University of Dhaka: Department of Mathematics Class Routine
University of Dhaka: Department of Mathematics Class Routine
University of Dhaka: Department of Mathematics Class Routine
University of Dhaka
Department of Mathematics
Class Routine
First Year B.S. Honors and Minor Session: 2019-2020
Day/Time 8:00am-8:50am 9:00am-9:50am 10:00am-10:50am 11:00am-11:50am 12:00pm-12:50pm 1:30pm-2:20pm 2:30pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-4:20pm
Sunday 1HA(105) KU - 403 1HB(105) KU - 405 1M Stat (1HA) 1M Stat (1HA) 1M Phy (1HA, 1HB) 1M Stat (1HA) 0 0
1HB(104) FAS - 405 1HA(104) FAS - 403
0 0 1MC1(104) SN -405 0 0 0 0 0
Monday 1HA(102) MRK - 403 1HB(102) MRK - 405 1M Phy 1HA() Makeup - 403 1HA(106) SJ - 403 0 0 0
1HB(101) SIF - 405 1HB(106) SJ - 405 1M Stat (1HB)
0 0 1MC1(103) SIF -403 1MA1(103) SIF- 304* 0 0 0 0
Tuesday 1HA(101) SIF - 403 1HB(105) KU - 405 1HA(105) KU - 403 1M Stat (1HB) 1M Phy(1HA, 1HB)/1M 1M Stat (1HB) 0 0
1HB(103) AJ – 405 1HA(103) AJ - 403 1M Stat (1HB) Econ
AC meeting / Seminar / Others
1MA1(102) KU - 304* 1MA1(103) SIF - 304* 1MC1(103) SIF-403 1MC1(102) RM -405 0 0 0 0
Wednesday 1HA1(150: Math Lab) ??+AJ 1HA2(150: 1HA(104) FAS - 403 1HA(101) SIF - 403 1M Phy(1HA, 1HB)/1M 0 1HB1(150: Math Lab) TH+NCR
Math Lab) ??+MSI 1HB(101) SIF - 405 1HB(104) FAS - 405 Econ 1HB2(150: Math Lab) SJ+FAS
0 1MC1(104) SN- 304* 1MC1(102) RM -304* 0 0 0
Thursday 1HA(103) AJ - 403 1HB(103) AJ - 405 1HA(106) SJ -403 1HB(106) SJ -405 Tutorial class 0 0 0
1HB(102) MRK -405 1HA(102) MRK- 403 1HB() Makeup -405 1M Stat (1HA)
0 0 1MA1(102) KU - 304* 0 0 0 0 0
1HA: First Year Math. Honors Theory Class (Odd Roll Numbers); 1HB: First Year Math. Honors Theory Class (Even Roll Numbers)
1HA1: MathLab I (1, 5, 9, …); 1HA2: MathLab I (3, 7, 11, …); 1HB1: MathLab I (2, 6, 10, …); 1HB2: MathLab I (4, 8, 12, …); 1H MathLab I Co-ordinator [TH]
1MA-1MC1 : First Year Minor Classes ; 1MA1: Minor Physics (102, 103); 1MC1: Minor Chemistry (102, 103, 104);
1M Phy: Physics (minor) for Math students; 1M Stat: Statistics (minor) for Math students; 1M Econ: Economics (minor) for Math students
* Room in old building