Success Factors and Failure Causes in Projects Ana

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Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 440 – 448

Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / International Conference on Project

MANagement / Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies,
CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist 2016, October 5-7, 2016

Success Factors and Failure Causes in Projects: analysis of cluster

patterns using self-organizing maps
VR. Montequina*, SM. Cousillas, V. Alvareza, J. Villanuevaa
Project Engineering Area,University of Oviedo, C/Independencia 13, 33004 Oviedo, Spain


The specialized literature on Project Management is plenty of lists of success factors and failure causes, thought there is not a
general agreement on this matter and it is highly dependable of the perspective of the observer. Subjectivity is inherent to these
concepts and they are also influenced by sectorial, cultural and geographical differences. This paper presents the study carried out
to analyze these factors, specifically the patterns that can be draught from an exploratory study based on a survey. This work is
part of a global study on analysis of success factors and failure causes in projects. A questionnaire has been aimed specifically to
project managers to gather information on the degree of influence of different factors on the failure or success in a project.
Behavioral patterns were found using clustering techniques, Self-Organized Maps (SOM) specifically, concluding that in the
population sample there are 9 clearly differentiated groups (clusters).

© 2016
Elsevier B.V.B.V.
Elsevier This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of SciKA - Association for Promotion and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CENTERIS 2016
Keywords: project success factor; project failure cause; cluster; Self-Organized Maps

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-985104272; fax: +34-985104256.

E-mail address:

1877-0509 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CENTERIS 2016
VR. Montequin et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 440 – 448 441

1. Introduction and objectives

The success in projects is something much more complex than just meeting cost, deadlines and specifications. In
fact, customer satisfaction with the final result has a lot to do with the perception of success or failure in a project.
Furthermore, Baker et al. [1] conclude that, in the end, what really matters is whether the parties associated with and
affected by a project are satisfied or not. Meeting deadlines and costs does not really matter if the final product does
not meet expectations in its performance. A good review about Project Success can be found at [2]. For example,
Pankratz and Basten [3] have identified eight success criteria in addition to traditional adherence to planning (ATP)
approach. However, this paper is not really focused on the concepts of success or failure but on the study of the aspects
that lead to the failure or success in projects, though obviously there is a strong relation between concepts. There are
plenty of factors whose application is significant for the success of a project. One of the fields of study in Project
Management is the success and failure factors in projects. In the literature, these are called critical success factors,
and many studies have been devoted to define, clarify and analyse such factors. Success factors are subjected to the
perceptions of the ones involved in the project development, depending not only on the stakeholder but also on cultural
or geographical differences, which are reflected in the context of the organization [4]. There are also a lot of sectorial
influences. For example, Huysegoms et al. have identified the causes of failure in software product lines context [5].
Other examples can be found in [6], [7], [8] and [9].
Obviously, projects fail due to many different reasons, if we understand ‘failure’ as the systematic and widespread
non-compliance of the criteria which defines a successful project [10]. Nevertheless, due to the inner subjectivity of
the concept, each person working in the same project has a personal opinion about the determining causes of its failure.
These opinions can also vary depending on the type and sector of project, so that distinctive patterns of causes are
associated with the failure of specific kinds of projects. The most usual is that a combination of several factors with
different levels of influence in different stages of the life cycle of a project result in its success or failure. The
interactions between the different factors or causes seem to be as important as each factor or cause separately.
However, there seems to be no formal way to account for these interrelations.
The work here presented is part of a global study on analysis of success factors and failure causes in projects. A
questionnaire has been aimed specifically to project managers to gather information on the degree of influence of
different factors on the failure or success in a project. The questionnaire requests their perception on the most
influential factors to be considered to reach success, as well as the most common failure causes they have most
frequently encountered. A selection of critical success factors and failure causes were selected as a basis for the
questionnaire, compiling previous research work results [11] and [12] with the most frequent causes reflected in the
literature. The questionnaire is generic, not intended for any specific sector or geographical area. Although it is not
focused on any particular project or field, it gathers this type of information to be able to correlate it. The survey was
distributed anonymously to recipients through LinkedIn, an internet professional network.
Such study determines the most frequent failure causes and the most important success factors in real world projects.
In the initial stage, a statistical analysis of the sample data was conducted with the aim of answering the question of
whether the valuations depend on the geographical areas of the respondents or on the types of projects that have been
carried out (this work has not been still published, although it is being now considered). Moreover, it has been found
that there is no absolute criterion and that subjectivity is the inherent characteristic of those valuations. So, as a
complementary study, clustering techniques are applied in order to find patterns in the set of received answers. This
article describes this type of work and the results obtained.

2. Methodology

As discussed in the previous section, the grounds for this work is the questionnaire that was designed to gather
information on the perception project managers have of what the success factors and failure causes are. After the
information was gathered, a descriptive analysis was performed on the data with cluster datamining techniques.
The questionnaire has three parts with different questions on the following aspects:
• General information on the respondent and typology of projects he/she was involved in: country, type and size of
442 VR. Montequin et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 440 – 448

• Frequency of different causes of project failure, with 26 multiple-choice questions (from 0-25%, rare or
improbable occurrence, to 75-100%, always occurs)
• Degree of importance of the different success factors in projects, with 19 questions which must be scored from 0
(not important) to 4 (fundamental).
As said in the previous section, the causes of failure and success factors are extracted from the existing bibliography
and the previous work on the matter. The following table gathers the identified factors. The Likert scale is used to
measure these factors.

Table 1. Failure causes

Cause Code Cause Code

Irruption of competitors C1 Project manager Lack of competence C14
Continuous or dramatic changes to the initial requirements. C2 Project manager Lack of vision C15
Customer’s requirements inaccurate, incomplete or not C3 Project requirements deficiently documented C16
Disagreement or conflict of interest among departments C4 Project staff changes C17
Inaccurate cost estimations C5 Project team lack of competence C18
Inaccurate time estimations C6 Project team misunderstanding related to C19
customer/user needs
Deficient management of suppliers and procurement C7 Project team lack of commitment C20
Lack of Management support C8 Public opinion opposition to Project C21
Lack of previous identification of legislation C9 Quality checks badly performed or not C22
performed at all
Badly defined specifications C10 Extremely new or complex technology C23
Political, social, economic or legal changes C11 Unexpected events with no effective response C24
Project manager Lack of commitment C12 Unrealistic customer expectations C25
Project manager Lack of communication skills C13 Wrong number of people assigned to the C26

Table 2. Success factors

Factor Code Factor Code

Adequate project and phases planning F1 Performing of quality checks in all project phases F11
Acceptance of change F2 Project Manager commitment F12
Clear vision and goals of the Project F3 Project Manager competence F13
Clear, complete and correct specification of project requirements F4 Project Team commitment F14
Control of Schedule compliance F5 Project team competence F15
Customer/User continuous involvement F6 Project financing guaranteed F16
Elaboration of contingency plans F7 Realistic and reachable goals and expectations F17
Fluent and frequent communication F8 Realistic cost and time estimations F18
Management support F9 Adequate number of people assigned to the project F19
Minimal bureaucracy F10

The questions were designed with one purpose in mind: that the failure causes were not defined as the absence of
the success factors. Some of the questions were formulated in such a way that allowed them to detect contradictions
VR. Montequin et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 440 – 448 443

between responses (remember it is the recipients’ perceptions that are being measured). Accordingly, the most valued
success factors should be those opposed to the more common failure causes.
The recipients were randomly chosen among the members of 36 Project Management groups from LinkedIn
network. The questionnaire was open for 3 months and 11 days, in order to obtain a significant number of answers.
During that period of time, customized emails were sent with an invitation to answer the questionnaire to a total of
3,668 people. A total of 619 answers were received (16.88%), 611 of which were considered for further analysis (the
rest was discarded due to consistency issues). Neither of the questionnaires were partially filled or incomplete, since
all fields must be completed in order to send it and all free responses were considered as valid.
Though the scope of this paper does not cover the statistical analysis of the obtained answers, here is a summary of
the main results. Overall, both the most and least frequent failure causes are presented here:

Table 3. Summary of results

Failure causes Success factors

Most frequent Least frequent Most frequent Least frequent
C3 Incomplete, wrong or not defined Irruption of C1 F3 Clear vision and Minimal F10
customer specifications competitors goals of the project bureaucracy
C2 Continuous or dramatic changes to Political, social, C11 F8 Frequent and Control of F5
initial requirements economic or legal fluent schedule
changes communication compliance
among all
C6 Inaccurate time estimations Project Manager’s C12 F12 Project Manager’s Elaboration of F7
lack of commitment commitment contingency
plans, to forecast
potential risks
and scenarios
C16 Project requirements inadequately Public opinion C21 F4 Clear, complete Performing of F11
documented opposition to project and correct quality checks in
specification of all project phases

With the obtained results, a cluster analysis was conducted in order to obtain patterns in the answer data set,
grouping a set of data which have similar values. The aim is to classify a set of simple elements into a number a groups
in such a way that the elements in the same group are similar or related to one another and, at the same time, different
or unrelated to the elements in other groups.
The Cluster Analysis (also called Unsupervised Classification, Exploratory Data Analysis, Clustering, Numerical
Taxonomy or Pattern Recognition) is a multivariate statistical technique whose aim is to divide a set of objects into
groups or clusters in such a way that objects in the same cluster are very similar to each other (internal cluster cohesion)
and the objects in other groups are different (external cluster isolation).
Summarizing, it deals with creating data clusters in such a way that each group is homogeneous and different from
the rest. To this purpose it can be used many data analysis techniques. In this study it has been used the Self-organized
Maps (SOM) technique, a specific type of neural network [13].
SOM networks are an excellent tool for exploring and analyzing data, which are especially adequate due to their
remarkable visualization properties. They create a series of prototype vectors which represent the data set and project
such vectors into a low dimensional network (generally bi-dimensional) from the input d-dimensional space, which
preserves its topology and maintain it. As a result, the network shows the distance between the different sets, so it can
be used as an adequate visualization surface to display different data characteristics as, for instance, their cluster
division. Summarizing, SOM Clustering Networks allow input data clustering and easily visualize the resulting
multidimensional data clusters. For the analysis of data collected in the questionnaire it was used SOM Toolbox with
444 VR. Montequin et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 440 – 448

The training was carried out with an initial number of 17 clusters. This number was not randomly chosen. It was
chosen as it was the same number of project types, being this the largest of the initial 2 groups into which the variables
were classified (13 geographical areas and 17 types of projects). One of the most significant information provided by
this kind of analysis is precisely the optimal number of clusters or optimal clustering and how the samples are
distributed among the clusters. To perform the training, a file with the following 49 input variables was prepared (the
columns of the data matrix are the variables and each row is a sample):
• Project size (this categorical variable has been encoded as follows: small=3; medium=32 = 9; large= 33 = 27)
• 26 failure causes
• 19 success factors
• Answer ID (encoded from P1 to P611). This variable is included only for tracing purpose during the validation
stage, not for training.
• Country (the countries were grouped into 13 geographical areas, taking into account geographical, economic,
historical and cultural criteria)
• Type of project (they are encoded into 17 activities derived from the ISIC/CIIU Rev. 4 codes) [15]
The training has been performed using a matrix which defines the size of the SOM network as 117 (13x9 neurons).
In order to determine the right number of clusters the Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) was used. The index, introduced
by David L. Davies and Donald W. Bouldin in 1979 [14], is a common used metric for evaluating clustering
algorithms. This index is a function of the ratio of the sum of within-cluster scatter to between-cluster separation.

3. Results

First, the Davies-Bouldin index and the sums of squared errors diagrams are displayed. According to the usual work
methodology of this type of Neural Networks, the best possible cluster will be the one that reaches a better compromise
between the minimization of both parameters.

Fig. 1 Davies-Bouldin index and sum of squared erros (17 clusters)

VR. Montequin et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 440 – 448 445

The Davies-Bouldin chart shows the minimum has been reached for 9 clusters, so it will be considered as an
optimum set, which means that according to the criteria it will be considered as the best possible option to divide the
set into 9 groups. In addition, the sum of squared errors for that number of clusters is within the lowest values in the
chart. It can also be noticed that it could be chosen a lower number of clusters (for example 7), however in this case
apart from the fact that the Davies-Bouldin index is not a minimum, the sum of squared errors is higher than in the
case of the optimal set. Therefore, this option has been rejected.
Fig. 2 are exposed the distance matrix distributions, taking as references the results of the application of the K-
means algorithm on the initial 17 clusters and on the optimal cluster according to Davies-Bouldin. The distance matrix
gives a visual indication of the distance between clusters.

Fig. 2 Distance matrix for the initial clusters and for the optimal cluster (a) 17 clusters (b) 9 clusters

Once the optimal number of clusters is determined, then the composition of each one of them is analyzed, both
geographically and by type of project, in order to study the characterization each of them performs. This analysis was
performed using contingency tables and frequency analysis. It was found that each cluster characterized the causes of
failure and success differently. Due to the limitation of the number of pages in the conference’s paper format, it is not
possible to reproduce all the corresponding tables in this paper, therefore a summary is presented. Fig. 3 shows the
contingency table for the different project types, classified according to the ISIC code:

Table 4: Distribution of samples of ISIC project types in each cluster

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Samples
ISIC 1 11,51% 6,30% 9,59% 9,32% 15,07% 12,60% 15,34% 11,23% 9,04% 365
ISIC 2 11,63% 9,30% 11,63% 18,60% 18,60% 11,63% 9,30% 4,65% 4,65% 43
ISIC 3 21,43% 11,90% 14,29% 9,52% 16,67% 9,52% 2,38% 9,52% 4,76% 42
ISIC 4 19,51% 2,44% 14,63% 2,44% 19,51% 12,20% 7,32% 14,63% 7,32% 41
ISIC 5 9,38% 15,63% 6,25% 9,38% 6,25% 9,38% 3,13% 21,88% 18,75% 32
ISIC 6 16,67% 8,33% 25,00% 8,33% 25,00% 16,67% 12
ISIC 7 9,09% 9,09% 9,09% 45,45% 18,18% 9,09% 11
ISIC 8 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 20,00% 20,00% 10,00% 10,00% 10
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ISIC 9 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 40,00% 10

ISIC 10 37,50% 12,50% 25,00% 25,00% 8
ISIC 11 12,50% 25,00% 25,00% 37,50% 8
ISIC 12 14,29% 28,57% 28,57% 28,57% 7
ISIC 13 14,29% 28,57% 14,29% 28,57% 14,29% 7
ISIC 14 16,67% 33,33% 16,67% 16,67% 16,67% 6
ISIC 15 75,00% 25,00% 4
ISIC 16 66,67% 33,33% 3
ISIC 17 50,00% 50,00% 2
Samples 74 44 63 55 102 73 75 67 58 611

Each cell in Table 4 contains the percentage of samples of each project type in each cluster. In order to facilitate
understanding, the greatest percentage of each ISIS factor are remarked. For example, it can be noticed that a
significant number of ISIC 5 samples (21,88%) are in cluster 8. Due to the aforementioned space limitations, only the
five types of project with more samples are indicated:
• ISIC1 (Information and Communications)
• ISIC2 (Financial and insurance activities)
• ISIC3 (Construction)
• ISIC4 (Manufacture Industries)
• ISIC5 (Professional activities, scientific and technical)
VR. Montequin et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 440 – 448 447

Fig. 3 Failure causes modes bar chart

Frequencies of occurrence of the failure causes and ratings of success factors depend on the cluster under
consideration, so distinguishing among 9 different patterns. In order to characterize each cluster, a graph bar is built
with the mode of each cluster for each variable (success factors and failure causes). As an example, the bar graphs for
the success factors from 1 till 12 are depicted in the paper (Fig. 3). The bold vertical line stands for the global mode,
so it is easy to notice if some factor is more or less important in each cluster. For example, the failure cause C12 (lack
of project management commitment), that in general has been considered as a low frequency cause of failure (the
global mode indicate that is 0%-25%), has more importance (25%-50%) in clusters 3, 5 and 7, and it is even more
important in cluster 1 (50%-75%). So in a similar way, we can characterize the different clusters. For example, Cluster
1 is featured by higher rates for C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11 and C12. The reader should remember that this is
only partial results, because bar graphs for C13-C26 and F1-F19 are not included in this paper.

4. Conclusions

The analysis performed by clustering techniques has allowed us to conclude that the total number of answers
obtained can be divided into 9 groups of respondents, who behaved differently analyzing failure causes and success
factors in projects. Or similarly, it has been proved that there are 9 different types of assessment for the same failure
causes and success factors. This result is coherent with the conclusions of the available literature on the subject, which
claims that there is not a unique criteria and subjectivity is an inherent characteristic of these assessments. Using bar
charts as visualization tool, representing the mode of each cluster for each variable compared to the global mode, has
proven to be very useful understanding the behavior of each cluster. Contingency tables have also been very powerful
finding relationships between the clusters and the kind of projects/geographical region. Unfortunately, only a small
part of the analyze could be presented here due to the paper extension limits.


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Retrieved from:, accessed 1/4/2016

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