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ScopeMed Fulltext
A study was conducted in 55 week old laying hen (n=225) to determine efficacy of calcium and
phosphorus supplements in improving egg and shell quality traits. Birds were randomly divided
into three groups, one control and two treatments. Group I (control) was offered basal diet without
any additional supplement source of Calcium and phosphorus. Group II was supplemented Ayucal
liquid (Dabur Ayurvet Ltd.) @15ml/ 100 birds/ day in drinking water and group III administered
Ayucal premix@15g/ 100 birds/ day in feed from 55th- 62nd week age. Parameters studied were
egg weight, shell thickness, breaking strength, number of shell defects and specific gravity of egg.
Results of experiemental study revealed that supplementation of Ayucal liquid & Ayucal premix
(supplied by Ayurvet Ltd. Baddi, India) improved overall egg and shell quality traits that can be
correlated well with the activity of herbal constituents of the products owing calcium and phosphorus
mineralization properties.
Keywords: Calcium, Phosphorus, Synergistic herbs, Egg Shell, Egg, late layers.
Table-1: Feed offered to layer birds during 7 week long experimental trial:
was determined using breaking strength instrument revealed that mean breaking strength in treated groups
(kg/cm2). Specific gravity was determined using is significantly higher in group II (3.19 ±0.83kg/cm) and
floatation technique as described by Haerms et al.,(1990). group III (3.180.63 kg/cm) than the untreated control
Numbers of shell defects were estimated by recording group (2.76±0.79kg/cm). As age advances shell
number of defects per batch of representative samples. breakage increases and breaking strength decreases
Statistical analysis was done as per the method given (Washburn, 1982). However, supplementation of Ayucal
by Snedecor and Cochran, (1994). premix and Ayucal liquid has been observed to reverse
Results and Discussion the trend by increasing the bioavailability of
macrominerals Ca and P. Mean Specific gravity of
The results of experiemental study are
control is significantly lower than the treated groups
summarized in table No.2. Mean egg weight in the
during 56-72 weeks age. Mean specific gravity of both
control group is significantly low (56.4±0.2gm) in
the treated groups is 1.06, which falls into the normal
comparision to the treated groups, 57.9±0.3gm in
range. Egg specific gravity usually declines as the hen
Ayucal liquid treated group II and 58±0.2 gm in Ayucal
ages (Carnarius et al., 1996). This is partly due to the
premix treated group III owing to the mineralization
size of the egg increasing more rapidly than shell
properties of the synergistic constituent herbs (viz.
weight. More is calcium deposition in shell, thicker is
Cissus quadrangularis, Lepidium sativum, Uraria picta
egg shell and higher is the egg weight and specific
etc.) in the two formulations that enhances the
gravity (Fletcher et al., 1983). Numbers of defective
bioavailability of Ca and P for egg shell formation and
eggs in control group were significantly higher (4.9%)
for deposition in medullary bones. A reverse trend has
as compared to two treatments; group II (2.3 %) and
been observed in control group birds indicating that
group III (2.4%). The frequency of defective eggs may
the untreated birds of control group were not able to
increase from 7 to 11% during laying, collecting and
sustain the egg weight due to either deficiency or poor
packaging phases of egg production in late layers
bioavailability of dietary Ca and P. The results are
(Camarius et al., 1996). The decrease in mean shell
consistent with those reported by Keshavarz and
defect % in Ayucal Liquid and Ayucal premix
Nakajima, (1993). Overall mean Shell thickness during
supplemented groups is suggestive of efficacy of the
7 weeks late lay period is significantly higher in
product in increasing bioavailability of macrominerals
both the treated groups (Group II: 0.33±0.41mm and
in laying birds. It can be concluded from the results
group III:0.33±0.55mm) than the control group
that supplementation of Ayucal liquid and Ayucal
(0.30±0.23mm). Older hens may have reduced ability
premix improves egg specific gravity, egg shell
to absorb dietary Ca that cannot be compensated by
thickness and egg weight, breaking strength that can
addition of sources of Ca in the ration (Ousterhout,
be correlated with the activity of herbal constituents of
1980). As the hen ages and the eggs get bigger, a
the products owing calcium and phosphorus
similar amount of calcium has to be spread over a larger
mineralization properties, responsible for enhancing the
surface, thereby decreasing shell thickness (Carnarius
bio-availability of calcium and phosphorus in gizzard.
et al., 1996). However supplementation of calcium and
phosphorus has been found to increase overall mean References
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reported by Clunies et al., (1992). Results of trial J.H. (1996): Relationship of egg shell ultrastructure
Table-2: Egg and shell quality traits of control & treatment group laying hen during experimental
period of 55-62 weeks age
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