O Box 40604
Upper Hutt 5140
New Zealand
Phone 64 4 5285071
Product Name: P50 Acrylic Black Tyre Paint
Other Names: N/A
Chemical ‘Family: Styrene Acrylic
Molecular formula: N/A
Recommended Use: Outside Tyre paint. Can be applied by automatic spray system
Supplier: Rubber Solutions Asia-Pacific Ltd
ABN: PO Box 40-604 Upper Hutt
Street Address: South Pacific Industrial Park, Railway Ave, Upper Hutt
Telephone: 64-4-5285071
Fax: 64-4-5285074
Emergency phone: 027-2274026
All other inquiries: 027-2274026
Product is classified non Hazardous
Safety Phrases:
PP31 Keep cool & protect from sunlight
PP60 Do not breathe dust/fumes/gas/mist/vapours/spray
PP89 Use personal protective equipment as required
PP61 Call a POISON CENTRE or Doctor if exposed or if you feel unwell
PR21 lf eye irritation persists, get medical advice/attention
PP66 Do not release to the environment
Poisons Schedule
Move to fresh air immediately. Assist breathing if necessary. Consult a physician.
First Aid facilities:
Provide eye baths & safety showers close to areas were splashing may occur.
Medical Attention:
Treat according to symptoms.
Prevent fluid from escaping to drains & waterways. Contain leaking packaging in a containment drum.
Ensure drain valves are closed
Methods and materials for containment
Major Land Spill
- Prevent liquid from entering sewers, watercourses, or low-lying areas
- Keep public away from the area
- Shut off the source of the spill if possible to do so
- Advise authorities if substance has entered a watercourse or sewer or has contaminated soil or
- Take measures to minimise the effect on ground water
- Contain spilled liquid with sand or earth
- Consult an expert on disposal of recovered material & ensure conformity to disposal rules
Major Water Spill
-Notify the port or relevant authority & keep public away
- Shut off the source of spill if possible & safe to do so
- Confine spill if possible
- Consult an expert on disposal & ensure conformity to local regulations of disposal
Incompatible materials
Eye Protection:
Safety glasses with side shields should be worn when handling. It is generally recognized that contact
lenses should not be worn when working with chemicals because contact lenses may contribute to
the severity of an eye injury.
Skin/Body Protection:
Wear rubber gloves for routine industrial use.
Wear clothing suitable for the task.
Eye Contact
May cause irritation to the eyes but will not permanently damage eye tissue
Skin Contact
May cause Irritation
May cause irritation to respiratory tract.
Chronic Effects
None known
Other Health Effects Information
Toxicological Information
Eco toxicity
Aquatic Toxicity
Do not allow to enter waterways, drains or sewers. Siloxanes are removed from water by
sedimentation or binding to sewage sludge. In soil, siloxanes are degraded.
No adverse effects on aquatic organisms.
Removed >90% by binding onto sewage sludge. No adverse effects on bacteria. Do not contribute to
Available from Rubber Solutions on request.
Not Available
Supplier Material Safety Data Sheets
The information sourced for the preparation of this document was correct and
complete at the time of writing to the best of the writer’s knowledge. The document
represents the commitment to the company’s responsibilities surrounding the supply
of this product, undertaken in good faith. This document should be taken as a safety
guide for the product and its recommended uses, but is in no way an absolute
authority. Please consult the relevant legislation and regulations governing the use
and storage of this type of product. For further information, please contact Rubber
Solutions Asia-Pacific Ltd.