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Bearing capacity of displacement piles in layered soils with highly diverse strength
Capacité portante des pieux de deplacements battus dans les sols stratifiés avec des paramètres
fortement differés de la resistance

Gwizdala K., Krasinski A.

Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland

ABSTRACT: Reliable prediction of pile bearing capacity including the installation effects is still a serious research and engineering
problem. Computational analyses should be related to the load-settlement characteristics comprising entire range of loads, up to the
limit state. European standard Eurocode 7 includes only the general rules and some calculation concepts. In the analytical method of
pile bearing capacity calculation a commonly applied static formula, based on pile base and shaft unit resistances, is proposed. It is
also recommended that the calculating procedures and the values of unit soil resistances used in the calculations would be verified by
field tests done on real piles. In the paper the cases of bridge structures founded on driven displacement Vibro and Franki piles are
presented. The design assumptions and computational results were verified by static load tests of piles (SPLT). Soil profiles and
geotechnical parameters of soil layers have been determined by CPTU tests. One of static load tests was carried out on instrumented
pile equipped with extensometers.

RÉSUMÉ : Prediction rèliable de la capacité portante des pieux avec les effets d’installation constitue toujours un problème important
de l’ingénièrie et de la recherche. Analyse devrait inclure les caractéristiques charge-tassement dans le cadre entière de la charge
jusqu’au l’état limit. Le standard Eurocode inclue seulement des règles et une concéption générales de calculs. Une méthode analytic
de la capacité portante est proposée par la formule statique considerant unitaires resistances de base et du frottement latérale. Il est
récomandé que la procedure de calcul ansi que les valeurs unitaires de la résistance au sol soit verifier par un essais de chargèment
d’un pieu réel. Quelques cas des fondations de ponts posés sur les pieux battus Vibro et Franki sont présentés. Les assumptions de
dimmensionement et les résultats de calcul sont vérifiés par le chargement statique des pieux (SPLT). Le profil du sol et les
paramètres de couches du sol sont détèrminés par les essais CPTU. Un essais de chargement statique est réalisé avec un pieu
instrumenté avec éxtènsomètres.
KEYWORDS: pile bearing capacity, settlement of piles, displacement piles

1 INTRODUCTION conventional ultimate load Qu, corresponding to the settlement

equal to 10% of pile diameter (s = 0,10D) has been indicated. In
Reliable prediction of bearing capacity and settlements of piles such approach, partial coefficients for loads and partial
is still quite a difficult task either from theoretical as well as coefficients for shaft and base resistances should be correlated
from practical point of view. The analysis of the transmission of with assumed ultimate load level determined from Q-s curve.
loads by the construction into the subsoil in terms of full Characteristic bearing capacity of the pile determined on the
relation between load and settlement (Q–s) is more adequate. basis of geotechnical parameters from ground test results can be
Currently in Europe and also in Poland general Eurocode 7 rules calculated from the following formulae:
are applied.
According to the Eurocode recommendations, a design of Rc;k = Rb;k + Rs;k (1)
pile foundations should be made using one of the following Rb;k = Ab · qb;k (2)
approaches: Rs;k = ∑ As;i · qs;i;k (3)
a) based on the static load test results, the consistency of which where:
with other comparable experiences has been proved by qb;k – characteristic value of the unit resistance under the pile
calculations or in some other way; base,
b) based on empirical or analytical calculation methods, the qs;i;k – characteristic value of the unit resistance over the pile
reliability of which has been confirmed by static load tests shaft in subsequent soil layers,
in comparable conditions; Ab – calculated area of the pile base,
c) based on dynamic load test results, the reliability of which As;i – calculated area of the pile shaft in the subsequent soil
has been revealed by static load tests in similar soil layers.
conditions and for the same type of piles;
d) based on the observation of the behavior of comparable pile All over the world there exists quite a lot of methods for the
foundations, provided that the data were verified by field calculation of pile bearing capacity. Also in Poland proposals of
tests (site investigations and soil testing). qb;k i qs;i;k calculation in relation to various technologies of
piles have been elaborated, see e.g. Gwizdala 1997, Gwizdala
It should be pointed out that basic method for the evaluation 2011, Gwizdala and Steczniewski 2007, Gwizdala et al 2010,
of Q-s curve are static load tests. An example of the relation of Krasinski 2012. When the pile bearing capacity is concerned,
shaft, base resistances, total load and pile shortening are the range of settlement curve for the given method should be
presented in Fig. 1. According to Eurocode principles, the

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

precisely defined (Fig. 1). Possibly, some reserve ∆Q may be Table 1. Static load test and calculation results for Vibro–Fundex pile
included in relation to critical load Qc (see Gwizdala 1997). Bearing Corre- Chara- Partial Calcula-
Comparison of bearing capacities calculated by various capacity lation cteristic resis- ted
methods reveals significant differences. Exemplary results of Method based on coeffi- bearing tance bearing
calculations for Vibro pile and for data presented in Fig. 2 are characte- cients capacity factor capacity
collated in Table 1. ristic
parameters Rc;k t Rc;d
[kN] [kN] [kN]
Design load Qr – – – – 1034.0
PN-83/B- 1758.0
02482 (Rc = – – k = 0.8 1406.0
based on SPLT Qmax,SPLT)
EN 1997-1; 1758.0 1 = 1.4
2004 (Rc = 2 = 1.4 1256.0 1.1 1142.0
based on SPLT Qmax,SPLT)
EN 1992-2; 3 = 1.4
2007 2378.0 4 = 1.4 1699.0 1.1 1545.0
(DIN 1054)
Bustamante 1980.0 3 = 1.4 1414.0 1.1 1285.0
& Gianeselli 4 = 1.4
 – method 1538.0 3 = 1.4 1098.0 1.1 998.0
API (1984) 4 = 1.4
Figure 1. Generalized load-settlement curves of pile Gwizdala & 3 = 1.4
Steczniewski 2308.0 4 = 1.4 1648.0 1.1 1498.0

Figure 3. Example of Vibro pile calculation results obtained from load-

transfer functions method (Gwizdala and Steczniewski 2007)



Driven displacement piles are applied for constructions

Figure 2. Data and static load test result of Vibro-Fundex pile, taken transmitting large loads and when small settlements are
into calculation analysis required, especially plastic settlements for designed load range.
Currently big pressure is put on the development of Very good characteristics of subsoil-pile interaction are
calculation methods based on direct results of in situ tests, e.g. obtained for driven cast-in-place displacement piles such as
CPTU tests and making use of load-transfer t-z i q-z functions. Virbo, Vibro-Fundex and Franki. (Fig. 3, 4 and 5).
Such method has been proposed by Gwizdala and Steczniewski
2007 (see example shown in Fig. 3) and for screw displacement 2.1. Tests on Vibro and Franki piles under bridge object of A1
piles by Krasinski 2012. highway
The problem becomes much complex for the piles installed In the frame of reconnaissance works for foundation of access
in layered soils with highly diverse strength parameters. In such flyover roads to large bridge over the Vistula river some tests on
cases reliable results can be obtained from static load tests Vibro and Franki piles have been carried out. Vibro piles have
(SPLT). the diameter of 508/560 mm and the length 25.4 m whereas
Franki piles 560 mm and 23.5 m respectively. In Fig. 4
geotechnical conditions in the form of CPTU characteristics and
settlement curves obtained from load tests are presented. Load –

Technical Committee 212 / Comité technique 212

settlement relations for both pile types are nearly linear. Due to
conventional procedure of tests, the results did not provide any
information regarding the distribution of loads transmitted by
the shaft and by the base of piles into the subsoil.

Figure. 5. Basic result from static load test of instrumented Vibro pile

Figure. 6. Distribution of axial load in the instrumented Vibro pile

Figure. 4. Soil conditions and SPLT results of Vibro and Franki piles
tested for bridge over the Vistula river project

2.2. Tests on Vibro pile under road viaduct in Gdansk

More advanced static load test has been carried out for
508/560 mm Vibro pile installed under the foundation of road
viaduct in Gdansk. In the test the distribution of load between
shaft and base of the pile was measured. For this purpose
a system of 7 extensometers have been installed inside the pile
shaft in order to measure shaft strains. The principle of
extensometric system work is commonly known, (Bustamante
and Diox 1991, Hayes and Simmonds 2002, etc.). The
assessment of axial load at various pile levels is based on the
shortening measurement of individual pile sectors. Subsequent-
ly, the load transmitted into the particular soil layers over the
pile shaft and under its base are determined.
Basic Q-s diagram representing settlement of the pile is
presented in Fig. 5. In turn, the distribution of axial load in the
pile for subsequent load levels obtained from the extensometric Figure. 7. Unit friction resistances tsi over the shaft in particular soil
layers and unit resistance qb under the base of instrumented
measurements is shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 7 the results of further
Vibro pile
interpretation of the measurements in terms of unit friction
resistances tsi over the pile shaft in particular soil layers and unit There are main observations and conclusions drawn from the
resistance under the pile base qb are presented. The unit analysis of the results of extensometric measurements:
resistances have been expressed as a function of displacement  large part of external load applied to the pile head has been
of corresponding pile sectors. overtaken by the friction resistance of upper sandy soil
layers which exist in the subsoil to the depth of 14 m, still
over the mud layers;
 small portion of total load reached the level of pile base.
The value of Qb force transmitted by the pile base in the

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

final load phase was 400 kN approximately which is 4 REFERENCES

equivalent to 11% of total load Qmax = 3560 kN;
Bustamante, M., Doix, B. 1991. A new model of LCPC removable
 essential portion of pile settlement (75% approximately) at extensometer. Fourth International Conference on Piling and Deep
the level of pile head (5.5 mm) is related to the shortening Foundations, Stresa, Italy.
of the pile (4 mm approximately); Bustamante M., Gianeselli L. 1982. Pile Bearing Capacity Prediction by
 settlement of the pile base in the final loading stage reached Means of Static Penetration CPT. Proceedings of 2nd European
the value nearly 2 mm which explains small value of Symposium on Penetration Testing, Amsterdam, Vol. 2, 493-500.
mobilized soil resistance under the base; De Cock F., Legrand C & Huybrechts N. 2003: Overview of design
methods of axially loaded piles in Europe – Report of ERTC-Piles,
 values of mobilised unit friction resistances over the pile ISSMGE Subcommittee. Praha. XIIIth, European Conference on
shaft ts in sandy layers varied from 85 to 130 kPa whereas Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Volume 3, 663-715.
in mud layers from 25 to 35 kPa. Friction resistances in Gwizdała K., 1997. Polish design methods for single axially loaded
sandy layers directly under the soil surface (ts1) reached full piles. Design of Axially Loaded Piles - European Practice.
mobilization state corresponding to maximum value Brussels, 291-306.
100 kPa. In turn, the friction resistances of deeper sandy Gwizdała K. 2011. Pile foundations . Vol. 1. Technologies and
layers (ts2, ts3, ts5 i ts7) did not reach maximum values due to Calculations. (in Polish). PWN Publising House, 1-300.
small pile displacements against the soil occurring at the Gwizdała K., Stęczniewski M. 2006. Determination of the bearing
corresponding levels; capacity of pile foundations based on CPT test results. Proceedings
 mobilized unit resistance of the soil under the pile base qb of the 3rd International Seminar on Soil Design Parameters from In
reached the value of 1300 kPa approximately and due to Situ and Laboratory Tests. Poznań, September.
small displacements of the base is far from ultimate value. Gwizdała K., Brzozowski T., Więcławski P. 2010. Calculation aspects
After extrapolation of the curve for the displacements of pile foundation in Eurocode 7. Proc. of the XIV Danube-
corresponding to 10% of the pile diameter (50 mm), European Conf. on Geotechnical Engineering From Research to
Design in European Practice. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 2-
approximate value of limit unit resistance of soil under the
4, 141+Cd.
base was about 4500 kPa.
Hayes J., Simmonds, T. 2002. Interpreting strain measurements from
Extensometric measurements performed during the load test load tests in bored piles. Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conference on
revealed that upper subsoil layers took over large portion of the Piling and Deep Foundations, Nice, 663-669.
pile force which made difficult the reliable assessment of the Krasiński, A. 2012. Proposal for calculating the bearing capacity of
bearing capacity of basic soil layers lying below. Thus the load screw displacement piles in non-cohesive soils based on CPT
applied in the load test should be much higher corresponding to results. Studia Geotechnika et Mechanica, Vol. XXXIV, No 4, 41-
Qmax of the order of 6000–7000 kN. However, due to capacity 51.
of loading stand it was not possible to apply such high loads. Tejchman A., Gwizdała, K., Kłos, J. 1985. Application of in situ tests
The described case may be a good example showing that the for evaluation of pile bearing capacity. Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Soil
planning and interpretation of conventional loading tests Mech. Found. Eng. Vol. 3, San Francisco, 1479-1482.
EN 1997-1:2004, Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design – Part 1: General
requires always individual approach and analysis referred to the
specifics of soil conditions, especially when we deal with
EN 1997-2:2007, Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design – Part 2: Ground
layered subsoil. In such cases it is recommended to carry out the
investigations and testing.
load tests accompanied by exetensometric measurements.
EN 12699:2001, Execution of special geotechnical works. Displacement
3 SUMMARY ISSMFE Subcommittee on Field and Laboratory Testing, Axial Pile
Loading Test, Suggested Method. ASTM Journal, June 1985, 79-
Driven displacement piles of Vibro, Vibrex and Franki type 90.
have favorable load-settlement characteristics and reveal small ASTM Designation D 4945, Standard Test Method for High-Strain
settlements. General principles given by Eurocode 7 should aim Dynamic Testing of Piles.
at an unification of the methods for the calculation of bearing Polish Code PN-83/B-02482, 1983. Foundations. Bearing capacity of
capacity of the pile. Current comparison of the calculation piles and pile foundations.
results obtained by various methods indicated significant
differences in the assessment of the bearing capacity of the
Experiences and comparative analyses with the results of
load tests show that the most reliable results are obtained in
terms of calculation methods which make use of in situ test
results (CPT, CPTU, DLT, PMT). It would be of significant
value to create the international database with complete static
and dynamic test results of piles and the information regarding
the measurements of soil resistances over the pile shaft and
under the base referred to careful description of the subsoil and
the in situ tests itself.


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