Sciencedirect: A Novel Method For Flatness Pattern Recognition Via Least Squares Support Vector Regression
Sciencedirect: A Novel Method For Flatness Pattern Recognition Via Least Squares Support Vector Regression
Sciencedirect: A Novel Method For Flatness Pattern Recognition Via Least Squares Support Vector Regression
Abstract: To adapt to the new requirement of the developing flatness control theory and technology, cubic patterns
were introduced on the basis of the traditional linear, quadratic and quartic flatness basic patterns. Linear, quadratic,
cubic and quartic Legendre orthogonal polynomials were adopted to express the flatness basic patterns. In order to over-
come the defects live in the existent recognition methods based on fuzzy, neural network and support vector regres-
sion (SVR) theory, a novel flatness pattern recognition method based on least squares support vector regression (LSSVR)
was proposed. On this basis, for the purpose of determining the hyper-parameters of L S S V R effectively and enhan-
cing the recognition accuracy and generalization performance of the model, particle swarm optimization algorithm
with leave-one-out (LOO) error as fitness function was adopted. To overcome the disadvantage of high computational
complexity of naive cross-validation algorithm, a novel fast cross-validation algorithm was introduced to calculate the
LOO error of LSSVR. Results of experiments on flatness data calculated by theory and a 900HC cold-rolling mill
practically measured flatness signals demonstrate that the proposed approach can distinguish the types and define the
magnitudes of the flatness defects effectively with high accuracy, high speed and strong generalization ability.
Key words: flatness; pattern recognition; least squares support vector regression; cross-validation
With the higher requirement of flatness quality the change of any adjusting method has influence to
following the development of industry, controlling all defects has been proved and precise mathematical
technique of flatness has become a hot topic of strip relationships between defects and controlling meth-
roll. Flatness pattern recognition is an important ods have been built. This discovery broke the tradi-
constituent of flatness controlling system, its results tional understanding to flatness control. Develop-
have direct effect on flatness control. T h e task of ment of controlling theory and technique put for-
flatness pattern recognition is t o convert the practi- ward new requirement to pattern recognition, tradi-
cal flatness signals into several characteristic param- tional flatness basic patterns which include linear,
eters through mathematical methods"' , confirm the quadratic and quartic patterns do not conform to the
types and magnitudes of flatness defects to provide demand of flatness controlling. In Ref. [ 3 1 , cubic
basis for flatness controlling strategy. patterns were introduced. This strategy details the
In general, there are linear, quadratic and quar- target of control, which is in favor of the enhance-
tic defects in flatness controlling field. Correspond- ment of controlling accuracy.
ingly, the controlling method is roll displacing, T h e recognition methods of fuzzy and neural
work roll bending and intermediate roll shifting re- network have characters themselves. T h e algorithm
spectively. Along with the development of rolling e- of fuzzy recognition approach is easy and stable, but
quipment, controlling methods display diverse, new it is intractable to obtain the fuzzy rules and the ac-
methods such as asymmetric roll bending and roll shift- curacy is low"'. Neural network recognition model
ing have been proposed successively. In Ref. C23, influ- improves the recognition precision, however, it has
ence matrix theory has been proposed, the view that the disadvantages of poor generalization ability, lo-
Foundation Item: Item Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (50675186)
Bi0graphy:ZHANG Xiu-ling(1968-), Female, Doctor, Professors E-mail: zxlysu@ysu. edu. cni Received Date: January 1 2 , 2011
26 Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International VOl. 19
error of Si. Take the average error of k times as the between the sample to be recognized and the basic
error estimation of the model. When k = Z , there is patterns, were introduced as inputs of the flatness pat-
only one sample left out as testing sample for each tern recognition model. This strategy fixes the dimen-
time, this is known as LOO, with its average error sion of input at six no matter how the width of the strip
called as LOO errorC1''. However, k-fold cross-vali- changes. In Ref. [14], differences of Euclidean distance
dation has a quite high computational complexity for were used as inputs, the structure of recognition model
it has to train the regression function for k times. In was simplified further. Taking example of the method
this paper, a novel fast cross-validation algorithm mentioned above, differences of Euclidean distances
was introduced, it is described as followsc131. were used as inputs of the model in this paper.
Given the dimension of Si ( i = l , 2 , k) is a * * , Suppose the normalized sample to be recognized
i s Y = [ d l ) , CT(2), " ' 9 d m ) ] , Yk=[@k(1)9 CTk(2)9
n i , C n i = I , correspond the divide of the sample set,
i=l *.., f&(m>] ( k = l , 2 , ---, 8) represent the basic
Y and a are split as follows: Y'CY1, Yz YklT9 patterns where m is the amount of measuring sec-
, , ( I k l T , Y i=Cyi,l yi,z
a=Cal , ( I ~ , Y;.,,~IT,a;= tion. T h e Euclidean distances are as follows:
C(1i.1 9 ai.2 9 ..* 9 1'.
. ..'
ships between ah and uk are as follows:
c= CTZ
. c22
... .. CZk
ak=ACTmax ' uk (21)
CTk CTk '*' ck&
where ACT,,,.,is the maximum of the residual stress.
T h e flatness pattern recognition system has
many outputs. In order to meet the requirement of
recognition, a four-output system was constructed
according to the working mechanism of L S S V R and
used in flatness pattern recognition. Gaussian func-
tion was chosen as the kernel function of the model,
1 11 1
In implementation of k-fold cross-validation, just like follows:
the computational complexity of the naive algorithm K ( X j, X , > = e x p xi:kxk 11 (22)
is about (k-1)3z3 9 and the fast algorithm is about T h e flatness pattern recognition model based on
fast cross-validation LS-SVR is shown in Fig. 2.
times as efficient as
the naive one. T o LOO, the efficient is enhanced by
1 time. According to the above method, one can cal-
culate the generalization error of the model and as-
sess the performance of it conveniently.
3 Structure of Flatness Pattern Recognition
In Ref. [81, Euclidey distances, the distances Fig. 2 Model of flatness pattern recognition based on LSSVR
Issue 3 A Novel Method for Flatness Pattern Recognition via Least Squares Support Vector Regression 29
To show the recognition ability of the model lively, bic and quartic flatness, the test outputs are very
taking the sixth test samples for example, the curves of close to the standard, recognition accuracy is high.
its standard outputs and the test outputs are drawn To compare the recognition capacity of LSSVR
in the same graph, as shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 ( a ) is model with eight basic patterns (four outputs LSSVR) ,
the synthesize curves and Fig. 3 ( b ) to Fig. 3 (d) re- SVR model with eight basic patterns (four outputs
present the linear, quadratic, cubic and quartic flat- SVR) and SVR model with six basic patterns (three
ness component respectively. No matter the synthe- outputs SVR) , a group of practically measured flat-
size curves or the curves of the linear, quadratic, cu- ness signals of a 900HC roll with specification is as
I 0.2
-1.0 -0.6 -0.2 0 0.2 0.6 1.0
I -0.2
g 0.06
-1.0 -0.6 0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.6 0 0.6 1.0
follows: 2. 2 X 742-0. 245 X 742, material is S P H C validation algorithm is introduced to calculate the
and 15 measuring sections in measuring roll, are rec- LOO error. This method can not only determine the
ognized. T h e stress of one is u= [10, 6 , 6 , 6 , 3 , 1, optimal hyper-parameters effectively but also has a
15, 27, 22, 48, 38, 74, 73, 30, 361 and the nor- high speed, thus, meets the requirement of online
malized result of its flatness deviation is Au= [-0.342 7 , real-time training.
-0.4266, -0.4266, -0.4266, -0.4895, -0.5315, 3) T o overcome the defects occurring in the in-
-0.2378, 0.0140, -0.0909, 0.4545, 0.2448, telligent recognition methods and the SVR recogni-
1.0000, 0. 9790, 0.0769, 0.20281. T h e recogni- tion method, a new recognition approach based on
tion results of the three models and the practically promoted L S S V R is proposed. T h e comparison
measured curve are shown in Fig. 4. with the four outputs SVR and three outputs SVR
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characteristic parameters which represent both the
types and the magnitudes of the flatness defects ef-
fectively, therefore, satisfies the demand of high
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