Organization Structure and Theory
Organization Structure and Theory
Organization Structure and Theory
The main reason for finding MIS in a company is to facilitate the management decision making at all
levels of company, the MIS must be integrated. MIS units are company wide. MIS is available for the
Top management. The top management of company should play an active role in designing, modifying
and maintenance of the total organization wide management information system. Information system
and Information technology have become a vital component of any successful business and are
regarded as major functional areas just like any other functional area of a business organization like
marketing, finance, production and HR. Thus it is important to understand the area of information
system just like any other functional area in the business. MIS is important because all businesses have
a need for information about the tasks which are to be performed. Information and technology is used
as a tool for solving problems and providing opportunities for increasing productivity and quality.
Information has always been important but it has never been so available, so current and so
overwhelming. Efforts have been made for collection and retrieval of information, However,
challenges still remain in the selection analysis and interpretation of the information that will further
improve decision making and productivity.
Previously, TPS was known as Management Information System. Prior to computers, data
processing was performed manually or with simple machines. The domain of TPS is at the lowest
level of the management hierarchy of an organization.
2. Management Information System (MIS)
MIS is an information system, which processes data and converts it into information.A management
information system uses TPS for its data inputs. The information generated by the information
system may be used for control of operations, strategic and long-range planning. Short-range
planning, management control, and other managerial problem solving. It encompasses processing in
support of a wide range of organizational functions & management processes. MIS is capable of
providing analysis, planning & decision making support. The functional areas of a business may be
marketing, production, human resource, finance and accounting.
3. Decision Support System (DSS)
A decision support system (DSS) is an information system application that assists decision-making.
DSS tends to be used in planning, analyzing alternatives, and trial and error search for solution. The
elements of the decision support system include a database, model base & software. The main
application areas of DSS are Production, finance and marketing.
DSS can be differentiated from MIS on the basis of processing the information. MIS processes data
to convert it into information. DSS processes information to support the decision making process of
a manager.
Business Expert Systems :These systems are one of the main types of knowledge-based
information systems. These systems are based on artificial intelligence, and are advanced
information systems. A business expert system is a knowledge based information system that uses
its knowledge about a specific, complex application area to act as an expert. The main components
of an expert system are:
a. Knowledge Base
b. Interface Engine
c. User Interface.