Vacuum Tube Amplifier: ECE 445 Design Document
Vacuum Tube Amplifier: ECE 445 Design Document
Vacuum Tube Amplifier: ECE 445 Design Document
Group 1
1 Introduction…………………………………………………………. 1
1.1 Objective…………………………………………………………….. 1
2 Design……………………………………………………………….. 3
3.1 Cost………………………………………………………………….. 18
3.2 Schedule…………………………………………………………….. 18
5 References…………………………………………………………… 20
1. Introduction
1.1 Objective
Steve Guttenberg once stated: Most people listen to music in their cars, portable players, or $10
computer speakers. Audiophiles are the 1 percent still listening at home over a hi-fi [1]. Because of the
expensive professional Hi-Fi audio system and the convenience of the smartphone, people hardly ever
sit down in home, and quietly listen to the heavenly melody the nature brings to us.
The goal of this project is to build an affordable vacuum tube amplifier to lower the barrier for the
people who would love to enter the “audiophile” aspect of life. Instead of normal solid state amplifier,
we will build a vacuum tube based amplifier. The reason to use vacuum tubes is that although the
transistor has a very low distortion level, it produces more odd harmonic distortions than the even ones,
while the vacuum tubes produce more even harmonic distortion than the odd one, which human ear
perceives as consonances other than dissonances [2].
1.2 Background
Music has been all around our life since we were born. We cannot imagine our life without music.
However, people usually do not care about the sound quality. Most of people, will only care about
loudness. Statistics shown that most of people own Beats headphones or Apple Ear-pods [3], but the
fidelity of those “elegant looking” headphones or earphones are not worth their price, since the
frequency response of Ear-pods only range from 100 Hz to 10 kHz, which is way below human hearing
range [4]. Also, the “Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Solo”, which has an exponential decay of its frequency
response curve, will result in a huge imbalance between the bass and treble [5]. Through above
discussion, we found that most commercial headphones and earphones that targeting most of the
consumer will not give us a pleasant listening experience.
Thus we turned to the lean market that target to specific group of people called “audiophile”. We found
most of the product have a specification that meet our standard, but the prices are way higher than
people’s normal budget for audio systems. For example, MC275 2-Channel Vacuum Tube Amplifier from
McIntosh will cost around 5,800 USD [6].
The above two reasons make people under average income decide not to buy expensive audio system,
rather using Ear-pods instead. So we decide to design a entry level of vacuum tube amplifier that targets
average income people, and let them can enjoy high quality music.
1.3 High-level requirements
● Vacuum Tube Amplifier must produce at least 70 dB of loudness level through speakers.
● The total cost of the device should not exceed $200.
● Vacuum Tube Amplifier must consume no more than 80 Watts of power.
2. Design
In order to work, vacuum Tube Amplifier needs four operating components: Transformer, Rectifier,
Voltage Amplification Stage and Power Amplification stage Shown in Fig. 01. The Source consists of two
parts: Sound input and power of 110 V AC at 60 Hz. Voltage and power Transformers are used to step up
and step down voltage. And Output Transformer has high input impedance and low output impedance
to provide impedance matching to the speaker. Rectifier converted the different voltages to steady DC
value. The Voltage and Power Amplification Circuits serves as amplification of input signals, where in
tubes are biased to optimal operating point to ensure the maximum gain. The optimal gain can be found
in the datasheet.
Fig. 02. Physical Diagram
2.2 Functional Overview
We will use 3.5mm jack and as well as RCA pair as our audio inputs. This kinds of inputs are most
common inputs for amplifiers, therefore we can offer maximized compatibility while lowering the total
Requirements Verification
We will use a fixed resistor in series with a variable resistor to make our volume control. Using the
configuration as Fig. 03. We will get most of the voltage, ranging from 0 to 0.91 Vsig.
Fig. 03. Circuit Diagram Shows Volume Control Module
Requirements Verification
We will have 3 rectification circuits. They will all have the same function that convert AC supply to DC
supply. The only difference is that they will be fed with different voltages. For simplicity and cost
effective, we will only use passive elements to design and build our rectifier circuit. Fig. 04 shows the
circuit schematics.
Fig. 04. Circuit Diagram of Rectifier
Requirements Verification
1. The output voltages for 3 rectifiers 1. A. Connect the input terminal to wall
should be at least 6.3 V, 120 V, and 230 V outlets.
respectively. B. Connect the output terminal to
multimeter. Then turn on the
C. Measure the reading from
multimeter to make sure it’s
larger our planned value.
2. The ripple voltage at output stage 2. A. Connect the input terminal to wall
should be less than 0.5% of the outlets. Connect 2 terminals of
output DC voltage. oscilloscope to the output
terminal of the 6.3 V rectifier.
Then turn on the switch.
B. Using oscilloscope to measure the
ripple voltage, and make sure it’s
less than 0.5% Vout.
C. Using simulation to determine the
ripple voltage of 120 V and 230
V rectifiers.
2.2.4 Voltage Amplification Stage
We will use common cathode connection. We will also connect the pentode using triode connection.
From the datasheet (see Fig. 04 below), we found that the typical plate voltage (Vp) is 120 V, we want to
operate in a linear region, thus we choose our plate current (Ip) is approx. 9 mA . Thus, we need to bias
the grid to be -2.0 V. In other word, the cathode has a 2.0 V higher potential. Grounding the grid using a
resistor of approx. 1 MΩ (The grid can be considered as open circuit, thus a large resistor can do the
ground). To make the cathode 2.0 V higher than ground, we use another resistor Rk. The schematic is as
Fig. 05. The value of the capacitor that in parallel with the cathode resistor is going to be tweaked to
adjust the frequency response.
V𝑘 −0 2.0
𝑅𝑘 = = = 2222Ω eq. 1
𝐼𝑝 0.0009
Once the operating point is confirmed, we can draw the small signal model, as Fig. 06. We need another
parameter which is Rp to determine the voltage gain of this stage
𝑔𝑚 = ∂𝑉𝑝 = −4.7 × 10−4 Ω−1 eq. 2
∂𝑉𝑝 120
𝑟𝑝 = ∂𝐼𝑝
= 0.009 = 13333Ω eq. 4
Fig. 05. I-V Curve of 6J1 Tube (From Datasheet).
Fig. 07 Small Signal Model
Requirements Verification
3. The total harmonic distortion (THD) 3. A. Connect two terminals of
should be less than 1% @ 1 kHz. function generator with peak to
peak voltage equals 1 V to the
input of the tube circuit. Connect
2 terminals of oscilloscope to the
plate and ground.
B. Set the frequency of function
generator to 1 kHz,
Using the tools on oscilloscope to
find the THD.
In power amplification stage, we will also use common cathode connection, but the screen will be
connect to 230 V DC power supply. In this stage, we choose our operating point to be such that plate
voltage is 200 V and plate current is 115 mA. So we will bias our 6P1 tube’s grid to 0 V, in other words,
no bias. From the datasheet (Fig. 07.), we found trans-conductance is 4.9 mA/V. The circuit diagram is as
Fig. 08. The amplified signals will then go through output transformer and deliver electrical signal and
power to the speaker.
∂𝑉𝑝 200
𝑟𝑝 = = = 13333Ω eq. 6
∂𝐼𝑝 0.115−0.100
𝜇 17.8
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑉𝑖𝑛 × 5000
= 𝑉𝑖𝑛 × 48 × 25
= 34.2 𝑉𝑖𝑛 eq. 8
Fig. 08. I-V Curve from 6P1 Datasheet
Requirements Verification
Fig. 10. Overall Circuit Diagram
The varying resistances and capacitances will result in a different DC voltage after rectifier, it could also
cause a different operating points for the tubes. The result power gain from the system would defer.
Lucky, due to the linearity around the operating point, our amplification signal still obtain the same
exact waveform with some unavoidable distortions. As a result, the overall power gain in the left and
right channel would differ by a mount of:
The Worst-case mismatch in the left and right channel would be:
𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 +∆𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡
𝐴𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 −∆𝐴𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐴𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 = 8.77% eq. 11
However, the output impedance of tube might not match input impedance of an output transformer.
Due to that, the frequency response of output stage might not be ideal. And the power transformer
would also differ.
The main tolerance we must maintain is the frequency response of power amplify stage and impedance
matching between output resistance of tube and impedance of transformer's primary coil.
We can measure the output and input impedance of the output transformer in 4 ohm configuration,
since AC resistance cannot be calculated easily, we use DC resistance as a reference.
= 1.3% eq. 12
= 5.6% eq. 13
From this values above, we are able to estimate the power transfer given the power to be to best match
the speakers:
Case To left channel To right Channel
1 5.135 5.033 2.03
2 4.865 5.033 -3.34
3 5.135 4.967 3.38
4 4.868 4.967 -2.05
We can get a minimum of 2% mismatch in the power transfer in right and left channel. We can also use
these combination with the left and right channel with the left and right channel gain to further balance
the stereo channel.
3. Cost and Schedule
3.1 Cost
The labor cost per hour is estimated to be $50 per person, and the average time into development is
estimated to be 8 hours per week. The total labor cost can be calculated as:
hour 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘
$50 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 −1 × 8 week × 10 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 × 2 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 = $ 8000 eq. 14
Cost (Massive
Component Cost (Prototype)
$215.9 + $8000 = $8215. Which will be our total cost of human resources and prototype.
3.2 Schedule
Since Simulation are almost done at the time we wrote this design document and it is against the safety
rules to work on high voltages alone, we will both work on the circuit soldering and testing together as
a group.
Feb 19 Design, simulate preamp and power amp circuit. Modify the design if needed.
Maximize the theoretical gain in each stage in simulation.
Feb 26 Soldering of Rectifier Circuit. Capture the waveform of three rectifier output
voltages by the oscilloscope and perform open circuit test and load test.
Mar 5 Soldering of Voltage Amplification Circuit (one channel). Capture the waveform
of output voltage and calculate the voltage gain.
Mar 19 Building of the Speaker Chamber, Amplifier chassis and build the impedance
matching circuit for headphones.
Mar 26 First systematic testing and Measure the frequency response of Speaker (one
channel), modify the circuit to keep frequency response flat at 20-20kHz.
April 9 Match the loudness level on both channel and frequency response by tweaking
the circuit
4. Ethics and Safety
Since our project involves with voltages that are higher than 200 volts, many components must endure
the high voltages. First of all, we need to make sure we did not overload our transformers. The rating of
step up 110 volt to 220 volt transformer is 1000VA, thus the maximum current on the high side should
not exceed 4.54 A. For the 110 Volt to 6.8 volt transformer, the rating is 50 watts, thus the maximum
current on the low side should not exceed 7.35 A. The 110 volt to 180 volt transformer has a rating of
500 VA, thus the current on high side has be limited within 2.77 A.
The rectifier circuit handles a substantial power conversions, which is estimated to be 80 W, thus the
rated voltages capacitors are ideally to have more than twice the actual voltage in the circuit to prevent
damage to the component. Also, we choose to use resistors that can handle a maximum power of 2 W
to maximize the endurance while keep the cost down. If the simulation results in a higher power
consumption than 2W, we can either use a combination of resistors instead or make changes to the
circuit. The diode are carefully choose to have a forward current of 1 A [8] tolerance and the repetitive
reverse breakdown voltage is 1000V, which is lower than any of the transformer values.
In the tube amplifier portion, the tubes are the major power consumption, the circuit design needs to
ensure the maximum ratings in currents, voltages and power are not exceeded.
Taking the whole product perspective, according to the first ethic guide of IEEE 7.8 [9], we need to make
sure that we will not expose any metal contacts that are powered on to keep ourselves and potential
customers safe. A chassis will be utilized to prevent exposure from the high voltages part of the circuit.
And we will use insulation gloves if needed. For our project, the circuit part of amplifier must be sealed
with good ventilation to prevent circuit and tube overheating. If the passive cooling is not sufficient
enough, additional outtake and intake fans will be added.
We will follow all regulations and rules of the senior design lab, in specific:
1. We will never leave any circuits unattended that might cause electric shock or scald.
2. We will always work in pairs.
3. We will make sure that all high voltage lines and equipment are properly insulated and without flaw
before use.
4. We will never power on a circuit that’s not finished or still in progress.
5. We will use insulating gloves if we are dealing with high voltages.
6. We will dispose broken tubes properly.
[1] Kirkville, ‘Are You Part of the 1% of Music Listeners?’, 2015. [online].
Available at: [Accessed
22 Feb. 2018].
[3] Potuck, M. and Potuck, M., ‘Report: Apple’s AirPods and wireless Beats take
40% of all recent Bluetooth headphone sales’, 2017. [online]. Available at:
-all-recent-bluetooth-headphone-sales/ [Accessed 22 Feb. 2018].
[4], ‘Apple EarPods Freq. Response’, n.d.. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb.
[5] InnerFidelity, ‘Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Solo’, 2011. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 22
Feb. 2018].
[7], ‘Typical gain for a power amp - diyAudio’, 2012. [online].
Available at:
-typical-gain-power-amp.html [Accessed 23 Feb. 2018].
Relevant Datasheets
1N4007 Diodes
6J1 Tube
6P1 Tube