Sdarticle 010
Sdarticle 010
Sdarticle 010
I. Introduction
II. General Considerations
III. Autoxidation of L -Ascorbic Acid
IV. Autoxidation of Catechols and Related Compounds
V. Autoxidation of Cysteine
VI. Autoxidation of Sulfur(IV)
VII. Autoxidation of Miscellaneous Substrates
VIII. Exotic Kinetic Phenomena
IX. Perspectives
I. Introduction
systems, such compilations usually re£ect the interest of the authors and
were often criticized as somewhat biased. This paper is no exception as
we will limit our discussion to recent results on the kinetics and mecha-
nism of metal ion1 catalyzed autoxidation reactions. While we do not
intend to cover older studies in detail, in some cases the most important
results from earlier publications will be surveyed in order to put the
new studies in context.
Metal ions play an important role as catalysts in many autoxidation
reactions and have been considered instrumental in regulating natural
as well as industrial processes. In these reactive systems, in particular
when the reactions occur under environmental or in vivo biochemical
conditions, the metal ions are involved in complicated interactions
with the substrate(s) and dioxygen, and the properties of the actual
matrix as well as the transport processes also have a pronounced
impact on the overall reactions. In most cases, handling and analyzing
such a complexity is beyond the capacity of currently available
experimental, computational and theoretical methods, and researchers
in this ¢eld are obliged to use simpli¢ed sub-systems to mimic the com-
plex phenomena. When the simpli¢ed conditions are properly chosen,
these studies provide surprisingly accurate predictions for the ‘real’
systems. In this paper we review the results obtained in kinetic and
mechanistic studies on the model systems, but we do not discuss their
broad biological or environmental implications.
A brief overview on why most of the autoxidation reactions develop
complicated kinetic patterns is given in Section II. A preliminary
survey of the literature revealed that the majority of autoxidation
studies were published on a small number of substrates such as L -ascor-
bic acid, catechols, cysteine and sul¢te ions. The results for each of
these substrates will be discussed in a separate section. Results on
other metal ion mediated autoxidation reactions are collected in
Section VII. In recent years, non-linear kinetic features were discovered
in some systems containing dioxygen. These reactions form the basis of
a new exciting domain of autoxidation chemistry and will be covered in
Section VIII.
The term ‘‘metal ion’’ will be used in a general sense throughout this paper.
Distinction between metal ions and complexes as well as between di¡erent iso-
mers of the complexes will be made only when it is required for the clarity of
the presentation. Furthermore, the accessible coordination sites of the metal
ions are always assumed to be occupied by the corresponding solvent molecules
which will be shown only when they are directly involved in a given redox
O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e )
2H2 O "0 ¼ 1:229 V ð1Þ
O2 þ 2H2 O þ 4e )
"0 ¼ 0:401 V ð2Þ
The thermodynamic properties are also a¡ected by the solvent and the
composition of the reaction mixture, for example the corresponding
values in acetonitrile are +1.79 V (1 M HClO4) and 0.53 V (1 M
Bu4NOH), respectively (3).
The reduction of dioxygen to its fully reduced form, H2O, requires the
transfer of 4 electrons, and the transfer may proceed via a series of inter-
mediate oxidation states, such as O
2 / HOO , HOO / HOOH, O / OH .
2 þ S ! I ! P ð4Þ
MSnþ þ O2 ! MS Onþ
2 ð7Þ
MS O2 ! P þ Mnþ ð8Þ
I þ O2 ! I0 ð10Þ
I0 ; O
2 þ S2 ! P ð12Þ
common transition metal ions are very active catalysts for this reaction
(6). The majority of earlier studies focused on copper catalysis because
of the biological importance of the reactions of ascorbic acid with
oxidase enzymes containing copper binding sites. Under slightly acidic
or neutral conditions the copper catalyzed reaction was con¢rmed to
produce dehydroascorbic acid (A) and hydrogen peroxide in the initial
phase (7):
H2 A þ O2 ! A þ H2 O2 ð13Þ
The oxidation of dehydroascorbic acid to a higher oxidation product is
relatively slow and could be neglected for all practical purposes in
kinetic and stoichiometric studies.
Earlier results regarding the kinetics and mechanism of the copper(II)
catalysis are controversial. Reaction orders for [O2], [CuII], [H2A] and
[H+] were reported in the following respective ranges: 0.5 to 1, 0.5 to 1, 0
to 1, and 2 to +1 (8). It is also disputed whether the redox cycling of
the catalyst includes oxidation states +1 and +2 or +2 and +3.The discre-
pancies are too marked to be explained only by the di¡erences in the
experimental conditions applied.
The ¢rst thorough study on the Cu(II) and Fe(III) catalyzed autoxida-
tion of ascorbic acid was reported by Taqui Khan and Martell (6). These
authors found evidence for a slow, overall second-order reaction between
the HA form of ascorbic acid and dioxygen in the absence of added cata-
lyst. The corresponding rate constant was reported to be 0.57 M1 s1
(aqueous solution, 25 C, = 0.1 M KNO3). Later studies also supported
the existence of such a reaction path (9), which was negligible under cata-
lytic conditions.
In the presence of Cu(II) or Fe(III), a two-term rate law was con¢rmed
in which the two terms correspond to the reaction paths via the mono-
and diprotonated forms of ascorbic acid. The reaction was found to be
¢rst-order with respect to [H2A]tot, [O2] and [Mn+] with both catalysts:
d½H2 A=dt ¼ ðka14 ½HA þ kb14 ½H2 AÞ ½Mnþ ½O2 ð14Þ
The third-order rate constants for the Cu(II) and Fe(III) catalyzed
reactions are: ka14 ¼ 6:0 107 and 2.4 107 M2 s1, kb14 ¼ 3:8 105 and
4.0 105 M2 s1, respectively.
The possibility that the metal ion is reduced by ascorbate ion in a rate
determing step could be excluded because in that case the rate would be
independent of [O2]. Thus, the following mechanism was proposed for
the catalytic oxidation of HA:
H2 A ) HA þ Hþ
* ð15Þ
402 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
HA þ Mnþ )
½MðHAÞðn1Þþ þ O2 )
½MðHAÞþ ðO
2 Þ
! A þ Mnþ þ HO2 ð19Þ
A þ O2 ! A þ O
2 ð21Þ
2 þ H
þ *
) HO2 ð23Þ
In this mechanism, the rate-determining step is the intramolecular
electron transfer from the ligand to dioxygen, Eq. (18), via the metal
center of the [M(HA)(O2)](n1)+ complex for which the following struc-
ture was proposed:
Cu2þ þ HA )
K25 ð25Þ
2½CuðHAÞþ )
½Cu2 ðHAÞ2 K26 ð26Þ
½Cu2 ðHAÞ2 ðO2 Þ2þ ! ½CuAðO2 HÞ þ Cu2þ þ A þ Hþ k28 ð28Þ
½Cu2 ðHAÞ2 ðO2 Þ2þþ A! ½CuAðO2 HÞ þ½CuðHAÞþ þA k29 ð29Þ
k24 ¼ k30 ðk28 =k31 Þ1=2 ðK25 K26 K27 Þ1=2 ð32Þ
Chloride ion has a profound e¡ect on the kinetics because the rate is
half-order in both ascorbic acid and dioxygen, but ¢rst-order in Cu(II)
in 0.1 M KCl (12). It was assumed that in this case the catalytically
active species is a [Cu2A]2+ type complex which somehow also incorpo-
rates chloride ion; however, the exact composition of the complex was
not clari¢ed. The role of this dimer is very similar to that of
[Cu2(HA)2(O2)]2+ in the absence of Cl, i.e. after coordinating dioxygen
it generates [CuA(O2)] (the conjugate base form of [CuA(O2H)]) and
A. These species are involved in propagation steps analogous to those
in Eqs. (29) and (30). An additional reaction sequence was also included
in the model which postulates the formation of Cu(III):
½Cu2 AðO2 Þ2þ ! ½CuAðO2 Þ þ Cu3þ ð33Þ
Cu3þ þ H2 O )
Cu2þ þ OH þ Hþ
O2 þ
2 þ 2H ! H2 O2 ð41Þ
The composite e¡ect of Cl was interpreted by assuming that the for-
mation of Cu(I) intermediates is enhanced via the [Cu2ACl2] complex.
However, the relative concentration of this species decreases with
increasing [Cl] because of the formation of the [Cu2ACl4]2 complex,
and ultimately this leads to chloride ion inhibition at higher concentra-
tions of Cl.
Reports by Li and Zuberbu«hler were in support of the formation of
Cu(I) as an intermediate (16). It was con¢rmed that Cu(I) and Cu(II)
show the same catalytic activity and the reaction is ¢rst-order in [Cu(I)
or (II)] and [O2] in the presence of 0.6^1.5 M acetonitrile and above
pH 2.2. The oxygen consumption deviated from the strictly ¢rst-order
pattern at lower pH and the corresponding kinetic traces were excluded
from the evaluation of the data. The rate law was found to be identical
with the one obtained for the autoxidation of Cu(I) in the absence of
Cu(II) under similar conditions (17). Thus, the proposed kinetic model is
centered around the reduction of Cu(II) by ascorbic acid and reoxidation
of Cu(I) to Cu(II) by dioxygen:
2Cu2þ þ HA ! 2Cuþ þ A þ Hþ ð42Þ
HA þ O þ
2 þ H ! A
þ H2 O2 ð45Þ
A þ O þ
2 þ 2H ! A þ H2 O2 ð46Þ
The bis-complex, CuL2, was marked as a double positive ion in the original
paper. However, the carboxylic group of histidine is expected to be deproto-
nated and we prefer to consider this species as a neutral complex.
For sake of simplicity, the recombination steps of A and O
2 are not shown.
408 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
this species could form when no oxidizing agent was present. In the pre-
sence of oxygen, the decay of the characteristic Soret band of
[FeIII(TPPS)] becomes considerably faster. The kinetic model for this
reaction assumes a series of one-electron steps which are initiated
by the oxidation of HA to A by [FeIII(TPPS)]. The reactions of the
semi-quinone and [FeII(TPPS)] products with O2 generate the O 2 radical
which in turn oxidizes the catalyst to [FeIII(TPPS+)].The model predicts
redox cycling, but the experimental observations clearly indicate that a
substantial amount of the catalyst is lost during the reaction.
Apparently, an e⁄cient reaction channel is not available to reduce the
[FeIII(TPPS+)] radical back to the original complex. The model o¡ers
reasonable qualitative interpretation of the experimental data.
However, it requires further re¢nement in order to explain why the
initial HA^[FeIII(TPPS)] electron transfer step, which controls the over-
all reaction, becomes faster when oxygen is added.
In alkaline solution (pH 11), the complex is present as a m-oxo dimer
and ascorbic acid is fully deprotonated. In the absence of oxygen, kinetic
traces show the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) with a reaction time on the
order of an hour at [H2A] = 5103 M. The product [FeII(TPPS)] is very
sensitive to oxidation and is quickly transformed to Fe(III) when O2 is
added. This leads to a speci¢c induction period in the kinetic traces
which increases with increasing [O2]. The net result of the induction
period is the catalytic two-electron autoxidation of ascorbic acid in
accordance with the following kinetic model (23):
½FeIII ðTPPSÞ2 O þ A2 ! 2½FeII ðTPPSÞ þ A þ O2 ð47Þ
obtained for the oxidation of H2A by the same Ru(III) complexes under
anaerobic conditions.
The kinetic models for these reactions postulate fast complex-forma-
tion equilibria between the HA form of ascorbic acid and the catalysts.
The noted di¡erence in the rate laws was rationalized by considering
that some of the coordination sites remain unoccupied in the
[Ru(HA)Cl2] complex. Thus, O2 can form a m-peroxo bridge between two
monomer complexes: [Cl2(HA)Ru^O^O^Ru(HA)Cl2]. The rate determin-
ing step is probably the decomposition of this species in an overall four-
electron transfer process into A and H2O2. Again, this model does not
postulate any change in the formal oxidation state of the catalyst
during the reaction.
In the case of the Ru(III)-chelates, the crowded coordination sphere
around the metal center prevents the coordination of O2.Thus, the corre-
sponding kinetic model postulates that ascorbic acid is oxidized by
Ru(III) in two subsequent redox steps and Ru(II) is reoxidized by O2:
½RuIII Lðn3Þ þ HA )
½RuIII LðHAÞðn2Þ þ H2 O
K50 ð50Þ
This may indicate that factors other than the availability of empty
coordination sites may also have important mechanistic implications.
In the autoxidation kinetics of a series of Fe(II)-aminopolycarboxylato
complexes the signi¢cance of steric e¡ects was unequivocally con¢rmed
(26). These results may also bear some relevance with respect to the
Ru(III)-catalyzed reactions.
The Ru(III)^H2A^O2 systems were also used for the oxidation and
epoxidation of various organic substrates. These reactions will be
discussed in Section VII.
with ka55 ¼ ð3:2 0:2Þ 103 M3=2 s1 , kb55 ¼ 15:5 0:7 M3=2 s1 and kc55 ¼
ð3:0 0:3Þ 102 M3=2 s1 .
The possibility of a free-radical type mechanism was excluded on the
basis that neither superoxide dismutase (which would remove the super-
oxide radical, O 2 ) nor acrylonitrile (which is a very e⁄cient radical
scavenger) had a signi¢cant e¡ect on the reaction rate. In contrast, the
reaction rate went through a maximum upon adding acetonitrile in
increasing concentrations. A similar e¡ect was also observed in
copper(II) catalyzed autoxidation of ascorbic acid by Shtamm et al. (40).
This observation was interpreted by assuming that the formation of a
ternary Cu(II)^acetonitrile-substrate complex enhances the rate of
intramolecular electron transfer, but at higher concentrations acetoni-
trile stabilizes Cu(I) against reoxidation. Though this interpretation is
not con¢rmed thoroughly, the kinetic e¡ect of acetonitrile strongly
Cu2þ þ CuC )
2Cuþ þ Q
k56 ; k56 ð56Þ
Chain propagation:
Cuþ þ O2 )
CuO2 K57 ð57Þ
CuOþ þ
2 þ HC ! Cu þ HO2 þ Q k58 ð58Þ
2 2þ
CuOþ þ
2 þ CuC ! Cu þ O2 þ Cu þQ k59 ð59Þ
2 2
CuOþ þ
2 þ CuC2 ! Cu þ O2 þ CuA þ Q k60 ð60Þ
CuOþ þ
2 þ Cu ! 2Cu þ O2
2 k61 ð61Þ
It was suggested that initiation proceeds via the same dimer that was
proposed in aprotic media (34). Furthermore, the reverse step of this
reaction was considered to be very slow. The CuOþ 2 intermediate is
formed in a reversible step in this model, which is in agreement with
the results reported for autoxidation of Cu(I) (17). It should be added
that Shtamm et al. assumed that this reaction is irreversible (40).
Provided that the rates of the initiation and termination are
equal, the model predicts the experimental rate law, and it can be
shown that ka55 ¼ k58 ðk56 K57 =k61 Þ1=2 , kb55 ¼ k59 ðk56 K57 =k61 Þ1=2 and kc55 ¼
k60 ðk56 K57 =k61 Þ1=2 .
Results from subsequent studies were consistent with the model pro-
posed by Balla et al. (36) in that copper accelerates the autoxidation of
catechins4 through the Cu(I)/Cu(II) redox cycle and complex formation
The term catechin is often used for the derivatives of catechol (1,2 dihydroxy
414 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
the rate just after the induction period) on [Cu2+] (cf. Fig. 1, inset) indi-
cated some sort of complex formation between the substrate and catalyst,
but this e¡ect was not further evaluated. A one-electron oxidation
model, which postulates the formation of the O 2 intermediate, was
H2 C”R þ Cu2þ ! SQ”R þ Cuþ þ 2Hþ ð62Þ
In the case of these catalysts, the two metallic redox centers are
provided by the same molecule. Therefore, the reaction is ¢rst-order in
the complex and dioxygen concentrations:
d½O2 =dt ¼ k65 ½Cu2 L½O2 ð65Þ
The metal centers are separated by 370 and 365 pm in the solid state in
[Cu2(LEP)2](ClO4)2 and [Cu2(BLEP)Cl(H2O)]Cl, respectively. In both
complexes, two square pyramidal copper ions are connected in the
equatorial plane with the apical sites located on the same side of the
complex. This cofacial geometry is favorable for simultaneous binding
the catechol molecule to the two metal ions. In the case of the reduced
forms, O2 may bind to one apical site but coordination in a bridge posi-
tion is also feasible. Additional coordination modes can also be envi-
sioned in the case of [Cu2(BLEP)(OH)]2+ by assuming that the OH
group is displaced. Thus, the substrate may bind to the Cu(II) Cu(II)
complex asymmetrically by replacing the OH group with one oxygen
and coordinating to one of the apical sites with the other. In this case,
the reduced form of the catalyst may coordinate dioxygen as a m-peroxo
bridge between the two Cu(I) centers.
Alternative kinetic models were considered for this reaction. Both of
them predict rapid reduction of Cu(II) Cu(II) to Cu(I) Cu(I)
by H2DTBC and subsequent formation of the CuðIIÞðO2 2 ÞCuðIIÞ
intermediate in the reaction of the reduced form with O2. The ¢rst
model assumes that the rate determining formation of the intermediate
is followed by a fast, acid assisted dissociation into the oxidized form of
the catalyst and H2O2. In the other model, the rate determining step is
the oxidation of H2DTBC by the intermediate. The two models predict
the same rate law and cannot be distinguished. However, it is very likely
that the m-peroxo-bridged intermediate decomposes before any intermo-
lecular redox reaction takes place, such that the second model can be
Autoxidation became slower when the pH was decreased. Because the
substrate is not involved in the rate-determining steps, its protolytic
equilibria cannot account for this observation. A straightforward
explanation was not readily available for this observation.
At pH 6.40 and 25 C, the values of k65 for [Cu2(LEP)2]2+ and
[Cu2(BLEP)(OH)]2+ are 77.5 M1 s1 and 6.98 103 M1 s1, respectively
(47). The di¡erence in the rate constants indicates that the interaction
between the reduced form of the catalyst and O2 is stronger with the
latter complex. This may re£ect that the BLEP ligand maintains the
dimer structure in the reduced oxidation state whereas the LEP complex
may dissociate into monomers. An additional factor could be that the
replacement of the OH bridge allows the formation of a m-peroxo bridge
in an equatorial position with the BLEP complex, while O2 can coordi-
nate only in the apical position(s) in the other case.The catalytic activity
of [Cu2(BDPDZ)]Cl2 (BDPDZ = 3,6 -bis-(di-2 -pyridylmethyl)pyridazine)
in the autoxidation of H2DTBC was also attributed to the adduct
formation between dioxygen and the two Cu(I) centers (48).
A study with a series of [Cu(R-TMED)X2] complexes (R-TMED =
N,N,N 0-trimethyl-N 0-alkylethylenediamine, X = Cl, Br, ACAC = acetyl-
acetone, R = CH3^, C12H25^, C16H33^) demonstrated that a micellized
environment enhances the catalytic activity of copper(II) in the autoxida-
tion of catechols (49). The observations, in the presence of Cu(II) surfac-
tants above their critical micelle concentrations (CMC), can be
summarized as follows: (i) in large excess of O2 and at constant catalyst
concentration the reactions were ¢rst-order in the substrate concentra-
tion; (ii) when the same head group and counter ion were used the surfac-
tant with longer alkyl chain was more active; (iii) when the head group
and the alkyl chain were the same, the bromide surfactant was a better
catalyst than the chloride analogue; (iv) the [Cu(R-TMED)(ACAC)X]
complex was less e⁄cient than the [Cu(R-TMED)X2] complexes
(X = halogenide ion); (v) the reactivity order of the catechols was found
to be 3,5 -di-tert-butylcatechol>catechol>D- or L -dopamine.
The results were interpreted in terms of the model proposed by Balla
and co-workers (36). It is reasonable to assume that the micelle formation
produces a somewhat organized pattern of the metal centers and, due to
the shortened distance between the copper(II) containing head groups,
the coordination of catechol to two metal centers may increase the stabi-
lity of the catalyst^substrate complex. Perhaps, the same principles
418 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
apply to the interaction between the reduced form of the catalyst and O2,
and the reaction may also feature the formation of an intermediate with
a m-peroxo bridge between two copper centers. While these conclusions
require further con¢rmation, the e¡ect of added salt on the kinetics
could be rationalized on the basis of the above model. It was assumed
that the addition of NaCl at low concentration levels increased the oxida-
tion rate because it favored the formation of larger micelles with shorter
distances between the metal centers (50). The reaction rate goes through
a maximum and ¢nally levels o¡ as a function of [NaCl]. The somewhat
smaller rate at higher electrolyte concentration is probably due to the
saturation of the cationic head group layer of the micelles with anions
which obstruct the complexation with the catechols.
The catalytic activities of Cu(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) are considerably
enhanced by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in the autoxidation of
H2DTBC (51). The maximum catalytic activity was found in the CMC
region. It was assumed that the micelles incorporate the catalysts and
the short metal^metal distances increase the activity in accordance
with the kinetic model discussed above.The concentration of the micelles
increases at higher SDS concentrations. Thus, the concentrations of the
catalyst and the substrate decrease in the micellar region and, as a
consequence, the catalytic reaction becomes slower again.
In the presence of cobalt complexes as catalysts, the following
stoichiometry was reported for the autoxidation of H2DTBC in chloro-
form (52):
Catalyst v0 (M s1)
bis(acetylacetonato)cobalt(II) 1.6103
bis(benzoylacetonato)cobalt(II) 1.6103
bis(ethylbenzoylacetonato)cobalt(II) 1.8103
bis(N-cyclohexylsalicylaldiminato)cobalt(II) 1.2103
bis(N-phenylsalicylaldiminato)cobalt(II) 8.6104
cobaloxime(II)-bis(pyridine) 2.1104
tris(acetylacetonato)cobalt(III) 1.4104
chloro(pyridine)cobaloxime(III) b 0
cobalt(II) acetate 4.0105
cobalt(II) nitrate 0
cobalt(II) nitrate-pyridine c 2.8106
[H2DTBC]=100 mM, [catalyst]=1.0 mM, 27 C, in CHCl3.
[catalyst]=3.2 mM.
[PY]=250 mM.
CoIII O2 þ H2 DTBC )
K69 ð69Þ
It was assumed that the hydrogen bond forms between the superoxo
moiety and one of the OH-groups of the substrate. The rate-determining
step is the redox decomposition of the hydrogen bonded adduct into
hydroperoxocobaloxime and semiquinone. The latter participates in an
equilibrium reaction with Co(II):
½CoIII O2 H2 DTBC ! CoIII O2 H þ DTBSQ þ Hþ k70 ð70Þ
CoII þ DTBSQ þ Hþ )
K71 ð71Þ
The major cobaloxime species, Co (HDTBC), was present at an
approximately constant concentration level in the slow stage, in which
the following additional reaction steps were considered:
2CoIII O2 H ! 2CoIII OH þ O2 ð72Þ
Co þ DTBQ ð75Þ
In agreement with the experimental results, this model predicts the
following expression for the initial rate of oxygen uptake after steady-
state is reached:
aK68 K69 ½O2 ½H2 DTBC0 ½Co0
vi ¼ k70 ð76Þ
1 þ K68 K69 ½O2 ½H2 DTBC0
where a is the ratio of free cobaloxime(II) compared to the total
amount of the catalyst. An analysis of the concentration dependencies
of the initial rate gave K68K69 = 6.9 103 and 5.1 104 M2 as well as
k70 = 7.0 102 and 3.8 102 s1 in benzene and methanol, respectively.
It should be noted that the dioxygen complex formed in Eq. (68) would
ultimately be converted into cobaloxime(III) which is catalytically inac-
tive. Thus, in order to maintain the catalytic cycle, the cobaloxime(II)
species needs to be regenerated relatively quickly.
A very similar kinetic model was proposed for the ferroxime(II)-cata-
lyzed autoxidation of H2DTBC in methanol (55). The catalyst was added
to the reaction mixture in the form of [Fe(HDMG)2(MeIM)2] (MeIM = N-
methylimidazole). Upon dissolution in methanol, this complex undergoes
solvolysis and one of the imidazole ligands is replaced by a solvent mole-
cule. The solvolysis occurs at the same rate under a N2 or O2 atmosphere.
Again, the reactions between the catalyst, substrate and dioxygen
leads to the formation of a hydrogen bonded precursor complex which
undergoes relatively slow redox decomposition into FeIIIO2H and
semiquinone. (FeII and FeIII represent the [Fe(HDMG)2(MeIM)] and
[Fe(HDMG)2(MeIM)]+complexes, respectively.) Subsequent fast reaction
steps are:
FeIII O2 H þ DTBSQ þ Hþ ! ½FeIV O þ DTBQ þ H2 O ð77Þ
SCHEME 4. Reprinted with permission from Barbaro, P.; Bianchini, C.; Frediani, P.;
Meli, A.; Vizza, F. Inorg. Chem. 1992, 31, 1523. Copyright (2002) American Chemical
from the metal center onto the catecholate in the corresponding complex
makes the substrate more susceptible to dioxygen attack (60). The non-
participating ligand was shown to have a profound e¡ect on the Lewis
acidity of the metal center and, as a consequence, on the ligand to metal
charge transfer. This e¡ect also manifests itself in the kinetics and
product distribution of the autoxidation reactions (28). It was shown
that oxidative cleavage of catechols becomes preferred over extradiol
oxidation to quinone when the Lewis acidity of the ferric center is
In a systematic study, the reaction of [FeL(DTBC)] with dioxygen was
studied in various non-aqueous solvents (29). In the ternary catecholate
424 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
SCHEME 5. Reprinted with permission from Cox, D. D.; Que, L. Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
1988, 110, 8085. Copyright (2002) American Chemical Society.
the substrate is, besides the Lewis acidity, an essential requirement for
the scission reaction.
The mechanism shown in Scheme 5 postulates the formation of a
Fe(II)-semi-quinone intermediate. The attack of O2 on the substrate gen-
erates a peroxy radical which is reduced by the Fe(II) center to produce
the Fe(III) peroxide complex. The semi-quinone character of the
[FeL(DTBC)] complexes is clearly determined by the covalency of the
iron(III)^catechol bond which is enhanced by increasing the Lewis acid-
ity of the metal center.Thus, ultimately the non-participating ligand con-
trols the extent of the Fe(II) ^ semi-quinone formation and the rate of
the reaction provided that the rate-determining step is the reaction of
O2 with the semiquinone intermediate. In the ¢nal stage, the substrate
is oxygenated simultaneously with the release of the FeIIIL complex. An
alternative model, in which O2 attacks the Fe(II) center instead of the
semi-quinone, cannot be excluded either.
According to a recent study with iron(III) complexes of tripodal
ligands, systematic variation of one ligand arm strongly a¡ects the
steric shielding of the iron(III) center and the bonding of catechol sub-
strates (61). It was shown that the dioxygenation reactions of catechols
426 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
V. Autoxidation of Cysteine
FIG. 3. Decay of the H2O2 concentration versus time during the anaerobic oxidation
reaction with cysteine in the presence of CuSO4. First stage of constant rate (first-
order in [Cu]) during the period of oxidation, second stage of increasing rate
after completion of the oxidation of cysteine to cystine. Reprinted from Journal
of Molecular catalysis, vol. 11, Zwart, J.; van Wolput, J. H. M. C.; van der Cammen,
J. C. J. M.; Koningsberger, D. C. Accumulation and Reactions of H2O2 During the
Copper Ion Catalyzed Autoxidation of Cysteine in Alkaline Medium, p. 69,
Copyright (2002), with permission from Elsevier Science.
428 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
d½O2 =dt ¼ ka83 ½O2 1=2 ½CuðIIÞ þ kb83 ½O2 1=2 ½CuðIIÞ2 ð83Þ
ka83 ¼ 2:2 M1=2 s1 ; kb83 ¼ 1:2 104 M3=2 s1
The half-order of the rate with respect to [O2] and the two-term
rate law were taken as evidence for a chain mechanism which involves
one-electron transfer steps and proceeds via two di¡erent reaction
paths. The formation of the dimer [(RS)2Cu(m-O2)Cu(RS)2] complex in
the initiation phase is the core of the model, as asymmetric dissociation
of this species produces two chain carriers. Earlier literature results
were contested by rejecting the feasibility of a free-radical mechanism
which would imply a redox shuttle between Cu(II) and Cu(I). It was
assumed that the substrate remains bonded to the metal center through-
out the whole process and the free thiyl radical, RS, does not form
during the reaction. It was argued that if free RS radicals formed they
would certainly be involved in an almost di¡usion-controlled reaction
with dioxygen, and the intermediate peroxo species would open alterna-
tive reaction paths to generate products other than cystine. This would
clearly contradict the noted high selectivity of the autoxidation reaction.
Kinetic studies in the physiological pH range (6.5 to 7.8) provided con-
sistency with the above results in that the accumulation of H2O2 was
also observed and the stoichiometry of the reaction depended on the con-
ditions applied (66^69). However, a simple 2 : 1 stoichiometry was con-
¢rmed between cysteine consumed and hydrogen peroxide formed in
dilute solution. The reaction followed Michaelis^Menten kinetics with
Upon increasing the pH, ¢rst this species is present in increasing con-
centrations, but eventually the non-participating ligand is replaced
with another cysteine molecule and the redox inactive Cu(RS)2 is
formed. Consequently, the reaction rate decreases sharply. The following
reaction sequence was proposed for the redox reaction:
L”CuII ðRS Þ ! L”CuI þ RS ð84Þ
L”CuI þ RS )
Cu ðRS Þ þ L ð85Þ
CuI ðRS Þ þ O2 )
Cu ðRS Þ O2 ð86Þ
hydroxyl radicals could not be detected and 0.25 mole of O2 was con-
sumed by one mole of cysteine in agreement with the stoichiometry
shown in Eq. (81). Further oxygen consumption occurred in the second
stage of the reaction in a hydrogen peroxide-mediated Fenton-type pro-
cess with sulfonate as product. Signi¢cant O/OH production was also
observed. Copper was proposed to catalyze the reaction via the formation
of a cysteine complex and the corresponding mechanism postulates
simultaneous superoxide- and peroxide-dependent paths for the ¢rst
stage and a peroxide-dependent path for the second.
Copper(II) retains its catalytic activity when attached to a polyethyle-
nepolyamine base.The synthetic conditions of the sorbents have a signi¢-
cant e¡ect on the catalytic reaction which most likely is related to a
change in the coordination sphere around the metal center (75).
Metal ion catalyzed autoxidation reactions of glutathione were found
to be very similar to that of cysteine (76,77). In a systematic study, cata-
lytic activity was found with Cu(II), Fe(II) and to a much lesser extent
with Cu(I) and Ni(I). The reaction produces hydrogen peroxide, the
amount of which strongly depends on the presence of various chelating
molecules. It was noted that the catalysis requires some sort of complex
formation between the catalyst and substrate. The formation of a radical
intermediate was not ruled out, but a radical initiated chain mechanism
was not necessary for the interpretation of the results (76).
A review by Brandt and van Eldik provides insight into the basic
kinetic features and mechanistic details of transition metal-catalyzed
autoxidation reactions of sulfur(IV) species on the basis of literature
data reported up to the early 1990s (78). Earlier results con¢rmed that
these reactions may occur via non-radical, radical and combinations of
non-radical and radical mechanisms. More recent studies have shown
evidence mainly for the radical mechanisms, although a non-radical,
two-electron decomposition was reported for the HgSO3 complex
recently (79). The possiblity of various redox paths combined with
protolytic and complex-formation reactions are the sources of manifest
complexity in the kinetic characteristics of these systems. Nevertheless,
the predominant sulfur containing product is always the sulfate ion.
In spite of extensive studies on this topic for well over a century, impor-
tant aspects of the mechanisms remain to be clari¢ed and the interpreta-
tion of some of the reactions is still controversial. Recent studies were
432 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
Ziajka proposed essentially the same model on the basis of kinetic stud-
ies in which benzene was used as a radical scavenger (86). They used a
steady-state approach for evaluation of the data and reported the follow-
ing ratios of the second-order rate constants for the reactions of a given
intermediate with di¡erent reactants: SO
4 reacting with HSO3 and
benzene: 0.31; SO5 reacting with Fe and HSO3 : 54.1; HSO5 reacting
with Fe2+ and HSO
3 : 2.2 and the reaction of SO5 with HSO3 leading to
SO3 and SO4 : 0.04. Kinetic studies under hydrometallurgical condi-
tions at 80 C were also consistent with the considerations discussed
above (87).
The model proposed by Brandt et al. is consistent with the experimen-
tal observations, reproduces the peculiar shape of the kinetic curves in
the absence and presence of dioxygen reasonably well, and predicts the
same trends in the concentration dependencies of tbp that were observed
experimentally (80). It was concluded that there is no need to assume
the participation of oxo-complexes in the mechanism as it has been
proposed in the literature (88^90). However, the model provides only a
semi-quantitative description of the reaction because it was developed
at constant pH by neglecting the acid-base equilibria of the sul¢te ion
and the reactive intermediates, as well as the possible complex-formation
equilibria between various iron(III) species. In spite of the obvious
constraints introduced by the simpli¢cations, the results shed light on
the general mechanistic features of the reaction and could be used to
identify the main tasks for further model development.
The most controversial issue is the number and exact stoichiometries
of the iron(III)-sul¢to complexes formed under di¡erent experimental
conditions. Earlier, van Eldik and co-workers reported the formation
of a series of [Fe(SO3)n]32n (n = 1 to 3) complexes and the [Fe(SO3)(OH)]
complex (89,91,92). The stability constants of these species were deter-
mined by evaluating time resolved rapid-scan spectra obtained from the
sub-second to several minutes time domain. The cis^trans isomerization
of the complexes was also considered, under feasible circumstances. In
contrast, Betterton interpreted his results assuming the formation and
linkage isomerization of a single complex, [Fe(SO3)]+ (93). In agreement
with the latter results, Conklin and Ho¡mann also found evidence
only for the formation of a mono-complex (94). However, their results
were criticized on the basis that the experiments were made in 1.0 M
formic acid/formate bu¡er where iron(III) existed mainly as formato
complex(es). Although these reactions could interfere with the formation
of the sul¢to complex, they were not considered in the evaluation of
the results (95). Finally, van Eldik and co-workers re-examined the com-
plex-formation reactions and presented additional data in support of
Fe3þ )
FeðOHÞ þ H
K92 ¼ 1:91 103 M; fast ð92Þ
Fe3þ þ HSO
3 ) FeðSO3 Þþ þ Hþ
* K93 ¼ 1:35; fast ð93Þ
H2 O SO2 ) *
HSO3 þ H K94 ¼ 1:82 102 M; fast ð94Þ
3 ) SO3 þ Hþ
* K95 ¼ 4:57 107 M; fast ð95Þ
Fe2 ðOHÞ4þ
2 þHSO3 )
Fe2 ðOHÞðSO3 Þ
K96 ¼ 5:37 103 M
Fe2 ðOHÞ4þ Fe2 ðOHÞðSO3 Þ3þ k97 4 109 M1 s1
þ *
2 þSO3 ðþH Þ) ð97Þ
Fe2 ðOHÞ4þ
) *
2þ ka98 ¼ 0:35 M1 s1
kb98 ¼ 3:5 s1 ð98Þ
kc98 ¼ 3:6 10 3
Ms 1
Fe3þ þ SO
3 þ H2 O ! Fe
þ SO2
4 þ 2H
fast ð101Þ
The three rate constants for Eq. (98) correspond to the acid-catalyzed,
the acid-independent and the hydrolytic paths of the dimer-monomer
equilibrium, respectively, and were evaluated independently (107). The
results clearly demonstrate that the complexity of the kinetic processes
is due to the interplay of the hydrolytic and the complex-formation
steps and is not a consequence of electron transfer reactions. In fact,
the ¢rst-order decomposition of the FeSOþ 3 complex is the only redox
step which contributes to the overall kinetic pro¢les, because subsequent
reactions with the sul¢te ion radical and other intermediates are consid-
erably faster. The presence of dioxygen did not a¡ect the kinetic traces
when a large excess of the metal ion is present, con¢rming that either
the formation of the SO 5 radical (Eq. (91)) is suppressed by reaction
(101), or the reactions of Fe(II) with SO
5 and HSO5 are preferred over
those of HSO3 as was predicted by Warneck and Ziajka (86). Recently,
¢rst-order formation of iron(II) was con¢rmed in this system (108),
which supports the ¢rst possibility cited, though the other alternative
can also be feasible under certain circumstances.
Although the above model was developed under non-catalytic
conditions, some of the results may bear signi¢cance under natural con-
ditions or in the presence of excess sul¢te ions. Thus, the decomposition
of the mono-sul¢to complex was considered to be the rate-determining
step in the catalytic cycle, but only estimates could be given for the rate
constant in earlier studies. The comprehensive data treatment used by
Lente and Fa¤bia¤n yielded a well established value for this parameter
(106), which can then be used to improve previous kinetic models.
Furthermore, the participation of reactions of the [Fe2(OH)(SO3)]3+ com-
plex was never considered in kinetic studies where excess sul¢te ion
was used over low iron(III) concentration in mildly acidic solution (pH
2.5^3.0). The above model predicts that in some cases the formation of
the dimeric sul¢to complex could make a substantial contribution to
the spectral changes and omission of this species could lead to biased
conclusions. Reevaluation of data sets reported earlier by including the
reactions of [Fe2(OH)(SO3)]3+ may resolve some of the controversies
found in literature results.
Recent studies demonstrated that the composition of the reaction
mixture, and in particular the pH have signi¢cant e¡ects on the kinetics
of iron(III)-catalyzed autoxidation of sulfur(IV) oxides. When the reac-
tion was triggered at pH 6.1, the typical pH pro¢le as a function of time
exhibited a distinct induction period after which the pH sharply
decreased (98).The S-shaped kinetic traces were interpreted by assuming
that the bu¡er capacity of the HSO 3 = SO3 system e⁄ciently reduces
the acidifying e¡ect of the oxidation process. The activity of the
438 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
with ka102 ¼ 3:6 103 M1 s1 , kb102 ¼ 1:23 M1 s1 ; kc102 ¼ 98:6 M1 s1 .
The ¢rst term was assigned to the uncatalyzed path which includes
the formation of the same reactive radical and non-radical intermediates
that were reported in related studies. A clear distinction from other
kinetic models is that accumulation of the disulfate radical was also
postulated during the autoxidation phase (84).The continued production
S2 O2
7 þ H2 O ! 2SO4 þ 2H
3 ! MnðIIÞ þ SO3 ð106Þ
The above equations are not balanced for proton budget, and it was
noted that a change in the pH may have signi¢cant kinetic consequences.
Provided that manganese is present predominantly as manganous ion,
the kinetic model predicts a second-order dependence on [Mn(II)]
and zeroth-order in the concentration of the other components at high
catalyst concentrations, as well as ¢rst-order in both [Mn(II)] and
3 ] when the [Mn(II)]/[HSO3 ] ratio is increased and [HSO3 ] is
SCHEME 6. Reprinted from Inorganica Chimica Acta, vol. 320, Barha¤cs, L.; Kaizer, J.;
Pap, J.; Speier, G. Kinetics and mechanism of the stoichiometric oxygenation of (CuII
(fla)(idpa)]ClO4 [fla=flavanolate, idpa=3,30 -imino-bis(N,N-dimethylpropylamine)] and
the (CuII(fla)(idpa)]ClO4 -catalyzed oxygenation of flavanol, p. 83. Copyright (2002),
with permission from Elsevier Science.
corresponding rate constant, k = 6.1 103 M1 s1 (100 C), 2.9 102
M1 s1 (130 C), is in reasonable agreement with that of the catalytic
reaction under the same conditions.This suggests that the rate-determin-
ing step in the catalytic cycle is the oxidation of the coordinated FLA
ligand of the catalyst which is rapidly regenerated as long as the
substrate is present in excess. The details of the mechanism proposed
for this reaction are shown in Scheme 6.
A comparison of the rate constants for the [CuII(FLA)(IDPA)]+-cata-
lyzed autoxidation of 40 -substituted derivatives of £avonol revealed a
linear free energy relationship (Hammett) between the rate constants
and the electronic e¡ects of the para-substituents of the substrate (128).
The logarithm of the rate constants linearly decreased with increasing
Hammett values, i.e. a higher electron density on the copper center
yields a faster oxidation rate.
Catalytic activation of dioxygen by Co(ClO4)26H2O, cobalt(II) phthalo-
cyanines (PC = tetrakis(3,5 -di-tert-butyl- 4 -hydroxyphenyl)dodecachlor-
ophthalocyaninate) and cobaloxime(II) ([CoII(HDMG)2(L)2; H2DMG =
dimethylglyoxime, L = Ph3P, Ph3As, Ph3Sb) has been studied in oxidation
reactions of phenol, thiophenol, and aniline derivatives, primarily, at
ambient temperature and in non-aqueous solvents by Sima¤ndi and co-
workers (132^141). A common kinetic feature of these reactions is the
accumulation of reactive intermediates in a relatively fast initial phase
which persisted for several minutes under typical experimental condi-
tions. The rate laws were evaluated by analyzing the concentration
444 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
Some of the details of these reactions are summarized in Table III. The
corresponding kinetic models were centered around the formation of a
complex which included all the reactants, i.e. the catalyst, the substrate,
in most cases dioxygen and also ascorbic acid when it was used as a
co-substrate.This precursor complex was considered to undergo an inter-
nal redox process in a rate-determining step. According to this general
model, the rate expression can take di¡erent forms depending on how
many components are assembled in the precursor complex and where
the rate determining-step is located in the reaction sequence.
The oxidation of allyl alcohol shows an interesting pH dependence
(144,147). When the pH<2.0, the main product is acrylaldehyde and
the rate is independent of, or inversely proportional to [H+], with the
catalysts Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA), respectively.5 In this case, hydride
In these studies Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA) represent [RuCl2(H2O)4]+ and a gener-
alized EDTA complex of Ru(III), respectively. The coordination mode and com-
position, in particular with respect to possible protonated complexes, were not
speci¢ed for the EDTA complex in the cited references.
446 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
abstraction from the substrate to the metal center within the catalyst-
substrate complex was considered to be the rate-determining step
which is followed by fast oxidation of the hydrido complex. Above pH
2.0, the reaction becomes independent of pH with both catalysts, and
epoxidation of the double bond occurs simultaneously with the
oxidation of the alcoholic group. In the case of Ru(III), the formation of
a [S^RuIII^(m-O2)^RuIII^S] (S stands for substrate) dinuclear complex,
which decomposes via the cleavage of the O^O bond in a rate determin-
ing step, was postulated. The reaction supposedly proceeds via mono-
nuclear complexes when Ru(EDTA) is used as catalyst.
The above models imply that the proton loss of the OH group of
the coordinated substrate shifts the mechanism from oxidation to
epoxidation with Ru(III). Such a straightforward interpretation of the
pH e¡ect was not presented for reactions of the other substrates, i.e.
the protolytic reaction, which would act as a switch between the two
mechanisms, cannot be identi¢ed.
The models proposed for the Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA) catalyzed epoxida-
tion of allyl alcohol replace each other in the corresponding reactions of
cyclohexene. Thus, mono-nuclear and di-nuclear paths were reported for
the Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA) catalysis, respectively (145,146).
The presence of ascorbic acid as a co-substrate enhanced the rate
of the Ru(EDTA)-catalyzed autoxidation in the order cyclohexane<
cyclohexanol<cyclohexene (148). The reactions were always ¢rst-
order in [H2A]. It was concluded that these reactions occur via a
Ru(EDTA)(H2A)(S)(O2) adduct, in which ascorbic acid promotes the
cleavage of the O2 unit and, as a consequence, O-transfer to the substrate.
While the model seems to be consistent with the experimental
observations, it leaves open some very intriguing questions. According
to earlier results from the same laboratory (24,25), the Ru(EDTA)
catalyzed autoxidation of ascorbic acid occurs at a comparable or even
a faster rate than the reactions listed in Table III. It follows, that
the interference from this side reaction should not be neglected in
the detailed kinetic model, in particular because ascorbic acid may be
completely consumed before the oxidation of the other substrate
takes place.
It is not clear either how the Ru center can accommodate four ligands
simultaneously. The crowded coordination sphere around the metal
center in the Ru(EDTA)^ascorbate complex is expected to hinder the
coordination of other ligands as was proposed earlier (24,25). The
contradiction between the two sets of results reported in Refs. (24,25)
and (148) is obvious.While the Ru(EDTA)(H2A)(O2) complex was not con-
sidered in the kinetic model proposed for the oxidation of ascorbic acid,
Since the ¢rst report of oscillation in 1965 (159), a variety of other non-
linear kinetic phenomena have been observed in this reaction, such
as bi-stability, bi-rhythmicity, complex oscillations, quasi-periodicity,
stochastic resonance, period-adding and period-doubling to chaos.
Recently, the details and sub-systems of the PO reaction were surveyed
and a critical assessment of earlier experiments was given by Scheeline
and co-workers (160). This reaction is beyond the scope of this
chapter and therefore, the mechanistic details will not be discussed
here. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to mention that many studies
were designed to explore non-linear autoxidation phenomena in less
complicated systems with an ultimate goal of understanding the PO
reaction better.
The main features of the copper catalyzed autoxidation of ascorbic
acid were summarized in detail in Section III. Recently, Strizhak
and coworkers demonstrated that in a continuously stirred tank
reactor (CSTR) as well as in a batch reactor, the reaction shows various
non-linear phenomena, such as bi-stability, oscillations and stochastic
resonance (161). The results from the batch experiments can be
suitably illustrated with a two-dimensional parameter diagram shown
in Fig. 5.
At high [Cu(II)] and low [H2A] initial concentrations, the Pt electrode
potential, used to follow the chemical process, increased monotonously.
When both species were present at high initial concentrations, a monoto-
nous decrease was observed. Various non-monotonic transient regimes
were found at approximate initial concentrations of [Cu(II)] 104 M
and [H2A] 104 M. Thus, the batch experiments properly illustrate
that the system is sensitive to variations of the initial concentrations of
ascorbic acid and copper(II) ion, and the observations can be indicative
of a transient bi-stability.
450 I. FA¤BIA¤N and V. CSORDA¤S
IX. Perspectives
This work was supported by the Hungarian National Research Foundation under grant
Nos. OTKA T 029568 and 042755.
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