COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pragmatic Plan For Ayurveda Intervention

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COVID-19 Pandemic: A pragmatic plan for Ayurveda Intervention

Article  in  Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine · April 2020

DOI: 10.1016/j.jaim.2020.04.002


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3 authors, including:

Sanjeev Rastogi Deep Narayan Pandey

University of Lucknow Government of Rajasthan


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Original Research Article

COVID-19 pandemic: A pragmatic plan for ayurveda intervention

Sanjeev Rastogi a, *, Deep Narayan Pandey b, Ram Harsh Singh c
Dept of Kaya Chikitsa, State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow, 226003, India
Department of Environment/Forests, Government of Rajasthan, Secretariat, Jaipur, 302005, Rajasthan, India
Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: World community is facing an unprecedented pandemic of novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) caused
Received 30 March 2020 by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV- 2). The disease has spread globally
Received in revised form with more than 1.43 million confirmed cases and 82,100 deaths as of April 8, 2020. Despite worldwide
16 April 2020
efforts to contain it, the pandemic is continuing to spread for want of a clinically-proven prophylaxis and
Accepted 18 April 2020
Available online xxx
therapeutic strategy. The dimensions of pandemic require an urgent harnessing of all knowledge systems
available globally. Utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Wuhan to treat COVID-19 cases sets the
example demonstrating that traditional health care can contribute to treatment of these patients suc-
cessfully. Drawing on the Ayurveda classics, contemporary scientific studies, and experiential knowledge
Pandemic on similar clinical settings, here we propose a pragmatic plan for intervention in India. We provide a plan
SARS-CoV-2 for graded response, depending on the stage of infection among individuals, in a population. Notwith-
Traditional Medicine standing the fact that no system of medicine has any evidence-based treatment for COVID-19 as yet,
Ayurveda clinical interventions are required to be put in place. Therefore, pragmatic strategy proposed here for
TCM Ayurveda system of medicine requires immediate implementation. It will facilitate learning, generate
evidence and shall be a way forward.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institute of Transdisciplinary Health Sciences
and Technology and World Ayurveda Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

disease among individuals in a population. Notwithstanding the

fact that no system of medicine has any evidence-based treatment
for COVID-19 as yet, clinical interventions are being done world-
1. Background wide. Similar strategy is required to be implemented by Ayurveda
system of medicine. Ayurveda interventions become even more
An outbreak of pneumonia in December, 2019 in Wuhan, China, relevant by the fact that there is an elaborate description of
has now been determined to be caused by a novel coronavirus. It is causation and management of epidemic (Janapadodhwamsa) in
named as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS- Ayurveda [5].
CoV-2) [1,2]. The disease has since spread to 185 countries and While the disease is almost controlled in China [6], it is still
regions, with more than 2.06 million confirmed cases and more widespread in Europe and US which have emerged as the new
than 1,34,354 deaths as of April 16, 2020 [3]. Despite worldwide epicentres of the COVID-19 [7,8]. There are various reasons for the
efforts to contain it, the pandemic is continuing to spread for want containment of the disease in China, yet the evidence of role played
of a clinically-proven prophylaxis and therapeutic strategy [4]. by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) cannot be overlooked [9,10].
Consequently, it is necessary that scientific community must draw This is now known that during the peak days of the epidemic, over
on pluralistic knowledge systems available globally. Drawing on the 3100 TCM related workforce had been deployed to Hubei province
original Ayurveda classics, contemporary scientific studies, and our [9]. TCM was officially included in the Chinese Guideline on diag-
experiential knowledge on similar clinical settings, here we pro- nosis and treatment of COVID-19 [11]. This is exceptionally
pose a pragmatic plan for interventions. We provide a graded important to note that specific TCM wards were set up, and
response depending on the stage of infection and proximity with designated hospital were established which had used a variety of
Chinese medicines utilising their own principle of syndrome dif-
ferentiation in conjunction with treatment employing western
* Corresponding author. medicine. Total numbers of confirmed cases treated by TCM are
E-mail: reported to be at least 60,107 [12].
Peer review under responsibility of Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore.
0975-9476/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institute of Transdisciplinary Health Sciences and Technology and World Ayurveda Foundation. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: Rastogi S et al., COVID-19 pandemic: A pragmatic plan for ayurveda intervention, J Ayurveda Integr Med, https://
2 S. Rastogi et al. / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

In coherence with the success of TCM in managing a commu- For the purpose of Ayurveda interventions during COVID-19
nicable pandemic, it is logical and essential to explore how Ayur- pandemic, people can be segregated into four distinct categories [23].
veda can help in addressing the COVID-19 challenge [13,14]. Indeed,
this is the time to mainstreaming the AYUSH systems to transform 2. Unexposed asymptomatic group
Indian healthcare [15] and demonstrate the potential of AYUSH
systems in addressing the challenge and restoring health [16]. An This group will include persons who currently do not have any
understanding of COVID-19 epidemiology and pathogenesis as related symptom nor have any associated risk factor and co-
learned through on-going pandemic may help us drawing a feasible morbidities. These apparently healthy people may be the most
plan of action. About 80% of COVID-19 cases present with mild suitable for building of immunity so that infection-related patho-
symptoms requiring only primary medical care. Of the rest 20% genesis can be countered to keep them healthy [24]. Preventive
cases 15% require urgent medical attention at secondary health care interventions here can include both pharmacological as well as non-
services. Remaining 5% are critical cases requiring an intensive care pharmacological strategies. Among the non-pharmacological in-
and hence require a transfer to tertiary health care units equipped terventions healthy lifestyles, adequate physical activity, sufficient
with ICU [17]. sleep, care of retainable and non-retainable urges, sadvritta, and
Current estimated mortality of COVID-19 for overall infected avoidance and isolation from infected persons are vital [25]. Fumi-
population is 0.25e3.0% whereas it increases to >14% among gation of homes, shelters and living-place by Ayurvedic herbs such
elderly (over 80 years), 10% in associated CVD and 7% in associated as garlic (Allium sativum) peel, turmeric (Curcuma longa) powder,
diabetes. China's experience of pandemic has built the evidences Carom or Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) seeds and Loban (resin of
that co-morbidity such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart Styrax benzoin and Boswellia species) may also be a useful strategy
diseases and cerebrovascular disease act as risk factor with for disinfection [26]. In addition, community based Swarna Prashana
increased risk of mortality [18]. [27] and mass prophylaxis through rasayana having the predomi-
In 5% cases requiring Intensive care, the disease progression is nant effects upon respiratory tract can be useful [28]. Rasayana may
gradual, and requires about 9e10 days to progress from symptoms include Brahma Rasayana, Chyavanprasha or Amrit Bhallataka
of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) to Acute Respiratory [29,30]. The rationale for choice of rasayana drugs can be traced back
Distress Syndrome (ARDS). ARDS often is followed by un- to Samhita classics of Ayurveda as well as in contemporary research
correctable hypotensive shock, multi-organ failure and eventually [14]. Rasayana act as antioxidant, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory,
death [19]. anti-microbial, vaccine adjuvant, and confer immunity against dis-
There are some risk factors that make people susceptible. People eases [31,32]. Further, according to Ayurveda classics, rasayana
with older age, presence of co-morbidities such as diabetes, hy- therapy [33], along with physical and social distancing from infected
pertension and cardiovascular disease, males, anorexia and pre- persons [34], constitute a core strategy to overcome epidemic and
sentation without fever are more susceptible. Reduced peripheral infectious diseases. Building immunity requires time. There may be
capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2) below 90% is also a risk indicator some asymptomatic carriers who could transmit the virus to other
in apparently mild cases [20]. apparently healthy people. Hence, physical and social distancing for
With this background of SARS-CoV-2 associated epidemi- all would be essential to avoid any transmission [34].
ology and pathogenesis, a pragmatic and plausible plan of ac-
tion for Ayurvedic intervention are presented (Table 1). In this 3. Exposed asymptomatic (quarantined)
context, a few important issues need to be stated at the outset.
Our proposal complements the guidelines issued by Ministry of This group comprises of people who are without apparent
AYUSH, Government of India for boosting immunity among the symptoms, but at risk due to contact history. They need to be
masses [21]. However, it is not limited to prophylaxis alone. It quarantined carefully. Specific prophylaxis for this group may
addresses the therapeutic domain as well although within an include Sanjeevani vati [35] and Chitrakadi vati and combination of
integrative model of care. In that context, at a generic level, key Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) and
criteria for choosing suggested Ayurveda medicines here have Haridra (C. longa). This choice of medicines is aimed at maintenance
been safety and potential efficacy, broad-spectrum applicability, of agni as well as aam pachana in order to prevent the progression
ease of availability, long-term experiential knowledge on clin- of pathogenesis in its initial sanchaya-prakopa-prasara stage [36].
ical use, ease of administration, and as far as possible, afford- Sanjivani vati is widely used against communicable diseases, fever
ability [22]. due to infection and sannipataj jvara, cold, cough, and indigestion. It

Table 1
Proposed Ayurveda interventions in COVID-19 outbreak and their rationalea,b.

No. Category of people Proposed Intervention

1. Unexposed asymptomatic group Common health keeping approaches of Ayurveda including healthy diet, healthy life-style, adequate sleep, physical activity,
good conduct, care for retainable and non-retainable urges, and avoidance of disease causing factors (excessive cold and
exposure to pollutants). In addition, Chyavanprasha, Brahma Rasayana, Amrit Bhallataka, Sanjeevani vati, Swarna prashan.
2. Exposed asymptomatic Sanjeevani vati, Chitrakatdi vati, Chyavanprasha, Brahma Rasayana, and decoction of a combination of herbs, Tinospora cordifolia,
(Quarantined) Zingiber officinale, Curcuma longa, Ocimum sanctum, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Adhatoda vasica, Andrographis paniculata, Swertia chirata,
Moringa oleifera, Triphala and Trikatu.
3. With mild COVID-19 symptoms Pippali rasayan, Go Jihvadi Quath, Kantakari Avaleha, Chitrakadi vati, Vyaghri haritaki, Dashamul kwath, Sitopaladi, Talishadi, and
Yashtimadhu etc.
4. With moderate to severe Pippali rasayan, Laghu Vasant Malati, Sanjeevani vati, Tribhuvan Keerti rasa, Brihata Vata Chintamni rasa, Mrityunjaya rasa, Siddha
COVID-19 symptoms Makardhvaja etc.
Note: The proposed interventions are supposed to be practiced without compromising the conventional advisories by government authorities including frequent hand-
washing with soap till 20 s, cough and sneeze etiquette, physical distancing and universal mask usage.
Dosage of individual formulations are to be judged carefully by an experienced Ayurvedic physician on the basis of roga and rogi bala with an utmost care for vulnerable
population like children, pregnancy and elderly. In almost all cases hot water may be considered as preferred anupan (post drink) during the treatment.

Please cite this article as: Rastogi S et al., COVID-19 pandemic: A pragmatic plan for ayurveda intervention, J Ayurveda Integr Med, https://
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also strengthens and rejuvenates the immune system [37,38]. This controlled, cured, and mortality, if any. A follow-up advice upon
group may also be provided with decoction of a combination of discharge or stop of medications should also be documented.
Ayurvedic herbs including T. cordifolia, Z. officinale, C. longa, Ocimum TCM has been employed in COVID-19 cases not for their proven
sanctum, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Adhatoda vasica, Andrographis pan- effectiveness against the pathogen but rather by utilising the Chi-
iculata, Swertia chirata, Moringa oleifera, Triphala and Trikatu. These nese traditional diagnostic concept identifying the syndromes and
herbs are proposed for the reason that these are known to be suggesting their remedies. Similar approach is also needed to be
broad-spectrum antivirals and protease inhibitors [39e41]. employed in Ayurveda. Accordingly, instead of employing a west-
ern approach alone for judging the efficacy of a formulation on a
western diagnosis, Ayurveda should follow its own wisdom for
4. With mild COVID-19 symptoms
diagnosis and subsequent treatment choice on the basis of roga and
rogi bala, as described above.
This category relates to people found positive to SARS-CoV-2
There are 3598 AYUSH hospitals available in the country
and are having mild URTI symptoms. They are required to be
including 2818 Ayurveda hospitals. Similarly, there are 25,723
carefully isolated and monitored for any progression of the disease,
AYUSH dispensaries including 15,291 Ayurveda dispensaries. There
along with giving adequate therapy to arrest the symptoms and
are total 7.73 lakh registered AYUSH practitioners including 4.28
balancing the vitiated doshas to control disease progression. For-
lakh Ayurveda practitioners [50]. There are 8954 AYUSH drug
mulations like Lakshmi Vilas Rasa [42], Pippali rasayana [43], San-
manufacturing units (licensed pharmacies) in the country. Among
jeevani vati [35], C. vati, Go jihvaadi Kashaya, Vyaghri haritaki,
these, 7718 are Ayurveda pharmacies [51]. With this infrastructure
Kantakaari Avaleha, Dashamul kwath, Sitopaladi [44], Talishadi, and
and associated human resources, implementation of the proposed
Yashtimadhu may be the most suitable drugs to be used at this stage
action plan seems highly feasible.
in an integrative model. Those patients showing progression of the
disease may immediately require shifting to ICU.
6. Recommendations and the way forward

5. With moderate to severe COVID-19 symptoms Ayurveda has enough potential and possibilities to be employed
both for prevention and treatment of COVID-19. This will provide
This category may be the population where the moderate to an important opportunity for learning and generating credible
severe symptoms are already present and the patients also belong evidence [52]. It is pertinent to reiterate that participation of Ay-
to high risk groups. These patients require tertiary care from the urveda in addressing the COVID-19 challenge in India should not
beginning itself but can also be co-prescribed with Ayurveda remain limited and seen as the extension of healthcare services and
medicines in order to reduce the impact of the pathology and to buy support to bio-medical system. Indeed, with adequate monitoring
more time to have intensive management [45]. Recommended and data keeping during the implementation, important lessons
formulations here may include P. rasayana [43], Laghu Vasant and research directions are likely to emerge on the management of
Malati, Sanjeevani vati, Tribhuvan keerti rasa [46], Brihata Vata increasingly frequent and virulent communicable diseases. Imple-
Chintamni rasa, Mrityunjaya rasa, and Siddha makardhvaja rasa. The mentation of proposed action is likely to provide evidence-based
key criterion for choosing rasa aushadhi in category 3 and 4 as noted insights strengthening the scope of Ayurveda beyond preventive
above is the urgency of initiation of therapeutic actions. health care and care for non-communicable diseases. AYUSH sys-
Rasaaushadi are shown to have better bioavailability and absorp- tem across the country has been put on alert for being called
tion through sublingual and oral route accounting to the nano size anytime to serve the nation. AYUSH healthcare facilities are also
of their particles [47]. For example, suvarna bhasma has been found being readied to be converted into quarantine facilities in times of
to get absorbed well through sublingual administration when need. From this perspective, implementing the suggested inter-
mixed with black pepper powder and ghee [48]. vention plan within AYUSH healthcare facilities by Ayurveda
Along with the above plan, Ayurveda practitioners would require workforce may benefit the nation greatly. India is the country
training in screening of the people for associated risk factors. They where the world's oldest living health care system originated and
should also be equipped with modern personal protection equip- therefore it is being carefully watched by the world community for
ment and access to diagnostic facilities. Ayurveda hospitals may also how it handles the crisis using its own resources. China has done it.
be turned as the primary care setups and quarantine for the people And it is India's turn now to show its traditional healthcare might.
having mild symptoms and requiring a constant monitoring. A good
networking of AYUSH healthcare authorities with local health au-
Conflict of interest
thorities may help effective utilisation of human resources in
AYUSH community during the current crisis [49].
It is also important to mention a caveat here. Ayurveda doctors
following the pragmatic action plan presented here should assess
the prognosis and advise timely referrals to secondary or tertiary Acknowledgements
care facilities as per the need of patient. An extra and utmost care
should be taken while treating COVID-19 patients/people suspected We are grateful to Dr. Ashwinikumar Raut, Director, Clinical
to have contracted infection of SARS-CoV-2. Research & Integrative Medicine, Medical Research Centre - Kas-
This action plan, if implemented, has enormous potentials to turba Health Society, Mumbai for his valuable inputs to improve the
provide learning and innovative insights. Thus, a proper docu- article.
mentation is crucial. Therefore, it is suggested that a proper docu-
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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy