Effect of Variety and Moisture Content On Some Engineering Properties of Paddy Rice
Effect of Variety and Moisture Content On Some Engineering Properties of Paddy Rice
Effect of Variety and Moisture Content On Some Engineering Properties of Paddy Rice
DOI 10.1007/s13197-010-0173-3
Received: 4 May 2010 / Revised: 1 November 2010 / Accepted: 8 November 2010 / Published online: 29 December 2010
# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2010
Table 1 Some genotypic and phynotypic characteristics of the improved paddy rice varieties
New name Cultivar name Ecology Days to maturity Plant height Yield range Grain shape Reaction Year of release
(cm) (tonnes/ha) to blast
between bulk (ρb) and true (ρt) densities according to Results and discussion
Mohsenin (1986) as follows.
1 rb Table 2 shows the effect of variety and moisture content on
P¼ 100 ð5Þ
rt the physical dimensions of improved paddy rice varieties.
The effect of variety and moisture content on the physical
Angle of repose Angle of repose was measured using a dimensions of the paddy rice was significant (P<0.05). As
specially constructed wooden box measuring 300×300× the moisture content increased from 10% to 30% (d.b), the
300 mm with a detachable front panel (Ogunjimi et al. three linear dimensions of all the improved paddy rice
2002). The box was filled with the paddy rice varieties at varieties increased due to the swelling of the seeds. This
the different desired moisture content and the front panel increase in linear dimensions has also been reported for
was removed quickly. The paddy rice was allowed to flow millet in which the length and thickness increased from
according to their natural flow pattern. The angle of repose 2:18 to 2.788 mm for a moisture content range of 5–22.5%
was calculated by measuring the distance between the end (d.b.) (Baryeh 2002), while a similar increase was reported
of the flow and the end of the box in length, width and thickness of soybean from 6.32–
6.75 mm, 5.23–5.5 mm and 3.99–4.45 mm, respectively
tan1 ðhorizontal distanceÞ
Angle of repose ¼ ð6Þ (Deshpande et al. 1993). Similar findings were also
height of box
reported by Al-Mahasneh and Rababah (2007) for green
wheat, Aydin (2002) for grains hazelnuts, Calisir et al
Static coefficient of friction The static coefficient of friction (2005) for rapeseed, and Tunde-Akintunde and Akintunde
for the paddy rice at different moisture content on different (2007) for sesame seeds. Linear dimensions are important
structural surfaces (mild steel, galvanized steel, glass, and in determining aperture size in design of grain handing
plywood) was obtained by the inclined plane method which machinery (Al-mahasneh and Rababah 2007). Mass of 100
involved using a hollow metal cylinder (50 mm diameter seeds was found to increase from 2.86–3.6 mm, 2.69–
and 50 mm height) open at both ends and filled with paddy 3.17 mm, 2.30–2.87 mm, 2.48–3.15 mm and 3.14–
rice. The cylinder was then placed on an adjustable tilting 3.77 mm, respectively for FARO 55, FARO 44, FARO
plate without allowing the metal cylinder to touch the 52, NEGICA L34 and FARO 49, respectively. Similar
inclined surface. The tilting surface was raised slowly and results were reported by Tunde-Akintunde and Akintunde
gradually until the grains started to slide down and the (2007) for sesame seeds.
angle of inclination was read from the graduated scale The effective mean diameter, sphericity, arithmetic mean
(Dutta et al. 1988; Suthar and Das 1996). diameter and surface area also increased with increase in
m ¼ tan a ð7Þ moisture content. This is because they are dependent on the
three linear dimensions, which were observed to increase.
Effective mean diameter was observed to increase from
2.59–3.86 mm, 3.63–3.73 mm, 3.60–3.72 mm 3.53–
μ static coefficient of friction
3.69 mm and 5.89–4.12 mm, respectively for FARO 55,
α angle of inclination
FARO 44, FARO 52, NERICA L34 and FARO 59,
respectively. Arithmetic mean diameter also increased as
Statistical analysis The experimental data was subjected to the moisture content increases. The arithmetic mean
statistical Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson’s Correla- diameter and effective mean diameter is useful in deter-
tion and Regression Analysis using SPSS version 15.0. mining the diameter of sieve holes (Simonyan et al. 2007).
554 J Food Sci Technol (September–October 2011) 48(5):551–559
Table 2 The effect of variety and moisture content on the physical dimensions of improved paddy rice varieties
Variety Moisture Mass of 100 Length Width Thickness Arithmetic mean Effective geometric Sphericity Surface area
content seeds(g) (mm) (mm) (mm) diameter (mm) diameter (mm) (%) (mm2)
FARO55 10% 2.9 9.2 2.4 2.1 15.4 3.6 0.39 40.5
20% 3.2 9.1 2.7 2.2 18.3 3.8 0.42 45.4
30% 3.6 9.7 2.7 2.2 19.2 3.9 0.40 46.8
FARO44 10% 2.7 9.4 2.3 2.3 15.9 3.6 0.39 41.4
20% 2.9 9.7 2.5 2.0 16.9 3.7 0.38 43.1
30% 3.2 9.8 2.5 2.1 17.3 3.7 0.38 43.7
FARO52 10% 2.3 9.3 2.4 2.1 15.7 3.6 0.39 40.9
20% 2.6 9.7 2.5 2.2 17.1 3.7 0.39 43.4
30% 2.9 9.7 2.6 2.2 16.3 3.7 0.38 42.1
NERICA L34 10% 2.5 9.5 2.2 2.1 14.7 3.5 0.37 39.1
20% 2.9 9.7 2.4 2.1 16.4 3.7 0.37 42.2
30% 3.2 9.9 2.4 2.2 16.8 3.7 0.38 42.9
FARO49 10% 3.1 9.3 3.0 2.1 19.6 3.9 0.42 47.5
20% 3.4 9.7 3.2 2.2 22.7 4.1 0.42 52.2
30% 3.8 9.9 3.2 2.2 23.4 4.1 0.42 53.4
Mean 3.0 9.6 2.6 2.1 17.7 3.8 0.49 44.3
Standard deviation 0.41 0.26 0.32 0.05 2.53 0.17 0.02 4.13
SE 0.11 0.07 0.08 0.01 0.65 0.04 0.00 1.07
CV 13.57 2.76 12.53 2.50 14.26 4.58 4.44 9.33
a a a a a a a a
P of variety
a a a a a a a a
P of initial moisture content
a a a a a a a a
P of variety X initial moisture
Values are means of ten replicates for mass of 100 seeds and twenty replicates for others
Significantly different (P<0.05)
The sphericity of the five paddy rice varieties increased as The effect of variety and moisture content on the physical
moisture content increases. The mean value was 0.39 which dimensions of all the five rice varieties were significant (P<
is lower than that of green wheat (Al-Mahasneh and 0.05). The interactive effect of both variety and moisture
Rababah 2007), sesame seeds (Tunde-Akintunde and content was also significant (P<0.05). This implies that the
Akintunde 2007), Soyabean seeds (Deshpande et al. 1993; three linear dimensions depend on the variety and moisture
Gupta and Das 1997), and millet (Baryeh 2002). This is content of paddy rice studied.
because the shape of paddy rice is cylindrical. This implies The effect of variety and moisture content on some
that the grains cannot be treated as a sphere for analytical engineering properties of five improved paddy rice varieties
prediction of their drying behaviour. Such low sphericity is presented in Table 3. Apparent volume was observed to
suggests that the paddy rice grain may be expected to slide increase as moisture content increased. The ratio between
rather than roll on their surface, which is a property that is apparent volume and surface area is usually called the
quite important in design of grain hoppers (Al-Mahasneh characteristic length. Characteristic length has important
and Rababah 2007). The surface area increased from role in handling irregularly shaped objects. Some of its
40.45–45.81 mm2, 41.36–43.70 mm2, 40.87–43.71 mm2, application includes determination of projected area of
39.10–42.86 mm2 and 47.45–53.41 mm2, respectively for particles moving in turbulent air stream, which can be
FARO 55, FARO 44, FARO 52, NERICA L34 and FARO useful in designing grain cleaners, separators, and pneu-
49, respectively. Similar finding were reported by Tunde- matic conveyors. As the ratio between surface area and
Akintunde and Akintunde (2007); Balasuramanian and volume increases, the rate of heat and mass transfer from
Vismanathan (2010). Knowledge of grain surface is kernel increases, which affects several unit operations such
important during modelling of grain drying, aeration, as drying, cooling and heating (Al-Mahasneh and Rababah
heating and cooling (Al-Mahasneh and Rababah 2007). 2007). The true volume was also found to increase as
J Food Sci Technol (September–October 2011) 48(5):551–559 555
Table 3 The effect of variety and moisture content on some engineering properties of improved paddy rice varieties
Variety Moisture Apparent volume True volume True density (g/ Bulk density (g/ Porosity Aspect ratio
content (cm3) (cm3) cm3) cm3) (%) (%)
moisture content increased. This is similar to findings value for porosity for the five paddy rice varieties was
reported by Tunde-Akintunde and Akintunde (2007) for 41.84%. Higher porosity provides better aeration and water
sesame seeds. Apparent volume was observed to increase vapour diffusion during drying.
as moisture content increased. The aspect ratio increased with increase in moisture
The bulk density and true density of the five paddy rice content. Aspect ratio relates the kernel width and length. It
varieties were found to decrease with increase in moisture determines whether the grains will slide or roll on their flat
content. Similar trend was reported by Al-Mahasneh and surfaces. Higher aspect ratio means that the grains will rather
Rababah (2007) for green wheat and mash bean. However, slide than roll (Al-Mahasneh and Rababah 2007). The effect
true density decreased with increase in moisture content. The of veriety on the engineering properties was significant (P<
decrease in true density with moisture content was greater 0.05) except for bulk density while the effect of moisture
than the decrease in bulk density. The bulk density was lower content was significant (P<0.05) for all the engineering
than that of true density because the air space in grain bulk properties. The combined effect of both variety and moisture
increases the volume while the weight is the same. The content was significant (P<0.05) for all the engineering
decrease in bulk and true density was mainly due to the larger properties except for bulk density. The values obtained for
increases in kernel volume compared to the increase in kernels the bulk and true density of the paddy rice varieties were
mass (Al-Mahasneh and Rababah 2007) as the grains absorbs similar to that of beni seed which is an indication that it will
moisture. Porosity increased with increase in moisture content. float in water (Tunde-Akintunde and Akintunde 2007) while
These were in accordance with findings reported for millets karingda with a true density of 1148–1004 kg/m3 will sink in
(Baryeh 2002; Balasuramanian and Vismanathan 2010), water (Suthar and Das 1996). These properties are useful in
rapeseed (Calisir et al. 2005), soybeans (Deshpande et al. the hydrodynamic separation and transportation of grains and
1993) and sun flower seeds (Gupta and Das 1997). The mean seeds (Tunde-Akintunde and Akintunde 2007).
556 J Food Sci Technol (September–October 2011) 48(5):551–559
Table 4 shows the effect of variety and moisture content between the seeds, thus increasing the friction the seed
on the mechanical properties of improved paddy rice experiences during its flow/movement on the respective
varieties. As moisture content increased, there was a surfaces (Balasuramanian and Vismanathan 2010). In this
significant increase in the value of angle of repose. The study, galvanized steel had the highest mean value of 0.42
angle of repose ranged from 21.77–29.06° which was while others had the same mean value of 0.41. The little
higher than that of beni seed (Tunde-Akintunde and variation between wood and galvanized steel was similar to
Akintunde 2007) but similar to that of gram seeds 25.5– that reported for pulse grains by Amin et al. (2004). Tunde-
30.4°; sunflower, 34–41°; and lentil seeds, 24.8–27.780 Akintunde and Olajide (2005) also reported low coefficient
(Dutta et al. 1988, Gupta and Das 1997, Amin et al. 2004). of friction values on wood for soybeans comparable to that
Angles of repose are useful in design of processing and observed for the improved paddy rice varieties. The effect of
handling equipment. The high value of the angle of repose variety was significant (P<0.05) for all the mechanical
may be due to the large size of the grains and their properties. Also the interactive effect of variety and moisture
relatively rough surface which prevent sliding of the grains content on the parameters was significant (P<0.05).
on one another easily (Tunde-Akintunde and Akintunde The correlations between grain moisture content, phys-
2007). The mean values for static coefficient of friction for ical dimension and engineering properties are presented in
wood, galvanized steel, mild steel and glass were 0.41, Table 5. Significant (P<0.05) strong engineering correla-
0.42, 0.41 and 0.41, respectively. As the moisture content tions existed between grain moisture content and mass of
increased, the static coefficient of friction against the 100 seeds, length, true volume, porosity and angle of
selected surfaces increased. The same increase was ob- repose while a significant (P<0.05) negative correlations
served for sunflower seeds and millet by Gupta and Das was found between grain moisture content and bulk density.
(2000) and Baryeh (2002). This may be due to the fact that Mass of 100 seeds, width, arithmetic mean diameter and
an increase in moisture content increased the cohesion effective geometric diameter showed significant (P<0.05)
Table 4 The effect of variety and moisture content on the mechanical properties of improved paddy rice varieties
MC 1
M100 0.665a 1
Length 0.763a 0.417 1
Width 0.243 0.740a 0.156 1
Thickness 0.115 0.386 −0.015 0.241 1
a a
AMD 0.388 0.811 0.321 0.974 0.343 1
EGD 0.430 0.834a 0.319 0.967a 0.318 0.987a 1
Sphe 0.000 0.576b −0.254 0.875a 0.422 0.810a 0.799a 1
SA 0.400 0.818a 0.321 0.974a 0.342 0.999a 0.989a 0.813a 1
AV 0.369 0.809a 0.283 0.979a 0.348 0.999a 0.986a 0.834a 0.999a 1
TV 0.655a 0.960a 0.391 0.798a 0.374 0.856a 0.875a 0.648a 0.862a 0.853a 1
TD −0.129 −0.025 0.023 −0.232 0.017 −0.194 −0.226 −0.238 −0.197 −0.192 −0.286 1
J Food Sci Technol (September–October 2011) 48(5):551–559
BD −0.904a −0.624b −0.651a −0.202 −0.188 −0.312 −0.362 −0.046 −0.331 −0.299 −0.598b 0.081 1
Poro 0.555b 0.475 0.334 −0.026 0.212 0.068 0.088 −0.056 0.083 0.069 0.269 0.633b −0.677a 1
AR 0.058 0.625b −0.095 0.965a 0.221 0.893a 0.886a 0.946a 0.893a 0.909a 0.691a −0.226 −0.046 −0.101 1
AOR 0.544b 0.625b 0.364 0.470 0.227 0.536b 0.562b 0.360 0.530b 0.530b 0.658a −0.158 −0.471 0.199 0.415 1
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
MC Moisture content; M100 Mass of 100 seeds; AMD Arithmetic mean diameter; EGD Effective geometric diameter; Sphe Sphericity; SA Surface area; AV Apparent volume; TV True volume; TD
True density; BD Bulk density; Poro Porosity; AOR Angle of repose
Table 6 Regression equations showing the interdependency of grain moisture content and engineering properties of improved paddy rice varieties
Surface Area (mm2) SA=3.15 M+37.93 R2 =0.91 SA=1.15 M+40.433 R2 =0.92 SA=0.6 M+40.933 R2 =0.83 SA=1.9 M+37.6 R2 =0.88 SA=2.95 M+45.133 R2 =0.90
Porosity (%) P=-4.15 M+5.03 R2 =0.75 P=1.8 M+38.8 R2 =0.92 P=4.3 M+29.83 R2 =0.72 P=2 M+40.367 R2 =0.51 P=0.4 M+41.8 R2 =0.84
Aspect Ratio (%) AR=0.95 M+26.133 R2 =0.54 AR=0.65 M+23.7 R2 =0.53 AR=-0.65 M+27 R2 =0.86 AR=0.25 M+23.5 R2 =0.89 AR=-0.05 M+32.567 R2 =0.50
Angle of Repose (°) R=1.9 M+22.6 R2 =0.65 R=1.25 M+20.567 R2 =1 R=-0.05 M+25.267 R2 =0.75 R=0.95 M+23.2 R2 =0.72 R=1.75 M+22.667 R2 =0.99
Arithmetic Mean Diameter AMD=1.9 M+133.833 R2 =0.92 AMD=0.7 M+15.3 R2 =0.94 AMD=0.3 M+15.767 R2 =0.80 AMD=1.05 M+13.867 R2 =0.89 AMD=1.9 M+18.1 R2 =0.88
Apparent Volume (cm3) AV=1.75 M+12.433 R2 =0.87 AV=0.6 M+13.7 R2 =0.92 AV=0.25 M+14.1 R2 =0.50 AV=0.95 M+12.233 R2 =0.90 AV=1.7 M+16.433 R2 =0.90
2 2 2
Length (mm) L=0.25 M+8.83 R =0.60 L=0.2 M+9.2333 R =0.92 L=0.2 M+9.1667 R =0.75 L=0.2 M+9.3 R2 =1 L=0.3 M+9.0333 R2 =0.96
2 2 2
Effective Mean Diameter EMD=0.15 M+3.4667 R =0.96 EMD=0.05 M+3.5667 R =0.75 EMD=0.05 M+3.5667 R =0.75 EMD=0.2 M+3.4333 R2 =0.75 0.1 M+3.8333 R2 =0.75
True Volume (cm3) TV=0.3 M+2.667 R2 =0.96 TV=0.3 M+2.3667 R2 =0.96 TV=0.2 M+2.3667 R2 =0.92 TV=0.45 M+1.8667 R2 =1 TV=0.4 M+2.7333 R2 =0.99
Width (mm) W=0.15 M+2.3 R2 =0.75 W=0.1 M+2.2333 R2 =0.75 W=0.1 M+2.3 R2 =1 W=0.1 M+2.1333 R2 =0.75 W=0.1 M+2.9333 R2 =0.75
Thickness (mm) T=0.05 M+2.0667 R2 =0.75 T=-0.1 M+2.33 R2 =0.43 T=0.075 M+2.0167 R2 =0.96 T=0.05 M+2.0333 R2 =0.75 T=0.05 M+2.0667 R2 =0.75
True Density (g/cm3) TD=0.025 M+0.933 R2 =0.75 TD=−0.015 M+1.02 R2 =0.75 TD=−0.025 M+0.8867 R2 =0.51 TD=−0.055 M+1.14 R2 =0.82 TD=−0.015 M+1 R2 =0.55
Bulk Density (g/cm3) BD=−0.035 M+0.6433 R2 =0.99 BD=−0.03 M+0.6333 R2 =0.96 BD=−0.03 M+0.6367 R2 =0.96 BD=−0.055 M+0.68 R2 =0.98 BD=−0.015 M+0.6033 R2 =0.52
Mass of 100 seeds (g) MS=0.35 M+2.5333 R2 =0.99 MS=0.25 M+2.4733 R2 =0.99 MS=0.3 M+2 R2 =1 MS=0.5 M+2.1667 R2 =0.99 MS=0.35 M+2.7333 R2 =0.99
Coefficient of static friction CG=−0.03 M+0.4667 R2 =0.99 CG=0.25 M+0.3733 R2 =0.99 CG=−0.005 M+0.4 R2 =0.51 CG=−0.015 M+0.4467 R2 =0.52 CG=−0.025 M+0.4533 R2 =0.75
(on glass surface)
Coefficient of static friction CV=−0.01 M+0.427 R2 =0.43 CV=0.035 M+0.3567 R2 =0.99 CV=0.005 M+0.4767 R2 =0.52 CV=−0.055 M+0.5067 R2 =0.94 CV=0.005 M+0.3933 R2 =0.75
(on galvanized steel surface)
Coefficient of static friction CM=−0.015 M+0.41 R2 =0.78 CM=0.025 M+0.3467 R2 =0.99 CM=0.02 M+0.39333 R2 =0.73 CM=−0.005 M+0.4267 R2 =0.75 CM=0.025 M+0.3533 R2 =0.99
(on mild steel surface)
J Food Sci Technol (September–October 2011) 48(5):551–559
J Food Sci Technol (September–October 2011) 48(5):551–559 559
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