Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation LTD
Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation LTD
Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation LTD
(A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking)
Gandhi Block, Swasthya Bhawan, Tilak Marg, Jaipur – 302005, India
Phone No: 0141-2228066, 2228064 Website: www.rmsc.health.rajasthan.gov.in
CIN:U24232RJ2011SGC035067 E-mail : edprmsc@gmail.com
F.02(289)/RMSCL/Proc/PPE kits/NIB-12/2020/933 Dated:23.05.2020
(Personal Protection Emergency Kit) (Rate Contract ending on 31.12.2020)
General instruction for bidders
1. Last date for receipt of bids, bid document fees, Bid Security Deposit, RISL processing fees
and empanelment fees
2. Eligibility criteria
3. Purchase preference
4. General conditions
5. Technical bid
6. Price bid
7. Opening of Technical Bid
8. Opening of Price Bid (BOQ)
9. Bid security
10. Other conditions
11. Acceptance of bid
12. Performance Security
13. Agreement
14. Supply conditions
15. Quality testing
16. Payment provisions
17. Deduction in payments:
18. Quality control deduction & other penalties:
19. Saving clause
20. Jurisdiction
21. Correction of arithmetic errors:
22. Procuring entity's right to vary quantity:
23. Dividing quantities among more than one bidder at (in case of procurement of goods):
24. Grievance redressal during procurement process:
25. Compliance with the code of integrity and no conflict of interest:
26. Fall Clause
27. Annexure-I Bank Challan
28. Annexure –II(A) Form-„A‟ issued by competent Authority
29. Annexure -II (B) Format of Affidavit
30. Annexure -III Annual Turn Over Statement
31. Annexure -IV Agreement
32. Annexure - V Check List
33. Annexure - VI Technical Specification of PPE kit
34. Annexure - VII Declaration & Undertaking
35. Annexure - VIII Guidelines for Blacklisting/Debarring of Product or Supplier/Company
36. Annexure - IX Memorandum of Appeal Under The Rajasthan Transparency In Public
Procurement Act, 2012
37. Annexure -X Undertaking for Manufacturing Capacity
38. Annexure -XI Undertaking
39. Annexure -XII Supplier Consolidated Invoice
40. Annexure -XIII Analytical Report Regarding Quality
41. Annexure -XIV Security form (Bank guarantee)
The bidders are instructed to read the complete bid document carefully. The
following points may be noted so that mistakes/lapses/shortcomings during Bid
submission can be avoided.
1. It is expected from all bidders that they will ensure that documents to be
used in bid set will be given to a reliable person only, and that only a fully
reliable person shall be authorized for DSC. So that the confidentiality of
your bid/ rates can be maintained up to bid opening & that your documents
are not put to any misuse.
2. In case you are given any assurance of any advantage in RMSC, by anybody
or if you are directly or indirectly threatened or intimidated of harming your
bidding & subsequent work in RMSC, please inform immediately about the
same to MD, RMSC or ED (Proc.) RMSC. It would be better if evidence of
such unfair activity of such person is produced so that action can be taken
against such person / institution and their details can be put on the website.
3. It is advisable for you to authorize only those persons for RMSC tender who
are employed in your company on salary basis.
4. The turnover should be as per bid conditions. Do not submit Bid if the
turnover of the firm is less.
5. Upload the Bids on the e-portal well in advance so that failure in uploading
can be avoided and no desired document remains un-uploaded.
(a) E-Bids in two separate bid (Technical bid & Price Bid) will be received till
01.06.2020 up to 03:00 P.M. by the Rajasthan Medical Services
SUPPLY OF PPE Kits (Personal Protection Emergency Kit). (Rate Contract
ending on 31.12.2020)
(b) The bids shall be valid for a Period of 120 days from the date of opening of
Technical Bid and prior to the expiration of the bid validity the Bid Inviting
Authority may request the Bidders to extend the bid validity period for an
additional specified period of time. The Bidder may refuse extension of bid
validity, and in such a case its Bid security deposit shall not be forfeited.
(c) The e-Bids will be received on e-procurement web-portal of Govt. of
Rajasthan. Every Bidder will be required to pay the following fees:
Bid form fee Rs. 2000.00 (Rs. 1000.00 for MSME Units of
Rajasthan) for downloading from the website.
Bid Security Deposit as applicable in Bid condition no. 9.
Processing fee of Rs.1000.00 of R.I.S.L.
These fees are to be paid through three separate prescribed challans
(format enclosed in Annexure- I) in any branch of the Punjab National
Bank Account no. 2246002100024414 throughout country upto or through
D.D. / bankers cheque in favour of M.D. RMSCL (Bid document fees and
Bid security), M.D. RISL (Bid processing fees) physically in the office of
RMSC by 03.00 PM on 01.06.2020. The bidders shall submit/upload
scanned copy of all the challans/DD in Technical Bid. Bids will be opened
only after ensuring receipt of Bid document fees along with processing
fees and Bid Security Deposit. In the absence of Bid document fees and
processing fees and Bid Security Deposit the Bids will be rejected and will
not be opened.
Click on offline mode (either DD or BC) on e procurement portal for the
purpose of bid uploading only.
(a) Bidder shall be a manufacturer having a registration with the concerned
authorities of Industry Department. For the purpose of eligibility under this
clause, the bidder should have manufacturing facility for making coverall, shoe
covers and face cover of the required material. However other components such
as gloves, disposal bag or any other item may be outsourced by the bidder.
(b) Average Annual turnover (for Surgical or textile business) in the last three
financial years (2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19) shall not be less than Rs. 1 crores.
For MSME Units of Rajasthan, the average annual turnover (for Surgical or
textile business) in the last three financial years (2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19)
shall not be less than Rs. 50 lakhs. The same should be supported by audited
annual accounts & certified by a practicing Chartered accountant, based on
audited accounts.
Explanatory Note:-
1) The merger / amalgamation / transfer of business / transfer of assets etc.
of a firm affect the bid condition relating to 'Turnover' in preceding
years. The eligibility of a bidder in this regard shall be ascertained by the
Purchase Committee on the basis of the above stated agreement / BOD
resolution / CA certificate or any other document(s) annexed with the
tender documents and the decision of Purchase Committee shall be final.
(1) Purchase Preference shall be given to MSME unit of Rajasthan as per notification of
Finance (GF&AR Division) Department, Govt. of Rajasthan no. S.O. 165 dated
1. At any time prior to the date of submission of Bid, Bid Inviting Authority may,
for any reason, whether on his own initiatives or in response to a clarification
requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the condition in Bid documents by
way of amendment. In order to provide reasonable time to take the amendment
into account in preparing their bid, Bid Inviting Authority can at his discretion,
extend the date and time for submission of Bids.
2. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information in this regard from the
office of the Bid Inviting Authority, i.e. RMSCL
3. In case any document submitted by the bidder or his authorized representative is
found to be forged, false or fabricated, the bid will be rejected and Bid Security /
Performance Security will be forfeited. Bidders or their representative may also
be blacklisted/banned/debarred. Report with police station can also be filed.
The Bidder should furnish the following in technical bid:-
(a) The amount of Bid Security will be Rs. 70 lakhs. In case of MSME of
Rajasthan the amount will be Rs.17.50 lakhs.
(b) The bidders shall submit/upload scanned copy of all the challans, D.D./
BC along with Technical Bid in proof of deposition/ submission of
Bid document fees, RISL processing fee and Bid security. The required
Bid Security Deposit / Bid document fees/ RISL fee may be in form of
physical D.D. / BC and should be in favour of M.D. RMSCL (bid
document fees and Bid Security Deposit) and M.D. RISL (bid
processing fees). All these financial instruments will have to be
deposited in the office of RMSCL upto 03:00 PM of 01.06.2020.
(g) Annual turnover statement for 3 financial years i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18,
2018-19 in the format given in Annexure-III should be certified by the
practicing Chartered Accountant.
(h) Copies of the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for three
years i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 duly certified by the practicing
Chartered Accountant will have to be submitted with bid.
(l) An undertaking that the bidder complies with all the terms, conditions,
amendments (if any) of bid document to be submitted in Annexure-VII
point no.11.
The price bid will also be known as financial document and every bidder will
be required to submit its price in excel format attached to the bid document
(BOQ). BOQ template must not be modified/ replaced by the bidder and
the same should be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else the
bidder is liable to be rejected for this bid. Bidders are allowed to enter the
bidder name and values only. The bidder should quote rate for the
mentioned packing unit only.
a) The Technical Bid will be scrutinized by Bid evaluation committee.
b) Technical Evaluation of the Bid will be done on the basis of documents
submitted by the bidder.
Price Bid (BOQ) of the Bidder found eligible on satisfying the criteria for
technical evaluation will only be opened.
The amount of Bid Security will be Rs. 70 lakhs. In case of MSME of
Rajasthan the amount will be Rs.17.50 lakhs.
The bidders shall submit/upload scanned copy of all the challans, D.D./ BC
along with Technical Bid in proof of deposition/ submission of Bid document
fees, RISL processing fee and Bid security. The required Bid Security Deposit /
Bid document fees/ RISL fee may be in form of physical D.D. / BC and should
be in favour of M.D. RMSCL (bid document fees and Bid Security Deposit)
and M.D. RISL (bid processing fees). All these financial instruments will have
to be deposited in the office of RMSCL upto 03:00 PM of 01.06.2020.
For MSME Units of Rajasthan, they will furnish copy duly attested by gazetted
officer of the registration of MSME issued by the Director of Industries in
respect of the stores for which they are registered. Duly attested copy of
Acknowledgement of EM-II issued by DIC with an affidavit worth Rs.10 as per
Annexure- II(B) under preference to Industries of Rajasthan rules 1995 in
respect of stores for which they are registered. (Annexure-II(B)).
The Bid Security may also be paid through separate prescribed challan (format
enclosed in Annexure-I) in any branch of the Punjab National Bank Account
no. 2246002100024414 throughout country up to or through D.D. / bankers
cheque in favor of M.D. RMSCL physically in the office of RMSC by 03.00
PM on 01.06.2020. Bid Security Deposit in any other form will not be
The Bids submitted without sufficient Bid Security will be summarily rejected.
The Bid Security will be forfeited, if the Bidder withdraws its Bid after last
time & date fixed for receiving bids or in the case of a successful Bidder, if the
Bidder fails within specified time to sign the contract agreement or fails to
furnish the performance security.
1. The orders will be placed by the Managing Director or any authorized officer
of Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation Ltd, (hereinafter referred to as
Ordering Authority).
3. (a) To ensure sustained supply without any interruption, the Bid Inviting Authority
reserves the right to fix more than one supplier to supply the requirement
among the qualified Bidders.
(b) Orders will be placed periodically during rate contract period based on the
RMSCL's requirement to the firms approved for rate contract.
(c) The successful Bidder/bidders who has been declared as L-1 or matched L-1
rate will be suppliers for item or items shall execute necessary agreement for
the supply of the bid quantity as specified in the Bid documents on depositing
the required amount performance security and on execution of the agreement.
Such Bidder/bidders would be eligible for the placement of purchase orders.
Moreover, purchase order can be placed after the issue of letter of
acceptance, pending the execution of agreement and issuance of rate
contract for an item.
(d) RMSC will inform the L1 rate to the Bidders who qualified for Price Bid
opening, through RMSC web site or e-mail; willing bidders may inform in
writing their consent to match the L-1 rate for the item quoted by them and the
Bidders who agree to match L1 rate, will be considered as Matched L1.
(f) The supplier shall supply the ordered quantity as per the delivery schedule of
P.O. before the stipulated period from the date of issue of purchase order at the
destinations mentioned in the purchase order, if the above day happens to be a
holiday, the supply should be completed by 5.00 p.m. on the next working day..
4. The rates quoted and accepted will be binding on the Bidder during validity period
of the bid and any increase in the price (except increase in GST rate or any other
statutory taxes) will not be entertained.
6. Supplies should be made directly by the bidder and not through any other agency.
7. The Bidder shall allow inspection of the factory at any time by a team of
Experts/Officials of the Bid Inviting Authority or of the Govt. of Rajasthan. The
Bidder shall extend all facilities to the team to enable to inspect the manufacturing
process, quality control measures adopted etc., in the manufacture of the items quoted.
If a Company/Firm does not allow for any inspection, their Bids will be rejected.
2. Bid Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept or reject the Bid for the
supply of all or any one or more items Bided for in a Bid without assigning
any reason.
6. Moreover, purchase order can be placed after the issue of letter of
acceptance, pending the execution of agreement and issuance of rate
contract for an item.
a) The successful Bidder shall execute an agreement on a non-judicial stamp
paper of value mentioned in the Acceptance Letter (stamp duty to be paid by
the Bidder) within 15 days from the date of the intimation letter of interest by
the Bid Inviting Authority, viz., the Managing Director, Rajasthan Medical
Services Corporation Ltd. The Specimen form of agreement is available in
Annexure-IV, failing to submission of performance security and execution of
agreement within 15 days as stipulated, will result in forfeiture of Bid Security
Deposit & other consequential action. A bidder who is found successful in
more than one product; he will be intimated through LOA / LOI to
execute agreement for all the products / drugs / items.
b) The Bidder shall not, at any time, assign, sub-let or make over the contract or
the benefit therefore or any part thereof to any person or persons whatsoever.
1. Purchase orders along with the delivery destinations will be placed on
the successful Bidder at the discretion of the Ordering Authority. The supplies
will be made at designated ware house situated in Jaipur.
3. The supplier shall supply the entire ordered quantity before the end of
30 days from the date of issue of purchase order at the destinations mentioned
in the purchase order, if the above day happened to be a holiday for RMSC,
the supply should be completed by 5.00 p.m. on the next working day.
4. All supplies will be scheduled for the period from the date of purchase
order till the completion of the tender in installments, as may be stipulated in
the purchase order.
5. The items supplied by the successful Bidder shall be of the best quality
and shall comply with the specification, stipulations and conditions specified
in the Bid documents.
8. If the Bidder fails to execute the supply within the stipulated time, the
ordering authority is at liberty to make alternative purchase of the item for
which the Purchase orders have been placed from any other sources (such as
Public Sector undertakings at their rates, empanelled bidders, and
bidders who have been technically qualified in the said bid) or from the
open market or from any other Bidder who might have quoted higher rates at
the risk and the cost of the supplier and in such cases the Ordering
Authority/Tender inviting authority has every right to recover the cost and
impose penalty as mentioned in Clause 18, apart from terminating the contract
for the default.
9. The order stands cancelled after the expiration of delivery period, if the
extension is not granted with or without liquidated damages. Apart from
risk/alternate purchase action, the Bidder shall also suffer forfeiture of the
Performance Security and shall invite other penal action like
debarring/disqualification from participating in present and future Bids of Bid
Inviting Authority/ordering authority. (Guidelines for blacklisting/ debarring
at Annexure- VIII)
10. It shall be the responsibility of the supplier for any shortage/damage at the
time of receipt at the designated places.
11. If at any time the Bidder has, in the opinion of the ordering authority,
delayed in making any supply by reasons of any riots, mutinies, wars, fire.
storm, tempest or other exceptional cause, on a specific request made by the
Bidder before expiry of supply period, the time for making supply may be
extended by the ordering authority at its discretion for such period as may be
considered reasonable. The exceptional causes do not include the scarcity of
raw material, Power cut, labour disputes etc. Reasons must be beyond control
of supplier.
12. The supplier shall not be in any way interested in or concerned directly
or indirectly with, any of the officers, subordinates or servants of the Bid
Inviting Authority in any trade or business or transactions nor shall the
supplier give or pay promise to give or pay any such officers, subordinates or
servants directly or indirectly any money or fee or other considerations under
designation of “Customs” or otherwise, nor shall the supplier permit any
person or persons whom so ever to interfere in the management or
performance hereof under the power of attorney or otherwise without the prior
consent in writing of the Bidder Inviting Authority.
(i) The firm shall inform to the RMSC within 15 days of issuance of the
blacklisting / banning / debarring order. If the firm does not inform, then
2% penalty shall be levied on the purchase orders issued between the date
of issuance of blacklisting / banning / debarring order to the date of
submission of clarification, both dates inclusive, shall be imposed, subject
to a maximum penalty of Rs 20000 and a maximum penalty up to
Rs.200000 only.
14 . If a supplier does not supply any quantity against two successive orders
than supplier shall be liable for debarment for the particular product for one
year, one year period will be reckoned from the date of issuance of such
debarment order.
If a supplier fails to execute first order, without proper justification, a show
cause notice may be given to him to respond within 7 days. If it does not
respond or does not give reasonable justification, the corporation may order to
L-2 and L-3, for entire failed supply on L-1 matched rate. If L-2 and L-3
matched rates are not available, then only purchase may be made on „Risk
and cost basis‟ as being done presently, Subject to other condition of Bid
2. In the event of the samples of the item supplied failing quality tests or found to
be not as per specification the ordering authority is at liberty to make
alternative purchase of items for which the Purchase orders have been placed
from any other sources or from the open market or from any other Bidder who
might have quoted higher rates at the risk and the cost of the supplier and in
such cases the ordering authority has every right to recover the cost and impose
penalty as mentioned in Clause 18.
3. Laboratory test may be done with reference to the standards laid down in the
3. The supplier would be required to get the fabric being used for making PPE
Kit, tested from SITRA or other authorized laboratories and get a UCC code
for the same. While supplying the material to RMSCL, this report of SITRA
and UCC code would be submitted with every lot. The supplier will further
certify that the tested material only has been used for manufacturing of these
PPE Kits.
4. All bills/ Invoices should be raised in triplicate and in the case of excisable
items; the bills should be drawn as per GST Rules / other applicable Rules if
any in the name of the authority as may be designated.
5. If at any time during the period of contract, the price of Bid items is reduced or
brought down by any law or Act of the Central or State Government or by the
Bidder himself, the Bidder shall be bound to inform ordering authority
immediately about it. Ordering authority empowered to unilaterally effect such
reduction as is necessary in rates in case the Bidder fails to notify or fails to
agree for such reduction of rates.
5(a) In case of any enhancement in GST as per notification of the Government
after the date of submission of Bids and during the Bid period, the quantum of
additional GST so levied will be allowed to be charged extra as a separate
item without any change in the basic of the price structure price of the items
approved under the Bid. For claiming the additional cost on account of the
increase in GST, the Bidder should produce a letter from the concerned
Excise authorities / GST authorities (Central and State) for having paid
additional GST on the goods supplied to ordering authority and also must
claim the same in the invoice separately. In case of reduction in rates of
GST price will be reduced accordingly.
5(b) In case of successful bidder has been enjoying GST exemption or any
criteria of Turnover etc., such bidder will not be allowed to claim GST at later
point of time, during the tenure of contract, when the GST is chargeable on
goods manufactured/Supplied.
6 (i) If the supplier requires an extension in time for completion of contractual
supply, on account of occurrence of any hindrance he shall apply in writing for
extension on occurrence of hindrance but not after the stipulated date of
completion of supply.
(ii) The purchase Officer may extend the delivery period with or without
liquidated damages in case they are satisfied that the delay in the supply of
goods is on account of hindrances. Reasons shall be recorded.
(iii) Extension in delivery period:- In case of extension in the delivery period
with liquidated damages the recovery shall be made on the basis of following
percentages of value of stores which the Bidder has failed to supply:-
a) Delay upto one fourth period of the prescribed delivery period; 2.5%
b) Delay exceeding one fourth but not exceeding half of the prescribed delivery
period; 5%
c) Delay exceeding half but not exceeding three fourth of the prescribed delivery
period; 7.5%
d) Delay exceeding three fourth of the prescribed delivery period; 10%
Note 1:- Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall be
eliminated if it is less than half a day. The maximum amount of liquidated
damages shall be 10%.
Note 2:- In specific condition, permission for additional delay of 10 days may be
granted for supply, in such a case an additional penalty of 5% shall be levied.
7. If the firm is Blacklisted/Debarred by State Govt. of Rajasthan during rate
contract period/ after rate contract period, the firm has to follow below
mentioned conditions:-
Further Purchase orders should not be placed to firm.
Purchase orders in process shall be cancelled.
All rate contracts should be cancelled.
1. If the supply is received in damaged conditions it shall not be accepted.
1. If the successful Bidder fails to execute the agreement and/or to deposit the
required performance security within the time specified or withdraws his
Bid after the intimation of the acceptance of his Bid has been sent to him or
owing to any other reasons, he is unable to undertake the contract, his
contract will be cancelled and Performance Security deposited by him along
with his Bid, shall stand forfeited by the Bid Inviting Authority and he will
also be liable for all damages sustained by the Bid Inviting Authority apart
from debarring the supplier. (As per guidelines for debarring at annexure
3. Ordering Authority will be at liberty to terminate without assigning any
reasons thereof the contract either wholly or in part on 30 days notice. The
Bidder will not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever in respect of
such termination.
7. In all the above conditions, the decision of the Bid Inviting Authority, viz
Managing Director, Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation Ltd, would be
final and binding; in case of any dispute regarding all cases under Bid
procedure or in any other non-ordinary situation and would be acceptable to
8. All litigations related to the supplier for any defaults will be done by Bid
Inviting Authority and his decision will be final and bidding. In case of any
dispute regarding the performance of contract and other issues the
jurisdiction of courts in Jaipur will be applicable.
No suit, prosecution or any legal proceedings shall lie against Bid Inviting
Authority or any person for anything that is done in good faith or intended to
be done in pursuance of Bid.
In the event of any dispute arising out of the Bid or orders such dispute would
be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Jaipur or Honorable High Court
(Jaipur Bench only).
Provided that a financial bid is substantially responsive, the procuring Entity
will correct arithmetical errors during evaluation of Financial Bids on the
following basis:
(i) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that
is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall
prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the
Procuring Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in
the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the
unit price shall be corrected;
(ii) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction
of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and.
(iii) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an
arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to
clause (a) and (b) above.
If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not accept the
correction of errors, its Bid shall be disqualified and its Bid Security shall be
forfeited or its Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed.
(i) At the time of award of contract, the quantities originally specified in the
bidding documents may be increased or decreased. There will not be any
minimum quantity guaranteed against bid quantity. The bid quantity is only
indicative. Actual purchase can be more or less than the bid quantity based on
actual consumption in the hospitals during Rate Contract period.
(ii) If the procuring entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement or
procures less than the quantity specified in the bidding documents due to
change in circumstances, the bidder shall not be entitled for any claim or
compensation except otherwise provided in the conditions of contract
(iii) However a bidder is bound to supply up to quantity indicated in bid document,
considering the total production capacity & capacity dedicated to RMSC.
Moreover, the actual purchases beyond Bid quantity may be made keeping in
view the supply commitment of bidder to corporation
The supply orders for quantity fixed as above may be issued as and when
required. RMSCL has full rights to increase or decrease the bid quantity upto
any limit during the contract period
The Designation a n d address o f the First Appellate A u t h o r i t y i s
S p e c i a l Secretary / Secretary, Medical, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of
The Designation and address of the Second Appellate Authority is
Additional Chief S e c r e t a r y , Medical, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of
Rajasthan and Chairman, RMSCL.
i. Filling an appeal
If any Bidder or prospective bidder is aggrieved that any decision, action or
omission of the Procuring Entity is in contravention to the provisions of the
Act or the Rules of the Guidelines issued there under, he may file an
appeal to First Appellate Authority, as specified in the Bidding Document
within a period of ten days from the date of such decision or action,
omission, as the case may be, clearly giving the specific ground or ground
on which he feels aggrieved:
Provided that after the declaration of a Bidder as successful the appeal may be
filed only by a Bidder who has participated in procurement proceedings:
Provided further that in case a Procuring Entity evaluates the Technical Bids
before the opening of the Financial Bids, an appeal related to the matter of
Financial Bids may be filed only by a Bidder whose Technical Bid is found to be
ii. The Officer to whom an appeal is filed under Para (1) shall deal with the
appeal as expeditiously as possible and shall Endeavour to dispose it of within
thirty days from the date of the appeal.
iii. If the officer designated under Para (1) fails to dispose of the appeal filed within
the period specified in Para (2), or if the Bidder or prospective bidder or the
Procuring Entity is aggrieved by the order passed by the First Appellate
Authority, the Bidder or prospective bidder or the Procuring Entity, as the case
may be, may file a second appeal to second Appellate Authority specified in the
Bidding Document in this behalf within fifteen days from the expiry of the
period specified in Para (2) or of the date of receipt of the order passed by
the First Appellate Authority, as the case may be.
iv. Appeal not to lie in certain cases
No appeal shall lie against any decision of the Procuring Entity relating to the
following matters, namely:-
(a) Determination of need of procurement;
(b) Provision limiting participation of Bidders in the Bid process; (c) The
decision of whether or not to enter into negotiations;
(d) Cancellation of a procurement process;
(e) Applicability of the provisions of confidentiality.
v. Form of Appeal (Annexure- IX)
(a) An appeal under Para (1) or (3) above shall be in the annexed Form along
with as many copies as there are respondents in the appeal.
(b) Every appeal shall be accompanied by an order appealed against, if any,
affidavit verifying the facts stated in the appeal and proof of payment of fee.
(c) Every appeal may be presented to First Appellate Authority or Second
Appellate Authority, as the case may be, in person or through registered post or
authorized representative.
vi. Fee for filling appeal
(a) Fee for first appeal shall be rupees two thousand five hundred and for
second appeal shall be rupees ten thousand, which shall be non-refundable.
(b) The fee shall be paid in the form of bank demand draft or banker‟s
cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India payable in the name of Appellate Authority
vii. Procedure for disposal of appeal
(a) The First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate Authority, as the case may
be, upon filling of appeal, shall issue notice accompanied by copy of appeal,
affidavit and documents, if any, to the respondents and fix date of hearing.
(b) On the date fixed for hearing, the First Appellate Authority or Second
Authority, as the case may be, shall,-
(i) Hear all the parties to appeal present before him; and
(ii) Peruse or inspect documents, relevant records or copies thereof relating
to the matter.
(c) After hearing the parties, perusal or inspection of documents and relevant
records or copies thereof relating to the matter, the Appellate Authority
concerned shall pass an order in writing and provide the copy of order to the
parties free of cost.
(d) The order passed under sub-clause (c) above shall be placed on the
State Public procurement Portal.
Any person participating in a procurement process shall-
a) Not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either directly or
indirectly in exchange for an unfair advantage in procurement process or to
otherwise influence the procurement process;
b) Not misrepresent or omit misleads or attempts to mislead so as to obtain a
financial or other benefit or avoid an obligation;
c) Not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or any-competitive behavior to
impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the procurement process;
d) Not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entity and the
Bidders with intent to gain unfair advantage in the procurement process;
e) Not indulge in any coercion including impairing or harming or threatening to
do the same, directly or indirectly, to any part or to its property to influence the
procurement process;
f) Not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;
g) Disclose conflict of interest, if any; and
h) Disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in India or any other
country during the last three years or any debarment by any other procuring
Conflict of interest:-
The Bidder participating in a bidding process must not have a Conflict of
A Conflict of interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has
interests that could improperly influence that party's performance of official
duties or responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable
laws and regulations.
I. A Bidder may be considered to be in Conflict of interest with one or more
parties in bidding process if, including but not limited to:
a. Have controlling partners/shareholders in common; or
b. Receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or
c. Have the same legal representative for purposes of the Bid; or
d. Have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third
parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or
influence on the Bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the
Procuring Entity regarding the bidding process; or
e. The Bidder participates in more than one Bid in a bidding process.
Participation by a Bidder in more than one Bid will result in the
disqualification of all Bids in which the Bidder is involved. However, this
does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise
participating as a Bidder, in more than one Bid; or
f. The Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the
preparation of the design or technical specification of the Goods, Works or
Services that are the subject of the Bid; or
g. Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired by
the Procuring Entity as engineer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract.
26. LOGOGRAMS /Markings
Logogram means, wherever the context occurs, the design as given below:-
The item to be supplied with the following logogram and with the word
“Rajasthan Govt. Supply- Not for sale fu%’kqYd forj.k gsrq] QC – Passed”
overprinted and the following logogram in which will distinguish from the normal
trade packing. Name of item should be printed in English and Hindi languages and
should be legible and be printed more prominently. The logogram should appear on
the packing of every kit and also on the carton containing a number of kits.
Name of the Item, Manufactured by, Batch no
Manufactured by:
The prices under a rate contract shall be subject to price fall clause. If the rate
contract holder quotes / reduces its price to render similar goods, works or services at
a price lower than the rate contract price to anyone in the State at any time during the
currency of the rate contract, the rate contract price shall be automatically reduced
with effect from the date of reducing or quoting lower price, for all delivery of the
subject matter of procurement under that rate contract and the rate contract shall be
amended accordingly. The firms holding parallel rate contracts shall also be given
opportunity to reduce their price by notifying them the reduced price giving them
fifteen days time to intimate their acceptance to the revised price. Similarly, if a
parallel rate contract holding firm reduces its price during currency of the rate
contract, its reduced price shall be conveyed to other parallel rate contract holding
firms and the original rate contract holding firm for corresponding reduction in their
prices. If any rate contract holding firm does not agree to the reduced price, further
transaction with it, shall not be conducted
Managing Director
Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation
(Ref. Clause no .3 (2))
Form A
(Apply in Duplicate)
Application by MSME for price preference or Purchase Preference
Or both in Procurement of Goods
The General Manager
DIC, District…………………………………….
1. Name of Applicant with Post
2. Permanent Address
3. Contact Details
a) Telephone No.:
b) Mobile no. :
c) Fax no.:
d) Email address:
4. Name of micro & small enterprise:
5. Office Address:
6. Address of Work Place:
7. No. & Date of Entrepreneurs Memorandum-II/Udyog Aadhaar
(enclose photo copy)
8. Products for which Entrepreneurs Memorandum-II/ Udyog
Aadhaar Memorandum availed:
9. Products for which are at present being produced by the
10. Products for which price preference or Purchase preference or
both has been applied for:
11. Production capacity as per Capacity Assessment Certificate
(enclose photocopy of Capacity Assessment Certificate )
13. List of Testing Equipments installed
Serial Name of Plant & Quantity Value
No Machinery
14. Benefits availed as per price preference certificate in last financial year and current
financial year
a. Benefits depositing Bid Security and Performance Security:
Last financial year Current financial year
I declare that the above all facts given in the application are correct and
my enterprise is producing the items mentioned in column No. 10
Date Signature
(Name of the applicant
along with seal of post)
(See clause 3(2))
Clause No. 9
Format of Affidavit
(On Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/-)
at…………………………Proprietor/Partner/Director of M/s………………do hereby solemnly
affirm and declare that:
(a) My/Our above noted enterprises M/s…………………………… has been issued
acknowledgement of Entrepreneurial Memorandum Part-II by the Districts Industries
Center……………………The acknowledgement No. is…………………….dated……………….and
has issued for Manufacture of following items.
(b)My/Our above noted acknowledgement of Entrepreneurial Memorandum Part-II has not been
cancelled or withdrawn by the Industries Department and that the enterprise is regularly
manufacturing the above items.
(c) My/Our enterprise is having all the requisite plant and machinery and is fully equipped to
manufacture the above noted items.
at………………………………Proprietor/Partner/Director of M/s……………………………verify
and confirm that the contents at (a), (b) & (c) above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and nothing has been concealed therein. So help me God.
Ref. Clause No.2(b), 5 (g)
Ref. Clause No. 13 (a)
In the manner and under the terms and conditions here in after mentioned and
where as the Supplier has deposited with the Purchaser a sum of
Rs_______________________________________________________(Rupees only) as
Performance Security for the due and faithful performance of this Agreement, to be
forfeited in the event of the Supplier failing duly and faithfully to perform it. Now these
presents witness that for carrying out the said Agreement in this behalf into execution the
Supplier and the Purchaser do hereby mutually covenant, declare, contract and agree each
of them with the other of them in the manner following, that is to say,
1. The term “Agreement”, wherever used in this connection, shall mean and include
the terms and conditions contained in the invitation to Bid floated for the Rate
Contract for supply of PPE Kits for Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation,
(Rate Contract ending on 31.12.2020) (F.02(289)/RMSCL/Proc/PPE
kits/NIB-12/2020/933 Dated:23.05.2020) and technical bid opened on
01.06.2020, the instruction to Bidders, the conditions of Bidder, acceptance of
Bid, particulars hereinafter defined and those general and special conditions
that may be added from time to time.
2. (a)The Agreement is for the Rate Contract for supply by the Supplier to the
Purchaser of the PPE Kits specified above at prices noted against each therein
on the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement.
(b) This Agreement shall be deemed to have come into force with effect
from the date of issuance of letter of acceptance ________________ and it
shall remain in force up to 31.12.2020 .If required, period of contract can
be extended upto 3 months with same rate, terms and conditions, without
any prior consent. Bidder shall be bound to accept the same.
(c) The Bid quantity noted against each item in the schedule attached to Bid
document indicates only the probable total requirements of the Purchaser in
respect of each item for the Agreement Period indicated in Clause (b) above.
This quantity may increase or decrease at the discretion of the Purchaser, but
shall not exceed the committed quantity/ dedicated capacity or as agreed upon
by both parties later on after the execution of Agreement. The Supplier shall
make supplies of the PPE Kits on the basis of the Purchaser Orders placed on
him from time to time by the ordering Authorities of the purchaser specifying
the quantities required to be supplied required to be supplied at the specific
location in the state of Rajasthan.
1. (a) In case the Supplier fails or neglects or refuse to faithfully perform any of
the Covenants on his part herein contained, it shall be lawful for the Purchaser
to forfeit the amount deposited by the Supplier as Performance Security and
cancel the Contract.
(b) In case the Supplier fails, neglects, or refuse to observe, perform, fulfill and
keep, all or any one or more or any part of any one of the Covenants,
stipulation and provisions herein contained, it shall be lawful for the Purchaser
on any such failure, neglect or refusal, to put an end to this Agreement and
thereupon every article, cause and thing herein contained on the part of the
Purchaser shall cease and be void, and in case of any damage, loss, expenses,
difference in cost or other moneys from out of any moneys for the time being
payable to the Supplier under this and/or any other Contract and in case such
last mentioned moneys are insufficient to cover all such damages, losses,
expenses, difference in cost and other moneys as aforesaid, it shall be lawful
for the Purchaser to appropriate the Performance Security made by the Supplier
as herein before mentioned to reimburse all such damages, losses, expenses,
difference in cost and other money as the Purchaser shall have sustained, incurred
been put to by reason of the Supplier having been guilty of any such failure,
negligence or refusal as aforesaid or other breach in the performance of this
(c) If at any time during the course of the Contract, it is found that any information
furnished by the Supplier to the Purchaser, either in his Bid or otherwise, is false,
the Purchaser may put an end to the Contract/Agreement wholly or in part and
thereupon the provisions of Clause (a) above shall apply.
2. The Purchaser reserves the right to terminate without assigning any reasons
therefore the Contract/Agreement either wholly or in part without any notice to the
Supplier. The Supplier will not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever in
respect of such termination of the Contract/Agreement by the Purchaser.
3. All Certificates or Notice or orders for time or for extra, varied or altered supplies
which are to be the subject of extra or varied charges whether so described in the
Agreement or not, shall be in writing, and unless in writing, shall not be valid,
biding or be of any effect whatsoever.
1. 1.
2. 2.
Ref. Clause No. 5
Check List
Annexure– VII
Clause 5
I Name……………….S/o……………….Age……..Prop./Partner/Director/Power of
attorney holder of firm M/s…………………..situated at (Complete address of Mfg.
unit)………………. …………………..do here by declare on oath as follows:-
1. That the quoted product at Code Nos……………in the Bid, are
manufactured/imported by us.
2. That the quoted products manufactured by us are of good quality and meet the
applicable standards. No case is pending in any court regarding quality of
quoted items.
3. That concern/company/firm does not stand blacklisted/banned/debarred on
any ground by Bid Inviting Authority or Govt. of Rajasthan or its
departments on the date of bid submission.
The concern/company/firm does not stand blacklisted/banned/debarred on the
ground of conviction by court of law or any other ground either by RMSCL,
State Government or any of its department.
4. That our Firm/Company and its Proprietor/Partner/Directors/ Power of attorney
holders have not been convicted for contravention by court of law. I have not
been convicted under the Prevention of Corruption Act; or under the Indian
Penal Code 1860 or any, other law for the time being in force, for causing any
loss of life or property, or causing a threat to public health as part of execution
of a public procurement contract.
5. That the quoted products comply with the standards as per the details given
S.No. Code No. Name of the Details of
Item Standards
6. That we have qualified staff, machines & equipments along with capacity to
manufacture the above items.
7. That we hereby confirm that we have deposited all the VAT/Sale Tax/ GST &
filling returns as applicable as on…………..With the department. central
excise / State commercial department is due on M/s………………as
8. That I/We have carefully read all the conditions of Short Term e- Bid in Ref.
No. F.02(289)/RMSCL/Proc/PPE kits/NIB-12/2020/933 Dated:23.05.2020 for
supply Cum rate contract of PPE Kit (Rate Contract ending on 31.12.2020) for
Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation and accept all conditions of Bid,
including amendments if any If case of typographical error found in
submitted documents / affidavits, in this case we accept all the Terms and
conditions of bid documents.
I/We also undertake that items quoted by us confirm all the parameters of
9. I/We agree that the Bid Inviting Authority forfeiting the Bid Security Deposit
and Performance Security and blacklisting /Debarring/Banning me/ us for a
period of 5 years or as deemed fit if, any information furnished by us proved to
be false/fabricated after evaluation / at the time of inspection and not
complying the conditions as per the applicable standards or at any time during
the Bid process.
10. I/ we hereby declare under Section 7 of Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Act, 2012. that:
a. I/we possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and
managerial resources and competence required by the Bidding
Document issued by the Procuring Entity;
b. I/we have fulfilled my/our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to
the Union and the State Government or any local authority as specified
in the Bidding Document;
c. I/we are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up. not
have my/our affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not
have my/our business activities suspended and not the subject of legal
proceedings for any of the foregoing reasons;
d. I/we do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been
convicted of any criminal offence related to my/our professional
conduct or the making of false statements or misrepresentations as to
my/our qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a
period of three years preceding the commencement of this procurement
process, or not have been otherwise disqualified pursuant to debarment
e. I/we do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and
the Bidding Document, which materially affects fair competition.
11. The quoted rates of any items is not more than the price fixed by the govt.
under the current drugs (Price control) order.
12. The submitted Average Annual Turnover certificate is related to (for Surgical
or textile Business).
13.Our complete address for
E-mail address : - ………………………………………………………...
Phone No. /Mobile No……………………………………………………
E-mail address:-……………………………………………….
Mobile No………………………………………………………
I…………………..S/o………………………(Designation)………………………. Affirm on
oath that the contents/information from para 1 to 19 as mentioned above, are true & correct to
the best of my knowledge and nothing is hidden. I also declare on oath, that if any
information furnished by me as above is found wrong, false, forged or fabricated; the
Corporation will be at liberty to cancel the Bid for which I shall be solely responsible and the
firm may be Debarred/Banned/ blacklisted / prosecuted for the same
Annexure VIII
Clause 14(9), 18
The existing guidelines for Black listing/Debarring of Product or Company is hereby
substituted by the following, namely:
1.1 The tenderer who submits false, forged or fabricated documents or conceals facts with
intent to win over the tender or procure purchase order; EMD of such tenderer firm will
be forfeited and firm will be liable for debarring for a period of not Less than 2 years.
The firm will also be liable for Legal action depending on the facts & circumstances of
the case.
2.1 The Successful Bidder fails to execute the agreement after being declared as L-1, L-2 or
L-3 etc. to perform the obligations under the bid conditions, Bid Security Deposit of
such bidder firm shall be fortified.
If an LOA for more than one products is issued to a successful bidder and he/she/it
fails to execute agreement for few items, in such case, a penalty of Rs.2.00 Lac and in
case MSME of the State of Rajasthan Rs. 50,000 shall be imposed on successful bidder
and the product for which agreement is not executed shall be debarred for a period of
not less than 3 years.
2.2 The successful tenderer after entering into an agreement withdraw or fail to honour
commitments as per tender conditions, Security Deposit of such tenderer firm will be
forfeited and firm will be liable for debarring for a period of not Less than 2 years.
3.1 The supplier shall start to supply according to tender condition from the date of
purchase order and shall complete the supplies within 30 days as mentioned in
Purchase Order or as stated in tender condition.
3.2 RMSC will be at liberty to accept or reject the supply made belatedly as per the terms
and conditions of the tender documents. In the event of acceptance of delayed supply
the liquidated damages shall be imposed at the rate stipulated in conditions of the
tender document.
3.3 If the supplier fails to execute the purchase order and informs RMSC about its inability
to execute the order and non-compliance of the purchase order due to act of vis-
majeure, then the Managing Director, RMSC will issue appropriate order on merits of
3.4 If the supplier fails to execute at least 50% of the quantity mentioned in single purchase
order and such failure in supply continues for three purchase orders, then supplier firm
will be liable for debarring for a period of 2 years. As a result such supplier will be
ineligible to participate in any of the tenders for particular item(s) of drugs / medicines
for a period of 2 years.
examination on a case to case basis for making appropriate technical recommendation to
Managing Director for further appropriate action.
4.2 The recommendations of disciplinary committee will be placed before the Managing
Director, RMSC who shall take appropriate action which may deem fit in the light of facts &
circumstances of the case by way imposing penalty or debarring or Debarring of the particular
product or supplier/ company.
4.3 If, the quality failure is of such nature that a particular product has been blacklisted
according to the procedure stated above, the supplier will not be eligible for participating in any
of the tenders for the particular item floated by RMSC for the specified period. For such purpose
period of debarring will be counted from date of issue of order and it will deemed to be over on
completion of the period and as such no fresh orders will normally be required for re-eligibility
purpose. Similarly if the supplier /company is blacklisted the supplier will not be eligible for
participating in any of the tenders for any of the items during blacklisted period.
Subsequent to the action taken on the basis of available facts if some new facts & evidences
such as reversal of test results findings by Appellate Laboratories etc. are brought to the notice
of the corporation, the Managing Director of RMSC will have the right to review the earlier
action. He may seek advice from the disciplinary committee in such matters.
Any supplier / company against whom the above action is taken may prefer an appeal
within 30 days of date of debarring order to the Principal Health Secretary, Medical &
Health Department, Govt. of Rajasthan who shall decide the same.
The debarring of particular product or supplier / firm will be done without prejudice to other
penalty which may be imposed as per the conditions of tender documents and also to other
actions which may be initiated under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 or any other law of land.
RMSC will display names of such blacklisted products and companies on its website and also
circulate the same among all stakeholders viz. PSME, DM&HS, DC including respective State Drug
Controllers where the supplier / company is located.
In the event of any dispute arising out of the orders and implementation thereof, such dispute
shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Jaipur City only or Hon’ble Rajasthan High
Court, Bench at Jaipur.
(i) Increase in the cost of raw materials, power cut, Labour strike, insolvency, closure of the factory
would not be considered as act of vis-majeure.
(ii) Purchase Orders, if any, already issued before taking any debarring action or replacement orders
given in past will not be affected in view of action taken as per above guidelines but all strict
quality checks shall be observed for each supply of products.
(iii) The action proposed as above is not in conflict to any express conditions laid down in
corresponding tender and in case of any overlapping, the tender condition will prevail.
The above policy shall come into force with immediate effect. Approval of Board of Directors’ has
been sought in its meeting dated 6th November, 2017 and administrative approval has also been
sought from competent level.
Clause 24(v)
1. Particulars of appellant:
(i) Name of the appellant:
(ii) Official Address, if any:
(iii) Residential address:
2. Name and address of the respondent (S):
3. Number and date of the order appealed against and name and designation of the
officer/ authority that passed the order (enclose copy), or a statement of a decision,
action or omission of the Procuring Entity in contravention to the provisions of the
Act by which the appellant is aggrieved:
4. If the Appellant proposes to be represented by a representative, the name and
postal address of the representative:
5. Number of affidavits and documents enclosed with the appeal:
6. Ground of appeal:
.................................................................................................. (Supported by an
Appellant's Signature
Clause 2(c)
Name of firm
Authorized Representative
Signature & Date
Ref. Clause No. 23
RMSCL will issue orders for supply anytime after issuance of LOA (Letter of
quantities which the RMSCL thinks fit. The decision of RMSCL shall be final
Name of firm
Authorized Representative
Signature & Date
Clause No.16.2
Supplier Consolidated Invoice
Name of Supplier: …………………………………………………………….
Complete Address: …………………………………………………………..
E-mail ID: ……………………………………………………………………..
S. Name Ordered Invoice/ Date Packin BATCH MFG. EXP. QUANTIT Basic Rate Basic
No of Qty. Challan g Size NO. DT. DT. Y Supplied (without Amount
DDW no. in No. GST) (without
(Batch GST))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Clause No.16.2
Analytical Report Regarding Quality
Name of Supplier
PO No. Date:
Item Name
Details of in house test report
S.No. Name of Lab. Test report Date Batch No. Qty. Result
No. Supplied
Ref. Clause No. 12
Note:- The validity of bank guarantee should be for 12 months from the date of issuance
of Bank Guarantee.