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Yeast Breads
and Rolls
27.1 Yeast Dough Basics
27.2 Yeast Dough


A summary is a short
explanation of the basic
information in a larger text.
Practice by writing a summary
of the different types of ingre-
dients you would use in baking.

Writing Tips
1 Skim the text and focus on any
headings and subheadings.
2 Write a statement to summa-
rize the main point.
3 Follow with statements that
briefly explain the information.


Yeast breads can be made in different
shapes, sizes, textures and flavors. What
do you think accounts for all of these
differences in yeast breads?


Yeast Dough Basics Quality yeast

breads can be a
substantial part
of any meal.
Reading Guide

Prior Knowledge Look over the Key Concepts at the

beginning of the section. Write down what you already know
about each concept and what you want to find out by reading EMIC
the lesson. As you read, find examples for both categories. ACAD

Read to Learn Content Vocabulary NCTM Algebra Use
Key Concepts leavens sweet rich mathematical models to
peel dough represent and understand
List yeast dough ingredients
starter rolled-in fat quantitative relationships.
and their functions.
Distinguish between the hard lean dough yeast dough
three different types of yeast crust gipfels NSES B Develop an
doughs. chemical dough Danish pastry understanding of chemical
Summarize the conditioner dough reactions.
characteristics and uses of soft medium
rolled-in-fat yeast doughs. dough Social Studies
NCSS II B Apply key
Main Idea Academic Vocabulary concepts such as time,
Breads are usually a part of tempted notable chronology, and change,
every meal. Learn about the and show connections
characteristics of quality yeast among patterns of historical
products to plan a variety of change and continuity.
menu accompaniments.
NCTE National Council of Teachers
Graphic Organizer of English
Before you read the section, list the details of what you know already and what NCTM National Council of Teachers
you wish to learn about yeast dough products in the first two columns. Fill in the of Mathematics
last column after you have read this section. NSES National Science Education
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned NCSS National Council for the
Social Studies

Graphic Organizer Go to this book’s Online Learning Center at for a printable graphic organizer.

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 705

Yeast Dough Ingredients All yeast is sensitive to temperature. Yeast
growth slows down at temperatures below
From bagels to flaky croissants, breads 34°F (1°C). Temperatures above 138°F (59°C)
are usually a part of every meal. Yeast breads kill yeast cells. The ideal temperature range
appeal to your eyes, nose, and taste buds. for yeast fermentation is 78°F to 82°F (26°C
Learning about the characteristics of quality to 28°C).
yeast products is important to foodservice Because yeast loses its potency as it ages,
professionals. It will help you plan a variety all yeast is labeled with an expiration date.
of nutritious and flavorful menu accompani- Yeast must be used before this date to produce
ments that delight customers. the best quality yeast products.
Yeast breads and rolls are made from dough.
Dough is basically flour or meal mixed with liq-
uid that forms a paste. Yeast leavens (=le-v`ns),
or causes dough to rise as it fills with CO2 bub- The unique flavor and texture of some
bles. This process is called fermentation. breads, such as sourdough, come from the
Quality yeast products are the result of use of a starter. A starter is a mixture of flour,
a careful balancing act. (Figure 27.1 on yeast, and a warm liquid that begins the leav-
page 707 shows how these ingredients work ening action. A portion of the starter is then
together.) The leavening action of the yeast used to leaven dough. Sourdough starters are
is balanced with the development of gluten. also available as active dry cultures and are
Gluten, along with wheat protein, gives bread used much like dry yeast.
texture. The formation of gluten is controlled
by mixing water and wheat flour, and by the Other Yeast Dough Ingredients
way dough is handled during preparation. The variety of yeast products you see in a
Most yeast doughs are oven-baked in pans, bakery display case all begin with flour, water,
on sheets, or pushed into the oven on peels. and yeast. The type and amount of additional
A peel is a wooden board that a baker uses ingredients, along with factors such as shaping
to slide breads onto the oven floor or hearth and baking methods, determine the end prod-
(=h&rth). uct. Each ingredient in a yeast dough carries
out a special function for the end product.
Yeast Choosing the appropriate flour is critical
As described in Chapter 26, the three most to the preparation of quality yeast breads and
commonly used yeasts in baking are com- rolls. Different types of flour give the product
pressed yeast, active dry yeast, and quick-rise different qualities. (For more information on
dry yeast. flour, see Chapter 26.)
Be sure to check which form of yeast is
Define What is
called for in a formula. Dry yeast is about
twice as strong as compressed yeast, but the
two forms are similar in taste when the correct
proportions are used. When you substitute
compressed yeast for dry yeast, use double the
amount of dry yeast called for in the formula.
 Small Bites 
When you substitute dry yeast for compressed Use Compressed Yeast To blend compressed
yeast, use half the amount. Too much or too yeast with other ingredients, you must first soften
the yeast. To soften compressed yeast, mix it with
little yeast will affect the yeast fermentation. liquid that is about 85°F (29°C). Use a portion of
Quick-rise dry yeast can be used in the same the liquid to be used with the dough.
proportions as active dry yeast.

706 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

Baking Yeasts Pictured here are two common types of yeast used in baking. Why is
temperature control important when you prepare yeast doughs?

FIGURE 27.1 Yeast Dough Ingredient Functions

Proper Functions Each ingredient in a baked good has several functions in a formula.
What ingredients add to a baked good’s nutritional value?

Ingredient Function Flour Salt Sugar Fat Milk Water Yeast

Binds ingredients ✓ ✓ ✓
Absorbs liquids ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Adds to shelf life ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Adds structure ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Affects eating quality ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Adds nutritional value ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Affects flavor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Affects rising ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Affects gluten ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Adds texture ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Colors crust ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Affects shape ✓ ✓ ✓
Affects volume ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Adds tenderness ✓ ✓ ✓

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 707

Regular Yeast Doughs In commercial baking operations, chemical
dough conditioners such as chlorine dioxide
Yeast products are generally classified (=kl}r-#n d$-=&k-s$d) are sometimes used. These
according to the type of dough used to pro- chemical dough conditioners may be added
duce them. Regular yeast doughs are pre- during the baking process to strengthen the
pared by combining yeast with the other glutens that give hard lean dough products
ingredients into one mixture. The three most their dense structure.
common regular yeast doughs used in food- Similar to traditional hard lean doughs
service operations are hard lean doughs, soft are whole-grain breads, rye breads, and sour-
medium doughs, and sweet rich doughs. doughs. Their textures are much more dense
because of the coarser, heavier flours and hot-
Hard Lean Doughs ter baking methods used. The crumb is chewier
and the crust is usually darker and crisper.
A hard lean dough consists of 0% to 1% fat
and sugar. Hard lean doughs are the most basic
yeast doughs. A hard lean dough is often made
solely from flour, water, salt, and yeast. Hard
lean doughs yield products with a relatively dry,
 Small Bites 
chewy crumb and a hard crust. The crumb is Enriched Hard Lean Doughs Hard lean doughs
are stiff, dry, and more difficult to work with than soft
the internal texture of a bread or roll. The crust
medium doughs. Some bakers add eggs or oil to
is the outer surface of a bread or roll. hard lean doughs to make them richer. Whole eggs
Fats make a hard lean dough easier to may be added for color, fat, or additional moisture.
manipulate, but they also soften the crumb.

Forms of Dough Hard lean doughs are used for breads such as crusty rolls, while soft
medium doughs are used for sandwich breads and buns. What other types of breads are
similar to traditional hard lean doughs?

708 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

is soft and heavy. The high gluten content of
bread flour helps sweet rich doughs support
1928 1929 the additional fat and sugar.
Most sweet rich doughs are moist and soft.
Rohwedder bread Wall Street stock
slicing machine market crash occurs When you work with a sweet rich dough, you
is introduced in may be tempted, or enticed, to add more
Chillicothe, Missouri flour to make the dough easier to handle.
The Origins of Yeast Doughs However, adding flour will toughen the final

Y east provides the leavening action in many of

the baked goods produced in foodservice. The
world’s earliest breads were unleavened and made
product. Use only a light dusting of flour on
your hands and work surfaces when working
with sweet rich doughs.
from mixtures of ground grain and water. Archaeo-
logical evidence suggests that the Egyptians were
Many sweet rich dough products are
making leavened bread as early as 4,000 BCE, and famous for their golden yellow crumb and
probably began to do so by accident. Unbaked, flat- brown crust. The traditional means of
tened bread dough left in the open air probably achieving this golden color is to add many
picked up wild yeast spores, leavening the bread. eggs to the dough. However, the egg can
History Application break down the gluten and make the dough
Document the effect yeast has on bread dough by too heavy. Many commercial bakeshops use
photographing the different stages the dough goes yellow food coloring to enhance the color of
through during the breadmaking process. Label the
photos during each stage.
dough. You can also add shortening to increase
the dough’s richness. Some examples of sweet
NCSS II B Apply key concepts such as time, chronology, and rich dough products are yeast-raised coffee
change, and show connections among patterns of historical cakes, cinnamon buns, and doughnuts.
change and continuity.
Name What are
three types of regular yeast doughs?
Soft Medium Doughs
A Soft medium dough produces items
with a soft crumb and crust. The percentage
Rolled-In Fat
of fat and sugar in these doughs is 6% to 9%.
Soft medium dough is elastic and tears easily.
Yeast Doughs
Yeast products made from soft medium Bakers use rolled-in fat yeast doughs to
dough include Pullman bread. Pullman bread make rolls and pastries. Rolled-in fat doughs
is white or wheat sandwich bread that is made differ from regular yeast dough.
into squared-off loaves. These loaves get their When you make a rolled-in fat yeast
shape from baking in a 2-pound loaf pan that dough, combine the fat into the dough
is enclosed on all sides. Other soft medium through a rolling and folding action. This
dough products include dinner rolls, such as process yields a dough made of many thin,
cloverleaf and Parker House rolls. alternating layers of fat and dough. As the
dough bakes, the heated fat layers release
moisture in the form of steam. The steam
Sweet Rich Doughs becomes trapped between the layers of dough,
At the other extreme from regular yeast pushing them apart and lifting them. The
doughs are sweet rich doughs. A sweet rich finished products are notable, or well known,
dough incorporates up to 25% of both fat and for their rich, flaky texture. Two popular
sugar. Because sweet rich doughs use such kinds of rolled-in fat yeast dough products are
large amounts of fat and sugar, their structure croissants and Danish pastries.

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 709

Sweet Rolls Sweet rich doughs can be used to create a vast array of taste-tempting
bread products. Why are sweet rich doughs so moist and soft?

Rolled-in fat yeast doughs traditionally Croissants

use butter for the fat layers. Butter adds a rich Croissants are crescent-shaped, flaky rolls.
flavor and aroma, but it is difficult to handle They can be used appropriately for either
while rolling and folding. Butter must be at sweet or savory dishes, including sandwiches.
the right temperature. Warm butter is too soft Croissant dough is a soft, wet mixture of bread
to roll, and cold butter cracks when folded. flour, yeast, cold milk, salt, butter, and a little
Instead, you may want to use other high- sugar. You can add dry milk solids and cold
moisture fats, such as margarine or short- water to the dough instead of milk. The cold
ening. They may be substituted partially or water or milk slows the leavening action of
completely for the butter. This will improve the yeast. Eggs are not part of the traditional
handling ability and lower costs. formula, but can be added for additional
Rolled-in fat yeast doughs also differ from richness. Butter or another high-moisture
regular yeast doughs in gluten development. fat equal to 25% to 50% of the weight of the
Gluten develops during folding and rolling, so dough is rolled in.
little kneading is required with rolled-in fat A freshly baked croissant should be light
yeast doughs. Overdeveloping the gluten in a golden brown. It should have a flaky, lay-
rolled-in fat yeast dough will make the finished ered texture and an open grain or crumb.
product tough and chewy. Larger foodservice Croissant dough can be shaped into traditional
operations often use sheeters to ensure consis- crescents or the tighter half circles that Swiss
tent rolled-in fat yeast dough production. and German bakers call gipfels (=g@p-fels).

710 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

Danish Pastry
Danish pastry dough is sweeter and
richer than croissant dough. Danish pastry is
usually eaten as a breakfast or dessert item.
Unlike croissant dough, Danish pastry dough
is rich in eggs. It can also include milk. Many
different flavorings and additives, such as
nuts, fruits, extracts, and sugar glazes, make
these products tempting treats.
Danish pastry is also softer, flakier, and
more tender than croissants. These charac-
teristics, along with a more intense flavor,
are because of the Danish pastry’s higher
percentage of rolled-in fat. This percentage
can range from 10% to 50%.

Explain What is the

difference between croissant and Danish
pastry dough?

Balancing Act All ingredients in baked products

must work together. What will happen if they do not?

Review Key Concepts Mathematics
1. Describe the function of a starter. 5. Christine has baked 80 croissants to sell at her bakery.
2. List products that can be made from a soft Each croissant costs Christine $0.60 to make, and she
medium dough. sells each one for $1.25. How many croissants must
Christine sell during the day to cover the cost of the
3. Summarize the characteristics of a quality
products used to make the croissants?
Math Concept Calculating Profit Calculate profit
Practice Culinary Academics with the formula Profit = Income – Expenses. A
Science positive result represents a profit, while a negative
answer indicates a loss. The break-even point
4. Procedure Make a yeast balloon. Take a balloon occurs when income = expenses.
and stretch it out by blowing it up a few times.
Add a packet of yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar Starting Hint Christine’s expenses will equal
to 1 cup of very warm water. Once the yeast and 80 × $0.60 = $48. Determine the break-even
sugar have dissolved, pour the mixture into a point by calculating the number of croissants (x)
bottle and stretch the balloon over the mouth needed for income to equal expenses: $1.25(x) =
of the bottle. $48. The next whole number higher than x will
represent a profit.
Analysis What happens to the balloon? Keep
a log of any events, and write a summary of NCTM Algebra Use mathematical models to represent and
what happened, and why you think any changes understand quantitative relationships.
Check your answers at this book’s Online
NSES B Develop an understanding of chemical reactions.
Learning Center at

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 711


Yeast Dough Production You must

carefully prepare
yeast dough for it
to rise correctly.
Reading Guide

Think of an Example Look over the Key Concepts for this

section. Think of an example of how or when you could use
one of the skills from the Key Concepts. Thinking of how EMIC
you might apply a skill can help motivate your learning by ACAD
showing you why the skill is important.
NCTM Number and
Read to Learn Content Vocabulary Operations Compute
Key Concepts straight-dough bench rest fluently and make
method shape reasonable estimates.
Describe the mixing methods for
yeast doughs. modified straight- seams NCTM Measurement
Outline the stages in properly dough method pan loaf Understand measurable
preparing yeast doughs. sponge method free-form attributes of objects and
Demonstrate the baking of quality preferment loaf the units, systems, and pro-
yeast breads. let down pan cesses of measurement.
Illustrate how to cool, store, and continuous bread- proof
serve yeast breads. making wash NCTE National Council of Teachers
punch slash of English
Main Idea rounded dock NCTM National Council of Teachers
Yeast dough production requires bench box oven spring of Mathematics
proper mixing and careful preparation. NSES National Science Education
A baker must learn to avoid common Academic Vocabulary Standards
causes of failure when preparing yeast critical correspond NCSS National Council for the
Social Studies
Graphic Organizer
Use this sequence chart to list the four stages of baking in sequence.

Graphic Organizer Go to this book’s Online Learning Center at for a printable graphic organizer.

712 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

Yeast Dough Straight-Dough Method
You will use the straight-dough method
Preparation to mix the ingredients for most basic breads.
The straight-dough method calls for mixing
The production of quality yeast breads and
all the ingredients together in a single step.
rolls requires good technique, patience, and
Ingredients may be mixed by hand or with a
creativity. To produce a good yeast product,
bench mixer. The straight-dough method is
you will need to learn dough mixing methods.
the method by which nearly all the bread in
The steps involved in making yeast breads
the world is made.
vary depending on the type of dough that is
In doughs mixed by the straight-dough
used and the item that is being produced.
method, the yeast begins acting on all the
However, the same general stages apply to all
ingredients immediately. As you continue
yeast dough products:
mixing or working the dough, the gluten
1. Scaling ingredients
2. Mixing and kneading
3. Fermentation
4. Dividing dough
Modified Straight-Dough Method
The modified straight-dough method
5. Rounding dough
breaks the straight-dough method into steps.
6. Bench rest
These steps allow for a more even distribu-
7. Shaping dough
tion of sugars and fats throughout the dough.
8. Panning dough
This modification is commonly used to pre-
9. Final proofing
pare rich doughs.
10. Baking dough
11. Cooling dough
12. Packaging dough Sponge Method
Keep these quality guidelines in mind: Some yeast products, such as crusty hearth
Maintain personal cleanliness at all times. breads or sweeter doughs, benefit from the
Keep utensils, materials, and machinery sponge method. The sponge method allows
clean and in good working order. the yeast to develop separately before it is
Use the best quality ingredients. mixed with the other ingredients. The sponge
Read all formulas carefully and measure method mixes the dough in two stages to give
ingredients properly. yeast extra time to leaven the bread. This
Maintain the appropriate environmental method results in a more intense flavor and a
temperatures. lighter, airy texture. The sponge method makes
Regulate dough temperatures. a very soft, moist, and absorbent dough.
Serve only freshly baked and properly Preferment One modification of the
stored yeast products. sponge method is sometimes called the pre-
ferment method. Preferment is the process
of removing a portion of the dough. It is kept
Mixing Methods dormant for 8 to 24 hours and then added to
There are three basic methods of mixing the next day’s bread products. This method
yeast dough ingredients: the straight-dough enhances the fermentation, color, and taste of
method, the modified straight-dough method, the final baked products.
and the sponge method. Each of these meth-
ods gives its own characteristics to the finished Examine What
product. Each method also affects the activity is the main benefit of using the sponge
of the yeast and the formation of the gluten. method?

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 713

W 2 Add eggs one at

Use a time, as they are
absorbed into the
the Modified mixture.

Straight-Dough Method
1 Combine the fat, sugar, salt, milk solids,
and flavorings in the mixer. Mix well, but
do not whip. 3 Add the rest of the liquids and mix briefly.

4 Add the flour and the yeast last.

5 Mix until a
smooth dough

Stages of Making Use a baker’s scale to weigh all ingredi-

ents that are denser than milk or water. This
Yeast Dough includes flour, yeast, shortening, eggs, honey,
molasses, malt, and oil. Milk and water may
Because each step in the process of mak- be measured with volume measures.
ing yeast dough is critical, it is important that Scale each ingredient separately. Make
you complete each step in the proper order. sure the weight of each ingredient will corre-
Skipping any steps or being unprepared for a spond to, or match, the weights called for in
step can lead to the failure of your product. the formula. Remember that weight and vol-
ume are not the same unit of measurement.
Scaling Ingredients Even a small error in measuring can cause a
Accurate, or correct, measurement, or scal- baked product to fail. This will waste time,
ing, of all ingredients is critical, or necessary, and will cost extra money through wasted
in the preparation of yeast doughs. Success- resources. In some formulas, ingredients are
ful formulas are based on proportional mix- given as a percentage of the total weight of the
tures of ingredients. Too much or too little of flour. Foodservice operations usually post pro-
an ingredient will affect yeast activity, gluten cedures for converting percentages to weights
formation, and product quality. and weights to percentages.

714 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

There are four stages to the continuous
breadmaking process:
Pickup Use a low speed to mix the
Use the 240 Factor
The desired dough temperature for yeast dough
water and yeast. If oil is used, add it
is 80°F. Several factors affect dough temperature, immediately after the liquid ingredients.
including flour temperature, room temperature, Then, incorporate the dry ingredients,
friction temperature (which depends on the and add solid fats or shortenings last.
mixer speed), and water temperature. Of these, Once all ingredients have been added to
only the water temperature can be easily modi- the mixer, turn the speed to medium.
fied by the baker. Commercial bakers use a short-
cut known as the 240 Factor to easily calculate
Cleanup During this stage the ingredients
desired water temperature. Simply add together come together into a ball around the
the flour, room, and friction temperatures, and dough hook. The bottom of the mixing
subtract that total from 240°F. The result is the bowl can be clearly seen. All liquid is
target water temperature. absorbed into the flour.
Find the ideal water temperature for yeast Development During this longest
rolls given the following conditions: flour
temperature = 62°F; room temperature = 25°C;
stage of mixing and kneading, oxygen is
and friction temperature = 30°F. incorporated into the dough and gluten is
Math Concept Converting Temperature developed. The dough will be uneven in
Celsius temperatures (C) can be converted to color and will tear easily.
Fahrenheit (F) using the following formula: Final Clear This stage is reached when
F = (9/5 × C) + 32 proper gluten has developed. To verify
Starting Hint Because the 240 Factor calcula- gluten formation, cut off a small piece of
tions utilize degrees Fahrenheit, start by con-
dough and stretch it apart with your fingers.
verting the room temperature from Celsius to
Fahrenheit using the conversion formula above. It should stretch to such a thinness that
Then add the three temperatures (flour, room, light can be seen through the dough. You
and friction), and subtract that sum from 240 should also be able to stretch the dough
to get the desired water temperature. several times without it breaking. At this
NCTM Number and Operations Compute fluently and point, remove the dough from the mixer.
make reasonable estimates.
Once a regular yeast dough has been
Mixing and Kneading kneaded thoroughly by hand or has reached the
When you mix dough ingredients thor- final clear stage in a mixer, the dough is ready
oughly, it ensures even yeast distribution, for fermentation. Fermentation is the process
gluten development, and a uniform mixture. by which yeast converts the sugars in dough
Be careful not to overmix, as it can lead to into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Gases that are
let down. A let down is a condition in which trapped in the gluten cause the dough to rise.
the ingredients in a dough completely break For fermentation to take place, you must:
down. Once the ingredients are mixed, the Shape the kneaded dough into a ball.
dough must be kneaded to further develop the Coat it with a thin film of oil.
gluten. Kneading means to work the dough Cover the dough to keep it from drying
until it is smooth and elastic. out. Avoid popping any bubbles that may
In continuous breadmaking or commer- appear beneath the dough surface.
cial baking, mixing and kneading are done in Place the dough in a proofing cabinet, or
a spiral mixer. proofer.

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 715

the Sponge Method

1 Combine 50% 3 Cover the sponge. Let it rise in a warm place

water with for two to three hours or until it doubles in
50% flour. bulk.

2 Add the yeast. Sugar or malt may also be

added to this mixture to promote faster
yeast growth.

4 Combine the sponge with the remaining

ingredients either by hand or in a mixer.

Use a probe thermometer to measure the Punching Dough

dough temperature before you place it in the The action of turning the sides of the dough
proofer. If you are not using a proofer, regu- into the middle and turning the dough over
larly measure dough temperature through- is called punching. This is done by pressing
out fermentation. Remember that allowing gently and firmly, not by hitting or kneading
dough to become too cool will slow yeast the dough.
action, while heat over 90°F (32°C) will cause
fermentation to accelerate.
Fermentation is complete when the dough

 Small Bites 
has approximately doubled in size. Although
you will be able to see the increased volume
of the dough, there is a way you can test to see Overmixing If you overmix or over knead a regu-
if it is ready. You can test whether fermenta- lar yeast dough, you will cause the ingredients in
tion is complete by inserting two fingers into the dough to let down. Once the ingredients have
let down, they have broken down completely.
the dough up to the knuckles and then remov-
Overmixed dough is warm and sticky and falls
ing them. If the finger pressure leaves a slight apart easily. Adding flour can help offset overmix-
impression around which the dough closes ing to a certain extent. However, it is better to
very slowly, fermentation is complete. The avoid overmixing dough in the first place.
dough is then ready to be punched.

716 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

Punching accomplishes four important into uniform pieces. Weigh the pieces on a
actions: baker’s scale, as when scaling ingredients.
Maintains Dough Temperature By ef- You will need to work quickly when you
fectively turning the dough inside out, punch- portion dough. Fermentation continues dur-
ing moves the cooler exterior surfaces to the ing this process. The last pieces portioned
middle. This evens the dough temperature. may become over fermented if there is any
Releases Carbon Dioxide If too much delay. Keep the large mass of dough covered
of the gas developed during this first stage as you work so that its surface does not dry
of fermentation remains within the dough, it out. If any small pieces of dough are left,
will become concentrated and slow the later divide them evenly and add them to the larger
stages of fermentation. pieces. Tuck them under each portion so that
Introduces Oxygen Punching the dough they will be well incorporated. Otherwise, the
incorporates oxygen from the air. smaller pieces will ferment too fast.
Develops Gluten Any handling of the
dough strengthens the gluten. Rounding Dough
Divided dough must be rounded, or
Dividing Dough shaped into smooth balls. To do this, put the
Once the dough has been punched, it must dough on the bench. With the palm of your
be divided for baking. Commercial bread hand, cup the dough with a circular motion,
formulas give portions by weight. To divide working the dough with your fingertips. This
dough, use a bench scraper to cut the dough will cause the dough to form into a smooth,
firm, round ball.

TO 2 Flip the dough, then form a fist and push
OW the dough away with your knuckles.
Yeast Dough

1 Grasp the dough and bring it toward you.

3 Repeat the process until the dough is

smooth and elastic.

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 717

Rounding dough provides it with a skin to Shaping Loaves Although bread loaves
prevent the loss of too much carbon dioxide. come in a wide variety of textures and
Some formulas call for the dough to be folded tastes, there are essentially two ways to
over during rounding. This provides a kind of shape dough into loaves. Pan loaves
second punching after dividing. If the dough are rolled and placed, seam down, into
is not rounded, it will rise and bake unevenly, prepared loaf pans. In baking, loaves
with a lumpy or rough surface. receive their characteristic shape from
When you round, perform each of the sub- the support offered by the high sides of
sequent actions, such as shaping and panning, the loaf pans. Free-form loaves, such
in the same order, so that the dough ferments as braided loaves and artisan breads, are
consistently. The first portion rounded should shaped by hand. They are baked, seam
also be the first piece to be shaped, and so on. side down, on flat pans, and they can be
baked directly on a hearth.
Shaping Rolls Yeast rolls are like
Bench Rest individually portioned loaves. Shape rolls
Depending on the formula, at this time the with the same care used to shape loaves.
rounded portions may need to be placed in This will produce items with an attractive,
bench boxes or left covered on the work bench. even surface and uniform size.
A bench box is a covered container in which Depending on the formula, rolls may be
dough can be placed before shaping. This short, shaped and baked on flat sheets, like free-form
intermediate proofing stage, called a bench loaves. They may also be placed in special pans
rest, allows the gluten to relax. The dough that offer additional structure during baking.
becomes lighter, softer, and easier to shape. Cloverleaf and butterflake rolls, for example,
are baked in greased muffin pans. Brioche
Shaping Dough (br#-=}sh) rolls, like brioche loaves, are baked
Once the portions have been properly in special fluted tins. Pan rolls, Parker House
rounded and, if necessary, rested, they must be rolls, and knots are baked on flat sheets or in
shaped. Shaping forms the dough into the dis- shallow baking pans.
tinctive shapes associated with yeast products. When you pan rolls, allow enough room
Some general principles apply to the shap- between the rolls to ensure even browning.
ing process: Avoid crowding. Most formulas indicate how
Work Quickly Fermentation continues many rolls will fit on a sheet and how they
during shaping. Cover the portions you should be placed.
are not working with to prevent them
from drying out. Panning Dough
Shape Pieces in Order Start with the Shaped dough is ready for panning, or
first piece you rounded. Keep the same placing in the correct type of pan. Pizza is
order to ensure consistency. sometimes shaped directly on the pan. Other
Use Very Little Flour A dusting of flour breads are shaped on the bench. Each for-
on your hands and the work surface will mula specifies the size and type of pan to
keep the dough from sticking. Too much be used and indicates how the pan should
will dry it out. be prepared. In general, pans dusted with
Place Any Seam at the Bottom cornmeal are used for baking lean doughs.
Seams, or the places where edges of the The cornmeal keeps the baked product from
dough meet, should be straight and tight. sticking to the pan. It does not change the
The seam is the weakest part of the piece. flavor. Sheet pans that have been lined with
Seams can open during baking and ruin parchment or lightly greased are used for soft
the product’s shape. medium doughs.

718 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

Final Proofing of the heavier dough from collapsing during
baking. Some other items, such as rye breads,
The final fermentation stage for regular
are also deliberately underproofed. Under-
yeast dough items is called final proofing.
proofed dough is known as young dough.
Proofing allows the leavening action of yeast
Overproofed dough, or dough that has more
to achieve its final strength before yeast cells
than doubled in size during final proofing, is
are killed by hot oven temperatures. Yeast
called old dough.
dough items are proofed once they have been
shaped and panned.
Final proofing requires higher tempera- Washing, Slashing, and Docking
tures and humidity levels than fermenta- Many yeast dough products require spe-
tion—temperatures of 85°F to 95°F (29°C to cial additional preparations before baking.
35°C) and humidity levels of 80% to 90%. The These preparations, called washing, slashing,
use of a proofer is essential to maintain these and docking, affect the baking quality and eye
conditions. appeal of the finished items.
The length of the final proofing time Washing Applying a thin glaze of liquid
depends on the type of dough. Most doughs to the dough’s surface before baking is called
are fully proofed when finger pressure leaves washing. Depending on the type of item and
an indentation that closes slowly around the the wash used, washing can lighten or darken
center but does not collapse. Fully proofed the crust’s color, and make the surface shiny
items are slightly less than double in size. and glossy. (See Figure 27.2 on page 721 for
Proofing time is shortened for rich and different types of washes and how they affect
sweet doughs. This is done to keep the weight baked goods.)

HO 2 Cross strip 3 over strip 2. Cross strip 1 over

Create strip 2. Cross strip 2 over strip 1. Repeat
until half the bread is braided.
a Braided Loaf

1 Divide dough into three parts. Roll into

three equal strips.

3 Flip the bread over so the three unbraided

strips are facing you. Repeat step 2 until
the whole loaf is braided.

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 719

YIELD: 26 LBS., 15 OZ. (18 DOZEN)

Ingredients Method of Preparation

9 lbs. Water 1. Gather the equipment and ingredients.
2. Scale the ingredients.
1 lb. Dry milk solids
3. Soften the compressed yeast in part of the water. The water
1 lb. Sugar, granulated temperature should be 78°F to 82°F (26°C to 28°C).
8 oz. Yeast, compressed 4. Use the straight-dough method for mixing the dough. Combine
all of the ingredients in the bench mixing bowl.
14 lbs. Flour, bread 5. Mix until proper gluten development occurs. To test the gluten
4½ oz. Salt development, cut a small piece of dough from the mass in the
bowl. Stretch the dough to a thinness that allows light to clearly
1 lb. Shortening, shine through. If the dough can be stretched a few times
vegetable without tearing, it is ready for fermentation.
6. Lightly coat the dough with oil before putting it into the
proof box.
7. Ferment the dough.
International Flavor 8. Punch the dough down when it is almost double in bulk.
(See Chef Notes.)
Bread is a staple in 9. Divide the dough using a bench scraper.
many countries, 10. Round the dough.
especially in Europe, and 11. Allow the dough to rest for a short time to relax the gluten.
the soft roll is a favorite. 12. Shape the rolls.
Research these rolls from 13. Place the rolls in parchment-lined or lightly-greased pans.
other cultures, and create
14. Put the panned rolls into the proofing cabinet to ferment prior
a visual presentation to to baking. (See Chef Notes.)
show the differences in
15. Bake the rolls at 375°F (191°C) for 20 minutes or until evenly
shape. browned.
Brioche (France)
Baps (Scotland) Chef Notes
Potato roll (Ireland) To test the dough for punching readiness, insert two fingers into the
dough. If the indentation remains, the dough is ready for punching.
Cooking Technique The rolls are properly proofed when almost double in bulk, or when the
dough closes around a finger indentation without collapsing.
Pastry Technique (See the
Method of Preparation.) Substitutions
Use butter instead of shortening for a richer flavor.
Add crumble topping for coffee rolls, cinnamon or pecans to
transform the rolls into sweet treats.

Glossary HACCP Hazardous Foods Nutrition

Gluten elastic protein Bake at 375°F Yeast Calories 140 Calories from Fat 25
substance that makes (191°C) Total Fat 2.5g
dough stay together Saturated Fat 0.5g
Fermentation break- Trans Fat 0g
down of a compound Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 250mg
caused by an enzyme,
Total Carbohydrate 25g
such as yeast Fiber 1g
Sugars 3g
Protein 5g
• Vitamin A 0% • Vitamin C 0%
• Calcium 4% • Iron 2%

720 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

FIGURE 27.2 Baking Washes Slashing Making shallow cuts in the sur-
Wash Types A wash can give an enhanced color face of the item, done just before baking, is
and gloss to baked yeast rolls. With what other called slashing. Slashing, also called stip-
baked goods can you use a wash?
pling, helps gases escape from hard-crusted
breads during baking. This allows for higher
Desired Effect Type of Wash
rising and the development of a more ten-
A crisp crust Water der crumb. Improperly slashed breads will
A glossy, firm crust Egg white and burst or break along the sides during baking.
water The patterns made by slashing, which leave
A deep-colored, glossy Whole egg and a scarred or cross-hatched impression in the
crust water baked crust, also add visual appeal.
A deep-colored, soft, Whole egg and milk To slash dough, follow these guidelines:
glossy crust 1. Use both hands, steadying the item with
one hand while you cut with the other.
A deep-colored, soft Milk
crust 2. Use a utility blade; a sharp, unserrated
knife; or a clean, sharp razor. Blunt or
Apply the wash with a pastry brush, either serrated edges bruise or tear the surface
before or after proofing. Check the formula of the dough.
for timing. If you apply the wash after proof- 3. Make shallow, slightly angled cuts, just
ing, be careful not to puncture the surface and under the surface of the dough.
deflate the dough. Avoid puddling or dripping 4. Make all cuts of equal length, overlapping
egg washes, which cause uneven browning. cuts by one-third of their length.
Excess washing can burn or cause items to 5. Make the slashes on the full surface of the
stick to the pan. dough in a symmetrical pattern.

Bread Slashes Use a utility blade or sharp knife to make slashes. Why are many breads slashed before baking?

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 721

Docking The process of making small and longer baking times generally yield a
holes in the surface of an item before baking darker crust color than lower temperatures
is called docking. Used primarily with rich and shorter baking times. An egg wash can
doughs or rolled-in doughs, docking allows add color to a crust that must be baked
steam to escape and promotes even baking. at a low temperature or for a short time.
Docking also keeps rich doughs from rising Egg washes should never be added to
too much during baking. Follow the formula’s baked goods after baking. This can create
directions for docking. Use a sharp-tined fork a potential for foodborne illness, and will
or a skewer to dock the dough. make the baked product soggy.
Formulas will list the ideal oven tempera-
Explain When does ture and baking time. Slight adjustments may
fermentation take place? be necessary. Appropriate placement of pans in
the oven is also important. Air and heat must
be allowed to circulate freely around the pans.
Baking Yeast Dough This can be accomplished by placing pans at
Baking is the process that changes dough the appropriate distance from the heating ele-
into breads or rolls through the application of ment. Crowding the oven slows baking time
heat. Oven temperature and baking time are and results in unevenly baked items.
determined by five factors.
Dough Type Young, under fermented Baking with Steam
doughs require cooler oven temperatures, Breads with thin, crispy crusts, such as
higher humidity, and longer baking times French and Italian loaves, benefit from the
than fully proofed doughs. Old, over addition of steam to the oven during baking.
fermented doughs require higher oven The steam keeps the crumb soft while adding a
temperatures, less humidity, and shorter glossy shine to the surface. As the sugars in the
baking times. crust caramelize, a thin, crispy crust is formed.
Dough Richness Lean doughs require Some bakery ovens are equipped to inject
higher oven temperatures and shorter a desired amount of steam into the oven
baking times. Rich doughs require lower for several seconds depending on the type
oven temperatures and longer baking times. of bread and the formula. In ovens without
Portion Size Smaller items, such as steam injectors, a pan can be added with just
rolls, require shorter baking times than enough water so the water evaporates during
larger items, such as loaves. the early stages of baking.
Desired Color The desired color of
the crust often depends on the tastes of Stages of Baking
the customer. Higher oven temperatures
As yeast dough products bake, their internal
temperatures rise. Each of the four stages of the
Sanitation Check baking process contributes to the final product.

✓ Avoid Contamination Oven Spring

Never apply an egg wash to a product that During the first five minutes of bak-
has already been baked. The egg will remain ing, the dough suddenly rises and expands
uncooked, presenting the risk of salmonella
as the yeast reacts to the heat of the oven.
This final leavening effort, occurring before
CRITICAL THINKING When should you apply an
egg wash to the product? internal temperatures become hot enough
to kill the yeast cells, is called oven spring.

722 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

Steam injection helps achieve oven spring.
Oven spring will not occur if there is too
Cooling, Storage, and
much salt or not enough yeast in the dough
or if the dough was overproofed. At this early
stage, the dough is very soft and will collapse Once a yeast dough product is removed from
if touched. the oven, it must be cooled and stored properly
to maintain the highest possible quality.
Structure Develops Remove yeast products from their pans
As the internal temperature rises from immediately.
130°F (54°C), starch granules in the dough Place them on cooling racks or screens at
begin to absorb moisture and swell up. At room temperature. One exception is rolls
150°F (66°C), the starches gel and become the baked on sheets. These may be left on the
final structure of the bread. At 165°F (74°C), sheets to cool, if they are well spaced.
the gluten begins to dry out and coagulate as Cool yeast products completely before
the starch gel replaces it. The crumb is formed slicing or wrapping.
during this stage.
Crust Forms In some cases, you will brush melted but-
At 165°F (74°C), the crust begins to form ter or shortening or a glaze onto a hot yeast
as the starches and sugar on the surface of the dough product immediately after removing it
dough brown and thicken. The product will from the oven. Sweet dough products such as
appear done at this stage, but additional bak- coffee cake and Danish pastry may be glazed
ing time is needed to evaporate the alcohol with a mixture of water and sugar or corn
given off by the yeast. Yeast products removed syrup while they are still warm.
from the oven too early will not taste right.
Staling Prevention
Finished Product Yeast dough products begin the process
By the time the internal temperature has
of staling as soon as they are baked. Staling
reached 176°F (80°C), the alcohol will have
causes yeast dough products to lose their
evaporated. Finished products have an internal
freshness. During staling, the crust becomes
temperature of approximately 220°F (104°C).
moist and tough, while the interior crumb of
the bread becomes dry and crumbly. Staling
Test for Doneness also causes breads to lose flavor.
A gauge of whether a product is done is
the thump test. Tap the top of the loaf. If
the loaf gives off a hollow sound, indicating
that it is filled with air and not moisture, it is
done. Watch rolls and small loaves carefully,  Small Bites 
as their bottom surfaces may burn before the Altitude The moisture in dough evaporates more
crust color develops fully. slowly at higher altitudes, such as those found
in mountainous areas. Oven temperatures may
Another way to test for doneness is to look
need to be increased slightly in high altitudes to
at the crust. If it is evenly brown on top and prevent the dough from expanding too much and
bottom, it is done. Figure 27.3 explains some breaking down the cell structure in the bread.
common problems when baking yeast dough.

Summarize What
happens during oven spring?

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 723

FIGURE 27.3 Yeast Bread You can slow the staling process:
Troubleshooting Additions to Dough Depending on the
Common Problems There are many problems formula, ingredients such as malt syrup
that can go wrong when baking yeast bread.
may be added to the dough at the mixing
How do you know if a loaf of yeast bread is baked
properly? process to help slow staling.
Adequate Proofing Underproofed items
Product Failure Possible Cause stale more quickly than those that have
received proper proofing.
Poor shape • Too much liquid in dough
• Improper shaping of
Avoid Refrigeration Refrigeration speeds
dough up the staling process of yeast breads.
• Incorrect proofing
• Too much steam in oven
Proper Packaging and Storage
Blisters on crust • Too much liquid in dough Do not wrap products while they are still
• Improper fermentation
warm. Most breads should not be kept for
Top crust separates • Loaf poorly shaped more than one day in a foodservice operation.
from the loaf • Top not slashed If you will be keeping them longer than one
• Dough dried out during day, wrap them tightly in moisture-proof wrap-
• Lack of moisture in oven
ping and store them in a freezer to prevent
staling. Items with thin crusts, such as French
Large holes in crumb • Too much yeast bread, should be wrapped in paper when they
• Over kneaded dough
are stored. If thin-crust products are wrapped
• Inadequate punching of
dough in plastic, they will become soggy.

Poor flavor • Improper fermentation Explain How do

• Inferior, spoiled, or rancid you prevent staling in yeast doughs?

Review Key Concepts Math Concept Metric Length Equivalents
The metric system of measurement is based on
1. Describe the straight-dough mixing method.
powers of 10. One millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter,
2. Outline the stages in mixing and kneading yeast or 0.001 meters. One centimeter is 1/100 of a meter,
dough. or 0.01 meter. One kilometer is 1,000 meters.
3. List the factors that determine oven temperature Starting Hint One millimeter is 1/10 smaller than
and baking time. one centimeter, so multiply centimeters by 10 to
4. Illustrate how to properly pack a yeast bread. find millimeters. Divide centimeters by 100 to find
meters. Divide that meter amount by 1,000 to find
Practice Culinary Academics kilometers.
Mathematics NCTM Measurement Understand measurable attributes of
5. Ryan has just finished baking two baguettes. One objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement.
of them is 55 centimeters long; the other is 61
centimeters in length. What is the length of each Check your answers at this book’s Online
baguette in millimeters? In meters? In kilometers? Learning Center at

724 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

CHAPTER 27 Review and Applications
Chapter Summary
Yeast breads are made from dough, a mixture Regular yeast dough is first kneaded thor-
of flour, water, salt, yeast and other ingredients. oughly, by machine or by hand, and then fer-
Yeast dough products are classified according mented. Lack of interaction between ingredients
to the type of dough used to produce them. can cause failure.

Content and Academic Vocabulary Review

1. Use each of these vocabulary words in a sentence.

Content Vocabulary • modified straight-dough method • pan (p. 718)

(p. 713) • proof (p. 719)
• leavens (p. 706)
• sponge method (p. 713) • wash (p. 719)
• peel (p. 706)
• preferment (p. 713) • slash (p. 721)
• starter (p. 706)
• let down (p. 715) • dock (p. 722)
• hard lean dough (p. 708)
• continuous breadmaking (p. 715) • oven spring (p. 722)
• crust (p. 708)
• punch (p. 716)
• chemical dough conditioners
(p. 708) • rounded (p. 717) Academic Vocabulary
• soft medium dough (p. 709) • bench box (p. 718) • tempted (p. 709)
• sweet rich dough (p. 709) • bench rest (p. 718) • notable (p. 709)
• rolled-in fat yeast dough (p. 709) • shape (p. 718) • critical (p. 714)
• gipfels (p. 710) • seams (p. 718) • correspond (p. 714)
• Danish pastry dough (p. 711) • pan loaf (p. 718)
• straight-dough method (p. 713) • free-form loaf (p. 718)

Review Key Concepts

2. List yeast dough ingredients and their functions.
3. Distinguish between the three different types of yeast doughs.
4. Summarize the characteristics and uses of rolled-in fat yeast doughs.
5. Describe the mixing methods for yeast doughs.
6. Outline the stages in properly preparing yeast doughs.
7. Demonstrate the baking of quality yeast breads.
8. Illustrate how to cool and store yeast breads.

Critical Thinking
9. Imagine you have a customer who is following a low-fat diet. Which would you
recommend: Italian bread, Parkerhouse rolls, or croissants? Why?
10. Examine seasonings. You have a basic formula for white yeast bread. What could you
do to make the final product more flavorful?

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 725

CHAPTER 27 Review and Applications
Academic Skills
English Language Arts Mathematics
11. Bread in Many Languages Find the names 13. Donut Deal Bob recently began advertising his
of different types of yeast breads from around bakery in a local newspaper. The ad included a
the world. What are the names of the different coupon for 25¢ off each donut purchased. On
bread products and what do they mean in the the first day of the new promotion, Bob sold 265
language of origin? Write a list of the names, donuts, bringing in $238. However, Bob realized
their countries of origin, and their meanings in that his cashier was throwing away the coupons
their native languages. Compare lists as a class. redeemed, and he does not know how many
were used. If a regular donut sells for $0.95,
NCTE 9 Develop an understanding diversity in language use and a discounted donut (with coupon) sells for
across cultures. $0.70, how many discounted donuts were sold?
Math Concept Distributive Property of
Multiplication Multiplying a sum (or a
Social Studies difference) by a number is the equivalent of
12. Breads Around the World Study yeast breads multiplying each addend by that same number,
from various countries. What are the similarities and then adding the two products. For example,
and what are the differences? Can you think of 7(4 + 2) is the same as (7 × 4) + (7 × 2).
possible factors that may have contributed to Starting Hint The problem can be solved
these similarities and differences? What aspects with an algebraic equation. Let d stand for the
of the culture contributed to the features number of discounted donuts sold. Then
of the yeast breads of that culture? Create a (265 – d) must equal the number of regular-
five-minute presentation that discusses three price donuts sold. Multiply the price of each
different examples of yeast breads, and how and type of donut by the quantity of each type of
why they differ. donut to find total revenue: ($0.95)(265 – d) +
($0.70)(d) = $238. Solve for d.
NCSS IV E Individual Development and Identity Examine
the interaction of ethnic, national, or cultural influences in NCTM Algebra Represent and analyze mathematical
specific situations or events. situations and structures using algebraic symbols.

Certification Prep Sharpen your test-taking

skills to improve your
Directions Read the questions. Then, read the answer choices and choose kitchen certification
the best possible answer for each.
program score.
14. What is the ideal temperature range for yeast fermentation?
a. 78º–82ºF
b. 80º–90ºF
c. 85º–95ºF
d. 176º–220ºF
15. What is a lean dough product often eaten at breakfast?
a. croissant
b. sourdough
Test-Taking Tip
c. bagel Use familiar word parts, such as suffixes
d. cinnamon buns and prefixes, to help you remember new

726 Unit 6 Baking and Pastry Applications

CHAPTER 27 Review and Applications
Real-World Skills and Applications
Interpersonal and Collaborative Technology Applications
Skills 18. Internet Research With your teacher’s
16. Promote a Yeast Bread Follow your teacher’s permission, use the Internet to research
instructions to break into teams. Imagine one yeast bread product. Learn about the
that your team is an ad agency developing a ingredients of that product and how it is
print ad for a particular yeast bread product. made, as well as the texture, appearance,
Describe the product, its qualities, its nutritional and flavor of the final product. Share your
benefit, and suggested uses in your ad. Use findings with the class through a five-minute
photographs or illustrations in your ad, if oral presentation. Use slides, photographs, or
possible. Share your team’s ad with the class. As illustrations with your presentation, if possible.
a class, rate each ad’s effectiveness.
Financial Literacy
Self-Management Skills 19. Purchase Yeast Samara bought 8 ounces of
17. Trim the Fat Your doctor has recommended instant yeast for $3. She used about ¾ of it
that you lower your fat intake. Examine your yeast before it had to be thrown away. Anita bought
bread product consumption and recommend an 8-ounce bag of active dry yeast for $5 and
ways you can change the types of bread products was able to use it all because it kept longer.
you eat to lower your fat intake. Make a list of Compare each person’s usage. Who made the
the substitutions. List specific ingredients in the more cost-effective choice?
products that may increase fat intake.

Use the culinary skills

you have learned in
this chapter.
Bake Soft Rolls
20. Baking as a Team In this lab exercise, you will work in teams to prepare soft rolls.
A. Examine your formula. In teams, review the formula for soft rolls on page 720.
Note the necessary ingredients and equipment.
B. Make dough. Prepare the dough.
C. Observe the process. Make observations about the type of yeast used, the optimal
temperature for the yeast, the texture and feel of the dough, which mixing method
was used, what bread-baking stages were followed, how the team tested for
doneness, and what the characteristics of the end product were.
D. Serve the rolls. Serve the rolls and have a contest to determine which team’s soft
rolls were the best.

Create Your Evaluation

Evaluate each team’s bread by creating
a scoring sheet and giving each team a
score in the following categories: Shape,
Volume, Crumb, Crust, Color, Tenderness,
and Taste. Rate each category on a scale of
one to four. 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good;
and 4 = Great.

Chapter 27 Yeast Breads and Rolls 727

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