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The Role of Structure in the Aesthetic Creation of Architectural Space

Article · April 2018


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3 authors, including:

Fatemeh Nejati Farah Habib

Ghiaseddin Jamshid Kashani University Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch


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International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development

International Journal Of Architecture and Urban Development

Vol. 8, No 2, Spring 2018

The Role of Structure in the Aesthetic Creation

of Architectural Space
Fatemeh Nejati, 2*Farah Habib, 3Azadeh Shahcheraghi
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil, Architecture and Arts, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran.
Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil, Architecture and Arts, Science and Research Branch
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil, Architecture and Arts, Science and Research
Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

Recieved 02.04.2017 ; Accepted 15.08.2017

ABSTRACT: One of tools for the architectural advent form is the structure, while architecture and structures,
particularly in our sociable Iran, are separated from each other. Most successful buildings have dominating
designers who are proficient in structural issues and have a comprehension of the structural system's behavior.
The extent attention to the structure of the building will inevitably lead to beauty. If the structure has aesthetic
considerations, a successful link between architecture and structure will occur. This research seeks to provide a
solution and strategies to formulate both architecture and structure. The purpose of this paper is to articulate a sound
and desired theoretical foundation in relation to the aesthetics of the architectural form and structure so that achieve
a successful link between architecture and structure. The research methodology is applied in terms of the purpose
of the research. The qualitative and quantitative research methodology is used to analyze the information as well as
to provide analytical tables and matrix analysis in order to summarize the contents. The research has come to the
conclusion that constructive requirements, along with functional requirements and aesthetic issues, bring together
an unmatched effect. The study of successful works in the world suggests that if one of the subcategories of these
three criteria works, it can be considered as one of the most successful buildings in the world. Formation of forces
flow can be effective in the aesthetic structure of the structure.
Keywords: Architectural form, Structural, Aesthetics, Structural requirements, Functional requirements

Architecture and structure have always been closely interrelated to test the hypothesis. Analytically, through matrix diagrams’
with each other so that they are to be integrated in a coherent, representation, it is attempted to indicate a guide to design
unified and beautiful universe, while in the contemporary era, the structure. The hypothesis of this study is that aesthetic
architects and architecture proceed separately. Artistic thinking considerations can be one of the main components in order to
and limitless architecture is numerically and enclosed within achieve a successful architecture and structure link.
the mathematical framework of the Civil Engineer. Successful
architectures are those that are built between the structure and Theoretical Background
the architecture of the material, not the formal link, which is This section consists of two parts: the first part is devoted to
the structure of the aesthetic considerations. These aesthetic the theoretical foundations of the research, so that by studying
considerations are primarily between architecture and structure, the evolution of structural and architectural harmony and the
and secondly, the structure has a number of aesthetic features. way of reaching the form of the structure in different historical
In this study, the aesthetic components of structural design periods, the components for the aesthetic structural design were
are defined and specified in interaction with the architectural achieved and in the second part, it is to define and describe the
form, and the subsets of each component are distinguished. The components obtained to test the hypothesis. (Table 1 and Table
method of research is to select a series of buildings in order 2)

*Corresponding Author Email: f.habib@srbiau.ac.ir

International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development
Vol.8, No.2 Spring 2018

Table 1: Summary of theories that are mentioned with a number of foreign theorists on the relationship between form and structure and research

Gutiér: The new architecture will be right at the same time as the architecture of the new industry. Cast iron allows novel forms
of architecture to be created and put into place. (Soleimani, 2007)
Herbert Marcuse: Human being is in technology domination. (Marcuse, 1971)
Heidegger: A techno-era man would have a sound and sensible approach to technology and establish a free relation with it.
(Soleimani, 2007)
Le Corbusier: The aesthetics of architectural and aesthetic engineering is comparable. The car home is life. (Masini, 2015)
Peter Collins: The existence of a structure is essential for building architecture, so looking for the functional and aesthetic as-
pects of the structure. (She’r Baf & Ansari, 2017)
Fantin: It offers the interpretation of an internal structure, the pillar plays a key role in this building (experimental intuition)
(Friedney, 2016)
Violet Leduc: Structural Design Based on Gothic Buildings (Original Builder) (Mozhini, 2015)
Sullivan: Form follows function (Mozhini, 2015)
Frank Lloyd Wright: Study Nature. Love nature and approach it. It will never fail you. (Vahedi, 2009)
Louis Kahn: It’s my feeling that if all the plants and phenomena are gone, there is still a sun that falls and sets, and we always
need nature, but he does not need us. (Vahedi, 2009)
Edward Allen: In the book of form and forces, as it goes from the name of the book, it tries to arrange the complex forms of
architecture, the effect of the force on the structure and the distribution of forces in the form. (Edward, 2009)
Fuller: From geometry to innovative structures such as the geodesic dome that is efficient and beautiful. (Masini, 2015)
Adolf Loos: Beauty is the highest level of evolution. Beauty should be sought in the form and considered it to be a decoration.
(Roohizadeh, 2014)

Table 2: Summarizing the views of a number of internal professors on the relationship between form and structure and research findings

Mohsen Vafamehr: The technology of the interconnection is the architecture and structure (Vafamehr, 2012)
Nader Ardalan: Meaning, beauty, form and structure are four basic factors of Iranian architecture (Nader Ardalan, Laleh
Bakhtiar, 2001)
Katayon Taqizadeh: Factors affects the nature of structural design in structural and functional design. (Taghizadeh, 2010)
Azhang Baqaee: Structures + Manufacturing technology = Architectural form. The formation of the flow of forces in the aes-
thetic structure is so significant (Baqa’i, 2009)
Mahmoud Golabchi: The Role of Structural Systems in the Formation of the Architectural Effect (Mahmood Golabchi, Hamed
Mazaherian, 2012)

Functional requirements

Aesthetic criteria

Structural requirements

Executive rules
Arash Vahedi: The Nature of Inspirational Design Idea (Vahedi, 2009)


Theoretical Conceptual Model and structural tasks in the design is not properly defined, so
Nowadays, the specialization of science is highly significant the balance is damaged between their roles in design and the
in various fields of engineering as well as in the growing gap whole architecture, too. Because architecture and structures are
between architecture and structure which has caused dichotomy closely connected to each other, they should be integrated in a
and declining any architectural effect. This specialization is not coherent, unified and aesthetic whole. In addition, the structure
an issue, however it’s critic so that the architect takes up the work can have traits which enhance the quality of the architectural
of art and conducts it, and the structural part of it is assigned space. Therefore, in this regard, the following steps should be
to the structural engineer. In fact, the range of architectural followed. (Fig.1)

International Journal Of Architecture and Urban Development
Fig.1: Theoretical conceptual model.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION hypothesis.(Table 3 to 5)

Hypothesis Test Components To obtain a successful architectural and structural link, aesthetic
As mentioned in the table of thoughts of thinkers, one of the considerations could be one of the main components, in Table
main components of the interaction between the structure 5, the aesthetics of code A was assigned to it with dimensional
and the architectural form is the functional requirements of dimensions, hidden dimensions, and structural design accuracy.
the architecture, which consists of two subsets, a desirable After conducting the survey, the evolution of the structural and
atmosphere and a conditional response. On the other hand, the architectural coordination in different historical periods as well
structural requirements are defined with three subsystems of as the way to achieve the form of the structure of the four basic
the static, dynamic, and flexible one, and finally, the aesthetic items are as follows in structural design, which seems to be
criteria defined by the three sub-dimensions of the hidden when one of the four structures has aesthetic considerations.
ones, the dimensions and the accuracy of the structural system The following method (Table 6) has been developed in the form
behavior. Similarly, the following tables are set out to test the of a structure in interaction with architecture (Larsen, 2016).

Functional Requirements (Table 3)

Table 3: Component categorization of architectural performance requirements

Desirable space F1
1 Functional requirements F
Responsive to the situation F2

Structural requirements (Table 4)

Table 4: Component categorization of structural requirements

Static S1
2 Structural requirements S Dynamic S2
Flexibility S3

International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development
Vol.8, No.2 Spring 2018

Aesthetic criteria (Table 5)

Table 5: Aesthetic component classification

Visible Dimension A1
Hidden Dimension A2
3 Aesthetic A
Behavior of the structural system A3

Table 6: Encoding how to get to the form of the structure

Encoding and categorizing how structures and architectures are synchronized

Master Builder Intuition Technology Nature

Final sum

These four items are nature, technology, intuition and the Flexibility: The concept of flexibility in the subset of structural
master Builder in the aesthetic line. Finally, the hypothesis test requirements means a structure that is flexible and resistant to
table is set as follows. (Table 3) forces, the useful life of the structure is high and the structure
In the set table, a number of concepts are presented as a subset is deformed.
of the main criteria that need to be redefined before testing the Visible Dimensions: Expressing the Effect of Architecture
hypothesis. Hidden Dimensions: Static Structure
Desirable space: The goal is to provide optimal space for the How to choose a building?
desired activity. To examine contemporary architecture, it is important to
Responsible to the situation: This item includes attention to the identify the appropriate examples for analyzing the structures
climate conditions of the area and the essential standards, such that will provide data for analysis. In this research, the studied
as fire, etc., as well as internal architecture. samples are those that have a successful transplantation of

Table 7: Hypothesis test table

Functional require- Desirable space F1

ments Responsive to the situation F2
1 F
Structural require- S Static S1
ments Dynamic S2
Flexibility S3
A Visible Dimension A1
Hidden Dimension A2
3 Aesthetic
Behavior of the structural system A3
Master Intuition Technology Nature

Final sum:

International Journal Of Architecture and Urban Development
architectural and structural form. 4. Based on the type of structures, tensile, compression, tent
- Structures and architectural interactions implemented. structure, cache and etc.
-Blacks in specialized magazines and particular architectural
books in this regard (i.e., structural and architectural Time threshold
cooperation). Given that the topic of aesthetics is the aesthetic science of the
- The objects which are considered in the specialized contemporary era, so in terms of time; the monuments option
architectural ideas in relation to the subject matter, namely, the goes back to the aftermath of the industrial revolution to date.
coordination of the architectural and structural form.
Consequently, after the study and classification of 50 internal First Case Study
and external structures for each of the matrix buildings was Swedish Trade Development Building, Berlin, 1998
formed. To select the sort of buildings, there are some functions Designer: Grimesha
that the interaction of the architectural and structural form in
the design and implementation of the structure is as best as Repetitive arched structure; the floors are suspended from the
possible, so after reviewing more than 300 buildings, fifty ones arches by tensile pendants. The designer has to run arches with
were selected based on the following items: different openings in order to implement the irregular shape
1. General welcome of the building, in order to reconcile the site (Fig.2). Tensile
2-Adoption of the minds of people pendants were worn in a grip of stainless steel (Roohizadeh,
3. Primary factors of the criteria 2013). (Table 8)

Fig. 2: Swedish Trade Development Building (Etude, 2017)

Table 8: Criteria Review, Building Trade Development

F1 Desirable space Functional requirements

Responsive to the situation

Responsive to the situation F 1
S1 Static Structural requirements

S Dynamic

- 2

Visible dimension
Intuition Technology Nature
A2 Hidden dimension Builder

- * * -
A3 Behavior of the structural system
:Final sum
Final sum: FS1,3AIT

International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development
Vol.8, No.2 Spring 2018

Second Case Study building reduces the area of the outer wall by 25% compared
London Municipality, London, 1998-2002 to a cubic structure of the same volume, which leads less heat
Designer: Norman Foster loss in the winter and warming of the interior space in the
The building is designed using advanced computer modeling summer is prevented. However, critics have pointed out that
techniques which provides a fundamental revision of the energy consumption is far more than the advantages offered by
architecture. Given the unusual form of the design team, the form of energy, due to the unique and special use of glass
they wanted to achieve optimal performance in the energy materials. (Table 9).
issue (Fig.3). This was achieved through the maximum use of Unconventional geometry of building structures has been
awnings and minimizing the surface of a building exposed to developed based on scientific analysis and computer
direct sunlight exposure. The relatively spherical shape of the simulations (Yazdi, 2017).

Table 9: Criteria Examining, London Municipality

Functional require- Desirable space F1

ments Responsive to the situation F2
1 F
Structural require- S Static S1
ments Dynamic -
Flexibility S3
A Visible Dimension A1
Hidden Dimension A2
3 Aesthetic
Behavior of the structural system A3
Master Intuition Technology Nature
- * * -

Final sum: FS1,3AIT

Fig. 3: London Municipality (Yazdi, 2017)

International Journal Of Architecture and Urban Development
Data Analysis
After reviewing the 54 buildings above, using the table, the plan, so it is based on the theory of the hypothesis based on
matrix diagram of the buildings was plotted based on the providing 50% above the defined components. Some of the
number and percentage of the components as follows. (Table criteria together are meaningful, such as aesthetics that comes
10) along with functional requirements and structural requirements.
Structural requirements along with the functional and aesthetic Design of the form and structure of each design must be used
requirements in combination combine an unmatched effect, to achieve the goals.
and the study of the successful effects in the world suggests if The design of the structure consists of visible dimensions and
only one of the subcategories of these three criteria is provided. hidden dimensions of the architectural effect. The forces on
It can be considered as one of the most successful buildings in the building are statically and dynamically. Similarly, both
the universe. Either from the author’s point of view or from static and dynamic structures could be considered for the
the perspective of other experts and designers, and even the building. Obviously, technology is at the highest point, after
audience that ordinary people will be provided. As it can be which experimental intuitions and nature are considered as
observed in the above table, when functional requirements or the next criteria for designing a structure. In the upper matrix,
other components are 100%, the plan responds to half of all the main constructor, or the omniscient master who dominates
subsets. (Fig. 4) both structural and aesthetic issues, is eliminated from the
After drawing the matrix of buildings, it can be seen that contemporary scene in contemporary times, although the
the structures that have become a continuous interconnected construction work is owed to individuals such as previous
all three criteria have structural requirements, functional professionals (Fig.5). Due to the use of technology and human
requirements and aesthetics. Certainly, no architectural plan mind’s errors in complex calculations, the main symbol is not
could claim that it covers all the requirements of the master in the contemporary era.

Table 10: Summarizing the criteria based on the defined components

Fig. 4: The constructed buildings on each scale based on the number.

International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development
Vol.8, No.2 Spring 2018

Fig. 5: The percentage of buildings based on criteria

CONCLUSION effect is combined with a structural form, which in aesthetics, in

Some architects and theorists believe that the architecture addition to the hidden dimensions, which is the same as static;
begins at the same time and results in the use of technology. the dimensions are also considered to be a successful work. The
On the other hand, many believe that aesthetics should be designer will have an understanding of the structural system
sought in the form, the form that responds to the function and behavior. And also, from the study of its effects, most successful
could be inspired by nature. One of the ways to get to the form buildings have mastered designers that have dominated
of geometry that has been the forerunner is to help designers structural issues and lead the behavioral comprehension of the
achieve innovative structures. Another way of reaching the structural system. It could even be possible to claim that they
form of the structure is to interact with the experimental are dominant over engineers to structural issues. As discussed
intuition architecture form; this item was obtained based on the above, there are four main paths to reach the architectural form
survey of 50 contemporary buildings. Many architects are of in interaction with the form of the structure. After examining
the opinion that the development of the forces’ flow could be some of the buildings, this study concludes that inspiration from
effective in the aesthetic structure of construction. (Fig. 6) nature would be realized either consciously or unconsciously.
The research believes that structural constructs, along with And finally, the main constructor could have been posed in
the functional and aesthetic needs in combination, display an the past, previously it was the same system of student- master,
unparalleled work, and the study of successful work in the but both in the modern era and in the postmodern period, and
world indicates that if only one of the following works, the the neo-modern architect, designer, and engineer can also be
branches of these three criteria can be considered as one of the considered as the main constructor creator of the architectural
most successful buildings in the world (Fig.7). Either from the effect. Through the hypothesis consideration, the structure
author's claim or from other experts and designers points of occurs when aesthetic considerations result in a successful link
views, and even the audience that ordinary people this concept between architecture and structure.
is comprehensive which is displayed in Fig. 8. On the one hand, the aesthetic standard is linked to criteria
Another important finding of the study is that the architectural of structural requirements and functional requirements. On

Fig.6: Factors affecting the form of architecture and structures

International Journal Of Architecture and Urban Development
Fig. 7: Relationship of aesthetic criteria with other criteria

the other hand, the aesthetic criterion has two main subsets, constructing a replica and loading it, and the original builder
one of which is the issue of the form, and the other relates to cannot be an uneducated person or an excellent professional
the process of obtaining the architectural form in interaction team. Regarding the original constructor's conclusion, the
with the structural form. Through reviewing 52 buildings, this result of the analysis of the works is that the main constructor
study has come to the conclusion that, in all the architectural can be the student's master's system and can also be much more
works that have been constructed and architectural, there are advanced than a highly skilled designer.
at least one of the subcategories of aesthetics. In other words, Another finding of the works analysis is that the architecture
the essential condition for the achievement of aesthetics of the lasting effects of the construction is of fundamental
is to look out to the obvious, hidden, and correctness of the importance to structural issues, both in terms of the static and
understanding of the structural system's behavior, but it is dynamic system and in terms of comprehending the dominant’s
not sufficient. In order to obtain the interaction of these two structural behavior, and it could be the combination of
relatives, the structure and architecture, attention to the paths expansion of a structural system or the creation of a structural
of reaching the form of the structure, the geometry of nature system for a structural masterpiece. In all the works, the
and technology that appears as a very powerful tool, the architect is much more dominant than the structural engineer to
intuition that could be found in many architectural works at the structural issues. The issue which exists in Iranian universities
moment, is that many architects achieve constructive form by is the lack of sufficient control over structural issues.

Fig. 8: Subcategories of aesthetic criteria

International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development
Vol.8, No.2 Spring 2018

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Translation by Mohsen Mo'diidi, Tehran, Amir Kabir, 1971.

Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my
Mozhini, M. (2015). From Time and Architecture. Tehran.
advisor Prof. Farah Habib for the continuous support of my
Pedersen, L (2007). .Relationships between Architectural and
Ph.D. study and related research, for his patience, motivation,
Structural Form, Structure As Architecture
and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the
Roohizadeh, A. (2014). Contemporary Architecture. Tehran:
time of research and writing of this thesis. I could not have
The Age of Exploration.
imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my Ph.D.
She’r Baf, A., Ansari, M. (2017). The Common Language of
study. My sincere thanks also go to Dr. Azadeh Shahcheraghi.
Architecture and the Art of Structural Engineering in Iranian
Without her precious support, it would not be possible to
conduct this research.
Soleimani, E. (2007). The Need for Structural and Architectural
Synthesis in Contemporary Architecture. Fine Arts, No. 30.
REFERENCES Taghizadeh, K. (2008). Functional Design in Structural
Allen, Edward. (2009). Forms and Forces. Retrieved from
Engineering and Its Impact on Architectural Design, Fine Arts
https://www.alen.a.com, 12.02.2017.
Magazine, No. 34
Ardalan, Nader, Bakhtiar, Laleh. (2008). Sense of Unity.
Taghizadeh, K. (2008). Functional Design in Structural
Isfahan: Nashr-e- Khaak.
Engineering and Its Influence on Architectural Design. Fine
Baqa’i, A. (2009). The Role of Structures in the Structure
Arts, No. 34.
of Contemporary Architectural Aesthetics. Hoviateshahr, 3(4),
Vafamehr, M. (2012). Architectural and Technology
Interaction. Volume 1. Rose Publishing House
Golabachi, M., Mazaherian, H. (2012). New Construction
Vahedi, A. (20090. Nature As a Source of Inspiration of
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Architectural Conceptual Design. Mediterranean university.
Larsen, O. P., Tyas, A., (2016). Conceptual structural Design.
Yazdi, M. (2017). Parametric Architecture. Retrieved from
London Thomas Telford
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Marcuse, E. (1971). Single human Herbert Marcuse,


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