Volleyball Coaching Bible II PDF
Volleyball Coaching Bible II PDF
Volleyball Coaching Bible II PDF
Volleyball Coaching
American Volleyball
Coaches Association
Human Kinetics
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ISBN: 978-1-4504-9198-3 (print)
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Key to Diagramsâ•… vi
Pa rt ON E
Coaching Priorities
Chapter 1 Sharing the Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
John Kessel
Pa rt t wo
Pa rt t h r ee
Pa rt fou r
D Digger
L Libero
LB Left-back player
LF Left-front player
MH Middle hitter
MB Middle-back player
MF Middle-front player
OH Outside hitter
Opp Opposite
RB Right-back player
RF Right-front player
RH Right-side hitter
S/H Setter/Hitter
Floor marker
Movement arrow
Part ONE
coaching priorities
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Sharing the Passion
John Kessel
4â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
sport in which repeated maximal contact (spiking the ball) is done unsupported in
the air. Imagine how good baseball hitters would be if they had to jump maximally
before swinging the bat.
Because we rotate our positions constantly, we need to be all-around players—
good at all skills and great at one or two. What would baseball or football be if, after
every score, the players had to rotate to new positions? Volleyball is a noncontact
sport with a net no one may touch, even though it is right where most of the
action takes place. Every contact is judged in volleyball (do refs take points away
if a quarterback throws a wobbly pass or a shooter makes a basket with a spinning
ball?). We are allowed only three contacts before the ball must go over the net, so
true team players in volleyball work very hard to “better the ball,” knowing that
errors are just part of the game and that their job is simply to improve the next
contact, not complain about it. What would basketball be if players had to shoot
after the third contact? What would volleyball be if fouls were allowed? Under-
standing these challenges allows all involved to realize how amazing the game is
when played at any level, but especially when serves and spikes are traveling over
100 kilometers an hour (62 mph).
Here is a pretty amazing fact about our game: With contact times ranging
between 0.008 and 0.1 seconds, depending on the skill (from spiking to setting),
the average international player touches the ball less than a total of 30 seconds
in an entire Olympic competition. This means that the most important skill in
our sport is not technical; it is reading the game between contacts, anticipating,
judging, and timing.
In volleyball, as in other sports, the coach who knows why will beat the coach
who knows how—and the same goes for players. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once
put it: “The man who knows how will always have a job. The man who knows
why will always be his boss.” A love for this sport lasts longer when it comes from
within, not from the coach. Guide your players’ discovery, but do not give them
the answers. They will have a better volleyball IQ for it.
Simply speaking, the game teaches the game. You know this already from learn-
ing a sport far more dangerous than volleyball: bike riding. You did not have a
Sharing the Passionâ•… â•… 7
bike riding coach, nor were you sent to bike riding summer camp. You did not
learn by doing bike riding drills or progressions, and for those who say, “But what
about training wheels?” two things come to mind. First, the majority of bike riders
around the globe did not learn with training wheels. Second, research shows that
using training wheels slows the learning of riding an actual bike considerably.
Those whom you coach also need to know one important part of
you: your coaching philosophy. It needs to be written, and it needs to reflect
why you coach. Keep it simple, post it to your online bio, and stick to it.
Vanuatu kids playing 3v3 with a rope net and bamboo for their standards.
Photo courtesy of John Kessel
U.S. Air Force Academy’s Arnold Hall with 16 ParaVolley courts set up with ribbon
nets and chairs with 50-pound free weights on the seats for standards and blue
painter’s tape to line the courts.
Photo courtesy of John Kessel
Ten and under division of King of the Mountain Doubles tournament on grass in Vail,
Photo courtesy of John Kessel
South Carolina Palmetto Region: 2v2 monarch of the court game, losers-become-
the-net version.
Photo courtesy of John Kessel
Using a net from another great sport and playing 1v1 with a 70-gram First Touch
fabric ball.
Photo courtesy of Chris Vadala USAV
Sharing the Passionâ•… â•… 11
Get more nets up: Rope ribbon band or four nets on one rope with swim noodles for
low-cost antenna.
Photo courtesy of John Kessel
hoopsters take the net system down and then put it back up when they are finished.
Currently, volleyball people have to get the basketball system out of the way, set
up the net, and then return the court to basketball readiness. To move away from
this expectation while not alienating others, don’t ask to have the whole gym set
up for volleyball, just one court. It makes a big difference in growing the game for
all players to move away from this expectation while not alienating others.
The third thing you can do to help grow the game is not to cut players—at
any age. The challenge of creating programming that gives everyone a chance to
play comes from the long-term athletic development (LTAD) models, the goal of
which is to decide slowly, keeping as many athletes playing as long as possible. We
also need to accommodate players, providing practice or game sessions at earlier
or later times, as swimming and ice hockey programs do. Create open programs
during open gym times. Set up more courts: smaller ones on regular indoor courts;
courts in unused racquetball, squash, and tennis courts; multiple linked courts on
grass fields; or courts in cafeteria spaces. Give volleyball a chance to be a player’s
favorite sport.
Volleyball is a late specialization sport, as compared to sports such as gymnastics.
Many people believe that athletes need to specialize in a sport early in life to suc-
ceed at that sport in college or professionally. However, only about one percent of
high school players get college scholarships in their sports, so the best reason for
participating in any sport, volleyball included, is for the life lessons to be learned.
Specializing early is fine, if a person loves a specific sport. It is also fine to experi-
ence many sports and come to love a sport later.
Take a look at the “Late bloomer” Wikipedia entry at www.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Late_bloomer to see an amazing list of those who found something they loved
later in life. The following quiz is a fun test to find out some lesser-known facts
about some of our most famous athletes. Specific to sport, see if you can match the
following athletes to their sport backgrounds. The answers appear at the bottom.
The word coach comes from the term “carriage,” a vehicle used to carry valu-
able people from where they were to where they wanted to be. This definition
is still true of coaches: the more you empower your players to compete on the
court without you, the better everyone else will be, because in the end, the coach
never plays. For younger players, the Brazilians have a great statement: Your first
coach should be the game. Too often, adults get far too involved with younger
players learning the game, rather than letting them just create and figure things
out through play, not drills. After all, did you learn to play tag by doing tag drills?
Please also take the time to teach the history of our sport—from its best play-
ers and teams, to the way the sport has risen from a single game at a YMCA in
the United States to being one of the most popular participation and fan sports
in both the Olympics and the Paralympics. USA Volleyball has a section on the
history of the sport on its website: www.teamusa.org/USA-Volleyball/About-Us/
Historical. Indeed, this organization has a SportKit DVD that you can get for just
the cost of shipping, which contains drill and skill videos, books, articles, posters,
and many ideas for teachers and coaches. If interested, check out the Grassroots
section of the USA Volleyball website.
Sharing the Passionâ•… â•… 13
Match Quiz
╃A↜渀屮. Michael Jordan 1. Played only basketball in college at
â•›B↜渀屮. Larry Walker 2. Was only 5’11” as a senior in high
C↜渀屮↜. Kenny Lofton 3. Was not recruited out of high
D↜. Cynthia Cooper 4. Wanted to be a pro ice hockey goalie,
but was cut
↜E↜渀. Scottie Pippen 5. Did not start playing ball until 14
years old
╛↜F↜渀屮↜. Sammy Sosa 6. Did not start playing ball until 16
years old
↜G↜. Mark McGwire 7. Was an outstanding goalkeeper in
H↜. Hakeem Olajuwon ╛ 8. Was a top college basketball player
↜I↜渀屮↜渀屮↜. John Stockton ╛↜渕 9. Was cut from his high school hoops
team at 16 years old
â•›Jâ•›. Jackie Joyner-Kersee 10. Eyesight as a child was 20/500
A-9, B-4, C-1, D-6, E-2, F-5, G-10, H-7, I-3, J-8, K-11, L-13, M-12, N-14
14â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
In closing, I offer some final thoughts. The first is to follow a key part of doctors’
Hippocratic Oath: Primum non nocere—“First do no harm.” Another is to never
be a child’s last coach, thus to judge your “coaching” record by how many players
keep playing volleyball after you are done teaching them. We are teaching what is
perhaps the ultimate team game, and we need to make sure not to let the pleasure
of competition be overtaken by the pressure of competition. Volleyball is such a joy
to play; players love the fight as a team to keep the ball off the floor on their side
and put it down on the other side. In practice and competition, help your players
understand the randomness of the game: in the hundreds of millions of matches
played since the creation of the sport, 50 percent of the teams lost. Likewise, the
athletes you coach will spend about 50 percent of their time competing at a level
below their average. This is just a fact. Your job is to raise that average, even though
your athletes will play below it half the time. Be their biggest supporter, win or lose.
It is also important to ask lots more questions, to guide players’ discovery, and
give them hints without a rule. This form of teaching is remembered far better
than being told what to do. Remember, players don’t care how much you know
until they know how much you care.
Finally, make a point of catching your players doing things right. Most coaches
only seem to give feedback or attention after a player errs and ignore the times a
player gets it right.
In the end, if you have shared the beauty and excitement of volleyball that is in
your heart, and focused on the mastery of the game over the outcome, you will
have players who love the game as much as you do. Then, you can truly measure
your success as a coach—which is by never being a player’s last coach.
Defining Expectations
C h ar lie Sullivan
Defining expectations is very important for any group attempting to work together
to achieve the highest level possible. When all members are on the same page
about what is expected, achieving goals is easier. For a leader not to communicate
expectations is not fair. Whenever I bring my three children under the age of eight
into a store, or when we go to church, I say, “OK, kids, here are the expectations.”
I do the same with my team. Expectations clarify for everyone what constitutes
best behavior and give a leader credibility when a player does not achieve them.
Identifying the expectations of being a team member in our program, and not
assuming that everyone knows those expectations, is very important.
The first expectation of our volleyball program at Springfield College in Mas-
sachusetts is that we work hard on developing relationships. For a team to play a
championship level of volleyball, the players must get along and be able to work
together. This may sound like a description of team cohesion, but there is more to
it than that. This chapter will help you and your athletes develop great relation-
ships that will help you all perform at your best. This has been the foundation of
our program and any success we have had.
Coaches identify early on that the highest level of a relationship with their
players is trust. The best way to develop trust is to communicate well and often.
Therefore, early in every season, we identify times for our players to communicate
with each other.
We tell our players that 75 percent of communication occurs through body
language. We show them their body language on video and, without hearing their
words, identify what they are communicating to other players. We also explain that
they can probably know what someone is thinking or feeling by looking in their
eyes—and that they should communicate with their eyes and look their teammates
in the eyes. When I am talking to a player who is facing away from me, I sometimes
reposition my body so we are facing each other and can see each other’s eyes.
16â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
If I have to give a player instructions during a time-out in the fifth set of a national
championship match at 13-13, I want 100 percent trust between me and that player.
Maybe our scouting report had our zone 2 (right-side) blocker staying in tight
versus the opponent’s rotation 1. For the entire match, I might have reiterated to
our zone 2 blocker to stay tight versus rotation 1, but now I want this blocker out
wide. Without trust, if I give this player this instruction, he might doubt what I am
saying and think I am insane. However, if the player trusts me, he might, without
any hesitation, get into a spread-ready position and play the rally to the best of
his ability. Without a trusting relationship, players cannot reach their potential.
What that player does not know and does not need to know at the time of the
new instruction is that we saw the opponent substitute in a player who hit a great
high ball in a previous match, and we anticipate that the setter will set him again.
We want to make sure that our zone 2 blocker is in a good spot. It is best at that
time to say, simply, “Hey, get wide and front that high ball.” Ideally, the player will
perform without hesitation, and we can trust that he is going to be in a good spot.
This is why our coaching staff identifies trust as the highest level of a relationship.
Following is a list of communication expectations that our team developed for
the 2014 season:
Team Trust
The highest level of a relationship is trust.
The best way to get there is communication.
Opportune times to communicate are during and between rallies.
Your list
Setter communication with hitters and reverse
Discuss block assignments before play
Call for set three times
Call for high ball sets in transition
Communicate front-row setter
Front row and back row discussing if they are taking line, seam, or cross
Back row talking about what defense they are in
Who has second contact on setter dig
Discussing hitter or server tendencies
Third blocker on three-man block calling three
Serve receivers discussing seam pre-serve
Calling “in” or “out” for serves
Calling “up” when player digs a ball
Calling “I got it”
Compliment and encourage—stay positive
Defining Expectationsâ•… â•… 17
How to communicate
Huddle between rallies—all in, 100%
Positive body language
Positive communication with one another
Talking before, during, and after plays
Tone can affect communication
Not getting upset when a mistake occurs or a teammate is performing
well. Pick up your teammate for the next rally.
Communicate through effort and work ethic
Make a play
Negative criticism is not acceptable
Expectations Defined
After teaching players to communicate, the next step in getting everyone in the
program on the same page is to share a list of expectations with the players. In
recent years the list has grown to include social media expectations to reflect the
current generation. If a problem arises during a season and I realize that I did not
communicate how disappointed I was in that action, I add it to my expectations
18â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
list for the following season. Our list of expectations includes some seemingly
mundane things such as the expectation that all players on the men’s volleyball
team say hello to all faculty members when they see them on campus. This is an old
policy at Springfield College that we want to continue. Following are our players’
expectations for the 2014 season. You will have your own list of expectations that
pertains to your program, but this can serve as a model.
You might be thinking that if you have expectations, you will need consequences.
For a variety of reasons, I do not agree. I state in my expectations that failure to
comply with any of them will require a meeting with the head coach, at which
time disciplinary decisions will be made. We work hard to recruit players who are
not only great volleyball players, but also great people. We explain that we trust
that they will make the right decisions and give them our trust until they give us a
reason not to trust them. Therefore, we do not anticipate any of our players having
trouble with our expectations list. We let them know the expectations during the
recruiting process, and if they do not think they can live up to them, we probably
will not have them in our program. With that said, we handle discipline issues
on a case-by-case basis because every situation is unique and we do not want to
be boxed into taking actions we are not sure will be best based on the situation.
Team Handbook
The next step we take in defining expectations and communicating all facets of
the program to our players is publishing an annual team handbook. My favorite
section of the handbook is “Defining a Springfield College Volleyball Player,”
which explains how to act to be a great player in our program. I love this section
because it is an open invitation to greatness. I love it more when players take us
up on the offer and choose what to put in the list. A couple of examples of what it
takes to be a great player would be “attends all classes and completes all homework
assignments” or “sits in the front row of all his or her classes.” I highly recommend
a similar list for your players.
Our team handbook includes my coaching philosophy, because my decisions
are based on it. If a team’s philosophy is to run a quick offense to the pins, then
the setter should not need to ask what tempo to set the ball at from the attack line.
Springfield College Men’s Volleyball Player Expectations
1. Players are expected to be knowledgeable and abide by all alcohol and
drug policies as stated in the student handbook.
2. Players are expected to be knowledgeable and abide by the rights and
responsibility section of the student handbook under resident life.
3. Players are expected to never use the excuse of “I did not know” in
reference to the consequences of discipline determined by the Dean of
Students office as a result of their violation.
4. Players are expected not to get written up, and Coach Sullivan does not
condone the use of drugs and alcohol.
5. Players are expected to represent themselves, their families, and the
SC Men’s Volleyball program in an exceptional manner in everything
they do including competition, classes, behavior in the dorms, working
women’s matches, and off-campus events.
6. Players are expected to attend all classes and meet with professors in
advance to make up classes that will be missed due to away matches.
7. Players are expected not to post inappropriate photos on any Facebook
or online personal page that they have. Springfield College Dean of
Students has the right to take disciplinary action based on photos on
students’ personal web pages.
8. Players must be at the first practice in January and after spring break.
9. First-year players must have a completed grade chart and present it to
Coach Sullivan every two weeks.
10. Players are expected to aid in the recruiting process by entertaining
recruits during visits to campus.
11. Players are responsible for checking their email daily to receive important
communication from the head coach.
12. When players are communicating through social media, it is expected
that any message will not represent the program in a negative manner.
13. Players are responsible for contributing positively to team cohesion in
an attempt to facilitate the program performance at its highest potential.
14. At Springfield College athletic events, team members are expected to
represent themselves, their families, and the college by cheering for
SC athletes only.
15. Volleyball players are expected to greet faculty members on campus.
16. Players are expected not to go on “spring break trips” in March.
17. Failure to comply with these policies will result in a meeting with the head
coach. Discipline decisions will be made by the head coach.
20â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
The answer is implicit in the team’s philosophy. The same is true of my coaching
philosophy. The players should know how I will react based on my philosophy
and how I approach coaching.
I was moved to write my coaching philosophy by one of the greatest coaches in
men’s volleyball history, Tom Hay, who coached the men’s and women’s teams at
Springfield College. He was instrumental in developing the EIVA men’s conference
on the East Coast and is enshrined in the EIVA Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, Coach
Hay passed in my second year of being the head coach at Springfield College. At
his wake, among photos and memorabilia, Coach’s family had posted his coaching
philosophy. Not only was it remarkable in content, but it also made me wonder
how I could expect to make daily coaching decisions without a standard as to the
reason why? As Coach Hay did for so many people, he inspired me to build better
relationships, to communicate more effectively, to define expectations more clearly,
and to be a better coach. Thanks, Coach!
Player Evaluations
We want to be clear to our players how they are going to be evaluated in our pro-
gram. Our team handbook includes all the categories in each position on which
players will be evaluated, as well as general qualities such as respect, communication,
and work ethic. These lists include subjective and objective categories. Again, if
the players know our expectations and how they will be evaluated, they can choose
to work hard in those categories. We have a spreadsheet that we share with the
players before the season begins. Every position has the same set of eight subjec-
tive evaluation categories, so that all players are evaluated equally. Each position
then has a set of objective evaluation categories that pertain to the position. The
players are rated 1, 2, or 3 in each category.
We use our evaluation forms to ignite some great communications and build
trusting relationships. We have the players fill out the forms rating their own
performances in each category. Then, as the head coach, I rate each player. Some-
times I rate the players with my entire coaching staff, or the player and each coach
rate the player in all the categories separately. However you choose to do it, the
great moment is when players compare their completed forms to yours. That can
stimulate some great conversations and literally get everyone on the same page. A
player might have rated himself a 1 in serve receive, and I might have rated him a
2. He may believe that he performs the serve receive at a high level, and he learns
that we think a bit differently. In evaluations, we listen to the player’s perspective,
give our own views, and leave the meeting on the same page with the next steps
outlined for working to achieve the player’s potential.
These meetings can be quick if we are all on the same page, or they can be a bit
longer if we need to work out some confusion or define expectations more clearly.
Sometimes we have the whole team go through the evaluation process together;
players who are struggling or need more communication go through the process
Defining Expectationsâ•… â•… 21
We also use the evaluation form to get a statistical comparison between two
players. If two setters are battling it out for a starting position and it is very close,
the coaches may meet and give each player a rating in each category and then
compare them. Coaches can also take into consideration one category that might
be more significant than another. For the setter position, for example, one setter
may serve and block better than the other, but the other setter may win every drill
in practice. A variety of issues may need to be taken into consideration. We find
the evaluation form to be great for both defining expectations and communicating.
Positional Meetings
Positional meetings are yet another way to communicate with players. We plan
these meetings for every two weeks, but weekly meetings are most effective. A
positional meeting is a great time for communicating to everyone in the position
and the individual players as well. We first go over things that are going well in
the position and then move on to any problems and the things we need to improve
to play championship-level volleyball.
The last thing we do in a positional meeting is give each player a ranking in the
position. It is not an easy conversation sometimes, but it is a good one. If there
are four guys in a position, we say very directly, “You are number one, you are the
second-ranked player, you are the third, and you are the fourth.” Then we give
our reasons for ranking them this way and explain what each player needs to do
to move up in the ranking as well as things he needs to do to maintain his current
position. These meetings get everyone on the same page and help players accept
their roles. The players who are lower in rank know what they have to do to move
up and do not feel hopeless. We also give the players who are lower in rank an
opportunity to come to practice early to work on some fundamentals to improve
their performances. This keeps everyone engaged in the program, everyone knows
his role, and the quality of our relationships improves. Things always feel better
after these meetings.
Sometimes you just need a quick conversation with a player. This can take
place before practice while players are warming up. Taking time to check in with
a player, ask how his classes are going, or tell him something you liked about his
performance in practice yesterday is valuable. In our program we can always talk
about the statistics because we take statistics in every practice and e-mail them to
the players every night. The players have a chance to see the statistics along with
the coaching staff and get feedback about their performances.
Ultimately, the bottom line in any program is the product, the numbers, effective-
ness in competitions—in other words, the results. That’s the reality. Websites give
results after matches. Society is product driven. When my six-year-old daughter gets
22â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
out of the car in her neon orange soccer uniform, my neighbor, who is the nicest
person in the world, inevitably asks a terrible question, “Did you win?” Really, is
that what these youth sport performers should be worried about? There are so
many variables that go into a youth soccer game, and I am not sure the reliable
measure of my daughter’s performance is a win or loss. Nonetheless, this is the
world we live in, so we must learn to excel in this world.
We preach the process in our program at Springfield College, although you may
not believe that we are process oriented if you looked at our preparation. Even
though we use statistics a lot, we want our players to focus on the process more
than the product. However, we confront them with a lot of product (i.e., statistics)
to help them practice ignoring this distraction. If they work daily on eliminating
the distraction of the statistical product, then they are more equipped to do so on
the most important days of the year, match days. Our players see their statistics
daily after practice. Some days we rank players in comparison to the other players
in their position, both in terms of skills and overall. This is a lot of product for
players to deal with. In reality, the players who do the best are those who can focus
on the process, their self-talk, or a simple fundamental skill, and let their errors
pass them by. These are the players who finish statistically higher. Although it is
not easy, when our players focus on the process, our team competes better.
The best example of focusing on the process is that of a player in our program
who graduated in 2007 who I will call “Joe.” In his junior season, Joe had started
as an outside hitter on our national championship team. In his senior year, Joe got
Defining Expectationsâ•… â•… 23
beaten out by a freshman. No longer on the starting team, Joe practiced with the
second team daily and became totally immersed in the process and all the behaviors
and thoughts he needed for playing at his best. He became more focused, he got
better, and we noticed that statistically he was competing better and better all the
time. We qualified as one of the four teams in the national championship, and in
the few games prior to those matches, Joe came off the bench and was a spark in
helping our team play better. In the semifinal match, we were struggling a bit, and
here came superman. He ran in from the bench, subbed in, and immediately added a
process orientation to our team that eliminated the distraction of playing for goals.
This helped our team bring the level of play up. We fortunately won that match,
and on the morning of the national championship match, it was a surprise to no
one that Joe was our starting outside hitter. Joe had become the master of process
orientation and focus and was able to eliminate the distraction of this national
championship product that other players had fallen victim to. Joe’s performance
is still vivid in my mind. I mostly remember the strategies he developed to focus
on process rather than product in his daily practice.
Building trusting relationships results in consistent behavior, as well as a great
team personality. With this foundation, our players are on their way to achieving
their potential and achieving our goal of playing what we call championship-level
volleyball. What fun!
Our team works all season long on communicating and building relationships,
and expectations are continually defined. Without this foundation, our opportuni-
ties for success diminish.
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Developing a Positive
Team Culture
B eck y Schm idt
Think back to a time when you worked hard, had fun, learned a lot, and achieved
at a high level. What characterized that environment? What characterized the
relationships you had with your peers? Your leader? Seldom do people look back
and recall these times as easy, but they also don’t describe them as negative. A
balance exists on teams that reach their potential—between challenge and skill,
criticism and encouragement, trust and accountability, fun and focus, as well as
between team and individual. How you, as a coach, facilitate the balance of these
factors, both in your relationships with your athletes and in the way they relate to
each other and the environment, is where the art of coaching is found.
The aspects of your program on which you have some influence are all based
on relationships. The effectiveness of the drills you choose or the tactics you
employ is based, in part, on the strength of your relationships with your players.
The selflessness and team focus of your players are influenced, in part, by their
relationships with each other. Their ability to be engaged in the moment and focus
on the task at hand is facilitated, in part, by their relationships with their training
and competitive environment. Although these relationships are sometimes difficult
to control, they are certainly open to being influenced by the head coach.
26â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
of the game or training environment and the skill level of the athletes involved.
If the opponent or drill is too challenging for the participant based on skill level,
frustration is likely to prevent a good performance. Likewise, if the contest or
drill is too easy or simple for a team, boredom will prevent the athletes from
having motivation to achieve optimal performance. The key is to manipulate the
competitive and training environments to keep the balance of challenge and skill
appropriate to maintain maximal motivation.
As the coach, you have control over the drills you build into practice, the level of
performance you demand, the way you structure groups and teams, and the level
of competition in the nonleague portion of your schedule. The first task in an
effort to achieve balance between challenge and skill is to evaluate your talent. At
what skills do the players on your team demonstrate proficiency, and where are
they weak? At what point do the skills at which they are proficient begin to break
down? Evaluating these factors will help you find the sweet spot in training where
athletes will experience enough challenge to feel pushed but also enough success
to remain confident.
Another factor contributing to the balance of challenge and skill is the way
athletes and coaches interpret failure. After all, the negativity that comes with
frustration is rooted in the perception that failure is a bad thing. One of the
common characteristics of training programs that elicit the most success from their
performers is that failure is not something to be feared. In fact, failure is appreci-
ated because it means that participants are willing to risk and to push themselves
outside of their comfort zones to improve. People who fear failure attempt only
the things they can already do. The player who fears failure and can attack very
well crosscourt will focus only on her crosscourt attack, limiting the opportunity
to develop her line shot. If you, as a coach, focus on failure (by either calling atten-
tion to it or punishing it), then you will end up fostering a mind-set that prevents
risk taking and limits growth. Table 3.1 provides examples of how to manipulate
the training and competitive environments to create a balance of challenge and
skill to encourage peak performance.
A positive team climate is not just dependent on the relationships between the
players and coaches: it is one in which the players have a positive influence on
each other. But how can players influence the balance between challenge and skill
for each other? The answer comes in the way the team is grouped and how team
members take responsibility for each other. At Hope College in Michigan, where
I coach, I often structure scrimmage teams so that the top front-row players are
attacking against the top back-row players. This makes it so that players who need
more developmental work in the back row are digging balls against a front row
Developing a Positive Team Cultureâ•… â•… 27
that is also working on developing skills. Both groups are playing with and against
teammates in ways that are developmentally appropriate.
On occasion, ignoring developmental level when grouping players can be incred-
ibly positive. I worked with a volleyball club that would do position-specific practice
with players from every age group on the same court by position. Experienced and
talented 18-year-olds were grouped with 14-year-old novices. The challenge–skill
balance was maintained because the experienced players were tasked with being
good models of fundamental techniques for the younger players and with providing
peer instruction. The younger players were encouraged to focus on the process
(technique) rather than the result.
Another way that we try to promote a balance of challenge and skill is to make sure
that our players understand the big picture of our training. We use a whiteboard
at practice to share our practice plan, the focus points and goals of each drill, and
where our players are supposed to go. This helps players identify how the skills
developed early in practice will prepare them for performance in the scrimmages
later on. It identifies coaching cues and focus points that our staff will be verbal-
izing during the drills. The whiteboard also helps us track our performance in
drills over time, which facilitates setting appropriate goals and standards. For
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In my experience, athletes desire two types of feedback from their coaches:
◆⊃ To be acknowledged when they do something well
◆⊃ To be told specifically how to improve when they fail
At Hope College we want our coaches working hard to provide both types
of feedback. We want to acknowledge and celebrate when our athletes succeed,
both in result and process. I went through a phase in my coaching when I felt as
though telling players “great pass” after getting the ball to target was redundant.
They could see that the pass was perfect and didn’t need me to tell them. I found
that my athletes appreciated my praising their passes (or any other obvious dem-
onstrations of skill) because pleasing me was important to them. This is further
demonstrated in how often my players ask, “Coach, did you see that?” when they
achieve success at something they have been working on. The athlete knows that
she was successful, but she wants to share that success with me.
In addition to praising successful execution, we also want to praise successful
process. Specific feedback on techniques that improve athletes’ chances of success
or attempts that are outside their comfort zones are worthy of encouragement. It
helps to know exactly what your players are working to improve, so that you can give
appropriate feedback when you see them make progress. Write down their goals or
objectives, as well as the areas in which you would like to see them improve, and
carry it with you during practice. Sharing those goals with your assistant coaches
will keep them engaged and help them know where they can make a contribution.
When I realized that praising both success and progress toward goals was valued
by my players, I also realized that I could be much more specific than just saying,
“Great pass.” We don’t have a lot of time to convey a lot of information, so we
use specific cues to convey exactly what led to the success. During one afternoon
of our preseason, we spend a couple of hours in volley-school (an idea taken from
Developing a Positive Team Cultureâ•… â•… 29
the U.S. national team program), in which we explain all of the coaching cues our
staff uses and exactly what each word means. This cuts down on needing to use
whole sentences to explain the specifics of what the athlete did well or poorly;
we need only one or two words that are well understood. We use words such as
balance, square, plant, and press to convey specific aspects of skills quickly. You can
use instructional feedback with motivational feedback to let your athletes know
specifically what led to their positive results. Have a manager track the type of
feedback you provide to see whether you are as positive, specific, and motivational
as you can be.
The Positive Coaching Alliance (www.positivecoach.org) uses the phrase emo-
tional gas tanks to convey athlete’s emotional health. Praise, instruction, opportunity,
and positive body language add to the emotional gas tank of an athlete. Criticism,
punishment, and decreased opportunity result in emotional gas tank withdraw-
als. Keeping an eye on the emotional gas tank of each player on the team (how
often you have made additions and how often you have made withdrawals) will
help you predict how they will respond to the feedback. This is not to say that
you should never make a withdrawal. Sometimes it is important to be critical, to
uphold a standard, or to let athletes know that their behavior, attitude, or effort
is unacceptable. However, in those situations, unless significant investments have
been made, their motivation or self-confidence may diminish.
Players sometimes receive feedback from teammates more easily than from coaches.
Such feedback can feel less threatening and also increase trust between teammates
who are competing for the same position. We have developed a culture in which
peer feedback is an important part of our program. The foundation is a lack of
hierarchy within our team. For instance, we do not want our seniors to believe
that they are any more important than our freshmen, or for sophomores to believe
that they have any less value than juniors. We encourage our freshmen to give
advice to seniors when they see an opportunity, and we ask our seniors to take the
advice that they get from anyone with an outsider’s perspective regardless of year.
In our program, the first 15 to 20 seconds of time-outs involve players getting
into position groups so that the players on the bench can tell the players on the
floor what they are seeing. This also gives the coaches a few seconds to meet and
put together a cohesive, concise message for the entire team. For drill work in
practice situations, we break up the team into smaller groups; while one group is
performing the drill, another is positioned to give feedback. When we are work-
ing on blocking, one player says yes or no to communicate whether the middle
closes the block, another player along the net says yes or no regarding the blocker’s
hands getting over the net, and another player identifies whether the block is
timed correctly with the attack. The goal for the blockers, regardless of the result
of the block, is to get three yeses from the players giving feedback. How can you
strategically position your players who are not involved in drill so that they can
provide valuable feedback to the players in the drill?
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In a drill we call hot seat, which is a 6v6 scrimmage, one player is designated as
the only one who can score a kill. One of our players did so well in that drill that
a teammate bought a little red stool and wrote hot seat on it and put it in her team-
mate’s locker to call attention to her great performance. When another teammate
had a strong practice the next day, the first recipient of the hot seat passed it to
her. Now, the little red stool moves from locker to locker as the previous recipient
tries to identify the teammate who had the most impressive practice of the day.
Such peer recognition goes a long way to build a team culture of encouragement,
success, and positivity.
Coaches can use video to provide important feedback in a way that builds moti-
vation and confidence and increases effort. Many athletes are visual learners and
benefit from seeing themselves perform. Technological advances have made access
to video information very easy. We use an iPad app called BaM Video Delay to
create a live delay on an iPad attached to a tripod. The delay is perfectly timed
so that an athlete can perform a repetition in a drill, exit the drill, and watch her
execution while a teammate performs the same drill on camera. The visual feed-
back allows players to see what they are doing correctly and incorrectly while also
giving them the opportunity to experiment with a variety of techniques.
Videos of match play can also show players successful and problematic behaviors.
Take advantage of available camera angles to focus on specific aspects of the game.
For instance, if you can film only from the center line, focus on block penetration
or the distance of the set off the net. When filming from behind the court, focus on
blocking footwork and set distance. Be sure to focus on both positives and things
to work on. Recently, as we were getting ready to watch a film of our serve-receive
patterns from a match we had lost, I chose to show only the clips we had won.
Seeing themselves succeed gave the players confidence in their ability to excel in
their next match. Although this strategy worked in this situation, it shouldn’t be
the norm; it is important for teams to understand the reality of failure and to learn
from those opportunities rather than disregard them.
ship. This section focuses on developing trust between coaches and players, but I
believe that trust is important to cultivate with administrators, staff, and parents
as well. Trust is developed by doing two things: being clear in your expectations
and being a good listener.
We do a number of things to develop trust between our coaches and players, but
it starts with hard work. None of our players second-guess the importance we
place on the success we are trying to achieve because they know how hard we
work. This work ethic is demonstrated through the level of detail in our practice
plans and scouting reports, the organization of team trips, and the support we
show to our athletes off the volleyball court (e.g., we keep a calendar of all our
players’ exams and research paper due dates so that we can check in to see how
their classes are going).
Our work ethic extends to the relationships we build with our players. Each
member of the coaching staff reaches out to players individually. Although, as
head coach, I need to develop a relationship with each player, some players may
resonate with another member of the coaching staff on a more personal level. We
have tried to make sure our coaching staff is diverse in personality so that every
player will have at least one member of the staff with whom she feels a connection.
We ask our players for input on drill suggestions through our weekly goal
sheets and provide written feedback on those sheets about the progress we see
them making. We ask our players (especially our leaders) to share their opinions
on a variety of decisions we make. This is because we believe that players don’t
necessarily need to have their way, but they need to feel heard. In the end, my
team knows that I make the final decision and that the decision is based on my
experience and long-term vision for the program’s success.
As a coach, I am around my team for approximately two hours a day during the
season. Teammates, on the other hand, are around each other in that same time
frame as well as in some classes, in dorms and apartments, in the locker room, and
during treatments and in the weight room. In short, they are around each other
much more than I am. Developing a program in which trust and accountability
are developed among players extends a positive team climate to the areas outside
of the gym walls and the presence of a coach.
We have a team meeting in the third week of every season in which every
player shares the role she sees herself playing. The meeting then opens up and all
members of the team share what they appreciate about their teammates as well
as what they need more of from them. It took a few years for this conversation to
be as honest as it needs to be, so don’t get too frustrated if during the first couple
of years nothing is shared or it becomes a “love fest” without any real substance.
Once something has been brought up, whether good or bad, acknowledge it and
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continue to reinforce that everyone is a part of the team to help each other reach
their potential.
On our team we have an accountability program in which we pair each under-
classman with an upperclassman (we call them sisters). These partners pair up with
each other in the weight room, eat meals and room together on road trips (at least
the first one), provide notes or gifts of encouragement to each other on match days,
and look out for each other. When one of my players seems to be having a rough
day, I ask her directly if everything is OK. Typically, I get an answer such as, “Oh
yeah, Coach… everything is fine,” but with incongruent body language, intonation,
and tone. This tells me that I still have work to do to develop that player’s trust in
me. In these situations, I go to the player’s sister to see if she knows what is going
on. I don’t ask that player to break confidence with me unless she thinks the issue
is not a big deal to share (stressful week versus problems with her boyfriend), but
I do make sure that the player is getting the support and love she needs. I then
talk to the captains to make sure they are looking out for the player. The same
process happens when I need more from a player. Her sister on the team (and the
captains) has a role in providing encouragement and accountability.
The most important criterion for pairing accountability partners is to pair
older players with younger players, but then it comes down to personality. Don’t
put complete opposites together, but don’t put those who are extremely similar
together either. They shouldn’t already be close friends (or best friends if your team
is small), but they should have something about their personality in common. In
this way, they can use their common trait to encourage each other and hold each
other accountable in the areas in which they may be weak.
The most important aspect of trust between players and their environment is safety.
In no way can players give maximal effort if they fear for their safety. Prophylactic
ankle bracing, pads on the poles and a free-zone clear of obstacles, proper instruc-
tion and coaching in the weight room, and ample water and rest breaks help to meet
the most basic needs of your players so that they feel safe in their environment.
Environment goes beyond space and equipment. Coaches who do not trust
their administrators might choose to play it safe and not take the risks that result
in realizing their teams’ potential. Trust applies to other staff as well, such as
athletic trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, and teachers. Look for ways
to inform these groups and seek their opinions on decisions that they will have
responsibility in implementing.
We do not have a strength and conditioning coach (other than me and my
assistants), but I meet with our athletic trainers to see if there are any program-
wide chronic injuries that can be reduced through off-season training. I respect
their opinion, and, in turn, they have increased trust in the way we work together
to develop our athletes. In his video Team Toughness Trojan Style (Championship
Productions, 2009), Mike Voight shares how Mick Haley (head coach at the Uni-
Developing a Positive Team Cultureâ•… â•… 33
A coach’s first job is to identify the ways the team has fun. Sport psychology
research tells us that we experience pleasure in sport participation mainly from
the stimulation of the game itself, the feeling of accomplishing a difficult goal,
and the enjoyment of learning a new task. Because these things resonate with your
athletes differently, it is important that you use all three to provide enjoyment
for everyone. Simply asking the question, “What do you love about the game of
volleyball?” should give you a better understanding of the type of enjoyment that
results in maximal motivation.
34â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
of wins they achieved. We then pair the player with the most wins with the player
with the fewest wins for a doubles tournament. We then move to triples, quads,
fives, and finally sixes. Each time, the players get reassigned to teams based on
their personal win total throughout the day. The focus of this session is learning
how to compete and find ways to win while having a lot of fun.
We try to recruit players who demonstrate a balance of fun and focus in the way
they practice and compete. We like to see them smile, joke around with their team-
mates (when the moment is right), keep their heads held high, and stand tall with
confidence. We look at how our recruits interact with their parents and coaches,
how much they complain or pout, and whether their body language indicates
disengagement. We watch recruits as they are line judging to see whether they
are focused and respecting the game even when not playing. As a college coach, I
have the opportunity to select my players, but I understand that high school and
middle school coaches have less control. In that case, consider keeping a player
on your team who might not add a lot of skill, but who brings gregariousness that
helps others have more fun. To continue finding the balance, empower one of your
introverted players to be a leader and hold the line on the level of focus expected.
A stimulating environment will help your players experience pleasure and have
fun in your gym. We have worked hard to build a fan base at Hope College so
that our matches are well attended and spirited. Resources on how to develop a
loyal fan base are readily available, but it is important to acknowledge that play-
ing in front of a packed house is more fun than playing in an empty gym. We are
blessed with two gyms in which to hold our matches. One seats 700 fans, and the
other seats 3,500. When we are expecting fewer than 1,000 fans at a match, we
play in the smaller gym because it feels crowded, loud, and intense. For matches
in which when we expect 1,000 or more fans, we move into our arena because
playing in front of 1,000 fans is fun no matter the size of the gym! Do you have a
way to create a more intimate competitive environment to help your athletes feel
the simulation provided by the crowd?
On a visit to a Michigan State men’s basketball practice, I was impressed with
how often head coach Tom Izzo used music during practice to create a more
stimulating practice environment. I purchased a portable speaker with an iPod
docking station to pull out to practice (and take on our bus) so that we can have
music playing while we warm up and during specific drills (doubles and triples
play). We turn it off when a little more focus is required, a subtle hint to buckle
down and get to work. I see my team smiling, dancing, acting more energetic, and
having more fun during some of the more basic parts of practice than I remember
and regret that it took me 13 years to embrace using music in practice.
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As I mentioned before, we ask for our athletes for their opinions on many team
issues. They know that our team is not a democracy and that the final decision on
all things is mine, but I do value their opinions and want them to feel as though
they have a voice. I have seen my athletes take greater responsibility for themselves
and their program when they believe that their opinions are valued. It is for this
reason that I also try to use we language as often as possible: “We need to be on
time, we need to be responsible for communicating with our professors when miss-
ing class, we are capable of working harder.” Using we makes leadership feel less
like a top-down approach and more of a “we are all in this together” style. I coach
my team leaders to use the same language when interacting with their teammates.
As head coach, I also need to be clear in the way I define and appreciate players’
roles. I have noticed that my athletes begin to lose motivation, focus, and enthusi-
asm when they do not understand their role on the team or when that role is not
appreciated. We have meetings with players to talk about the contribution we see
them making to the team as well as the unique skills and abilities they bring. We
also discuss the roles that need to be filled on the team and encourage them to
apply their skills to the needs of the team. This is less of an issue for the athletes
in the starting lineup because they typically feel that their role is important and
appreciated. Finding ways to encourage the reserve players, for whom appreciation
is less obvious, is more challenging.
Be sure to acknowledge your players’ improvement (even if it doesn’t change
their role), invest in their life outside of volleyball, and celebrate their successes
in front of the team. You can argue that feeling appreciated is not necessary for
giving maximal effort, but the fact is that not many coaches served in a reserve
role when they played. A little empathy goes a long way in helping an athlete find
her value on a team.
Developing a Positive Team Cultureâ•… â•… 37
The most valuable exercise we do at Hope College is helping players understand
their value and that of the team using the DiSC Behavioral Assessment. The DiSC
is just one of many personality/behavioral assessments that describe how people
solve problems and work differently. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to cover
the details of the profiles contained in the DiSC, but the reason this exercise has
been so helpful is that it shows everyone on the team that she has a unique view
of the world and how that diversity makes us stronger. It reveals that everyone on
the team has specific gifts that are useful in different situations. It also reveals that
everyone has blind spots and must rely on those who are different from her when
appropriate. For instance, when my team is struggling to perform a complicated
drill, some on the team will want to stop and analyze the situation while others
will want to keep running it and figure it out as they go. There is value to both
perspectives, and having a session in which those differences are identified and
discussed helps our team empathize with and ultimately have greater respect for
their teammates. Many of these assessments are reliable and valid psychometric
instruments and should be administered by a trained professional. Check with your
counseling or career services office to find someone who is experienced with the
instrument to lead a workshop with your team.
Most people acknowledge that valuing the team over the self is an important life
lesson learned through team sport participation. Most also acknowledge that this
is difficult to put into practice all the time, and at some point, our selfish natures
take over. Consider ways that your competitive and training environment inspires
and reminds team members to achieve their potential while also committing to
the values and goals of the team. You might want to put an inspirational quote on
the back of your practice T-shirts or on the wall of your locker room or gym. We
have a team picture of every conference championship team on a wall in our locker
room over the pictures of every all-American or all-conference players because
we want our team to focus on what the team can achieve. However, because we
also want our players to be inspired individually, we place a card in every player’s
locker with the name of the graduated senior who wore that number in the past
(asterisks behind her name indicate the number of times she earned all-conference
recognition). There is one card in each player’s locker with the name of all the
players wearing that jersey in the past (as many as 10 players are on that card).
If you choose to post newspaper articles, stats, or other visuals with an indi-
vidual focus, make sure all team members are represented. Posting an article of
a reserve player’s comeback following an injury would be a great balance to the
38â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
article featuring your team’s setter. I made the mistake once of leaving out a key
substitute when a reporter asked to do a story on our attackers. The player took
the unintended snub in stride, but I missed a significant opportunity to show
her how important she was to the success of our team. If you post team stats, be
sure to also provide access to practice stats so that players other than starters can
monitor their progress.
A positive team climate results in athletes who work hard, have a love of the game,
improve in their skill and ability to work as a team, and have the opportunity to
reach their potential. The primary way coaches influence these factors is through
the relationships they foster. Find ways to invest in your players every day. Provide
opportunities for them to have a voice in their experience. Build a training environ-
ment in which they feel free to take risks and to learn from their failure without
fearing it. Be vulnerable and know that you will make mistakes as a coach—when
you do, follow the advice you give your athletes: learn from it and move on.
Growth Mindset
Ja m ie M or r ison
Hugh McCutcheon, former head coach of the U.S. men’s and women’s national
volleyball teams, once told me, “As coaches, we are two things: salesmen and change
agents.” The following words describe everything you do in your profession. Your
first job as a coach in any sport is to get your athletes to dedicate themselves to
your systems, techniques, culture, and all other aspects of your program. Once you
have buy-in, your second job is to create change. Look to improve behavior and
make your athletes better people, better students, and better teammates. Look to
change the way your athletes’ bodies move to perform the fundamentals of the
game at a higher level. You are a teacher, and the volleyball court is your classroom.
A large part of your job as a teacher is to create the best possible environment for
promoting learning among athletes. Let’s explore the idea of a growth mindset, its
benefits to learning, and some ways to develop a growth mindset in your athletes
as well as your coaches. The goal is to gain the knowledge and tools so that you
can give your athletes the best chance to develop and thrive.
40â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Test 1
Students were given a simple nonverbal IQ test. Upon receiving their high test
scores, group 1 was praised for their intelligence that resulted in a high test score.
The students in group 2 were praised for the effort that they put in to get high
Test 2
All students were given a choice of the next test they would take. These were their
◆⊃ Harder version: Students were told that this was an opportunity to chal-
lenge themselves and grow.
◆⊃ Easier version: Students were told that this test would be similar to the first
The results differed dramatically between the two groups. In the group praised
for their intelligence, 67 percent of students chose the easier version of the next
test. Conversely, in the group given praise for their effort, 92 percent of students
chose to challenge themselves with the more difficult test that followed.
Test 3
All of the students were given a test with impossible questions. As before, the two
groups of students handled the challenges differently. The group praised for their
intelligence was much quicker to get frustrated and give up on the test. The group
that was praised for effort worked harder on the questions, stuck with the test for
a longer time, and actually enjoyed the challenge as they were going through it.
fixed-mindset athletes will begin to identify with their talent that was granted to
them and not earned. When difficult situations that threaten that identity present
themselves, these athletes will avoid them. They view these challenges as a threat to
who they are and what they are praised for. They will make excuses for not taking
part in difficult drills in practice. When injured, they will not put in the work to
get back on the court. They might even shrink in big moments in matches.
In these situations, athletes avoid the situation not because of the situation itself;
they avoid the situation because of how they might be viewed if they fail. They
shrink away from big moments not because of fear of the moment but because of
the fear of what their teammates will think of them, what their parents will think
of them, or what their coaches will think of them.
There is another group of athletes: one that was praised not for who they are
now but for how they got there. This mindset is referred to as growth. These
growth-mindset athletes are praised for and are held accountable for the work
they put in and the improvement they made because of that work. Their coaches
don’t hold them accountable for mistakes but rather encourage mistakes and offer
opportunities to learn from them. From early in their career, these athletes are not
called gifted or believe that anything was given to them. They know that they have
worked hard for everything that made them what they are. When these athletes
are presented with difficult situations, how do you think they view it? If you have
done your job well, they view these as opportunities to improve. They know that
growth requires work and look forward to that work. Table 4.1 outlines some of
the characteristics of fixed- and growth-mindset athletes’ behaviors and beliefs.
Behavioral changes are the hardest to make both as a coach and as a player. To
develop a growth mindset in your team, you must make this a priority. On the
first day of practice, this ideal must be a building block that your team’s culture
and success will be built on. Tom Black, the assistant coach for the U.S. women’s
national volleyball team and head volleyball coach at Loyola Marymount Univer-
sity, shared the following guiding principles from the book Mindset and expectations
of athletes on the first day in the gym.
1. Value process, dedication, growth, and learning, not genius, talent, height,
or vertical jump.
2. Don’t expect that you’ve arrived here fully formed. You’ve arrived here
ready to learn.
3. Stretch beyond your comfort zone and take reasonable risks. Do not do the
thing you’re good at over and over.
4. Value and reward process. Reward taking on big but reasonable challenges
and pursuing them doggedly. Reward teamwork.
Establish what your team will be about and create an expectation for that start-
ing on the first day of practice.
Growth Mindsetâ•… â•… 43
Live It
If you ask your athletes to make difficult changes, you need to make those changes
as well for multiple reasons. First, you need to provide a model of behavior for
athletes to follow. The best model they can have is a player on your team. If you
have someone who models this mindset, don’t directly point it out. It is usually
obvious to your athletes, so let them discover it on their own. Outline the charac-
teristics of a growth mindset presented earlier in this chapter.
Second, if you ask athletes to do something difficult, they will be much more
likely to try harder to make this change if they see you putting in the effort. A study
in 1967 by Dr. Albert Mehrabian showed that up to 93 percent of what people say
is communicated through tone and body language. To give feedback in a way that
athletes feel safe enough to make mistakes, you can’t display frustration with your
body language or portray a tone of disappointment using your voice. You have to
truly believe that mistakes are part of the learning process. You have to be convinced
that every one of your athletes can make the changes you need them to make.
Give Examples
One of the greatest teaching tools in volleyball is to give examples. You can do this
by showing the passers video of the best passer in the world or video of themselves
doing it right. Do the same thing to encourage a growth mindset. When you come
across a book or an example of someone displaying characteristics of this mindset
in other sports or business, share the examples with your athletes. Every one of
your athletes might resonate with a different story, and you never know when you
are going to get that “aha” moment.
Power of Praise
The most powerful tool you have in making change is praise. Countless studies
prove that giving someone praise after doing something is the most powerful
thing you can do to encourage the repetition of behaviors or actions. However, as
you learned from Carol Dweck’s research, what you praise is extremely important.
Table 4.2 provides some examples of the type of praise you should avoid and what
you can look for to praise.
Process-Based Feedback
There is a common misconception that positive coaching revolves around con-
stantly telling your athletes what they are doing right and never addressing the
things that they are doing wrong. Positive coaching is based on focusing a person’s
energy on what they can be rather than what they are now.
Julio Velasco, one of the greatest international volleyball coaches of our genera-
tion, says, “Have a movie in your head of what your team is realistically capable of
looking like. Once you have a clear vision, point your athletes toward one specific
change you can make and one change your team can make to get closer to that
John Wooden is the greatest coach that the sporting world has seen. He led
his UCLA basketball teams to 10 national championships in 12 years, 7 of those
consecutive. One of Wooden’s former players summed this up perfectly when
asked about the feedback he received from his coach:
When coaching, focus on moving athletes one small step at a time toward the
vision you have for your team. Never attack the person; rather, address the action
or decision and how the athlete can improve it the next time the opportunity arises.
If you can create a culture of growth and continually give your athletes specific
attainable goals, teaching becomes easy.
You should also have a vision of what your athletes’ mindset should be. To make
a shift to a growth mindset, ask your athletes to make specific changes in their
thoughts and give them feedback just as you would give them on any skill taught
in the game.
Solution-Based Thought
It is easy to dwell on problems, hang on to the past, and complain about circum-
stances. You have to teach yourself to understand the problem but then turn your
focus from the problem to the solution. If your program doesn’t have the financial
46â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Pitfall of Perfection
As you have discovered, the first step to developing a growth mindset is accepting
that you will never attain perfection. The goal should be to get as close to it as
you can. You are simply trying to make small improvements in all aspects of life
to get closer to that goal. As soon as you accept that you will never be perfect, you
will begin to reduce the pressure that you put on yourself to be a finished product
today and engross yourself in the small steps that you need to take to improve.
Your goal in coaching is to be good over long periods. You do not need to be
perfect or even great for an extended time. In no sport is perfection expected. In
volleyball, you are amazing if you kill the ball 60 percent of the time. In baseball,
you are considered elite if you get a hit 35 percent of the time. Present teams with
two overriding goals on the volleyball court:
1. Be good for as long a period as you can. If you drift away from good, find
ways to get back there quickly.
2. Be a better version of your team every time you step on the court.
◆⊃ The amount of work that you put in will dictate what you are able to do or be.
Growth Mindsetâ•… â•… 47
If you can do this, you will create a group of people who aren’t concerned with
what the outside world thinks of them. Because of this, you develop a team that
stands up to pressure in matches because their only concern is improving from
who they were in the previous match. You create a group that wants to work hard
because they know they will see results.
Ironically, in some ways developing a growth mindset requires a growth mindset
to begin with. You were not born with the gift of a growth mindset. You were born
with the reflex to protect yourself when you make a mistake or defend yourself
when someone tells you that you’re wrong. You will never be perfect at personi-
fying a growth mindset. You will have times when things get difficult and you
will question your faith that the work you do will lead you where you want to be.
However, if you work really hard, both with your teams and with your staff, you
can create a mindset that will help you be the best you can be in all aspects of life.
Dweck, C. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Ballantine Books.
Gallimore, R., & Tharp, R. (2004). What a coach can teach a teacher, 1975-2004:
Reflections and reanalysis of John Wooden’s teaching practices. The Sport Psycholo-
gist, 18(2): 119-137.
Mehrabian, A., & Ferris, S.R. (1967). Inference of attitudes from nonverbal communica-
tion in two channels. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 31(3): 248–252.
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Part two
program building
and management
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Building a Winning
High School Program
Ra ndy Dagostino
52â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
on to Santa Barbara, and then back to Chicago over the years. The Berkeley vol-
leyball team still competes in out-of-state tournaments such as these today. Our
high school record from 1983 to 2011, when I retired as the head girls’ volleyball
coach, was 836 to 161. That record includes 15 state championships and over 100
girls receiving scholarships to play in college, but not one undefeated season. As
soon as I would start to feel that my team was the best, I would remember that
although I had these feelings before, I had still never finished with an undefeated
season. So there was still room for improvement.
As I have said, I am a visual learner. What that means is that I can see someone
perform a skill and understand what doing that skill perfectly should look like. To
take that a step further, I believe that many of the movements and body angles
in volleyball are found in other sports that I grew up playing. After practice, my
54â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
volleyball players would often feel that not only did they learn something new
about volleyball, but also their golf swing, baseball swing, tennis serve, or basketball
defense posture had also improved.
Volleyball is a game of repetition. Many of the skills are awkward and foreign
to most of us. In our early development, we don’t play games that require us to
rebound the ball off various body parts, as in volleyball. Most of the games we play
when we are young involve the skills of catching, throwing, or hitting a ball with
an object. In volleyball the skills of passing, serving, hitting, digging, setting, and
blocking are all rebound skills. We never have complete control (holding the ball)
as we do in other sports, except when serving. Even though volleyball skills are
different, they can be learned pretty quickly, as can the basic tenets of the game
with the whole-part-whole method. My goal as a coach was always to create a
training environment that maximized playing the game.
Because each player needs many repetitions of these skills to gain the necessary
control to play volleyball the right way, my number one challenge was to make
sure this took place in our practices. When players understand that making three
contacts is the key to success, and practice performing these three contacts, they
are working on gaining an advantage until they can win the rally. An ideal setting
for that to happen was in our mini volleyball practices. Here is a description:
◆⊃ Mini volleyball is played on a much smaller court (44 by 17 feet). A normal-
size gym is big enough to have two official-size practice courts running the
opposite direction to the main competition court; that gym is big enough
for six of these mini courts.
◆⊃ Each court has a point value. Court 1 is worth 1 point, court 2 is worth 2
scoring system. If a pair wins a rally using only one or two contacts, the team
earns 1 point. However, if a pair performs three contacts, which directly leads
to winning the rally, then 5 points are awarded. This is called a 5-point rally.
◆⊃ Each competitive game is timed (three to five minutes). At the conclusion
of the game, the winning teams rotate to the next-highest-valued court, and
the losers rotate to the next-lowest-valued court. For example, the pair that
won on court 5 would get 5 points for that victory and rotate up to court
6. The loser on court 5 would rotate down to court 4 and receive no points
for the loss. Each team adds up its points, and at the end of this lesson, the
pair with the highest number of court points wins.
Following are the benefits of mini-volleyball lessons:
◆⊃ Every player performs a maximum number of contacts because, with only
two players per team, everyone is forced to play the ball in every rally.
◆⊃ Using a 5-point rally scoring system encourages the players to use 3 con-
tacts, which consistently shows them how to earn an advantage over their
Building a Winning High School Programâ•… â•… 55
◆⊃ On a smaller court, players have to play with more ball control; otherwise,
the ball often goes out of bounds.
◆⊃ Most important, all of these contacts and all of this controlled play teaches
Knowing your team well and forming bonds to create a good team is something
to focus on constantly. In any given year, a coach may have a group of talented
players who are superior to most of the opponents they may face. That coach is
going to win a lot of matches with such a gifted group. However, in order to beat
the toughest opponents the individual players will have to fulfill a specific team role.
I have said for a long time that I would rather have a collection of players who
have good ability and are good learners than one or two amazing players who need
to carry the team. My reasoning is quite simple. When a team has a few stars, what
happens if one of those stars has an off game? Or what if the team plays against
such a well-coached team that the stars are limited in what they can produce? I
think the answer is pretty clear: this team loses.
The team that has a collection of good players who fulfill their roles ends up
being pretty tough to beat. The key is a coach who can manage the egos and get
across to the team that if each player takes care of her part of the game, they will
win a lot.
This concept goes hand in hand with the idea of a coach not putting limits on
players. The coach is responsible for identifying the attributes each player brings
to the team and then devising a plan, with these talents, to put a successful team
in motion. It would be very easy from the outset for a coach to dwell on the short-
comings of a team or certain players. Another concept entirely is to embrace the
challenge of “coaching this team up” to new levels of success. The secret is to let
players consistently know, in every practice and every set played, what they must
do to fulfill their roles so that the team will succeed. The following player story
is an example.
I am presently coaching a boys’ 18s team. From the outset I knew that the setter
on this team is the best and most knowledgeable player I have ever coached. He is
a born leader and the engine that would make any team go. He is also very good at
disguising his sets and, because of that, would create many one-on-one situations
for his pin attackers. In the first practice of our season, within the first 10 minutes,
I walked up to our 6-foot, 5-inch left-handed opposite, whom I did not know, and
said, “You will be our terminating attacker on this team.” I could tell by the expres-
sion on his face that no one had ever said something of that importance about his
contribution to a team before. I backed it up by saying, “In free-ball situations, I
do not want you to worry about playing any ball.” Continuing, I said, “You are to
transition off the court and get ready to terminate the ball, because you know our
setter is going to create the best possibility for that to happen.” At the same time,
I announced to the team that this would be our strategy.
Now I needed to make sure everyone else bought into this change. I told our
middles that on this play they would now retreat to zone 2, a place where well-
coached teams like to send free balls. Our middles were going to have to get better
at playing this short ball high enough, most likely with their hands to our setter, to
keep themselves as options for free-ball plays. They would also then attack, moving
back in front of our setter to draw more attention away from our opposite. At the
same time, I told our libero that he should now have a clear view of the free ball
coming to our side of the court, and I knew that he had the speed and the talent to
Building a Winning High School Programâ•… â•… 57
cover the space on our side of the court. I told him that his goal was to be mobile
and vocal enough to play the majority of the free balls. Certainly, our outside and
middle-back players were ready to cover their spots on the court. At this point in
our season, after going to two very competitive national qualifying tournaments,
it is clear that my assessment was dead on. Our setter is creating a ton of one-on-
one situations for our pin attackers, and because of that, our opposite is clearly
our leading terminating attacker.
I could continue with examples here, but the point is that, as a coach, you must
recognize the differences in your players—physical attributes, mental maturity,
and game experience. Then you must coach to each player’s strengths to find the
best way for them to contribute to the team. This means that you may need to tell
players in the same position, such as outside hitters, to each focus on something
The game of volleyball is built around errors, so as you recognize the strengths
of your nonstarters, you can create a learning atmosphere in which they can con-
tribute when the starters are not performing at their peak. Your goal should be to
convince each player that a positive contribution, in any form, affects the team’s
success and is therefore critical to the team as a whole. Much like the sixth player in
basketball or the utility player in baseball, players who can come off the bench and
make an immediate positive impact in multiple positions are valuable to any team.
On the best teams I have coached, I have also had players take on what may
appear to be more limited roles, but I know that they have felt the importance of
their contributions. Developing a defensive specialist who can enter the game and
make positive plays because he believes he has great instincts for the game, or a
serving specialist who knows that her serve is critical to begin a rally in a position
of advantage is a crucial coaching skill. Creating these roles can generate a special
chemistry among athletes who have never played together before because they are
made to feel that they are all important to the team’s success and they understand
the scope of their contributions.
focus outward
If you have coached this great sport for a while, you understand the frustration that
happens for everyone, from coach to players, when the pressure of the game gets
the best of a team, or some players. This typically happens when a particular skill,
such as passing, starts to break down. Players may have been passing very well in
matches, and then all of a sudden they hit a mental wall. This Achilles’ heel can
lead to the total shutdown of the rest of their game. What do you do?
You might immediately make some moves, with the hope that this player will
snap out of it. Here are some examples:
◆⊃ Provide words of encouragement or a technical correction.
◆⊃ Alter the serve-receive pattern. At the same time, encourage your libero, if
◆⊃ Call a time-out, provided you have any left. Based on what you know about
your player, you can either address the issue directly or skirt around what is
happening and hope the brief time off the floor does the trick.
◆⊃ The last choice is to substitute for the affected player, no matter how much
the setter she is still ready to hit and that part of her game is not affected.
The preceding are outward signs to the rest of the team that the player is going
to fight through this. Consider starters, who contribute in a variety of ways. If one
of their skills starts to suffer, the rest of their game needs to remain competitive.
Without shouting it aloud, they can demonstrate an outward focus by expressing
to their teammates that they are going to be there for them, even if the skill takes
a while to come back.
If an athlete chooses to crumble, or anytime an athlete starts to show signs of
losing his edge, that athlete and I are going to have a heart to heart about selfish-
ness. Athletes who want everything to come easily don’t allow the best part of
becoming a competitor to really take hold: learning about themselves.
Your high school team’s needs are likely to be different from those of a club
team your players may play on. A player on your high school team with physical
or skill attributes that help your team may not be used the same way on a club
team. Thus, a one-on-one discussion with the athlete and a follow-up discussion
with the parents about how you anticipate using the player are important. You
must put the betterment of the team first, which you need to express to players
and their parents. The goal is to improve every player’s total game, which improves
the team’s performance, which in the end should improve the chances for every
worthy player to be recruited.
Players and parents need to understand that college coaches know their jobs, and
they need to let them do them and trust that they know how to get the information
they need to evaluate players fairly. The majority of the recruiting process takes
place during the club season. If a coach whom a player and parents have contacted
is courtside watching your team, chances are that he is watching the player in ques-
tion and also other players. Players must understand that their normal capabilities
and skills, executed in the way they always execute them, are what these coaches
want to see. They must focus on playing the game the way they know how, within
the team strategy, and let college coaches do their job of evaluating.
Finally, as a coach, you must accept that where an athlete plays after high school
is a family decision and not yours. As much as you want to believe that you know
which college program would be best for an athlete, the parents and the athlete
should make this decision without undue influence by you. Their future should
not be about your placing another notch on your resume.
There are a number of things you can do to help families in the recruiting
process. The first is to have a general meeting with all athletes who are of the
appropriate age to cover the basics and let them know what you are willing to do.
Also, meetings with individual players and their parents are needed for helping
to develop a plan for each athlete. Following are topics to include in a general
recruiting meeting for all athletes of the appropriate age:
◆⊃ The role you are willing to play in the process, such as calling college
coaches, e-mailing, helping them create a skills video, and having periodic
family meetings.
◆⊃ Basic NCAA rules about what contact is and is not allowed depending
on the athlete’s age (you can find these on the NCAA website). This is an
important area that parents need to understand. You may also have athletes
recruited to junior colleges (NJCAA) or NAIA schools who will need to
understand those recruiting and eligibility rules, which are different from
NCAA Division I, II, and III rules.
◆⊃ The importance of maintaining good grades and keeping their class selec-
maintain focus. I keep a record to make sure that over a period of time I touch
on every player on our team. I also send an individual e-mail to the parents of an
athlete who had a special practice, letting them know how much I appreciated
their son’s or daughter’s efforts that day and how, as a result of that performance,
our team became better.
Parents are always welcome at my practices. Depending on your confidence
level and style of coaching, this is either going to be a good or bad choice. All of
my practices have one central theme, which helps us work together to become
the best we can be. I want the parents to hear often that the most important thing
is our team. What I have learned is that if you are a hardworking coach who is
organized and runs a fair practice that involves everyone, having the parents see
that increases their respect for you. It helps alleviate most misconceptions that
parents can adopt because they just don’t know. You will find that this open style of
coaching combined with communication will prevent a lot of confrontations and
create a positive relationship with parents as a whole. It makes them feel part of
the process, and they buy in to your team-first mentality. I also want my parents to
be involved with anything they feel comfortable doing, such as calling lines, taking
tickets, score keeping, providing pregame meals, helping with food schedules when
we are traveling, and assisting with any jobs connected with running a tournament.
I make a big deal about the help I have received from the parents over the course
of the season at our annual team banquet, which is held near or at the end of our
season. Again, the focus of my presentation is how much we were able to accomplish
together, along with the help and support of the parents. Although this is a forum
for speaking about every player individually, and I do, the bigger message is how
each of these players helped us improve as a team. Just as their children buy in to
the team-first concept, parents do too after reading about it in e-mails, seeing it at
practices and matches, and hearing it at functions such as a banquet.
In closing, being a coach has been the second most rewarding experience I have
had in my life, trailing only after being a father and husband. Even though this
was my job, it never felt that way. Being able to wrap so many of my personal life
experiences around volleyball, including travel, meeting and working with people,
and being able to share that with my family, has been most fulfilling. In looking
back, there was never a special recipe or secret to creating a winning program.
The passion I experienced as a collegiate athlete and has been part of my life all
along is what led me to success. Like anything in life, if you have a passion for what
you do, you will always strive to learn the most you can and be successful. That
passion is contagious to others you are around—especially the athletes you coach.
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Building a Successful
College Program
Todd Lower y
64â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
I discovered that the goals that had nothing to do with wins and losses led to the
success we achieved on the court. Success for our program now means graduating
quality young women who through our program have gained valuable tools to be
winners in the real world. Every program comes with unique expectations, but
improving and guiding the lives of young adults to better themselves both men-
tally and physical is a measure of success that spans any level of college volleyball.
A key contributor to any program’s success is administrative support, which can
come in many shapes and forms.
Somebody once told me that a great head coach is like a turtle on top of a fence
post. You know they had some help getting up there. This is a true statement in
sport as well. So many people play a role in the success of a program aside from
the obvious people such as the head coach and assistant coaches. Just as in business,
there are the college volleyball programs that have plenty of money for a full staff,
and then there are the rest of us.
So what are the keys to building a great program whether you have the funding
for two assistant coaches and a director of operations or you don’t? First of all, if
you are fortunate enough to have one full-time assistant, this is a very important
hire for your program. Before selecting an assistant coach, you must do an honest
assessment of yourself. What are your strengths, or what do you do really well,
and what are your weaknesses, or what areas do you really need help with?
Once you are comfortable acknowledging your weaknesses, you can begin to
identify candidates who will add to your program instead of just giving you more
of what you already have. Once you have chosen your assistant, don’t be afraid to
let him do what you brought him there to do. If you are not a great recruiter and
you hired a great recruiter, let him run with it. If you hired somebody to train
players in a certain position, let her train them. New coaches, especially young
ones, often believe that they need to be in charge of everything. What ends up
happening is that they do everything in an average way instead of focusing on a
couple of areas and doing them great and letting their assistants focus on a couple
of areas that they can do great.
Surrounding yourself with staff members who share your philosophy ensures
that the message is consistent throughout the program. With that said, a similar
philosophy is not the same as similar personality. When I look at many of the
great coaching staffs out there, often the members of the team have very different
personalities. Every year, new and unique athletes will enter your program, and
the more resources or the greater the diversity of thought you have to connect
with them, the better your team will be. Being creative with volunteers, student
assistants, and managers can be very beneficial for teams with limited resources.
Building a Successful College Programâ•… â•… 65
Often, these people bring great value to the program at little cost. Make sure they
feel part of the program, which fosters buy-in and motivates them to contribute
for reasons other than monetary gain.
Managing Staff
When I first started coaching, I was an “if you want something done right you
have to do it yourself” type of coach. I still feel this way with certain aspects of our
program, but I have learned to delegate some responsibilities to others. Luckily, I
have had some really good assistant coaches who have contributed greatly to my
program over the years. The first several years I was a head coach, though, I had no
assistance, not even a student assistant, and I found myself run down by midseason.
From having to break down film to washing uniforms on the road, it was simply
too much for one person to handle. I finally took on a student assistant to whom
I could shift some of the simple day-to-day tasks. When I got my first full-time
assistant, we sat down and decided what her strengths were, and I allowed myself
to give her a lot of control in those areas. By this time I was in my fifth season as
head coach, and the help could not have come at a better time. I had spent five
years trying to do everything, and it was starting to take its toll: I was starting to
lose my passion for the game. Adding a great assistant allowed me to refocus on
the game and everything became much easier and much more enjoyable again.
I have recently had my first experience dealing with multiple assistant coaches.
I now know that more is not always better. It takes significant time to oversee the
duties of several coaches and manage multiple personalities. As your coaching
staff grows, it becomes even more important to look at personalities and coach-
ing philosophies to get all of your staff members working toward a common goal.
Your staff is basically a team within the team; you need to manage them much the
way you do your players.
One Voice
Having one voice as a coaching staff is very important. The people on your coach-
ing staff, much like your players, need to clearly understand what you expect of
them and what their roles are. Giving your staff members the respect they deserve
is key. If you listen to any of the great coaches in any sport, you never hear them
say “I” in anything the team or the staff accomplishes. They always give credit
to their staff by saying “we.” If you do not give credit to staff members, one of
two things will happen: they will not be around for very long, or they will not
support you. Support and respect are two-way streets: you must give them if you
expect to get them. I give my assistants a great deal of space to speak in practice,
in matches, and in public. I have a lot of confidence in the staff I have hired. If I
don’t trust them enough to speak at any time, then I have failed in doing my job
of communicating what we are trying to accomplish.
Our staff meets and plans practice together every day. As a result, when we walk
into the gym we all know exactly what we want to accomplish that day, what drills
our players will perform, and what coaching cues we will use to accomplish our
goals. Having a great staff requires hard work. You need to put a lot of time and
effort into developing them; if you do, they will move on and become successful
head coaches.
Recruiting may be the most important factor in the success of any program. As
coaches, we may believe that we are great teachers of the game and can develop
talent, but getting the right recruits is so much more than just procuring great
talent. I was lucky to recruit four freshmen in my first season who ended up having
a huge impact on our program. That first season I did not have much time to plan
recruiting or go after a certain type of athlete. I simply took the best players avail-
able. However, that first recruiting class opened my eyes to so much more than
just recruiting athletic talent.
When I set out to develop a recruiting philosophy earlier in my career, I was at
a small private school in South Dakota with a below-average scholarship budget.
I quickly realized that a traditional method of recruiting was not going to work.
We had limited resources to travel to club tournaments out of state, and at that
time club volleyball was almost nonexistent in South Dakota. Our student body
was somewhere around 400 students. Approximately 150 of them were traditional-
aged students, and of those, about 90 were international students. Because we
experienced great success with the international players on our roster, we chose
to focus on this niche.
location, a certain academic program, or, as in our case, a great history of recruit-
ing students from around the world? I am reminded of my older sister’s recruiting
experience. She was a much better athlete than I and actually had people fighting
for her to attend their schools. At an early age she was set on becoming a chemical
engineer, and all the schools that were interested in her that were not known for
science and engineering had no chance of signing her. This taught me about the
importance of fit when recruiting students to an institution.
You must find student-athletes who are going to fit into your community and
be happy while also improving as volleyball players. Unhappy players, more often
than not, underachieve. Make sure you know your institution and area as much
as you know your team and what type of personalities are going to fit with your
group of athletes.
Over the years I have put more effort into recruiting athletes who will fit with
our team than in recruiting the best talent out there. We have won championships
when we did not have the most talented group, but did have the right chemistry;
and we have lost championships when we were far more talented, but struggled
with personality issues on the team.
Another area I have focused on during the recruiting processes is academics. In
my experience, the students who are the most successful in the classroom are also
the most successful on the court. I have learned that high scores on SAT and ACT
tests don’t automatically translate into good grades in college. Looking at high
school grade point averages seems to be a much better indicator of how students
will do in college. I would say that 95 percent of all the students I have coached
received almost the exact level of success in college that they did in high school.
College grades have little to do with how smart students are and much more to
do with how dedicated they are to their studies. Dedication in the classroom is
much more difficult to achieve than dedication on the court. Volleyball is the fun
part of most student-athletes’ day. If they work to succeed in the classroom, they
are most likely to work to succeed in the gym. This is why academic success has
become a key component when we are evaluating potential recruits.
Team Culture
When you take into account the number of hours freshmen are going to spend
with each other over the course of the next four years, it probably adds up to more
than they will spend with any other person in their lives during this time—more
than boyfriends or girlfriends, family members, and friends. This is why we strive
to create a family culture on our team. Our players practice together, take classes
together, travel together, live together, eat together, and pretty much do every-
thing else together as well. As with any group of people that spends that much
time together, they are going to get on each other’s nerves and there are going to
68â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
be disagreements, lots of laughs, and some tears. Creating a family culture helps
us get through many challenges.
When I was a small child, I was picked on daily by my two older sisters. I also
very distinctly remember my sisters’ reactions when somebody outside of our
family picked on me. They would walk across hot coals barefooted to come to
my rescue. The thing about creating a culture of family on a team is that at the
end of the day, no matter what has happened, team members are always willing to
forgive each other. When the sun comes up the next morning, it will be the start
of a new day; whatever happened yesterday can be left behind, and the team can
get back to work. Of course, it is not always easy, but we have seen that a family
feeling helps us get through the hard times.
We have also created a culture of winning and excellence on our team. When
freshmen come into our program, they often don’t understand the mentality of our
upperclassmen or why they do what they do on a day-to-day basis. For example
our athletes are always ready 15 minutes before we start. This way, if somebody
is running late for some reason it does not affect our time together on the court.
When you create the expectation of excellence, students tend to rise to that level.
We expect it in everything we do. We are not just focused on being excellent on the
court; we strive for excellence in everything we do. We teach our student-athletes
to do the right thing even when nobody is watching.
Team Captains
Team captains play an integral role in the chemistry of a team. We use our captains
as go-betweens who connect the coaching staff and the entire team. I’m not sure
there is a magic formula for choosing team captains, but of course, you want them
to be people with great leadership qualities. They also have to be players the team
responds well to or who have personal power on the team. My experience has shown
that it is best to have two captains. We always pick one who is very organized and
detail oriented (and if she is a leader on the court, even better). Our second captain
is an on-court leader either through example or by default.
Great leaders or student-athletes in your program who emerge as leaders on
the court do not do so by their own conscious effort or by being told to step up as
leaders. They are simply athletes whom all the other players on the team gravitate
toward or look to when they need guidance. Some years it is clear who to choose
for captains, and other years it has been a very difficult decision. We always try
to balance the personalities of the two captains. If we have one person who gets
straight to the point, we look to balance her with someone more fun-loving with
an easygoing personality.
Our team captains have a great deal of responsibility in our program. They are
the ones we contact when we need to get a message out to the entire team. They
are the ones who make sure we look like a team when we show up for practice,
when we travel, and during all other team activities. Having good team captains
ensures that the culture of the team and the expectations of our program are passed
along to all incoming players each year.
Building a Successful College Programâ•… â•… 69
I have never allowed our team to pick our captains. It is my philosophy that
we need team captains to be mediators between the team and the coaching staff.
Not everybody is capable of doing this. Sometimes the best athlete or the most
well-liked player is not good at accomplishing the tasks that a captain needs to
accomplish. It is important to have the person we want in that position.
Player Meetings
I try to minimize individual meetings with players. We have them at the begin-
ning of the season, at midseason, and after the season, and then we have them at
the end of spring semester. Of course, individual meetings do occur as situations
arise, but for the most part, we handle our problems as a team. I do meet with the
two captains more often—probably once every couple of weeks—because there
are always team dynamics going on that coaches do not see. It is important to be
aware of those issues, and good captains keep us in the loop.
Team Rules
We have a very clear set of rules and standards for our team. We are very clear
about what we expect, what is acceptable and unacceptable, and what the conse-
quences are. Everybody on our team knows what will happen if our team rules or
expectations are not met. There is no gray area when it comes to enforcing rules, or
breaking the rules, for that matter. If the rule is to be on time, 1 minute late is the
same as 15 minutes late. The most important thing I tell coaches is that whatever
rules you place on your team, you have to be willing to enforce them with your
best player on the day of the biggest match, and you must enforce them all the
time regardless of the player or the situation. Consistency is key.
I have been very fortunate to have recruited very talented players. This has been
coupled with the ability to get a handful of great players to buy in to the vision I
have for my team. By no means do I have a magic formula for success, but we have
been able to get a lot of really good players to work together and give everything
they have for the team’s success.
I feel fortunate to have been able to coach college volleyball for the past 15 years.
Although the memories of the specific wins and losses fade over time, the impact
that we as coaches get to have on student athletes are memories that last forever.
Every coach and program measures success in different ways, but for me to see
former players that are now bank managers, physical therapists, business owners,
and even head volleyball coaches, is the greatest reward that a coach can have.
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Starting a Sand
Volleyball Program
Da n a l ee Bragado- Corso
Beach volleyball has been played throughout the world for almost a century. It has
become the most sought-after ticket and most viewed event at the Olympics and
is now the newest NCAA championship sport. This progression is in line with the
prolific success the United States has had at the Olympic Games, along with the
booming expansion into junior clubs in recent years.
Because most universities are not located near beaches, the name sand volleyball
has been used for programs around the country. It is often used interchangeably
with the term beach volleyball, depending on where the sport is played. Getting
sand volleyball into the collegiate ranks was an arduous road. With much support
from the AVCA and despite the controversy that always comes with change, sand
volleyball was approved to become an NCAA emergent sport beginning in the
2010-2011 academic year. The sport had 10 years to garner 40 committed pro-
grams for two consecutive years, after which it would become a NCAA-sponsored
championship sport. Collegiate sand volleyball is the fastest sport to go through
the emergent process; it established itself as an NCAA championship sport within
only five years. With the additions of programs at California State University
at Northridge, the University of Oregon, and Louisiana State University, sand
volleyball had the 40 sponsored programs needed in the 2014-2015 season. The
2016-2017 season is slated to be sand volleyball’s first year as an official NCAA
championship sport.
72â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
follow in the footsteps of their athletic idols; for a great majority of these athletes,
Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings have blazed a path toward beach
volleyball success.
Indoor volleyball athletes are attracted to sand volleyball because of the fun
factor, social atmosphere, and laid-back attitude associated with the beach life-
style (figure 7.1). Some top-tier indoor volleyball athletes have played it and want
to continue at the collegiate level. It is in the best interest of top-notch college
programs to offer sand volleyball to attract these blue-chip indoor players. Addi-
tionally, most coaches enjoy the option of having their indoor players cross-train
in the sand. If done properly, training for the sand game can greatly increase the
fitness levels of indoor players and give them a new and interesting way to train.
Although indoor volleyball has become very specialized, beach volleyball is not,
which means that sand athletes get to use all the skills of the game, which greatly
increases their volleyball IQ as well as their enjoyment. The number of ball touches
one player receives in a two-hour sand volleyball practice is enormous compared
to an indoor practice. Sand volleyball athletes must be complete players mastering
all the skills of volleyball to be good. Just walking in the sand is a difficult task,
let alone sprinting, jumping, stabilizing, and changing direction. At Florida State
University, our indoor athletes gained a significant increase in their vertical jump
by joining the sand team. Most athletes see their overall cardiovascular fitness
improve as well as their ability to push through tougher physical scenarios after
training in the sand. Thus, sand volleyball also provides a break from the norm
and a novel mental and physical outlet for athletes.
Sand volleyball also offers the opportunity for female athletes to get involved
with collegiate athletics. At present, the only sand collegiate opportunities for
men are at the junior college level in southern California. Title IX is always an
important topic, and sand volleyball is an excellent option for providing much-
needed playing opportunities for aspiring female athletes. Also, compared to other
collegiate sports, it is quite inexpensive to run. As in track and field, schools may
double count (i.e., count indoor athletes for both indoor and sand volleyball teams).
However, in the long run, indoor athletes should not be the primary resource for
filling a sand volleyball roster because the two versions of the sport are distinct.
Collegiate sand volleyball should provide more opportunities for more female
athletes as well as college scholarships for more young women.
Sand is the biggest expense. It is important to use quality sand with no rocks and
minimal clay to limit the “dust” effect of the top 6 inches. Below that, you could
use a less expensive, larger-grain sand that may include tiny rocks as a bed because
it drains better than high-quality, fine sand. Another level below that will be gravel,
landscape cloth, and French drains. Your site should also include showers, multiple
electrical outlets, and lights if possible.
74â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Net Systems
Good-quality net equipment systems include the standards (poles), padding, net,
antennae, and the referee stand. Several companies make this equipment, includ-
ing Volleyball USA and Sports Imports. You will also need to purchase court lines
(for boundaries) and possibly court enclosures to keep volleyballs from rolling too
far from the courts.
Volleyballs are your next consideration. Programs need about 16 to 20 outdoor
volleyballs per court to run an efficient practice. Sand volleyballs last only three
or four years before they get heavy and worn, unlike indoor balls, which last much
longer. Because each brand of sand volleyball is unique, it is important to purchase
the brand that your athletes will be using in competition throughout the year.
Uniforms typically consist of an athletic-style bikini or a sport bra and spandex
bottoms. Uniform styles will most likely be determined by the sport governing
body that oversees the conference your team is competing in and will be included
in the rules. Sand socks are a necessity for hot as well as very cold weather. Sun-
glasses are necessary, and a hat or visor is highly recommended. The sunglasses
need to fit properly and provide UV protection. Many types are available; try to
make the best choice for your athletes. If you are in a cold climate, tights and an
athletic long-sleeved shirt are also a necessity. A thermal sleeveless vest that zips
up is extremely useful as well. At practice, athletes should have a towel to stretch
on and to use to brush sand off themselves. Each athlete should also have a court
bag to put all these items in.
A sand volleyball team should have an 8-to-1 player-to-coach ratio. Eight players
play on a single court. If you are in a college program and the coach is given a head
coach title, there may be a minimal salary for that coach. If the indoor volleyball
assistant coach is also assisting with the sand team, that person can retain the
assistant coach title. However, it is a lot of work to coach two teams with separate
schedules, budgets, scholarships, and so on.
Recruiting Players
Because sand volleyball has only recently grown to include girls 18 and under,
the number of skilled sand players is not as large as that of accomplished indoor
volleyball players. With time and good training, some collegiate indoor players
are having quick success converting to the sand game, but experience and time
are definitely needed for them to fully understand the game.
USA Beach Volleyball has quickly developed its junior program, and many of
their top players have been recruited as sand scholarship athletes. Additionally,
indoor players that have all-around skill, but may be considered too small to be
recruited for top schools for indoor volleyball, have successfully converted to sand
volleyball athletes. However, these players may lack experience, which is critical to
the success of a sand player, so they will need to play a lot of events to see whether
they can handle the rigors and elements of the sand game and find enjoyment in
the environment.
A number of national junior beach volleyball programs abroad have highly
skilled athletes who are making their way to U.S. colleges to play sand volleyball.
The best places in the United States to recruit strong players are USA Volleyball
High Performance Championships and national invitational events such as the
USA Volleyball Junior National Championship and the AAU Junior Olympics, in
which you must win a bid to compete. A few collegiate combines are other places
that coaches recruit sand players. The states of California and Florida host many
junior beach volleyball events in the summer, in which many strong players are
competing. Additionally, high school sand volleyball is growing quickly; Arizona was
the first state to officially adopt the sport into its high school programs. Southern
California and certain counties in Florida have also adopted the sport for high
school girls as well, and it is growing quickly. Additionally, many seasonal and year-
round sand volleyball clubs are developing around the country, but mainly in the
hotbeds of indoor volleyball, which include regions such as Texas and the Midwest.
Coaching Staff
Initially, for programs working with limited funding, staff and athlete roles may be
filled by existing and interested indoor volleyball coaches and athletes. As stated
earlier, the number of experienced beach players and coaches is still growing,
but they will be scooped up by top programs offering scholarships, a high-level,
experienced beach volleyball coaching staff, and other opportunities.
76â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
A fully staffed collegiate beach volleyball program would consist of three coaches:
Full-time head coach, full-time or part-time assistant coach, and volunteer assistant
coach. A minimum of 14 athletes is a good roster size. Only 10 players compete
at a time, but unfortunately, athletes may get injured, and you should always have
enough players to compete. If you are thinking of relying on the indoor team for
players, remember that indoor coaches may not mandate that their athletes play
on the beach team, so you may not end up with enough players to fill the roster.
Coaching Fundamentals
When player development begins, the primary focus should be on having fun with
the learning process. Many polished indoor athletes are easily frustrated when
they find themselves struggling in the sand at first. They may have trouble with
ball control, the environment, and developing their sand legs. Our research has
shown that, initially, outside hitters experience a drop in their vertical jump from
2 to 3 inches, and middle blockers may lose 6 to 8 inches on their vertical jumps.
This can obviously greatly affect their timing as hitters on the sand. Initially, all
athletes experience a 2- to 4-inch loss in vertical jump. Indoor athletes need time
to adjust their game and develop their sand legs. It takes a minimum of five weeks
to be comfortable in the sand. As a coaching staff, you must educate yourselves to
defend against initial player frustration. Invest in beach volleyball–specific coaching
and training DVDs, books, and Internet resources to ensure that your athletes are
seeing that their newly acquired skills are leading them to success in the sand. The
AVCA (American Volleyball Coaches Association) is a great resource for educa-
tional material on coaching beach volleyball: www.championshipproductions.com/
cgi-bin/champ/c/Volleyball/Sand-Sand-Volleyball-2421.html. USA Volleyball also
provides BCAP (Beach Coaching Accreditation Program) certification for coaches:
If you have a sand program with full-time sand players, training should be peri-
odized and segmented to provide a proper progression throughout the preseason,
in-season, and summer. If you are new to the beach game, you need to educate
yourself. Listen to what your athletes are saying about their energy levels, and
get in the sand yourself to gain a well-rounded understanding of what they are
going through. Because of the physical load of working in the sand (i.e., it is much
harder to work out in sand than it is on a solid surface), it is very easy to overtrain.
Although double days are common in indoor volleyball practice, in the sand they
are inappropriate and highly discouraged.
Coaches coming to the sand from the indoor game may face a tough transition
in terms of coaching during competition. In the sand game, coaches have limited
opportunities to provide feedback. They may speak directly to their athletes only
during time-outs, during side switches, and between sets. Teams switch sides of
the court on multiples of seven (e.g., 3-4, 7-7, 10-11), and during which the coach
may walk along the side of the court and offer strategic or adjustment-oriented
feedback. In no way should this interaction slow or stall the match. During play,
the coach may instruct an athlete to call for a time-out. Teams have one time-out
plus a technical time-out when the scores combine to equal 21. Outside of that,
any communications should consist of vague encouragement and support.
Sand volleyball provides a unique coaching experience because coaches are not
tied to one match (doubles team). The first match you start watching could be a
blowout. You may leave that match and go to one featuring a dog fight, tight scores,
and back-and-forth action. A coaching staff can go through the gamut of coaching
skills within one dual, which can be exciting and keep the game fresh and alive.
Only three collegiate coaches per team are allowed to participate during an event,
and multiple matches could be going at the same time. Therefore, athletes must
be self-sufficient and able coach themselves through a match, unlike in the indoor
game, in which a coach is always present and may provide constant feedback and
direction through every point.
Facility Design
Because a dual consists of five matches,
it is ideal to have a five-court facility
with additional surrounding space to
comfortably accommodate up to four
competing teams and staff (figure 7.2).
This allows for maximal use of time and
formatting during competition as well as
during practice.
A minimum of three courts is recom-
mended because any fewer can really
drag out the dual competition. The
format for a three-court location should
involve only two matches counting
toward the overall dual in the first wave
with perhaps an exhibition match on
the third court. The second wave would
consist of the final three matches to
complete the dual competition. This is
done so that the dual is not already deter-
mined after the completion of the first
wave of matches, which could result in Figure 7.2â•… Typical sand facility.
a 3-0 scenario, thereby making the next Courtesy of Arron Saltz
78â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
18 ft.
15 ft.
two matches inconsequential. Most schools play flights 4 and 5 first and leave the
more exciting matchups for the second wave of matches.
Site development should allow for ample space between courts (see figure 7.3).
Collegiate requirements are 18 feet from sideline to sideline, which provides
adequate space for safety and play of the ball without interfering with adjacent
courts. There should also be plenty of room behind the end line for safety, jump
serving, and real-time playing of the ball. Fifteen feet of clear space from the back
line is ideal for reasons previously mentioned.
A daily maintenance regimen is needed for keeping the courts level and prevent-
ing them from getting bowled out. We use baseball infield rakes because they are
lightweight and move a good amount of sand. Proper technique is to start pulling
sand approximately 3 feet outside the edge of the court and toward the middle. As
you pull the sand in, keep the rake level and allow the sand to fall, filling in divots
as you go. You will end up with a small mound in the center of the court. Push the
sand around the court and smooth as you go. Make sure to check the height of the
net periodically to give you a consistent sense of the levelness of the court. Then
run the rake around the perimeter of the court beneath the boundary lines for a
finishing touch. Raking an entire court takes anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes, a
minimum of twice a week.
As discussed in the budget section, many resources are available to help you
build a sand court facility, which is relatively inexpensive and requires very little
maintenance if it is drained properly.
have the funding to establish a sand-only team, but they may lean on the indoor
program to complete it.
The sand coach’s primary objective with indoor volleyball athletes is to make
the sport an enjoyable experience because they are in their non-traditional season
and participating on the sand team is optional. Their indoor coaches may strongly
suggest that they play, but they should be under no obligation to participate on the
sand volleyball team. Sand coaches must also develop strong team chemistry while
they are folding in indoor players with the sand players they have been coaching
during the fall semester, while the indoor team has been a separate team. Indoor
athletes join the sand team at the beginning of the spring semester after they have
finished their indoor season.
Indoor athletes need to get their sand legs initially and should probably not
participate in scoring or competitive games at the beginning of their training in
the sand. Losing in drills early on may cause disillusionment with the progress of
their sand skill development and may discourage them to the point of quitting.
This could have devastating effects beyond the athlete; it may also affect future
prospects. Bringing indoor players in slowly can be done with simple noncompeti-
tive ball-control and hitting exercises. This develops a base of confidence that adds
to the excitement of learning a new skill set in a game they love.
sets to 21 points, and on multiples of 5 for sets to 15 points. The only time
indoor teams switch sides during the play of a set is in the fifth set, where
they switch sides when one team reaches a total of eight points.
◆⊃ The collegiate sand game consists of duals of flighted play, which feature
five matches of doubles. Indoor plays one team made up of their best six-
person team of the moment.
◆⊃ The touch off the block counts as one of the three contacts in sand volleyball.
◆⊃ There is no center line in the sand game; players may go underneath the
net as long as they do not contact or impede an opposing player. There are
strict centerline limitations in the indoor game.
80â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
◆⊃ The rules on hand setting are much tighter in sand than in indoor volleyball.
◆⊃ Sand coaches are limited to communicating with players only during side
switches, between sets, and during time-outs. The indoor coach may speak
liberally to his or her team at any and all points of the match.
◆⊃ Open-handed tipping is not allowed in the sand game; it is allowed in the
indoor game.
◆⊃ In the sand game, when a player is intentionally overhand setting over the
net, the ball must cross the net directly to where the setter is facing; this
can be either in front or directly behind. There are no such limitations in
the indoor game on overhand setting the ball.
◆⊃ The ball pressure for the sand game is 2.8 to 3.2 psi; for the indoor game
Music is not allowed while the ball is in play during indoor volleyball.
This list is not comprehensive, but it provides a quick look at some of the rule
differences between the sand game and the indoor game. As the sport develops at
the collegiate level, the rules may change slightly to achieve the fairest atmosphere
to ensure success in the sport.
Year-Round Training
In the overall development of our program, our greatest commodity is our athletes.
They need special attention year-round to continually improve both on and off
the court and to avoid injury. At Florida State University we provide our athletes
with year-round lifting and conditioning programs. Our athletes train the way
professionals do, except that we have them for only eight months a year. Thus,
when they leave our program, they are well equipped to continue and build on
their successes.
In our conditioning program, we focus on Olympic lifts and upper-body develop-
ment because the sport demands a high level of power endurance and strength. To
ensure safety, make sure your athletes are familiar with proper lifting techniques.
Have a certified strength coach work with your athletes, or get certified yourself
so that you are familiar with the best techniques and safe lifts. We incorporate all
forms of resistance training from body weight to barbells, cable machines to sand
bags. We periodize our lifts by using heavier cycles in the fall and lightening the
load heading into the spring and in-season. In addition to resistance training, our
athletes work through an extensive periodized track program to build explosive
speed and endurance.
A preseason strength/power routine consists of three lifting sessions per
week. We have our athletes perform an active warm-up prior to lifting, and the
lift session might look something like this:
Starting a Sand Volleyball Programâ•… â•… 81
◆⊃ Four chairs and two umbrellas per court for the athletes and coaches to use
◆⊃ Sound system, microphone, and speakers for music prior to and during the
◆⊃ Marketing table displaying booster information, season schedule, and the
event program
◆⊃ Concession area for spectators
Visitor tent Team tent First aid Visitor tent Visitor tent
4 2 1 3 5
Coaching at-home events can be difficult at times; you may feel as though you are
putting out fires throughout the day. It is imperative that you have a well-organized
staff whose members understand their roles and execute them professionally. As
a head coach, you train not only your athletes, but also your support staff, which
may be ever-changing. Make sure to have plans for inclement weather because
protocols, ball management, and court management may change. Sand volleyball
will be played in heavy rain and strong wind unless there is a threat of lightning
(most athletic training departments have some type of lightning-detection equip-
ment) or if the wind is so strong that the site is compromised. Play does not stop
for extreme conditions that are deemed safe for being outdoors. Obviously, this
also means that practice and training take place on rainy, cold, and windy days.
One major priority for event planning is to make sure the format provides
enough play for all teams, which should include exhibition matches for the alter-
nate players who don’t receive many opportunities to play live matches. A match
can last anywhere from 25 to 75 minutes. We have experimented with a variety
of formats combining dual play and a flighted pair’s tournament with teams 1 and
2 in one bracket and teams 3, 4, and 5 in another bracket. We have found much
success with this format because all teams receive a minimum of three matches
the first day (considering a four-school competition) and a minimum of two full
84â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
matches the second day with many different matchups for the teams that make
it to the finals. A five-court facility with four participating schools can finish a
round-robin of dual play the first day usually in about 6 hours and a flighted pairs
bracketed event the second day in about 8 hours. Bracket play would not necessar-
ily be a true double elimination because there would be consolation matches for
the early losers. In sand volleyball, typically, a double-elimination format reverts
to single elimination during the final four to keep down the number of matches
played per day.
The number of courts at the site, and the maximal and minimal number of
matches played per team are the primary deciding factors in format development.
Three full matches per day should be the maximum because more than that can be
dangerous to athletes. The ideal number of matches per day is one. In reality, one
match is unrealistic within the collegiate/high school/amateur setting, however,
as you need the biggest bang for your time invested. You can reduce match play
for top teams by making some of the rounds of the bracketed pair’s event one set
to 28 points.
These are amazing times in the sport of volleyball. With the addition of sand
volleyball at the collegiate level, the opportunities for current and future athletes
and coaches are tremendous. It has been a long and arduous road for the AVCA
and for the first colleges that jumped on board to make sand volleyball the fastest-
growing emergent sport in NCAA history. The sport will likely continue to grow
exponentially because it has a strong television presence, it is an exciting specta-
tor sport, it is relatively inexpensive to start up and maintain, and because of the
continued need for universities to make steps toward being Title IX compliant.
In 2010 I was fortunate to be the first full-time head sand volleyball coach at
the collegiate level and have been privileged to witness all the other programs
being added. Although the sport itself has been around for some time recreation-
ally, professionally, and in the Olympics, its acceptance into the collegiate ranks
will truly catapult it throughout the country in all climates and for all ages. I have
spent my career working specifically in beach volleyball. I am very blessed and
grateful for the opportunity to work in sand volleyball at the college level and to
see the sport I love grow so much.
Running a Successful
Volleyball Camp
C hr is Catanach
During my first year of coaching, some 30 years ago, I had the opportunity to raise
money for my fledgling volleyball program by renting our gym for a volleyball
camp hosted by a high-profile athlete. This camp was a sellout because of the status
of the athlete and the big-name staff members listed on the brochure. The camp
was marketed by a company out of California (which I was in touch with almost
daily), and I was excited to be the point person for the University of Tampa. My
role in the camp was to set up the courts, unlock the doors each day, and be a liaison
for housing and food service. My daily conversations with representatives of the
marketing company gave me a false sense of how organized this camp would be.
Within minutes of the staff arrival, I realized that there was no camp plan.
Although the campers registered prior to arrival, they were not assigned room-
mates, and there was no supervisory staff and no plan for directing the campers
to and from sessions. There was no camp schedule and no group or staff assign-
ments. The camper-to-staff ratio was about twelve to one, and the staff members
were not interested in working very hard. By the end of the first session, I was
no longer just a liaison; I was directing the camp from behind the scenes. At the
end of the camp, the father of the celebrity athlete offered me the opportunity to
run the camp in the future and keep the proceeds but pay his daughter $3,000 to
make an appearance. As a result of my experience with this camp, I realized that,
although a “celebrity athlete” or coach may help with attendance, the real success
of a camp comes from providing an organized, fun experience at a reasonable
price. I could do better than this. I decided that even if I drew only 50 kids in the
first year, I could make a small profit and begin building the camp. As a result of
hard work, organization, attention to detail, a desire to provide a great value, and
a commitment to service, I have been fortunate to draw large numbers for each
of our camps.
86â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Camp Philosophy
My philosophy on camps is simple: Make the camp experience all about the camper
and not what is easiest or most convenient for the staff. You will know you have
provided a great camp experience when a departing camper is thanking you for
having her, raving about how much fun she had with her roommates, telling mom
how great the food was, excited about playing volleyball again, and tired because
your staff worked her so hard. If you did your job right, your campers will sign up
early next summer, and they will bring their friends.
This chapter pertains mostly to three- or four-day resident and commuter camps.
The three key facets to focus on to create a successful summer camp experience are
organization and administration, volleyball training sessions, and the residential
experience (food and housing). The order of importance is not the same for all
campers. Elite-level campers may critique the curriculum or group assignments
more than the food and housing, whereas beginners may gauge their experience
based on food or housing rather than training sessions. Sometimes you can do
everything right and a camper will have a bad experience because she could not
get past her displeasure regarding her group assignment. Nevertheless, you should
consider each camper your only customer and make it your daily goal to ensure
that all facets of the camp are as good as they can be for everyone.
Facility Fees
Your university may have a per-camper fee for facility use or a lump sum fee per
day. Schedule your camp to maximize this cost. If you pay a daily facility fee, then
plan to have at least two sessions on both the first and last days to optimize your
use of the facility. Don’t forget to include sales tax in your rental fee budget. If you
are charged a per-camper fee (for each camp), it is quite easy to put that amount
into the budget.
Most insurance companies will sell you a liability policy that requires you to
purchase a secondary medical policy. A number of companies underwrite sports
camp insurance policies. Coaches in your athletic department should be able to
suggest companies with whom they have had good relationships. Premiums for
liability and medical coverage for staff and campers will cost about 75 cents per
day for residential campers and 55 cents per day for nonresidential, or commuter,
campers. In addition to the liability and medical policies, your university may also
require a sexual abuse policy that will add 25 cents per day.
All camp insurance companies require a minimal payment to write the policy.
For example, if you have only 50 kids attending camp, the minimal fee for the
policy may exceed the per-day figures noted earlier.
One of the most important relationships to develop when running a camp is your
relationship with your food service provider. You may be able to negotiate a price
based on volume because providers’ prices are based on volume and they should
be willing to pass the savings on to you. Small colleges and universities that do
not have huge summer school attendance usually are willing to bargain with camp
programs because their food service providers need summer revenue to pay their
salaried staff. When creating the schedule for the camp, avoid having a meal as the
first activity on the first day because this adds a significant amount to your per-
camper costs. Include staff food costs as well as sales tax in your per-camper budget.
88â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
When computing your housing costs, do not forget to budget for not only the
campers, but also the staff. Once again, sales tax will come into play. Some states
require the lessor to charge the local hotel tax rate for dorm rentals. It is also a
good idea to gather all of the coaches who run camps on your campus and meet
with the residence-life staff, or whoever assigns summer housing. Impress upon
them your need for the use of air-conditioned and updated buildings.
At private universities, admissions directors can be a tremendous help in con-
vincing the administration to provide the best the school has to offer in terms of
housing and other facilities. The positive marketing for the university facilities is
worth thousands. Every camper or parent who is impressed with your residence
halls will tell at least five other friends, and word will spread. If you are offered
better dorms for a higher price, it is probably worth the additional cost.
Staff Salaries
Hire your camp staff as contract labor because they provide a service to the camp
for a short period of time. Create a contract identifying all areas of service, their
employment status as contractors, salaries, duties, and policies on abuse. You should
provide a brief sexual abuse training session with the staff prior to having them
sign their contracts. When determining compensation for employees, take a look
at what the competition is paying. The coach-to-camper ratio is up to you, but a
ratio of one coach for every eight campers generally provides each camper with
plenty of one-on-one interaction. Avoid the common mistake of hiring more staff
than you need; this is best done by hiring as you receive registrations and deposits.
When determining what you will pay your assistant coaches for working the
camps, I recommend an incentive plan. Paying your assistant(s) a predetermined
amount per camper gives them an incentive to help grow the camps. They become
invested in the success of every facet of the camp. This form of payment also cre-
ates a per-camper salary cost and helps you avoid overspending.
When budgeting for supplies and equipment, consider supplies you will need to
run a quality operation outside of the gym as well. In addition to balls, ball carts,
and floor tape, consider stocking up on paper for manuals and handouts, water
cups, pens for staff, computer support supplies, certificates for camp awards, and
training room supplies. If you run a camp over the weekend and maintenance per-
sonnel will not be around, stock up on paper towels, toilet paper, and large trash
bags. Have your staff be responsible for keeping the areas clean and trash picked up.
Computer Software
A multitude of companies create websites, provide credit card services, and import
registrations to a database. Most services provide access to the database so that you
can assign groups or housing. The costs for these services range from around $3
per camper to as much as $7 per camper. These companies also charge you credit
card use fees, but they ask you to build them into your camp price. A cheaper solu-
tion is to purchase database software such as FileMaker. For a $300 investment,
you can accomplish everything the camp data companies offer in their services
for multiple years. This is a much more economical option for camps that service
more than 100 campers.
Camp Gifts
The most common camp gift is a T-shirt. If you shop around, you should be able
to purchase a white T-shirt with a two-color design for under $5 each, or a col-
ored T-shirt with a two-color design for under $6. The T-shirt pricing is based
on volume, so the more you buy, the cheaper the price will be. Other camp gift
ideas are volleyballs, knee pads, backpacks, and sling packs. Add the cost of each
gift item into your per-camper cost and price the camp accordingly.
Additional administrative costs might include website fees, cell phone use,
database management, and accounting fees.
of payment for parents. The parent is notified before they begin the credit card
process that there is a credit card convenience fee added to the cost of camp.
Requiring a deposit when the camper reserves their spot and then requesting the
balance be paid 14 days prior to the start of camp is vital. Campers are less likely
to cancel if they have made full payment.
Hiring Staff
Choose energetic and enthusiastic staff since they will be helping you create a
camp culture that will attract campers back year after year. Personnel to consider
when building your camp staff are head court coaches, assistant court coaches,
administrative assistants, medical trainers, and residence hall supervisors.
Court Coaches
People who can serve as court coaches at your camp are other college coaches, club
coaches, college players, and high school coaches. Club coaches do a tremendous
job with skill camps because they are used to working with undeveloped athletes.
Find coaches who are good teachers and hard workers, and who enjoy the camp
setting. A lazy or negative head court coach can be a camp downfall. Put a lot of
thought into your group coach assignments, and try to match your coaches and
your groups according to their personalities and strengths. Although most coaches
may want to work with the top group in camp, some of your most important
groups are the beginners. You may want to assign some of your better coaches
to those groups. Having groups spend a session or two rotating through stations
gives campers the opportunity to work with multiple group coaches.
Running a Successful Volleyball Campâ•… â•… 91
Administrative Assistant
The administrative assistant is an invaluable staff member. At many of the major
college programs, a director of volleyball operations staff member is responsible
for administering summer camps. If you do not have a director of operations, hire
an administrative assistant to handle check-in and check-out, room assignments,
residence hall staff supervision, payment collections, background checks, staff
contracts, and any other administrative duties that need doing.
Medical Trainers
Your head athletic trainer can usually arrange for camp athletic trainers. It is
important that you hire people who will be positive contributors to the camp
experience. They must be qualified to deal with injuries ranging from sprains to
sore forearms after passing sessions. The head trainer should be at registration to
confirm medical clearance forms (submitted online during registration) and check
for any allergies, medications, or other issues that may arise during camp. They
need to make sure there is a signed parental consent form giving permission for
medical treatment of minors in case of an accident. This should be collected at
check-in if it is not part of the online registration process.
Training Sessions
Before you develop your camp training sessions, you need to explore the different
types of camps you would like to offer, group sizes, and coach to camper ratio.
Types of Camps
Colleges around the country offer a variety of camps including individual skills
camps, specialty skills camps, and team camps. Almost all colleges offer resident
and commuter options for their multiday camps. The camp length can be anywhere
from one 3-hour session that focuses on a particular skill, to a four- or five-day
all-skills camp. Basketball programs seem to run more competition camps (exist-
ing AAU and high school teams attend and basically play tournaments), with
some instruction and speakers thrown in here and there. Research the camps at
institutions near you, and then find your niche so that you create a unique camp
experience in your area.
92â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
All-Skills Camp
An all-skills volleyball camp usually consists of six to eight sessions in which all six
skills (underhand passing, overhand passing, serving, attacking, floor defense, and
blocking) are taught. If you choose to offer a tournament as part of your camp, I
recommend that you schedule the camp over seven or eight sessions. The goal for
this camp should be to introduce or refine the six basic skills necessary for playing
the game of volleyball. Quality demonstrations and accurate repetitions are vital
to the acquisition or refinement of each skill.
serve-receive patterns, coverage, and basic play sets. Team defense includes team
blocking, types of defenses, and transitioning from defensive to offensive (attack-
ing) positions. In younger groups, campers should learn multiple positions. Players
14 and older can begin specializing by position.
Session 6 (2.5 hours)
This session includes 40 to 50 minutes of skill review. The remainder of the session
is devoted to creating teams that play controlled 6v6 games.
Session 7 (2.5 hours)
Create a round-robin camp tournament in multiple divisions. I recommend timed
games so that you can start and end the session when desired. The session finishes
with camp awards and check-out.
Specialty Camp
Specialty camps are popular with players who want to refine one particular skill.
Because the high number of repetitions involved in specialty camps often results
in overuse injuries, make sure to build plenty of recovery time into your schedule.
Quality versus quantity is a good rule of thumb. An Internet search will turn up
very successful specialty camps committed to a single skill. Evening serving camps
are popular as well.
Team Camp
Team camps are for high school, club, and AAU teams who want to improve their
team skills such as offense, defense, coverage, transition, and camaraderie. Such
camps should not be just about tournament play; they should also provide competi-
tive training sessions to help teams improve all facets of their game. Team camps
succeed and grow based on their schedules, their competitive atmosphere, and the
willingness of their camp administrators to make changes each year to meet the
demands of repeat customers.
Session 5
(2 hours) Controlled competitive games touch-
ing on all previous themes
Session 6
(3 hours) First round of the tournament (all sets are
Running a Successful Volleyball Campâ•… â•… 95
Session 7
(3 hours) Second round of the tournament (all sets
are timed)
Group Assignments
Assigning groups is one of the most difficult tasks when preparing for an individual
skills camp. It is also the area in which most camps receive the greatest number of
complaints. Make every effort to group kids where they will be challenged, gain
confidence, and if possible, be happy. You will encounter many young campers and
their parents who are unrealistic about their skill levels. Your challenge is to meet
their needs as valued customers while maintaining the integrity of your groups.
When grouping kids for skills camps, assign them a starting group based on two
things: (1) the information they provided on the registration form (age, height,
high school, and club experience) and (2) basic research into their club experi-
ence (the strength of the club or team). Also, keep in mind that about 75 percent
of campers want to be grouped with their friends. Group assignments are made
prior to their arrival and give a starting point for the ability grouping session at
the beginning of the camp.
If you have a database program similar to FileMaker, you can sort campers by
many of the aforementioned categories, which makes it quite easy to assign group
numbers to each camper. Another suggestion is to assign your groups by the court
coach’s name so that the kids do not focus on the numbers of their groups. Many
database programs also allow you to print name tags for the opening sessions that
include the camper’s name and the group coach. The campers then report to their
assigned coaches and courts for the ability grouping session.
The ability grouping session is a 45- or 50-minute session in which staff members
adjust the groups based on observing the campers performing basic skills such as
passing, serving, setting, and attacking. The goal by the conclusion of the ability
grouping time block is to have groups of 14 to 18 campers at similar levels. In
many cases it is better to have a group of 18 with kids that fit than to move two
kids down a level to have 16 in each group.
Do your best to begin and end every session on time and display the time period
for every session on a clock that is visible to everyone. Schedule water breaks after
each session of 30 minutes or more to break up the sessions and make sure the
kids have time to recover. Prior to every session, conduct a staff meeting so that
all coaches are on the same page. It is also helpful to begin and end every session
with an entire camp meeting (only five to seven minutes) so that everyone knows
where to be and when. Each court leader should take attendance at the beginning
of each session. Make sure you have a plan for your administrator to check on any
missing campers—check their dorm rooms or call their parents.
96â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Another option to ensure the safety of your campers is to hire a campus safety
officer for three to four hours each evening to assist with the supervision and
security of the building. The off-duty pay is attractive to safety officers, and these
officers endear your camp to the entire security staff at your school, which pays
off in additional eyes and ears during the camp period.
You will need an emergency plan for your camp in general, but especially for
the residence hall. Have your floor monitors conduct a meeting during which
they go over the emergency exit locations, staff room locations, emergency phone
numbers, residence hall rules and violation consequences, and bed check proce-
dures. Then have the staff escort the campers on their floor down the stairwells
to simulate a fire drill.
Camp Store
Camp stores are a relatively easy way to supplement your camp earnings, but more
important, they provide after-hours snacks and drinks for campers and staff. Most
camps have dinner between 5 and 6:30 p.m., so the campers and staff are pretty
hungry by the end of the evening session. Pizza, bread sticks, fruit snacks, water,
and sport drinks are attractive items for your store. Try to limit or eliminate soda
sales because the sugar will keep campers wound up well past bedtime. Some stores
also sell volleyball-themed T-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweatpants along with knee
pads, socks, and sometimes shoes. These items can be ordered on consignment
from companies throughout the United States.
downstairs for the walk to the courts or the cafeteria. Anything you can do to
reassure parents and campers that their well-being is your highest priority starts
the camp off on a positive note. If campers who have registered do not show up
to check in, call their parents immediately to confirm that they are not attending
the camp. Hiring a campus security officer to assist with traffic flow for drop-off
and pickup will also help make the process go smoothly.
The campers’ final impression of your camp will be their check-out experience.
Plan the process so that is as organized and efficient as the check in experience. Pro-
vide trash bags on each floor for the campers to use. Staff members should be
visible, checking each room to make sure kids aren’t leaving electronic devices or
sneakers behind, helping lug belongings to the elevators, and leaving them with a
memory of a smiling face as they head home to catch up on sleep.
Camp Guidelines
Provide your staff with a detailed camp manual that includes your philosophy,
camp goals, schedules, rules for staff and campers, emergency phone num-
bers, a campus map, a court layout, and a roster of assigned groups. The
following lists provide clear directives to everyone involved.
Staff Expectations
1. Be on time.
2. Work hard.
3. Give constant positive feedback! Recognize campers’ efforts as much
as or more than the result.
4. Keep track of your group (always have your roll sheet). Each session
begins with roll call. If anyone is missing, notify the directors immediately.
5. Have a practice plan for each session. If you do not completely under-
stand a session, please ask the directors to explain.
6. Keep volleyballs off the floor, and keep the playing area safe. Have
campers clear the ball to the end line, not sideways. Keep ball carts out
of the attack area during play.
7. Wear proper attire including proper shoes (no flip-flops).
8. Always stand while working. The campers will work hard if you do.
9. Let us know how we can make your experience better.
10. Shag all volleyballs in your court area, and count them at the end of each
session. Even out the numbers of volleyballs in each basket.
Staff Rules
1. No alcohol consumption while on campus. (Do not return to the dorms
2. Do not provide rides for campers in your vehicle.
3. Do not use physical means for punishing campers. Do not drive between
4. Staff may not enter camper dorm rooms of the opposite gender unless
for emergency purposes.
Weather Rules
1. Light rain and no lightning: walk the campers to the facilities.
2. Heavy rain and/or lightning: stay inside under cover until you hear from
the directors.
General Camp Rules
These rules should be provided on the camper info sheet during check in.
1. No alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes allowed on campuses.
2. You may not drive your car anywhere during the camp.
3. Please do not leave valuables in your room while you are out.
4. You are allowed to be in only three places during camp: gym, cafeteria,
and dormitory.
Residence Hall and Cafeteria Rules
These rules should be provided on the camper info sheet during check in.
1. No visitors (except parents) are permitted in the dormitory.
2. The cafeteria food is all you can eat while in the facility. You may not
remove food from the café.
3. If leaving the cafeteria to use the bathroom, notify the attendant at the
front desk.
4. Bed checks are at 10:30 p.m.; lights out is at 11:00 p.m.
Bad Weather
1. In the event of lightning or heavy rain, please stay indoors or under cover.
2. Lightning alert: One long horn blast for alert; three short blasts for all clear.
3. Safety first, please.
Fire Alarm
1. If the alarm sounds, leave the building through the nearest exit.
2. Do not use the elevators.
Keys and Key Cards
1. Lost room keys are $125, and lost building cards (white) are $25.
2. Do not leave your room without your key. You will be locked out.
100â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Running a successful camp requires a lot of hard work from not only you, but by
your entire staff and the university personnel running the support services (food
and housing). The success from the camps can translate to positive marketing for
your program as well as your university. Put in the time, hire good people, be clear
on expectations, and have fun! There is no better feeling than getting the last key
turned in and sending the happy campers home, looking forward to a return visit
next summer.
Recruiting the Right Way
Sa lim a Rockwell
I have had the opportunity to both play and coach volleyball at Penn State Uni-
versity. I have also coached at several other universities at many levels from a
mid-major to a national championship team at the University of Texas, as well as
playing on the national team. I have seen and done recruiting from all sides, but
my recruiting philosophy is really simple: be honest, be exactly who you are, tell
the truth, and develop meaningful relationships with the recruit, the family, and
other coaches.
102â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Identifying Talent
In my coaching career at several universities with programs at various levels,
identifying talent has been a challenge. I learned a lot about identifying talent
and potential from a coach I worked with early in my career. The characteristics
he looked for were athletic ability and the drive and passion to play volleyball. It
didn’t matter if a player was 5 feet, 9 inches and an outside hitter if she had the
drive and passion. Everyone knows that players can succeed in many ways. If a
player was a competitive athlete who could fly around the court, that’s who this
coach was drawn to. I have the same attraction to such players.
Unfortunately, timelines in recruiting have changed as volleyball has become
more competitive and athletes are being recruited at younger ages. As coaches, we
have to look at different things because we are trying to project talent and ability
three or four years out. Now we look at size, athletic ability, the potential for more
growth, leg length, arms, even the size of feet and hands. We try to determine
whether an athlete is going to grow or has peaked. Our projections don’t always
pan out, but we hope they do.
Some players clearly have the drive, but the younger they are, the harder it is to
tell. Some young players seem disinterested or disengaged, but that may be because
they don’t quite know what they are doing or fully understand the game yet. Maybe
they don’t yet know how to show their emotion. I have seen such players several
years later who have the drive they were lacking earlier. We have missed out on
several athletes because they became comfortable in their own skins a little later
in the recruiting process. When we were recruiting athletes as juniors or seniors,
we knew what we were getting. Now that they are only freshmen in high school,
we’re not quite as sure. Sometimes their confidence develops a little later as well.
We film each recruit we are interested in with our iPads at tournaments and
high school and club practices. We also share how players are doing with any of
the other coaches on our staff who are not able to be on the road recruiting. This
is a great way to compare players we may be looking at for the same position. We
watch recruits on our list as many times as possible to see how they are progress-
ing or changing.
ing a video. E-mailing a short film clip is the fastest and easiest way to get a college
coach’s attention immediately.
When sharing video clips with recruiting coaches, make identifying the player
as easy as possible. Identify the player on the clip by providing her number, high-
lighting her with a circle or arrow, and identifying the team she is on, the color
of their uniforms, whether she is on the near or far side of the net, and where she
is starting on the court. Show a few minutes of actual game footage as well as a
few minutes of individual skills or brief highlights. The best view is from behind
the court so the coach can see how she moves around the court, her ball control,
whether she can read the opponents, and how she moves within the team system.
Remember, you are trying to get the college coach’s attention quickly, so show
the player’s strengths or her best moves early in the footage. This could be great
jumping ability, an awesome kill, a stuff block, a defensive save, or any other type
of move that will grab attention.
The objective of film clips is to help recruiting coaches determine whether ath-
letes will fit into their programs and whether they need to see them play in person,
either during the high school or club season. These clips can be made simply with
an iPad by coaches, friends or family members. They don’t need to be expensive
Hollywood productions with slow motion or fancy graphics. Just show the athlete
playing volleyball, and let that action speak for itself.
High school coaches should understand that they are an integral part of the
recruiting process. They may feel left out because of all the club volleyball teams,
but we have found more and more that high school coaches have good relationships
with the athletes we are recruiting. We always reach out to high school coaches
even if we don’t see them when we are recruiting at club tournaments. Another
critical part of the high school coach’s involvement in recruiting is making sure
the athlete is on track academically, taking the correct core courses and entrance
exams to be admitted to a university. Working closely with guidance counselors,
coaches can ensure that student-athletes get the best advice on initial eligibility
requirements for NCAA schools.
Both high school and club coaches need to know the recruiting rules of each
school that is recruiting their athletes. These regulations can be found on each
sport governing body’s website, which are listed at the end of this chapter. Because
they are always changing, coaches should review them each year as their athletes
are being recruited. Schools differ in many areas including contact and evaluation
periods, eligibility, financial aid, and their use of phone calls, texts, e-mails, and
letters. Many high school coaches, club coaches, prospects, and their parents do
not realize that some college coaches may not be allowed to return phone calls
to athletes or their parents, and as a result, assume that a coach is not interested.
All coaches need to know the rules and provide video clips to get the attention of
college coaches, although club coaches are usually more aware of the magnitude of
recruiting because they see coaches recruiting at their tournaments every weekend.
Club and high school coaches need to help their athletes do their homework
on each school and coach they are interested in or is showing an interest in them.
104â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
They should help athletes and their families navigate through what can be a very
intense process. Athletes in the 9th grade may be recruited by several high-level
programs and may get scholarship offers early. They could be pressured by some
programs to make an early commitment; however, if they are great student-athletes,
they need to know that those opportunities will not go away. College coaches
often pressure athletes and their families because they are afraid the athletes will
choose other schools and they want the process to be over. High school and club
coaches need to help their athletes understand that they do not need to accept the
first scholarship offer they receive. It is sad for everyone when young people are
pressured to make decisions when they haven’t taken the time or had the support
from coaches and club directors to look at academics, athletics, the college coach’s
style, playing time, their aspirations, and so many other variables that should be
important to them, such as visiting the college campus.
Club coaches should not act as agents and restrict communication between
universities and their athletes. It is important for athletes and their families to hear
from every program that may be interested in them because the decision is theirs.
Coaches would do better to educate them about questions to ask and the type of
research they need to do on each university and coaching staff.
If the prospect is overwhelmed and distracted with e-mails, letters, phone calls,
and texts, and needs to focus on the rest of the season, it may be time for the high
school or club coach to ask the collegiate coaches to back off until the end of the
club season. They may just need to focus on playing volleyball and enjoying the
rest of the season. University recruiters who honor that request are obviously
thinking about the athlete first and their programs second. If they don’t back off
from recruiting, the family will know that they may not respect their wishes in
the future.
the programs they are interested in so they will get all the automated updates. You
can see the recruits all on their phones between matches, so you know it is impor-
tant to stay connected with them by providing as much information as they want.
You could even provide an online prospect questionnaire for any athletes who may
be interested in your university along with a summary of critical recruiting rules.
Recruiting Strategies
Phone calls and text messages are all allowed at certain times and may change.
In 2015, a college coach can call an unlimited number of times during a contact
period. The junior year is usually the heaviest recruiting time. It can get a little
crazy with unlimited texting and people wanting to be texted back immediately.
Top schools are the outliers because they recruit so young.
I have done only one home visit in the last eight years. In-person contact is
allowed after July 1, but the rules may change each year. Sometimes I wish we
could slow down recruiting by backing up home visits and official visits for a year
so they would occur during their junior year instead of their senior year. Maybe
the parents would be relieved not to have to pay to go to all of the universities on
their own; they could simply wait for official visits during their junior year, which
might slow things down a little bit.
Some athletes grow up wanting to go to a certain school. Perhaps it is nearby,
or the whole family has gone there. If these athletes want to decide early, I think
that is great. I worry about young players who haven’t seen a lot of schools and
are recruited by schools across the country where they have no real ties. These
athletes seem to transfer more. De-commitments don’t happen often, but they
are most likely when athletes get to a school and find out it is not at all what they
thought it would be.
Unofficial visits are very important now, but can be a challenge. Club volley-
ball is very time-consuming and expensive. Many parents can’t afford to go to all
the club tournaments, send their children to camps, and visit numerous college
campuses. A lot of players regionalize; that is, they attend colleges they already
know and feel comfortable with. However, they cannot make the most informed
decision when they can’t afford to visit all the schools that may be interested in
them. Unfortunately, the official visit, which the university pays for, has become a
formality during the senior year, after athletes have already made commitments.
Families need to think about visiting college campuses as they vacation while their
children are young. When they are driving around the country or flying to tourna-
ments and cities, they can take time to stop by nearby campuses and get a feel for
the schools. Athletes need to start early and see as many as colleges as they can.
106â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Developing Trust
Once you have identified the athletes you are interested in, you should begin the
relationship by making sure athletes, their parents, and their coaches trust you.
They must believe that you are genuine in the recruiting process. I tell recruits
to call me anytime, even if it is not about being recruited to the university I am
working at. I tell them, essentially, that if they need help with anything about vol-
leyball, playing on a summer USA Volleyball team, deciding which camp to attend,
or anything at all, to call me.
As coaches, we need to open ourselves up as mentors to these young players.
Parents will start to lean on us if they can tell that we care about their children
as people. Every conversation isn’t about a hard sell, but about getting to know
recruits and their families. Witnessing the lack of honesty in some coaches is very
frustrating. We need to know where these athletes are coming from. We need to
put ourselves in their shoes and understand what they are looking for and what
they need, and understand the stress involved in trying to make the best decision
of where to go to school and play volleyball.
I learned to recruit from the head coaches I worked for. I was kind of a natural
recruiter because I love to talk to and help people, and that’s really what recruit-
ing is. The communication part was easy for me. Great recruiters have magnetic
personalities. People want to engage with them; they are trustworthy and honest,
and they love to talk about volleyball. They love the game and sharing their pas-
sion for it. Most great recruiters don’t have huge egos; generally speaking, they
just love volleyball and are outstanding people you want to hang out with. Since
recruiting is all about selling the university and the volleyball program, it is key
to have someone who the players can relate to on your staff. If coaches don’t have
that type of personality themselves, they may be the ones who stay back in the
office and take care of the tremendous paperwork with recruiting.
Tracking Recruits
It is critical that you identify a system for tracking all prospective recruits and where
you are in the process with them. We use University Athlete (www.universityathlete
.com) as a database to house most of our information. With this program you can
look up any athletes and learn more about them. It allows you to also add notes
under recruits’ names and look up their schedules at tournaments, which is very
helpful. A club that registers with University Athlete submits its schedules, which
are uploaded so you can find times and the number of the courts athletes will be
playing on. Every club gives its information to University Athlete, and university
coaches pay an annual fee to access the service. This has made the data manage-
ment side of recruiting much easier than it used to be.
International Recruits
I prefer to recruit domestically; I believe there is enough talent in the United
States for a lot of teams to be good. However, international athletes can be good
additions to your program if you are looking to move up quickly in the national
rankings. The opportunity to have a great athlete with playing experience who is
not afraid to compete because she has been there is hard to pass up. Most interna-
tional athletes want to play volleyball and get an education. It is sometimes tough
to determine whether an athlete is eligible to play on your program because of
that athlete’s professional experience. One recruiting service that can help iden-
tify international recruits is American Volleyball Scouting Report Global (www
108â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Recruited Walk-Ons
We have a number of recruited walk-ons. Russ Rose, women’s volleyball head coach
at Penn State, loves to have a nice-size roster. Some athletes love the program and
are super invested in what the school has and they are good enough to play and
contribute, but at the time they applied, there was no scholarship for them. They
are treated the same as athletes with scholarships in terms of academic services,
equipment, and meals on the road. You would never know who is on scholarship
by the way our athletes are treated. We have even had starters who were recruited
as walk-ons.
Negative Recruiting
Negative recruiting is my biggest pet peeve in the world, and it happens a lot. I
tell our recruits that if they ever hear anything negative about our program or
rumors about what one of us has done, they should ask us about it and we’ll be
happy to explain. We emphasize that we will always tell them the truth or give
more information on what they are hearing. We like to tell them this up front
before it happens so it puts the possibility on their radar. We do not negatively
recruit—never have and never will. It doesn’t help the recruit and it doesn’t put
the program in a good light. If an athlete you have recruited buys in to negative
recruiting against you, that’s OK; maybe that wasn’t someone you wanted in your
program to begin with.
Recruiting the Right Wayâ•… â•… 109
Doing your best to sell your program is what you need to focus on. If someone
tells me she is looking at another school, I tell her how awesome that program is,
but here is what we have to offer. I let her know that there are other great programs,
but explain what separates our program and why she should come to our school.
If the negative recruiting by someone in another program is totally untrue and
can damage our reputation, we call the person to discuss it.
Recruiting is an essential part of every college volleyball program. Take time to
enjoy the process of meeting young players, their families, and other coaches. To
be successful, you have to identify the right type of recruit for your program. If
you are losing too many recruits to other schools, you may need to reconsider
how you are identifying the athletes you are recruiting. Remember, you want to
establish connections among your recruits, your school, your coaching staff, and
the athletes on your team. See you on the road!
NCAA I: www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/CBSA.pdf
NCAA II: www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/CBSA.pdf
NCAA III: www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/CBSA.pdf
NAIA: www.playnaia.org/d/NAIA_GuidefortheCollegeBoundStudent.pdf
NJCAA: http://www.njcaa.org/njcaaforms/140605_2_Prospective%20student
NCCAA: www.thenccaa.org
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Developing a Five-Year Plan
B ill Ferguson
When in the market for a new job, or your first job, it is important to align yourself
with an organization or athletic department that has the foresight and patience
to understand the benefits of a five-year plan. In many cases, five years will be the
term for your first contract. My plan had a three-pronged approach called the
three Ps: people, principles and process. In addition to allowing you the time you
will need to implement your principles, the two major strengths in your plan are
people and process. The people involved are your student athletes and staff. The
process is, quite simply, time.
If you are building a program from the ground-up, the five-year plan means
that you will have a longer period of time to build your brand with your chosen
people from the start. If you make an error or two, which is quite reasonable, you
will have time to make corrections in your recruiting approach for both student
athletes and your staff.
Let’s assume, for the purposes of this chapter, that you are taking over a program
that has struggled and you have been chosen to right the ship. This timeline will
allow you to weed out those people from the previous regime who will not buy
into your new set of plans. You will also be able to identify those possible gems of
people you may have inherited from the previous regime who are on board with
your plans. These people will meld with the new people you bring in to form the
core of your program. If you are establishing a program at a new school or taking
over for a great coach who is moving on, the content is still applicable, but with
a tweak here and there.
112â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Time Line
The men’s volleyball program I had taken over at the University of Southern
California had finished the season in 11th place (12 teams) in conference play for
four straight years, before moving up to 9th place the year before I took over (I
came on board as an assistant coach that year). Following is a time line showing
how our teams finished in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation (MPSF) tour-
naments in my first six years as head coach:
Year 1: 2007 MPSF Tournament (8th place)
Year 2: 2008 MPSF Tournament (8th place)
Year 3: 2009 MPSF Tournament champions—NCAA Final Four
Year 4: 2010 MPSF Tournament (6th place)
Year 5: 2011 MPSF regular season champions—NCAA Final Four
Year 6: 2012 MPSF regular season champions—NCAA Final Four
Year 2 is highlighted because it is the year that all the athletes who had been
coached by the previous head coach graduated. The team became completely my
team in year 3. I discuss the importance of that later in the chapter.
In the first two years of coaching, sleep is a luxury and holidays are for banks
and the post office. You will likely have an unhealthy love triangle with sleep,
energy drinks, and coffee. Holidays are your time to catch up on administrative
work. Are you ready to go now?
Year 1
This chapter focuses on year 1 because it is the year in which you will have to
collect the most information to assess the situation, find out what questions you
need answered, and triage those questions and answers. If you have a set of prin-
ciples, your question/triage process will be streamlined already. If your principles
are clear and you have executed your plans properly, you may find your five-year
plan reduced to a two- or three-year plan. Following are some of the questions I
asked when I was interviewing for my job and, quite frankly, some of the questions
I wished I’d asked when I got the job:
1. What is my message and vision for the team, and what kind of culture do
I want to create?
2. What is the current culture of the team?
3. Who am I? What type of coach am I?
4. What types of assistants and staff members should I hire based on question
1? (Based on questions 1 and 3, hire to your weakness!)
5. What type of system do I want to run?
Developing a Five-Year Planâ•… â•… 113
6. What are the skills of the team I am inheriting? What types of people do
I have?
7. What can we be good at immediately?
8. What types of players do I need to recruit?
The following sections address these questions.
What Is Your Message and Vision for the Team, and What Kind
of Culture Do You Want to Create?
Your staff and players have to know exactly what you expect of them. The program
I took over had had a ton of success, but not in the cognitive lifetime of those I
was going to recruit. The trick for me was to present a vision that would galvanize
players, staff, administrators, and, very important, alumni by conveying the ulti-
mate respect for those who had made the program so great in the past and inspire
them for the future. I came up with two teams: the current New York Yankees and
the 1980s San Francisco 49ers. Both teams very much mirrored the greatness my
school desired in the way they achieved and maintained their greatness and went
about their business. The Yankees were winning at the time, so the current players
and recruits could relate to them, and the staff, administration, and alumni could
relate to the 49ers.
Establishing and maintaining a team culture is crucial. Your message and your
team culture go hand in hand. You must envision a culture, make a road map to
get there, and maintain that map. That road map must be simple; its strength is
its simplicity. We articulated our road map as follows:
Be above reproach
Once we devised our simple road map, we reinforced it using one of our uni-
versity’s established messages:
The ideal USC Trojan is
One important factor in creating the team culture is getting buy-in from juniors
and seniors on the team. This is critical. They are unlikely to be on the team that
114â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
ultimately attains excellence, so you must make them feel like part of the solution,
rather than blaming them for causing the problem. Our message to the juniors
and seniors was twofold:
1. You will be the group that got the ship sailing straight.
2. You may not be on the team that makes it to the Final Four, but when we
do, it will be just as much because of you as it will be because of the guys
on the floor.
break ties and settle discussions. If there was still a tie after that, we would bring
both athletes in!
Once we had our people and principles in place, we were able to move forward
with our process.
Year 2
The honeymoon is now over. You now have some athletes on your roster that you
recruited with your vision in mind. Year 2 is often the most rewarding for coaches,
because the team is beginning to take the shape they intended.
Remain steadfast with the implementation of your culture at this time. Last
year’s juniors are deciding whether you are for real, and whether to buy in one
more time. If you are not resolute, they will turn into lame ducks, and you will
have to decide whether you want them around. Recruiting will continue to be at
the top of your list. If you can secure back-to-back, solid recruiting classes, your
program will be set for several years.
The second year is critical for your coaching team as well. You will begin to
see how the team gels. Sometimes coaches begin to excel at certain tasks while
drifting away from others. Maintain solid communications with your coaching
team as preferences shift.
Year 3
Year 3 may be an up-and-down year. Remain steadfast. This is the third year of
the same message for some who may be finding it a bit old. Your program may
take a bit of a step backward as the higher-level players from the previous coach
depart, and your younger, less-experienced players take over. These bumps in the
road will test the team as players naturally begin to think that success should be
here by now.
If you have hit it out of the park recruiting, you should see the fruits of your
labor pay off in year 3. In 2009, my year 3, we had lost three 4-year starters—one
a team captain and two our best attackers. We lost some matches that were abso-
lutely maddening, but ended up in our first Final Four. Things began to click for
our team. Our coaching team had changed by one. Our starters consisted of one
freshman, three sophomores, one junior, and one senior.
Years 4 and 5
As you move into years 4 and 5 of your plan, beware! Little things can turn big
at this point. Make sure to continue to recruit winners. At this point, the success
of your team will attract players who believe they can belong without having to
prove themselves—these are known as attachers. Attachers arrive on the upswing
of the program, when things are already good. There is really no way for them to
personally feel the blood, sweat, and tears of those who were with you from day
one. It will be your responsibility to protect the team when you recruit during
Developing a Five-Year Planâ•… â•… 117
year 3 and beyond. Once those athletes are on campus, you must also make sure
they fully understand what is at stake and what has been built. The attachers will
have the largest impact on your team in years 6 through 8.
Success with a young group can also lead to some issues. Our early success led
our juniors to be attachers, not to our team, but to winning. They had lost sight
of the process that enabled them to win.
Also, keep in mind that you will not always be able to attract the best of the best
for every spot on your roster. You will have to pay much attention to the quality of
the players who are your backups. These backups, or support players, sometimes
end up being better at tearing a team down than the superstars are at building it
up. The bottom line is to recruit character, not characters!
Additional Considerations
When you become the coach at another school, you will need to take some time to
learn the past culture of the program, seek out a mentor who can help you through
some tough adjustments, and respect the coach who was there before you, whether
that person was successful or not.
Finding a Mentor
Look outside of volleyball for some of your answers. There aren’t as many vol-
leyball programs and coaches that have been around long enough to be resources
as there are football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaches. There are many dif-
ferent coaches at many different institutions and professional organizations who
will have relevant information that can help you. I would suggest asking them for
advice as often as it is relevant. Remember, they were most likely in your shoes
at one point in their careers. Make sure you present them with direct questions.
Though sometimes the best information may come from free-flowing conversation
with these coaches, getting to that point must be earned by being organized with
the questions you ask. You must respect their time. In my case, I would research
those coaches’ careers, their teammates, and the coaches they played under to find
out how their experiences were relevant to my situational need or curiosity. All of
118â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
these people were more than gracious with their time. Remember, when your team
is doing well, it reflects well on the other teams in your athletic department. I am
fully aware that such a cadre doesn’t exist at every institution, but there are bound
to be countless people who have insight and have had success at your institution
and in the surrounding community.
Following a Legend
If a great coach is leaving your program and the torch is being passed to you, it is
very important that you stay true to yourself, be yourself, and not try to imitate
your predecessor. That being said, you still have to honor existing traditions and
cultures as long as they are productive. If you must institute any kind of funda-
mental change, tread lightly and do it slowly and respectfully.
Table 10.1â•… (continued)
Developing a Five-Year Planâ•… â•… 121
Surrounding yourself with the best people and remaining steadfast with your prin-
ciples will allow you to create a five-year process that will help you earn success at
any level. Such a process will give you flexibility for growth and growing pains.
There will undoubtedly be bumps in the road, but a five-year timeline will allow
you to remain steadfast with your approach and application of your plan without
having to resort to shortcuts. If you are fortunate to have five years to implement
your plan, stay the course. There will be many opportunities to “jump the gun”
and get greedy. Stay with your plan. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
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Part three
positional training
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Training Middle Hitters
B e n Bodipo- M em ba
We’ve all heard stories about choosing middles, or been in the situation ourselves:
Who should play middle? How about that player over there? She’s tall. Hopefully, we
have moved past that type of thinking. As tempting as that solution may be, the
tallest players do not always make the best middles. Although being tall definitely
helps, many more characteristics and attributes make up good middles. Even more
important, however, is how they are trained.
126â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Defensively, you obviously want your middles to stop or slow down the opposi-
tion with blocks. This requires a lot of skill and knowledge. First and foremost,
these players must be able to read the play (see the game) as it develops, move
laterally quickly, and get their hands across the net at the right time. All of that
requires coordination, discipline, and patience.
1st Steps
2nd Steps 2
¾ Steps 3 Push/L Hook Slide
Zero Quick A
Figure 11.2â•… The hitter is in the air with his arms extended for a zero-tempo set.
128â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Arm Swing
Because of its importance, the arm swing should be practiced every day. A middle’s
arm swing is very different from an outside hitter’s swing—outside hitters have time
to wait for the set to get to them; middles are not afforded that luxury. Middles are
all about speed, so it is imperative that they make their swings compact. They can
practice speed in a drill as simple as hitting back and forth with a partner.
Encourage middles to focus on each swing and pay attention to what they are
doing. The swing starts with the toss: they should always toss the ball up with two
hands. This forces the nonhitting hand to go up as well, which is a simple, but
often overlooked practice. The toss should be out in front of the hitting arm, so
that the player can take a step and swing at the ball. Middles should also try to toss
low to simulate a first-tempo attack. Most important is that they keep the elbow
of their hitting arm high. We coach players to keep the elbow back instead of up.
Too many players put the elbow up; the result is that the hand is lower than the
elbow, defeating the purpose of getting the elbow high. When players pull the
elbow back, the hand stays high. As a result, they pull the nonhitting hand down
(instead of just letting it fall), which helps rotate the torso and takes pressure off
the shoulder. (The abdomen is a bigger muscle—use it!) Middles need to let the
hip of the hitting-arm side (i.e., right hand, right hip) lead naturally; then finish
with the elbow so that the arm follows through naturally. The partner catches the
ball, then hits back, repeat for time or amount of reps.
Another good way to train the arm swing is to stand on a sturdy, padded box. The
drill starts with a toss from the coach to the hitter on the box and then progresses
to a set from a setter off a toss from the coach. Coaches stand as close to the setter
as needed to ensure an accurate toss with minimal movement by the setter. This
is a great time to emphasize keeping the nonhitting hand up and open, as a target
for the setters. The middle hitter’s goal should be to exchange the nonhitting hand
with the hitting hand.
Box work is a great way to get more repetitions while saving the legs. Hitters
should start with both arms already up and ready to swing. This focuses on the
exchange move (nonhitting arm, then hitting arm). Then progress to driving their
arms up and swinging to work on timing and the exchange. Using a cell phone,
Training Middle Hittersâ•… â•… 129
iPad, or video camera and a playback system, you can film players swinging a few
times, let them watch themselves, and then have them swing a few more times to
make any necessary corrections.
Correct spacing (from the net and from the setter) is an essential part of being a
good middle hitter. Being too tight (too close) to either will hamper the ability
to terminate the ball. Players should progress from hitting on the box to working
on the last two steps of an approach. This forces them to work on proper spacing.
A simple “hit off the toss” drill can help players focus on arm swing and spac-
ing at the same time. In this drill, the middle stands on the left leg with the arms
in front, ready to be thrown back. The coach tosses the ball to the setter, and as
the ball crosses over the middle’s shoulder, the middle pushes off the left foot to
create the last two gathering steps of the approach (a quick right-left step). The
player should be at a 45-degree angle to the net and an arm’s length from the
setter and the net.
The more attention you give to detail on your middles’ technique during the
early training sessions, the better off they will be when the speed of the game
takes over. Make sure to give focused feedback (e.g., keep the elbow back, left
arm up). Spacing from the setter takes priority over (and solves the problem
of) net spacing. A general rule is to have middles be an arm’s length from the
setter and the net (on a perfect pass). Staying off the net (or keeping the setter
in front of them) is essential, and visually tracking the ball from the pass aids in
accomplishing that. Tracking the ball also determines the middle hitter’s timing
of when to start the approach to hit.
Most coaches are always telling their middle hitters to get up early. Players hear
this (all hitters, actually) all the time, but if you were to ask them what early means,
or when they should be in the air, you would probably get a wide range of answers.
Train your hitters to think in terms of what step they are on when the setter is
touching the ball. For example, outside hitters who are hitting a fast, or go, tempo
set should be on the second step (of a four-step approach) when the setter is touch-
ing the ball. If they were hitting a higher (hut) set, you would want them to be on
the first step as the setter is touching the ball.
The same concept applies for middles. To determine timing for the quick set,
however, you must first decide what tempo you want to run your quick attack
while considering the skill level of your players. The three basic tempos for a quick
attacker are zero, first, and one-and-a-half; the choice should be based on your
preference as well as the ability of your middles. Experiment with all three and see
which ones work best for your athletes. Also, have them continue to train at least one
of the other tempos, because they may become better at it after more repetitions.
130â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
We see all three tempos run with success at high-level NCAA Division I pro-
grams. Zero tempo means that the middle is in the air right before the setter
touches the ball, forcing the setter to shoot the ball up to the hitter’s hand. In
a first-tempo attack, the middle is on the last step, or close step, as the setter is
setting the ball and, essentially, rising up in the air as the set is leaving the setter’s
hands. This is the most common quick-attack tempo. Even though teams strive to
run a zero-tempo quick attack, in reality most middles (even at the international
level) attack at first tempo. There are many reasons for this, but mostly it has to
do with ball control and, of course, the comfort or trust between the middle and
the setter. The advantage of zero-tempo quick sets is that the hitter is in the air
before the opposing blocker jumps and therefore has the advantage of hitting
against no blocker or one blocker jumping late. That being said, it is not a bad
thing to be working on zero tempo even if it becomes first tempo. It’s a lot easier
to slow down than to speed up.
A one-and-a-half-tempo quick set is not seen much at the high levels, but it is
very effective if done properly. St. Mary’s University, an NCAA Division I volleyball
program in Moraga, California, uses this tempo and consistently gives opposing
teams’ defenses fits of frustration. Assuming that the middle is using a three-step
approach (left, right, left, step close), then the middle is on the second step as the
setter is setting the ball. This is a higher set and works well with middles with
good jumping ability and vision.
Regardless of which set tempo you use, the key to timing is tracking the pass and
approaching at the correct time. Get the middles to open up to where the pass is
coming from and track (watch) the pass from the passer toward the setter, instead
of glancing over their shoulders. This helps them find the pass, which alleviates
timing issues. Advise them to wait for the volleyball to cross the plane over their
shoulder before they start their approach. They should be chasing the ball to the
setter. This is a very important concept. One of the biggest mistakes middles make
with timing is starting the approach too early. Remind them that they are faster
than the ball and don’t have very far to travel. Not watching the ball being passed
or dug and leaving early are the most common problems that are easily corrected.
Tell them to be patient; then slow to fast on the approach and small to big on the
steps. You want your middles to be dynamic, explosive, and fast twitched.
Off-Speed Hits
Well-placed tips and off-speed hits
are also important to have in middles’
tool boxes. An open place on the court
is usually right over the block, in the
deep corner, or out toward the sideline. Figure 11.5â•… Player performing the cross-
body swing.
Players must understand that a kill is a
Photo courtesy of Don Feria/goldenbearsports.com
kill is a kill. The crucial issue is not how
hard they swing at the ball, but whether the ball hits the floor in the opponent’s
court! With all tips it is essential that they approach thinking swing first! Teach
them to tip the good sets as well as the ones they have to because of poor timing
or an inaccurate set. They should use the same mechanics, focusing on keeping
the elbow up. Again, hitters need a variety of swings or “shots” at their disposal.
Slide Attack
Another popular swing used primarily in girls’ and women’s volleyball is the slide.
This is an exciting attack to hit and very tough to defend against if done correctly.
Many of the swing mechanics are the same, but the approach and finish are very
different from those used in swings that have a traditional two-foot takeoff. Like
the quick set, the slide can be run at a variety of tempos. With this attack, the
player either chases the set or has the set catch up to her (the latter is faster). The
approach is what makes the slide attack unique. It is parallel to the net, and the
player jumps off one foot (the left) as in a basketball layup. This is tough for the
block to defend against because blockers’ natural tendency is to drift out toward
where the hitter is going. The hitter, meanwhile, has various points of contact from
which to attack. The two types of approaches commonly used in the slide attack
are explained in the next section.
Training Middle Hittersâ•… â•… 133
Slide Footwork
The slide is used primarily to beat a team either by speed or misdirection (or
both) depending on the tempo. Although both approaches are interchangeable
(with misdirection and speed), one is better suited for misdirection. In the first
approach, the middle makes a plant step toward the setter with the left foot. This
makes the blockers think that the middle is attacking in front of the setter. The
middle then pushes off with the left foot going parallel to the net. Then, with a
quick (and big) right then left step, the player launches into the air (off one foot,
as in a layup) to attack the ball. The approach is basically in the shape of an L and
is usually used on a set in which the hitter catches up to the set. It is possible to
use a faster tempo in which the hitter is past the setter before the set is made, but
that requires a very fast middle and a very accurate setter.
The other approach forgoes subtleties and is used primarily for pure speed.
The footwork is similar except there is no jab step toward the setter. The middle
goes directly toward the pin as fast as she can. I like to tell my middles to aim for
the pole, which helps to keep them from getting too tight to the net. As a result,
their pattern is more of an arc, and the left-foot plant is usually on or one step
behind the setter.
With both approaches, the player’s natural momentum carries her laterally. The
key is to transfer as much lateral energy as possible to vertical energy. A couple of
things that help lessen floating are driving the right knee up while planting the
final left step, and turning the right knee around in the direction opposite to the
direction of travel. This not only helps slow down the float, but also allows players
to use torso power to hit crosscourt and line.
Slide Swing
Because middles have more time to swing on a slide, they must focus on keeping
the left arm up and the hitting elbow up and back. The tendency is to drop the
right elbow for a longer swing, but doing so gives the blockers more time to set
up and adjust. Middles want to swing quickly, and a high elbow helps them also
swing deep (a very tough swing to stop). As in the quick set, middles should use
tips to keep the defense guessing. The tip down the line in the deep corner and
the tip back inside to the middle of the court are generally the most effective. The
progression used for a quick set should be used for slide attacks. The third basic
attack for middles is the shoot set in front of the setter. The approach is the same
as in a quick set, as is the timing, generally using a zero- or first-tempo set. Other
sets middles can hit are step-outs, slides directly behind the setter, slides halfway
between the setter and the antennae, and slide footwork in front of the setter.
These are all fun to experiment with, but I recommend that players perfect two
or three attacks before getting fancy.
134â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Blocking Keys
Blocking is an essential part of a middle’s game. As we alluded to earlier, they are
called middle blockers for a reason. Blocking is also one of the skills that takes the
longest to develop. Some of this can be attributed to limited practice time at the
high school and club levels, but a lot is attributed to poor technique and “the ends
justify the means” type of thinking, which is negatively reinforced. How many times
have we seen blockers slap or swing their arms to get the big “kaboom” block, and
when they send that ball back faster than it was hit, the crowd goes wild? Middles
like this and will to continue to block like this. The block looks great, when they
get it. As such, they are rewarded for poor technique.
Blocking is one of the most, if not the most, frustrating skills in volleyball.
Middles want to block every ball—which is a good thing, don’t get me wrong.
The problem is that, if not trained properly, players sacrifice technique for result.
Slapping at the ball, reaching, guessing, and truncated footwork result in general
frustration when they don’t block every ball. Even before you start teaching tech-
nique, sit your blockers down and explain two concepts: (1) they are not going
to block every ball and (2) you would rather they be late and right than guessing
and occasionally early.
Telling your blockers to try to block everything and then saying that they can’t
block everything may seem like contradictory messages. However, this will help
them put things in perspective. I once coached a middle blocker who was one of the
hardest workers I’d ever coached. She was not the most skilled, definitely not the
most talented, but she worked hard. She believed that she was supposed to block
every ball and was very disappointed when she didn’t. She trusted her technique,
as I like to say, so it was a good type of determination. One match, she made her
rounds in the front row; then the libero came in to serve for her. She came to the
bench (she was coming in hot!), sat beside me (we had many of these meetings),
and started freaking out: “What am I doing wrong? I missed that last block! Is it
my footwork? Eyes? Hands? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!” I turned to her
slowly and said, “Um . . . it’s 2 to 1.” The match had just started, and the girl had
taken a good swing, but she wanted to block everything.
Break it down for your blockers in practice. The NCAA Division I team block-
ing leaders blocked 3.06 balls a set. The individual leader blocked 1.81 balls a set.
That does not constitute a lot of the 25 points needed. Help your players accept
that they’re going to miss some.
setter. Basically, if you were to draw a box for where to focus on the setter, it would
encompass the hands down to the shoulders or elbows, whichever is lower. Con-
stantly remind your middles to find the setter as they are going through the drill.
Blocking Balance
Just as important as watching the correct cues is staying balanced. Once your
middles have seen the setter, they will be very tempted to lean one way or the other
based on what they have read. Get them used to anticipating then reacting. If they
start leaning or, even worse, moving, for example, to their right, you immediately
give the advantage to the setter. Good setters can see or feel this movement and will
capitalize on it by setting the other direction. This is when you need to hammer
home the message: Better late and right than guessing. Get them to understand
that on a perfect pass the setter has the advantage; it’s OK to be late, especially on
fast-tempo sets to the pins.
Blocking Vision
Your middles have now looked at the passer, seen the setter, and maintained their
balance. Now they need to look at the set. This requires a very quick glance. All
they need to determine is the trajectory of the set. Making sure it’s not set over,
mainly, but also determining the speed of the set will also influence the type of
blocking footwork to use. Once again, stay on your middles and keep them from
spending too much time on the ball in flight. One way to remedy this is to change
PSBH to PSH—take the ball right out of the equation. Yes, there will be an occa-
sional set over, but you will find that the majority of the information the blocker
gets comes from studying the setter and hitter. In fact, I have sometimes changed
the name of this drill to passer, setter, ball, hitter, hitter, hitter!
The sequence is: passer (look), setter (see), ball (look), hitter (see). After a
quick glance at the ball, the middle needs to pick up the hitter. Let’s assume that
the ball is set to the left-side hitter. The middle needs to make a dynamic block
move toward the hitter. Studies have shown that the majority of hitters hit in the
direction they are facing and approaching. Middles need to study that approach,
go where the hitter is going, and get the ball. If you can get your middles to
understand the concept of surrounding the hitter’s shoulder, they will progress
as blockers quickly. After the middles do one rep, they shuffle back to the middle
and repeat for a certain number of balls. You can also make this a continuous drill
in which both sides are going for kills; or semi-continuous in which the hitting
side is going for kills, and when the defensive side transitions, the players just
free ball it over the net. Continue for a certain number of balls. Again, the key
to coaching this is to focus on the blocker, be a stickler for detail, and praise as
well as critique (e.g., “Good eyes; now stay balanced”; “Find your setter earlier,
but great footwork”).
Training Middle Hittersâ•… â•… 137
Blocking Footwork
As mentioned in the characteristics section, fast middle blockers who may be a
little shorter can be more desirable than slow-footed tall players. Put those two
preferable qualities together, though, and such a player would obviously have a
great career and make you look like a great coach! However, being a fast middle
is about much more than getting from A to B. It’s going from A to C and then to
B back to A, changing directions quickly, being relentless, and patrolling the net
from antenna to antenna. This requires discipline in eye sequencing and, just as
important, in footwork.
Many types of footwork can be used in blocking: swing blocking, shuffling,
crossover, turning and running, and numerous combinations of all those. Which
ones are best? It depends on the situation, and all middles should practice and be
comfortable using all of them. In the end, it’s about getting to the hitter as fast as
possible and being dynamic enough to penetrate across the net. We train swing
blocking because we believe that it allows our players to be the most dynamic, but
also because we start in a bunch block (closer to the middle of the court). However,
we also want our middles to shuffle to defend against certain sets. The basic rule
we use is: If the set is higher or slower, use a big, dynamic swing block. The faster
the set, the less time blockers have, so they have to shorten their arms or use a
crossover or shuffling footwork technique.
We train blocking going both left and right, but the percentages are 60/40 to
70/30 for right and left, respectively. The majority of sets are made to the right,
so we play percentages and make sure we close to the outside. Our players train
with static footwork and coach-initiated drills, which we combine with game-type
drills that incorporate more random blocking.
Regarding footwork, it’s important to get a big push in the first move. I prefer
to use the word push instead of step in training. I find that when I say, “Take a
step” or “You need a bigger step,” all I get is a big lift of the leg (maybe 3 inches,
to prepare for the big step) or a backward (negative) step. So when players are
blocking right, I tell them to push with the left foot; this helps them cover more
ground. This concept can be used with both shuffle and swing blocking footwork.
Both shuffling and swing blocking require getting to the hitters quickly. When
shuffling, players must make numerous quick shuffles while staying square to the
net in a crouched, or loaded, position so that they can jump fast when they get to
the hitter. In swing blocking, the middle uses a crossover footwork technique (in the
same crouched, or loaded, position). The basic swing move is a three-step pattern
similar to a hitting approach. Going to the right, the player pushes off with the left
foot (creating a step with the right foot). The blocker should be perpendicular to
the net at this point. They then make a big push with the right foot (arms should
draw back now, as in a hitting approach). Planting the left foot at a 45-degree angle
(this is the braking step and important to keep from drifting), the player pivots on
it, squaring up to the net and finishing the block with their hands over the net.
138â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Blocking Strategies
In addition to the many types of blocking footwork, various strategies are used in
blocking. It’s up to you to develop one that fits your style. Obviously, you would
like your players to block every ball straight down, but in reality . . . well, you know.
Do you want your blockers funneling the ball to an area? If they are late to close,
do you want them to reach into the gap or press straight over (allowing defenders
to fill the gaps)? There is no correct answer; it comes down to the system. The
only absolute is getting their hands across the net. We want our blockers to seal
the net low and tight. Reaching up high at the ball gives the hitter more angles to
attack and makes it harder for the back row to defend. A block straight down is
always good, but forcing a hitter to hit a shot they don’t like to hit, making them
hit out, funneling a swing to your best defender, slowing down a swing with a block
touch—these do not show up in the box score, but they are all what I like to call
positive blocks, and they are just as good.
Blocking can be very frustrating (perfect pass = advantage hitters) and requires
discipline and repetitive training in technique. The great thing about training is
that the players can (and should) work on footwork daily, even without a coach.
Taking 10 minutes out of practice daily goes a long way in becoming an effective
middle blocker.
Playing middle requires a unique mind-set. These players should have more of
a workhorse mentality (steady, consistent, relentless) and value team glory over
personal glory. These traits combined with great physical tools are essential for
becoming a great middle.
Training Outside Hitters
E r in M ellinger
In our volleyball program, we train the whole athlete. In the case of outside hit-
ters, we train them to be six-rotation players in any offensive system so they will
contribute in every rotation. Ideally, we want to be able to use them in both the
frontcourt and the backcourt during serve receive, defense, attacking, and serving.
Characteristics of Effective
Outside Hitters
The ideal outside hitter jumps well, is dynamic and athletic, and has good arm
speed and ball control. We like our outside hitters to have a jump approach in the
9-foot, 7-inch range or higher. We are constantly recruiting athletes who work
well or can be trained to work well against a big block. Height can vary based on
the jump approach. Obviously, the bigger or taller the athlete the better, but jump
reach and speed are more important than size.
Good foot speed in both offense and defense is also crucial for an outside hitter.
A player who can transition quickly to dig a ball and then move out and back in
to hit the ball makes an ideal outside hitter. Coaches are always looking for speed
and athleticism—that is, for players who can move quickly forward, backward,
and laterally. Correct footwork, knowledge of the game, and agility training can
increase foot speed.
140â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
skills; they also involve a mind-set. Outside hitters need to have a mind-set that
they are passers before they are hitters. Outside hitters who want to be six-rotation
players need to serve receive well in every rotation. This is especially true for the
player in the O2 position. This player must be able to serve receive, must play
dynamically, and must not be afraid to take control of the tri-line in conjunction
with the libero.
Outside hitters are constantly playing defense in both the frontcourt and back-
court. The constant transitions from serve receive to hitting, hitting to defense,
and defense back to hitting require mental toughness. In our offensive system,
our outside hitters play defense in middle back, although we do switch it up when
specific players warrant a change. However, the majority of the time, the outside
hitters play middle back and are used in the offense as attackers from the backcourt.
Outside hitters attack from the back row using the BIC set. The BIC set is a
two-height, or second-tempo set about a foot inside the attack line towards the
net. The hitter is on the second step of the approach as the setter is setting the
ball. In the middle-back defensive position, outside hitters are responsible for deep
corners and lateral movement, but have free rein to move to where they read the
hitter. Understanding the movements of the game and focusing on hitters instead
of the ball helps outside hitters defensively. Outside hitters who are six-rotation
players can be good defenders and also assist in the offense from the back row.
Offensive Systems
We like to keep our outside hitters on the court for a complete match to contribute
not only physically, but also mentally as a result of the consistency they develop.
The more they pass with one another, the more comfortable they are and the
more consistent their passes become. A few offensive systems that can be used are
the 5-1 and 6-2 systems.
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 12.3â•… The hut set. Figure 12.4â•… The hut-go set.
E6283/AVCA/fig12.04/513743/alw/r2 E6283/AVCA/fig12.04/513744/alw/r3
Training Outside Hittersâ•… â•… 143
5 4 3 2 1
Figure 12.6â•… The gap set. Figure 12.7â•… The BIC set.
144â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
2 A B C 2 A B C
Figure 12.11â•… The red set. Figure 12.12â•… The swing set.
The net is divided into five panels out E6283/AVCA/fig12.12/513752/alw/r2
to the outside hitter position and three panels
behind the setter.
146â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Transition is a very crucial part of an outside hitter’s game. A deep and wide transi-
tion allows an outside hitter to evaluate a set, see the block, and make the necessary
adjustments before swinging at the ball. Ideally, an outside hitter should transition
10 feet outside the court and 12 feet deep off the net. The transition from serve
receive to attacking a ball has two possible options:
1. Serve receiving the ball: The outside hitter must perform three large shuffles
to try to get outside the court to the 10-feet-deep or 12-feet-deep range.
2. Not serve receiving the ball: The outside hitter must perform five large
shuffles and must get outside the court to the 10-feet-deep or 12-feet-deep
Transitioning from a serve-receive position to attacking a ball is different from
transitioning from defense to attacking a ball. In serve receive we train to have
specific footwork, whereas in defensive transition we train to turn and go. Turn
and go means opening up to the court, tracking the ball, and running to transition
to the 10-feet-deep or 12-feet-deep range.
We spend a significant amount of time each week training outside hitters in
transitioning. More important, we use a specific drill that can be modified or used
as a progression to help in that training. This drill can be used out of serve receive,
during defense, while using the block, and while working various shots.
crosscourt, our outside hitters finish thumb down toward the net. The roll shot
requires a wrist motion starting from the bottom of the ball and finishing through
the top simulating a popping sound. Most important when mixing up shots is the
ability to approach with the same speed, have the same arm swing, and change
only the wrist or hand at the end. The following drill can be used to train outside
hitters in all shots.
148â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Blocking Expectations
Ideally, we like our players to defend opposing hitters with just blocking; however,
channeling balls to our defense is just as important. An outside hitter’s base block-
ing position is two arm’s lengths from the middle blocker. The outside hitter is
responsible for blocking in every offensive scenario except when the opponent’s
outside hitter is attacking. Most important is defending the hitter directly in front
(i.e., the opponent’s right-side hitter or setter) or any hitter that crosses into the
blocking zone (e.g., middle hitter hitting a slide). In addition to blocking in their
own zones, outside hitters are also responsible for blocking with middle blockers
on a quick (i.e., 1) attack as well as a crossing X play. A crossing X play is when the
opponent’s right-side hitter leaves her immediate zone and enters into the middle
of the court; the outside hitter must follow the opponent’s right-side hitter to set
up a double block with the middle blocker.
Figure 12.16 shows the base defensive position for the outside hitter and right-
setter. Lines are showing primary responsibility for the blocking area on the net.
The right-side hitter’s primary concern is to defend the opponent’s outside
hitter. This player’s base blocking position is one arm’s length from the antenna or
pin. However, the right-side hitter is also responsible for assisting middle blockers
with blocking. The right-side blocker must consistently set a block in the correct
position along the net so the middle blocker can close the block.
Hand positioning for both outside and right-side hitters is very important. In
blocking, one hand is considered the fronting hand; the other hand is the direct-
ing hand. The fronting hand must be in front of the ball. The directing hand
directs or redirects the ball into the opponent’s court. For pin players (outside
and right-side hitters), the hand closer to the antenna is the directing hand. If
the directing hand is not strong at holding its position, then pin players usually
are “tooled” (when hitters hit the ball into the block and score for a point) by the
opponent’s hitters.
Training Outside Hittersâ•… â•… 149
Pin players (outside and right-side hitters) are very important in the blocking
scheme. Pin players have full responsibility for setting the block in the correct
position along the net, staying there, and allowing the middle blocker to close
shoulder to shoulder. It is just as important for the block to funnel balls to the
defense as it is to have a stuff block (a ball that is blocked for a point).
Serving is a crucial tactical part of the game of volleyball. Tough serving helps
manipulate the opponent’s offense. We use a variety of tactics to manipulate certain
positions or opposing players. Serving is another important duty for outside and
right-side hitters. Repetition is the best way to develop good serving skills. We
work on serving every day for at least 20 minutes of practice time. Jump serving
has changed the pace and the speed of the game. A great server can be a tactical
point in the game by manipulating the other team’s serve receive with her serve,
which makes it easier to play defense.
We practice serving into the last two feet of the court using mats. To briefly
demonstrate the importance of serving seams, put three chairs out on the court
with mats between them. The objective is to hit the mats and not the chairs. Hit-
ting the chair simulates serving directly at the serve receiver; players should instead
try to serve in the seams.
We use video for various reasons in our program. Video gives athletes the oppor-
tunity to truly evaluate themselves. We use video to evaluate athletes’ serve receive
and defensive postures, offensive and defensive transitions, and hand positions for
blocking. Visualization can sometimes be a helpful tool for improving and adjusting
technique. The spring season gives us more opportunities for individual training
and video evaluations.
150â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Scouting opponents is also an important tool for helping our outside and right-
side hitters. We focus on several things when scouting: how to assist hitters in
manipulating the defense, opponents’ weaknesses, how to control go-to players,
and serving tactics. Focusing on these four things prepares our athletes enough
without overwhelming them with too much information. We watch films as a
team. Our athletes complete their own scouting reports, and then we discuss the
opponent’s weaknesses. The coaching staff obviously spends more time scouting
opposing teams than the athletes do. We try to keep it simple by providing enough
information to help them without overwhelming them.
Statistics plays a large role in the game of volleyball. It is important to record
statistics in both practices and matches. Statistics help both coaches and athletes
evaluate performance. As a coach, I expect certain numbers from certain positions.
I like primary passers (outside hitters, right-side hitters, and the libero) to be pass-
ing at 75 percent or higher. That means that 75 percent of serve-received balls are
a three-option pass (i.e., give the setter the option to choose to set middle hitters,
the right-side hitter, or the outside hitter).
Not only do we have serve-receive statistical numbers for passers to reach, but
we also have hitting percentages for the O1 and O2. The O2 ideally is expected to
hit in the .250 range to be consistently contributing to the offense. More important,
the O2 has to be a low-error player—a player who keeps the ball in play and hits
shots. The O2 should also be able to use the opponent’s block to score. The O2
is expected to terminate for a point, but ideally mixes up shots and commits very
few hitting errors. We look for the O1 to hit in the .350 to .400 range. The O1 is
continually contributing to the offense as a go-to player. The O1 is expected to
score, especially because that position is in the front row with the setter for two
rotations if we are playing a 5-1 offense.
We recruit to have four or five outside hitters on our roster each year. Depth creates
competitiveness and challenges each athlete to constantly improve. Our program
has won several national championships, and depth is the reason. Creating a com-
petitive atmosphere in which players develop, improve, and push one another is so
significant to their training. The main reason we won a national championship in
2013 is that we had good athletes who challenged themselves and their teammates.
Our outside hitters help us win in a variety of ways. Most important is their
ability to play all six rotations, which creates consistency. We train outside hitters
to score in one-on-one situations and to be low-error players. They are not just
front-row hitters in our offense; they also serve as hitters in the backcourt which
in turn obviously creates more offense. Outside hitters play significant roles on
the volleyball court.
Training Setters
Wayne Kreklow
The setter is arguably the most important player on any volleyball team. Not only
does the setter touch the ball more than anyone else on the floor, but she also
decides who attacks the ball, what kind of ball they are attacking, where along the
net they are going to attack, and how often they are going to attack. The setter
controls the tempo of the match and has a more influential role in the outcome
than any other player on the floor. All great teams in any team sport have one
thing in common: a great facilitator. Championship football teams all have great
quarterbacks—Brett Favre, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning. Championship basketball
teams all have great point guards—Magic Johnson, Tony Parker, Maurice Cheeks.
Championship volleyball teams, likewise, all have great setters—Lloy Ball, Lindsey
Berg, Robyn Ah Mow-Santos, and Courtney Thompson just to name a few from
recent U.S. Olympic teams. All of the great athletes and players have one thing in
common: They make those around them better players. They are facilitators. By
virtue of the physical, technical, tactical, and leadership skills they possess, they
make it possible for a collection of talented individuals to become a great team.
In this chapter we take an in-depth look at how we can identify and train setters
to be the facilitators and leaders that are so critical to the success of our teams.
We must be knowledgeable about the offensive systems we can run and what is
required of setters in those systems. We must also be aware of the physical attri-
butes needed to be a great setter and also be well schooled in how to train them.
In addition, we must also examine leadership qualities and determine the activities
and drills we can use to help our setters develop into the leaders our teams need.
We address the question, “Are leaders truly born that way, or can we develop
them?” Finally, we discuss how to prepare setters for competition—performing in
the heat of the moment when all eyes are on them and the outcome rests squarely
on their shoulders.
152â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Offensive Systems
The two basic systems of play that most teams use are the 5-1 offense and the
6-2 offense. A brief explanation of each is helpful because the process of choosing
and developing a setter depends on what is asked of that player. We need to know
what physical and mental characteristics are essential and what setting skills are
required to implement your offensive system.
Choosing a System
Knowing the basics of these common systems, how do you decide which is right
for your team? This million-dollar question does not always have an easy answer.
However, looking closely at the skills setters need in order to do well in either of
these systems should help you understand what to look for in setter candidates
and how to train them.
The advantage of running a 5-1 offense is that you have one setter (one quarter-
back) to facilitate play. This promotes consistency in terms of tempo and rhythm on
offense. Also, from a coaching standpoint, working and communicating with only
one setter during play can be easier than working and communicating with two
setters. The most often-cited concern with running a 5-1 is that a setter may not
be big enough to put up a good block. Using a 6-2 offense allows you to substitute
a smaller setter for a bigger block, but your hitters will have to get used to hitting
off two setters. Also, using two setters could potentially disrupt your tempo and
rhythm on offense. In addition, two setters require more practice time (which is
often limited) for setter training and hitting repetitions.
Training Settersâ•… â•… 153
When making the decision to run either a 5-1 or a 6-2 offense, ask yourself,
“What does our team need to do to win?” At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter
what the U.S. national team does or what the Chinese are doing or what the Bra-
zilians are doing. What matters is what will put your players and your team in the
best position to win.
At Mizzou, we look very closely at what other successful teams do offensively.
What are they doing that makes them good? What are they doing to beat other
teams, and why are those things working? What we have discovered has been very
helpful in putting together our own philosophy of offense and working with setters.
Over the past several years, there has been a push to make the game of vol-
leyball more exciting and appealing to fans. Making the switch to rally scoring,
lowering game scores from 30 points to 25 points, and loosening ball-handling
rules have all had the effect of shifting the focus from defense to offense. If you
look at team statistics in the NCAA Division I conferences, you will usually find
that the league leaders almost always either lead or are very near the top in some
key statistical categories: team hitting percentage, kills per game, assists per game,
or service aces per game. They are also usually at or near the top in fewest recep-
tion errors per game. What also jumps out when looking at team statistics is that
the best blocking teams are not always at the top of the league standings, unless
they are also very proficient in one or two other offensive statistical categories.
Knowing these trends helps us choose our offensive system and understand what
type of setter we need.
Whether you choose a 5-1 or 6-2 system, your team must be an efficient offen-
sive team. Your players must be able to terminate play at a high level and side out
at a high level. To do so, your team must be able to handle the ball well and your
setters need to be able to put your attackers in a position to be successful. Know-
ing the importance of offense over defense, we focus more on becoming the most
efficient offensive team we can be and less on becoming the best blocking team.
At Mizzou, we made the choice to go with a 5-1 system because our setters have
been outstanding at running our offense and getting our hitters great swings. In
the 2013 season, Mizzou led the nation in team hitting percentage, kills per set,
and assists per set and committed the fewest attack errors per set. Our setters have
not always been the best blockers or the best defenders, but they have been among
the best facilitators, and that has allowed our Mizzou teams to consistently win at
a high level and succeed.
Some great teams employ a 6-2 offense because they want to generate more
offense. Traditionally, teams have used a 6-2 offense because they had two small
setters who were a liability at the net blocking. Bigger players were brought in
to block. With the current emphasis on offense, more teams are running a 6-2
offense to use more attackers. The strategy is to have more attackers, more speed,
and more points of attack along the net. Teams that employ a 6-2 offense always
have three hitters in the front row and can always attack the opponent’s left-side
hitters, traditionally the weakest blockers.
154â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Take an honest look at the personnel on your team and consider which system
would give your team the best shot at winning, not what is currently most popular
or even what you would prefer to use. Consider not only what your setter is capable
of doing, but also how many attackers you have and what they are capable of doing.
One of the keys to winning is fitting your system to your players’ strengths, not
trying to make your players fit a particular system.
Characteristics of Setters
No two setters are exactly alike, but when we are evaluating setters, we find it
useful to examine certain characteristics we feel are most important. We separate
those key characteristics into four main areas: physical skills, technical skills, tacti-
cal skills, and leadership skills.
Physical Skills
Physical skills are those unique physical traits that setters are simply born with.
Over the years, there have been many debates about what physical attributes help
to make great setters. We all want tall, quick, agile setters with great hands who are
strong leaders and straight-A students! Unfortunately, because such players are few
and far between, most of us have setters who have only a few of those attributes
and it is our job to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.
When deciding on a setter, consider again what your team needs to do to suc-
ceed. Because we already know the importance of being a great offensive team,
we focus on the physical attributes that facilitate an efficient offense. We need a
setter who can get to errant passes and keep us in system as much as possible. This
means that we need someone who is quick and agile. Obviously, we are going to
look for someone who can, first, consistently deliver a hittable ball and, second,
run an efficient offense.
If you are a high school coach with limited time to train setters, keep it simple.
Identify a player who can get a ball to the same place consistently and let your
hitters go to work. I have often seen high school and club teams beat themselves
with errors because they were trying to do too many tactical things that their
players were not skilled enough to execute. Remember the adage, “Don’t attempt
to do tactically what you can’t execute technically.”
Our teams have competed against many great setters of all sizes, shapes, and
levels of athletic ability, and all have been very good. The key is that they were
all really good at something, and that was, more often than not, setting the ball.
We have competed against tall, great blocking setters who were not particularly
quick or agile, but had great hands and could put a ball anywhere. We have also
competed against shorter, slower setters who were likewise great because of their
ability to consistently get their hitters great swings. In addition, they usually had
great coaches who recognized their limitations and knew how to play around
them. Slower setters had ball handlers who put the first balls higher to give them
Training Settersâ•… â•… 155
time to get there, or the team played a rotation defense so that the slower setter
did not have to cover as much court.
Technical Skills
All good setters must be technically proficient. This requires the investment of
a lot of time on the part of both the setter and the coach. The time required to
develop a really good setter, more than anything else, is what makes a great setter
so hard to find. Most high schools and clubs simply don’t have the time to train a
great setter. Even college coaches, who are restricted by NCAA by-laws governing
allowable practice hours, have difficulty training setters.
Knowing that we have limited time to train setters, we again need to ask our-
selves as coaches, “What are the most important things my setter needs to be good
at for our team to succeed?” Most of us would answer—setting the ball! Thus,
we should use every allowable minute we have in the gym to train setters to set
the ball. We must organize and prioritize our setters’ training so we don’t waste
precious time in the gym.
In training, regardless of position, I believe in progressions. We start with the
fundamentals and work toward more advanced techniques. That doesn’t mean that
we never expose players to more advanced techniques before they master the basics,
but making sure players feel confident and good about themselves is important.
We never want them to walk out of the gym feeling bad about themselves.
In training our setters, we focus on front sets, back sets, and jumps sets every
day. It is very important that every setter master these three basic skills. Once the
setter feels comfortable with them, we incorporate movement. We all know that
setters spend more time chasing down errant passes than setting from perfect
passes, so they must spend time training those movements. We do this for 30
minutes before practice, every day! At the NCAA Division I level, we obviously
train more than simple front sets and back sets, but the principle of concentrated
repetitions is the same regardless of level.
During the individual setting sessions, we rarely spend time on blocking, serving,
or defense. We save that for regular team practice. During these 30-minute blocks,
we often have to remind our setters of the concept of mindful repetition—paying
attention to what they are doing and striving for perfection even when the task
seems mundane.
Tactical Skills
We obviously look for setters who understand the game of volleyball. This under-
standing takes the longest to master, and you could argue that it is never fully
mastered because the game is continually evolving. A high-level setter needs to
be thoughtful and have a desire to really dig into the game on a deeper level than
other players. Much like NFL quarterbacks, setters need to understand not only
their own team and what each player is doing, but also the opponent players and
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tendencies. Once again, extra time is required to really study videos, digest the
stats, and process the information.
Leadership Skills
Leadership in a setter is extremely important to the success of the team. Again,
just like the quarterback, the setter needs to be respected and trusted by the entire
team. Leadership and trust, however, are concepts that players can misunderstand,
particularly younger players. In my opinion, leading means showing the way rather
than pointing the way. Leading means being out in front, not bringing up the rear
and telling everyone where to go and what to do. To garner the trust of the team, a
player must first prove himself trustworthy in both what he says and what he does.
When evaluating setters, watch them setting, but also watch their interactions
with teammates and coaches. Setters need to be steady and consistent, both mentally
and physically. I have never been a fan of loud, emotional, and intense setters (the
only exception has been when they were incredibly positive). Players look for the
setter to be under control and steady at all times—not too crazy when the team is
on a roll and not too down when things aren’t going well. I have often compared
the emotional requirements of a setter to those of a ship captain. When things are
going well, no one needs the captain. When the ship is sinking, though, everyone
looks to the captain to save them. They need to see a calm, composed person in
charge and giving direction, not someone who is panicking!
Training Setters
When training setters, addressing the four skill areas just discussed (physical,
technical, tactical, and leadership) is crucial. Training in some of these skill areas
can be done separately; some can be done in combination. As with all training,
one of the most important things you can do as a coach is to be sure that your
setter is clear on exactly what is being asked of him or her and exactly how you
would like it done. I highly recommend using video as often as possible. Nothing
is more powerful than your setter being able to “see” what you’re talking about
rather than trying to “imagine” what you are talking about. There are countless
studies that show learning is greatly enhanced through seeing and doing, rather
than simply listening.
When addressing the physical training of our setters, we focus intensely on the
physical demands and movements required in the position. We do this through
direct observations of our own setters and others as well as by watching a lot of
video. If you do this, you will find that setters repeat many movement patterns.
Knowing these patterns makes it much easier to design drills that will help your
setters become better at getting to the ball and thereby delivering better sets. We
separate our physical training into generic strength, quickness and agility work,
and setter-specific movement training.
Training Settersâ•… â•… 157
Technical Training
We have our setters come in every day for 30 minutes of training before practice.
This allows us to give them the concentrated repetitions they need to become
proficient in their role. There are many philosophies out there pertaining to
training setters. Some coaches use thousands of very controlled and scripted rep-
etitions with a coach tossing; others advocate a more random approach. I believe
that each method has merit, and we tend to take a more balanced approach in our
setter training.
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Our setters spend the first part of every 30-minute training block setting a
weighted volleyball against a wall to develop strength. They usually do no more
than five minutes of this, but we believe it builds skill-specific strength.
When our setters move to the net, they normally progress from simple to more
difficult drills. I have always been a big believer in creating a feeling of competence
in players by starting with simple drills that provide a lot of touches and a high
success rate and gradually making them more difficult and more challenging.
We use hundreds of drills during these sessions, but the most important thing to
remember when working one on one with setters is to recreate movements and
situations that they will encounter in live play. For example, we usually start with
a coach tossing to the setter because we can control how fast we move and where
specifically we want the setter to set from. Determine the skill your setter needs to
get better at and have her repeat it. It might be using a simple setting technique,
finding the ball after she blocks, setting a tight ball, or moving a ball off the net
to set. We’ve encountered all of them over the years!
Our staple drills include having our setters set multiple balls from multiple
spots in a series. A sequence example is (1) on the net, (2) forward along the net
to zone 4, (3) turn and run back to the setter position on the net, (4) off the net to
finish—four balls in a row all set to zone 4 (left front). You can create any combi-
nation of movement patterns for your setter to move through while tossing balls
for him to set. All great setters need to be comfortable being uncomfortable and
to be able to deliver a hittable ball.
We spend a lot of time making sure setters are comfortable receiving balls from
all spots on the court, not just from the middle of the court where most coaches
toss from. We make sure to toss from left front and left back as well as right back.
In addition, we have our setters set balls that are tossed very high in the air so
that they have to wait for them. Likewise, we also toss flat, fast balls to set. Setters
should also be required to set balls that are spinning (topspin, backspin, sidespin).
In short, be creative and look to recreate what your setter is doing during live play.
Tactical Training
Learning the tactical part of the game is arguably the toughest part of training for
a setter. There is no shortcut; a certain amount of exposure to situations is required
to consistently recognize them and respond correctly. Seeing what the other team
is doing and making the right decision in a split second is not easy. The fact that
there are very few great rookie quarterbacks in the NFL or junior-aged setters
leading their national teams in the Olympics speaks to the difficulty of learning
the tactical part of the game. This is why great young setters from clubs that train
and play at high levels are so valued: there is no substitute for the number of games
they have played and the amount of experience they have had. Those of us who
are not fortunate enough to have one of these young, elite setters can close the
experience gap with training.
A combination of seeing and hearing is required to develop the tactical part of
the game for setters. Coaching feedback is great, but without actually seeing what
Training Settersâ•… â•… 159
the coach is talking about, the setter’s learning is limited. Video feedback is very
effective in training setters in the tactical aspects of the game.
When we look at videos with our setters, we ask that they pay attention to
specific things. First is to look at themselves as they are setting. We ask them to
notice whether they are giving their set away early through poor ball position or
body posture. We also point out situations that often occur during games: do they
have a favorite hitter or set that they always use in certain situations? Do they
tend to attack second balls on only certain passes or in certain rotations? When
they run a play set, do they always run the same option? We also ask them to
watch the opponents to see how they react to what they are doing. Did the play
set have the desired effect? If not, why? Did they get the right hitter against the
right blocker? Being able to see what happened and how their decisions affected
the game is priceless.
In addition to watching videos, we also give our setters strategies for creating
opportunities for our hitters to score. Following are some examples:
Going against the flow. This simply means that the setter tries to set away from
the direction in which she is moving to get the ball. If she is moving toward left
front, she sets to right front; if she is moving toward right front, she sets to left
front. The idea is that the opposing middle blocker will tend to follow the setter;
if the setter sets against the flow, the opposing middle will not be able to close the
block to the outside hitter.
Overloading. This involves bringing multiple hitters into a zone on the net to
have more hitters than blockers.
Creating movement. Moving hitters either into or out of another zone is another
great way for setters to create scoring opportunities for the team.
Creating movement and setting away from that movement. Creating movement
by having attackers move into and out of different zones along the net requires
blockers and defenders to make decisions and communicate assignments. This
preoccupation with movement often gives an uninvolved attacker an opening at
the net to score. An example of this is an X play, in which a middle hitter runs
a slide and the opposite hitter attacks in front of the setter. However, instead of
setting one of the two obvious choices, the setter sets the ball to the outside hitter.
All of these strategies are based on the idea that the more defending players
have to think and the more decisions they have to make, the more slowly they will
react, thereby creating more gaps to score from. This concept is very similar to a
football team using misdirection and movement to freeze defenders, opening gaps
and creating opportunities to score.
Leadership Training
Your setters have to be leaders on your team. By virtue of the position and the
fact that the setter is so heavily involved in directing the team, she must gain the
trust and confidence of her teammates. We have discovered many types of leaders
over the years, and they all have strengths and weaknesses. However, some traits
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and behaviors that we have noticed lend themselves to effective leadership more
than others do.
To lead, setters must earn the respect of their teammates. Notice the word earn.
Respect cannot be given—it must be earned. To earn respect, a setter must be one
of the hardest-working players on the team. He must consistently show that he
will bring it every day for the team.
Your setter needs to be a positive influence in your gym. This does not mean
that the setter does not hold teammates accountable for lack of effort, focus, and
so on, but any feedback to them must be delivered in a nonjudgmental manner.
We as coaches need to work with our setters so that they understand how to give
feedback in a positive, nonthreatening way rather than in a negative, destructive
way. At Mizzou, we tell all of our players that their job is to encourage each other
and compliment great play and great effort. No player likes to have a teammate
telling him what to do and how to do it—that is the coach’s job. The only exception
to that rule at Mizzou concerns effort. I believe that a teammate calling another
out because of a lack of effort is fair game, because effort (or lack of it) is a choice!
We want our players to choose wisely.
You can develop leadership skills in your setters by allowing them to practice
leading and giving feedback on how they are leading. Put them in situations in
which they have control of the team or activity, and then give them feedback on
how they interacted with the team. For example, having your setter lead warm-ups
or stretches gives her an opportunity to direct the team in a nonstressful activity.
Directing the team to huddle up periodically during drills and scrimmages, calling
a time-out during a scrimmage, and choosing the team’s practice on a certain day
are all ways setters can practice leadership. Don’t make the mistake of assuming
that your setter knows how to lead! There are countless ways to help your setter
solidify her place as a leader on a daily basis. As a result, when the team gets into a
stressful match environment, the players will trust the setter and follow her with
analysis gives the coach and setter time to really pick things apart, whereas game-
like drill work involves replicating game situations in practice so that setters are
better prepared come match time.
Spending time with your setters watching videos of practices and matches is
essential for helping them develop a grasp of effective tactics. Getting a clear sense
of what the opponents are doing and how they are responding to the setter’s choices
is very difficult during live play. Video is a great way to help your setter understand
the effects their decisions have on play and whether those decisions are getting
the team the desired results. When we watch videos with our setters, it is a very
two-sided exercise. We ask lots of questions to get them to think through all of
the scenarios they are faced with during competition. For example, we ask them
to pay attention to what the opponent blockers are doing in each rotation. Are
they committing with certain hitters? Are they shading one side? Are they rotating
defensive players a certain way? How did the blockers and defenders respond to
the play set you called? Did they move the way you wanted? If not, why? We ask
lots and lots of questions!
Setters need to think about what they are doing offensively as well—what each
attacker does best and how that fits into the framework of the offense. A major
part of the setter’s job is knowing the type of set each hitter needs to be a good
attacker. Attackers have different sets they can hit well. When calling play sets, the
setter must understand which attack options are available and what types of sets the
attackers are proficient at attacking. Our team is often in a situation in which we
would like to run a particular play set, but we don’t because it does not optimize
the strength of our available attacker. In that case, we defer to the attacker’s best
swing; we would rather have our attacker take her best swing, even if it is against
the opponent’s best blocker.
Situational Training
On-court practice in gamelike situations is best for helping setters develop a clear
understanding of tactics and strategy. As in most of our other drills, we progress
from simple to more complex to give both our setter and our hitters a chance to
feel good about what they are doing and how they are connecting.
Our first priority is making sure our setter and hitters are comfortable execut-
ing the play sets we like to run. We also want to be sure that setters and hitters
understand why we run certain play sets and what we hope to gain. This helps
them understand why certain hitters get set more than others do. We have found
that it motivates the hitters who don’t get set to really sell their fakes because they
understand their role in the larger play set. Working with the setter and hitters
off a simple toss allows coaches to focus on the spacing and timing needed for
running the play well. Once our players understand what we want, we practice
the same play set off a free ball pass and work our way to a pass off a live serve
or dig—once again, moving from simple and easy to more difficult and complex.
Even using this type of progression, we often have to return to simple and easy
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drills if the players are struggling. Again, we want them to feel good about what
they are doing rather than frustrated and angry.
Setters also need to feel comfortable working with multiple attackers when play
is moving pretty fast. To do this, we use what we call our three-ball, three-hitter
drill. We use this drill quite a bit, even in pregame warm-ups to get our setters
and hitters moving and thinking. It is very basic, but initially very difficult for our
setters. In this drill the setter has to set three consecutive balls, passed from our
defensive specialists, to any of three hitters (LH, MH, RH) who are attacking and
transitioning. A coach tosses the balls over the net to the defensive specialist to
pass. The three hitters stay until after the third ball is attacked and then rotate
out as a group. What makes this drill particularly difficult for the setter is that the
coach is sending the next ball over as the previous ball is being attacked; hitters
are calling out what set they want, and things are moving pretty fast. Our intent
is to make things chaotic for our setter so she can practice making good decisions
under pressure.
We also find it very helpful to use drills that create blocking situations that we
commonly see, to help our setters make good decisions. For example, we add block-
ers to our three-ball, three-hitter drill to slow it down a bit. We ask our blockers to
make a series of obvious overloads and commits to, again, give our setter practice
at making the right decision. When we do this, we quietly but constantly ask our
setter questions such as “Why did you set that hitter? Are you attacking a certain
blocker, and if so, why?” No matter what our setters set, we want to be sure they
always have a plan!
Another exercise that has worked well for us in developing setters who think
tactically is weighting scoring in drills to either reward or penalize the outcome
of the setter’s decisions. We use bonus points in drills to reward things such as
getting an attacker a one-on-one situation or scoring with a particular play set we
have been practicing. Likewise, we also assess a penalty point if, for example, the
setter sets a middle hitter into a double block. The bonus, or penalty point, scoring
works well because it allows us, the coaches, to focus on a particular part of the
game during live play and it can be easily used for just about any drill.
Your setters are arguably the most important members of your team. Just as all
great football and basketball teams have great quarterbacks and point guards, all
great volleyball teams have great setters. As coaches, we must be heavily invested
in our setters and be willing to spend the time and energy needed to help them
develop into the great players every great team needs. By focusing on their physical,
technical, tactical, and emotional development, we can prepare our setters for the
physical and emotional challenges they will face during competition. Patience is
a key! Training the setter is a complicated and slow process, but also an extremely
rewarding one that forges a bond between setters and coach that lasts forever.
Training Liberos
Er ik Sullivan
What do great liberos look like? Most coaches would agree that they are strong,
athletic, and explosive; they can move around the court easily and quickly; they
have a great touch when they contact the ball and can control it to the spot of
their choosing; and they can communicate at a level that demands the attention
of everyone on the court. Most players excel in one or, if they are lucky, maybe a
few of these areas, but finding players who are great in all of them is very difficult.
The question then becomes how to help athletes grow to excel in all of these areas.
We use passing as the example of how to train for all the skills a good libero needs.
The other skills are discussed more specifically later in the chapter, including how
to train them. It may be best to first explain how I think about passing and my
philosophy of training athletes to accomplish this skill, as well as the mechanics
behind it.
At the end of the day, controlling the ball is a physics problem. How do we take
a ball in space that has some direction and velocity and redirect it to a particular
area of the court without catching and throwing it? If you think about it, every
skill in volleyball can be addressed in this manner. Once we have figured that out,
the next issue is how to repeat the mechanics of this skill over and over at a high
level. The best way is to make the mechanics and movement of the skill as simple
as possible. We have a tendency to overthink and overcomplicate things.
Players who can create a large, flat platform with the forearms and hold it in
space at the right angle can redirect the ball to where they want it to go. Problem
solved! Great ball controllers can do this while keeping the platform still, or quiet,
relative to the angle they are trying to create to redirect the ball—regardless of
how much movement there is in the rest of their bodies. We spend a lot of time
in practice trying to calm players’ platform movements down. Most of the time,
the ball has enough energy to take it where it needs to go. A libero can take away
or give some energy in subtle ways, but most of the time, the platform should be
fairly still. It should not be swinging in either the vertical or horizontal plane.
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The mechanics used when playing defense are very similar to those used when
passing. The platform mechanics and movement to the ball are the same. Again,
athletes should be trained to be calm and still. Often, the increased speed of the
Training Liberosâ•… â•… 167
on four or five ways to get to the floor, so that they are comfortable with these
options as situations arise.
Training Liberos
Before we address how to train liberos, you should consider the merits of coach-
driven repetitions versus learning to play by playing. Coach-driven repetitions
allow you to increase the quantity and quality of the contacts of all players on your
team; however, because you are initiating most of the contacts, your players have
fewer opportunities to read and see the game. On the flip side, drills initiated by
the athletes have some inherent inefficiencies that diminish the quantity and quality
of contacts, but they will learn to see the game better through their experiences.
Some coaches firmly believe in one training method over the other and train
their teams accordingly regardless of age or skill level. I do not. I believe that
there is a time and a place for both training methods. I tend to believe that with
younger athletes the coach should be more involved, and as players get older and
more skilled, the training method should shift to more of a playing style.
For example, players who are just beginning to pass need a lot of contacts and
feedback in a controlled environment, off a coach’s toss, to learn proper mechanics
and the fundamentals to build the proper motor skill patterns. As they get more
comfortable and efficient in their mechanics, they should transition to passing from
a tossed ball to a server. There is a definite advantage to players learning to pass
the way they will pass during a match. Last I checked, not too many matches are
played with a coach initiating the first ball. These skills are developed by seeing
the server and recognizing things about body position, ball contact, and slight
Training Liberosâ•… â•… 169
variations of the skill, which allows passers to read, or feel, where the ball is going
before it is even in motion. These skills become more important as the level and
speed of the game increase.
Unfortunately, I do not have any magic ball-control or special drill that creates
the perfect libero. This is why I thought it was important to explain my philoso-
phy. The following sections describe the activities I do with beginners as well as
players at the highest level.
Beginner Training
With players just beginning to play volleyball, we try to separate the mechanics
above the waist from those below the waist. We work first on simple platform
formation, hand grip, straight elbows, contact point, and so on. At this point we
introduce a ball from a coach’s toss about 5 to 6 feet away. Players should have
good posture with the lower body, and the ball should come right at them so they
do not need to use any lower-body movement. We then have them move without
introducing a ball, to get an idea of necessary posture as well as foot movement
patterns. Then we bring back the ball and move them around with the toss.
As the movement increases, it is important to stress good fundamental mechanics.
As movement and variability increase, mechanics tend to break down, so players
must create patterns that are desired and mechanically efficient. As they get more
comfortable, you can add more unpredictability and maybe have them pass back
and forth.
The concept of teaching simple, isolated mechanics and then adding movement
and variability can be used at every level, but the starting point is more advanced
for higher-level players. The same concepts apply for teaching defense, serving,
setting, and so on. As players progress, you can increase the distance of the initiated
ball, progress to a served ball, and add other players to increase unpredictability
and variability. Eventually, the progression would lead to more live playing situa-
tions, live serves, passing with multiple players, and passing serve-receive situations.
Advanced Training
As players develop and begin to show some mastery of skills, more repetitions
should come from actual servers. Passers need to learn to pass off a live serve so that
they can learn to see the game. The server gives a lot of subtle cues as to where the
ball is going before and during contact that are important for the passer to identify.
The only way a player can begin to identify these cues is with live repetitions.
On our team we create situations that put the passers at a disadvantage, such
as positioning servers on a stable box a few feet into the court. Even though it is
not gamelike, the passers are still getting repetitions from live servers. Putting the
servers on a stable box makes the passers have to receive tougher serves because
they are contacting the ball from a higher point and the trajectory of the ball tends
to be flatter and therefore more difficult to pass.
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Digging Training
When training digging, we also progress from coach-driven repetitions to more
live repetitions as players develop. We like to separate what is going on above and
below the waist for players who are just beginning. At the lowest level, we hit balls
right at diggers, so that they are not required to move much and they can focus on
platform formation, position, body posture, and good platform angle formation
to deflect the ball. Players also practice some movements without the ball: shuf-
fling out of base position to other desired defensive positions, sprawling, rolling,
and pancaking (see figure 14.5). As they get more comfortable with mechanics,
we combine the two training methods by adding movements to coach-driven
repetitions and changing where the ball is hit relative to players’ body positions.
Figure 14.5â•… A player uses a pancake move to play the ball up.
Mental Training
Liberos also need to develop their mental game. This can be a very big asset not
only for them, but also for the team. If your libero is the best ball controller on
your team and you can teach her to be aggressive and take more balls in a bigger
area on the court, this can dramatically increase your first-ball contact results. Also,
if you can teach your libero to share your mind-set in terms of what you would
like to see from your passers and defenders, she can be a court coach for you and
your team. A libero who can help direct traffic in the back row and in serve receive
can be invaluable.
Great liberos are huge assets to their teams, although they are often overlooked
because they typically do not score a lot of points. However, more often than
not, great teams have great liberos who prevent a lot of points from being scored
against them. These players can be the ball-control glue that holds their teams
together. Many act as back-row coaches on the court directing traffic during the
game. Spending time and effort on training your libero can definitely make your
team better.
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Part f ou r
Match preparation
and strategy
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Deliberate Practice Concepts
Gyl ton B. Da M atta, PhD
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play for a lifetime. Also, because the neuromuscular system determines the outcome
of motor performances, more practice is only helpful if it is quality practice.
I recommend intensive training for young players who express a willingness to
put in the effort, time, and resources to work toward playing on national volleyball
teams. All volleyball players should practice no less than three times per week, and
additional physical conditioning and technical practices should bring their total
commitment to five times per week. This is important to acquire the physiological
adaptations for fine motor skills (Ericsson, 2000). Also important to consider are
critical windows of learning, maturational factors, and balancing other variables
such as social life and schooling (Knudson & Morrison, 1997).
Ideally, coaches should modify the environment for their athletes. In volleyball,
each skill (serving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking, and digging) is unique;
however, many other abilities are required to play the game well. For instance, a
player must understand the game, have body and ball control, and avoid making
unnecessary mistakes (i.e., unforced errors). Sport fundamentals, physical abilities
(e.g., vertical jump, agility, coordination, timing, dexterity), and mental (or cogni-
tive) skills are critical at all levels of performance. The practice environment should
elicit motor responses that directly transfer to the motor skills in volleyball. For
this reason, coaches must create practice situations that best resemble the game
(Morrow et al., 2010).
Spiking a ball in a closed skill situation might help young and late-maturing
players acquire proper spiking form. The environment can promote finesse and
expertise by having posters of top performers exhibiting excellent technique. Proper
modeling and video feedback are highly recommended when teaching both elite
and beginner players.
some of these building blocks in athletes’ physical and cognitive repertoire. One
example of cognitive skills is an athlete’s ability to understand the game, know
about tactics, and develop critical thinking skills under pressure. Thus, the bal-
ance between practicing and playing (tactical development) is the key concept in
deliberate practice in volleyball (Werner, Thorpe & Bunker, 1996).
Elite Brazilian players reported that when learning volleyball, they proceeded
through a sequence of phases that represented stages of tactical development (Da
Matta, 2004). With its simple-to-complex approach, deliberate practice exposes
players to the game on day one, during which they learn some critical volleyball
fundamentals. Following are the five levels of learning proposed by the FIVB
through mini-volleyball.
Five Levels of Mini-Volleyball
Quality of Practice
Variable practice, skills assessments, individualization, and customized approaches
are some of the basic DPT principles for volleyball. For instance, to develop a
follow-through at the midline, players use dumbbells and tennis rackets to create
the desired outcome (elbow high, contact at maximal reach, and follow-through
at the midline). Practice quality is directly related to teaching practices that result
in the permanent learning of correct (effective and efficient) movement patterns.
Good planning is one characteristic of a quality practice. Other characteristics
are appropriate coach-to-athlete ratios, enough equipment, quality space, enough
time allocated to optimal practice, and an atmosphere that promotes learning.
Volleyball is an ideal sport for elementary, middle, and high school age children.
Good coaches are good teachers, but to achieve excellence, coaches must be experts
in designing practice sessions. I have asked 12 top coaches to design 10 practice
sessions that they would recommend for clubs and for schools.
The following are some examples of lessons plans in a very condensed format.
Practice Session 2
Sitting sets from a partner: Placement-draw-hold-push
Setting on knee from a partner toss
Setting back and forth with a bounce
Mini-volleyball: 2v2 Changing positions and focusing on talking aloud
Video on mini-volleyball
Warm-up: review spike
Review setting and establishing parameters. Setting from P3/P2 facing to
P4S1: Multiple contacts from various points close to the center court,
squared to P4:
–â•fiS2: Catch and throw a basketball
–â•fiS3: Set back and forth with a bounce and set to
Practice Session 3
Introduction to passing
Video on passing: Show the whole skill
Ready position: Describe and explain preparation phase, execution, and
Run-through; catch volleyball before it goes off court
Catch tennis balls on the floor
Teach grip pattern, arm positions, shoulders, and base of support
Practicing platform without a ball; then self-passing with a bounce and
then self-passing with no bounce
Passing against a wall I: Multiple contacts close to the wall
Passing against a wall II: Passing off the wall, but let it bounce once
Passing against a wall III: Passing 10 feet away from the wall, no bounce
Mini-volleyball 2v2: setting only three bounces
Warm-up: blocking, attacking transition routes
Passing and setting I, II, III
Pass-set: Pass it over triangle drill. A back row player passes the ball to
the setter, who sets to an attacker, who passes the ball over the net; the
coach initiates this ball control drill will a toss, a downball, or a serve
Play 2v2 doubles
Practice Session 4
Underhand serve progression: Base of support, hitting arm fully extended
back, contact the ball with hands open, follow through with hitting arm
pointed at the target
Play, play, and play class: A whole practice dedicated to playing volleyball
(Play 1v1 with modified rules; play 2v2 like beach volleyball, play 4v4
and then play 6v6)
Mini-volleyball: 3v3 bounces, use motivational fun scoring system (1
point for opponent’s mistakes, 2 points for aces, 3 points for three hits
followed by a kill, 4 points for blocking, and 5 points for exceptional
plays such as long rallies)
Practice Session 5
Warm-up: Shadow drill routes and movement training (no balls)
Blocking and attack routes
4v4: Setting and following the ball (passing)
Ball control drill: Pepper with a pass, set, spike; Pepper using tips, roll
shots, then ball control with down balls and finally with a jump at the
moment of the spike
Hitting lines off a partner’s tosses
Ball control drill over the net, playing in half-court
Mini-volleyball: 4v4, one bounce
Three touches
Underhand serve, then serving from the ground, then jump-serving
Center front sets and blocks
Practice Session 6
Warm-up: Arms
Butterfly drill
Ball control I, II, III
Pepper 2 v 2, three hits mandatory
Right-side sets
Only left front hits
Practice underhand serve on targets
Cool-down, homework, official rules
Practice Session 7
Warm-up: History of volleyball
Arm warm-up against a wall (focus on reach and snapping the wrist)
Overhead floater serve, then overhead jump-floater serves
Hitting lines: 2s and 4s followed by playing queen of the court 3v3
Mini-volleyball: 5v5 right-side sets, left-front hits
Practice overhead serve
Cool-down: relaxation
Health-related fitness: Aerobic resistance and cardiorespiratory founda-
tion for fitness and for life
184â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Practice Session 8
Warm-up: Video on 6v6 (teaching the 4-2, 6-2 and 5-1 systems)
Hitting review: Focus on reaching the ball at the peak of the jump and
landing properly
Setting sequence I, II
Passing sequence I, II
Pepper 3v3 I, II
Volleyball game: 6v6, center-front sets
Homework: Compare beach and indoor volleyball
Conditioning for volleyball: Muscular strength, muscular endurance, flex-
ibility, and body composition
Practice Session 9
Warm-up: 6 × 6 shadow drill
Front-row block and off blocker cover
Pepper I, II, III
Triples: King of the court
4v4 motivational scoring system
6v6 modified game, situational training, lower net/higher net, and special
scoring (3 points for stuff blocking or 5 points for winning long rallies)
Homework: Volleyball website research (Visit www.usavolleyball.org)
Practice Session 10
Warm-up: Playing triples; back row exchange or queen/king of the court
Volleyball tournament or volleyball festival
Assessment, rules, strategies and technique, theoretical test
Video or rubric: Assessment process or product
Health-related fitness: Volleyball for a lifetime; why is volleyball a lifelong
Assessment Rubric: Passing (Underhand or Overhead)
Skill performance
Name: _________________________________ Score: _____/ 36 points
E-mail: ___________________ Phone: ______________________
Evaluator: ___________________
Task: _________________________________________________
Assessment Rubric: Setting
Skill performance
Name: _________________________________ Score: _____/ 36 points
E-mail: ___________________ Phone: ______________________
Evaluator: ___________________
Task: _________________________________________________
Assessment Rubric: Spiking
Skill performance
Name: _________________________________ Score: _____/ 36 points
E-mail: ___________________ Phone: ______________________
Evaluator: ___________________
Task: _________________________________________________
Assessment Rubric: Blocking—Dynamic Action
Skill performance
Name: _________________________________ Score: _____/ 36 points
E-mail: ___________________ Phone: ______________________
Evaluator: ___________________
Task: _________________________________________________
Preparation phase
• Watch pass, setter, hitter ______
• Front projection of hitter’s approach ______
• Load and delay (explode if late) ______
Execution phase
• Extend and mark quick set ______
• Giant step outside ______
• Close step, jump, and arm swing ______
• Front net; penetrate block ______
• Push to middle of court ______
Follow-through phase
• Keep arms high ______
• Outside hand turned in ______
• Land softly and balanced ______
• Transition into new action (base) ______
Assessment Rubric: Defense
Skill performance
Name: _________________________________ Score: _____/ 36 points
E-mail: ___________________ Phone: ______________________
Evaluator: ___________________
Task: _________________________________________________
Preparation phase
• Base, read, release ______
• Low posture ______
• Body balanced forward ______
Execution phase
• Move forward ______
• Heart-shaped grip ______
• Crown (cross thumbs back) ______
• Dig ball up to middle of court ______
• Good use of shoulder roll or side landing ______
Follow-through phase
• Continuity of movement ______
• Base to release ______
• Talking ______
• Relax; be cool on hard-driven spikes ______
194â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Volleyball players have achieved a level of performance never seen before. The
technical training, physical conditioning, and technology adopted by top teams
in the world have established a new paradigm as well as new standards that top
coaches have adopted, adapted, and incorporated into their practices. Teams that
invest in research, technical development, and long-term athlete development will
advance their performances and stand out from their opponents and counterparts.
Bloom, B.S. (1985). Developing talent in young people. New York: Ballantine Books.
Côté, J., Baker, J., & Abernethy, B. (2003). From play to practice: A developmental
framework for the acquisition of expertise in team sports. In J.L. Starkes and K.A.
Ericsson (Eds.), Expert performance in sports: Advances in research on sport expertise
(pp.175-209). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Da Matta, G. (2004). The role of deliberate practice and social support systems on the
expertise development of women volleyball players in Brazil. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Ericsson, K.A. (1996). Expertise and deliberate practice research issues. The road to
excellence: The acquisition of expert performance in the arts and sciences, sports, and games.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Ericsson, K.A. (2000). How experts attain and maintain superior performance: Impli-
cations for the enhancement of skilled performance in older individuals. Journal of
Aging and Physical Activity, 8, 366-372.
Ericsson, K.A., Krampe, R.T., & Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate prac-
tice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review, 100 (3), 363-406.
FIVB. (2014). FIVB operational manual IV—Extended theoretical information (pp. 122-139).
Lausanne, Switzerland: Author.
Gabbett, T., Georgieff, B., & Domrow, N. (2007). The use of physiological, anthro-
pometric, and skill data to predict selection in a talent-identified junior volleyball
squad. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25, 1337-1344.
Lund, J., & Tannehill, D. (2010). Standards-based physical education curriculum development
(2nd ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
Knudson, D.V., & Morrison, S.S. (1997). Qualitative analysis of human movement. Cham-
paign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Newell, K.M. (1986). Constraints on the development of coordination. In M.G. Wade
& H.T.A. Whiting (Eds.), Motor development in children: Aspects of coordination and
control (pp. 341-361). Amsterdam: Martin Nijhoff.
Morrow, J., Jr., Jackson, A., Disch, J., & Mood, D. (2010). Measurement and evaluation
in human performance (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Robertson, D.G., Caldwell, G.E., Hamill, J., Kamen, G., & Whittlesey, S.N. (2014).
Research methods in biomechanics (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Werner, P., Thorpe, R. and Bunker, D. (1996). Teaching games for understanding: Evo-
lution of a model. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1 (67), 28-33.
Deliberate Practice Conceptsâ•… â•… 195
Related Links
Related Articles
Mandigo, J.L. (2003). Using problem-based learning to enhance tactical awareness in
target games. In J. Butler, L. Griffin, B. Lombardo, & R. Natasi (Eds.), Teaching games
for understanding in physical education and sport: An international perspective (pp. 15-28).
Oxon Hill, MD: National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
Mandigo, J.L., & Anderson, A.T. (2003). Using the pedagogical principles in net/wall
games to enhance teaching effectiveness. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 14
(1), 8-11.
Mandigo, J.L., & Holt, N.L. (2003, October 17). A practitioners guide to Teaching Games
for Understanding. Oral presentation at the Ontario Physical and Health Education
Conference, Orillia, Ontario.
Mandigo, J.L., & Holt, N.L. (2000). The inclusion of optimal challenge in teaching
games for understanding. Physical and Health Education Journal, 66 (3), 14-19.
Mandigo, J.L., & Sheppard, J. (2003, October 25). Putting the “U” back into games:
Pedagogical principles in Teaching Games for Understanding. Oral presentation at the
Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance Confer-
ence, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Mandigo, J.L., & Sheppard, J. (2003, December 12). Children’s affective experiences in
TGfU game environments. Presentation at the Second International Conference on
Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding, Melbourne, Australia.
Sheppard, J., & Mandigo, J. L. (2003, December 11). Understanding games by play-
ing games: An illustrative example of Canada’s Play Sport program. Presentation at the
Second International Conference on Teaching Sport and Physical Education for
Understanding, Melbourne, Australia.
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Scouting Opponents
the Right Way
Joe Tr insey
Over the course of a season, volleyball coaches make thousands of decisions about
their teams. They instruct players on the fundamental skills, teach strategy, plan
practices, and handle administrative duties. At many levels of play, coaches have
two other important tasks: scouting opponents and preparing game plans. At its
core, a game plan is a simple thing; it’s a statement of what your team needs to do
to maximize its chances of defeating an opponent. Some challenges are involved in
scouting and game planning, but a coach must always remember to go back to
this basic definition.
198â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
A game plan, then, is not just preparation for an opponent, but an expression of
what you have worked for and what you value as a coach. The way you prepare
for your toughest opponents should reflect the things you value in the game of
volleyball as a whole.
Gathering Information:
What’s Important and What’s Not?
It’s a great idea to have a checklist to run down every time you begin to scout an
opponent. Splitting this checklist into these four sections is helpful: serve and pass,
opponent offense, opponent defense, and lineups and matchups.
Sample Serve and Pass Scouting Checklist
◆⊃ Who is their overall weakest passer?
◆⊃ Do any passers have a strong preference to pass float serves with their hands?
◆⊃ Do any of their passers struggle to pass on their left or right?
◆⊃ Do they have any rotations with a seam between two weak passers?
◆⊃ Do they have any jump spin servers, and what are their tendencies?
◆⊃ Will any of their servers hit a short serve? Will they do it on their first time
◆⊃ Who are their secondary hitters, and what are their tendencies?
◆⊃ Do any hitters like to tip or hit an off-speed shot? In what situations? Do
◆⊃ Does the setter make the long set backward or forward when running in
the ball?
Sample Opponent Defense Checklist
◆⊃ What is the best option when our outside hitters have to take a tough swing?
◆⊃ Does their line digger cheat up, thereby becoming susceptible to a roll
◆⊃ What do their middle blockers do?
◆⊃ Do their wing blockers help in the middle or stay wide and just block the
outside attackers?
◆⊃ Do they have any servers who are weak defenders? Some middles do not
play the tip well after serving and can be beat short for an easy point.
◆⊃ Can this team be beat on a setter tip?
◆⊃ If they lose a game, will they flip their outsides or middles (or both) to get
different matchups?
◆⊃ What are their most common substitution patterns? Do they substitute only
when losing, or will they substitute with a specific goal in mind? (Example:
bringing in a defensively minded outside hitter who they will not set as
◆⊃ Based on their trend of rotations they start in, and the rotation I like to start
◆⊃ Are any of these matchups especially good or bad? Should we think about
spinning our rotation to get better matchups for our hitters or to neutralize
an advantage they have?
These sample checklists are by no means exhaustive. At higher levels of play,
checklists will be significantly longer and more detailed, and cover a much wider
range of situations. On the flip side, a high school or club coach of a young team
probably doesn’t need to worry about all or even most of that information.
Putting It Together
After you have watched as many live matches and as much scout video as possible,
and gathered as much statistical data as possible, it’s time to turn this information
into a game plan. You must decide what your team is capable of implementing,
and what, if any, changes or deviations you want to make from your base system.
The following sections provide a few things to consider.
Skill Level
Many smart coaches have said, “Never attempt tactically what you cannot execute
technically.” Players may not have the skill level to execute a sophisticated game
plan. A rule of thumb is that if you haven’t executed something well in practice,
don’t expect to win any games using it, no matter how good the matchup is.
Scouting Opponents the Right Wayâ•… â•… 201
Training Time
How much training time do you have? How much training time do you want to
dedicate to preparing for a specific team? If you think a particular combination
play is the key to attacking another team’s defense, but you only have one practice
before the upcoming match, you might not have enough time to train this play
well enough to execute it in competition. Depending on the age of your team and
the phase of the season, you might want to ignore any specific preparation and
instead focus on strengthening your system.
In rotation 6, they run the middle on a slide but almost never set him; our
middle blockers should cheat toward the outside to stop that. In rotation 2,
they sometimes like to run an X play; blockers need to make sure to see it hap-
pening early and communicate if the hitters are changing zones.
4. Do we have any matchups to exploit on our offensive end?
Sample: Their outside hitter #4 is a small, undisciplined blocker, so we will
look to backset the right side or the slide as much as possible when she is front
row. Their middles are poor defenders, so our setter is free to dump whenever
they serve.
5. Who are their secondary offensive options, and do we need to
prepare specifically for them?
Sample: Middle hitter #8 is a good quick hitter, but only when he gets a perfect
set. When the pass isn’t perfect, we won’t worry about him, but we may com-
mit (jump with the quick hitter) on a perfect pass. The opposite (right-side hit-
ter) #11 will tip every set that isn’t perfect, so our off blocker will come across
to play for tip on him. Their setter almost never dumps.
The final thing to remember when building your game plan is that everything
should be linked to an action your team will take on the court. Don’t become a
journalist, describing the other team without any thought of what your team will
do to counter. Determine a few specific things to do, and make sure your team
can do them well.
Serving Target
Will you try to serve one player consistently the whole match, or will it change
depending on the game situation, such as serving the front-row outside hitter or
into a seam in a specific rotation? This is probably the most important part of
your scouting report. See the special element, Sample Game: Part I, for examples
of the serving target.
Passing Notes
You may or may not want to include specific notes on their servers for your pass-
ers. Remember to focus on the actions you want your passers to take, instead of
simply describing the servers.
Hitter Tendencies
It is good to include information about their hitters—specifically, how you want
your blockers to line up and any adjustments you want your backcourt defenders
to make. If time is limited, just pick their one or two main hitters.
Setter Notes
You may want to include some notes on their setter(s), describing any tendencies
they have and how much you want your blockers/defenders to read and respect
the setter attack. See Sample Game Plan: Part I for sample scout rotations based
on setter locations.
Keys to Victory
Although presenting keys to victory can seem cliché, sometimes listing three to
five simple keys can help the players focus on what is most important. The best
keys are often not opponent specific. They can simply be reminders of the most
important parts of your system, so the players have them in mind before they
study the specifics of the opponent. See the bulleted list of sample keys in Sample
Game Plan: Part I.
Sample Game Plan: Part I
Serving Target Player #1
sible, especially short.
• If they hide #12, attack the deep seams 4 10
between two passers.
Passing Notes 12 3
• #10 likes to short serve on her second 5
time up.
• #12 hits a hard jump-spin that moves Player #5
from left to right. Passers communicate
early in the seam. Note: Serving target.
12 L 10 12 L 10 L 12 10
5 3 5 1
1 2 3
E6283/AVCA/fig16.04b/513764/alw/r2 E6283/AVCA/fig16.04d/513766/alw/r2
3 3 3
L 12 10 10 L 12 L 10 12
1 1
4 5 6
Note: Scout rotation numbers are based on where the setter is located. Indicate where each player
E6283/AVCA/fig16.04e/513767/alw/r2E6283/AVCA/fig16.04f/513768/alw/r2 E6283/AVCA/fig16.04g/513769/alw/r2
will pass and attack for each rotation.
Scouting Opponents the Right Wayâ•… â•… 205
Keys to Victory
• Communicate: Passers communicate in the seams and call out their short serves
• Deep Corners: Hitters look to go deep to their corners, especially if we’re out-of-
• Pursue: Watch the tips and rolls and pursue them relentlessly. Nothing hits!
Serving Target
Highlight or otherwise emphasize the serving target in each rotation, even if it
is the same one. This is so important that you should mention it over and over
throughout the scouting report.
Hitter Routes
What plays do they run in each rotation? Do they change, or do they run the same
thing in each rotation throughout the game?
Setting Trend
Do they prefer to set one hitter more than the others in a particular rotation?
Scouting Meetings
Somewhere along the line, you probably had a class in which you sat in your
chair trying not to fall asleep while the teacher read the lecture notes in a boring,
monotone voice. Don’t let your scouting meetings be like this! If you remember
that the laws of learning still apply even when you’re off the court, your scouting
meetings will be much more productive. The following sections provide some tips
for making your scouting meetings more productive.
Sample Game Plan: Part II
#12 OH: Block her crosscourt from both the #10 OH: Block her line on the outside, and line
outside and the right side. Watch the tips on diggerE6283/AVCA/fig16.03b/525901/alw/r2
stay deep. Right-back watch her cut-
a bad set. ting the ball back to deep 1 where she hits the
back row.
#5 MB: Prefers to hit a tight quick and almost
E6283/AVCA/fig16.03e/525904/alw/r2 # 15 Backup OH: Watch the tips and rolls on
always hits sharp to zone 5. Middle blocker line any set.E6283/AVCA/fig16.03f/525905/alw/r2
Off-blockers come across the middle
up with this angle, and left-side blocker help out. to help out with this.
Note: Dotted lines refer to ball direction. Dots refer to tipped or rolled balls.
Setter Notes
• Loves to make the long set, so be ready for her to set back when she is run-
ning forward and set forward when she is moving back into zone 2.
• Almost never dumps, so if she is jumping near the set, it is usually to jump-
set the quick. Blockers wait on the setter, and then go up on the quick.
• When the game is tight, or after we’ve scored a couple of points in a row, she
will look to go to #10. Make sure we get a double-block up on her.
208â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Keep It Simple
When in doubt, say less. If you cover only two or three things in the scouting
meeting, but your players know them inside and out and can execute them at a
high level, you will have an excellent chance to win. If you overwhelm your players
with too much information, you risk their losing all of it.
Incorporating Video
One of the best ways to engage players and enhance the scouting report is to use
video. Collegiate and professional teams use sophisticated scouting software that
can tag every contact, which makes it easy to call up anything the coach needs for
a scouting meeting. If you have the ability to create video montages of all swings
by a particular opposing hitter, or to go through and pull out all of the opponent’s
side-out opportunities in a particular rotation, then please do so! Hearing or read-
ing about it is one thing, but seeing what the opponent does on video is incredibly
helpful to players. If you don’t have access to this sort of scouting software, a good
replacement is to simply go through the video and find a number of plays to watch.
Record the time they took place in the video and write down a note for each play.
You can then skip to those plays in the scouting meeting.
Scouting Opponents the Right Wayâ•… â•… 209
Pregame Communication
Your scouting meeting could have been hours before the match started, or even
at a previous day’s practice. Given the distraction of warm-ups, introductions, and
nervousness, your players may have forgotten some important things. Use a short
pregame huddle to quickly remind them of the important keys. If you have done
your homework, you will have a good idea of their starting rotation, so tailor your
comments to what will likely happen at the start of the match.
Find a player on the bench who is getting ready to enter the game, and remind him
of what he needs to execute on the upcoming points. He can also be responsible
for carrying information to his teammates. This is much more effective than trying
to shout out onto the court, especially in a loud arena!
210â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Use your time-outs to deliver short bursts of information. This is not the time to
get into detailed explanations of why you devised a particular strategy (hopefully,
you’ve already done that in practice and your scouting meeting). Now is the time
to keep things simple and give players one or two things they can focus on to help
them win the next point.
If your team is fortunate enough to have a dedicated statistician during the match,
this person can record valuable information. You can track the success of your
rotations (and theirs), track which hitters are hitting with the highest efficiency,
and see which passers are struggling. However, one thing to keep in mind is that
statistics are not valid until you are well into the match; studies have shown that a
Scouting Opponents the Right Wayâ•… â•… 211
player’s first five passes of the match do not predict how that player will pass the
rest of the match. A rule of thumb is to witness at least 10 attempts (whether it’s
passing, hitting, or serving) before basing decisions off statistics. This may mean
that statistics don’t come heavily into play until the third set of the match.
Coaching Eye
Statistics are often superior to the human eye for charting long-term trends, but
the human eye can be superior at spotting a pattern from a small amount of data.
The key is to observe not the result as much as the process behind it. For example,
if you scout a team and notice that they don’t rely much on their middle attack and
they score on two quick sets early in the game, you need to consider a few things
before deciding whether to make an adjustment. If both kills were on medium-
speed hits that your defenders just mishandled, you might want to keep everything
the same and expect your team to just execute better next time. However, if the
setter–hitter connection is perfect and their middles thunder the ball to the floor
in a way you hadn’t seen previously, then maybe they have changed something in
their game. You may want to make an adjustment to match it.
Player Feedback
Using player feedback is helpful, but it has to be done carefully and respectfully.
Your players should feel empowered to pay attention to the game situations and
suggest changes as the match goes on. These adjustments might be best made
between sets, when you all have a little more time to discuss them.
As a coach, you will develop your own style regarding when to make changes.
Some coaches prefer to base changes on certain statistical criteria, whereas some
like to use their eye. Some coaches like to adjust during the match, and some adjust
only after losing a set. With each match you will gain more experience and improve
in your ability to implement a game plan and adjust it as the match goes on.
212â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
◆⊃ Transition
◆⊃ How the top attackers on each team performed and how the other team
defended them
◆⊃ The lineups each team started with any changes they made and the match-
You can gather this information from several sources. Hopefully, you have some
way to record statistics for your matches. Statistical software programs, ranging
from simple to advanced, can help you track stats during a match. However, at
many levels, simple statistics recorded on paper can be very effective. Tables 16.1
and 16.2 are examples of ways to tally your results after a game.
In addition to statistics, you should use your eyes to add qualitative information
to the evaluation. You can do this from your memory of the match, but the best way
to do this is to use video. Many computer programs allow a coaching staff to code
and tag video to record and recall specific events, but even without that, you can
still go through and watch the match video and write down observations. Watch
some attacks by your opponent’s best hitter and see how your team defended them
and how well it worked. Just as important, look at how your opponent defended
your best attacker. If they were able to slow her down, understand that another
team, whether through scouting or just as part of its system, will use the same
strategy, so be prepared to deal with that in the future.
After reviewing this information, an important task is to translate this into
teachable moments for yourself, your staff, and your players. Usually, the match
will fall into one of the following four categories:
1. The team executed the game plan and played well. This is always the hope for
all coaches! After a match like this, point out what the team did well and
emphasize the importance of continuing to do so.
2. The team did not execute the game plan, but still played well. This is not a bad
result at all, because it means that you are teaching your team enough
fundamental skills to win without executing a specific game plan. These
types of matches are important for the staff to review to figure out how to
improve the game plan. You may need to adjust the way you scout (to give
your players more accurate information) or change the way you present the
information to players.
3. The team executed the game plan and played poorly. After a match like this,
decide whether the game plan was incorrect, or whether the problem was
with fundamental skills execution.
4. The team did not execute the game plan and played poorly. Review the match and
decide whether the team would have done better by following the game plan
more attentively, or whether the issue was more related to a lack of skill.
Many of these teachable moments are just as important for the coaching staff as
they are for the players. Keep in mind that the goal of scouting and game plan-
ning is to help the players be as successful as they can in the match, not to follow
214â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
something because it sounds good on paper. Consider what you could have done
better as a coach to prepare your players. Did a situation occur in the match that
you didn’t see coming? Add that to your scouting checklist. Were you able to slow
down their best hitter? Write down that note and come back to it the next time
you play a similar hitter. Did your players struggle to retain the information in the
scouting report? Think about a better way to present the information, or simplify
things so you don’t overload them. By constantly reviewing your decisions, you can
improve your process and continue to get better at scouting and game planning.
In time, you will be able to consistently put your players in position to win, even
against your toughest opponents.
Statistics for More
Effective Coaching
Todd Dagenais
I was lousy at math growing up. I could never conceptualize the importance of
numbers and how they worked. It’s really ironic how important math has become
to my career as a volleyball coach and educator.
Sports give us the ultimate opportunity to use statistics to train our teams and
shape the environments they compete in. Of course, in many situations the out-
come of an athletic battle simply comes down to who has the most talent. However,
when the talent level is reasonably close between teams, the understanding of
math and statistics can tip the scales in favor of one team. Just look at the baseball
phenomenon chronicled in the film Moneyball. How could an unheralded team
of nobodies possibly contend for the Major League Baseball championship? The
answer is simple: math. A tightly contested volleyball game can be decided by 2
points, and I believe that understanding math can be worth at least 5 points.
On the other hand, statistics lie. There, I said it. It’s always the elephant in
the room when making a presentation about volleyball statistics. No chapter on
volleyball statistics would be complete without this disclaimer. Numbers can be
manipulated to create any story you are trying to sell. So why use them? The fol-
lowing four sections answer this dilemma.
216â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
poor passing leading to low-quality attacks against a triple block? These are the
real questions that need to be answered. An example later in this chapter illustrates
how statistics force us to look deeper and ask the right questions.
Comparing Performances
to Statistical Goals
Every team has statistical goals; I like to call ours performance axioms (ours are
listed at the end of this chapter). Each year we try to take a close and honest look
at the makeup of our team. From there, we decide what type of statistical marks
we need to hit for maximal performance. We take a look at each of our statisti-
cal measurements during drills and competition and then compare them to our
performance axioms to determine our team’s progressions and regressions. We all
know that practice time is very valuable. Smart use of statistics maximizes a team’s
time in the gym and ensures that players are working on the areas in which they
need the most improvement.
Tracking Statistics
It’s really easy to say that detailed statistics should be taken during every practice
and every competition. At the NCAA Division I level, a full staff and coaches are
dedicated exclusively to the Data Volley statistical program. More often than not,
recording statistics is the job of an assistant coach, bench player, or parent. I firmly
believe that coaches should put coaching as their first priority. Coaches who have
difficulty taking statistics and providing real-time feedback to their athletes should
delegate the statistics to someone else. Those with limited options for statisticians
are better off video-recording the match or practice and recording statistics from
the video later.
218â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
The summer USA Volleyball High Performance teams often have a limited
number of staff members. Obviously, the Olympic pipeline for USA Volleyball is
extremely important, so recording quality statistics is as well. Following are some
methods that can be used with a pen and paper and a limited staff.
Box Chart
Using a box chart, a coach can record multiple statistics at one time. The follow-
ing box chart (table 17.1) shows who executed the serve receive, the rating of the
pass, and what happened after the pass was set.
We can gather a great deal of information from this chart. First, Jocelyn had 25
total passes for 43 total passing points. That means that her passing efficiency was
1.72 (43 passing points divided by 25 passes). We also know that 6 of her passes
resulted in a first-ball kill, 10 passes resulted in a ball kept in play, 4 passes resulted
in a first-ball error, and she was aced 5 times. We also can determine that 9 of her
25 passes were perfect (36 percent). This box chart can be used to track multiple
stats for several players. The data can also be used to extrapolate areas of strength
and weakness in a particular skill.
Stat Line
Using a stat line also works very well when a coach doesn’t have enough time to
chart events. With this method it’s quite simple to keep track of many statistics at
once. Following is a stat line chart for attacking, passing, and defense.
Luc: K 3 3 D 0 B A 3 2 D A B K E E
The translation of Luc’s stat line would read like this from the first stat entry:
kill, three pass, three pass, dig, zero pass, block, attack attempt, three pass, two
pass, dig, attack attempt, block, kill, attack error, attack error. From this stat line
we can determine the following about Luc’s performance:
2 kills + 2 attack errors + 2 other attack attempts = 6 attempts
2 kills out of 6 attempts = 33% (kill percentage)
Statistics for More Effective Coachingâ•… â•… 219
Serve-Receive Statistics
One of the most common ways to determine the success of your serve-receive
game is to grade each serve reception.
4 pass
3 pass
3 pass
2 pass 2 pass
1 pass 1 pass
Figure 17.1â•… Passing average, 3-point Figure 17.2â•… Passing average, 4-point
scale. scale.
E6283/AVCA/fig17.01/513770/alw/r2 E6283/AVCA/fig17.02/513771/alw/r2
Passing Average
(Weighted Scale)
Recently, I had a conversation with
Jim Dietz, who is the very numbers-
savvy head coach for Lincoln Land
Community College in Illinois. He
has been working with a passing scale
that is weighted to include an expected
success outcome based on the quality 5 pass
of a pass (see figure 17.3). It’s fair to say
that a 2 pass is twice as likely to yield a
2 pass
point as a 1 pass. A 5 pass is 5 times as
likely to yield a point as a 1 pass. The
team goal is to achieve 3.30, or a 60
1 pass
percent 5 pass.
Table 17.4â•… Analyzing Rotations Using the Plus and Minus System
Rotation Plus and Minus Plus Minus Overall
1 + - - - + - + - - - + + - - + + + - - + +9 -11 -2
2 + + - - + - + - + - + + - - + + + + - + +12 -8 +4
3 - - - - + - - - - - + + + - + + + + - + +9 -11 -2
4 + - - - + - + - - - + - - - - - + - - + +6 -14 -8
5 + - - + + - + - - - + + + - + + + - - + +11 -9 +2
6 + - - - + - + + - - + + - - + + + - - + +10 -10 +0
Explanation: positive (points scored in a rotation) minus (points given up in a rotation)
The line grid (table 17.4) tells a coach that rotation 4 needs the most work in
practice, rotation 2 is the best rotation, and the other rotations are slightly positive
or negative. They would warrant attention, but not as much as the weakest rotation.
226â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
error (BHE). The following table 17.6 is the same as the preceding, but the plus
and minus points are on different lines, and the terminal point is recorded instead
of a plus or a minus.
Our statistics are helping us to ask the right questions. The answers to those
questions are now becoming a bit clearer. Of the eight points we are losing in the
serve-receive phase of rotation 4, five of them are service aces. Our rotation 4
passing is terrible! Now we must go to work in practice to determine whether it’s
the result of a receiving footwork issue, a body position issue, or a passing platform
issue. Most important, we have to determine which players are causing the issue.
We can use the same plus and minus grid for individual players.
Earlier, we discussed our goals for side-out percentage (62 percent) and point
scoring (43 percent). If you add these two percentages together and the total is
over 100 percent, you will never lose. If you have a weak serving, blocking, and
defense team, then you had better be above average in the serve-receive, setting,
and first-ball kill game. I can tell you that it is much easier to increase the percent-
age of the serving phase than it is to increase the combined percentages of the
serve-receive phase. However, it’s important to accept the identity of the team you
coach. Accentuate the positives and continue to work on the negatives.
This section presents our team’s statistical goals, or axioms, in each phase of the
game. These numbers are based on studying hundreds of matches, asking advice
from coaches at all levels, and examining the number marks achieved by teams
that win at all levels. You may adjust these numbers up or down based on the level
of competition you play.
Serve-Receive Phase
Side-out percentage (SO%) 62%
Passing efficiency 2.30 (3-point pass scale)
Perfect pass percentage (PP%) 55% or more
Medium pass percentage (2P%) 30% or less
Poor pass percentage (1P%) 12% or less
Aced or overpass percentage (0P%) 3% or less
Kill percentage on a 3 pass 53%
Kill percentage on a 2 pass 38%
Kill percentage on a 1 pass 25%
Serve Phase
Point-scoring percentage (PS%) 43%
Opponent’s pass efficiency 2.00 or less
Opponent’s perfect pass percentage 45% or less
Statistics for More Effective Coachingâ•… â•… 229
Transition Phase
Dig to kill percentage 32%
Dig opportunity percentage 80% or better
Transition attacking error percentage 12% or less
Transition kill percentage 35% or better
Transition kill efficiency 22% or better
General Offense
Team attacking efficiency 24% or better
Middle blockers 33% or better
Outside hitters 23% or better
Right-side hitters 28% or better
Team kill percentage 42% or better
Team attack error percentage 12% or less
Kills per game 15 kills
First-ball kills 9 kills
Transition kills 6 kills
General Defense
Team digs per game 17 digs
Opponent kill percentage 33% or less
Opponent kill efficiency 20% or less
First, it’s easy to see why China won the gold medal. They were in the top three
of each important category. How was Cuba able to overcome the fact they were
poor passers and defenders? The answer is offense—more specifically, first-ball
kill in serve receive. Despite not being very strong in serve receive, they were
able to get a first-ball kill on 42 percent of their passes. Opposing teams had few
opportunities to score in transition on them. Russia was in a similar situation, but
they were able to overcome poor defense with a lethal offense. Although it’s not
shown on the graph, Japan and Korea made it to the quarterfinals because they
are very low-error teams that simply forced their opponents to score all of their
own points.
Statistics for More Effective Coachingâ•… â•… 231
Understanding and using statistics will likely make you a better coach. However,
it is important to remember that players should stay focused on playing the game
while you worry about the statistics. While there are numerous areas in volleyball
that can be statistically quantified, analyzed, and ranked, it’s always important to
keep statistics as simple and meaningful as possible. Coaches should only track and
calculate those statistics they actually intend on using to determine team weak-
nesses, team progressions, and for individuals earning playing time.
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Offensive Tactics
Bill Neville
Every volleyball team should have an offensive philosophy and a system of orga-
nization that reflects it. Further, it must be organized by rotation because each
rotation is a new situation. There are important elements to be considered. An
offensive philosophy should consider the following items:
◆⊃ Players
◆⊃ Ability to control the first contact (free, down, attacked balls, and serves)
◆⊃ Rules
Regardless of the offensive system a team uses, it must have the personnel to run
it. Coaches will always try to take advantage of rules. In the United States, where
rules allow anywhere from 12 to unlimited substitutions and several game entries,
coaches can specialize to maximize individual players’ strengths and hide their
weaknesses. Volleyball was originally designed to develop athletes to play the whole
game, which requires a high level of competency in each skill (this is still the case
at the international level). In the United States, beginning at a young age, players
specialize based on presumed physical attributes. Descriptions permeate coaches’
discussions of players (e.g., Is she a 3 rotation player or a 6 rotation player?).
Coaches must determine the philosophy that drives their system decisions.
Many traditional assumptions influence systems design. Following are two of the
most common:
◆⊃ It is preferable to have three front-row hitters.
◆⊃ Setters are often small, can’t hit, and are weak blockers.
234â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
But what are the trade-offs? Do you really use three front-row hitters or do
they get in the way of each other reducing the potential of a good approach and
swing? The assumption is that a short setter is a liability as a blocker. How often
is the setter really exploited as a blocker? Do offenses function with two setters in
a 6-2 system? If setters were given a choice, would they rather play in a 5-1 or a
6-2? Does having three front-row hitters outweigh the premise that setters require
constant involvement to maintain a rhythm, considering that they will always have
one of the three contacts in a play sequence? Is it possible that in every rotation
there can be five hitters, considering the back-row potential? A majority of setters
would want to stay on the court for all six rotations if given the choice. Other than
the obvious selfish reasons, most setters likely feel that they lose their rhythm and
end up setting the ball less consistently and less accurately when they play half the
time. Also, the setter is often the leader, or at least one of the leaders, of a team. It
is tough to lead from the bench.
Shorter setters are often assumed to be liabilities as blockers. Therefore, the
United States’ extravagant, liberal substitution rules allow coaches to sub a big
right-side hitter/blocker in for a small setter and bring in another setter in the
back row. This does seem logical. The question is, how much of a liability is the
small front-row setter? Does that liability outweigh the consistency and leadership
the setter brings to the court? Does a rotational analysis of how points are scored
show that the three rotations with the setter in the front row lose points over how
many points are gained? Analyze your six rotations. In a 5-1 scheme, the setter is
in the back row in rotations 1, 2, and 3, with three attackers at the net. The setter
is at the net in rotations 4, 5, and 6, with two attackers. Comparing the first three
rotations with the last three, which ones score the most and which yield the most
points? And how often does the opponent take advantage of the small setter?
Finally, are there blocking schemes that can hide the setter?
When the Japanese men’s national team reigned supreme in the early 1970s,
its setter was Katsutoshi Nekoda. He was short (5 feet, 9 inches) and had dif-
ficulty jumping over a painted line. But, oh my, could he set! It can be argued
that he was the greatest setter ever to play the game. However, he was a pathetic
blocker in a relatively pathetic blocking team. The Japanese decided that having
Nekoda on court all the time was more advantageous than sitting him. Therefore,
they created blocking schemes that moved him around so that the opponents
had to focus their attack on seeking him out, which took them away from their
normal attack.
receiving team because (1) the server is in control of the event and can dictate the
terms of engagement and (2) it is easier for players to master the serve than the
more complex serve receive. As players mature and play more, their serve-receive
abilities begin to catch up, although at the highest levels of play, players still find
it a challenge.
Free Balls
A free ball usually is the easiest of the first-ball contacts—or at least it should be.
It is usually a saving play because the opponent is merely trying to keep the ball in
play. The ball often comes over in a rainbow arc. In Japan, a free ball is translated
as an “opportunity ball” because it is a ball that should be easy to control, and the
receiving team should be able to counterattack with a full complement of weapons.
This ball should be controlled overhead to maximize the speed of the counterat-
tack. However, many coaches prefer that players always pass with their forearms.
Down Balls
A down ball is often described as a ball that goes down. Actually, the term refers
to a down block. The ball comes across in a flat trajectory with some heat and
often with topspin. It is often sent across the net from deep in the court or hit
from a standing position. The block determines whether it is not hit hard enough
or is hit from too great a distance to block. Therefore, the blockers yell “down!”
because the flat trajectory of the down ball is usually handled with a forearm pass.
Attacked Balls
An attacked ball has a number of personalities. The one consistency is that the
attacker gets an approach and jumps. There are a variety of approaches as well,
but generally they lead the hitter to jump. Attacks range from a tip (the softest of
contacts) to an all-out swing. Moreover, attackers hit a mix of angles and spots.
In general, approximately 80% of attacks are hit in the direction of the approach
angle. The better the attacker, the wider range the attacker can hit. Much like a
good pitcher in baseball, the volleyball attacker can vary the velocity and loca-
tions. An attacker who is very consistent with her velocity and angles is easy to
defend. However, the attacker with a good mix of velocities and angles is difficult.
The serve is the most common first ball. It is arguably the toughest of the first-
ball opportunities because the server (if good) has complete control. Even though
it seems that the hard-hit attack is the toughest, it doesn’t happen as often as the
serve. Statistics show that the winner of the serve-and-receive game often wins
the match.
236â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
The U.S. substitution rules are different from those used in the majority of other
countries. International rules restrict each team to six substitutions per set with
only two entries per player. The United States has several rule adaptations; the
most significant has to do with substitutions. (Note: The FIVB, the governing body
of international volleyball, is considering some changes in the substitution rules:
six free subs, allowing players to go in for any other players, and expanding to
eight substitutions per set.) The U.S. substitution rules range from 12 to 18 per
set with no limit on entries per player.
A historical perspective is in order here. When the FIVB adopted rally scoring
and soon followed with the libero rule, the six-substitutions-per-set rule remained.
With the side-out game history and rally scoring in play, the use of six substitutions
plus the libero opened up the game to increased specialization without completely
compromising the original intent of volleyball (i.e., to discourage specialization and
encourage all players to master all the skills). The rally-scoring game was intended
to make the sets and matches more predictable in terms of time, mostly to attract
television viewers (it hasn’t quite worked out as predicted).
The United States traditionally plays by its own rules. Applying 12 to 18
substitutions in a 25-point rally-scoring set means that a coach conceivably can
formula-substitute without worrying about running out of substitutions. This leads
to specialization as well as discontent among parents who wonder, “If you have
all those subs, why isn’t my child playing more?” On paper it appears that a coach
can put in big hitters in the front row and smaller ball handlers in the back row.
The liberos most often replace the middles in the back row. Much of this decision
making is based on assumptions such as these: middles can’t play back-row defense;
short(er) players can’t play effective front row; setters can be double-subbed so
that a bigger hitter/blocker can replace the setters in the front row because (as you
know) setters are short, usually can’t jump, and are not good blockers, especially
against the opponent’s left-side hitters.
Are these assumptions proven by reality? Does having setters, middles, and
opposites play half the time benefit the ultimate set and match outcomes? Does
the reduction of rhythm caused by having a basic unit on the floor cause a team to
play inconsistently? Does the shuffling of players in and out stifle the hot-handed
hitter or knock a setter out of a groove? Are there players who need to be on the
floor because of the force of their personalities, players who, just by their pres-
ence on the floor, elevate the play of those around them? Just because rules allow
virtually unlimited changes doesn’t mean that a coach should use them.
Another U.S. volleyball consideration is that players are being specialized at
young ages. Without saying it out loud, we are implying that they can’t perform
particular skills. By taking a middle hitter out of the back row, we send the message
that the player is not good enough to play in the back row. Sadly, at far too young
an age, players begin to believe these messages. This leads to recent common
queries from recruiters, such as, “Is she a 3 or a 6 rotation player?” Ideally, the
answer should be, “She is a volleyball player!”
Offensive Tacticsâ•… â•… 237
of a set at its apex estimated from the top of the net. Therefore a 4 set would
be approximately 4 feet at its apex above the top of the net.
◆⊃ Then he combined the two numbers to specify location, height, and speed
of the net. Therefore a 14 would be a set 4 feet above the net at its apex
238â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
located in the 1 zone. The first number always designates the zone and the
second number is the height.
◆⊃ The speed of the set is determined by the height. (The lower the set, the
faster it is.) An example of a relatively fast combination of potential sets to
three front-row players would be: 13–51–93.
The numbering system is excellent at describing sets and locations but is cum-
bersome for audibles by the attacker or setter. Therefore, nicknames emerged
over time for quick communication. Most of the audible nicknames are hard,
one-syllable words, easily said and easily understood. The following list contains
the most prominent definitions of these nicknames.
BIC: A back-row quick attack behind the front-row middle attacker (how quick
depends on the coach and the players’ abilities).
Pipe: Coined by 1984 men’s USA Olympic team captain, Chris Marlowe, a back-
row attack slower than a BIC but hit right down the middle.
Gap: A quick–set between the outside set and the middle; also called a 31 (3-zone,
one foot above the net).
Push: A variant of the middle quick (51) that the setter sets just beyond the
opposing middle blocker’s right hand. A 51 is vertical, but a push is angled
toward the 4 zone.
Fade: Similar to the push, although a little wider and a little slower.
Back slide: An approach in which the spiker begins in front of the setter and
slides to the back of the setter; most often, a one-foot takeoff much like a
basketball player shooting a layup is used.
Front slide: The opposite of the back slide. The spiker begins the approach from
behind the setter and goes in front. It is most comfortable for left-handers.
Front quick: Also known as 1, quick, or 51, a hit directly in front of the setter
(noted above).The hitter is either above the setter as the ball is in the setter’s
hands (quick quick) or in the final step (slow quick)
Back quick: A quick set hit directly behind the setter; also known as back.
Double quick: Two players up for quick sets in any combination of inside loca-
tions (e.g., front gap and back 1, front 1 and gap).
Slow quick: A quick hit in which the hitter is in the last step of the approach.
Quick quick: A quick hit in which the hitter is in the air above the setter with
the ball in the hands.
Naked quick: A quick hit in which the hitter faces no outside hitting threat.
Hut: Set to the left side and about 2 1/2 to 3 feet inside the antennae and 4 to
6 feet at its apex above the net.
Offensive Tacticsâ•… â•… 239
Go: Usually, an audible calling for a fast left-side set; actually, an audible modi-
fier for any set to go faster.
Red: A set on the right side; named after the favorite set of 1984 men’s gold
medalist, Steve Timmons, who has red hair and was nicknamed Red.
Left inside: A left-side hit in which the hitter approaches inside the gap hitter
and hits a slow quick.
X series: Any combination in which one player crosses another’s approach path.
Audibles: Voice signals indicating where a hitter is going and at what tempo.
Audibles should be one-syllable, hard-sounding words that are easily uttered
and easily heard. An audible can be given by the setter or hitter.
Series: Several plays organized to feed off the options in a preconceived attack
Pattern: The organization of the plays within a series including routes and
Option: The individual attacker’s role in the pattern.
Tempo: The speed of the attack; also referred to as step tempo to indicate the
step the attacker is in when the setter touches the ball.
Attack Zones
In this section Jim Coleman’s symmetrical zone system is used to illustrate series,
patterns, and options. Certainly, other systems are used including the U.S. women’s
national team system, which identifies with letters the attack zones in front of and
behind the setter.
In Coleman’s system the front-row zones are designated with numbers 1 through
9, reading left to right, each a meter wide. The back row is divided equally in four
“corridors” and designated with the letters A, B, C, D, reading left to right. See
figure 18.1 for a representation of attack zones.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Set Lexicon: the first number is the zone the set is attacked.
The second number is the height of the set at its apex above the net.
Each set has a one syllable nickname and corresponding hand signal.
Not all options are included in the following charts. For example, although
several back-row attack options are included, the BIC is not. The BIC is seen pri-
marily in international men’s volleyball, where big, high-, and long-jumping human
beings can launch from behind the 3-meter line and hit at the net. If you have a
13-year-old girl who can execute such a play, please include it in your offensive
package. The push and fade are not included either. They would be adjustments
within any of the quick options based on the unfolding situation.
1st # Left-side hitter
2nd # Middle hitter
3rd # Right-side hitter
BR Back-row hitter
BSW Back-row swing hitter
PS Play-set hitter
JS Jump setter
QH Quick hitter (middle)
R Release hitter (left)
SW Swing hitter
LB Left-side blocker
MB Middle blocker
RB Right-side blocker
Opposing blocker
â•… X Series
(14) (51) (14) (43)
(33) (51)
x−1 x−2
R (51) PS R PS
(14) (63) (14) (73)
(51) (93)
â•… â•…X Series Notes
Tactical goal Pattern Tactical goal Play Tactical goal
Create piston effect; 14-51-33 Isolate on right-side 14 Line shot
bunch blockers in (X-1) blocker; force mb to
middle; attacking take a step and reach
reading and/or small away from the middle;
middle blocker pick lb on mb
51 Seam between mb and lb/rb
33 Seams straight to middle
14-51-43 Pressure rb to pin in 14 Line shot; cross-court seam
(X-2) (opening up 14); catch
mb indecisive and
flat-footed; screen lb
on mb
51 Cut back
43 Both angles; seams
between lb/rb
14-51-63 concentrate attack on 14 Line shot; cross court seam
(X-3) or mb (small mb, poor
tandem blocker); force lb and
rb to pinch in opening
spread plays later
51 Cut back
63 Flat trajectory either angle
14-51-73 Mirror image of X-2; 14 Line shot; cross court seam
(X-4) or best after establishing
fake X X-1and X-2; needs
good jab step fake;
will force lb to jump
to their left opening
seam between lb
and mb
51 Seam between mb and lb
73 Line or seam between mb;
faking lb
14-51-93 Best after establishing 14 Line shot; cross court seam
(X-5) or X-1 and X-2; with
flare out good deal fake lb will
fade trying to catch up
with ps; 51 is one on
one; 14 should be one
on one with rb
51 Seam between mb and lb
93 Line and off lb; sharp cut
â•… Spread Series
(31) (31)
(14) (93) (42)
31−x5 31−x2
E6283/AVCA/fig18.08/525858/alw/r1 E6283/AVCA/fig18.09/525859/alw/r1
(31) R (31) PS
R (51) (14) (71)
R (31) PS
(43) (93)
Left inside
â•… Spread Series Notes
Tactical goal Pattern Tactical goal Play Tactical goal
After bunching 14-31-93 Primarily opens up X5; 14 Line is best shot
block inside spread (31-X5) with QH going away
patterns will force from the mb more
blocker to chase ball away from X5 set; set
outside; also good selection should to
against big, slow mb primarily to X5
31 Primarily angle toward
opponent position 5
93 Either angle or line
(off fooled blocker)
14-31-42 Best after 31 - X5; PS 14 Line
(31-X2) fakes to X5 taking lb
out; then PS comes
back into 42; mb with
QH and 31; best option
is PS hitting 42
31 Angle toward position 5
42 Straight ahead toward
position 1
14-31-51 Blocking reduced to 14 Angle toward 31 with
(double guesswork if pattern split block
quick) is run correctly; 1 on 1
is guaranteed on each
option; opens up 14 for
big hit
31 Angle to position 5
51 Angle to position 1
14-31-71 Same as above; 71 is 14 Angle toward 31 with
(double suited for left hander; split block
quick) spread out even more
31 Angle to position 5
71 Angle to position 1
43-31-93 Misdirection play; 43 Straight ahead toward
(left inside) based on establishing position 6
others first; primary set
is to 43 hit by R; good
against commit block
31 Angle to position 5
93 Line
â•… RX Slide Series
PS (51/71) PS (51/71)
(33) (43)
(14) (14)
X1 slide X2 slide
PS (51/71) (72) QH
R R (51)
(14) (14)
X3 slide X4 slide
PS (51)
X5 slide
â•… RX Slide Series Notes
Tactical goal Pattern Tactical goal Play Tactical goal
Will hesitate before 14-33-51/71 Forces lb to block 14 Line or angle (reverse
going if QH is (X1 slide) quick quick from right side)
lined up on right
and PS is in the
middle; gives mb a
different look with
QH coming from
different angles
33 Shot to position 1 corner
or cut
51/71 Straight to position 1
past lb
14-43-51/71 Should open up PS 14 Line or angle based on
(X2 slide) if mb chooses to go rb position
after QH; if timed right,
piston effect is on
43 Shot to position 1 corner
51/71 51 hit either angle; 71 hit
angle to position 1
14-53-51/71 Puts pressure on mb 14 Line or angle based on
(X3 slide) and lb; piston effect; it rb position
does not work if set is
too high
53 Angle to position 1
51/71 Cut back to position 5
14-72-51 Scissor pattern picks 14 Line or angle based on
(X4 slide) mb on lb; good after rb position
X1 or X2; if used as a
change up it can open
up 1 or 0 blockers
72 Position 5 corner
51 Angle to position 1
14-93-51/71 A wider version of X4 14 Line or angle based on
(X5 slide) slide; a good opener rb position
of series; lb goes with
sliding QH; picks mb;
PS open
93 Down line to position 5
51/71 Either angle
â•… Double Quick Swing Series
SW (31) PS SW (31)
(14) (51/71) (93)
E6283/AVCA/fig18.18/525868/alw/r2 E6283/AVCA/fig18.19/525869/alw/r2
SW (31) (31) PS
(42) (51/71) (51/71)
(53) (51/71)
â•… Double Quick Swing Series (Setter Back Row) Notes
Tactical goal Pattern Tactical goal Play Tactical goal
To isolate either 14-31-51/71 Open up quick 1 on 1; 14 Line off fooled blocker
outside blockers; to isolate SW on weakest
split rb and mb with blocker; this pattern
simultaneous quicks and next one are main
options with others to
mix it up
31 Either angle, but best to
positon 5
51/71 Either angle, but best to
positon 5
93-31-51/71 Disappear-reappear 93 Line off fooled blocker
behind quicks; same
as above, good swing
movement important
31 Either angle
51/71 Best angle to position 1
42-31-51/71 Best used after above 42 Straight to position 5
has been established;
then come inside
31 Hit to corner in position 5
51/71 Best to go to 71; opens
up 42 hit
33-31-51/71 Intended to overload 33 Either angle
blocker taking 31;
great play if they
are a slow blocker
31 Either angle
51/71 Either angle
53-31-51 Same except focus 53 Either angle
is on blocker going
after 51
31 Either angle
51/71 Either angle
â•… Back-Row (BSW) Swing Series
QH (51)
(51) SW
SW (93) BR
(14) (BA)
E6283/AVCA/fig18.23/525873/alw/r2 E6283/AVCA/fig18.24/525874/alw/r2
(14/93) BR
(BR Pipe)
â•… Back-Row Swing Series (Setter at the Net) Notes
Tactical goal Pattern Tactical goal Play Tactical goal
Threatens with 4 14-51-JS It is critical to success 14 Line or different angle if
attackers (QH, SW, BD for SW to go inside rb fades
BR, setter); spread before swinging back
blockers forcing out to hit 14; rb must
them to move inside follow inside and then
to outside; open up choose; BR goes B
seams inside and or opposite of SW;
forces block to reach having all the attackers
or fade outside moving is the key
51 Either angle
JS Dump behind block; lefty
hit position 5
BD Line to position 5 corner
or deep position 1 angle
93-51-JS Fake is to 14 then 93 Line or angle if block
BA swing right to 93; goal fades
is to force blocker
inside then chase SW
outside; lb/rb pull away
from mb opening up
quick; best option is to
get blocker to chase
SW hitters outside
opening middle
51 Either angle
JS Dump behind block; lefty
hit position 1
BA Line position 1 corner
14/93-31-JS Swing hitter going 14/93 Line or angle if block
Pipe wide to either side will fades
occupy mb and open
up middle for BR
31 Either angle
JS Dump straight over
Pipe Position 1 or 5
252â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Offenses can be very complex or very simple and anything in between. It is up to
the coach to determine what the team’s personnel can effectively execute and what
is needed to be successful at their level. As indicated earlier offensive systems are
not art forms but rather tools to give a team the best chance to win.
Serving Strategically
S helton Collier
Perhaps the best thing a coach can do to increase a team’s ability to score 25 points
and ultimately win matches is to develop a strong tactical serving team. The serve
is the most immediate and direct way to score a point as well as a great way to put
the opponent at a disadvantage. Very significant is the fact that a team with less
experience, less height, less athletic ability, and yes, even less experienced coaching
can be competitive in a game in which they seem to be overmatched. This is pos-
sible with a successfully implemented tactical serving plan. In the case of evenly
matched teams, serving is often a key factor in determining the winner.
Developing an excellent serving team occurs in three phases: (1) formulating
a serving philosophy that is clearly understood by every coach and player in the
program; (2) creating practice drills and practice environments in which players
can rehearse the application of the serving philosophy; and (3) teaching the team
how to gain an advantage by executing tactical serves.
254â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
end line, and such a serve will certainly create some indecision and pressure on
the opponents. A serve in the net does none of this. Therefore, a good miss must
be openly accepted, and a bad miss should draw some criticism.
Some coaches consider a 1:1 ratio of aces to errors to be a reasonable goal.
Recently, however, more coaches have evolved to accepting a higher error ratio
because more difficult serves are necessary to put the receiving team at an imme-
diate disadvantage and to get them out of system (i.e., unable to run a good team
offense). The scoring rate per serve (e.g., 40 to 50 percent) seems to be a better
reflection of a server’s impact than an ace-to-error ratio.
Scouting Report
Scouting reports can range from a detailed video analysis of previous matches
to watching a team play once and taking notes to walking by a court on which
the team is playing and making a mental note or two. All versions provide some
information to work with.
One of the best ways to raise the confidence level of your team is to provide
some information about an upcoming opponent’s weaknesses. Some teams have
an assistant coach or manager keep a rotation-by-rotation chart of the opponent
and monitor the types of serves that are effective and which players are passing
poorly in each rotation. Some coaches can notice specific players having difficulty
passing or structural weaknesses in certain formations. That can be taken advan-
tage of as well.
A common method of tactical serving is for the coach to signal the zone in which
she wants the ball served. Figure 19.1 indicates the serving zones.
The coach simply holds up the
number of fingers (often hidden
1 6 5
behind a clipboard) that corresponds
to the appropriate zone. A fist is used
to designate zone 6, the serve directly
down the middle. An advanced method
is to flash two zones to indicate a ball 2 3 4
served in the seam between the two
zones signaled. For example, flashing
three fingers and then four fingers
indicates that the player should serve
a short ball directly between the oppo-
nent’s left front (zone 4) and middle FigureE6283/AVCA/fig19.01/513773/alw/r1
19.1â•… Serving zones.
front (zone 3).
Handling Criticism
When using an aggressive serving plan, one of the most difficult issues is the reac-
tions of fans and parents following a serving error. A coach can dedicate weeks
to developing a tough serving team in practice and invest a large percentage of
practice time to serving each day. Then, as the team is executing the plan in a
critical match and upsetting a longtime rival, some parents are yelling “Just get
it in” before every serve or some football players in attendance are yelling “No
more missed serves.” After the match, these people may approach the coach and
say, “Coach, you really need to work at not missing so many serves.”
It is extremely important to educate fans and parents about the risk–reward con-
tinuum of an excellent serving team. This helps them understand the importance
of accepting a certain error ratio and keeps them from intruding on the team’s
256â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
focus as players perform challenging serves. Players can help by explaining the
serving philosophy to their parents and friends. A helpful analogy is that a good
tennis player will never beat another good tennis player simply by serving easy in
the court every time. With such an explanation, the crowd may be more supportive
of your teams’ point-scoring effort, and your players will feel more at ease about
serving aggressively for points.
players who miss serves do sprints or push-ups. Instruct the whole team
to watch or make noise when a player is serving. Mandate that servers get
a certain number of serves in the court in a row without a miss to avoid
◆⊃ To develop tougher serves in games: In a scrimmage, award two points
◆⊃ To help players get a feel for their limits: Have players serve at 60 percent,
then 80 percent, then 100 percent so they begin to sense the percentage at
which they are most effective.
◆⊃ To enforce your serving rules: Take a point away from a team that breaks
Serving Strategies
Coaches should have extensive lists of serving strategies to help their teams win.
Developing a group of players who can control the accuracy of their serves is
obviously step one, but the critical second step is identifying weaknesses in the
opponent’s reception patterns that can be exploited. Following are several tactical
Directing a serve to an area near the player you believe is the weakest
passer. This is an excellent strategy and can serve the dual purpose of put-
ting the opponent at a disadvantage while creating confidence in your team.
The key, however, is to make the weak passer move and pass a tough serve,
rather than merely serving an easy ball to this player.
Serving tough to primary hitters who are exposed in the passing forma-
tion. Front-row attackers are becoming increasingly responsible for more
area as serve receivers. The primary hitter has a harder time passing a tough
serve than approaching to attack. Serves directed at this passer can be short,
deep, directly at the passer, or to the side opposite the direction in which the
passer intends to approach.
Serving short around the middle hitter who is preparing to hit a quick
set or slide attack. This is an extremely effective serve because it can take
that middle hitter out of his offensive rhythm or causes confusion among
the primary passers.
Serving down the line. This is one of the most difficult serves to pass accurately
to the setter position.
Serving to the right-front position (zone 2). This forces the setter to receive
the ball over her shoulder as opposed to straight on, limiting her ability to
get set up and survey the offensive options.
The short–deep combination. A server with a good one-two punch is extremely
valuable. This is a “take what they give you” strategy. If the receivers are deep,
258â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
a short serve can cause great difficulty. When the passers adjust and move in
closer to guard against the short serve, a deep serve is then even more effective.
Serving to force passers to receive the ball on their right side. Volleyball
serve reception is traditionally left to right in orientation. Passers generally
pass much better from the left side than from the right side.
Immediately serving again to a player who has just been aced. After being
aced, a player’s confidence is reduced, and a server’s confidence is boosted. This
favors the server in a major way and should be immediately taken advantage
of. This should be enforced in practice as well for two important reasons.
First, servers need to rehearse this important strategy, and second, passers
who have just been aced need to be aware that well-coached teams will go
right back after them. They must learn how to respond with good passes.
Look for the cover-up. A particularly good passer may adjust his court position
to cover up for a passer who is struggling. Sometimes, the good passer will
stray too far from his own court responsibility and leave an area vulnerable
or unprotected.
Serving Recipes
Developing a serving recipe is similar to, and as important as, developing a recipe
for a meal. First, you must assess exactly what ingredients you have to work with;
then organize them for the best results. Competing coaches, like cooks, can have
similar ingredients to work with, but making the best use of the ingredients yields
the better product.
After assessing the abilities of your starting six servers, you can begin to plan
accordingly. Following are some serving recipes:
◆⊃ Three tactical zone servers (to be given signals by the coach) and three
players serving their most comfortable serves
Serving Strategicallyâ•… â•… 259
◆⊃ Two players serving from deep behind the end line, two players serving
the short–deep combination, and two players serving a standard low, hard,
flat serve
◆⊃ Three players serving conservatively to get all serves in, two players serving
to areas signaled by the coach, and one player using a high-risk jump serve
◆⊃ Six players serving to areas signaled in by the coach on every serve
Serving Rules
At critical times in a match, it is important not to miss a serve. Serving rules must
be clearly communicated and enforced in matches as well as in practice. Following
are some times when it is important to get the serve in:
After the teammate who served before you misses. This is important because
you don’t want to throw away two consecutive opportunities to score on
your opponent.
After the opponent has just missed a serve. Following an opponent miss, the
momentum shifts to your team. Perhaps their coach, their team, and their fans
are a little uneasy at this point. The worst thing you can do is immediately
return the favor.
After an opponent time-out. You have forced the opponent into a stressful
time-out situation. You likely have the momentum in the game. To maintain
the momentum, force the opponent under pressure to play the ball as opposed
to being let off the hook with a missed serve.
At the beginning of a set. All players are keyed up at the beginning of a set.
Missing the first serve can be extremely deflating to the serving team and
allow the receiving team to get off to a fast start.
After the opponents have scored several points in succession. It is important
not to miss at this point because your serve-receive unit has just struggled
and finally earned the right to serve. You need to give your point-scoring unit
an opportunity to break the opponent’s string of points.
After your team wins a long, inspired rally. It is often said that after winning
a long rally with a lot of great defensive plays, a team has earned not only
260â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
that particular point, but several more immediately following because of the
momentum factor. It is important not to lose this opportunity for an inspired
string of points with a missed serve.
Volleyball is a complex, multiskilled game. Developing proficiency in all skills in
all players is at times an insurmountable challenge. However, it is quite possible
to develop a high-level serving team with a commitment of time and focus. An
excellent serving team may be able to score 25 points against an opponent even
if overmatched in every other skill area. There is a difference between coaching a
team to simply play volleyball and coaching a team to win points. Investing time
in serving and developing a sophisticated serving strategy can be a key element in
helping your team win matches.
On-Court Decision Making
Jennifer Petr ie
Aside from venting frustration for losing or for the team’s lack of focus, the
information disseminated during a time-out should be the same regardless of
whether the team is winning or losing. The strategic information must continue
to be communicated. The team should always be clear on the game plan, and they
need to feel the trust and belief of the coaching staff. One of the important deci-
sions during a match is when to call a time-out. Should it be used early in a game
to spark change, or saved until the end of a set to focus on crucial point-scoring
Use the flow of the game to determine when to call a time-out. You can identify
both lethargy and focus in your team by the level of communication on the court.
Communication breeds confidence, and the more constructive information that is
shared between the players on the court, the better their performance will be. In
262â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
the best-case scenario, your team came ready to play and a motivational time-out
is not needed early on. You may need an early time-out, however, if the game plan
in place does not match the opponent’s current strategy.
Time-outs can be used strategically toward the end of a well-played set when you
need to slow down the opponent, change defensive positioning, or run a particular
offensive play. The team needs to know exactly what rotation the opponent is in
and the corresponding defensive response. Setters need to know where the offense
has been successful and what may be open as a late-game option.
Who speaks during the time-out depends greatly on the reason for calling it.
If the team is not performing well because of a lack of effort, concentration, or
chemistry, then the leaders of the team should have an opportunity to encourage,
On-Court Decision Makingâ•… â•… 263
demand, and inspire their teammates. Most of the information relayed during a
time-out should relate to game-time adjustments—what is working for the team
and what changes need to be made.
Certainly, a time-out can help to change the momentum of a game. A coach
deserves a pat on the back when the opponents miss a serve after a time-out.
Sometimes, a team just needs a chance to refocus and concentrate on the game
plan. Other times, a time-out can be used to increase the intensity on the court and
encourage maximal defensive effort. Perhaps coverage is the focus, giving multiple
opportunities to attack. Patience is a big key during a match, and in particular
during a long rally. A time-out should allow a team to respond as a unit, putting
into action the new game plan, an increased intensity, and the determination to
win the match.
Important game-time decision making most certainly includes substitutions. The
question, ultimately, is whether a player on the bench will positively affect the
outcome of the match if given the opportunity to perform. The reasons for the
change can be poor performance by a starter, different player-for-player matchups,
or the development of backup players on the bench.
I am not known for substituting much during a match, perhaps to a fault. Over
the course of a week in practice I gain trust in a lineup, its chemistry, and the
production of players. Playing time is earned outside of competition. However,
every coach has a limit to the depths of a slump. Plenty of players on the bench
deserve an opportunity to make a change in the game. I believe that not making
quick substitutions allows players to relax and play without the stress of being
taken out. Psychologically, I want confident players who know that their coaches
believe in them. When a substitution is made, the player must understand that her
teammate is there to help win the match.
set over her. If the opposing team is spread in its blocking base, the middle of the
court is freed up to run quick attack or combination sets.
Matchups can change as the game progresses. Keep your eye on the opposing
team’s most current point scorer and the plays it is running most often in each
rotation. Both the player and the system will help you determine your best block-
ing matchup.
should pinch a passer toward the sideline to take more area. The libero needs to
be extremely vocal and confident in serve reception.
Whatever terminology you choose as a coach, your team needs to know exactly
what you are requesting in an instant. At any point you should be able to tell the
passers to push up, push out, pinch, stack, or spread, thus changing the look of
your serve-receive pattern.
Offensive Systems
Some teams are extremely predictable in their offensive patterns. At times, those
teams have had great success. An effective, yet limited, offensive system allows
teams to perfect the plays that they run. The key to a limited offense is making
sure to set each of the players in the system somewhat equally. If your pattern is
a hut-1-5, but you set only the hut, then the opponent will begin to release their
middle on your outside hitter. But if your setter can diversify the offense by revers-
ing the flow of the pass, setting pin to pin, or jump setting to hold a blocker, then
a simple offensive system can be very successful.
With a veteran team, a more varied offensive system can be difficult to defend
against. If you have a team with good ball control that remains in system most
of the time, then diversifying the offense is easier. When running many patterns
and plays, the hitters must know when to call out of a pattern by simply running a
release set (i.e., a safe set). In addition, the setter must always have a release set in
the back of her mind. No matter how advanced or complicated the pattern is, the
setter should know that, when in trouble, a set option is always available.
When the pass is pushed to the left side of the court, and the opponent’s block-
ers are releasing to the outside hitter, this is a good time to drop off the pipe (set
to middle back) behind the setter. This option is important to hold the blockers
when the passing is not accurate.
In transition, the back row should consistently call for the set and be available
for the attack. When the setter is front row, she needs to be able to hear the audible
call from her middle and use the appropriate back-row player in conjunction.
For example, if the middle hitter is running a slide, then the pipe hitter would be
an option. If the middle hitter is running in front of the setter, then the D (right
back) hitter is an option.
Defensive Systems
There are many defensive systems, and it can be advantageous to use a couple
of them during a match. The basic systems are rotation, counterrotation, and
Rotation Defense
To use the rotation defensive system, release your right-back defender up for tips
and deflections and pull your off blocker to the 10-foot line to defend sharp cross
while the left back digs the hard angle; the middle back plays high seam to the
line (see figure 20.1). This defense works best for teams that tip a lot from their
outside attacker. It allows the setter to be quick to the net in transition, and she
can start her base defense up for the dump.
Figure 20.1â•… Base position and rotation defense versus a left-side attack.
Figure 20.2â•… Base position and counter rotation defense versus a left-side attack.
the off blocker into the court and making her responsible for all tips and deflec-
tions (see figure 20.2). The right-back defender plays deep on the line, while the
left back has all attacks in the angle and the middle back has high seam through
the block. If your team has a strong block, then you will force the opponent into
tips and deflections from hard-driven shots. Counter rotation allows your outside
hitter, with good ball control, to make the first contact allowing your setter to run
the offense on the second contact. Counter rotation, in opposition to rotation,
frees up the setter to run the offense if the ball is tipped.
Perimeter Defense
The perimeter defense system positions all of your defenders on their respective
lines (perimeter of the court) for the attack. When playing against a team that does
not hit shots or tip well, it is best to defend deeper in the court (see figure 20.3).
If your team is good at reacting to the ball and to the deflection, then a perimeter
defense may serve you well.
Figure 20.3â•… Base defense and perimeter defense versus a left-side attack.
268â•… â•… The Volleyball Coaching Bible
Remember that the role of the coach is to keep the team unified in its strategy,
be it offensive system, defensive system, or blocking schemes. A successful team
plays under control and with confidence. Limit the confusion by communicating
all systems prior to the match, during time-outs, between sets and then again after
the match. The best decisions and adjustments come to light after the match has
concluded. There is a lot to be learned by examining those decisions together as
a staff and then sharing them with the team.
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About the AVCA
About the Editor
About the Contributors
Chris Catanach has been the head coach for the University of
Tampa volleyball team for 31 seasons. In that time, he has led
his teams to 24 Sunshine State Conference titles, 29 NCAA
appearances, 17 trips to the NCAA Elite Eight, four national
runner-up finishes, and the 2006 and 2014 NCAA Division II
national championships. He currently has a career record of 972-
167, averaging 31.3 victories per season while ranking among
the all-time leaders in both victories and winning percentage.
Nationally, Catanach’s .853 career winning percentage ranks third among the win-
ningest active NCAA II coaches while his 972 total victories rank second among
active NCAA II coaches.
274â•… â•… About the Contributors
coaching position at Georgia Tech, building the team from scratch into a top 20
program. As the head coach at Wingate University, he was named 2013 NCAA
Division II National Coach of the Year, and amassed over 400 wins and a .840
winning percentage. He is also active as a top coach in the USA High Performance
program, and was the head coach of the USA youth and junior national teams
from 2002 to present.
RRAC Coach of the Year awards (2009-14), and one South Dakota Associate Press
Coach of the Year award (2002). Lowery earned his master’s degree in education
administration in 2002 from Chadron State. He completed his bachelor’s degree
in physical education with minors in athletic coaching, chemistry, and health and
wellness at Black Hills State in 2000.
2012. Rockwell was the recipient of the 2013 AVCA National Assistant Coach of
the Year Award. During her collegiate career at Penn State, Rockwell was a three-
time All-American from 1991-94, picking up four All-Big Ten honors, including
three first team selections and Big Ten Player of the Year honors in 1993. She also
earned back-to-back NCAA Tournament All-Tournament team honors at the 1993
and 1994 national finals. She played for the U.S. National team from 1995-99 and
was an alternate for the Olympic Games in 1996. Rockwell and her husband, Jeff,
have two sons, Logan and Rylan.
Erik Sullivan just marked his fourth year on head coach Jerritt
Elliott’s Texas Volleyball staff. Sullivan joined the Texas staff
after making two previous Big 12 coaching stops at Nebraska
and Colorado. On the Forty Acres, Sullivan works with the
Horns’ liberos and outside hitters, while developing Texas’ team
defensive systems and scouting reports. Sullivan, a two-time U.S.
Olympian, brings a wealth of playing experience into the Texas
program, including eight years with the U.S. national team. He
started for Team USA as a libero at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games and served
as co-captain of Team USA at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Sullivan’s
playing experience has also stretched to the professional ranks in Europe, playing
five seasons abroad. A two-time All-American at UCLA, Sullivan led the Bruins to
a pair of national titles during his four-year playing career (1992-95). He graduated
from UCLA with a bachelor’s degree in physiological science in the spring of 1995.
Joe Trinsey was hired as the technical coordinator for the U.S.
Women’s National Volleyball Team in spring of 2013 and helped
the program to a 25-6 record in his first season. Recently, he
was part of the staff of the 2014 World Championship team that
captured gold in Milan, Italy- the first Women’s World Champi-
onship title in USA volleyball history. Trinsey is responsible for
match video analysis and statistics for the squad and implements
the data into training session plans and match-time decisions.
Trinsey served as a coach with the Brandywine Volleyball Club in Wilmington, DE
from 2009-2012 where he worked with athletes from 8-18 years old. His teams
qualified for the Girl’s Junior National Championship all three years. Trinsey also
served as the second assistant coach during the 2013 FIVB Women’s U23 World
Championship Team that was led by Karch Kiraly and volunteer assistant coach
with the Loyola Marymount University women’s volleyball program in 2012.
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