The Earthquake Strikes: CAVEAT: All The Advice About Getting Under Furniture Assumes That You Are in
The Earthquake Strikes: CAVEAT: All The Advice About Getting Under Furniture Assumes That You Are in
The Earthquake Strikes: CAVEAT: All The Advice About Getting Under Furniture Assumes That You Are in
in the unlikely event that an earthquake does occur while you're in town, it doesn't
hurt to know what to do during an earthquake and have a plan. Small tremors
occur pretty regularly in Southern California, but larger earthquakes that do
damage are much less frequent.
Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire
alarms may turn on.
DO NOT use the elevators, even if they are working. There may be
If you're in your hotel room, stay there. There are usually aftershocks, and
sometimes they may be worse than the original earthquake. Under a sturdy desk
or in an inside corner of your room is the safest place to be, even if you're on the
40th floor. If there's a heavy bookcase next to a match-stick desk, don't get under
the desk.
CAVEAT: All the advice about getting under furniture assumes that you are in
California in an earthquake retrofitted building and that the biggest danger is from
falling and flying debris. If the walls are crumbling and the ceiling is falling in, it is
recommended that you lie down NEXT TO a bed, sofa, desk or heavy piece of
furniture. In these conditions, the triangle of space created when a bookshelf, wall
or part of a ceiling falls against a large piece of furniture is your best chance of not
getting crushed.
If Outdoors
Stay there.
Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.
Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger
exists directly outside buildings, at exits, and alongside exterior walls. Many of the
120 fatalities from the 1933 Long Beach earthquake occurred when people ran
outside of buildings only to be killed by falling debris from collapsing walls. Ground
movement during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury. Most
earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling
If in a Moving Vehicle
Pull over to the side of the road and stop as quickly as safety permits and
stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and
utility wires. (Guide Note: an earthquake while you're driving feels like there's
something wrong with your car. Don't stop in the middle of the freeway if traffic is
still moving around you. Slow down and put on your turn signal to get to the side of
the road. If everyone else is doing the same thing, it was most likely an
Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges,
or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.
After an Earthquake
Check for gas leaks or exposed wires and turn off gas or fuse box if
necessary. Don't light any candles unless you've ruled out gas leaks.
Watch out for shifted items when opening cupboards, especially those
containing glass or heavy items.
Get dressed and put on sturdy shoes before you start cleaning up or go
If you have internet or cell access, post your status to social media so that
your friends and family know you're ok, or send a text. Stay off the phone unless
it's an emergency.
There are a number of things that you can do to make sure you and your property
stay safe during flooding. Remember, for flood emergency assistance from the
SES call 132 500. For life-threatening emergencies call Triple-zero (000).
Tune into your emergency broadcasters: ABC Local Radio, commercial radio and
designated community radio stations, or SKY NEWS Television
Ensure your family members and neighbours are aware of the situation
Farmers should move machinery and livestock to higher ground if it is still safe to
do so
Tune into your emergency broadcasters: ABC Local Radio, commercial radio and
designated community radio stations, or SKY NEWS Television
If you are likely to become isolated, make sure you have enough food, drinking
water, medications and pet food
If you are likely to become isolated, make sure that you have enough food, water,
medication and pet food, and be aware that you may need to live without power,
water and sewerage
Raise belongings by placing them on tables, beds and benches, or move them to
higher ground
Tune into your emergency broadcasters: ABC Local Radio, commercial radio and
designated community radio stations, or SKY NEWS Television
Block toilets, household drains, sinks and plugs to stop sewerage backflow
Act Now – take immediate precautions to protect your life and property
Raise belongings by placing them on tables, beds and benches, or move them to
higher ground
Collect together medicines, important documents, mementos, photos and pets and
take them with you when you evacuate
Take three days’ supply of clothing and medications with you
Turn off electricity and gas at the mains and lock you doors and windows when you
Remaining in your home or business during flooding is dangerous and may put
your life at risk
Don't attempt to extinguish any fire if there is a threat to your safety. If the fire is
small and you know how to use a fire extinguisher, you can attempt to extinguish
the fire. You must note that fires can increase in size and intensity in seconds,
blocking the exit path as well as create a hazardous atmosphere.
Therefore, you should attempt to fight only very small or incipient stage fires.
In case of fire, your priority should be to get yourself and your family members out
as quickly as possible. Please don't think of picking up your valuables. Timing is
very very important. You may have only few seconds to escape safely and don't
get yourself killed because you wanted to pick up your possessions. Don't use the
Many of the fire related deaths are caused by smoke inhalation, not from burns.
The toxic gases and the superheated air in the smoke makes it more dangerous.
Smoke is lighter than air and so it rises above air. Some toxic smoke may also
settle at floor level. So, there lies a safety zone where you will clean breathable air
- one to two feet above the floor.
You need to crawl on your hands and knees, keeping your head in the safety zone
(one to two feet above the floor). Cover your nose and mouth.
Before opening a door, check if it is hot using the back of your hand. If the door
feels hot, don't open the door. Also, if you see smoke under the door, you should
not open the door. Otherwise, the toxic smoke and fire may enter the room and
worsen the situation. If you are unable to open the door because of fire, try to
escape through a window.
If the door feels cool, open it slowly and pass through it.
If clothes catch fire, they can spread quickly engulfing the victim in flames.
Remember to STOP, DROP & ROLL. I have detailed this technique in my answer
to What should you do if your clothing catches fire?
The fire victim must stop still. Ceasing any movement which may fan the flames or
hamper those attempting to put the fire out.
The fire victim must drop to the ground, lying down if possible, covering their face
with their hands to avoid facial injury.
The fire victim must roll on the ground in an effort to extinguish the fire by
depriving it of oxygen. If the victim is on a rug or one is nearby, they can roll the
rug around themselves to further extinguish the flame.
Call your local emergency services number for help. You should not enter the
building unless it is safe to do so. If anyone is missing, inform the fire fighters / first
responders. They are more experienced and capable of dealing with this situation.
If anyone is injured, get medical help immediately.