The document lists 8 cotton varieties registered in the Philippines between 1979-2003. It provides information on their yield, plant characteristics, fiber quality, and reaction to common pests and diseases. The varieties were bred by the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Cotton Research and Development Institute, and Cotton Development Administration for traits like higher yield, fiber length, lint recovery percentage, and resistance to leafhopper, damping off, bollworm, and other issues.
The document lists 8 cotton varieties registered in the Philippines between 1979-2003. It provides information on their yield, plant characteristics, fiber quality, and reaction to common pests and diseases. The varieties were bred by the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Cotton Research and Development Institute, and Cotton Development Administration for traits like higher yield, fiber length, lint recovery percentage, and resistance to leafhopper, damping off, bollworm, and other issues.
The document lists 8 cotton varieties registered in the Philippines between 1979-2003. It provides information on their yield, plant characteristics, fiber quality, and reaction to common pests and diseases. The varieties were bred by the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Cotton Research and Development Institute, and Cotton Development Administration for traits like higher yield, fiber length, lint recovery percentage, and resistance to leafhopper, damping off, bollworm, and other issues.
The document lists 8 cotton varieties registered in the Philippines between 1979-2003. It provides information on their yield, plant characteristics, fiber quality, and reaction to common pests and diseases. The varieties were bred by the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Cotton Research and Development Institute, and Cotton Development Administration for traits like higher yield, fiber length, lint recovery percentage, and resistance to leafhopper, damping off, bollworm, and other issues.
Weight per boll Pant Height Maturity in No. of bolls per Eariness Days to Lint Fiber Length Yield in t/ha (g) (cm) days plant Index flossing recovery (mm)