55
L hooks,bolts and nuts 8mm.dia metre with bitumen
and G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead washers
filled with white lead complete excluding cost of
purlins, rafters and trusses. 2 mm thick sheet.

918 Providing and fixing 0.60mm thick prepainted steel Sqm 1166.69
sheet in roofing with hot dipped metallic zinc coated
sheet with top coat of regular modified polyster (RNP)
organic coating of 20 microns over 5 microns primer
coating to back coat of polyster of 5 microns over 5
microns primer coating i/c fixing with prepainted iron J
or L hooks, bolts and nuts 6mm dia metre with
prepainted limpet and rubber washers complete with
all accesoriees as required as per the direction of

918 Providing and fixing ridges or hips 60 cm overall with Rmt. 370.07
0.60mm thick cm overall with 0.60mm thick
prepainted steel sheets in roofing with hot dipped
metalic zinc coated sheets with top coat of regular
modified polyster organic coating of 20 microns over 5
microns primer coating + back coat of polyster of 5
microns over 5 microns primer coating i/c fixing with
prepainted iron J or L hooks, bolts & nuts 6mm dia &
prepainted G.I. limpet and bitumen washers complete
with all accessories as required as per the direction of
Engineer in Charges.

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Chapter No IX


920 Providing and fixing valley 60 cm overall 0.60mm thick Rmt. 500.62
prepainted steel sheet in roofing with hot dipped
metalic zinc coated sheet with top coat of regular
modified polyster organic coating of back coat of
polyster of 5 microns over 5 microns primer coating i/c
fixing with prepainted iron J or L hooks, bolts and nuts
6mm dia with prepainted G.I. limpet and bitumen
washers complete with all accessories as required as
per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

921 Providing and fixing on wall face PVC (D-Plast) rain

water pipes of working pressure not less than 4.5
kg/sqm including filling the joints with approved
adhesive complete.
921A 75mm dia pipes Rmt. 241.36

921B 100mm dia pipes Rmt. 313.29

921C 150mm dia pipes Rmt. 385.22

922 Providing and fixing on wall faces PVC (D-Plast)

accessories for rain water pipes including filling the
joints with approved adhesive complete
922A PVC Plain bend 150mm dia Each 402.82

922B PVC shoe 150mm dia Each 218.99

Page 4
Chapter No 10

Chapter X


1001 Steel work in single sections including

cutting,hoisting ,fixing in position and applying
a priming coat of red lead paint
1001A In R.S.Joists,channels angles,tees Qtl 8246.17

1001B In Flats. Qtl 8359.83

1002 Steel work welded in built up sections,trusses

and framed work,including cutting ,hoisting
,fixing in position and applying a priming coat
of red lead paint.
1002A In beams joists channels ,angles , tee ,flats Qtl 9918.96
with connecting plates or angle cleats as in
main and cross beams,hip and jack
rafters,purlins connected to common rafters
and the like.
1002B In gratings framed guard bars,ladders, railling, Qtl 10597.28
brackets and similar works

1002C In trusses and trussed purlins in buildings. Qtl 8344.25

1003 In Trussed steel bridges .

Upto 15 metres span Qtl 8640.28

1003B Beyond 15 metres but upto 30 metre span. Qtl 8835.99

1004 Extra for every additional 5metres span or part Qtl 65.24 Labour rate for
thereof beyond 30mtrs span but not exceeding this is
45 metres. considered
through rate
1005 Special rates on the merit of the individual Qtl 94.67 Labour rate for
case shall be worked out for bridge exceeding this is
45 m. A.)Hoisting stiffening trusses. considered
through rate
1005A B.)Hoisting trusses and trussed purlins in Qtl 193.84 Labour rate for
building. this is
through rate
1005B C.)Hoisting trussed steel bridges (up to) 15 m Qtl 387.70 Labour rate for
span. this is
through rate
1005C D.) Hoisting trussed steel bridges. Beyond Qtl 581.55 Labour rate for
15mtr. But upto 30mtr. Span this is
through rate

Page 1
Chapter X


1006 Providing and fixing pressed steel doors

frames manufactured from commercial mild
steel sheet of 1.25mm thickness including
hinges jumb lock jamb,beed and if reuired
angle threshold of mild steel angle of section
50X25 mm or base ties of 1.25 mm pressed
mild steel welded or regidly fixed together by
mechanical means,adjustable lugs with split
and tails to each jamb including steel butt
hinges 2.5 mm thick with guards,lock strike
plate and shock absorber as specified and
applying a coat of approved steel primer after
pretretment of the surface as directed by

1006A Profile-A Metre 325.36

1006B PROFILE -B Metre 325.57

1006C PROFILE -C Metre 379.99

Page 2
Chapter X


1007 Providing and fixing angle iron Metre 313.74

door,window,clerestory window frame
manufactured from steel iron section of
40X40X6 mm,thickness including hinges
jamb,lock jamb,beed and if required angle
thrashold ofmild steel angle 50X25 mm
welded or rigidly fixed by mechanical
means,lugs with split end tails to each jamb
including steel butt hinges 2.5 mm thick with
provision for locking arrangement and shock
absorber as specified and applying a coat of
approved steel primer after preteatment of the
surface as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.

1008 Providing and fixing in position collapsible Metre 4973.70

steel shutters with vertical channels 20 mm
X10 mmX2mm and braced with flat iron
diagonals 20 mm X5 mm size with top and
bottom rails of T.iron 40 mm X40 mm X6 mm
with 38 mm dia steel pulley complete with
bolts and nuts locking arrangements,
stoppers,handles,including applying a priming
coat of red lead paint.
1008 Providing and fixing 1 mm thick M.S sheet
garrage door with frame of 40 mmX 40mm
X6mm angle iron 3.15 mm m.s gusset plates
at the junctions and corners,all necessary
fittings complete including applying a priming
coat of red lead paint.
1008A Using M.S angles 40mm x 40mm x 6mm for
sq.m. 3114.53
diaganal braces.
1009 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of
approved make made of 80 mm X 1.25mm
M.S laths interlocked together through their
entire length and joined together at the end by
end locks mounted on specially designed pipe
shaft,with brackets side guides and
arrangements for inside and outside locking
with push pull operation complete but
excluding the cost of the top cover and spring.

1009A Shutters having width below 3.5 metres. Sq.m 1568.23

1009B Shutters having width 3.5 metres and above. Sq.m 1487.74

1010 Providing and fixing 27.5 centimetre long wire Each 1008.27
spring grade No.2 for rolling shutters.
1011 Providing and fixing top cover for rolling
1011A Shutters having width bolow 3.5 metre. Metre 681.44

Shutters having width 3.5 metre and above. Metre 967.42

1012 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling Each 1089.98

Page 3
Chapter X


1013 Fixing standerd steel glazed doos,windows Sq.m 278.46

and ventilator,s in walls with 16X3.15mm lugs
10cm.long embeded in cement concrete
blocks 15X10X10 cm.of 1:3:6(1 cement 3
sand:6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size)or with wooden plugs and screws
or rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clip,or
with bolt and nut as required,including fixing of
glass panes wih glazing clips and special
metals sash putty of approved make,or metal
beading with screws(only steel windows with
lugs,glass punes cut to size and glazing clips
or metal beading with screws,shall be
supplied by department free of cost.)

1014 Providing and fixing steel glazed

doors,windows and ventilators of standerd
rolled steel sections joints mitred and welded
with 16x3.15 mm lugs 10 cm.long embedded
in cement concrete blocks 15 cmx10cmx10cm
size of 1:3:6(1 cement:3 sand:6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size)or with wooden
plugs and screws or rawl plug and screws or
with fixing clips or with bolts and nuts as
required and iron fittings,including providing
and fixing of glass panes with glazing clips
and special metal sesh putty of approved
make complete including applying a priming
coat of red lead paint.

1014A Steel doors

1014A.1 Fixed doors. Sq.m 1984.49

1014A.2 Single leaf doors. Sq.m 2145.49

1014A.3 Double leaf doors. Sq.m 2467.49

1014B Steel windows.

1014B.1 Fixed steel windows Sq.m 1936.19
1014B.2 Side hung windows Sq.m 2121.34
1014C Steel ventilators.
1014C.1 Top hung ventilators. Sq.m 2459.44

1014C.2 Centre hung ventilator. Sq.m 2459.44

1015 Extra for providing and fixing metal beading of
approved shape and section with screws for:

1015A Steel doors. Sq.m 506.43

1015B Steel windows Sq.m 606.04

1015C Steel ventilators Sq.m 612.08

1016 Providing and fixing M.S.round holding down Qtl 7604.93

or anchor bolts with nuts and washer plates
1017 Welding by Gas plant. Ccm. per 4.83

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Chapter X


1018 Welding by electric plant. Cm. per 3.22

1019 Providing and fixing 1 mm thick M.S sheet Sq.m 3819.48
sliding shutters with frame and diagonal
braces or 40 mmx40mmx6 mm angle iron
3.15 mm M.S gusset plates at junctions and
corners 25mm dia pulley, 40mm X40 mm
X6mm angle and T.iron guide at the top and
bottom respectively
1020 Extra providing mechanical device chain and Sq.m
crank operation for operating rolling shutters.
1021 Rolling shutters operated by bevel gear box Sq.m 1037.68
and crank handle exceeding 12.0 sq.m.and
upto 25.0 sq.m in area(average say 18.5
1022 Rolling shutters operated by chain wheel and Sq.m 1037.68
hand chain exceeding 25.0 sq.m and upto
35.0 sq.m in area(average say 30.0 sq.m)


1022 Providing and fixing angle iron Metre 386.20

door,window,clerestory window frame
manufactured from M.S.Angle iron section of
50X50X6 mm ,thickness including hinges
jamb,lock jamb,beed and if required angle
thrashold ofmild steel angle 50X25 mm
welded or rigidly fixed by mechanical
means,lugs with split end tails to each jamb
including steel butt hinges 2.5 mm thick with
provision for locking arrangement and shock
observer as specified and applying a coat of
approved steel primer after preteatment of the
surface as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.

1023 Providing and fixing angle iron cupboard Metre 180.57

frames manufactured from M.S.Angle iron
section 25X25X5mm thickness including
hinge jamb,lock jamb,beed and if required
angle thrashold of mild steel angle 25X25 mm
welded or rigidly fixed by mechanical
means,lugs with split end tails to each jamb
including steel butt hinges 2.5 mm thick with
provision for locking arrangement and shock
absorber as specified and applying a coat of
approved steel primer after preteatment of the
surface as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.

1024 Providing and fixing moulded hand rail of M.S. Rmt. 163.08
hollow pipe 50mm dia welded in straight
lenght over M.S. flat at top of vertical balusters
including one coat of red oxide priming coat
complete (M.S. flat & baluste of railings shall
be mesaured & paid separetely.

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Chapter X


1025 Supplying,hoisting and streching to specified Qtl 15686.51

profile wire rope for suspension bridges,
(including guy ropes)
1026 Providing and fixing in position steel Qtl 14028.21
accessories like clamps ,suspenders,rope
grips,U-Bolts ancherage bolts with pulleys
etc.alongwith fixrures for a suspension
1027 Providing and fixing in position cast steel Qtl 16926.00
fixtures like saddles ,rocker and roller beading
along with rollers,grease box and other
1028 Providing and fixing in position cast iron Qtl 4207.00
fixtures like saddles ,rocker and roller
bearings alongwith rollers,grease box and
other fixtures.

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Chapter No XI

Chapter No XI



1101 Applying priming coat over new steel &
other metal surfaces after & including
preparing the surface by thoroughly
cleaning oil grease dirt and other foreign
matter and scoured with wire brushes fine
steel wool scrapers and sand paper
1101A With ready mixed priming paint brushing Sq.m 23.52
red lead,Red-oxide/zinc oxide chrome
1102 Applying modrent solution on new G.I Sq.m 16.30
sheet for preparation of surface for
preparation @ 5 liters/100 sqm. of surface
and rubbing the solution with brush
including thoroughly cleaning the surface
of all oil grease dirt and other foreign
1102A 50 mm dia metre 6.47

1102B 75 mm dia metre 8.31

1102C 100 mm dia metre 10.38

1102D 150 mm dia metre 13.90

1102A1 Eaves gutter not exceeding 90 girth. metre 23.43

1102A1.1 Enamel white paint Sq.m 47.86

1102A1.2 Enamel paint other than white :- Sq.m 49.44

1103 Removing old paint from Steel and other

metal surfaces & making the surface even.

1103A With hand scraping. Sq.m 32.33 Labour rate for

this is considered
through rate

1103B With flame cleaning Sq.m 37.33

1103C With paint remover of approved brand and Sq.m 35.89


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Chapter No XI


1104 Painting two coats (excluding priming
coat)on new steel and other metal surface
under coat with ready mixed paint brusing
to give an even shade including cleaning
the surface all dirt,dust and other foreign
matter :—
1104A With white readymixed paint Sq.m 54.12

1104B With readymixed paint other than white Sq.m 54.12

1105 Painting one coat (excluding priming coat )

on previously painted steel & other metal
surfaces with readymixed paint,brushing
oil, grease to give an even shade including
cleaning the surface of all dirt,dust and
other foreign matter
1105A With white readymixed paint: Sq.m 34.59

1105B With readymixed paint other than white. Sq.m 34.59

1106 Extra over item No.1104and 1105 for

every subsequent finishing coat of paint:

1106A With white readymixed paint Sq.m 32.33

1106B With readymixed paint other then white. Sq.m 32.33

1107 Painting two coats(excluding priming Sq.m 47.88

coat)on new steel and other metal
surfaces with aluminium paint,brushing to
give an even shade including cleaning the
surface of the dirt,dust and other foreign
1108 Painting one coat(excluding priming Sq.m 30.21
coat)over previously painted steel and
other metal surfaces with Aluminium
paint,brushing to give an even shade
including cleaing of all dirt,dust and other
foreign matter
1109 Painting three coats (excluding priming Sq.m 60.55
coat) on new steel and other metal
surfaces with readymixed bituminous
paint,brushing,black anticorrosive to give
an even shade including cleaning of all
dirt,dust and other foreign metter

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Chapter No XI


1110 Painting two coats (excluding priming
coat)on external faces of new rain water
soil,waste and vent pipes and fitting with
aluminium paint,brushing to give an even
shade including cleaning of all dirt,dust
and other foreign matter
1110A 50 mm dia Metre 11.30

1110B 75 mm dia Metre 15.00

1110C 100 mm dia Metre 18.77

1110D 150 mm dia Metre 26.37

1110E Eaves gutter not exceeding 90 mm girth. Metre 45.83

1111 Painting one coat(excluding priming coat)

on previously painted rain water soil waste
pipe & fittings with aluminium paint
brushing to give an even shade including
cleaning of all dirt,dust and other foreign
matter :-
1111A 50 mm dia Metre 7.33
1111B 75 mm dia Metre 9.73
1111C 100 mm dia Metre 12.06
1111D 150 mm dia Metre 16.85

1111E Eaves gutter not exceeding 90 mm in girth Metre 29.18

1112 Extra over item Nos. 1110 and1111 for

every subsequent coat of paint.
1112A 50 mm dia. Metre 5.14

1112B 75 mm dia Metre 7.40

1112C 100 mm dia Metre 9.66

1112D 150 mm dia Metre 14.25

1112E Eaves gutter not exceeding 90 cm in girth Metre 25.96

1113 Painting two or more coats on G.I Sheets

with readymix paint of approved brand and
manufecture on new work to give an even
1113A Readymixed paint Red shade Sq.m 40.07

1113B White /grey/green shade Sq.m 41.31

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Chapter No XI


1114 Painting one or more coats on G.I Sheets
with readymix paint of approved brand and
manufecture on old work to give an even
1114A Red shade. Sq.m 25.89

1114B White /grey/green shade Sq.m 26.58

1115 Spray painting two coats (excluding
priming coats) on new steel and other
metal surfaces with enamel paints
spraying to give an even shade all dirt,dust
and other foregin including cleanign the
surfaces of matter:
1115A Readymixed paint brushing with white lead Sq.m 26.00
for priming
1115B Readymixed paint brushing wood primer Sq.m 28.44
1115C Readymixed paint aluminium brushing Sq.m 30.69
primer water resistant
1116 Painting two coats(excluding coat) on new
wood and wood based surface with
enamel paint to give an even shade
including cleaning the surface of dirt,dust
and other foreign matter,sand papering &
1116A With white enamel paint Sq.m 50.34

1116B With enamel paint other than white Sq.m 51.91

1117 Painting one coat(excluding priming

coat)on previously painted wood and wood
based surfaces with enamel paint to given
and even shade including cleaning of all
dirt,dust and other foreign matter sand
papering and stopping
1117A With white enemal paint Sq.m 33.00

1117B With enamel paint other than white Sq.m 33.00

1118 Extra over item No. 1117 for every
subsequent coat of paint
1118A With white enamel paint Sq.m 29.71

1118B With enamel paint other then white Sq.m 30.67

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Chapter No XI


1119 Painting two coats (excluding priming
coat)on new wood and wood based
surfaces,with readymixed paint,brushing to
give an even shade including cleaning of
all dirt,dust and other foreign matter sand
papering and stopping:-

1119A With white paint Sq.m 56.64

1119B Readymixed paint other then white Sq.m 56.64

1120 Painting one coat (excluding priming

coat)on previously painted wood and wood
based surfaces with readymixed paint
brushing to give an even shade including
cleaning of all dirt,dust and other foreign
matter sand papering and stopping

1120A With Readymixed paint ( white ) Sq.m 36.53

1120B With readymixed paint other then white Sq.m 36.53

1121 Extra over item No.1119 and 1120 for

every subsequent coat of paint
1121A With readymixed paint(white) Sq.m 33.24

1121B With ready mixed paint other than white Sq.m 33.24

1122 Painting two coats (excluding priming

coat) on new wood and wood based
surface under coat with enamel and
finishing coating with flat oil paint,brushing
to give an even shade including cleaning
of all dirt,dust and other foreign
matter,sand papering and stopping:-

1122A With white enamel paint Sqm 58.91

1122B With paint other than white. Sqm 59.87

1123 Polishing one coat with french polish on Sqm 51.41

previously polished wood and wood based
surface to give an even surface including
cleaning the surface of all dirt,dust and
sand papered smooth and including a coat
of wood filler.
1124 Extra over items 1123 for every Sqm 44.34
subsequent coat of polishing

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Chapter No XI


1125 Removing old paint or polish from wood
and wood based surfaces with Paint
remover of approved brand and and
manufacture and making the surface even
1125A Paint remover of approved brand and Sqm 38.36
1125B Caustic soda Sqm 22.13

1125C Blow lamp Sqm 39.73

1126 Applying priming coat over new wood and
wood based surfaces after and including
prepering the surface by thoroughly
cleaning oil,grease,dirt and other foreign
matter) sand papering and knotting.

1126A Readymixed paint aluminium brushing Sq.m 30.69

primer water resistant

1127 Applying two coats of wood preservative Sq.m 37.47

on new wood and wood based surfaces
after and including preparing the surface
by thoroughly cleaning oil,grease, dirt and
other foreign matter,sand papering and
1128 Applying one coat for wood preservetive Sq.m 30.21
on previously treated wood and wood
based surfaces and including preparing
the surface by thoroughly cleaning
oil,grease,dirt and other foreign
matter,sand papering and knotting
1128A Applying two coats of raw linseed Applying Sq.m 28.98
two coats of raw linseed oil on new wood
and wood base surface to give an even
surface including cleaning the surface of
all dirt,dust and sand papered so as to
produce a smooth,dry and matt surface

1129 Applying priming coat on new con

crete/maso n ry/asbestos
cement/plastered surfaces after and
including preparing the surface by
thoroughly cleaning oil,grease,dirt and
other foreign matter and sand papering as
required with :-
1129A Readymixed primer Sq.m 24.87

1129B Linseed oil Sq.m 31.23

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Chapter No XI


1130 Spray painting two coats(excluding priming Sq.m 59.39
coat)on new con crete/maso n ry/asbestos
cement/plastered surfaces with flat wall
paint of approved brand and manufacture
to give an even shade including cleaning
the surface of all dirt,dust and other
foreign matter and sand papering as
1131 Painting one coat (excluding priming
coat)on previously painted
concrete/masonry/plastered surface with
readymixed paint/brushing for use on
floors to give an even shade including
cleaning the surface of all dirt,dust and
other foreign matter and sand papering as
required with.
1131A White paint Sq.m 39.83

1131B Paint other than white Sq.m 41.25

1132 Extra over items 1131 for every
subsequent coat of paint.
1132A White paint Sq.m 36.94

1132B Paint other than white Sq.m 38.36

1133 Painting two coats (excluding priming Sq.m 64.30

coat)on new concrete / masonry/plastered
surfaces with enamel paint of approved
brand and manufacture for use on floors to
give an even shade,including cleaning of
all dirt,dust and other foreign matter and
sand papering as required

1134 Painting one coat (excluding priming Sq.m 64.30

coat)on previously painted
concrete/masonry/plastered surface with
enamel paint of approved brand and
manufacture for use on floors to give an
even shade including cleaning of all
dirt,dust and other foreign matter and sand
papering as required
1135 Extra over items 1133 and 1134 for every Sq.m 38.36
subsequent coat of paint
1136 Applying wax polish on new concrete Sq.m 22.26
/masonry floors with wax polish of
approved brand and manufacture to give
an even surface including cleaning the
surface of all dirt,dust and other foreign

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Chapter No XI


1137 Finishing wall with weather proof exterior Sqm 73.99
grade emulsion of approved design
(Apexultima) or its equarlied on
undecorated wall surfaces (two coats) to
give an even shade and final finish after
throughly cleaning the surface to remove
all dirt, dust and other foreign matter etc
including sand paper smooth complete.

1138 Wall painting (two coats) with acrylic Sqm 61.94

emulsion paint of approved brand an
manufacture for interior grade on
undecorated concrete/stone/plastered
wall wall surfaces to give an even shade
including t horoughly brushing the surface
free from mortar dropping and other
foreign matter and sand papered smooth
including applying of putty a required for
metling the surface
1139 Polishing two coats with malamine polish Sqm 157.26
of required shade on new wood and wood
based surfaces to give an even surface
including cleaning the surface of all dirt,
dust and sand papered smooth and
including a coat of wood filler.

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Chapter No XII

Chapter No XII






1201 6mm Cement plaster to ceiling

1201A (a) In Cement mortar 1:3 (1Cement:3 Sand) Sq.m 76.48

1201B (b) In Cement Mortar 1:4 (1Cement:4 Sand) Sq.m 68.82

1202 15mm Cement plaster in single coat on the rough

side of brick/ concrete/stone walls for interior
plastering upto floor two level including
arrises,internal rounded angles,chamfers and/or
rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and
finished even and smooth.
1202A (i) Cement Mortar 1:3 (1Cement:3 Sand). Sq.m 147.01

1202B (ii) Cement Mortar 1:4 (1Cement:4 Sand). Sq.m 128.03

1202C (iii) Cement Mortar 1:5 (1Cement:5 Sand). Sq.m 118.88

1202D (iv) Cement Mortar 1:6 (1Cement:6 Sand). Sq.m 110.44

1203 15mm cement plaster in single coat on fair side of

brick/concrete/stone walls for interior plastering
upto floor two level including arrises,internal
rounded angles,chamfers and/or rounded angles
not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even
and smooth.
1203A (i) Cement mortar(1:3) (1 cement:3 sand), Sq.m 142.03

1203B (ii) Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 sand). Sq.m 124.48

1203C (iii) Cement Mortar 1:5(1 cement: 5 sand). Sq.m 115.04

1203D (iv) Cement Mortar 1:6(1 cement:6 sand). Sq.m 102.76

1204 20mm Cement plaster in single coat on rough side

of brick/stone masonry for interior plastering upto
floor two level including arrises,internal rounded
angles,chamfers and/or rounded angles not
exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and
1204A (i) Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement :3 sand). Sq.m 183.20

1204B (ii) Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement :4 sand). Sq.m 159.38

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Chapter No XII


1204C (iii) Cement Mortar 1:5 (1 Cement :5 sand). Sq.m 146.56

1204D (iv) Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 Cement :6 sand). Sq.m 135.56

1205 15mm thick plain cement mortar bands in cement

mortar 1:4(1Cement:4 Sand)upto 300 mm in
1205A (a) Flush band. Sq.m 2.09

1205B (b) Sunk Band. Sq.m 2.23

1205C (c) Raised band. Sq.m 2.45

1206 15mm thick plain cement mortar band in cement

mortar 1:4(1cement:4 sand) above 300mm width.

1206A (a) Flush Band. Sq.m 166.07

1206B (b) Sunk band. Sq.m 179.57

1206C (c) Raised band. Sq.m 202.07

1207 20mm thick plain cement mortar bands in cement

mortar 1:4(1cement:4 sand)upto 300mm in width.

1207A (a) Flush band. Per Mtr 2.48

long &
per cm
1207B (b) Sunk band. Per Mtr 2.61
long &
per cm
1207C (c) Raised band(moulded cement mortar). Per Mtr 2.84
long &
per cm
1208 20mm thick plain cement mortar bands in cement
mortar 1:4(1cement:4 sand)above 300mm in
1208A (a) Flush band. Sq.m 193.30

1208B (b) Sunk band. Sq.m 206.80

1208C (c) Raised Band. Sq.m 229.30


1209 Pointing on brick work with cement motar1:3 (1

cement:3 sand).

1209A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 67.03

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Chapter No XII


1209B (b) Ruled pointing Sq.m 69.28

1209C (c) Cut or weather struck pointing. Sq.m 69.28

1209D (d) Raised and cut pointing. Sq.m 114.49

1210 Pointing on brick work with cement motar 1:4 (1

cement : 4 sand).
1210A a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 63.84

1210B (b) Ruled pointing Sq.m 66.09

1210C (c)Cut or weather struck pointing Sq.m 66.09

1210D (d) Raised and cut pointing. Sq.m 109.60

1211 Pointing on brick flooring with cement mortar 1:2

(1 cement:2 sand).

1211A (a) Flush Pointing. Sq.m 54.18

1211B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 56.84

1212 Pointing on flat brick flooring with cement mortar

1:3 (1 cement:3 sand)
1212A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 51.59

1212B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 54.25

1213 Pointing on flat brick flooring with cement mortar

1:4(1 cement :4 sand).
1213A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 49.42

1213B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 52.15

1214 Pointing on flat brick flooring with cement mortar

1:5 (1 cement:5 sand).
1214A (a) Flush pointing Sq.m 48.30

1214B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 51.03

1215 Pointing on flat brick flooring with cement mortar

1:6(1 cement:6 sand).
1215A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 47.32

1215B (b) Ruled Pointing. Sq.m 49.98

1216 Pointing on brick on edge flooring with cement

mortar1:2(1 cement:2 sand).
1216A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 70.14

1216B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 72.38

1217 Pointing on brick on edge flooring with cement

mortar 1:3(1 cement:3sand)

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Chapter No XII


1217A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 66.22

1217B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 68.46

1218 Pointing on brick on edge flooring with cement

mortar 1:4 (1 Cement:4 sand)
1218A (a) Flush Pointing. Sq.m 63.00

1218B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 64.68

1219 Pointing on brick on edge

1219A (a) Flush pointing Sq.m 61.32

1219B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 63.56

1220 Pointing on brick on edge flooring with cement

mortar 1:6(1 cement:6 sand)

1220A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 59.85

1220B (b) Ruled pointing Sq.m 62.09


1221 Pointing on coursed or Ashlar stone masonry or

concrete block walling with lime mortar 1:3
1221A (a) Flush pointing Sq .m 56.36

1221B (b) Ruled Pointing Sq .m 58.16

1221C (c) Raised and cut pointing. Sq .m 95.97

1222 Pointing on coursed or Ashlar stone masonry or

concrete block walling with cement mortar 1:3(1
Cement : 3 Sand)
1222A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 60.70

1222B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 62.50

1222C (c) Raised and cut. Sq.m 103.14

1223 Pointing on coursed or Ashlar stone masonry

concrete blockwalling with cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement:4 Sand)
1223A (a) Flush pointing Sq.m 58.25

1223B (b) Ruled pointing Sq.m 60.05

1223C (c) Raised and cut. Sq.m 240.39

1224 Pointing on Random rubble un-coursed stone

masonry with cement mortar 1:3(1 Cement:3

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Chapter No XII


1224A (a) Flush pointing Sq.m 71.95

1224B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 74.65

1224C (c) Raised and cut pointing. Sq.m 127.43

1225 pointing on Random rubble uncoursed stone

masonry with cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4
1225A (a) Flush pointing Sq.m 69.50

1225B (b) Raised pointing Sq.m 72.20

1225C (C) raised and cut pointing Sq.m 123.39


1226 Pointing on tile brick work with cement mortar

1:3(1 cement:3 sand)
1226A (a) Flush pointing Sq.m 86.59

1226B (b) Ruled pointing Sq.m 91.07

1226C (c) Cut or weather struck pointing Sq.m 108.22

1227 Pointing on tile brick work with cement mortar

1:4(1 cement:4 sand)
1227A (a) Flush pointing. Sq.m 81.69

1227B (b) Ruled pointing. Sq.m 86.17

1227C (c) Cut or weather struck pointing Sq.m 103.32


1228 White washing with lime on undecorated wall Sq.m 6.68

surfaces two coats to give an even shade
including throughly brooming the surface to
remove all dirt dust mortar dirt and other
1229 White washing with lime on decorated wall Sq.m 3.42
surfaces(one coat) to give an even shade
including thoroughly brooming the surface to
remove all dirt,dust,mortar drops and loose scale
of lime wash and other foreign matter.
White Washing Colour washing &Distempering etc

1230 Removing white wash or colour wash by steel wire Sq.m 4.27
brushing and/or scrapping sand papering and
preparing the wall surface smooth including
necessary repairs to scratches complete.

1231 Extra over item No.1229 for scraping on ceiling Sq.m 0.42
and / or sloping roofs.

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Chapter No XII


1232 Extra over item no. 1229 for washing the wall Sq.m 1.96
surface spoiled by smoke soot with clear water
before sand papering the surface smooth and
including necessary repairs to scratches complete.

1233 Extra over item No.1231 for washing the surface Sq.m 0.21
with clean water on ceiling and or sloping roofs.

1234 Washing and cleaning of soil and grease spots Sq.m 1.96
from decorated wall surfaces with soap, soda and
1235 Extra over item No.1233 for cleaning the old Sq.m 1.89
plasered ceiling and/or sloping roofs with
soap.soda and water.
1236 Washing and cleaning of soil and grease spots on Sq.m 1.96
decorated wall surface by suitable chemical.

1237 White washing and cleaning stone masonry walls Sq.m 2.31
with nitric acid.
1238 Applying a coat of clear colle on plastered wall Sq.m 3.99
surfaces including throughly brushing the surface
to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and other
foreign matters.
1239 Extra over item No. 1237 for applying a coat of Sq.m 0.42
clear colle on plastered ceiling and on sloping

1240 Colour washing on un-decorated wall surface(two Sq.m 12.39

coats) over and including a primarly coat of white
washing to give an even shade after thoroughly
brooming the surface to remove all
dirt,dust,mortar drops and other foreign matter.

1241 Colour washing with lime on decorated wall Sq.m 4.48

surfaces(one coat) to give an even shade
including throughly brooming the surface to
remove all dirt,dust,mortar drops and loose scale
of lime wash and other foreign matters.

1242 Extra over item No.1239 and 1240 for every sub Sq.m 4.48
sequent coat of colour wash with lime on wall
surfaces cost per square metre.

1243 Extra over item No.1239 for colour washing on Sq.m 1.19
ceiling and/or sloping roofs.
1244 Extra over item No. 1240 for colour washing on Sq.m 1.19
ceiling and/or sloping roofs.

1245 Extra over item No 1241 for every sub sequent Sq.m 0.63
coat of colour wash on ceiling and / or sloping

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Chapter No XII


1246 Removing dry or oil bound distemper by washing Sq.m 5.74
and scraping and sand papering the wall surface
smooth including necessary repairs to scratches
1247 Extra over item no.1245 for removing dry or oil Sq.m 0.56
bound distempering on ceiling and or sloping roofs
1248 Applying one coat of distemper primer of Sq.m 24.43
approved brand and manufacture on wall surfaces
after thoroughly brushing the surface free from
mortar droppings and other foreign matter and
including preparing the surface even and sand
papered smooth.
1249 Extra over item No. 1247 for applying one coat of Sq.m 1.68
for applying one coat of distemper primer over
ceiling and/or sloping roofs.
1250 Distempering with dry distemper of approved Sq.m 35.70
brand and manufacture(Two coats)and of required
shade on undecorated wall surface to given an
even shade over and including primer coat of
whiting after thoroughly brushing the surface free
from mortar droppings
1251 Distempering with dry distemper of approved Sq.m 11.13
brand and manufacture(one coat) and of required
shade on decorated wall surface to give an even
shade after thoroughly brushing the surface clean
of all grease,dirt,loose pieces of scales including
preparing the
1252 Extra over item No. 1249 and 1250 for every sub Sq.m 7.77
sequent coat of distempering with dry distemper of
approved brand and manufacture.

1253 Extra over item No.1249 for distempering with dry Sq.m 3.29
distemper on ceiling and/or sloped roofs.
1254 Extra over item No 1250 for distempering with dry Sq.m 1.05
distemper on ceiling and/or sloped roofs.
1255 Extra over item no.1251 for every subsequent Sq.m 0.56
coat of every subsequent coat of distempering
with dry distemper on ceiling and or sloping roofs.

1256 Distempering (two coats) with oil bound washable Sq.m 59.92
distemper of approved brand and manufacture
and of required shade on undecorated wall
surfaces to give an even shade over and including
a priming coat with distemper primer of approved
brand and manufacture

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Chapter No XII


1257 Distempering (two coats) with oil bound washable Sq.m 58.73
ditemper of approved brand and manufacture of
and of required shade of undecorated wall
surfaces to give an even shade over and including
a priming coat with including a priming coat with

1258 Distempering(one coat) with oil bound washable Sq.m 21.84

distemper of approved brand and manufature and
of required shade,on decorated wall surfaces to
give an even shade,after thoroughly brushing the
surface clean of all grease,dirt,loose pieces of
scales and also

1259 Extra over item No 1255,1256 and 1257 for every Sq.m 17.50
sub sequent coat of distempering with oil bound
washable distemper of approved brand and
1260 Extra over item Nos1255 and 1256 for Sq.m 3.71
distempering with oil bound distemper on ceiling
and/or sloping roofs.
1261 Extra over item no. 1257 for distempering with oil Sq.m 1.75
bound distemper on ceiling and/or sloping roofs.


1262 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of Sq.m 45.71
approved brand and manufacture and of required
shade on undecorated wall surfaces(two coats)to
give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the
surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose
powdered ma

1263 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of Sq.m 26.88
approved brand and manufacture and of required
shade on decorated wall surfaces (one coat) to
give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the
surface to remove all dirt,loose or softened paint.

1264 Extra over item No. 1261 and 1262 for every sub Sq.m 18.55
sequent coat of water proofing cement paint of
approved brand and manufacture.
1265 Extra over item No.1261 for finishing with cement Sq.m 3.29
paint on ceiling and/or sloping roofs

1266 Extra over item no. 1262 for finishing with cement Sq.m 2.03
paint on ceiling and/or slopping roofs.

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Chapter No XII


1267 Wall painting (two coats) with plastic emulsion Sq.m 64.89
paint of approved brand and manufacture on
undecorated wall surfaces to give an even shade
including thoroughly brushing the surface free
from mortar droppings and other foreign matter
and sand papered smooth including applying of
putty as required for making the surface

1268 Wall painting(one coat)with plastic emulsion paint Sq.m 41.37

of approved brand and manufacture on decorated
wall surface to give an even shade including
thoroughly brushing the surface clean of all dirt
grease,loose pieces of scale and sand papered
1269 Extra over item No1267 and 1268 for every sub Sq.m 28.35
sequent coat of wall painting with plastic emulsion
paint of approved brand and manufacture.

1270 Extra over item No 1267 for painting with plastic Sq.m 3.01
emulsion paint of approved brand and
manufacture on ceiling and/or sloping roofs.
1271 Extra over item No 1268 for painting with plastic Sq.m 2.52
emulsion paint of approved brand and
manufacture on ceiling and/or sloping roofs.

Page 9
Chapter No XIII

Chapter No XIII

Notes :

1 The include carriage of materials up to a distance of 100 meters on head-load and one
kilometer by mechanical transport.

2 The labour rates include water charges. Scaffolding and Sundries, etc. required for the
particular item.

3 The through rates include all wastage involved.

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Chapter No XIII


1301 Providing and fixing small pieces (not exceeding
150 Cu Cm.) for making good where hinges etc.
have been removed from frames on joinery etc.

1301A First class Indian teak wood. Per piece 39.59

1301B Second Class Indian teak wood. Per piece 35.36

1301C First Class deodar wood. Per piece 24.83

1301D Second class deodar wood. Per piece 24.64

1301E First Class kail wood. Per piece 24.64

1301F Sal wood. Per piece 21.45

1302 Renewing bars stiles, or rails straight for joinery

upto 50mm thick including metres, haunchings
mortices etc. and removing old defective pieces.

1302A Fist class Indian teak wood. Metre 745.75

1302B Second Class Indian teak wood. Metre 616.59

1302C First Class deodar wood. Metre 418.34

1302D Second Class deodar wood. Metre 412.82

1302E First Class kail Wood. Metre 412.82

1302F Second class kail Wood. Metre 328.25

1303 Rewedging or cramping joinery of any

description with new wedge in glue or white lead
and repinning including rehanging or refixing of
shutters hinges or pivots excluding removing or
1303A Not exceeding one Sq. M. per leaf.Hard wood

1303B Soft wood Per Leaf 227.24

1303C Not exceeding one Square Metre Per Leaf 338.85

1303D Exceeding one Square Metre but not exceeding Per Leaf 338.85
two Square Metre Soft Wood.

1303E Exceeding one Square Metre but not exceeding Per Leaf 447.01
two Square metre. Hard wood
1303F Exceeding two Square Metre. Soft wood Per Leaf 447.01

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Chapter No XIII

1303G Exceeding two Square Metre. Hard Wood. Per Leaf 622.12

1304 Making repairs to joinery at angles with and

including 300 mm x 25 mm x 3 mm length of M
S. flat forged to shape and let into wood,
counter sunk, drilled and screwed.
1304A Soft wood. Each angle 75.60

1304B Hard wood. Each angle 97.96

1305 Renewing wooden battens on roofs including

making good the holes in walls including
removal of rubbish to the dumping ground with
in a lead of 20 metres
1305A Fist Class deodar wood. Cum 82505.74

1305B First Class kail wood battens. Cum 81278.21

1305C Sal wood Battens Cum 25512.63

1305D First Class locally available wood (Chil-wood). Cum 34982.29

1306 Renewing wooden beams not exceeding 4.00

metres in length in roof including making good
the holes in walls and including removal of
rubbish to the dumping ground with in a lead of
20 metres.
1306A First Class deodar wood beams. Cum 87018.36

1306B First class kail wood beams Cum 85790.84

1306C Sal wood beams. Cum 30025.26

1306D First Class locally available wood (Chil-wood). Cum 39494.85

1307 Renewing wooden beams above 4.00 Metres

and upto 5 Metres length in roof including
making good the holes in walls and including
removing of rubbish to the dumping ground
within a lead of 20 metres.
1307A First Class deodar wood beams. Cum 31024.05

1307B First Class kail wood beams. Cum 86862.62

1307C Sal wood beams. Cum 88091.77

1307D First Class locally available wood (Chil-wood). Cum 40506.12

1308 Providing and fixing M S fan clamps of standard Each fan 222.76
shape and size including cutting and making clamp

1309 Removal of old broken glass panes (any Sqm 75.47

thickness,size,quality or description) from wood
frames glazed with putty or fixed with beads.

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Chapter No XIII

1310 Removal of old broken glass panes (any Sqm 97.50
thickness,size, quality or description) from metal
frames including punching or drilling out old
glazing pins.
1311 Removal of serviceable glass of any description Sqm 105.04
except polished plate from old wood or metal
frames etc. (any thickness or size) racking out
old putty etc. including risk and making good
breakages in taking out and handling including
stacking within a lead of 20 Meters.

1312 Supplying and fixing new wooden beads (fillets)

wherever necessary.
1312A First Class teak wood beads. Metre 30.75

1312B First Class deodar wood beads. Metre 23.27

1312C First Class kail wood beads. Metre 23.14

1312D Renewal of old putty of glass panes Metre 15.93

1313 Refixing old glass panes beded in putty and Sqm 201.76
fixed with glazing pins.
1314 Refixing old glass panes with old wooden beads Sqm 153.01
(excluding cost of beads)

1315 Renewing tiles in patches in areas not

exceeding 5 Sq.M. including removing old
tiles,preparing surfaces and laying or setting
new or old tiles complete (including cost of
mortar and pigment but excluding cost of tiles)

1315A Glazed tiles Sqm 443.76

1315B Terrazo tiles. Sqm 561.47

1316 Cutting out cracks of roof terrace to V-section, Metre 35.95

cleaning out welting, grouting with Cement and
Sand Slurry 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand.)

1317 Cutting out cracks of roof terrace to V-sections, Metre 65.98

cleaning out and filling solidity with a hot
bitumen and clean dry sand (1:1) by Weight.

1318 Dubbing out an old irregular walls average

10mm thick with

1318A Lime Mortar 1:2 (1 Lime : 2 Sand). Sqm 116.81

1318B Lime sand surkhi mortar 1:1:1 (1:Lime putty : Sqm 118.30
1:Sand : 1:Surkhi).

1318C Cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) Sqm 141.70

1318D Cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand). Sqm 122.01

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Chapter No XIII

1318E Cement mortar 1:5 (1 Cement : 5 Sand). Sqm 111.35

1318F Cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand) Sqm 102.25

1318G Cement lime mortar 1:1:6 (1 Cement : 1 Lime : 6 Sqm 126.95


1318H Cement lime mortar 1:2:9 (1 Cement : 2 Lime : 9 Sqm 108.81


1319 Add to or deduct from item No. 13.18 above for

every 5mm thickness increase or decrease in
10mm with :-

1319A Lime mortar 1:2 (1 lime : 2 sand). Sqm 32.18

1319B Lime sand surkhi 1:1:1 (1 Cement : 1 Sand : 1 Sqm 32.57


1319C Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand). Sqm 39.00

1319D Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand). Sqm 33.54

1319E Cement mortar 1:5 (1 Cement : 5 Sand). Sqm 30.68

1319F Cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand). Sqm 28.15

1319G Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:6 (1 Cement : 1 Lime : Sqm 34.97

6 Sand)

1319H Cement lime mortar 1:2:9 (1 Cement : 2 Lime : 9 Sqm 29.97

1320 Repairs to plaster in patches of 2.50 Sq.M. and
under and 10 to 15mm thick including cutting
the patch in proper shape and replastering the
surface of the wall including disposal of rubbish Sqm
to the dumping ground within a Lead of 20
metres with:-
1320A Lime Mortar 1 : 2 (1 Lime : 2 Sand) Sqm 152.49

1320B Lime Sand Surkhi 1:1:1 (1 Lime : 1 Sand : 1 Sqm 153.73

1320C Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) Sqm 173.88

1320D Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand) Sqm 156.91

1320E Cement Mortar 1:5 (1 Cement : 5 Sand) Sqm 147.75

1320F Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand) Sqm 139.95

1320G Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:6 (1 Cement : 1 Lime : Sqm 161.20

6 Sand).
1320H Cement Lime Mortar 1:2:9 (1 Cement : 2 Lime : Sqm 145.60
9 Sand).

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Chapter No XIII

1321 Fixing door chowkhats including cutting Each Door 407.81
masonry for embedding hold fasts in Cement frame
mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand) and making
good the damage to walls Complete.

1322 Fixing clerestory window chowkhats including Each 180.12

cutting masonry for embedding hold fasts in window
Cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand) and
making good the damage to walls complete.

1323 Providing and fixing wooden cleats to door,

windows with iron fitting including removal of old
cleats where necessary including painting,
polishing or bees waxing to match the existing
1323A First Class Indian teak wood. Each 69.81

1323B First class deodar wood. Each 45.11

1323C First class kail wood. Each 44.66
1324 Providing and fixing cotton string 6mm diametre Each 85.67
(machine made) i/c supplying and fixing window
wherever necessary the plate and ring of iron as
per existing fitting of the clerestory windows.

1325 Supplying and fixing glass panes with putty and

nails including removal of broken glass panes
wherever necessary:-
1325A Plain glass. 2mm thick. Sqm 412.82

1325B Plain Glass. 2.5 mm thick. Sqm 560.82

1325C Plain Glass. 3mm thick. Sqm 593.71

1325D Plain Glass: 4mm thick. Sqm 643.05

1325E Frosted Glass. 2mm thick. Sqm 544.38

1325F Frosted Glass 3mm thick. Sqm 643.05

1325G Frosted Glass. 4mm thick. Sqm 725.27

1325H Pin Head Glass. 3mm thick. Sqm 412.82

1325I Wired Glass. 6mm thick. Sqm 1095.25

1325J Plate Glass 5.5mm thick. Sqm 792.81

Page 6
Chapter No XIV

Chapter No XIV

1 The labour and through rates include carriage of all the materials involved for a particular item for a distance of
100 meters on head and 1 kilometer by mechanical transport.

2 The labour rates include the cost on account of water, scaffolding and sundries.

3 The through rates include wastage of all the materials involved for any item.

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Chapter No XIV



1401 Making plinth protection with flag stone
flooring 40 mm thick over a bed of 15cm
with rammed earth and cement pointing 1 :
3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) in proper shape as Sq.m 303.26
per instructions of the Engineer Incharge.

1402 Providing plinth protection 50mm thick in Sq.m 181.61

cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 Sand :
6 Graded stone aggregated 20mm nominal
1403 Providing plinth protection with bricks in Sq.m
cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand)
including pointing top surface of bricks with
cement 1:2 (1 Cement:2 Sand).
1403A with moduler bricks size 19cmx9cmx9cm Sq.m 489.42

1403B With bricks size 22.9cmx11.2cmx7.00 cm. Sq.m 358.87

1404 Providing under layer for plinth protection of Sq.m 125.86

75mm thick (unconsolidated) bed dry
brick/stone aggregated 40mm nominal size
with rammed and consolidated and grouted
with fine sand including preparation of

1405 Brick edging (Brick laid on edge) to plinth

protection with bricks including grounting
with cement mortar grounting with cement
mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Sand).

1405A With modular bricks size 19 cmx9 cmx9 cm. Meter 48.23

1405B With bricks size 22.9cmx11.2cmx7cm. Meter 42.57

1406 Constructing Course rubble hammer . 659.85

dressed 'U' shape open surface drain with
side wall. 15x22 cm in cement mortar 1:6 (1
Cement : 6 Sand) and inside plastring with
cement plaster 1:3 (1 Cement:3 Sand)
including earth work and laying 10 cm
cement concrete in 1:5:10 (1 Cement : 5
Sand : 10 graded stone aggregate) of 40
mm nominal size) and 7.5 cm cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 Sand : 4
Graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal
size) and finished with a floating coat of
neat cement complete as per standard
1407 Masonry in fire clay refractory bricks laid in Cu.m 9997.00
fire clay mortar.

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Chapter No XIV


1408 Providing and fixing aluminium step edging Meter 241.36
L shape of size 28 mmx12 mmx3 mm (thick)
to stair.

1409 Providing and fixing aluminium step edging Meter 241.36

L shape of size 57mmx16mmx3mm (thick)
to stairs.
1410 Extra over item No. 1407 and 1408 for Meter 117.78
cutting R C C steps for fixing of aluminium
step edging and making good to match the

1411 Providing and fixing 25mm dia galvanised Meter 447.12

M.S. tube (light grade) out let in cement
mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) including
cutting and making good the wall.

1412 Providing and fixing 40 mm nominal bore Meter 582.15

garvanised M.S. tube (light grade) Out let in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand).

1413 Providing and fixing 1.80 metre long R.C.C. Per Post 989.25
fencing posts with 6mm bar nibs as per
approved design (Earth work to be paid for
1414 Providing and fixing 2.00 metre long R.C.C. Per Strut 731.68
fencing struts as per approved design (earth
work to be paid for seperately).

1415 Providing and fixing turn buckles and Per Set 176.85
straining bolts for bar bed wire fencing.
1416 1.20 metre high fencing (as per approved Meter 108.74
design) 1.80 metres R.C.C. posts 3 metres
centre to centre and R.C.C. struts with 9
horizontal lines and two diagonals of
galvanised steel bar bed wire (IS 278-1962
type I) weighing 9.38 kg./100 metres
(minimum) strained and fixed to posts by
tyting to 6mm galvanised steel bar
niles/clips with G.I. binding wire (cost of
R.C.C. struts and straining bolts shall be
paid for seperately).

1417 Providing and fixing 300mm minimum girth Meter 379.29

deodar/kail wood/Sal ballies (for posts and
struts for fencing) in required length (earth
work and concrete to be paid for
1418 1.20 metres high fencing with 1.80 metre Meter 97.84
deodar/kail/sal ballies posts 300mm girth
(minimum) 2.50 metre centre to centre with
six horizontal lines and two diagonals of
galvanised steel bar bed wire (IS:278-1962
Type-I) weighing 9.38 KG per 100 metre
(minimum) strained and fixed to posts with
G.I. staples including coal carring of ballies
complete (cost of posts,struts and straining
bolts shall be paid for seperately).

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Chapter No XIV


1419 1.80 metre high fencing with 2.50 metre Meter 133.24
deodar/kail/Sal ballie posts 300mm girth
(minimum) 2.50 metre centre to centre with
nine horizontal lines and two diagonals of
galvanised steel bar bed wire (IS:278-1962
type-I) weighing 9.38 kg/per 100 metre
(minimum) strained and fixed to posts with
G.I. staples, including coal tarring of ballies
complete) cost of post, struts and straining
bolts shall be paid for seperately.

1420 2.40 metre high fencing with 3.30 metres

ballies posts, 300mm girth (minimum) with
2.50 metre centre to centre 2.50 metre
centre to centre with 12 horizontal lines and
two diagonals of galvanised steel bar bed
wire (IS:278-1962 type-I) weight 9.38 kg. per
Meter 170.64
100 metre (minimum) strained and fixed to
posts with G.I. staples including coal tarring
of ballies complete (cost of posts, struts and
straining bolts shall be paid for seperately).

1421 1.30 metre high concrete rail and pale Meter 1305.48
fencing with 1.80 metre R.C.C. posts, 2.25
pales posts 2.50 metres centre to centre
embeded in C.C. blocks 450x450x550 mm
of mix 1:5:10 (1 Cement : 5 Sand : 10
graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal
size) including concrete work and cost for
R.C.C. posts, rails and pales (earth work to
be paid seperately).

1422 Supplying and fixing wovenplains G.I. wire Sq.m 343.28

fencing of mesh 50mm to 150mm to any
type of standard rails, strainging bolts. etc.
including provision of binding wire, staples
1423 Supplying straining and fixing plain mild
steel galvanized wire to wood, concrete or
steel standards and or to straining Boards
including securing with galvanized iron type
wire galvanized iron and staples or steel
pins etc. as directed.
1423A 2.50 mm dia 100 Metre 527.02
each line of
1423B 3.15 mm dia 100 Metre 777.29
each line of
1423C 4.00mm dia. 100 Metre 1108.49
each line of

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Chapter No XIV


1424 Supply and fixing galvanized steel bar-bed 100 Metre 1027.27
wire (IS:278-1962 Type-I) weighing 9.38 kg each line of
per 100 metres (minimum) straining and wire
fixing to any type of standard rails, straining
bolts including securing with and provision
of galvanized mild steel wire, staples or
Steel pins etc. as directed (posts and struts
of wood concrete, steel etc. and straining
bolts shall be paid for seperately).

1425 Supplying and fixing expended metal to This item is linked to

wood or steel members in partitions etc. - - 1426, 1427 & 1428

1426 Weight not exceeding 3 kg.per square Sq.m 315.81

1427 Weight exceeding 3kg and not exceeding Sq.m 488.80
5kg per Sq.M. .
1428 Weight exceeding 5kg. and not exceeding Sq.m 584.36
8kg. per square metre.
1429 Cutting grass, raking in to heaps and Sq.m 2.55 Labour rate for this
removing off the premises (grass to become is considered
the property of the contractor) through rate

1430 Providing and fixing 15 cm high Drawer of

the cup board with 12mm thick base and
side plankes with wooden handles and
20x55 mm rummer fixed with screws and
complete including painting and polishing:-
Note:- (over all rear of the drawer shall be
1430A First class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 7534.11

1430B Second Class Indian teak wood. Sq.m 6450.40

1430C First Class deodar wood Sq.m 4559.24

1430D Second Class deodar wood. Sq.m 4512.67

1430E First Class kail wood. Sq.m 4512.67

1430F Second Class kail wood. Sq.m 3803.42

1431 Extra for additional 5cm.depth or part there % rate per 2.40%
of for depth of drawer over 15cm. depth 5cm or part
provided in the cup board. thereof


1432 Upholstering armless sofa chair single seat Each 735.47 Labour rate for this
and back with markin or tapestry cloth is considered
cutting to shape, stitching and fixing etc. through rate
including properly securing springs in
position with twines 'U' hooks and cane
strick etc. and fixing padding with coir and
cotton latex foam rubber of approved quality
in the seat and back complete excluding
the cost of materials.

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Chapter No XIV


1433 Up-holdtering armless sofa chair double Each 1134.50 Labour rate for this
seated and back with markin or tapestry is considered
cloth cutting to shape, stitching and fixing through rate
etc. including properly securing springs in
position with twins 'U' hooks and cane sticks
etc. and fixing padding with coir and
cotton/latex foam rubber of approved quality
in the seat and back all complete excluding
the cost of materials.
1434 Upholstering armless sofa chair three seater Each 1357.16 Labour rate for this
and back with markin or tapestry cloth with is considered
markin or tapestry cloth cutting to shape through rate
stitching and fixing etc. including properly
securing springs in position with twines 'U'
hooks and cane sticks etc. fixing padding
with coir cotton/latex foam rubber of
approved quality in the seat and back all
complete excluding the cost of materials.

1435 Extra for uphoestering arm both inside and Each 117.58 Labour rate for this
outside with markin or tapestry cloth cutting is considered
to shape, stitching and fixing etc. inc luding through rate
and fixing etc. including fixing padding with
coir and cotton/latex foam rubber of
approved quality inside only, all complete
excluding the cost of materials.
1436 Extra for upholstering arms inside only with Each 58.79 Labour rate for this
markin or tapestry cloth cutting to shape is considered
stitching and fixing etc. including fixing through rate
padding with coir and cotton/latex foam
rubber of approved quality, all complete
excluding the cost of materials.
1437 Upholstering diwan of size up to 180x90 cm Each 1533.46 Labour rate for this
and 30 cm height with seat and back with is considered
markin of tapestry cloth cutting of tapestry through rate
cloth cutting etc., including properly securing
springs in position with twines 'U' hooks and
cane stricks and fixing padding with coir and
cotton/latex with coir and cotton/latex with
coir and cotton/latex quality in the seat all
complete excluding the cost of materials.

1438 Upholstering Diwan special type upto Each 2062.48 Labour rate for this
180x90 cm. and 30 cm. high with seat is considered
having curved front and s ides and back through rate
with markin or tapestry cloth cutting to
shape, stitching and fixing etc. including
properly securing springs in position with
twines 'U' hooks and cane stricks etc. and
fixing padding, with coir and cotton/latex
foam rubber of approved quality in seat and
back all complete excluding the cost of
1439 Extra for opening out upholstering of sofa Each 84.59 Labour rate for this
chair (with or without arms) in connection is considered
with re-upholstering work. through rate
1440 Extra for opening out upholstering of sofa or Each 121.99 Labour rate for this
Diwan. is considered
through rate

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Chapter No XIV


1441 Providing and fixing 100 mm dia flue of Meter 127.93
cement/abestos pipes with necessary
specials pipes with necessary specials
including fixing in position with clamps
1442 Providing and fixing peg reck.75x10x2 cm This item is linked to
thick of first class deodar wood with:- 1443 & 1444
1443 Three brass/chromium plated pegs of Peg reck 584.43
approved designs.
1444 Three deodar wood pegs of approved Peg rack 284.49
1445 Providing chases 75mm wide 50mm deep Meter 47.40
(average size) in walls for conduit pipes and
filling the same with cement concrete 1:3:6
(1 Cement : 3 Sand : 6 Graded stone
aggregate 20 mm and down gauge) after
the conduit pipe is laid (excluding the cost of
conduit pipe).
1446 Providing dry stone Kharanja drain 45 cm Meter 166.29
wide complete with 25 cm side stone.

1447 Providing stone kharanja drain 45 cm. wide Meter 203.14

including 25 cm. side stone laid in cement
mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand).
1448 Providing dry stone kharanja drain 60 cm. Meter 201.83
wide complete with 25 cm. side stone.

1449 Providing stone kharanja drain 60 cm. wide Meter 253.71

including 25 cm. side stone laid in cement
mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand).
1450 Recaning of seats and backs of chairs with Sq.m 984.35
superior quality cane including removing the
old caning complete.

Page 7
Chapter No XV

Chapter No XV

Notes :
The rates include the cost of all labour involved and tools and plants used in demolishing and
dismantling . The rates also include scaffolding and water charges. The rates account for the
charges for separating out and stacking the serviceable materials properly and disposing of un-
serviceable materials within 20 meters lead or as stated in the particular item. The rates also
include temporary shoring for safety of the portions not required to be pulled down. These also
include the rates of provisions required for the safety of the adjoining property and providing
temporary enclosures or partitions wherever considered necessary. These rates do not include the
cost of blasting and the rates have been worked out primarily on the basis of labor- wages .

(a) Demolition: The term demolition implies breaking up. This shall consist of demolishing whole or
part of worl including all relevent items as specified or shown on the drawing
(b) Dismantling: The term dismantling implies carefully separating the parts without damage and
removing. This may consist of dismantling one or more parts of the building as specified or shown
on the drawings

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Chapter No XV



1501 Demolition below G.L. upto 1.50Metres Labour rate for this
depth and disposal of unserviceable is considered
materials within 20 metres lead. through rate
1501A Lime concrete. Cum 296.87

1501B Un-reinforecd cement concrete upto 15 Cum 594.81

cm. Thickness.

1501C un-reinforced cement concrete more than Cum 1182.90

15 cm. Thickness.
1501D Extra over item No. 1501 for every
additional 1.50 metres depth.
1501E Lime concrete. Cum 27.38

1501F Un-reinforced cement concrete upto 15 Cum 27.38

cm. Thickness.
1501G Un-reinforced cement concrete above 15 Cum 27.38
cm. Thickness.

1502 Demolition below G.L upto 1.50 metres Labour rate for this
depth including stacking of serviceable is considered
materials and disposal of unserviceable through rate
materials within 20 metres lead and
including cutting the neceesary
reinforcement and separating from
R.C.C./R.B. work.
1502A R.C.C. work. Cum 3794.58

1502B R.B. work. Cum 2410.84

1502C Extra over time No. 1502 for every

additional 1.5 metres depth.

1502D R.C.C. work. Cum 27.38

1502E R.B. work. Cum 27.38
1503 Demolition above G.L.upto floor two level Labour rate for this
including disposal of unserviceable is considered
materials within 20 metres lead. through rate

1503A Lime Concrete. Cum 287.64

1503B un-reinforced cement concrete more than Cum 619.33

15cm. Thickness.

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Chapter No XV


1503C un-reinforced cement concrete upto Cum 1238.67
15cm. Thickness.

1504 Demolition above G.L. upto floor two level Labour rate for this
including disposal of unserviceable is considered
materials within 20 metres lead and through rate
including cutting the necessary
reinforcement and separating out from
R.C.C. /R.B. works:-
1504A R.C.C. work. Cum 3928.14

1504B R.B. work. Cum 2469.25

1505 Extra over items 1503 and 1504 for every Cum 77.94
additional storey height above floor two
1506 Extra for scraping, cleaining and Cum 201.06
straightening reinforcement salvaged
from R.C.C./R.B. work.
1507 Demolition of brick work below G.L. upto Labour rate for this
1.5Metres depth including stacking of is considered
serviceable materials and disposal of un- through rate
serviceable materials within 20 metres
1507A In Mud Mortar. Cum 272.13

1507B In Lime Mortar. Cum 334.98

1507C In cement mortar Cum 750.54

1508 Extra over item No. 1507 for every Labour rate for this
additional 1.50 metres depth. is considered
through rate
1508A In Mud mortar. Cum 27.38

1508B In Lime Mortar. Cum 27.38

1508C In cement mortar Cum 27.38

1509 Demolition of brick work above G.L. upto Labour rate for this
floor two level including stacking of is considered
serviceable materials and disposal of un- through rate
serviceable materials within 20 metres.
1509A In Mud mortar. Cum 283.35

1509B In Lime Mortar. Cum 348.71

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Chapter No XV


1509C In cement mortar Cum 814.60

1510 Extra over item No. 1509 for every Labour rate for this
additional storey height above floor two is considered
level. through rate
1510A In Mud mortar Cum 77.94

1510B In Lime Mortar. Cum 77.94

1510C In cement mortar Cum 77.94

1511 Extra over item No. 1509 and 1510 for Labour rate for this
removing mortar from and cleaning bricks is considered
including removal of rubbish within 20 through rate
metres lead.
1511A Brick work in mud mortar. 1000 Nos 548.41
1511B Brick work in lime mortar. 1000 Nos 639.42
1511C Brick work in cement mortar 1000 Nos 806.81
1512 Demolition of stone masonry below G.L. Labour rate for this
upto 1.5 metres depth including stacking is considered
of serviceable materials and disposal of through rate
un-servicable materials within 20 metres
1512A Rubble masonry in lime mortar. Cum 334.98
1512B Rubble masonry in cement Cum 790.36

1513 Extra over item No 1512 for every Labour rate for this
additional 1.50 meter depth. is considered
through rate
1513A Rubble masonry in lime mortar Cum 27.38

1513B Rubble masonry in cement mortar. Cum 27.38

1514 Demolition of stone masonry above G.L. Labour rate for this
upto floor two level including stacking of is considered
serviceable materials and disposal of un- through rate
serviceable materials within 20 metres
1514A Rubble masonry in lime mortar. Cum 348.71

1514B Rubble masonry in cement Cum 814.60

1514C Ashiar face stone in lime mortar. Cum 431.36

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Chapter No XV


1514D Dressed stone in cement mortar. Cum 976.48

1514E Marble/precast work in lime mortar. Cum 538.97

1514F Marble/precast concrete work in cement Cum 1219.43

1515 Extra over item No. 1514 for every Cum 77.79 Labour rate for this
additional storey height above floor two is considered
level. through rate
1516 Extra over item No. 1514 and1515 for Labour rate for this
removing mortar from and cleaning is considered
stones and concrets articles including through rate
removal of rubbish within 20 metres lead.

1516A In lime mortar Cum 114.40

1516B In cement mortar. Cum 163.09

1517 Demolition in terrace upto floor two level Labour rate for this
including stacking of serviceable is considered
materials and disposal of un-serviceable through rate
materials within 20 metres lead.

1517A Brick tile covering. Sqm 34.18

1517B Mud phuska:- Cum 281.28
1518 Extra over item No. 1517 for every Labour rate for this
additional storey height above floor two is considered
level. through rate
1518A Bricks tile covering. Sqm 2.93
1518A Mud Phuska. cum 77.94
1519 Dismantling tiled floors laid in mortar upto Labour rate for this
floor two level including stacking of is considered
serviceable materials and disposal of un- through rate
serviceable materials within 20 metres
lead (wooden/concrete joists to be
measured and paid for separately)
1519A For thickness of tiles upto 25mm Sqm 24.81

1519B For thickness of tiles above 25mm and Sqm 36.11

upto 40mm
1519C Stone slab/flagged floors. Sqm 71.86

1520 Extra over item No. 1519 for every Labour rate for this
additional storey height above floor two is considered
level. through rate
1520A For thickness of tiles upto 25mm. Sqm 1.43

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Chapter No XV


1520B For thickness of tiles above 25mm and Sqm 2.93
upto 40mm.

1521 Stone slab/flagged stone floors. Sqm 5.79 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
1522 Dismantling of wooden floors upto floor Sqm 36.89 Labour rate for this
two level including stacking of serviceable is considered
materials and disposal of un-serviceable through rate
materials within 20 metres lead (joists to
be measured and paid for separately).

1523 Extra over item No. 1522 for every Sqm 2.65 Labour rate for this
additional storey height above floor two is considered
level. through rate
1524 Dismantling roofing including ridges, hips, Labour rate for this
valleys, gutters etc. stacking the is considered
serviceable materials and disposal of un- through rate
serviceable materials within 20 metres
1524A G.I. Sheet roofing Sqm 50.19

1524B A.C. Sheet roofing Sqm 57.63

1525 Slate roofing Sqm 92.31 Labour rate for this

is considered
through rate
1526 Dismantling roofing including stacking of This item is linked
serviceable materials and disposal of un- with item no. 1527 &
serviceable materials within 20 metres 1528
1527 Jack arch roof in lime mortar including Sqm 68.35 Labour rate for this
joists etc. is considered
through rate
1528 Jack arch roof in cement mortar including Sqm 165.09 Labour rate for this
joists etc. is considered
through rate
1529 Demolition of thatch roofing including Sqm 22.24 Labour rate for this
mats, bamboo, jaffari, capping to ridges, is considered
hips, etc. including stacking of through rate
serviceable materials and disposal of un-
serviceable materials within 20 metres
1530 Dismantling cement asbestos Sqm 24.67 Labour rate for this
celotax/hard board in ceiling or partition is considered
wall including stacking of serviceable through rate
materials and disposal of un-serviceable
materials within 20 metres lead (Frame
work such as joists, beams to be
measured and paid for separately)

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Chapter No XV


1531 Dismantling textile covering in Sqm 22.31 Labour rate for this
ceiling/walling including frames and cover is considered
fillets, stacking of serviceable materials through rate
and disposal of un-serviceable materials
within 20 metres lead.

1532 Demolition of dry brick pitching in floors, Cum 375.59 Labour rate for this
drains etc. including stacking of is considered
serviceable materials and disposal of un- through rate
serviceable disposal of un-serviceable

1533 Dismantling dry stone pitching in drains Cum 375.59 Labour rate for this
etc. including stacking of serviceable is considered
materials and disposal of un-serviceable through rate
materials within 20 metres lead.

1534 Dismantling stone slab roofing over Cum 675.03 Labour rate for this
wooden karries or R.C.C. battens is considered
including stacking of serviceable through rate
materials and disposal of un-serviceable
materials within 20 metres lead (wooden
karries or RCC battens to be measured
and paid for separately)

1535 Dismantling wood work. Wrought framed Labour rate for this
and fixed in frames other frames and is considered
trusses of span upto 10 metres and through rate
height between ridge and floor level
stacking the serviceable materials and
disposal of un-serviceable materials with
in 20 metres lead.
1535A Sectional area average 40 Or Cum 980.34
1535B Sectional area under 40 Metre 4.08

1536 Extra over item No. 1535 for every Labour rate for this
additional span of 1.50 metres or part is considered
thereof beyond 10 metres for wood work through rate
in trusses.
1536A Sectional area average 40 Sq Cm or Cum 136.49

1537 Sectional area under 40 Metre 0.36 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
1538 Extra over item No. 15.35 for every Labour rate for this
additional height of 1.0 metre or part is considered
thereof beyond 5 metres for wood work in through rate

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Chapter No XV


1539 Sectional area average 40 Or Per cum 20.09 Labour rate for this
over. per mtr is considered
height through rate
1540 Sectional area under 40 Per cum 0.79 Labour rate for this
per mtr is considered
height through rate
1541 Dismantling dhajji walling serviceable Sqm 21.95 Labour rate for this
materials and disposal of un-serviceable is considered
materials within 20 metres lead through rate

1542 Dismantling wooden trellis work in Sqm 25.60 Labour rate for this
position including frame work and is considered
stacking the serviceable materials within through rate
20 metres lead.
1543 Dismantling expanded metal with Sqm 27.53 Labour rate for this
necessary battens and beading including is considered
frame work nd stacking the serviceable through rate
materials within 20 metres
1544 Dismantling wooden boardings in lining of Labour rate for this
walls and partitions including frame work is considered
and stacking the materials withing 20 through rate
metres lead.
1544A Upto 10 mm thickness. Sqm 25.67

1544B Thickness above 10mm andupto 25 mm Sqm 28.24

1544C Thickness above 25mm and upto 40mm Sqm 32.53

1545 Dismantling wooden chajjas and sun- Sqm 40.18 Labour rate for this
shades including stacking the materials is considered
with in 20 metres lead. through rate

1546 Dismantling ballies in posts, purlins or Metre 5.36 Labour rate for this
rafters including stacking the materials is considered
with in 20 metres lead. through rate
1547 Dismantling steel work upto span of 10 Labour rate for this
metres and height between ridge and is considered
floor level upto 5 metres in single sections through rate
including dismantling and stacking the
materials within 20 metres lead (Riveted
within 20 metres lead (Riveted work
where rivets are required to be cut shall
be measured and paid for separately).

1547A R.S. joists. Per kg 1.00

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Chapter No XV


1547B Channels, angles, tees and flats:- Per kg 0.79

1548 Dismantling steel work upto span of 10 Labour rate for this
metres and a height of 5 metres in built is considered
up sectional in angles, tees, flats and through rate
channels including all gusset plates,
bolts, nuts, beading etc and stacking the
materials within 20 metres lead :-
1548A Including dismembering. Per kg 1.57

1548A Excluding dismembering. Per kg 1.07

1549 Extra over items No. 1547 and 1548 for Per kg 0.21 Labour rate for this
dismantling trusses, rafters, purlins etc. of is considered
steel work for every additional span of through rate
one metre or part thereof beyond 10
1550 Extra over item No.1547 and 1548 for Per kg 0.21 Labour rate for this
dismantling trusses, rafters, purlins etc. of is considered
steel work for every additional height of through rate
one metre or part thereof beyond 5
1551 Extra over item No. 1547 and 1548 for Per kg 1.14 Labour rate for this
making of structural steel work required to is considered
be re errected through rate
1552 Extra over items No. 1547 and 1548 for Each 3.29 Labour rate for this
cutting rivets. is considered
through rate
1553 Dismantling doors, windows and Labour rate for this
clerestory windows, ventilators etc. (wood is considered
or steel) shutters including chowkhats, through rate
architraves, hold fasts and other
attachements etc. complete and stacking
them within 20 metres lead
1553A Not exceeding 3 sq.m in area Each 98.53

1553B Exceeding 3 sqm in area Each 131.27

1554 Taking out doors, windows and clerestory Labour rate for this
windows shutters (steel or wood) is considered
including lead. through rate
1554A Not exceeding 3 sqm in area. Each 50.77

1554B Exceeding 3 sqm in area. Each 71.50

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Chapter No XV


1555 Dismantling barbed wire or flexible wire Sqm 6.79 Labour rate for this
rope in fencing including making rolls and is considered
stacking within 20 metres lead. (Frame through rate
work to be measured and paid for
1556 Dismantling and stacking within 20
metres lead, fencing posts or struts
(wood, steel or R.C.C.) including all earth
work and dismantling of concrete etc. in
the base and making good the disturbed
1556A Wooden posts of any size Metre 72.00

1556B Steel sections of any size Metre 74.86

1556C RCC posts of any size Metre 68.28

1557 Dismantling ballies or wooden posts at Per post 0.50

the points of projection above the
concrete or ground including taking out
iron straps, bolts, nuts etc if any, and
stacking the same within 20 metres lead.

1558 Dismantling C.I. Or asbestos rain water Labour rate for this
pipes with fittings and clamps including is considered
stacking the materials within 20 metres through rate
1558A 50 mm dia Metre 22.88

1558B 75mm dia Metre 23.24

1558C 100 mm dia Metre 23.88

1558D 150 mm dia Metre 24.31

1559 Dismantiling of drain pipes (salt glased Labour rate for this
work of concrete) set in cement mortar is considered
including breaking of joints stacking the through rate
serviceable materials and disposal of un-
serviceable materials within 20 metres
lead including excavation and refilling
trenches after taking out the pipes
(Dismantling of bed concrete to be
measured and paid for separately)
1559A 100 mm dia Metre 25.38

1559B 150mm dia Metre 28.03

1559C 225mm dia Metre 30.67

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Chapter No XV


1559D 300 mm dia Metre 33.68

1560 Dismantling old C.I. Pipes including

excavaton and refilling trenches after
taking out the pipes, breaking lead
caulked joints, melting of lead and making
into blocks including stacking of pipes &
lead at site within 20 metres lead.

1560A 80 mm dia Metre 102.10

1560B 100mm dia Metre 107.04

1560C 125mm dia Metre 111.40

1560D 150 mm dia Metre 116.12

1560E 200 mm dia Metre 130.70

1560F 250 mm dia Metre 143.93

1560G 300 mm dia Metre 155.44

1560H 350 mm dia Metre 165.81

1560I 400 mm dia Metre 173.67

1560J 450 mm dia Metre 186.47

1560K 500 mm dia Metre 195.27

1560L 600 mm dia Metre 211.07

1561 Labour for cutting C.I. Pipes with steel Labour rate for this
saw:- is considered
through rate
1561A 80 mm dia Each Cut 30.67
1561B 100mm dia Each Cut 42.76
1561C 125mm dia Each Cut 55.13
1561D 150 mm dia Each Cut 77.79
1561E 200 mm dia Each Cut 103.68
1561F 250 mm dia Each Cut 129.56
1561G 300 mm dia Each Cut 155.44
1561H 350 mm dia Each Cut 181.47
1561I 400 mm dia Each Cut 207.28

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Chapter No XV


1561J 450 mm dia Each Cut 233.16
1561K 500 mm dia Each Cut 259.04
1561L 600 mm dia Each Cut 311.17

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Chapter No XVI

Chapter No XVI

Notes :
1 The rates below are application for arboricultural and gardening works in lawns of the
building, the road sides, hill-side slopes and canal embankments be decided by the
Engineer-in-chief with due deference to the site/ climatic conditions and only the actual
volume of excavated earth shall be paid according to the classification of soil, In case
longer lead/ lift is involved in the excavation of a particular item , additional rates shall
be paid.

2 The procurement of earth /sludge or manure shall be from the source as specified by
the Engineer-In - Chief . In case these are imported from distances longer than the
once specified in the items, additional rates shall be paid on the basis of cost of
cheapest mode of transport.
3 The cost of saplings / shrubbery's or grass etc. If specifically procured for plantation
shall be paid separately. The labour rates include the water charges.


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Chapter No XVI


1601 Trenching in ordinary soil upto a depth of 1-5 Sq.m The rate shall be the same as for
metres including removal and stacking of item no 204 depending upon
services able materials upto a distance of20 classification of earth work oy
metres and then disposing off bspreading and Add. Rate for lead and lift shall be
neatly levelling (with in a lead of 20 metres) paid as detailed in the chapter on
and making up the trenched areas to proper earth work,
levels by filling with sludge or/and manure
before and after flooding trench with water
excluding cost of imported earth, sludge or
1602 Supplying and stacking of good earth at site Cum 419.51
including royalty and carriage upto 100 metres
on head load and 1 km. By mechanical
transport (earth measured in stacks will be
reduced by 20% for payment)

1603 Supplying and stacking sludge at site Cum 920.21

including royalty and carriage upto 100 metres
by head load and 1 km. By mechanical
transport (Sludge measured in stacks will be
reduced by 8% for payment)
1604 Supplying and stacking at site dump manure Cum 333.96
from approved sources (duly screened
through specified sieve) including carriage
upto 100 metres on head load and 1 km. By
mechanical transport (manure measured in
stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment).

1605 Rough dressing trenched ground including Sqm 0.58 Labour rate for this
breaking clods. is considered
through rate
1606 Fine dressing the trenched ground. Sqm 1.40 Labour rate for this
is considered
through rate
1607 Uprooting weeds from the trenched area after Sqm 1.82 Labour rate for this
10 to 15 days of its flooding with water is considered
including disposal of uprooted vegetation. through rate

1608 Spreading sludge dump manure or/and good Cum 18.98 Labour rate for this
earth in required thickness (cost of sludge, is considered
dump manure or/and good earth to be paid through rate
1609 Mixing earth and sludge or manure in Cum 13.45 Labour rate for this
proportion specified or directed. is considered
through rate

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Chapter No XVI


1610 Grassing with 'Doob' grass including watering Labour rate for this
and maintenance of the Lawn for 30 days or is considered
more till the grass from a thick lawn free from through rate
weeds and fit for moving including supplying
good earth if needed (the cost for Doob grass
shall be paid seperately)

1610A In rows 15 cm. Apart in either direction. Sqm 2.06

1610B In rows 7.5 cm. Apart in either direction. Sqm 4.29

1610C In rows 5 cm. Apart in either direction. Sqm 6.60

1611 Renovating lawns including weeding sheling Sqm 12.71 Labour rate for this
the grass, forking the ground, top dressing is considered
with sludge or manure mixing the same with through rate
forked soil, watering and maintaing the lawns
for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick
lawn free from weeds and fit for moving and
disposal of rubbish as directed including
supplying good earth if needed but excluding
the cost of sludge or manure.

1612 Uprooting rank vegetation and weeds by Sqm 7.92

digging the area upto a depth of 1.5m (Earth
work to be paid separetaly) removing all
weeds and other growth with roots by forking
repeatadly, breaking clods, rough dressing
flooding with water, uprooting fresh growths
after 10 to 15 days and then fine dressing for
planting new grass including disposal of all
rubbish with all leads and lifts.

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Chapter No XVI


1613 Preparation of beds for hedging and Cum 82.25 Labour rate for this
shrubbery by excavating upto 1.5 metre depth is considered
and trenching the excavated base to a further through rate
depth of 30cm. Refilling the excavated earth
after breaking clods and mixing with sludge or
manureia the ratio 8:1 (8 parts of stacked,
volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1
part of stacked volume of sludge or manure
after reduction by 8% flooding with water,
filling with earth if necessary, watering and
finally fine dressing levelling etc. including
stacking and disposal of materials declared
un-serviceable and surplus earth by spreading
and levelling as directed with in spreading and
levelling as directed with in a lead of 20
metres and lift upto 1.5 metre
complete.Notes:- Earth work in excavation to
be paid vide item no 204 depending upon
classification of soil, ii) Cost of sludge,
manure or extra earth to be paid for

1614 Digging holes upto 1 metre dia in soil and Cum To be paid @
refilling the same with the excavated earth 20% more than
mixed with manure in the ratio of 2:1 by the rate in item
volume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth no. 204
after reduction by 20% :1 part of stacked depending upon
volume of manure after reduction by 8%) classification of
flooding with water, dressing including soil
removal of rubbish and surplus earth, if any
with all leads and lifts (cost of manure or
sludge or extra good earth, if needed, to be
paid separetaly) Notes:- Earth work in
excavation to be paid vide item no 204
depending upon classification of soil, ii) Cost
of sludge, manure or extra earth to be paid for
1615 Half brick circular treeguard in second class Each 1599.92
bricks, internal diametre 1.25m, and height
1.20m. above ground and 0.20m. Below
ground bottom two courses laid dry and top
three courses in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement
: 6 sand) and the intermediate courses being
in dry honey comb masonry as per design

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Chapter No XVI


1616 15cm. Thick C.R. stone masonry circular tree Each 2897.81
guard internal diametre 1.25m, and height
1.20m. above ground and 0.30m. Below
ground bottom0.80m laid dry and top 0.30m
laid in cement mortar mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
sand) and the intermediate courses being in
and dry honey comb masonry as per design

1617 Providing and fixing M.S. Flat iron tree guard

60 cm. Dia, and 2 metre high above ground
level, formed of 4 Nos. 25x6mm.and 8 Nos.
25x6mm vertical M.S. Flats riveted to 3 Nos.
25x6mm M.S. flat iron rings in two halves,
bolted together with 8 mm. Dia and 30mm. Each 3691.55
Long bolts including painting two coats with
paint of approved brand and manufacture
over a coat of priming complete in all

1618 Making tree guard 53 cm. Dia and 1.3 metre

high as per design from empty coal tarring
drums supplied free by the department
including providing and fixing 2 Nos. M.S.
sheet rings 50x0.3mm with rivets complete in
all respects including painting in side and
outside of tree guard with.

1618A Coat of coal tar. Each 227.37

1618B Two or more coats of ready mixed paint of
approved quality and shade over a priming Each 337.34
1619 Making tree guard 53cm. Dia and 2 metres
high as per design from empty coal tar drums
to be supplied free by the department
including providing and fixing four less 40cm.
Long of 30x3mm. M.S. sheet rings,
50x0.5mm with rivets complete in all respects
including painting inside and out side of tree
guard with.
1619A A Coat of coal tar. Each 471.82

1619B Two or more coats of ready mixed paint of Each 641.36

approved quality and shade over a priming

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Chapter No XVI


1620 Edging with second class bricks laid dry Meter 35.97
length-wise including excavation refilling,
consolidating with hand packing and
spreading neatly surplus earh within a lead of
20 metres.
1621 Filling of earth work and sludge or manure in Cum 6.77 Labour rate for this
the desired proportion in trenches, flooding is considered
with water and levelling of supplying earth and through rate
sludge or manure and mixing excluded.

1622 Excavation in dumped stones or mulba Cum 193.22

including staking of serviceable and un-
serviceable material separetaly and disposal
of material separetaly and disposal of
unserviceable material lead upto 20 metres
disposed material to be neatly dressed.

1623 Excavation in Bajri path including stacking of Cum 211.20

serviceable and unserviceable material lead
upto 20 metres and lift upto 1.50 metres,
disposed material to be neatly dressed.

1624 Excavation in water bound macadum road Cum 260.70

including stacking the serviceable and
unserviceable material seperately and
disposal of unserviceable material lead upto
20 metres and lift upto 1.5 metre, disposed
material to be neatly dressed.

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Chapter No XVII

Chapter No XVII

1701 Loadding and unloading of Lime, Aggregate,
Stone Boulder, Brick Aggregate, Kankar,
Building Rubbish, Crushed Slag, Stone for
Masonry work by Manual Means

(i) Loading of Lime, Aggregate, Stone Boulder, Cum 61.04

Brick Aggregate, Kankar, Building Rubbish,
Crushed Slag, Stone for Masonry work by
Manual Means including a lead upto 30 m

(ii) Loading of Earth, Sand, moorum, Manure, Cum 30.52

Flyash by manual means including a lead upto
(iii) Unloading lime aggregate, stone boulder, Cum 30.52
brick aggregate, kankar, building rubbish,
crushed slag, stone for masonry work by
manual means including a lead upto 30m

(iv) Unloading of Earth, Sand, moorum, Manure, Cum 18.76

Flyash by manual means including a lead upto

1702 Loading and unloading lime, aggregate,

stone boulder, brick aggregate, kankar,
building rubbish, crushed slag, stone for
masonry work by mechanical means

(i) Loading of Lime, Aggregate, Stone Boulder, Cum 44.10

Brick Aggregate, Kankar, Building Rubbish,
Crushed Slag, Stone for Masonry work by
Mechanical means including a lead upto 30 m
placing tipper at loading point, loading with front
end loade excluding time for haulage and return

(ii) Loading of Earth, Sand, moorum, Manure, Cum 22.26

Flyash by mechanical means including a lead
upto 30m Placing tipper at loading point, loading
with front end loader excluding time for haulage
and return trip.
(iii) Unloading of Earth, Sand, Lime, Moorum, Cum 6.79
Aggregate, Stone Boulder, Brick Agregate,
Kankar, Building Rubbish, Manure, Crushed
Slag, Flysh, Stone for Masonry work by
mechanical means
1703 Loading, Unloading and Stacking of Bricks
by Manual Means
(i) Loading of Bricks by manual means including 1000 Nos 102.62
a lead upto 30m
(ii) Unloading and Stacking of Bricks by manual 1000 Nos 102.62
means including a lead upto 30m
1704 Loading and Unloading of cement by Manual

(i) Loading of Cement by manual means Tonne 77.42

including a lead upto 30m

(ii) Unloading of Cement by manual means Tonne 77.42

including a lead upto 30 m

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Chapter No XVII

1705 Loading and Unloading of Structural Steel
and Steel Bars by manual means

(i) Loading of structural Steel, Steel Bars by Tonne 83.58

manual means including a lead upto 30m

(ii) Unloading of structural Steel, Steel Bars by Tonne 83.58

manual means including a lead upto 30m

1706 Loading and Unloading of Bitumen Drums by

Manual Means

(i) Loading of Bitumen Drums by manual means Tonne 91.07

including a lead upto 30m

(ii) Unloading of Bitumen Drums by Manual Tonne 82.95

Means including a lead upto 30 m

Note: the rate is inclusive of the self weight of

1707 Loading and Unloading of Timber by Manual

(i) Loading of Timber by manual means Tonne 134.26

including a lead upto 30m

(ii) Unloading of Timber by manual means Tonne 134.26

including lead upto 30m
Note: Density of wood has been assumed as
900 kg per cum. If the density is less the output
may be reduced proportionately

1708 Loading and Unloading of C.C. Blocks, kerb


(i) Loading with care C.C. Blocks, km Stone, Cum 201.81

200m stone, boundary Pillar, kerb, Channel,
Bond Stone, etc. by manual means including a
lead upto 30m

(ii) Unloading with care C.C. Blocks, km Stone, Cum 201.81

200m stone, boundary Pillar, kerb, Channel,
Bond Stone, etc. by manual means including a
lead upto 30m

1709 Loading and Unloading of Hume Pipes

(i) Loading of RCC Hume pipes by mechanical

including a lead upto 30m

A 900/100 / 1200m dia RCC Hume P/Pipe 59.57

B 750 mm dia RCC Hume pipe P/Pipe 35.70

C 600 /500/300 mm dia Hume pipe P/Pipe 25.55

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Chapter No XVII

(ii) Unloading of RCC Hume pipe by manual
means including a
A 900/100 / 1200m dia RCC Hume P/Pipe 245.07
B 750 mm dia RCC Hume pipe P/Pipe 204.26

C 600 /500/300 mm dia Hume pipe P/Pipe 153.16

(iii) Unloading of RCC Hume pipe by manual

means including a lead upto
A 900/100 / 1200m dia RCC Hume P/Pipe 40.60
B 750 mm dia RCC Hume pipe P/Pipe 24.36

C 600 /500/300 mm dia Hume pipe P/Pipe 17.43

1710 Haulage excluding Loading & Unloading

Haulage of materials by tipper excluding cost of
loading, unloading and stacking.
(i) Surfaced Road T/Km 3.22

(ii) Unsurfaced Gravel road T/Km 3.92

(iii) Katcha Track and Track in River T/Km 7.84

bed/Nallah bed & Choe bed
1711 Haulage excluding Loading & Unloading

Haulage of materials by truck excluding cost of

loading, unloading and stacking.
(I) Hume pipe 900 /1000/1200 mm dia

Case I (i) Surfaced Road P/Pipe 35.70

Case II (ii) Unsurface Gravel Road P/Pipe 42.98

Case III (iii) Katcha Track and Track in P/Pipe 86.38

River bed/Nallah bed & Choe bed

(II) Hume pipe 750mm dia

Case I (i) Surfaced Road P/Pipe 21.42

Case II (ii) Unsurface Gravel Road P/Pipe 25.76

Case III (iii) Katcha Track and Track in P/Pipe 51.87

River bed/Nallah bed & Choe bed

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Chapter No XVII

(III) Hume pipe 600/500/300 mm dia

Case I (i) Surfaced Road P/Pipe 15.33

Case II (ii) P/Pipe 18.41

Case III e(iii)
Katcha Track and Track in P/Pipe 34.30
River bed/Nallah bed & Choe bed
1712 Supply of Quarried Stone and Hand breaking

(i) Supply of Quarried stone and hand breaking Cum 805.70

into coarse aggregate to Grading 1 (90 mm to
45mm) as per Table 400.8 of Technical

(ii) Supply of quarried stone and hand breaking Cum 867.37

into coarse aggregate to Grading 2 ( 63 mm to
45mm) as per Table 400.8 of Technical

(iii) Supply of quarried stone and hand breaking Cum 929.04

into coarse aggregate to Grading 3( 53 mm to
22.4mm) as per Table 400.8 of
Technical Specifications.

(iv) Supplying and Stacking at site hard stone for Cum 508.20

(v) Supplying and Stacking sand at site of work Cum 508.20

1713 Crushing of stone Aggregate 100 per cent

passing through 53 mm sieve as per Table
500.6 of Technical Specifications
Crushing of stone boulders of 150 mm size in an Cum 531.30
integrated stone crushing unit of 200 t/h capacity
comprising of primary and secondary crushing
units, belt conveyor and vibrating screens to
obtain stone aggregates 100 per cent passing
through 53 mm sieve as per Table 500.6 of
Technical Specifications including the cost of
Note: 1. 800 cum of stone boulders are needed
to get 750 cum of stone aggregate

2. 85 percent of above cost will be attributed to

the production of 750 cum of stone aggregates
of 40mm size and balance 15 per cent will be for
smaller size agggregate and stone dust which
comes out as a by-product

3. The integrated stone crusher includes primary

and secondary crushing units
1714 Crushing of Stone Aggregates 100 per cent
passing through 22.4 mm sieve as per Table
500.6 of Technical Specifications.

Crushing of stone boulders of 150 mm size in an Cum 605.57

integrated stone crushing unit of 200 t/h capacity
comprising of primary and secondary crushing
units, belt conveyor and vibrating screens to
obtain stone aggregates 100 per cent passing
through 22.4 mm sieve as per Table 500.6 of
Technical Specifications including the cost of

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Chapter No XVII

Note: 1. 800 cum of stone boulders are needed
to get 670 cum of stone aggregate
2. 90 percent of above cost will be attributed to
the production of 670 cum of stone aggregates
and balance 10 per cent will be for smaller size
agggregate and stone dust which comes out as
a by-product
3. The integrated stone crusher includes primary
and secondary crushing units

1715 Crushing of Stone Aggregates Nominal size

13.2 mm as per Table 500.9 of Technical

I. Crushing of stone boulders of 150 mm size in Cum 678.16

an integrated stone crushing unit of 200 t/h
capacity comprising of primary and secondary
crushing units, belt conveyor and vibrating
screens to obtain stone aggregates of 13.2
mm nominal size as per Table 500.9 of
Technical Specifications including the cost of
II. Crushing of stone boulders of 150 mm size in Cum 678.16
an integrated stone crushing unit of 200 t/h
capacity comprising of primary and secondary
crushing units, belt conveyor and vibrating
screens to obtain stone aggregates of 11.2
mm nominal size as per Table 500.9 of
Technical Specifications including the cost of

Note: 1. 800 cum of stone boulders are needed

to get 600 cum of stone chips of size13.2mm
and 125 cum stone dust.
2. 95 per cent of above cost will be attributed to
be the production of 600 cum of satone chops of
13.2 mm size and balance 5 per cent to the
production of stone dust which comes out ad a
by- product.
3. The integrated stone crusher includes primary
and secondary crushing units

1716 Crushing of stone Aggregates 9.5 mm

Nominal size as per Table 500.9 of Technical

I. Crushing of stone boulders of 150 mm size in Cum 713.79

an integrated stone crushing unit of 200 t/h
capacity comprising of primary and secondary
crushing units, belt conveyor and vibrating
screens to obtain stone aggregates of 9.5 mm
nominal size as per Table 500.9 of Technical
Specifications including the cost of stone.

II. Crushing of stone boulders of 150 mm size in Cum 720.30

an integrated stone crushing unit of 200 t/h
capacity comprising of primary and secondary
crushing units, belt conveyor and vibrating
screens to obtain stone aggregates of 6.7 mm
nominal size as per Table 500.9 of Technical
Specifications including the coast of stone.

Note: 1. 800 cum of stone boulders are needed

to get 600 cum of stone chips of size 6.7mm
and 125 cum stone dust.

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Chapter No XVII

2. 95 per cent of above cost will be attributed to
be the production of 600 cum of stone chips of
9.5 mm size and balance 5 per cent to the
production of stone dust which comes out ad a
by- product.

3. The integrated stone crusher includes primary

and secondary crushing units

1717 Setting Out

(i) Typical benchmark as per drawing 200.1 and Km 3284.96

as per Technical Specification Clause 108

(ii) Typical refernce pillar as per drawing 200.2 Km 1495.90

and as per Technical Specification clause 108

1718 Clearing Grass and Removal of Rubbish

Clearing grass and removal of rubbish upto a
distance of 30m outside the periphery of the
area as per Technical Specification Clause 201

By Manual Means Hectare 8221.78

1719 Clearing and grubbing road land including

uprooting wild vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs,
saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm, removal
of stumps of such trees cut earlier and disposal
of unserviceable materials and stacking of
serviceable material to be used or auctioned,
upto a lead of 1000 m including removal and
disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150
mm in thickness as per Technical Specification
Clause 201.

(I) By Manual Means

(A) In are of non-thorny jungle Hectare 31416.14

(B) In area of throny jungle Hectare 42277.76

(II) By Mechanical Means

(A) In area of non-thorny jungle Hectare 64084.58

(B) In area of thorny jungle Hectare 77323.54

1720 Cutting of trees including cutting of trunks,

branches and removal of stumps

Cutting of trees including cutting of trunks,

branches and removal of stumps & roots,
refilling, compaction of backfilling and stacking of
serviceable material by manual means with all
lifts as per Technical Specififcation Clause 201

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Chapter No XVII

A. Lead upto 100m

(i) Girth above 300mm to 600 mm Each 164.22

(ii) Girth above 600mm to 900 mm Each 307.72

(iii) Girth above 900mm to 1800 mm Each 574.70

(iv) Girth above 1800mm to 2700 mm Each 1067.64

(v) Girth above 2700mm to 4500 mm Each 2228.80

(vi) Girth above 4500mm Each 6307.49

B. Lead upto 1000 m

(i) Girth above 300mm to 600 mm Each 181.79

(ii) Girth above 600mm to 900 mm Each 360.36

(iii) Girth above 900mm to 1800 mm Each 644.84

(iv) Girth above 1800mm to 2700 mm Each 1172.85

(v) Girth above 2700mm to 4500 mm Each 2345.70

(vi) Girth above 4500mm Each 6599.67

1721 Uprooting and Removing Stumps & Roots

Uprooting and Removing Stumps & roots,

compaction of backfilled and stacking of
servicable material by manual meand as per
Technical Specification Clause 201.
A. Lead upto 100m

(i) Girth above 300mm to 600 mm Each 92.75

(ii) Girth above 600mm to 900 mm Each 152.53

(iii) Girth above 900mm to 1800 mm Each 314.23

(iv) Girth above 1800mm to 2700 mm Each 611.73

(v) Girth above 2700mm to 4500 mm Each 1241.03

(vi) Girth above 4500mm Each 3521.49

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Chapter No XVII

B. Lead upto 1000 m

(i) Girth above 300mm to 600 mm Each 96.81

(ii) Girth above 600mm to 900 mm Each 167.16

(iii) Girth above 900mm to 1800 mm Each 331.80

(iv) Girth above 1800mm to 2700 mm Each 635.18

(v) Girth above 2700mm to 4500 mm Each 1270.22

(vi) Girth above 4500mm Each 3667.58

1722 Dismantling of Structures

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts,

retaining walls and other retaining walls and
other structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P
and scaffolding whereever necessary, sorting
the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead of
1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause
(I) By Manual Means

(A) Lime Concrete Cum 290.64

(B) Cement Concrete Cum 331.80

(C) Reinforced Cement Concrete Cum 753.55

B. By Mechanical Means

(A) Cement Concrete Cum 517.79

(B) Reinforced Cement Concrete Cum 794.08

1723 Dismantling Brick / Tile Work

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts,

bridges, retaining walls and other retaining walls
and other structures comprising of brick
masonry, including disposal of unserviceable
material and stacking the serviceable material
with all lift and lead of 1000 m as per Technical
Specification Clause 202

(A) Lime mortar Cum 208.46

(B) Cement mortar Cum 249.55

(C) Mud mortar Cum 192.01

(D) Dry Brick Pitching or Brick Soling Cum 183.82

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Chapter No XVII

1724 Dismantling of existing structures like culverts,
bridges, retaining walls and other retaining walls
and other structures comprising of stone
masonry, including disposal of unserviceable
material and stacking the serviceable material
with all lift and lead of 1000 m as per Technical
Specification Clause 202

(A) Rubble Stone Masonry in Lime Cum 224.91

(B) Rubble Stone Masonry in Cement Cum 249.55
( C) Rubble Stone Masonry in Mud Cum 208.46
(D) Dry Rubble Masonry Cum 200.20

(E) Dismantling Stone Pitching / Dry Cum 192.01

Stone Spalls
(F) Dismantling boulders laid in wire Cum 208.46
crates including opening of crates
and stacking dismantled materials

1725 Dismantling Wood Work Wrought and Planed Cum 436.80

Fixed in Frames of Trusses upto a height of
5m above Plinth Level as per Technical
Specification Clause 202.

1726 Dismantling Steel Work in all Types of

Sections upto a height of 5m above Plinth
Level excluding Cutting of rivet as per
Technical Specification Clause 202.

(A) Including dismembering

Tonne 891.45
(B) Excluding dismembering
Tonne 653.38
(C) Extra over Items (A) and (B) for Tonne 6.02 Labour rate for
cutting rivets. this is
through rate

1727 Scraping of bricks dismantled from brick work 1000 Nos 719.39 Labour rate for
including stacking as per Technical Specification this is
Clause 202 considered
through rate
In Lime / Cement Mortar
1728 Scraping of Stone from Dismantled Stone Labour rate for
Masonry as per Technical Specification Clause this is
202 considered
through rate
In Cement or Lime Mortar Cum 288.54

1729 Scraping Plaster in Lime or Cement Mortar form Sqm 10.08

Brick / Stone Masonry as per Technical
Specification Clause 202
1730 Removing all types of Hume pipes and stacking
within a lead of 1000 m including Earthwork and
Dismantling of Masonry Works as per Technical
Clause 202
(A) Upto 600 mm dia Hume pipe Mtre 106.72 Labour rate for
this is
(B) Above 600 mm to 900 mm dia Mtre 144.27 considered
Hume pipe through rate

(C) Above 900 mm dia Hume pipe Mtre 247.10

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Chapter No XVII

Note: 1. The excavation of earth, dismantling of
stone masonry work in head walls and protection
works is not included which is to be measured
and paid separately.

2. Credit for retrieved stone from masonry work

may be taken as per actual availability

1731 Dismantling of Flexible Pavements

Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal

of dismantled materials upto a lead of 100 m,
stacking serviceable and unserviceable
materials separately as per Technical
Specification Clause 202
(I) By Manual Means

(A) Bituminous Course Cum 530.39

(B) Granualr Courses Cum 398.44

(II) By Mechanical Means

(A) Bituminous Course Cum 293.02

1732 Dismantling of Cement Concrete Pavements

as per Technical Specification Clause 202

Dismantling of cement concrete pavements by Cum 2122.89

mechanical means using pneumatic tools
breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in
volume and stokc pilling at designated locations
and disposal of dismantled materials upto a lead
of 1000m, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately

Note: The above analysis is for removal of

complete pavement. In case full depth repair
work is required to be done. After dismantling,
provision of a concrete saw cutter may be added
for 0.25 h.

1733 Dismantling Guard Rails

Dismantling guard rails by manual means and R/Meter 60.06

disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and
upto a lead of 1000m, stacking serviceable
materials and unserviceable materials separaely
as per Technical Specification Clause 202.

1734 Dismantling kerb Stones

Dismantling kerb stones by manual means and R/Meter 14.77

disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and
upto a lead of 1000m as per Technical
Specification Clause 202

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Chapter No XVII

1735 Dismantling kerb Stones Channels

Dismantling kerb stones channels by manual R/Meter 22.26

means and disposal of dismantled material with
all lifts and upto a lead of 1000m as per
Technical Specification Clause 202

1736 Dismantling kerb Stones Channels

Dismantling kilometre stones including cutting of

earth, foundation and disposal of dismantled
material with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000m as
per Technical Specification Clause 202

(A) 5th km stone

Each 241.85
(B) Ordinary km Stones
Each 149.52
(C) 200 m Stones
Each 32.27
(D) Boundary Pillars
Cum 32.27
1737 Dismantling of Fencing

Dismantling of barbed wire fencing / wire mesh R/Meter 29.96

fencing including posts, foundation concrete,
backfilling of pit by manual means including
disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and
upto a lead of 1000 m, stacking serviceable
material and unserviceable material separately
as per Technical Specification Clause 202

1738 Dismantling of CI Water Pipe Line

Dismantling of CI Water Pipe Line 600 mm dia R/Meter 101.57

including disposal with all lifts and lead upto 1000
m and stacking of serviceable material and
unserviceable separately under supervision of
concerned department as per Technical
Specification Clause 202
Note: The rate analysis does not include any
excavation in earch or dismantling of masonry
works which are to be measured and paid

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Chapter No XVII

1739 Removal of Cement Concrete Pipe of Sewer

Removal of cement concrete pipe of sewer R/Meter 123.41

gutter 1500 mm dia under the supervision of
concerned department including disposal with all
lifts and lead upto 1000 m and stacking of
serviceable material and unserviceable
separately but excluding earth excavation and
dismantling of masonry works as per Technical
Specification Clause 202

Note: The rate analysis does not include any

excavation in earch or dismantling of masonry
works which are to be measured and paid

1740 Removal of Telephone / Electric Poles and


Removal of Telephone / Electric Poles with wires Each 119.35

including excavation and dismantling of
foundation concrete and lines under the
supervision of concerned department, disposal
with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000m and
stacking the serviceable and unserviceable
material separately as per Technical
Specification Clause 202

1741 Preparation of Foundation for Embankment

Scarifying Existing Grangular Surface to a

Depth of 50mm and disposal of scarified material
with a lift upto 3m and leads upto 1000 m as per Sqm 17.01
Technical Specification Clause 301.4

Note: In case material is to be reused at site,

transportation cost catered above (Sub-item b)
for disposal shall be deleted.

1742 Preparation of Foundation for Embankment

Scarifying Existing Bituminous Surface to a

Depth of 150mm by Mechanical Means

Scarifying Existing Bituminous Surface to a Sqm 9.24

Depth of 150mm and disposal of scarified
material with a lift upto 3m and leads upto 1000
m as per Technical Specification Clause 301.4

1743 Construction of Embankment with Material

Obtained from Roadway Cuttting

Construction of embankment with approved Cum 79.31

materials deposited at site from roadway cutting
and excavation from drain and foundation of
other structures graded and compacted to meet
requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per
Technical Specification Clause 301.5.

Note: In case the earth cutting is done by dozer

and pushed for filling in the embankment, the
input of dozer in the cost of embankment shall
be deleted as the same is already provided in
the cost of excavation. However, if the earth is
dumped by tippers from roadway cutting, the
input of dozer for spreading is required to be

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Chapter No XVII

1744 Construction of Embankment with Material
obtained from Borrow Pits
Construction of embankment with approved Cum 249.34
material obtained from bowwow pits with a lift upt
1.5 m, tranporting to site, spreading, grading to
required slope and compacting to meet
requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 with a
lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification
Clause 301.5

1745 (i) Excavation in Cutting in Soil by manual

means with lead upto 50m

Excavation for roadway in soil using manual Cum 77.14

means for carrying of cut earth to embankment
site with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m as
per Technical Specification Clause 302.3.

(ii) Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead

upto 100 m
Excavation for roadway in soil by mechanical Cum 64.96
means including cutting and pushing the earth to
site of embankment upto a distance of 100m,
including trimming bottom and side slopes in
accordance with requirements of lines, grades
and cross-sections.

(iii) Excavation in Soil using Hydraulic

Excavator and Tippers with disposal upto
1000 m

Excavation for roadwork in Soil with using Cum 39.20

Hydraulic Excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity
including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming
bottom and side slopes, in accordance with
requirements of lines, grades and cross-
sections, and tranporting to the embankment
location with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 1000
m as per Technical Specification Clause 302.3

1746 Excavation in Marshy Soil

Excavation for roadway in marshy soil with Cum 58.10

using Hydraulic Excavator of 0.9 cum bucket
capacity including cutting and loading in tippers,
and disposal with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto
1000 m, trimming of bottome and side slopes in
accordance with requirements of lines, grades
and cross-sections as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3.6

1747 Removal of Unsuitable Soil with Disposal

upto 1000 m
Removal of Unsuitable Soil including Cum 39.20
excavation, loading and disposal upto 1000m
lead but excluding compaction ground
supporting embankment subgrade replacement
by suitable soil, which shall be paid separately as
per Clause 303.5.2 as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3.11

Note: This item does not include replacement of

unsuitable soil by suitable soil. Replacement,
where required, is to be provided and paid
separately under Clause 303.5.2.

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Chapter No XVII

1748 (i) Excavation in ordinary Rock by manual
Excavation in ordinary rock using manual means Cum 119.91 Labour rate for
including loading in a truck and carrying of this is
excavated material to embankment site with a lift considered
upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m as per Technical through rate
Specification Clause 302.3.5.

(ii) Excavation in Ordinary Rock with Dozer

with lead upto 100m

Excavation for roadway in Ordinary Rock by Cum 68.39 Labour rate for
deploying a dozer D-50 including cutting and this is
pushing the cut earth to site of embankment considered
upto a distance of 100m (average lead 50 m), through rate
trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance
with the requirements of lines, grades and cross-
sections with lift upto 1.5 m as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3.5.

(iii) Excavation in ordinary rock using

Hydraulic Excavator and Tippers with
disposal upto 1000 m

Excavation for roadway in ordinary rock with Cum 69.65 Labour rate for
Hydraulic Excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity this is
including cutting and loading in tippers, considered
tranporting to the embankment site with a lift through rate
upto 1.5 m and lead upto 1000 m, trimming
bottom and side slopes, in accordance with
requirements of lines, grades and cross-
sections, as per Technical Specification Clause

1749 (i) Excavation in Hard Rock (requiring

blasting) with disposal upto 1000m

Excavation for roadway in hard rock (requiring Cum 277.90

blasting) by drilling, blasting and breaking,
trimming of bottom and side slopes in
accordance with requirements of lines, grades
and cross-sections and loading and disposal of
cut rock with a lift upto 1.5 m and leads upto
1000 m, as per Technical Specification Clause

Note: 1. The quality and availability of rock

shall be checked before affording credit.

2. In case some rock is issued to the contractor

at site, the item of carriage shall be reduced /
restricted to that extent.
3. Credit for useful material received as per site
conditions shall be taken into account. This has
been assumed to be 50 per cent for the purpose
of analysis.
(ii) Excavation in Hard Rock (blasting
Excavation for roadway in hard rock (blasting
prohibited) with rock breakers including breaking
rock, loading in tippers and disposal with a lift
upto 1.5 m and leads upto 1000 m, trimming
bottom and side slopes in accordance with
requirements of lines, grades and cross-sections
as per Technical Specification Clause 302.3.5

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Chapter No XVII

A. Manual Means Cum 721.70

Note: 1. Credit is considered for 50 percent of

quantity of work

2. Loading for disposal will be done manually,

being small quantity
3. In case some rock is issued to contractor at
site, the item of carriage shall be omitted to the
extent of quantity issued to the Contractor

B. Mechanical Means Cum 451.78

Note: 1. The quality and availability of rock shall

be checked before affording credit.

2. In case some rock is issued to the contractor

at site, the item of carriage shall be reduced /
restricted to that extent.
3. Credit for useful material received as per site
conditions shall be taken into account. This has
been assumed to be 50 per cent for the purpose
of analysis.
(iii) Excavation in Hard Rock (controlled

Excavation for roadway in hard rock with Cum 307.86

controlled blasting by drillling, blasting and
breaking rock, trimming bottom and side
slopes in accordance with requirements of lines,
grades and cross-sections loading and disposal
of cut rock with a lift upto 1.5 m and leads upto
1000 m, as per Technical Specification Clause
Note: 1. Credit is considered for 50 percent of
quantity of work

2. In case some rock is issued to the contractor

at site, the item of carriage shall be reduced /
restricted to that extent.

1750 Stripping, Storing and Relaying Top Soil

from Right - of-way (R.O.W.)

Stripping, Storing and preservation of top soil by Cum 134.12

keeping it damp in stock piles and keep wet till it
is used by road side at 15m internal and re-
application on embankment slopes, cut slopes
and other areas in localities where the available
embankment material is not conducive to plant
growth as per Technical Specification Clause

1751 Stripping, Storing and Relaying Top Soil

from Borrow Areas in Agricultural Fields

Stripping of top soil from borrow areas located in Cum 131.18

agriculture spreading and relaying after taking
the borrow earth to maintain fertility of the
agricultural field, finishing it to the required
levels to the satisfaction of the farmer / land
owner as per Technical Specification Clause

1752 Turfing with Sods

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Chapter No XVII

Furnishing and laying of the live sods of Cum 70.42
perennial turf forming grass on embankment
slope, verges or other locations shown on the
drawing or as directed by the Engineer including
preparation of ground, fetching of sods and
watering as per Technical Specification Clause
1753 Seeding and Mulching

Preparation of seed bed on previously laid top Sqm 202.44

soil, furnishing and placing of seeds, fertilizer,
mulching material, applying bituminous emulsion
@ 0.23 litre per sqm. And laying and fixing jute
netting, including watering for 3 months all as per
Technical Specification Clause 310.

1754 Construction of Subgrade and Earthen

Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Cum 238.14
Shoulders with approved material obtained from
borrow pits with all lifts and leads, tranporting to
site, spreading, grading to required slope and
compacted to meet requirement of Table 300.2
with lead upto 1000 m as per Technical
Specification Clause 303.1

1755 Compacting Original Ground

(i) Compacting original ground supporting


Loosening, Levelling and Compacting original Cum 21.98

ground supporting embankment to facilitate
placement of first layer of embankment, scarified
to a depth of 150 mm, mixed with water at OMC
and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve
minimum dry density as given in Tables 300.1
and 3002.2 for embankment construction as per
Technical Specification Clause 301.4.1.

(ii) Compacting original ground supporting


Loosening of the ground upto a level of 300 mm Cum 66.43

below the subgrade level, watered, graded and
compacted in layers to meet requirement of
Tables 300.1 and 300.2 for subgrade
construction as per Technical Specification
Clause 303.5.2.
1756 Repairs of damages caused by rain / spillage
of water

Preparation and surface treatment of Sqm 1.54

information by removing mud and slurry,
watering to the extent needed to maintain the
desired moisture content, trimming to the
required line, grade, profile and rolling with three
wheel 80-100 kN static roller, complete as per
Technical specification Clause 301.5.5.1

1757 Presplitting Rock Excavation Slopes

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Chapter No XVII

Carrying out excavation in hard rock to achive a Sqm 174.79
specified slope of the rock face by controlled use
of explosives and blasting accessories in
properly aligned and spaced drill holes, collection
of the excavated rock by a D-50 dozer, loading
in tipper by a front end loader and disposing of
the material with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto
1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause

Note: In case blasted rock is issued to the

Contractor against payment for construction
work, the cost of carriage shall be rduced to that
1758 Construction Embankment with Flyash /
Pond ash available from Coal or Lignite
Burning Thermal Plants as Waste Material.

Construction of embankment with flyash Cum 186.34

conforming to Table 1 of IRC:SP:58 obtained
from coal or lignite burning thermal power
stations as waste material, spread and
compacted in layer of 200 mm thickness each at
OMC, all as specified in IRC:SP:58 and as per
approved plans with lead upto 1000 m as per
Technical Specification Clause 306.

Note: 1. As flyash is available free of cost as

waste material from Theremal Plants, cost of
material has not been added.
2. The earth cover on sides and intermediate
layers of earth sandwiching the flyash have not
been included in this analysis. The same are
required to be provided as per approved design
and priced separately as embankment
1759 (i) Surface Drains in Soil

Construction of unlined surface drains of

average cross-setional area 0.40 sqm. In soil to
specified lines, grades, levels and dimensions.
Excavated material to be used in embankment
with a lift upto 3 m and lead of 50 m (average
lead 25 m ) as per Technical Specification
Clause 307.

A. Manual Means Meter 41.16

Note: Where lining of drain is provided, quantity
shall be worked out based on approved design
and drawing and priced on rate of cement
concrete of approved grade or stone / brick
masonry as the case may be

B. Mechancial Means

(ii) Surface Drains in Ordinary Rock Meter 12.60

Construction of unlined surface drain of average

cross-sectional area 0.4 sqm. In ordinary rock to
specified lines, grades, levels and dimensions as
per approved design and Technical Specification
Clause 307. Excavated material to be used in
embankment at site.

(A) Manual Means

Meter 61.67

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Chapter No XVII

(B) Mechanical Means Meter 28.91
(iii )Surface drains in Hard Rock

(A) Manual Means Labour rate for

this is
Meter 43.68
through rate
(B) Mechanical Means
Meter 70.00
1760 Chute Drains

A. Providing chute drains across embankment Meter 9652.16

slopes in approches of bridges and on horizontal
curves as per drawings.

B. Providing chute drains across embankment Meter 8513.26

slopes in approaches of bridges and on
horizontal curves as per drawings.

1761 Granular Sub-base with Well Graded Material

(Table 400.1)

A. By Mix in Place Method

Construction of granular sub-base by providing

well graded material, spreading in uniform layers
with Tractor mount grader on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at
OMC, and compacting with smooth wheel roller
to achieve the desired density, complete as per
Technical Specification Clause

(i) For Grading 1 Material Cum 1154.44

(ii) For Grading II Material Cum 423.92

(iii) For Grading III Material Cum 1093.40

B. Plant mix Method

Construction of granular sub-base by providing

well graded material, mixing in a mechanical mix
plant of OM, carriage of mixed material to work
site upto lead of 1000 m spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader on prepared surface
and compacting with smooth wheel roller to
achieve the desired density, complete as per
Technical Specification Clause 401

(i) For GradingI Material Cum 1185.80

(ii) For Grading II Material Cum 1163.61

(iii) For Grading III Material Cum 1116.78

1762 (i) Gravel / Soil - Aggregate Base (Table 400-

2) Gradign A

Construction of gravel / soil aggregate base by Cum 1163.26

providing well graded material, spreading in
uniform layers with Tractor mount grader on
prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method
with rotavator at OMC. And compacting with
three wheel 80-100 kN static roller to achieve
the desired density, complete as per Technical
Specifications Clause 402

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Chapter No XVII

(ii) Gravel / Soild - Aggregate Base (Tabel
400.2) Grading B

Construction of granular sub base by providing Cum 1153.04

well graded material, spreading in uniform layers
with Tractor mount grader on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at
OMC. And compacting with three wheel 80-100
kN static roller to achieve the desired density,
complete as per Technical Specifications Clause

(iii) Gravel / Soild - Aggregate Base (Tabel

400.2) Grading C
Construction of granular sub base by providing Cum 1142.89
well graded material, spreading in uniform layers
with Tractor mount grader on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at
OMC. And compacting with three wheel 80-100
kN static roller to achieve the desired density,
complete as per Technical Specifications Clause

(iv) Gravel / Soild - Aggregate Sub-

baseNominal Maximum size Grading 80 mm
(Tabel 2.3 of IRC SP 77 - -2008)

Construction of gravel / soil aggregate Sub base/ Cum 1020.88

Base by providing well graded material of
nominal miximum size grading 80mm as per
Table 2.3 of IRC SP 77 - 2008, spreading in
uniform layers with tractor nount appropriate
grading arrangements on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method at OMC with
tractor mount appropriate rotavator attachment
and compaction with three wheel 80 - 100 kN
static roller capacity to achieve the desired
density complete as per specifications contained
in Para 2.2., 3,6 and 3,7 of IRC SP 77 - 2008.

(v) Gravel / Soil - Aggregate Sub- base

Nominal Maximum size Grading 40 mm
(Tabel 2.3 of IRC SP 77 - -2008)
Construction of gravel / soil aggregate Sub base Cum 1061.62
/ Base by providing well graded material of
nominal miximum size grading 40mm as per
Table 2.3 of IRC SP 77 - 2008, spreading in
uniform layers with tractor nount appropriate
grading arrangements on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method at OMC with
tractor mount appropriate rotavator attachment
and compaction with three wheel 80 - 100 kN
static roller capacity to achieve the desired
density complete as per specifications contained
in Para 2.2., 3,6 and 3.7 of IRC SP 77 - 2008.

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Chapter No XVII

(v) Gravel / Soil - Aggregate Sub- base
Nominal Maximum size Grading 20 mm
(Tabel 2.3 of IRC SP 77 -2008)

Construction of gravel / soil aggregate Sub base Cum 1102.22

/ Base by providing well graded material of
nominal miximum size grading 20mm as per
Table 2.3 of IRC SP 77 - 2008, spreading in
uniform layers with tractor nount appropriate
grading arrangements on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method at OMC with
tractor mount appropriate rotavator attachment
and compaction with three wheel 80 - 100 kN
static roller capacity to achieve the desired
density complete as per specifications contained
in Para 2.2., 3,6 and 3.7 of IRC SP 77 - 2008.

1763 (i) Gravel / Soil - Aggregate Surface (Table


Construction of granular surface course by Cum 1112.44

providing well graded material, spreading in
uniform layers with Tractor mount grader on
prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method
with rotavator at OMC. And compacting with
three wheel 80-100 kN static roller to achieve
the desired density, complete as per Technical
Specifications Clause 402

(ii) Gravel / Soil - Aggregate Sub-base

Nominal Maximum size grading 10mm (2.3 of
IRC SP 77-2008)
Construction of gravel / soil aggregate Sub base Cum 1142.89
/ Base by providing well graded material of
nominal miximum size grading 10mm as per
Table 2.3 of IRC SP 77 - 2008, spreading in
uniform layers with tractor nount appropriate
grading arrangements on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method at OMC with
tractor mount appropriate rotavator attachment
and compaction with three wheel 80 - 100 kN
static roller capacity to achieve the desired
density complete as per specifications contained
in Para 2.2., 3.6 and 3.7 of IRC SP 77 - 2008.

(iii) Gravel / Soil Aggregate Sub- base

Nominal Maximum size Grading 5mm (Table
2.3 of IRC SP 77-2008)
Construction of gravel / soil aggregate Sub base Cum 1163.26
/ Base by providing well graded material of
nominal miximum size grading 5 mm as per
Table 2.3 of IRC SP 77 - 2008, spreading in
uniform layers with tractor nount appropriate
grading arrangements on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method at OMC with
tractor mount appropriate rotavator attachment
and compaction with three wheel 80 - 100 kN
static roller capacity to achieve the desired
density complete as per specifications contained
in Para 2.2., 3.6 and 3.7 of IRC SP 77 - 2008.

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Chapter No XVII

1764 (i) Lime Stabilisation for improviing Subgrade

Laying and spreading available soil in the

subgrade on a prepared surface, pulverising,
mixing the spread soil in place with rotavator with
2 percent slaked lime having minimum 70
percent of contents of CaO, grading with motor
grader and compacting with the smooth wheel
road roller at OMC to the desired density to form
a layer of improved Sub-grade as per Technical
Specification Clause 403.

(A) By Manual Means Cum 435.12

(B) By Mechanical Means Cum 457.87

Note: The exact quantity of time shall be as per


1765 Lime Treated Soil for Sub-Base

Providing, laying and spreading soil on a Cum 870.80

prepared sub-grade, pulversing, mixing the
spread soil in place with rotavator with 4 per cent
slaked lime with minimum content of 70 percent
of CaO, grading with motor grader and
compacting with the road roller at OMC to
achieve atleast 98 percent of the max dry
density to forma layer of sub-base as per
Technical Specification Clause 403.

Note: The exact quantity of time shall be as per

1766 Cement Treated Soil Sub- base / Base

Providing, laying and spreading soil on a Cum 740.39

prepared sub-grade, pulverising, adding the
designed quality of cement to the spread soil,
mixing in place with rotavator, grading with the
motor grader and compacting with the road roller
at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined
compressive strength and to form a layer of sub-
base / base as per Technical Specification
Clause 404.

Note: The exact quantity of cement shall be as

per design

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1767 Water Bound Macadam Sub-base / base

(I) WBM Grading 1

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
stone aggregates of specific sized to water
bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with three wheel 80 - 100 kN static roller in
stages to proper grade and camber, applying
and brooming, stone screening / binding
materials to fil up the interstices of coarse
aggregate, watering and compacting to the
required density Grading 1 as per Technical
Specification Clause 404

(A) By Manual Means Cum 1340.85

(B) By Mechanical Means Cum 1252.37

(II) WBM Grading 2

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting

stone aggregates of specific sized to water
bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with three wheel 80 - 100 kN in stages to
proper grade and camber, applying and
brooming, stone screening / binding materials to
fil up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density
Grading 2 as per Technical Specification Clause
(A) By Manual Means Cum 1421.98

(B) By Mechanical Means Cum 1333.50

Note: Type A Screening can be used in Grading

(III) WBM Grading 3

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting

stone aggregates of specific sizes to water
bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with three wheel 80 - 100 kN in stages to
proper grade and camber, applying and
brooming, stone screening to fil up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and
compacting to the required density Grading 3 as
per Technical Specification Clause 405

(A) By Manual Means Cum 1393.70

(B) By Mechanical Means Cum 1305.22

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Chapter No XVII

1768 Water Bound Macadam with Crushable
(I) WBM Grading 1
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
stone aggregates of specific sizes to water
bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with three wheel 80 - 100 kN static roller in
stages to proper grade and camber, applying
and brooming, crushable screening to fil up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and
compacting to the required density Grading 1 as
per Technical Specification Clause 405

(A) By Manual Means Cum 1251.18

(B) By Mechanical Means Cum 1162.77

(II) WBM Grading 2

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
stone aggregates of specific sizes to water
bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with three wheel 80 - 100 kN static roller in
stages to proper grade and camber, applying
and brooming, crushable screening to fil up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and
compacting to the required density Grading 2 as
per Technical Specification Clause 405

(A) By Manual Means Cum 1327.06

(B) By Mechanical Means Cum 1238.65

(III) WBM Grading 3

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting

stone aggregates of specific sizes to water
bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with three wheel 80 - 100 kN static roller in
stages to proper grade and camber, applying
and brooming, crushable screening to fil up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and
compacting to the required density Grading 3 as
per Technical Specification Clause 405

(A) By Manual Means Cum 1347.57

(B) By Mechanical Means Cum 1259.16

1769 Wet Mix Macadam

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting

graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam
specification including premixing the material
with water at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug
Mill), carriage of mixed material by tipper to site,
laying in uniform layers in sub-base / base
course on a well prepared sub-base and and
compacting with smooth wheel roller of 80 to
100 kN weight to achieve the desired density
including lighting, barricading and maintenance
of diversion, etc. as per Tables 400.11 & 400.12
and Technical Specification Clause 406

(A) By Mechanical Means with 1 km Cum 1206.31


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1770 Construction of Shoulders as per Technical
Specification Clause 407

A. Earthen Shoulders The rate as

applicable for
may be adopted

B. Hard Shoulders Rate as

applicable for
sub-base and /
or base may be
adopted as per

C. Paved Shoulders. The rates may

be adopted as
applicable for
different layers
of apvement
depending upon
design of paved

1771 Granular sub-base / base /surface course with

local materials (Table 400.13) by mix in place
method normal Construction of granular sub-
base by providing local material spreading in
uniform layers with motor grader on prepared
surface, mixing by mix in place method with
rotavator at once and compacting with smooth
wheel roller to achieve the desired density
complete as per Clasue 401.4 as per technical
Specification Clause 408.

(i) Using naturally occuring gravel Cum 601.16

(ii) Using Gravel mix soil using Cum 599.76

1772 Construction of Water Bound Macadam

using locally available material ( Table

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting

local material in block or large discrete particles,
such as kankar, Laterite, Dhandla etc. as per
Table 400.13 to water bound macadam
specification including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing, rolling with three wheel
80 - 100 kN static roller in stages to proper grade
and camber, applying and brooming requisite
type of screening / binding materials to fil up the
interstices of laid material watering and
compacting to the required density as per
Clause 405.3 Technical Specification Clause

(A) By Manual Means Cum 618.10

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Chapter No XVII

1773 Lime - Flyash Stablised Soil Sub-base

Construction of sub-base using lime-flyash Cum 830.20

admixture with grangular soil, free from organic
matter / deleterious material or clayay silts and
low plasticity clays having Pl between 5 and 20
and liquid limit less than 25 and commercial dry
limel, slaked at site or pre-slaked with CaO
content not less than 50 percent, flyash to
conform to gradation as per Clause 4.3 of
IRC:SP:20, lime+flyash content ranging between
10 to 30 percent, the minimum un-confined
compressive strength and CBR value after 28
days curing and 4 days soaking to be 0.75 MPa
and 25 percent respectively, all as specified in
IRC:88 including a lead upto 1000 m as per
Technical Specification Clause 409.

Note: 1. Comensation for earth will vary from

place to place and will have to be assessed
realistically as per particular ground situation. In
case earth is available from Govt. land,
compensation for earth will not be required to be
clearly stated in the cost estimate.
2. Cost of flyash has not be considered as same
will be available free of cost. Only carriage of
flyash has been provided.
3. Lime + Flyash has been taken as per 20
percent of total mass and ratio of lime and
flyash as 1:4 for estimating purposes. Total
quantities will be as per approved design.
1774 Construction of Sub-base / Course Using
Crushed Slag as per Table 400.19

Construction of Sub-base by providing crushed Cum 646.24

slag spreading in uniform layer with motor
grader on prepared surface mixing by mix-in-
place method with Rotavator @ OMC, and
copacting with three wheel 80-100 kN static
roller to achieve the desired density complete as
per Techncical Specifications Clause 402.4 and
1775 Water Bound Macadam using crushwed slag

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting Cum 824.60

crushed slag to water Bound Macadam
specification including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing rolling with smooth
wheel roller 80-100 kN in stages to proper grade
and camber, applying and brooming requisite
type of screening / binding materials to fill up the
interstees of crushed slag watering and
compacting to the required density as per
Clause 405.3 and Technical Specification
Clause 410.3.2

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Chapter No XVII

1776 Cement Bound Granular Material sub-base /
Providing laying and spreading granulated blast Cum 717.22
furnace slag on a prepared sub-grade
pulverising adding the designed quantity of
cement to the spread granulated blast furnace
slag mixing inplace with rotavator grading with
the mortar grader and compacting with smooth
wheel roller 80-100 kN at OMC to achieve the
desired unconfined compressive strength and to
form a layer of sub-base / base as per Technical
Specification Clauses 404.3 and 410.4.2.

Note: (i) The exact quantity of time shall be as

per design
(ii) Granulated ballast slag will be available free
of cost.

1777 Crusher Run Macadam Base

Providing crushed run stone aggregate grading

conforming to table 400.20 depositing on a
prepared surface by hauling vehicles , spreading
and mixing with a motor grader, watering and
compacting with a three wheel 80-100 kN static
roller as per Technical Specification Clause 411
to form a layer of sub-base / base

A. By mix-in-place method

(i) With 53 mm maximum size of Cum 1125.67


(ii) With 37.5mm maximum size of Cum 1274.77


B. By mixing plant method

(i) With 53 mm maximum size of Cum 1397.34

(ii) With 37.5 mm maximum size of Cum 1415.54

1778 Brick Soling

Laying brick soling layer on prepared sub-grade Sqm 365.05
with brick on end edging according to lines,
graded and cross setion shown on the drawing
filling joints with sand and earth, spreading
25mm thick layer of earth over brick soling,
watering and rolling the same with three wheel
road roller 80-100 kN as per Technical
Specification Clause 412

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Chapter No XVII

1779 Stone Set Pavement

Providing and laying stone set pavement on Sqm 305.62

prepared surface with sub-base 100mm thick
compacted Granular Sub-base as per Clause
401.4 and base 75 mm thick compacted water
bound macadam grading 2 as per Clause 405.3.
The 150 mm thick hammer desired stones are
laid in the herring one or stretched bond pattern.
The stones are compacted into the bedding
sand of 40mm over the WBM base bounded by
edge stone using suitable compacting device.
The gaps are filled with fine sand stone dust as
per Technical Specification Clause 413.4

1780 Prime Coat

(i) Low porosity

Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen Sqm 47.95
emulsion (SS-1) on prepared surface of
granular base including cleaning of road surface
and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70-1.0
kg/sqm using mechanical means as per
Technical Specification Clause 502

(ii) Medium porosity

Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen Sqm 58.94
emulsion (SS-1) on prepared surface of
granular base including cleaning of road surface
and spraying primer at the rate of 0.90-1.2
kg/sqm using mechanical means as per
Technical Specification Clause 502
(iii) High porosity

Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen Sqm 75.46

emulsion (SS-1) on prepared surface of
granular base including cleaning of road surface
and spraying primer at the rate of 1.2-1.5 kg/sqm
using mechanical means as per Technical
Specification Clause 502

1781 Tack Coat

(i) Providing and applying tract coat with bitumen Sqm 14.28
emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion distributor at the
rate of 0.2 to 0.25 kg/sqm on the prepared
bituminous surface cleaned with Hydraulic
broom as per Technical Specification Clause

(ii) Providing and applying tract coat with bitumen Sqm 21.35
emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion distributor at the
rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg/sqm on the prepared dry
and hungry bituminous surface cleaned with
Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification
Clause 503

(iii) Providing and applying tract coat with Sqm 17.15

bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion
distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg/sqm on
the prepared granular surfaces treated with
primer & cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per
Technical Specification Clause 503

(iv) Providing and applying tract coat with Sqm 20.02

bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion
pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30
kg/sqm on the prepared non-bituminours
surfaces (cement concrete pavement) cleaned
with Hydraulic broom as per Technical
Specification Clause 503

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Chapter No XVII

Note: (i) An output of 1750 sqm. has been
considered in case of track coat which can be
covered by bituminous courses on the same
(ii) The use of cutback bitumen (Medium Curing
grade) as per IS:217 shall be restricted only for
sites at sub-zero temperature or for emergency
applications as directed by the Engineer.

1782 Bituminous Macadam

Providing and laying bituminous macadam with Cum 8235.85
hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of
grading as per Table 500.4 premixed with
bituminous binder, transported to site upto a
lead of 1000 m laid over a previously prepared
surface with paver finished to the required grade,
level and alignment and rolled to achieve the
desired compaction as per Technical
Specification Clause 504

Note: 1 Although the rollers are required only for

3 hours as per norms of output, but the same
have to be available at site for six hours as the
hot mix plant and paver will take six hours for
mixing and paving the output of 225 t considered
in these analysis. To cater for the idle period of
these rollers, their usage rates may be
multiplied by a factor of 0.65

2. Quantity of bitumen has been taken for

analysis purpose. The actual quantity will
depend upon job mix formula

3. Labour for traffic control, watch and ward and

other miscellaneous duties at site, including
sundries have been included in administrative
over heads of the contractor
4.In case BM is laid over freshly laid track coat,
provision of Hydraulic broom and 2 mazdoor
for the same shall be detected as the same has
been included in the cost of tact coat

5. Analysis is based on 1000 m lead of mixed

material. Cost of additional cartage may be
added as per site requirement.

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Chapter No XVII

1783 Built- Up Spray Grout

Providing, laying and rolling of built-up spray

grout layer over prepared base consisting of a
two layer composite construction of crushed
coarse aggregates using motor grader for
aggrates. Key stone chips spreader may be
used with application of bituminous binder after
each layer, and with key aggregates placed on
top of the second layer to serve as a base,
conforming to the line, grades and cross-section
specified, the compacted layer thickness being
75 mm as per Technical Specification Clause
A. By Manual Means

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 363.86

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 368.62

B. By Mechanical Means Sqm 331.52

Note : 2 tippers will be needed to match the

capacity of hydraulic chip spreader and front end
1784 Modified Penetration Macadam
Construction of penetration macadam over
prepared base by providing a layer of
compacted crushed coarse aggregate using
chips spreader with alternate applications of
bituminous binder and key aggregates and
rolling with a three wheel 80-100 kN static roller
to achieve the desired degree of compaction as
per Technical Specification Clause 506.

A. 50 mm thick Sqm 193.34

B. 75 mm thick

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 231.70

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 234.78

1785 Surface Dressing using Bituminous
(Penetrations grade / modified bitumen)
Providing and laying surface dressing as
wearing course consisting of layer of bituminous
binder laid on the prepared surface followed by
a cover of crushed stone aggregates of
specified size and rolling with three wheel 80-100
kN statice roller including cleaning the road
surface as per Technical Specification Clause
A. Manual Means

(i) Nominal chipping size 13.2 mm

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 102.69

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 104.30

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 107.87

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 107.66

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 107.66

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Chapter No XVII

(ii) Nominal chipping size 9.5 mm

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 91.14

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 92.54

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 95.83

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 95.62

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 95.62

B. By Mechanical Means

(i) Nominal chipping size 13.2 mm

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 91.35

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 92.96

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 96.60

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 96.32

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 96.32

(ii) Nominal chipping size 9.5 mm

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 82.04

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 83.51

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 86.80

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 86.52

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 86.66

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Chapter No XVII

1786 Surface Dressing using Bitumen Emulsion

Providing and laying surface dressing as

wearing course dressing as wearing course
consisting of a layer of bitumen emulsion laid on
the prepared surface, followed by a cover of
crushed stone chippings of specified size and
rolling with 80-100 kN roller including cleaning
the road surface as per Technical Specification
Clause 507

A. By Manual Means

I Nominal aggregate size 13.2 mm Sqm 110.95

II Nominal chipping size 9.5 mm Sqm 101.36

B. By Mechanical Means

I Nominal aggregate size 13.2 mm Sqm 100.73

II Nominal chipping size 9.5 mm Sqm 93.17

Note: Where the proposed aggregate fails to

pass he stripping value test, an approved
adhesion agent may be added to the binder as
per Clause 507.24. Alternatively, chips may be
pre-coated as per Clause 507.25

1787 Pre-coating of chips

Pre-coating of chips with 1 percent of paving

bitumen by weight of chips in a suitable mixer
duly heated to 160 degree C as per Technical
Specification Clause 507.2.5
(I) Bitumen (S-90) Cum 2071.30

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Cum 2096.64

1788 20 mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet

using Bituminous (penetration grade /
modified bitumen) Binder
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded
premix carpet of 20 mm thickness composed of
13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates either using
penetration grade bitumen or emulsion to
required line, grade and level to serve as
wearing course on a previously prepared base,
including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and
rolling with a three wheel 80-100 kN static roller
capacity, finished to required level and grades to
be followed by seal coat of either Type-A or Type
B or Type C as per Technical Specification
Clause 508

A. By Manual Means

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 175.28

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 177.52

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 182.84

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 182.42

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 182.56

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Chapter No XVII

B. By mechanical Means

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 165.48

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 167.79

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 173.04

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 172.62

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 172.76

1789 20 mm thick Open Graded Premix Carpet Sqm 151.34

using Bitumen Emulsion as per Technical
Specification Clause 508.2

1790 Mix Seal Surfacing

Providing, laying and rolling of close - graded

premix surfacing material of 20mm thickness
composed of 11.2 mm to 0.9 mm (Type-A) or
13.2 mm to 0.9 mm (Type-B) aggregates using
penetration grade bitumen to required line, grade
and level to serve as wearing course on a
previously prepared base, including mixing in a
Suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three
wheel 8-10 kN static roller and finishing to
required level and grades as per Technical
Specification Clause 509.

A. By Manual Means

(i) Type - A

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 252.07

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 255.57

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 263.48

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 262.92

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 263.13

(ii) Type B

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 229.74

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 232.75

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 239.61

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 239.12

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 239.26

B. By Mechanical Means

(i) Type A

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 225.68

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 229.18

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 237.16

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 236.60

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 236.74

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Chapter No XVII

(ii) Type - B

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 203.42

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 206.43

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 213.22

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 212.80

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 212.80

1791 Seal Coat

Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids

in a bituminous surface laid to the specified
levels, grade and cross fall using Type A, Type B
and Type C as per Technical Specification
Clause 510

A. By Manual Means

(i) Type A

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 88.06

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 89.60

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 93.17

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 93.17

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 92.96

(ii) Type B

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 66.22

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 67.34

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 69.72

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 69.58

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 69.58

(iii) Type C

Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 65.38

Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 66.43
Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 68.74
Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 68.60
Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 68.60
Note: Since seal coat is provided immediately
over the bituminous layers, hydraulic broom for
cleaning has not been catered for.

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Chapter No XVII

B. By Mechanical Means

(i) Type A

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 88.06

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 89.60

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 93.17

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 92.89

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 92.96

Note: Since seal coat is provided immediately

over the bituminous layers, hydraulic broom for
cleaning has not been catered for.

(ii) Type B

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 64.26

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 65.38

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 67.76

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 67.62

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 67.62

Note: Since seal coat is required to be provided

over the premix carpet on the same day, out of
the 6 working hours of HMP, 4.00 hours are
proposed to be utilised for the premix carpet and
the balance 2.00 hours has been considered for
this case.

(iii) Type C

(I) Bitumen (S-90) Sqm 63.42

(II) Bitumen (S-65) Sqm 64.54

(III) Polymer Modified Bitumen Sqm 66.85

(IV) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 66.64

(V) Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Sqm 66.71

Note: Since seal coat is provided immediately

over the bituminous layers, hydraulic broom for
cleaning has not been catered for.

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Chapter No XVII

1792 Supply of Stone Aggregates for Pavement
Supply of stone aggregates from approved
sources confirming to the physical requirement,
specified in the respective clauses, including
royalities, fees rents, collection, transportation,
stacking and testing and measures in cum as
per clause 511.5
(i) Supply of quarried stone and hand breaking Cum 805.70
into coarse aggreate to Grading 1 (90mm to
45mm) as per table 400.8 of Technical

(ii) Supply of quarried stone and hand breaking Cum 867.37

into coarse aggreate to Grading 2 (63mm to
45mm) as per table 400.8 of Technical
(iii) Supply of quarried stone and hand breaking Cum 929.04
into coarse aggreate to Grading 3 (53mm to
22.4mm) as per table 400.8 of Technical

Note: In case for supply of aggregates at site are

not available, nearest crusher site may be
ascertained. Loading and unloading charges and
cost of carriage may be added to these rates to
arrive at the cost at site.

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