This document appears to be a student assessment containing questions about geography and history. It includes 6 multiple choice questions testing knowledge about the location of the Sahara Desert, the size and most populous city of various countries/regions, the capital of Norway, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, and the country where Adolf Hitler was born. The student answered all questions correctly.
This document appears to be a student assessment containing questions about geography and history. It includes 6 multiple choice questions testing knowledge about the location of the Sahara Desert, the size and most populous city of various countries/regions, the capital of Norway, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, and the country where Adolf Hitler was born. The student answered all questions correctly.
This document appears to be a student assessment containing questions about geography and history. It includes 6 multiple choice questions testing knowledge about the location of the Sahara Desert, the size and most populous city of various countries/regions, the capital of Norway, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, and the country where Adolf Hitler was born. The student answered all questions correctly.
This document appears to be a student assessment containing questions about geography and history. It includes 6 multiple choice questions testing knowledge about the location of the Sahara Desert, the size and most populous city of various countries/regions, the capital of Norway, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, and the country where Adolf Hitler was born. The student answered all questions correctly.
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@@o t @@o @@o @@o I. The Sahara Desert is located in 4. Oslo is the capital of which country? A. South America A. Sweden B. Asia B. Denmark C. Africa C. Norway
z.How big is Vietnam? 5. Which is not one of the 7 ancient wonders of
A. 312.201 km2 the world? B. 321.310 km2 A. The Great Pyramids of Giza C. 331 .210 km2 B. The Lighthouse of Alexandria C. The Angkor Wat 3. Which is the most populous city in the world? A. Tokyo (Japan) 6. Where was Adolf Hitler bo rn? B. Beiling (China) A. France C. Mexico City (Mexico) B. German C. Austria