The Implementation of HACCP Management System in A Chocolate Ice Cream Plant
The Implementation of HACCP Management System in A Chocolate Ice Cream Plant
The Implementation of HACCP Management System in A Chocolate Ice Cream Plant
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Case Report
Article history: To guarantee the safety of chocolate ice cream production, the Hazard Analysis Critical
Received 6 August 2013 Control Points (HACCP) system is applied to the production process. The biological,
Received in revised form chemical, and physical hazards that may exist in every step of chocolate ice cream pro-
27 September 2013 duction were identified; in addition, the critical control points were selected and the critical
Accepted 30 September 2013 limits, monitoring, corrective measures, records, and verifications were established. The
Available online xxx critical control points, which include pasteurization and freezing, were identified. Imple-
menting the HACCP system in food manufacturing can effectively assure food safety and
Keywords: quality, expand the market, and improve the manufacturers’ management level.
Chocolate Copyright ª 2013, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan
Food safety LLC. All rights reserved.
Ice cream
* Corresponding author. Graduate Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Number 1, Section 4, Roosevelt
Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
E-mail address: (K.-C. Cheng).
1021-9498/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2013, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Lu J, et al., The implementation of HACCP management system in a chocolate ice cream plant,
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
2 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e8
Please cite this article in press as: Lu J, et al., The implementation of HACCP management system in a chocolate ice cream plant,
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
Please cite this article in press as: Lu J, et al., The implementation of HACCP management system in a chocolate ice cream plant,
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e8
production process materials were not contaminated by
pathogens or toxins
P Stone, metal No Brought in by suppliers during production, Sifting and metal detection in the
storage, transportation process following procedures
Weighing and B Microorganism contamination and No Inappropriate feeding temperature and Quickly perform feeding process at low
mixing growth during weighing, feeding sterilization on mixing vat, may result in temperature
and mixing process microorganism contamination Mixing vat should be clean and sterilized
in advance to ensure no pathogen left
C Excessive food additives No Excessive food additives may be harmful Designing formula strictly under the
to human health requirement of Standards for Specification,
Scope, Application, and Limitation of Food
Regularly correct weighing facilities
P Metal residue No Metal may left at weighing and mixing Keeping production environment and
facility facilities clean
Sifting and metal detection in the
following procedures
Pasteurization B Living pathogen left after Yes Inadequate pasteurization Strictly control pasteurization time and CCP1
pasteurization temperature
C None No N/A N/A
P None No N/A N/A
Aging B Microorganism contamination No Microorganism growth may occur due to Strictly control aging condition, keep
and growth extra-high aging temperature, extra-long relevant facility clean and sealed
process, or extra-slow cooling
Inappropriate facility sealing may also
results in contamination
C None No N/A N/A
P None No N/A N/A
Freezing (þ adding B Microorganism contamination and Yes Chocolate chips and large amount of air is Keep the inlet and its surrounding air CCP2
chocolate chips) growth incorporated thus pathogen may clean, filter screen must sterilized in
contaminate advance, chocolate addition need to be
performed quickly at a low temperature
C None No N/A N/A
P None No N/A N/A
B ¼ biological; C ¼ chemical; CCP ¼ critical control point; N/A ¼ not applicable; P ¼ physical.
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
Please cite this article in press as: Lu J, et al., The implementation of HACCP management system in a chocolate ice cream plant,
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e8
left pasteurization Time temperature pasteurization temperature thermometer/
temperature at controller controlling plot timer to verify
80e85 C, automatic
maintaining the temperature
temperature for controller
15 min Random
controlling plot
once a month
Freezing Pathogen Good Hygiene Practice Factory sanitary Cell culture Every batch Operator; Hygiene Factory structure Hygiene Examine record
(þadding contamination Ice food factory condition; management need to be management every day
chocolate and growth good manufacturing chocolate adding personnel modified if its record and log file Regularly submit
chips) (B) practice, processing process design contains hygiene
should be located at major defect management log
“clean operation area” book
55e60 C, 3% sodium
hydroxide wash, on:
pipe entrance and
inner wall, vat. 93 C
water wash for
10e15 min [13]
Fig. 1 e Large ice cream plant for production of 5000e10,000 L/h of various types of ice cream. Note. From “Sanitation
Standard for the Tolerance of Mycotoxins in Foods,” by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2012, https:// Copyright 201X, Name of Copyright Holder. Adapted with
Department of Health: Dairy Hygiene Standard. Egg products medium for microbes. There are numerous reports on the
contain a large amount of lecithin. Serving as an emulsifier incidence of human pathogens in ice cream, such as Listeria
and stabilizer, lecithin gives ice cream a smooth and stable monocytogenes, Salmonella species, Staphylococcus aureus, and
texture and flavor [12], and it should meet the limits set by the Bacillus cereus [11,14e16]. Raw material suppliers are required
Department of Health: Egg Product Hygiene Standard. Moreover, to submit quality inspection reports. Every batch of material
egg suppliers are required to submit salmonella inspection should be sampled and inspected.
reports. As a major ingredient of ice cream, water should meet
the provisions of Environmental Protection Administration: 3.1.2. Material mixing
Drinking Water Quality Standards. Overall, the chocolate ice After each material is weighed based on the chocolate ice
cream final product should contain over 8% of milk fat, 30% of cream formula, the materials are then mixed in a certain order
solid content, and 2.6% of milk protein [13]. The microbiolog- according to the technical requirement. Liquid milk will be
ical quality of ice cream should be low, as it is a rich growth initially added into the mixing vat. Sugar, milk powder, food
Please cite this article in press as: Lu J, et al., The implementation of HACCP management system in a chocolate ice cream plant,
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
6 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e8
3.1.5. Aging
Cooling The purpose of aging is to make protein, lipid, emulsifier, and
stabilizer fully expand with water, optimize the foamability of
mixed materials, and increase viscosity. Time and tempera-
Aging ture must be carefully monitored during the aging process.
Pasteurized materials must be quickly cooled down to
approximately 0e4 C. The aging process takes about 4e24
Freezing hours. Pathogens can grow in the temperature range of
(air incorporation 20e38 C; therefore, the cooling rate must be maintained at a
high level [17]. To prevent microorganism contamination, the
chocolate chip addition)
aging facilities must be carefully sealed.
Please cite this article in press as: Lu J, et al., The implementation of HACCP management system in a chocolate ice cream plant,
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e8 7
product will be fixed. The hardening process must be per- from any established CCP. During this procedure, problems
formed within a short period, or any temperature rise will will be corrected and production will be put back in control.
cause melted crystals to agglomerate and form large ice Any unqualified product will be further tested to determine its
crystals after hardening. Normally, hardening lasts for 12e24 safety. A complete HACCP plan also requires a verification
hours in 25 C to 18 C [12]. procedure, such as random sampling and testing, to examine
whether HACCP can effectively control food safety. Addi-
3.2. Establishing CCP and critical limit tionally, the implementation of the HACCP system should be
well documented. Documentation usually includes the con-
Based on the result of hazard analysis, the chocolate ice cream tent of hazard analysis and CCP determination, and record-
production process contains two CCPs. Critical limit is the keeping includes CCP monitoring activities, deviation and
processing requirement that needs to be fulfilled at every associated corrective actions, and verifications. These pro-
corresponding control points. The HACCP system is applied in cedures help to verify that HACCP controls are in place and are
the present study as a preventive food safety approach to being appropriately maintained.
control the potential hazards appearing in the ice cream
production plants in Taiwan. Most of the proposed CCPs in ice
cream production were mainly attributable to improper 4. Conclusion
handling and practices throughout the processing steps and
also to the lack of food hygiene knowledge among the The hazards in chocolate ice cream production are mainly
workers. attributable to the use of excessive food additives, inappro-
priate processing conditions, and unsanitary manufacturing
3.2.1. CCP1 pasteurization environment [21]. The results of this study showed the extent
The first CCP suggested in this study was the pasteurization of the positive effects that a HACCP systemdintroduced in a
process. Pasteurization temperature should be maintained at chocolate ice cream factorydhad on both the microbiological
80e85 C, and the temperature needs to be maintained for 15 quality of the final product and on the total quality/hygiene
minutes [17]. Inadequate pasteurization may allow the path- management. The application of the HACCP system provides
ogens to remain and grow, whereas extra-high temperature or food manufacturers with effective preventive methods to
extra-long pasteurization may negatively affect product guarantee food safety and improve management. Addition-
quality. ally, the documentation and records generated in the HACCP
system can easily help in tracing the origin of contamination,
3.2.2. CCP2 freezing and chocolate chip addition thus preventing further production of substandard products
The third CCP was the freezing and chocolate chip addition and lower the consumption of manpower, material, and
process. Freezing facilities should be located in a “clean financial resources. At present, HACCP is difficult to imple-
operation area,” where factory environment, personal hy- ment in some manufacturing plants because of technical and
giene, and presence of dust and insects are strictly controlled. financial obstacles. Although most of the major manufac-
Facilities need to perform standard clean-in-place procedures turers have applied HACCP for ice cream production, the
to ensure that air incorporated into the ice cream remains problems come from the point of sale. For instance, retailers
sanitary [17,18]. in night markets, which are a unique feature of Taiwanese
The microbiological quality of ice cream can be low, as it is culture, may lack enough knowledge of hygiene, resulting in
a good growth medium for microbes because of its nutrients the contamination of the ice cream. Therefore, this measure
(lactose, proteins, etc.) and to its almost neutral pH of 6e7 [19]. requires government support for its wider application. Further
HACCP is a systematic approach used in the food industry for linkage of the HACCP system introduced in the factory to
the identification, assessment, and control of biological, quality management systems, such as International Organi-
chemical, and physical hazards [3], providing an effective way zation for Standardization regulation, can be possibly proved
to advance food quality/safety, focusing on preventing haz- to provide higher quality/hygiene standards, along with
ards and improving processes [20]. higher awareness among the factories’ customers (i.e., ice
cream retailers).
3.3. Establishing monitoring procedure
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Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
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Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013),
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