Optical Satellite Communication Space Terminal Tec PDF
Optical Satellite Communication Space Terminal Tec PDF
Optical Satellite Communication Space Terminal Tec PDF
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Optical communications will complement radio frequency (RF) communications in the coming decades to enhance
throughput, power efficiency and link security of satellite communication links. To enable optical communications
technology for intersatellite links and (bi-directional) ground to satellite links, TNO develops a suite of technologies in
collaboration with industry, which comprises of terminals with different aperture sizes, coarse pointing assemblies and
fast steering mirrors. This paper presents the current state of the development of TNO technology for optical space
communications. It mainly focuses on the development of an optical head with an entrance aperture of 70 mm, an optical
bench for CubeSats and coarse pointing assemblies (CPAs). By continuing these steps, world wide web based on satellite
communications will come closer.
Keywords: Optical Satellite Communications, Optical Space Terminals, Coarse Pointing Assemblies
Optical satellite communication already is complementing satellite communications based on radio frequencies (RF).
Although high throughput is a very prominent advantage, also the advantage of low-power, low interference and high
security for optical wavelengths, e.g. 1064 or 1550 nm. These advantages serve several business opportunities, such
large-scale communication via satellites and quantum key distribution (QKD) channels. Since optical communications
technology has been proven to be a technical viable solution, the road has been paved for broad applications [1]–[3].
In this perspective, the European data relay system [4], [5] is currently effectively in use, mainly to transport data from
scientific missions toward ground based systems. On the EDRS, TESAT provided high end versatile technology [6].
This technology is able to establish intersatellite links, e.g. LEO-LEO and LEO-GEO, but also satellite to ground
communication [7]. The work that has been done to persistently perform optical communication links, brought the
confidence that optical satellite communications could be used for other business cases [5].
Other attractive business opportunities serve the communication between people, for instance to transfer confidential
data, or encryption keys. The inherent security of optical links, due to the limited beam divergence provide the
confidence in such business applications. To enable wide usage of optical satellite communication, e.g. to provide
massive LEO constellations with optical terminals, still work has to be done to provide commercially attractive laser
communication terminals. Furthermore, there is also a clear trend towards smaller and smaller satellites for various earth
observation and science tasks [8].
To realize massive satellite constellations using optical communications technology, the following key requirements are
• Low Size, Weight and Power (SWaP): Compared to RF-terminals, optical communication terminals
inherently support low SWaP, which is key for cost effective satellite payloads.
• Low Recurring cost terminals is key for commercial exploitation, and is mainly realized at the start of the
design process.
• Low latency, high reliability and security optimally uses the advantages optical communications have
compared to RF terminals.
Corresponding author: rudolf.saathof@tno.nl
(a) (b)
Figure 1 (a) Massive satellite constellation to connect people everywhere at every time at a reliable and secure
way, with low latency. (b) Optical terminal system architecture, with (1) CPA, (2) Controller, (3) Telescope,
(4) FSM, (5) Optical Bench, (6) Photonics.
Along with these challenges which must be met to support commercial exploitation, few other technical challenges have
to be met. Due to the limited beam divergence the line of sight between the partnering terminals needs to be controlled
within several microradians. This requires highly accurate beam-steering control to enable acquisition between two
different terminals. Because of the leap in technology from RF to optical wavelengths, technical solutions that are viable
to support laser satellite communication, have never been used in space. In order to gain confidence in the technology,
technology has to be proven in space.
TNO works together with a broad range of industrial partners, research institutes, universities and service provides to roll
out this technology [9]. In this paper several projects and technologies that TNO is working on. In particular, this paper
presents a telescope with an aperture of 70 mm diameter.
Satellite communication systems, as referred to in the introduction typically consists of multiple LEO satellites, and
ground terminals. Most viable option for optical satellite communications technology is intersatellite links, as no
atmospheric influences, such as clouds and atmospheric turbulence can occur. The intersatellite links account for the
majority of the data-relay system. In addition, the connection with the ground station has to be established, where optical
communications can complement the RF communications technology.
Optical communication systems are composed of several generic building blocks, which can be used throughout several
applications of optical communications. Hence they can be shared between the several different applications, which
helps to realize a low recurrent cost. For the hardware described in this paper, also several modes of operation are
important to establish and maintain the optical link. The acquisition mode is needed to acquire the link, i.e. find the
partnering terminal. The tracking mode is needed to determine the handshake and maintain the optical link. And
communication mode is do the actual communication. The building blocks are described below.
2.1 Optical bench function
The optical bench combines the functionality of all building blocks. It forms the physical and functional connection of all
optical and opto-mechatronic components. To accommodate this function, it provides beam conditioning, splitting and
shaping directing the optical beams towards the targeted components. The key requirements and functions are:
• Separating the receive and transmit beam to avoid high optical power from the transmit beam to the receive
beam and pointing detectors.
• Splitting and combining the optical channels for multiplexed data-communication.
• Filtering out-of-band light originating from scattering and background radiation, improving the signal to noise
ratio of detection.
• Provide stability against the effects of the launch and operational environments, such as vibrations and
temperature fluctuations.
2.2 Telescope function
The telescope expands and decreases the beam size from the entrance pupil to the optical bench. As sufficient area is
needed to collect sufficient amount of light, it determines the antenna gain for both transmit and receive beam. The
optical quality of the telescope determines partly the transmission of the optical system, since transmission can be
degraded by wave front errors. This is especially relevant, when the optical beam is coupled into a single mode fiber.
Since a telescope consists of multiple optical elements, it requires quite some design effort to keep it low SWaP.
2.3 Coarse pointing function
Coarse alignment of the optical terminal is done via the coarse pointing assembly (CPA), which steers and aligns the
optical beam for both the receive and transmit beam. This is used to provide the basic angular motion of the laser beam
needed for acquisition mode and to anticipate on the relative motion between the optical terminals. To realize this the
key requirements and functions are:
• Large angular range: to establish and maintain the optical link, partnering optical satellites to accommodate
for the large relative motion between two neighboring satellites or satellite and ground station, with minimal
impact on beam quality and transmission.
• Coarse open-loop positioning resolution: In combination of the FSM, the CPA can be tailored to work in a
proper precision regime, without over-requiring the mechanical aspects.
• Low angular uncertainty, to minimize the required acquisition time between two terminals.
2.4 FSM function
Complementary to the coarse steering function of the CPA, the fast, fine steering mirror (FSM+) provides the fine
resolution steering, which is required for both the received and transmitted laser beam. The received laser beam needs to
be pointed onto a photodetector, or into a single mode fiber to demodulate the data from the optical beam. Since the
divergence of the optical beam is small due to high antenna gains for optical communications systems, it is required to
steer the transmit beam with micrometer accuracy. Pointing errors will lead to reduced optical power at the receiving end
of the optical communication channel.
The fine pointing functionality of the FSM is also used to mitigate high frequency disturbances in the common optical
path. These disturbances generally originate from various vibration sources on the satellite platform. And for ground
based terminals, atmospheric turbulence need to be corrected [10]. The key requirements and functions of the FSM are:
• Small tip-tilt range, compatible with the coarse resolution of the CPA, with minimal impact on beam quality
and transmission.
• Low closed-loop positioning resolution to correct for the satellite orientation disturbance and the atmospheric
turbulence induced tip-tilt.
• High closed loop bandwidth to provide sufficient attenuation of the high frequency disturbances.
2.5 Controller function
The control system ties the electronic part of all subsystems together. It is responsible to drive the CPA, the FSM, the
transmit laser and the modulation mechanism to realize tracking and communication in all operational modes. It collects
the several sensor inputs, such as the orientation of the satellite from the inertial measurement unit IMU, the positions of
the CPA and FSM and the pointing sensor. It drives the CPA and the FSM based on the sensor inputs and their setpoints.
The setpoint trajectory is generated using knowledge of the position and orientation of the satellite and the orbital
information of the neighboring satellite or position of the ground terminal. As the FSM and CPA work realize pointing
together, the controller must be able to schedule tasks and combine position feedback control.
An IOD of the Optel-μ terminal is planned shortly with the aim of demonstrating the functionality of the system, and in
doing so also demonstrating the performance of the TESLA-C optical bench.
TNO have been keen to build upon this achievement, spinning off the developed technology towards other applications
such as:
• Optical Heads for Intersatellite Links (LEOCAT) – Aimed at the emerging LEO constellation market where
high through bi-direction links are required with very challenging recurring cost targets.
• CubeSAT laser communication terminal (CubeCAT) – a very cost effective terminal aimed at the direct to
ground laser downlinks from LEO satellites.
This paper reports on the status of these developments at TNO.
(a) (b)
Figure 3 Preliminary design of a LEO communication terminal with 70 mm entrance aperture front side (a) and
back side (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 6 (a) CAD render of the optical bench (b) cad rendering of the optical bench in an cubecat structure
The entire CubeSat optical terminal fits in a 1U standard CubeSat volume (1dm3), including all parts, such as the control
electronics. The downlink data rate is 1 Gbit/s at 1545 with an on and off keying (OOK) modulation scheme. For the
uplink channel, a data rate of 100 kbit/s is foreseen at 1590 nm, with an OOK modulated beam. The uplink beam is also
used as beacon for the CubeSat for coarse orientation of the CubeSat and to correct the optical beam with an FSM, for
frequencies below 10 Hz.
At the end of 2018 the integration phase of the CubeCat should be finished. As it is important that the technology gain
space heritage, it is planned to launch the CubeCat during 2020, for in orbit demonstration. In orbit tests of the CubeCat
will not only promote confidence for this specific type of technology, but will also demonstrate the subsystems, such as
the onboard detector technology and control system.
(a) (b)
Figure 7 Two coarse pointing assembly (CPA) architectures TNO is currently developing. (a) A mirror-based
configuration targeted for LEO-LEO use-cases. (b) A CPA architecture based on prisms following the Risley-
principle which is targeted for LEO-Ground use cases.
3.4 Course Pointing Assembly status
Course pointing assemblies (CPAs) are very application specific components of optical communication terminals, as the
optimal CPA-architecture is strongly determined by the required field of regard (FOR). TNO is developing a mirror
based and a Risley prism based CPA as shown in Figure 7 (a) and (b) respectively.
LEO constellations have their satellites typically on orbits with the same altitude. For inter-satellite communications
between two LEO satellites, the CPA is mainly pointing at satellites with the same altitude. For this reason, a relatively
large azimuth angle is needed to be able to point in all direction, but only a small elevation angle to anticipate on the
exact deviation from this orbital planes. The targeted azimuth range is ±180º and the elevation range is from -5º up to
around +20º. This architecture is shown in Figure 7 (a).
For LEO-Ground use cases, the azimuth and elevation angles should be equal, to target a conical FOR. By using the
Risley architecture with two counter rotating prisms, this can be achieved, while using the advantages of high
compactness and low mechanical complexity. Under an ESA Artes program, TNO is also developing an CPA based on
this Risley principle. The Risley architecture as shown in Figure 7 (b), allows for a conical FOR with a range of ±60º.
The main advantage of the Risley architecture is the compactness and low mechanical complexity. For bi-directional
communications over single channels low complexity singlet prisms suffice. To utilize the Risley architecture in
combination with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), i.e. using multiple wavelengths, the dispersion of the
prisms need to be compensated in order to ensure that all communication channels are pointed towards the same
direction. To achieve this, TNO is investigating the use of diffraction gratings etched on one side of the prisms. This
architecture is also referred to as Grism’s.
The heart of the both CPA’s is a motorization axis, consisting of a bearing, motor and encoder, which can be strong cost
drivers of the overall CPA-system. TNO is developing a cost-effective solution for the motorization axis, based on an
integrated motor and encoder concept. This motorization solution is applicable for both CPA-architectures and has the
potential of low-recurring cost for small series.
In order to enable a true world-wide internet, where everyone is connected everywhere, optical satellite communications
technology is needed to complement radio frequency communications technology. TNO is developing technologies to
support this development. The technologies supported cover a broad range: optical heads, optical benches, coarse
pointing assemblies (CPAs), a fast and fine steering (FSM+), and a control system. This paper shows the state of their
development. Three main development branches have been highlighted in this paper, the LEOCAT optical head, the
CubeCat optical bench and the CPA development. A prototype of the LEOCAT telescope has been manufactured to
demonstrate feasibility having less than 30 nm RMS WFE, with a system architecture that would enable low recurrent
costs. The design of CubeCat, an optical bench to support optical communications on CubeSats is completed and a first
prototype is expected before the end of 2018. Also the status of a mirror based and a Risley prism based CPA are
presented in this paper. By continuing this development, a true world-wide web is coming closer.
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