Untitled Presentation - Key
Untitled Presentation - Key
Untitled Presentation - Key
• Approve purchases
• Receive ordered materials
• Approve invoices for payment
• Review and reconcile financial records
• Perform inventory counts
• A In a business where three employees are available, the duties could be separated as follows:
Documentation Procedures
Most purchase transactions have three ● Set authorization levels for invoice
documents, the purchase order, the vendor approval.
invoice, and the receiving report, sometimes ● Receive all invoices centrally in the
referred to as a GRN or goods received accounts department.
note.Internal Control Practices: ● Match invoice prices, quantities and
terms to purchase orders, and match
• Check the accuracy of invoice invoice quantities to goods received
calculations. notes. This process is usually referred
• Check for duplicate orders and to as the three way match.
• Verify a vendor exists when receiving
an invoice from a new vendor.
Journalise Purchases
Post the purchases journal from The information in the purchases journal is
the vendor invoice as soon as the taken from the supplier invoices and typically
transaction occurs includes the following:
• Use the purchases journal totals to ● Transaction date
post the accounts payable control ● Supplier
account in the general ledger. ● Accounts payable ledger reference
● Invoice number
● Invoice Amount
● Purchase type columns (inventory, supplies,
equipment etc.)
● Other
Post to the Accounts Payable Ledger
• Post the ● Produce an aged accounts payable report and
accounts payable ledger from review the balances particularly on large and
the vendor invoice as soon as the transaction overdue accounts.
occurs. ● Review all journal entries to the accounts
• File unpaid invoices by payment due date to payable ledger accounts.
avoid missing early payment discounts and to ● Review debit balances in the accounts payable
ensure invoices are not paid late. ledger on a regular basis.
• Reconcile vendor statements to accounts ● Reconcile the accounts payable ledger with
payable balances and the unpaid invoice file. the
• Carry out random spot checks on vendor accounts payable control ac
activity and check for signs of unusual
• Review debit balances on accounts payable in the general ledger.
Prepare Payment
Payment Controls Store Checks in a Locked Location
Any unused checks need to be stored in a locked
The majority of the controls listed here apply to location. Otherwise, they can be stolen and filled out
payments by check, since that is still the most common fraudulently, then cashed. Any signature stamps used to
method of payment. In the case of electronic payments, sign the checks should also be stored in a locked
these controls aren’t as helpful, but you can still track location.
payments in your accounting system. Track Check Number Sequence
To ensure there are no missing checks that aren’t
accounted for, many companies opt to maintain a log
Split Check Printing and Signing Duties that includes the range of check number used during a
With this control, one person prepares the checks, and a check run. This is helpful to determine if any checks in
different person signs them. This second set of eyes storage have gone missing. Keep the log separate from
provides a cross-check to make sure the funds are there the unused checks, to prevent someone from stealing the
for payment, while still maintaining adequate cash flow. log at the same time they steal the checks.
Require Manual Check Signing
As a company, you can require that all checks be signed. Though it seems like a good idea, it is a weak control because
few check signers don’t dive into why the check is being issued, and rarely take time to quest the amounts paid. If your
company chooses to use a signature stamp or plate instead, it becomes imperative to have a strong purchase order
system. This allows the purchasing staff to become the de facto invoice approvers because they issue purchase orders
early in the purchase to pay process.