Database Programming With PL/SQL 6-2: Practice Activities: Using Explicit Cursor Attributes
Database Programming With PL/SQL 6-2: Practice Activities: Using Explicit Cursor Attributes
Database Programming With PL/SQL 6-2: Practice Activities: Using Explicit Cursor Attributes
Try It/Solve It
1. In your own words, explain the advantage of using %ROWTYPE to declare a record structure
based on a cursor declaration.
Con este comando podemos ahorrarnos muchos Dolores de cabeza evitando errores basados en
distintos tipos de datos.
2. Write a PL/SQL block to read through rows in the countries table for all countries in region 5 (South
America region). For each selected country, display the country_name,
national_holiday_date, and national_holiday_name. Use a record structure to hold all the columns
selected from the countries table.
CURSOR cur_countries IS SELECT COUNTRY_NAME, national_holiday_date,
national_holiday_name FROM countries;
v_cou_record cur_countries%ROWTYPE;
OPEN cur_countries;
FETCH cur_countries INTO v_cou_record;
EXIT WHEN cur_countries%NOTFOUND;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_cou_record.COUNTRY_NAME || ' ' ||
v_cou_record.national_holiday_date || ' ' ||
CLOSE cur_countries;
Hint: This exercise is similar to question 4G in the previous lesson. Use your solution as a starting
point for this exercise.
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