Bethlehem News Spot
Bethlehem News Spot
Bethlehem News Spot
ethlehem - A man lost his life in a car accident Several moments later Facebook was flooded with his im-
which happened on Saturday 10 July on R26 ages captioned "R.I.P Seun”. Some people were offended We cannot disclose some personal information as we did
Road near Phekolong Hospital. It is alleged that by the fact that people posted about his passing before the not receive permission to do so, with that said. Bethlehem
the driver lost control of the vehicle and it family even knew about the accident. People who knew News Spot would love to send condolences to his family
rolled before landing on its side. According to the paramed- him personally were saddened to hear about his passing. and friends.
ics, he was trapped in the car and support of the fire de- Friends we interviewed confirmed that the deceased was By: Bethlehem News Spot
partment was needed to help free him but unfortunately, indeed a very humble person with a great heart and a good
he died on the scene. sense of humour. We were also told that he is going to
leave behind his new-born child.
Wednesday NEWS SPOT 15 July 2020 Page 2
New lockdown restrictions for South Africa, Including an
08600 10111
AMBULANCE are effectively 500 new cases being reported every including stricter rules around the wearing of masks at
hour. While the surge in infections is expected, the workplaces and while travelling. Further regulations on
10177 force and speed which they have progressed have this issue are set to be gazetted at a later date.
quite understandably caused concern amongst us,” he • Taxis taking long trips will have to adhere to 70%
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT said.“The coronavirus storm is far fiercer and more occupancy. Taxis taking shorter trips may increase
destructive than any other we have experienced be- capacity to 100%, subject to strict health protocols.
058 303 5501 fore.”
While most South Africans have taken steps to limit • The sale, dispensing and distributing of alcohol
TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT the spread of the coronavirus, President Ramaphosa has been suspended with immediate effect.
said that some continue to ignore regulations, and • A curfew will be put in place between 21h00 and
058 303 5501 have failed to take steps to protect themselves and 04h00, except for people who travel for work or re-
others. This includes people who have organised par- quire urgent medical assistance. This curfew will come
ties and fail to wear masks in public places. The presi- into effect from Monday (13 July).
058 303 7110 resident Cyril Ramaphosa has announced the dent said that there have also been several funerals • Parks will be opened for exercise, but will not be
reintroduction of several lockdown re- with more than 50 people. allowed for gathering purposes.
LABOUR DEPARTMENT strictions as the country grapples with the To this end, Ramaphosa said that the country’s Nation- Family visits and other social visits will remain prohibit-
rising coronavirus cases. In a national address al Coronavirus Command Council deliberated on ed.
058 303 5293 on Sunday evening (12 July), Ramaphosa said that the whether to return all or parts of the country to a high- President Ramaphosa added that the national state of
country is now expecting a surge of infections and that er lockdown level.
EDUCATION DEPARTMENT the ‘storm is now upon us’. Instead, Ramaphosa said that government will be disaster has been extended to 15 August as part of
He noted that the country has reported a total of ‘tightening’ existing regulations including: these new lockdown measures.
058 303 5615/5580 260,242 confirmed cases, with more than 12,000 new • The country will remain at lockdown level 3.
cases being reported every day. This means that there By: Kedibone Mkwanazi
DIHLABENG MUNICIPALITY • The wearing of cloth masks will be mandatory
058 303 5386
station's premises. People are urged to keep
+27 61 437 0728 ocal Award-winning radio station announce the closing of the station. Station social distance, wash their hands regularly
Bontle Motsoeneng
Dihlabeng FM has decided to manager, marketing manager and pro- and wear masks in public spaces because
(Health Journalist) pause broadcasting until it is safe grammes manager told the listeners that the COVID-19 is real.
to resume. On Thursday morning station will be closed until further notice.
+27 78 381 4752 the station's management went on air to By: Bethlehem News Spot
Corné van Noordwyk
+27 76 734 0218 Bloemfontein showgrounds to be used as a field hospital
Themba Maropane
Ntombela’s spokesperson, Setjhaba Maphalla, says
(Legal Advisor )
the government is being proactive in the fight against
+27 67 751 4102 the coronavirus pandemic. He says as Bloemfontein is
the epicenter of the virus in the province, this facility
Tshepo Mofokeng (Sports will be able to accommodate a large capacity.
Journalist) As the country as a whole currently faces a spike in
Coronavirus cases, the Premier has indicated that it
060 311 2571 remains the responsibility of the government to be
proactive in fighting the global pandemic, and put
Patrick (Graphics) measures in places to curb the spread of the virus and
mitigate its impact on society.
+27 65 970 1987
The Premier has further urged members of the com-
munity to take extra caution during this period and
minimize the risk of infection, by following basic per-
sonal hygiene habits, such as the regular washing of
hands, sanitizing, and also wearing face cloth masks
when in public, and practicing social distancing.
“As economic activity has gradually opened up, and
more outdoor activity has resumed, the risk of infec-
he Provincial Coronavirus Command Coun- The Command Council, which consists of members of tion will inevitably increase. We call upon all our citi-
cil, led by the Premier of the Free State, Sisi the Executive Council (EXCO), on the site, received a zens, young and old, to also take active personal re-
Ntombela, visited the Bloemfontein Show- detailed briefing of the prospective field hospital and sponsibility for their wellbeing, and remain safe during
grounds, on Tuesday 7 July to assess the did a walkabout inspection of the various facilities this period. We shall overcome this pandemic”, said
venue as a possible site for a field hospital, to accom- within the precinct, where a field hospital is to be es- Premier Ntombela.
modate Coronavirus patients for treatment, additional tablished.
to the readily available hospitals across the province. By: Kedibone Mkwanazi
Wednesday NEWS SPOT 15 July 2020 Page 3
12 July 2020
Notice is hereby given to all employees and the members of the public, that the above-mentioned sections and divisions of the Dihlabeng Local Municipality
(Bethlehem) will be temporarily closed for a week with effect from 12 July 2020 to Friday 17 July 2020 due to reported positive COVID-19 case. The sections will be reo-
pened on the 20 July for business continuity. Essential services will, however, continue to be rendered during the period of closure.
The interior and the surrounding open areas will be disinfected/ decontaminated during the closure period to combat the risk of COVID-19 infection.
All contacts will be traced and managed accordingly in line with the Department of Health COVID-19 Guidelines and Protocols.
Issued by:
Tshediso Maitse
078 6767 865
Wednesday NEWS SPOT 15 July 2020 Page 4
She added that they told Sonja that there were no
onja Carstens from Ficksburg wrote to Beth- took the cats and placed them in a box then covered it kennels on the bakkie since it only went to Ficksburg
lehem News Spot seeking justice for her with a light blanket and a rope around the box alt- to collect Donkeys and the bakkie also had no canopy
cats. According to Sonja, she and her Sister hough she was not there to witness this as she was so there was a possibility of them jumping but Sonja
called SPCA to help them with the adoption inside the house crying for her cats her sister was with insisted they take them and she came with her box
of the cats since she had to leave to Cape Town and the inspector. She was then asked to sign the adop- which she placed the cats in.
she had no one to look after the cats. The SPCA in- tion forms and the deal was sealed. Anyone who may find or see Sonja's black cat which is
spector agreed to help them with the adoption of the believed to have jumped out of the moving bakkie
cats but at a certain price. Sonja says on Thursday 7 Sonja said she called the inspector the following day between Bethlehem and Ficksburg may contact us or
July the SPCA inspector was in Ficksburg to fetch Don- to ask how the cats are and she was told that the cats the SPCA.
keys, he then went to Sonja's home as they agreed on are happy next to each other. Hearing that was a relief
the phone. She says the inspector and two other men as she was a bit worried about how the cats are be- By: Bethlehem News Spot
Wednesday NEWS SPOT 15 July 2020 Page 5
Wednesday NEWS SPOT 15 July 2020 Page 6
he Bohlokong Township (near Bethlehem) Mzansi Magic is the channel where The Cult movie by
Thabiso Madiehe can be viewed. For purposes of re-
based author and poet, Thabiso Madiehe, has
search and empowering aspirant and ‘would-be writ-
recently written a new movie called: The Cult. ers,’ the writer can be contacted on 071 735 0202 /
The dawn of this movie makes him the first 082 752 9285 email:
recognised screenwriter, amongst his contemporaries, the
Free State Province has ever produced. TEM Studios in the By: Nozey Mazibuko
north of Johannesburg debut this movie. It has been di-
rected by the director of “Silent Scream,” Nonhlanhla
Nxumalo, under the production of Nkunetsana ‘Mmami’
Fashion Corner
Fashion is an expression of each one of 2020 has one of the coldest winters,
us through the style of clothing. Grow- therefore, there are a lot of trends out
ing up in Bohlokong my environment here but I think one must have 2 domi-
has influenced how I relate to fashion, nating colors for these years which is
the future of fashion in Bethlehem is in lime green and shades of yellow and as
the hand of Brand owner and Fashion for fashion, every fluffy jacket are for
designers, if they choose to duplicate everyone those includes fur jackets,
other peoples work then they'll no fu- bomber jackets, puffer jackets, etc. and
ture but if they come up with new ide- some of the heavy coats, then you can
as, new fashion sense, and new styles add any of the warm clothing pieces
then we will rule Free State as Bethle- you have in your wardrobe.
hem is the heart of it.
ric trends and come up with a new
y name is Lindelani fashion trend.
Henry Madlala I was @el_henry
born in KwaZulu Natal
but I was raised and did By: Nozey Mazibuko
all my schooling right herein Bethle-
hem Free State. I am a designer and
stylist. The name of my brand is EL
HENRY it was established in 2019 but I
have been tailoring before that.
Wednesday NEWS SPOT SPORTS 15 July 2020 Page 8
loemfontein Celtic Middle-fielders Lucky and Mashikinya with the team although it is not yet clear Friday, and decided to reconvene on Monday.
Baloi and Given Mashikinya will stay with when will the season resume since
the team till the end of the current PSL sea-
SAFA and PSL are supposed to meet on Monday 13 July
son according to their agent Jazzman A SAFA statement said that the association’s delegation
on the return of football in Sport.
Mahlakgane. The agent confirmed the two players were on Friday “comprised of the CEO [Motlanthe] and Com-
handed contract extensions to complete the remainder pliance Officers while NSL was represented by the Acting
of the campaign. Their contracts expired on 30 June 2020 CEO [Mato Madlala]”.
The South African Football Association (SAFA) and Prem-
and there was a possibility of the team letting them go. ier Soccer League will meet on Monday again to iron out
issues surrounding the return to play of professional foot-
Motlanthe was quoted saying: “We had a very coopera-
ball. tive and cordial meeting and we mutually agreed to have
Mahlakgane added that there are talks behind the scenes
to negotiate a longer stay for the players in Bloemfontein a follow-up meeting on Monday to deliberate issues with
regards to return to training and play”.
Celtic. The performance of Bloemfontein in the remaining SAFA acting CEO Tebogo Motlanthe said the main body
games of the season will determine the future of Baloi and its professional special member had a meeting on By: Bethlehem News Spot