Why Mutual Fund?: AMFI IAP (Association of Mutual Funds India Investor Awareness Program)
Why Mutual Fund?: AMFI IAP (Association of Mutual Funds India Investor Awareness Program)
Why Mutual Fund?: AMFI IAP (Association of Mutual Funds India Investor Awareness Program)
Requirement of Capital
Lack of Information
Key Investment Considerations
Plus Convenience
How easy is it to invest, disinvest
and adjust to your needs?
Post-tax Returns
Custodian keeps safe custody of the investments (related documents of securities invested).
Types of Mutual Funds
Types of
Mutual Funds
Close Ended Open Ended Interval Equity Funds Debt Funds Cash Fund
Comparison : Mutual Funds vis-à-vis other
asset classes
Growth in Equity Funds: One time
investment (as on 30 April 2010)
1.Professional Management
3.Convenient Administration
4.Return potential
5.Low cost
9.Choice of schemes
10.Well regulated
11.Tax benefits
How do I make money from a mutual fund?
1. Capital appreciation:
As the value of securities in the fund increases, the fund's unit
price will also increase. You can make a profit by selling the units
at a price higher than at which you bought .
2. Income Distribution:
The fund distributes part of the appreciation to the investors as
As the value of securities in the fund increases, the fund's unit price will also increase. You can
make a profit by selling the units at a price higher than at which you bought. Although Mutual
Fund does not guarantee the same.
Mutual Fund- How to invest in Mutual Funds
Selection Process- 3 step process
Your Investment
Based on your goals and
goal risk tolerance
Capital Capital
Generate Income
Preservation Appreciation
Mutual Funds
Cash Funds Debt Funds Equity Funds
As the value of securities in the fund increases, the fund's unit price will also increase. You can make a profit by selling the
units at a price higher than at which you bought. Although Mutual Fund does not guarantee the same.
Mutual Fund Products – Risk / Return Graph
Hybrid & MIP Sectoral Funds
Debt Equity
>> Return <<
Short Term Funds Balanced Funds
Ultra Short Term Funds Arbitrage Funds
Liquid fund Index Fund
Lo Med Hi Lo Med Hi
>> Risk << >> Risk <<
Suggested Portfolio based on Risk tolerance
Aggressive Plan Moderate Plan
Sample Mutual Fund Comparison Chart. Category: Diversified Equity Funds
CRISIL~CPR Rankings and Value Research Star Rating are prominent ones
Taxation Benefit investing in Mutual Funds
Capital Gains
UnderIndexation, you are allowed by law to inflate the cost of your asset by a
government notified inflation factor.
This factor is called the ‘Cost Inflation Index’, from which the word ‘Indexation’ has been
This inflation index is used to artificially inflate your asset price.
Thishelps to counter erosion of value in the price of an asset and brings the value of an
asset at par with prevailing market price.
Thiscost inflation index factor is notified by the government every year. This index
gradually increases every year due to inflation.
Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS)
advantage: all about 80C investments
Instrument Returns Lock In
Period (in
EPF 8.50% Until Retirement
PPF 8% 15
NSC 8% 6
FD’s – Banks & Post office 5.70 to 8.50% 5
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme 9% 5
Life Insurance Policies 5 to 6% 3
ELSS Market Linked 3
ULIP Market Linked 3-5
NPS Market Linked till age 60
SIP of Rs. 1000 invested per month @ 8% pa till the age of 60.
Fund Name Monthly SIP 10 years Monthly SIP 5 years Monthly SIP 3 years
Amount Amount Amount Return
Invested Grown to Return in Invested Grown to Invested Grown to in %
(Rs in (Rs in % (Rs in (Rs in Return in (Rs in (Rs in (CAGR
Lacs) lacs) (CAGR) Lacs) lacs) % (CAGR) Lacs) lacs) )
The above figures are for illustration purpose only. Past performance does not indicate the future performance
of the schemes.
Mutual Fund: How to buy?
Financial Svc.
Mutual Fund: How to redeem?
Demystifying NAV – Net Asset Value
While selecting a fund, the NAV shouldn’t be the criteria, A low NAV need not mean that
it’s a good buy ...
Mutual Fund
Scheme Name NAV's on Growth
Jan 1st 2009 Oct 21st 2009
A 23.55 38.97 65.5%
B 7.44 12.04 61.8%
C 19.86 30.23 52.2%
D 21.70 31.57 45.5%
E 12.10 16.56 36.9%
In the above example during the period under consideration the best growths have been recorded by the
funds with the “lowest” (Scheme B Rs 7.44) and the “highest” (Scheme A- Rs 23.55) NAVs respectively.
On the other hand the least growth has been recorded by (Scheme E), a fund with a low NAV.
Clearly the data suggests that there is no correlation between the NAV size and the returns.
Types of risks associated with Mutual Fund
Risk is an inherent aspect of every form of investment. For Mutual Fund investments, risks
would include variability, or period-by-period fluctuations in total return.
Market risk: At times the prices or yields of all the securities in a particular market rise or fall
due to broad outside influences. This change in price is due to 'market risk'.
Inflation risk: Sometimes referred to as 'loss of purchasing power'. Whenever the rate of
inflation exceeds the earnings on your investment, you run the risk that you'll actually be able to
buy less, not more.
Credit risk: In short, how stable is the company or entity to which you lend your money when
you invest? How certain are you that it will be able to pay the interest you are promised, or
repay your principal when the investment matures?
Interest rate risk: Interest rate movements in the Indian debt markets can be volatile leading to
the possibility of large price movements up or down in debt and money market securities and
thereby to possibly large movements in the NAV.
The market information, wherever stated has been sourced from the entities referred in the
document. This information is purely for informational purposes and should not be construed
as reflecting or indicating the views of (Name of the AMC). The value of investments and
income from them may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount
invested. Please consult your tax advisor before investing.Risk Factors: ▪Mutual funds, like
securities investments, are subject to market risks and there is no guarantee against loss in
the schemes or that the schemes objectives will be achieved. ▪As with any investment in
securities, the NAV of the units issued under the schemes can go up or down depending on
various factors and forces affecting capital markets. ▪Past performance of the Sponsor /the
AMC/the Mutual Fund does not indicate the future performance of the schemes. ▪ Please
read the scheme information documents of the scheme and the statement of additional
information before investing.
Statutory: Kindly incorporate the statutory details related to the constitution of the AMC and
the names of the Trustee and AMC.