Kinesthetic, Dimension, Scale
Kinesthetic, Dimension, Scale
Kinesthetic, Dimension, Scale
ONE SPACE TO ANOTHER. • The qualities in architecture are
EXAMPLE A ROOM THAT CAN BE needed to make the building
TRAVERSED IN ONE OR TWO more strong, looked like it is
STEPS GIVES AN ENTIRELY growing as that of a plant
DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE FROM A • Strength, one of the qualities,
ROOM REQUIRING 15-20 STEPS must show how strong a building
is constructed to survive from the
• A CEILING THAT YOU CAN problems or disasters of time.
TOUCH IS DIFFERENT IS Strength is important in a
DIFFERENT FROM ONE building. The strength of a
WITH A CEILING THAT IS building should be proportional
HIGH to the weight of the building.
You can also use the strongest
LIGHT, COLOR AND TEXTURE material to add strength in a
building to feel safer to live in it.
• Design elements and principles • Vitality is about how a building
describe fundamental ideas about should grow or developed from
the practice of good visual design the times passed.
that are assumed to be the basis • You can compare it to a plant
of all intentional visual design that from years passed, will soon
strategies. The elements form the turn into a tree. Buildings that are
'vocabulary' of the design, while developing is important in
the principles constitute the architecture, because you see a
broader structural aspects of its new building that was built more
composition. Awareness of the beautiful and more interesting. If
elements and principles in design the building is not growing or
is the first step in creating developing, it will put a lack of
successful visual compositions. interest and charm to the viewers.
• Restraint, in architecture should
• Essentials in Architecture are be simple and direct, and yet you
also important like that of the should see the beauty in it. There
elements and principles of should be a concentration of
design. This helps us to add ornament. A lack of restraint will
beauty in our work and make it put too much design on a
more realistic. It will also teach building, it may looked beautiful
us on how we can do a better but too much design will make it
design of a building that will looked like it is overloaded.
satisfy the owner and even the
viewer. You also need to build a Articulation
strong one which will survive in
every unexpected situation. • How building surfaces come
Essentials in architecture will together to define form is often
make us learn more in relation to described as "articulation." The
architectural theory and criticism. treatment of edges, corners,
• Experiencing Architecture by
Steen Eiler Rasmussen.
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1962.
• "Form" by Adrian Forty in
Words and Buildings: A
Vocabulary of Modern
Architecture. New York: Thames
and Hudson, 2000: 149-172.
• "Form and Formalism" by David
Smith Capon in Architectural
• Although also large in literal Theory: Le Corbusier's Legacy.
size, this design employs a Chichester: John Wiley & Sons,
complex, non-rectilinear shape 1999: 41-70.
that uses form and surface • The Measure of Man: Human
articulation to reduce the Factors in Design by Henry
building scale. The choice of Dreyfuss. New York: Whitney
light reflective titanium exterior Library of Design, 1967.
cladding further dematerializes • Towards a New Architecture by
the building form and uses light Le Corbusier. New York: Payson
and shadow to continuously and Clarke, 1927.
modulate the exterior surface.
Proportion (architecture)