Lesson 7: Intersection Review Module (IRM) : Go Back To: Table of Contents
Lesson 7: Intersection Review Module (IRM) : Go Back To: Table of Contents
Lesson 7: Intersection Review Module (IRM) : Go Back To: Table of Contents
The Intersection Review Module (IRM) performs a ‘Diagnostic Review’ to evaluate the expected
operational performance of the design to assess potential safety concerns. The objective is to
provide a comprehensive review of an intersection design, analogous to a review that might be
performed in a design organization by a senior highway safety engineer. A primary focus is to
identify combinations of geometric design elements that suggest potential concerns, even though
the elements individually may be considered within acceptable practice.
For more details, see the Intersection Review Module Engineer’s Manual.
In the work problem, you will use the Intersection Review Module to evaluate the intersection of
IHSDM Pike and Route 1, by identifying potential safety concerns and possible treatments to
address those concerns.
Work Problem
- 7.1: Evaluate the Intersection of IHSDM Pike and Route 1
- 7.2: Evaluate an Alternative Design for the Intersection of Existing IHSDM Pike and
Route1 (Alternative C)
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Exercise 7.1: Evaluate the Intersection of Existing IHSDM Pike and Route1
1. If necessary, start IHSDM by double clicking the shortcut icon on your desktop screen, or
on ihsdm.exe in the IHSDM software home directory.
2. If you have not already done so, create a Project named “IHSDM Pike”, and import the
highway file named “ihsdm.network.ihsdm pike.xml”, following the general process
outlined in Exercise 2.1/2.2 for creating a Project and importing a Highway
3. To view the highways and intersection under the “IHSDM Pike” Project, click on the +
sign to the left of the “IHSDM Pike” node to expand the tree. You should see highway
nodes for ‘ihsdm pike’ and ‘route1’ and an intersection node for ‘route1/ihsdm pike.’
d. Click on “Next”
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IHSDM Tutorial
Click “Next”
2. IHSDM checked the highway data provided vs. the data that could be used for the
intersection diagnostic review evaluation. The “Intersection Leg Data Issues Summary”
screen informs the user of the intersection leg(s) that may have further data needs. In this
case, the user is alerted that ihsdm pike and route1 each has 1 missing or incomplete data
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3. The “data issues” for ihsdm pike screen shows data elements that are used by the
evaluation, except for certain elements that may affect the sectioning of the highway, for
example Horizontal and vertical Elements. Here, Lane Offset is preceded by an orange
question mark, indicating that this optional data element has not been provided. (Note: A
red “X” is used to indicate missing required data.)
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TIP: To make
changes to a data
element listed in the
table, click on the
data element name to
bring up a data editor
for that element.
Since ihsdm pike does not have Lane Offset, confirm that no changes are needed to the
data at this time by selecting “Next.”
4. The “data issues” for route 1 screen shows data elements that are used by the evaluation.
Here, Lane Offset is preceded by an orange question mark, indicating that this optional
data element has not been provided. (Note: A red “X” is used to indicate missing required
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Since route1 does not have Lane Offset, confirm that no changes are needed to the data at
this time by selecting “Next.”
5. “Evaluation settings summary”: Check the summary to ensure that the previous steps
were completed properly. Make sure the box is checked for “Show Report on Run
Completion.” Click “Run” to run the Evaluation.
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If intersection sight
obstruction information
is not available in
design documents, a
field inspection may be
needed to collect such
information. The user
can enter the
information through this
query interface
2. Click on the “Start” button in the top left corner. You will be asked a series of questions
regarding whether sight triangles (or lines of sight) are clear of roadside obstructions.
If an obstruction exists within the sight triangle (or crosses the line of sight) shown in the
Intersection View window, then the driver’s view is obstructed and you would answer
“NO” (i.e., that the sight triangle/line is NOT clear of obstructions).
Likewise, if the sight triangle/line shown in the Intersection View window were clear of
obstructions, then you would answer “YES” (i.e., that the sight triangle/line IS clear of
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For detailed
information on user
queries, refer to the
IRM Engineer’s
The first query is: “S route 1/NW ihsdm pike – is the sight triangle with dimensions
shown below clear of roadside obstructions (ISD Case B2 level 2)?”
Intersection Sight Distance (ISD) Case B2 refers to right turns from the minor road (South
Route 1, in this case). The triangle vertices represent the driver’s eye (on South Route 1),
object position (on NW IHSDM Pike), and intersection of the driver’s path and the path of
the vehicle approaching from NW IHSDM Pike.
Assume that an obstruction does exist within the sight triangle, and respond “NO” by
clicking on “No”, then “Continue” (or double-clicking on “No”).
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4. Once you have answered all the questions, the originally grayed- out “Exit” button will
become active. Click on “Exit”. The Evaluation Report should open in an html browser
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Concerns Concern
Potential Intersection Large Intersection Level 2
Concerns Pavement Area
Potential Leg-related Insufficient ISD to left Level 1
concerns on N Route1 (Case B2)
Uneven, discontinuous Level 2
minor-road profile
through intersection
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Before we start to evaluate the alternative intersection design, please take a look at the
following plan view of the existing and Alternative C designs. (Notice that the location of
Route 1/IHSDM Pike intersection is changed in Alternative C and the alignment of Route 1
is modified, so that the intersection is not skewed.)
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Exercise 7.2: Evaluate an Alternative Design for the Intersection of IHSDM Pike and
Route1 (Alternative C)
1. If you have not already done so, create a Project named “IHSDM Pike”, and import the
highway file named “ihsdm.network.ihsdm pike_altC.xml”, following the general process
outlined in Exercise 2.1/2.2 for creating a Project and importing a Highway
2. Select the intersection node corresponding to “ihsdm altC/route 1 altC” under the
“IHSDM Pike” Project node by clicking it once.
3. Click the “New Evaluation” button on the Button Panel to bring up the “Set evaluation
node attributes” window in the desktop area.
4. Fill in:
- Title: IRM1
5. Click on “Next”
“Report All Evaluated
II. Set the Evaluation Attributes Concerns” instructs the IRM
1. “Set diagnostic review attributes”: to list in the Evaluation
a. Evaluation Attributes: Report all applicable
i. Check the box for “Report All Evaluated Concerns” possible concerns for the
intersection being evaluated,
ii. Design Vehicle: SU-9(30) - Single Unit Truck including those that the IRM
iii. Evaluation Year: 2015 has determined are not
b. Policy: AASHTO 2011 U.S. Customary concerns
c. Click “Next”
2. On the “Intersection Leg Data Issues Summary” screen, click Next to proceed.
3. On the next two Data Issue screens click Next to confirm the data and proceed.
4. “Evaluation settings summary”: Check the summary to ensure that the previous steps
were completed properly. Make sure the box is checked for “Show Report on Run
1. Click “Run” to run the Evaluation. The IRM query window should appear in the desktop
2. Click on the “Start” button in the top left corner. You will be asked a series of questions
regarding whether sight triangles (or lines of sight) are clear of roadside obstructions.
Using the following table to guide your answer.
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4. Once you have answered all the questions, the message “Intersection Diagnostic Review
Completed” appears in the Message Box. Click on “Exit”. The Evaluation Report should
open in an html browser automatically.
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