Salient Features of 80586 (Pentium)
Salient Features of 80586 (Pentium)
Salient Features of 80586 (Pentium)
Another feature of Pentium is that it contains two separate caches, viz. data cache and instruction
cache. In 80486 there was a single unified data/instruction cache.
The Intel CPU architectures up to 80486 issues only one instruction to the execution unit per
cycle. This obviously leads to a comparatively slow process of decoding and execution. For
enhancement of processor performance beyond one instruction per cycle, the computer architects
employ the technique of multiple instruction issue (MII). Thus a microprocessor which is
capable of issuing more thaw instruction per single processor cycle will be termed as MII
microprocessor. Obvious executing more than one instruction in a cycle, the microprocessor
must have more than execution channels. Thus there are two problems, viz. (a) How to issue
multiple instruct, and (b) How to execute them concurrently. Keeping in view these two issues, I
architectures may again be redivided in two classes of architectures — (i) Very Long Instruction
Word (VLIW) architecture and (ii) Superscalar architecture.
Fig. 5 .1 Pentium CPU Architecture
In VLIW processors, the compiler reorders the sequential stream of code that is coming from
memory into a fixed size instruction group and issues them in parallel for execution. On the other
hand, in superscalar architecture the hardware decides which instructions are to be issued
concurrently at run time.
The Pentium CPU is based on superscalar architecture. The hardware, in case of the superscalar
architecture like Pentium, becomes enormously complex because in such a processor multiple
instructions have to be issued in each cycle to the execution unit.
Another important concept involved here is that of pipelining. Pipelining has been implemented
in all the processors from 8086 onwards, in a limited sense when instructions have been
prefetched and stored in a queue.
Superscalar Execution
The salient feature of Pentium is that it supports superscalar architecture. For execution
of multiple instructions concurrently, Pentium microprocessor issues two instructions in parallel
to the two independent integer pipelines known as U and V pipelines. Each of these two
pipelines has 5 stages, as shown in Fig. 5.2. These pipeline stages are similar to the one in 80486
CPU. Functions of these pipelines have been presented in brief.