Cored Solder Wires Cored Solder Wires For Aluminium: Alu-Sol
Cored Solder Wires Cored Solder Wires For Aluminium: Alu-Sol
Cored Solder Wires Cored Solder Wires For Aluminium: Alu-Sol
l Easier and more reliable soldering of aluminium and vary somewhat in price, the more expensive alloys
aluminium alloys being of lower melting temperature and therefore
l Greatly improved resistance to electrolytic corrosion easier to work. Alu-Sol 45D has been chosen as a
(Tin/Zinc solder is poor in comparison) general purpose aluminium solder offering the best
l Excellent flow on aluminium, most aluminium alloys balance between price and ease of working, but
and other metals. Good penetration enquiries are invited for other alloys in the corrosion-
resistant range, which can be made to suit users’
l Contains 4 cores of unique flux. No separate flux
requirements if sufficient quantity is ordered.
For the soldering side contact joints on lamp bulbs
l Compatible with standard solders
that will be used in dry warm sockets, electrolytic
l Solders virtually all other metals including stainless
corrosion is not so much of a problem and so for this
steel specific application Multicore Solders are able to offer
l Range of alloys possible with various melting more economical alloys Alu-Sol 4D and Alu-Sol 31D.
l Flux permits direct flame heating at soldering point.
Gas heated iron also suitable. Thinner gauge sheet
and wires solderable directly with electric soldering ALLOYS USING ALU-SOL “D” FLUX
iron, hot plate, oven, induction, infra-red and
resistance heating Wrought aluminium alloys:
“Pure” aluminium (up to 1% impurities) Excellent
APPLICATION Aluminium-manganese
Aluminium + up to 3% magnesium
Soft-soldering offers the possibility of joining Aluminium + up to 1.5% each magnesium and silicon Good
aluminium or its alloys with less distortion (due to Aluminium copper
thermal expansion or local stress relief) than may Aluminium + over 3% magnesium Poor
occur with hard soldering or welding since the
temperatures required are not so high. For the same Cast aluminium alloys:
reason, strength changes in the aluminium joint
members may also be less than with hard soldering or “Pure” aluminium (up to 0.5% Good if rough cast surface
welding. Hitherto, the problems of soldering aluminium impurities)Aluminium-copper is first machined off
and its alloys; (slow wetting, poor fluidity of the solder, Aluminium-silicon Unsolderable
and low corrosion resistance of the joint) have limited
the applications of aluminium soldering to a few Other aluminium finishes:
special cases involving pure aluminium. The tin-zinc Anodised surfaces Not solderable without first
solder commonly used, because of its zinc content
removing the anodising**
formed a strong oxide skin when melted and this skin,
together with that on the aluminium itself, required the Aluminium-silicon coatings Unsolderable
use of very corrosive fluxes to allow the solder to flow. ** Anodising cannot be applied over solder.
The Research Laboratories of Multicore Solders
Limited therefore turned their attention to removing Other metals and alloys:
these limitations. The result is Alu-Sol 45DH, a unique Tin plate, Copper, Brass Excellent
combination of a highly-developed flux permitting Nickel and nickel silver
wetting of many of the more difficult aluminium alloys, Steel, stainless steel and zinc alloy Good
with a solder having better penetration and greatly die-castings
Chromium, Titanium Unsolderable
improved resistance to electrolytic corrosion.
Alu-Sol 45D is only one of a complete patented range
of tin/lead/silver alloys of a special grade. The alloys
CRROSION RESISTANCE and silver from which such impurities are absent, in
order to get the best possible life.
Joints on aluminium alloys of good solderability with
Most joints in aluminium will last for a considerable
Alu-Sol 45D generally withstand over 70 days
time if kept dry, whether made with tin/zinc or tin/lead
immersion in sea water and over 400 days if carefully
solders. In the presence of moisture, however,
made; but if the alloy is of poor solderability, the
particularly if the moisture contains dissolved salts,
corrosion resistance of the joint is reduced. It should
such joints may fail in a few days. This is due to
be remembered that the contact of solder with
electrolytic corrosion, which attacks the metal at the
aluminium/copper alloys in the presence of moisture
aluminium-solder interface, causing complete loss of can cause blackening and corrosion of the aluminium
adhesion. A widely-used accelerated corrosion test is
alloy independently of any corrosion of the joint. The
therefore to leave the joint immersed in 3% sodium
endurance in sea water of a joint in aluminium may be
chloride solution and noting the number of days to
a little less if the second joint member is nickel or
failure. At the Multicore Research Laboratories, the
steel than if it is copper, brass or aluminium.
sodium chloride solution is replaced by the synthetic
The test results summarised above were reached by
sea water specified in BS 2011: Part 2K: 1963.
an accelerated testing procedure and can only be
The results show that, for joints of copper or taken as an approximate guide to possible behaviour
aluminium to pure aluminium, failure occurs within a
in practice. The user should always test any design
few days (rarely more than 21 days) if tin/zinc or
under conditions closely related to the expected
tin/lead solders are used; but that, with tin/lead/silver
conditions of service.
solders of certain compositions, such as Alu-Sol 45D,
joints subjected to this accelerated corrosion test have
still not failed after 400 days and might therefore be Electrolytic Corrosion Test Results
expected to last indefinitely in many environments.
These aluminium joints were subjected to an accelerated test by
immersion in synthetic salt water to BS 2011:Part 2K:1963.
Joint Design
Correct joint design is very important. Many of the
advantages of soldering may be lost if the joint design
is inadequate.
The area of mating surfaces must be sufficient to
provide adequate strength, to give an efficient seal
and to provide electrical or thermal conductivity as
required. Solders have low tensile and peel strength
and joints should be designed so that the solder is
subjected only to shear stresses. Joint clearances
should be 0.05 - 0.10 mm for best strength and
- Less than 25 days endurance (short life) capillary effect.
- Between 25 and 50 days (Intermediate or uncertain life) As aluminium expands with heat more than most
o - Over 200 days (long life) metals (including those commonly used for jigs) it is
Curves A and B, above, indicate the apparent division between
safe and unsafe compositions. most important that some arrangement of springs,
weights or levers is devised for holding joint members
Research has shown that when joints are while soldering, in such a way that the parts are free
subjected to accelerated testing as described, to expand and contract. The holding devices should
tin/lead/silver solders in combination with special not be removed until the joint is completely cold. The
Alu-Sol Flux D give long life provided that the joint should not be artificially cooled in case the
silver/tin ratio is above Curve A in the graph cooling is non-uniform, setting up stresses that might
above. For an added safety margin, the ratio tear the joint
should be well above Curve A, hence the choice
of composition for Alu-Sol 45D.
they should be of sufficient temperature and heat Composition 18% tin, 1.9% silver, 80.1% lead
capacity to raise the work to 350°C as quickly as Electrical conductivity 8.7% copper
possible. For many jobs a gas-heated iron will be Tensile strength of bulk alloy 3.8 kg mm
These data are based on information believed to be reliable and are offered in good faith, but MULTICORE MAKES NO WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESS OF IMPLIED AS TO THEIR ACCURACY AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITIES ARISING OUT
OF THEIR USE BY OTHERS as conditions and methods of use of the products are beyond MULTICORE’S control. The prospective user should determine the suitability of the product before using it on a commercial scale. MULTICORE