Reviewer - Serik Khairaliyev, PHD, Associate Professor, Nazarbayev University
Reviewer - Serik Khairaliyev, PHD, Associate Professor, Nazarbayev University
Reviewer - Serik Khairaliyev, PHD, Associate Professor, Nazarbayev University
Desmond Adair, 1Zhumabay Bakenov & 2Martin Jaeger
School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University, Astana, 010000, Republic of
School of Engineering & ICT, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS7001,
Reviewer - Serik Khairaliyev, PhD, Associate Professor, Nazarbayev University,
Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
The quality of students’ and engineers thinking, and how they think, determines
the quality of what they design, produce or make. Critical thinking, it is claimed, in
engineering education occurs today in a focused context, directed toward fulfilling
one of several accreditation body learning outcomes [1]. Of course the teaching of
critical thinking should be more than this, as critical thinking entails much more
than the conventional practices in engineering, by considering and articulating
assumptions in problem solving, selecting appropriate hypotheses and methods for
experimentation, and, structuring open-ended design problems. Just as found in
many professions, engineers now need, more than ever, strong critical thinking
skills to deal with a world of increasingly rapid change and complexity.
The argument in this paper is that students coming to tertiary-level education
without properly cultivated critical thinking skills are at a great disadvantage. This
is for two main reasons; first critical thinking cannot be taught in the traditional
conventional manner over a short time, and secondly it takes a long time for
students to start using critical thinking in a clear and useful manner. Therefore in
elementary and secondary schools, critical thinking should be an integral part of
the curriculum, and, tasks to promote and assess critical thinking should be
implemented into the normal coursework. In this paper a five-step framework to
build critical thinking skills teaching around is developed.
Initial thoughts on critical thinking
Prior to university programmes, i.e., in the school sector: Passive learning is still
often practiced at secondary-level, and frequently active learning or critical
thinking is not encouraged. Reasons for this adherence are many, not least state
examination pressures. Those new to the teaching profession often adopt this
model because it is both teacher-centered and comes with a strong academic
tradition. Unfortunately it is very difficult to increase a student’s critical thinking
skills with the passive format. Topics are often discussed sequentially rather than
critically, and students tend to memorize the material. The student is placed in a
passive rather than an active role, since the teacher does most of the talking, and
importantly most of the questioning, and hence most of the thinking [2]. Active
learning can make a course more enjoyable for both the teacher and the student
and, very importantly, it can make the student think critically. For this to happen,
educators must give up the belief that students cannot learn a subject unless the
teacher covers it. While it is useful for students to gain some exposure to the
material through pre-class readings and overview introductions, students really do
not understand it until they actively do something with it and reflect on the
meaning of what they are doing.
What is critical thinking?
Different definitions of the term ‘critical thinking’ abound in the literature [3-6]
and this variability may in fact impede progress on all fronts [7]. Most of the
definitions share some basic features and probably address some aspect of critical
thinking [8]. In the face of so many definitions, some authors go for a ‘consensus
definition’ and others go for one that meets their needs and consistency in applying
it [9]. Important to critical thinking is how to assess it. With this in mind, a
definition for critical thinking, and the working one for this paper, based on
Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives [10] was chosen. Breaking down
academic skills in this way and to some extent identifying critical thinking
provides a reasonable breakdown for designing specific assessment designs.
Five-step model applied at the secondary level
To provide the greatest benefits to students, teachers should provide as many
opportunities as possible for students to engage in the upper levels of Bloom’s
taxonomy where critical thinking takes place. Most teachers do indeed believe that
developing critical thinking in their students is of great importance, few have an
idea of what exactly it is, or how it should be taught and importantly how it should
be assessed [11]. To help with this a five-step model is now discussed which can
be implemented in most teaching environments whether for elementary, secondary
or tertiary education to help students gain critical thinking skills. The outline of the
model is shown on Fig. 1
Step 1. Determine the learning objectives
By considering the placement of the course in a programme of study, and its role in
providing a base of knowledge and skills to be built on by other courses, a teacher
should first identify the key learning objectives that define what behaviours
students should exhibit when they finish the course. To make critical thinking
happen, these learning objectives , as well as the activities and assessments, must
include those tied to the higher levels of Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy. A well-written
objective should include a behavior that is appropriate for the chosen level of
taxonomy. Bloom’s levels are: Knowledge; Comprehension; Application;
Analysis; Synthesis; Evaluation.
Критическое мышление является умением развития, которое не легко
обучить в течении короткого времени, либо только традиционными
методами. Школьникам необходимо учиться думать критически до
поступления в университет. В этой статье предлагается пятиступенчатая
основа для критического мышления, которая может быть широко
использована в большинстве школ для эффективного обучения навыков
критического мышления.
Critical thinking is a developmental skill which cannot be taught simply by
traditional methods, or over a short time. Therefore it is necessary for students to
start thinking critically before they come to university. This paper develops a five-
step framework for critical thinking, which can be used in most school teaching
settings to effectively give students some critical thinking skills.