Sleep-Related Epilepsy: Mar Carren O, MD, PHD Santiago Ferna Ndez, MD
Sleep-Related Epilepsy: Mar Carren O, MD, PHD Santiago Ferna Ndez, MD
Sleep-Related Epilepsy: Mar Carren O, MD, PHD Santiago Ferna Ndez, MD
DOI 10.1007/s11940-016-0402-9
Sleep-Related Epilepsy
Mar Carreño, MD, PhD1,*
Santiago Fernández, MD2
Epilepsy Unit, Hospital Clínic, C/Villarroel, 170. 08036, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Neurology, Hospital Platón, Barcelona, Spain
Opinion statement
Sleep has a strong influence on interictal epileptiform discharges and on epileptic
seizures. Interictal epileptiform discharges are activated by sleep deprivation and
sleep, and some epilepsies occur almost exclusively during sleep. Treatment of
sleep-related epilepsy should take in account the type of epileptic syndrome, the
type of seizures, the patient characteristics, and also the pharmacokinetics of the
drug. Proper characterization of the epilepsy is essential to choose appropriate
antiepileptic drugs. Drugs effective in focal epilepsy may be used to treat benign
genetic focal epilepsies such as rolandic epilepsy and other focal (frontal or not)
sleep epilepsies. These include both classical (such as carbamazepine) and new
(such as levetiracetam and lacosamide) antiepileptic drugs. Drug-resistant cases
should be evaluated for epilepsy surgery, which may be efficacious in this setting.
Valproate, lamotrigine, topiramate, levetiracetam, and perampanel are effective
against generalized tonic-clonic seizures in genetic generalized epilepsies, which
frequently happen on awakening. Risks of valproate should be considered before
prescribing it to women of childbearing age. Specific syndromes such as ESES require
specific treatment such as a combination of high dose steroids, benzodiazepines,
levetiracetam, and even surgery when an epileptogenic lesion is present. Sleep
disorders that may worsen epilepsy such as obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia
should be adequately treated to improve seizure frequency. Adequate control of
seizures during sleep (especially generalized tonic-clonic seizures) decreases risk of
sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP).
The fact that sleep has effects on epilepsy has been this observation has been confirmed to the present
observed since the nineteenth century (1). Early day. Thus, there are some epilepsies in which sei-
studies observed that a significant number of sei- zures appear mainly or exclusively in this state (pure
zures occur during sleep or during awakening, and sleep epilepsy). Epilepsies whose seizures occur
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West syndrome
This syndrome is characterized by infantile spasms and hypsarrhythmia on
EEG, and usually starts between 3 and 12 months of age. The spasms are brief
and usually occur in clusters. Seizures most commonly occur shortly after
awakening. The characteristic high amplitude hypsarrhythmic EEG pattern is
seen prominently in early NREM sleep (18) and, even more, can appear only in
sleep (19). Recently, it has been shown that hypsarrhythmia impairs the phys-
iological overnight decrease of slow waves in NREM sleep (20).
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
This syndrome is characterized by the presence of tonic seizures, atypical
absences, and tonic-clonic seizures. Typically, tonic seizures predominate dur-
ing NREM sleep.
Panayiotopoulos syndrome
It is another benign age-related genetic focal epilepsy. Almost two thirds of
seizures occur while the patient is asleep. Seizures are characterized by nausea,
emesis, other autonomic features, loss of consciousness, and eye and head
deviation. Half of the seizures end up as a hemiconvulsion or generalized
convulsion. Interictal EEG shows focal or multifocal spikes that appear or
increase in frequency during sleep. Most frequent spikes are recorded from the
occipital regions but also from other locations such as the centrotemporal area
or the midline. Even irregular generalized spike and wave discharges may be
seen. A few cases display no interictal epileptiform activity (23).
Prognosis is excellent and more than 75 % of patients achieve complete
remission without treatment, within 1–2 years from onset (24).
the posterior regions (63). In these cases, auras can help to differentiate them
from NFLE (64).
A nocturnal temporal lobe epilepsy has been described, but is uncommon (65).
Primary sleep disturbances and epilepsy
Excessive daytime sleepiness is the most common sleep complaint in patients
with epilepsy (66•). The origin is multifactorial, the most common being an
adverse effect of antiepileptic drugs (AED) and sleep disorders that frequently
coexist with epilepsy, such as insufficient nighttime sleep and obstructive sleep
apnea (OSA) (67). Excessive daytime sleepiness affects negatively the quality of
life of patients with epilepsy.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a primary sleep disorder, and is one of the most
frequent in patients with epilepsy. The prevalence of OSA in patients with
epilepsy exceeds that of the general population and is even more frequent in
patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (68). Risk factors are the same than in
general population: older age, male sex, and increased body mass index (69). A
recent study found that, in a regression model, only age, dental problems, and
standardized AED dose are predictors of OSA (66•). The pathophysiology of
OSA in patients with epilepsy however still remains unknown. Total load of
AEDs (especially of some such as benzodiazepines) may decrease upper airway
tone; in addition, the epileptic discharges and/or seizures could alter upper
airway control during sleep. However, this hypothesis remains untested (66•).
The Sleep Apnea Scale of the Sleep Disorders Questionnaire has shown validity
as a screening instrument for the diagnosis of OSA in adults with epilepsy (70).
OSA causes sleep deprivation because it results in fragmented sleep. OSA has
been associated with poor control of seizures (69, 71).
Association between NREM sleep parasomnias (sleepwalking and night
terrors) and NFLE is unclear, because both conditions are often difficult to
distinguish on clinical grounds and PSG findings may be unclear.
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized by ab-
normal and often violent motor behaviors and complex vocalizations in which
patients seem to enact their dreams while in REM sleep (72••). RBD can be
misdiagnosed as sleep-related epilepsy. In addition, elderly patients with epi-
lepsy may have RBD (73).
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Tonic seizures during sleep which are a hallmark of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
and occur in over 90 % of patients. Tonic status during sleep is a very difficult to
treat severe complication of this syndrome, and sometimes it is the result of
treating other seizure types with high doses of intravenous benzodiazepines
(111, 112).
Valproic acid is still the most effective drug against the different types of
seizures seen in idiopathic generalized epilepsies. However, careful assessment
of risk-benefit ratio is required when valproate is prescribed to women of
childbearing age, given its teratogenic potential and the negative impact on
the psychosocial development of children exposed in utero to this drug
Other drugs that may be used in this population are lamotrigine (may
exacerbate myoclonus in some patients) (114), topiramate (effective in GTC
seizures) (115), levetiracetam (effective in myoclonic and GTC seizures) (116,
117), zonisamide (evidence in absences, myoclonus, and GTC shown in small
open series only) (118), and perampanel (efficacy in GTC) (119, 120•).
Some antiepileptic drugs should not be used in these types of epilepsy
because they either do not work or exacerbate seizure types other than GTC
seizures, that is, absence and myoclonic seizures. These include carbamazepine,
oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, gabapentin, and tiagabine (119).
Pharmacokinetics of the drug may be used to adjust the time of maximum
expected concentration to the habitual time of seizure occurrence. Extended-
release formulations may be used to delay time of maximum serum concen-
tration of the drug. An occasional extra dose of a benzodiazepine can be used at
bedtime if the patient has been sleep-deprived.
Only a minority of patients with idiopathic or genetic generalized epilepsy
will present with generalized tonic-clonic seizures restricted exclusively to sleep.
In these cases a frontal origin of the seizures should be ruled out.
Antiepileptic drugs
The majority of pure sleep epilepsies are focal epilepsies (121), frequently non-
lesional and often with a relatively benign outcome and good response to
antiepileptic drugs. Focal seizures occurring mainly during sleep are usually
frontal in origin, although other seizure onset zones may be possible. Nocturnal
temporal lobe epilepsy is uncommon.
Treatment should be done with drugs which are effective in focal epilepsies.
Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and topiramate are useful drugs in patients
with frontal and other focal sleep epilepsies (51, 122–125).
Specific treatments such as acetazolamide can be used in the 30 % of patients
with the genetic autosomal dominant frontal lobe epilepsy who do not respond
to carbamazepine (52).
Some studies have shown potential usefulness of nicotine patches in some
patients (126). Among new antiepileptic drugs, lacosamide seems to be also
efficacious in patients with focal epilepsy and nocturnal seizures, with up to 65 %
of patients with nocturnal drug-resistant seizures experiencing more than 50 % of
seizure reduction in a retrospective study (127).
Conflict of Interest
Santiago Fernández declares no conflict of interest.
Mar Carreño reports grants and personal fees from UCB Pharma and Eisai and personal fees from Esteve and Bial
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