PDF ADVT English 602 PDF
PDF ADVT English 602 PDF
PDF ADVT English 602 PDF
NO : A-5/E-1/2018
m elÙ e ce sJ e p eÙ e les
Date of Commencement of On-line Application : 28/12/2018 also be kept in notice that the photo must be latest passport size. In
Last Date for Receipt of Examination Fee On-line case the photo and signature, scanned in the prescribed size, are not
in the Bank: 25/01/2019 uploaded, then the On-line system will not accept it. The procedure
Last Date for On-line Submission of Application: 28/01/2019 related for scanning of the photo and signature is laid down in the
SPECIAL NOTICE : (a) On-Line Applications will be accepted only Appendix-1. After filling in all entries in the format, the candidates
when prescribed fee is deposited in the Bank upto prescribed last may click “PREVIEW ” to see for them selves that all entries and
date for fee deposition. If the fee is deposited in Bank after the last informations are correctly entered and after satisfying themselves
date prescribed for fee deposition, the on-line application of the should click “Submit” button to forward the same to the Com mission.
candidate will not be accepted and the fee deposited in the Bank will It is essential that the candidate should fill all informations On-line
not be refunded in any condition. It w ill be responsibility of the correctly according to the instructions given and click the “Submit”
candidates to deposit fee in the Bank upto the last date prescribed for button by the last date prescribed for submission of the application
fee deposition and to ‘subm it’ the application upto the last date form. If the candidate does not click the “Submit” button, the ON-LINE
prescribed for submission of applications. It is also informed that less application process shall not be completed finally and the candidate
or more amount deposited in the form of examination fee shall not be shall be accountable for this. After clicking the ‘Submit’ button, the
refunded in any condition. candidate may take a print of the application to preserve it with them.
(b) In Online Application System, the candidates have to provide their In the event of any discrepancy, the candidate will be required to submit
Mobile No. and valid e-mail ID in prescribed column failing which their the said print in the office of the Commission, otherwise his/her request
Basic Registration shall not be completed. All relevant informations/ shall not be entertained. However it is clarified to the candidates
instructions shall be sent through SMS on that mobile and e-mail on that at the stage of preliminary examination, the hard copy of
their valid e-mail ID. the documents including their On-line Application should not
APPLICATIONS THROUGH ON-LINE 2. Application Fee: In the ON-LINE Applic ation process , after
This advertisement is also available on the Com mission’s website completing the procedure of first stage, Category wise prescribed
http://uppsc.up.nic.in. The online application system is applicable examination fee is to be deposited as per instructions provided in second
for applying against this advertisement. Applications sent by any other stage.
mode shall not be entertained hence candidates are advised to apply The prescribed fee of Preliminary examination for different categories
On-line only. In connection with On-line application, candidates are is as under:-
advised to go through the instructions thoroughly given as under and (i) Unreserved / Other – Exam fee Rs. 100/- + On-line processing
apply accordingly:- Backward Class fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 125/-
1. W hen t he candidat e c licks “ALL N OTIF ICATIONS / (ii) Scheduled Caste / – Exam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing
ADVE RTIS E M ENTS ” on the C om m iss ion’s w eb site htt p:/ / Scheduled Tribe fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 65/-
uppsc.up.nic.in the On-line advertisem ent shall be autom atically (iii) Handicapped – Exam fee NIL + On-line processing
displayed, wherein there shall be 3 parts as given below: fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 25/-
(i) User Instructions (iv) Dependents of the Freedom–According to their original category
(ii) View Advertisement Fighters/Ex-Serviceman/Women
(iii) Apply 3. The Basic Registration of such candidates will not be accepted
A list of all the advertisem ents will be displayed in which “On-line who have been debarred from U.P. Public Service Commission and
System” is applicable. The Instructions for filling On-line form have been their period of debarment has not been completed. In addition to above,
giv en in U s er Instr uction. Th e C andidat es des ir ous t o see the applications submitted without requisite informations regarding
the advertisement will have to click before ‘View Advertisement’ to debarment, if it is found at any stage in future that the applications
which they are desirous to see, full advertisement will be displayed have been submitted concealing this fact, his/her candidature will
along with sample snapshots of ON-LINE Application Procedure. Click be rejected at any stage and the commission will consider to debar
on “Apply” for On-line Application. them from all future examinations/selections including extension of
On-line application will be completed in three stages : debarment period. In this regard, if the claims of the candidates made
First Stage: On clicking “Apply”, Candidate Registration will be in their On-line applications are not found true, they can be debarred
displayed. Basic Registration form will be displayed on clicking the not only from the examination in question but from all the future
‘Candidate Registration’ respective to Examination. After filling the Basic examinations and selections made by the commission also including
Registration form, the candidates must check all the informations filled other appropriate penalties.
by them. If any correction / modification is required, click on "Edit" button 4. Modify Submitted Application: If a candidate comes to know about
and ensure the required corrections / modifications. After being fully any error/errors in the submitted application form except in exam, name
satisfied with all the informations filled, click on ‘Submit Application’. and type of recruitment, Registered Mobile Number, E-mail ID, Aadhaar
Consequently, the registration of first stage shall be over. Thereafter Number and such cases where prescribed fee for modified category is
“Print Registration Slip” shall be displayed and Print of Registration higher (In case of error in these entries, candidate may submit new
Slip must be taken by clicking on Print Registration Slip. online application with prescribed fee only as previously deposited fee
Second Stage: After the completion of the procedure of first stage, will neither be adjusted nor refunded) he/she will be given only one
‘Fee to be deposited [in INR]’ shall be displayed with caption “Click opportunity to modify it/them according to the following procedure before
here to proceed for payment”. After clicking the above caption of “Click the last date of the submission of application form.
here to proceed for payment”, home page of State Bank MOPS (Multi "Candidate has to click on 'Modify Submitted Application' under 'Online
Option Payment System) shall be displayed comprising of 03 modes of application process' in Candidate Segment. After that 'Candidate
payment viz. (i) NET BANKING (ii) CARD PAYMENTS and (iii) OTHER Personal Details' will be displayed on the screen to fill in Registration
PAYMENT MODES. After depositing the required fee by any one of the No., Date of Birth, Gender, Domicile and Category. After filling the
above prescribed modes, “Payment Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR)” Verification code the candidate has to click on the 'proceed' button
shall be displayed along with detail of fee deposition, the print of which following which for Authentication of the candidate OTP (One Time
must be taken by clicking on “Print Payment Receipt.” Password) will be sent on the registered mobile no. of the candidate
Third Stage: On completion of the procedure of second stage, click and the Option-Box will be displayed on the screen to fill in the OTP.
on “Proceed for final submission of application form as a result of which After the candidate has filled in the OTP and clicks on the 'proceed'
‘format’ shall be displayed. The candidates are required to enter all button his/her previously submitted on line application form will be
the required informations in the format. The photo and signature, duly displayed on the screen. The candidate can submit his/her on line
scanned shall be uploaded also. The candidate should scan his/her application form after making required modifications in it. This facility
photograph and signature in the prescribed size (the size will be will be available to the candidates only one time within the last date of
mentioned at the specified space in the On-line application). This should submission of application form."
5. The U .P. Public Service C om m iss ion shall hold Pr elim inary 11. Age Limit: (i) Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years
Exam ination at v arious Centr es of t he D is tr icts m entioned in and must not have crossed the age of 40 years on July 1, 2018 i.e.
Appendix-2 of this advertisement for selecting suitable candidates they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1978 and not
for admission to the Assistant Prosecution Officer (Main) Examination later than July 1, 1997. For PH candidates, the maximum age limit is
2018. The selection will be made on the basis of total marks obtained 55 years i.e. they m ust have not been born before 02 July, 1963,
by the candidates in Main (written) examination and interview. The (ii) Relaxation in Upper Age Limit: (a) Upper age limit shall be greater
Centre of Examination, decided by the Commission, will be intimated to by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes of U.P.,
the candidates by means of their e-Admission Certificate. The no. of Scheduled Tribes of U.P., Other Backward Classes of U.P., Skilled
Districts/centres may be increased/decreased according to final number players of classified Games, State Govt. employees of U.P. including
of applications received in the office of the Commission. the teachers/Staff of Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. and teachers/Staff
6. No. of Vacancies: Presently, the no. of Vacancies is 17 which may of the Govt. Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P. i.e. they must have
be increase or decrease in exceptional circumstances on the request not been born before 2nd July 1973.
of the State Government. (b) Upper age limit shall also be greater by five years for the Emergency
Nature of Post: Gazetted, Pay Level–8, ` 47,600 – 1,51,100/-. Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers/Ex-Army
7. Reservation: The reservation for Scheduled Castes of U.P./ Personnels of U.P. who have rendered at least five years service in
Scheduled Tribes of U.P./Other Backward Class candidates of U.P. shall Army, but there shall be no reservation. No relaxation is admissible in
be admissible in accordance with the provisions of relevant Govt. Rules. upper age limit for D.F.F. Candidates.
Accordingly, reservation for category under horizontal as Dependents 12. Some Information About Main Examination And Interview:
of Freedom Fighters of U.P., P.H. of U.P. and Women candidates of U.P. (i) Only such c andidates w ill be adm itted to t he M ain (w ritten
shall be admissible on settlement of vacancies. Reservation for P.H. of exam inat ion) w ho are dec lared suc cess ful in the Prelim inary
U.P. shall be permissible for the notified/identified Posts. Examination for which the successful Candidates will have to fill up
Note : (1) The Candidates claiming the benefit of reservation/age another application form according to instructions of the Commission
relaxation must obtain, in support of their category a certificate issued and for this application, the Examination fees for General, Other
by competent authority on the proforma available on Appendix-3 of Backward Class and for Candidates of Other States is Rs. 200/- and
the Website of this detailed advertisement and shall submit the same Rs. 25/- as Online Processing fees = Rs. 225/- and for Scheduled Caste
to the Commission when asked for. and Scheduled Tribe Candidates the fees is Rs. 80/- and Rs. 25/- as
On-line processing fees = Rs. 105/- only. The Candidates of Physically
(2) All Reserved candidates of U.P. must mention their Category /Sub
Handicapped category of U.P. are exempted from fees but they have to
Category in the Application.
pay Rs. 25/- only as On-line Processing fees, but the candidates of
(3) Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation in more than one
D.F.F., women candidates and Ex-Army Personnels, of U.P. shall have
category will be entitled to only one concession whichever is more
to deposit their fees according to their original category.
beneficial to them.
(ii) Candidates should carefully note that they will have to appear in
(4) The Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Class,
the main exam ination against the sam e Roll No. allotted f or the
Dependents of Freedom Fighters, P.H. and women candidates who are
Preliminary Examination.
not the permanent resident of U.P. shall not be given the benefit of
(iii) The dates and venue for the Main examination shall be informed
reservation. Such candidates shall be treated as the candidates of the
by the Commission later on through e-Admit cards.
General Category.
(iv) Only such candidates will be called for interview who are declared
(5) In case of women candidates the caste certificate/domicile certificate
successful on the basis of the main (written) examination.
issued from father side only be treated valid.
(v) Candidates will have to fill up the prescribed application form before
(6) It is mandatory for the candidates to enclose self-attested copies of
the Interview (viva-voce test).
all the certificates alongwith the application forms of Main Examination
(vi) All original certificates shall be verified at the time of Interview.
in support of the claims made by them in their application forms of
Candidates w ill also be required to furnis h f our passport size
Preliminary Examination regarding eligibility and category/sub-category
Photographs, tw o unattested and two attested by their Head of
for the benefit of reservation failing which their claim as a reserved
Department or Head of the Institution where they have receiv ed
category candidate shall not be entertained. education or by a Gazetted Officer at the time of Interview.
8. Conditions of Eligibility (For age relaxation only): Eligibility in (vii) Candidates serving under the Central or State Government will
case of Emergency Commissioned/Short Service Commissioned have to produce 'No Objection Certificate' from their employer at the
Officers: In accordance with the provisions of the G.O. No. 22/10/1976- time of Interview issued by the competent authority.
karmik-2-85, dated 30-1-1985 Emergency Commissioned/Short Service (viii) It is essential for the candidates to appear in the interview who
Commissioned Officers who have not been released from Army but qualify on the basis of Main Examination.
whose period of Army service has been extended for rehabilitation, Note: The candidates must enclose all certificates in support of their
may also apply for this examination on the following conditions: claims rendered in the application form for main examination. If they do
(A) Such applicants will have to obtain a certificate of the competent not enclose certificates in support of their claims, their candidature
authority of Army, Navy, Air Force to the effect that their period of Service shall be cnacelled.
has been extended for rehabilitation and no disciplinary action is pending 13. Important Instructions For Candidates: (1) As per decision of
against them. the UPPSC a candidate will be liable to be debarred from this
(B) Such applicants will have to subm it in due course a written examination and all other future examinations and selections upto a
undertaking that in case they are selected for the post applied for, maximum period of five years for furnishing any wrong information in
they will get themselves released immediately from the Army Service. his/her application form which can not be substantiated by relevant
The above facilities will not be admissible to Emergency/Short Service documents or for any other malpractice.
Commissioned Officers, if (a) he gets permanent Commission in the (2) No change in category, sub-category, Date of Birth etc. is permissible
Army, (b) he has been released from the Army on tendering resignation, after the receipt of application form in the office of the Commission. In
(c) he has been released from the Army on grounds of misconduct or this regard no application for error correction/modification shall be
physical disability or on his own request and who gets gratuity. The acceptable.
candidates must possess all the requisite qualifications/eligibility (3) The date of birth of the candidates shall be admissible as entered
conditions till the last date for submitting the applications. in High School Certificate. The candidate will have to attach his/
9. Marital Status: Male candidates who are married and have more her High School or Equivalent Exam ination Certificate with the
than one wife living and female candidates who have married a person application form of Main Examination. No Other Certificates shall be
already having a wife, shall not be eligible unless the Hon'ble. Governor acceptable for Date of Birth and if it is not attached with the application,
has granted an exemption from this condition. it shall be rejected.
10. Educational Qualification: The candidates must possess Law (4) The candidates will have to enclose self attested copies of
Degree from any recognized University upto the last date for receipt of Marksheets, Certificates & Degrees alongwith the application form of
application. Preferential: Other things being equal such candidate Main examination in support of their claims of Educational Qualifications.
shall be given preference who (1) Has served for a minimum period of If they do not enclose self attested certificates/documents in support
two years in Territorial Army or (2) Has obtained "B" certificate of N.C.C. of their claims, the applications shall be rejected.
(5) The benefit of reservation to the categories of Handicapped persons (20) The minimum efficiency standard for S.C. & S.T. candidates is fixed
of society shall be given only on the posts which are identified by the as 30% i.e. the Candidates of these Categories shall not be placed in the
Government for their Sub category. For this benefit, the Handicapped merit/select list if they have secured less than 30% marks in the Preliminary/
persons must produce a certificate of being handicapped in that Sub Main examination. Similarly, the minimum efficiency standard for the
category on the prescribed proforma issued by prescribed Medical candidates of other categories is fixed as 40% i.e. such candidates shall
Officer/Specialist and counter signed by the Chief Medical Officer not be placed in the merit/select list if they have secured less than 40%
according to Rule 2 of U.P. Public Service (Reservation for physically marks in the Preliminary/Main examination. All such candidates who have
secured less marks than the marks of minimum efficiency standard as
Handicapped, Dependent of Freedom Fighters and Ex-Servicemen
fixed by the Commission shall be treated disqualified.
(Amendment) Act, 1997 read with G.O. dated 03 Feb., 2008).
(21) The candidates shall be required to obtain such minimum marks in
(6) The Ex-Army personnels must be discharged from Army up to the
compulsory paper of General Hindi as may be determined by the Govt. or
last date prescribed for receipt of applications.
the Commission as the case may be.
(7) Date, time and venue etc. of examination along with Roll No. will be
communicated to the candidates through e-Admit Cards. Candidates
1. In no circumstances, applications of any stage shall be accepted
will hav e to appear at the centre/venue allotted to them by the
after the last prescribed date and time. Applications found without
Com m ission. No change in centre/venue is perm issible and no
requisite informations and without photograph and signature, even when
application shall be entertained in this regard.
received in time, may be summarily rejected.
(8) The candidature of such candidates who are subsequently found
2. In the On-line system, the candidates must ensure that all the requisite
ineligible according to the terms laid down in advertisement will be
informations have been duly filled and must click the submit Button by
cancelled and their any claim for the Main Examination will not be the last prescribed Date & Time. Candidates must take the Print and
entertained. The decision of the Commission regarding eligibility of keep it safely. In any discrepancy, the candidates will have to produce
the candidates shall be final. the said print otherwise no request shall be entertained.
(9) The Application/candidature will be rejected/cancelled if the 3. Those candidates, willing to take the benefit of the reservation/
application is not submitted on prescribed form, date of birth is not age relaxation must obtain a certificate, issued by the competent
mentioned or wrong date of birth is mentioned, overage, under age, authority, in support of the reserved category, in the prescribed format
not fulfilling the m inim um educational qualifications, applications printed in this detailed advertisement (Appendix-3) and submit the
received after last date and no signature under declaration in the format. same to the Commission, whenever required to do so. Those claiming
(10) The Commission m ay admit the candidates provisionally after more than one reservation/age relaxation will be given only one such
summary checking of the applications but if it is found at any stage that concession, which will be more beneficial. The Candidates who are not
applicant was not eligible or that his/her application should have been originally domiciled of U.P. belonging to SC, ST, O.B.C., dependents of
rejected or was not entertainable initially, his/her candidature will be freedom fighters, Ex-Army personnel, Skilled Players, P.H. and women
rejected and if the candidate is selected, the recommendation of the are not entitled to benefit of reservation/age relaxation. Such candidates
Commission for the appointment shall be withdrawn. will be treated as unreserved (general) candidates. In case of the
(11) The Commission reserves the right of cancelling the candidature women candidates, the domicile/caste certificate issued from father side
will be treated valid.
of any candidate found indulging in any malpractice i.e. copying in
4. The Commission do not advise to candidates about their eligibility.
examination hall or indiscipline, misbehavior or canvassing for his/her
Therefore, they should carefully read the advertisement and when
candidature. On violation of these instructions, the candidates may be
satisfied about their eligibility as per conditions of the advertisement,
debarred from this examination as well as future Examinations and
only then apply. The candidates m ust possess all the requisite
selections. In this regard, decision of the Commission shall be final. qualifications till the last date for submitting the applications.
(12) In all communication to the Commission, the candidate must mention 5. In the category of dependents of the freedom fighters only sons,
the name of examination, advertisement No., registration No., date of daughters, grandsons (Son's son/daughter's son) and grand daughters
birth of candidate, father's/Husband's name and also the Roll Number, (son's daughter/daughter's daughter, married/unmarried) are covered.
if communicated. It is advised that the candidates of aforesaid category must obtain the
(13) Candidates selected for appointment will have to undergo Medical reservation certificate from the District Magistrate in terms of Govt.
Examination as required under the Rules. Order No. 453/79-V-1-15-1(Ka)-14-2015, dated 07.4.2015 in the
(14) On the basis of the Preliminary Examination, eighteen times prescribed format and submit the same.
candidates to the number of vacancies, shall be declared qualified for 6. In the event of involvement of a candidate in the concealment of any
the Main Examination and three times candidates on the basis of the important information, pendency of any case/criminal case, conviction,
Main Examination shall be called for the interview. more than a husband or wife being alive, submission of facts in a
(15) The candidates who are appearing in the Examination of essential distorted manner, malpractice, canvassing for candidature/selection
qualification prescribed for the posts need not apply, because they etc., the Commission reserves the right to reject the candidature and
are not eligible. debar him from appearing in the examination in question and in all
(16) While filling the answer sheets, the candidates must use Black other future examinations and selections.
Ball Point Pen Only. Use of any other pen or pencil is strictly prohibited. 7. In case the candidates feel any problem in the "On-line Application"
they may get their problem resolved by contacting over phone or on
(17) Candidates are directed to fill in all the entries correctly in the
Website clicking 'Contact us'.
OMR Answer Sheet. In case of leaving them blank or filling them
8. The procedure relating to upload scanned photo and signature is
erroneously the candidate will be wholly responsible for the same &
given in Appendix-1. The name of Districts for Preliminary Examination
the commission will not evaluate his/her OMR Answer Sheet. The
are available in the advertisement in Appendix-2 and proformae for
informations filled in the Answer sheets must not be erased by whitener,
reservation on Appendix-3. In the same way the plan of Examination
blade or rubber etc.
and the syllabus for Preliminary Examination on Appendix-4 and
(18) Candidates shall be provided OMR answer sheets in duplicates syllabus for Main Examination is on Appendix-5 respectively are
i.e. original copy and candidate's copy. After com pletion of the available.
examination, the candidates are required to hand over the original copy Detailed Application Form:
to the Invigilator and the candidate's copy to keep with them. At the top of the page, there is a Declaration for the candidates
(19) In the Preliminary Examination for the objective type Question they are advised to go through the content of the Declaration carefully.
papers, penalty (Negative Marking) shall be imposed for wrong answers Candidate has the option to either agree or disagree with the content
given by the candidates which is as below:– of Declaration by clicking on 'I Agree or 'I do not agree' buttons. In
(i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For case the candidate opts to disagree, the application will be dropped,
each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the and the procedure will be terminated. Accepting to agree only will submit
candidate, one third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will the candidate's Online Application.
be deducted as penalty. Notification Details
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a This section shows information relevant to Notification
wrong answer even if one of the given answer happens to be correct Personal Details
and there will be same penalty as above for that question. This section shows Information about candidate personal details i.e.
(iii) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, Registration Number, candidate name, Father/Husband name, Gender,
there will be no penalty for that question. DOB, UP domicile, Category, Marital status, email and contact number.
Other Details of candidate LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: On-line Application
Other details of candidate show the information about UP Freedom process m ust be completed (including filling up of Part-I, Part-II and
Fighter, Ex Army, service duration and physical deformity. Part-III of the Form) before last date of form submission according to
Education & Experience Details Advertisement after which the web-link will be disabled.
It show/educational and experience details of the candidate. Appendix-1
Candidate address, photo & signature details The Procedure relating to upload Photo & Signature.
It shows communication address and photo with signature of the Guide Lines for Scanning Photograph with Signature
candidate 1. Paste the Photo on any white paper as per the above required
Declaration segment dimensions. Sign in the Signatue Space provided. Ensure that the
At the bottom of the page there is a 'Declaration' for the candidate. signature is within the box.
Candidates are advised to go through the content of the Declaration 2. Scan the above required size containing photograph and signature.
carefully. Please do not scan the complete page.
After filling all above particulars there is provision for preview 3. The entire image (of size 3.5 cm by 6.0 cm) consisting of the photo
candidates detail before final submission of application form on clicking along with the signature is required to be scanned, and stored in *.jpg,
on ''Preview'' button. .jpeg, .gif, .tif, .png format on local machine.
Preview page will display all facts/particulars that the candidate have 4. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50 KB.
mentioned on entry time if they are sure with filled details then click on 5. If the size of the file is more than 50KB, then adjust the settings of
''Submit'' button to finally push data into server with successfully the scanner such as the DPI resolution, no. colours etc., during the
submission report that they can print. process of scanning.
Otherwise using ''Back'' button the details can be Modified. 6. The applicant has to sign in full in the box provided. Since
[CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO TAKE A PRINT OF THIS PAGE BY the signature is proof of identity, it must be genuine, and in full; initials
CLICKING ON THE ''Print'' OPTION AVAILABLE] are not sufficient. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS is not permitted.
For other information candidates are advised to select desired option 7. The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any
in 'Hom e Page' of C om m ission's w ebsite htt p://uppsc.up.nic.in other person.
CANDIDATE SEGMENT 8. The signature will be used to put on the Hall Ticket and wherever
necessary. If the Applicant's signature on answer script, at the time of
the examination, does not match the signature on the Hall Ticket, the
NOTIFICATIONS/ADVERTISEMENTS applicant will be disqualified.
All Notifications / Advertisements Sample Image & Signature:-
1. Candidate Registration (FIRST STAGE)
2. Fee Deposition / Reconciliation (SECOND STAGE)
3. Submit Application Form (THIRD STAGE)
Updat e yo ur transacti on I D by Double Verifi ca ti on m ode
View Application Status
List of Applications Having Photo related Objections