Abstract:: Also
Abstract:: Also
Abstract:: Also
I. Introduction
0 . 0
... 0
or in matrix form as
The elements are assumed to be omnidirectional point sources in a where T denotes transpose.
uniformly spaced linear array with d as the interelement spacing. m
x, "' s, ".
where d is the interelement spacing and h is the wavelength of the
signal located in the far field region of the array. This arises from
the fact that a far field target will exhibit a linear phase front Where the number of degrees of freedom M = (N +1)/2. Denote
(becomes a plane wave). Effects of mutual coupling are ignored in equation (7) as
this analysis. The strength of the SOI, s(t), is the desired unknown
parameter which will be estimated in the deterministic approach.
IV. Backward Method
vi v2 v3 VN
Collect all boxes and again consider the difference Figure 6 Reversed Voltages and Corrt:sponding Angle of Arrival
However, since we are reversing the time series, we are also Output SINR is defmed as
reversing the directions of arrival of the incoming signals. To
compensate for this, we conjugate the voltages as shown in Figure
Figure 7 Conjugated Voltages and Associated Angle of Arrival First consider the case of a single jammer without noise
(Figures 8,9). For a 5 element array, the main lobe is
approximately 22 degrees wide. So even with the jammer in the
The eigenvalue approach can now be applied to this new sequence. main lobe and with jammer to signa1ratios of over 40 dB, the signal
can be recovered within 40 dB output SINR. A 9 element array
yields about a 6 dB improvement in performance over the 5 element
V. Numerical considerations
xw = asw
or the maximum eigenvalue of
Figure 8 Single Jammer with 40 dB Output SINR
the minimal case, all the eigenvalues are squeezed into a range and
the minimum approaches zero (a compact operation) [3]. For the
maximal case, the upper limit is unbounded and precision is less of
an issue. Also the received voltage matrix, X,is less singular than
the desired look direction matrix, S. The QZ algorithm is
numerically more stable when the right matrix is non-singular.
Noise (modeled as a uniformly distributed random variable)
is now interjected on all channels (Figure 10). A 20 dB noise to
signal power was added. Again a signal of unit amplitude is coming
in at broadside. As the number of elements increase, the angular
separation between a relatively strong jammer and the signal (100
dB Jammer to Signal Ratio) required for a 20 dB output SINR
decreases. For a 21 element array, even when a 40 dB jammer is
within 0.5 degrees of the incoming signal, the signal strength can be
recovered with a 20 dB output SINR.
-20O I
- . . . . . L04 .
0 1
_i 2 3
4 5
8 9
Figure 10 Single Jammer with Noisy Channels