Creep Modeling For Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes: Wassim Naguib, Amir Mirmiran
Creep Modeling For Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes: Wassim Naguib, Amir Mirmiran
Creep Modeling For Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes: Wassim Naguib, Amir Mirmiran
Received 21 January 2003; received in revised form 12 May 2003; accepted 4 June 2003
Using the rate of flow method and the double power law function for basic creep of concrete,
an algorithm is developed for the time-dependent behavior of concrete-filled steel tube (CFT),
with or without the interface bond. The model adheres to geometric compatibility and static
equilibrium, and considers the effects of sealed concrete, multi-axial state of stresses, creep
Poisson’s ratio, stress redistribution, variable creep stress history, and creep failure of the
column. The model is verified against previous creep tests for bonded and unbonded speci-
mens. A study is then carried out on the practical design parameters that may affect creep of
CFT columns under service loads, or lead to their creep rupture at high levels of sustained
load. The study indicates that creep of CFT columns should be considered in the design,
however, with creep coefficients much lower than those prescribed in the current ACI. Creep
of CFT is shown to be a function of concrete mix, column geometry, and interface bond.
Therefore, a single ultimate creep coefficient cannot be used for all concrete mixes, column
geometries, and construction types. Bonded tubes curtail creep of concrete much more than
the equivalent unbonded ones, mainly because of the stress relaxation phenomenon, which is
more pronounced for smaller diameter-to-thickness ratios. For diameter-to-thickness ratios of
40 or less, bonded tubes are more durable in creep rupture than the equivalent unbonded ones.
Creep rupture life of 75 years is quite feasible in bonded CFT, with diameter-to-thickness
ratio of 40 or less, for sustained loads as high as 65% of the static capacity of the column.
2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-919-513-1735; fax: +1-513-1765.
E-mail address: (A. Mirmiran).
0143-974X/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1328 W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344
a load distribution factor, or creep parameter for concrete
Ac, As cross-sectional areas of concrete core and steel tube
B column width
D concrete core diameter
⌬s stress increment
⌬t time step
e(t) total strain
E(to) initial elastic secant mouldus
Ec, Es modulus of elasticity of concrete core and steel tube
eca, esa axial strains in concrete core and steel tube
eca-uniaxial uniaxial creep strain in concrete core
⑀cr radial strain in concrete core
Ed dynamic modulus
EEffective effective modulus of elasticity
Eo asymptotic modulus for short duration of loading
es1, es2 axial and hoop strains in steel tube
esa, esh axial and hoop strains in steel tube
eShr shrinkage strain
esy yield strain of steel tube
fr lateral confining pressure
fsa, fsh axial and hoop stresses in steel tube
h column height
J creep compliance function or creep strain per unit stress
L loading span
m, n creep parameters for concrete
nc, nEPR static and effective Poisson’s ratio of concrete
s Poisson’s ratio of steel
P total sustained axial load;
Pc, Ps axial load on concrete core and steel tube
PStatic static capacity of the column
s applied stress
t tube thickness
to age at loading
f (total) creep coefficient
fd recoverable delayed elastic creep coefficient
f1 creep parameter for concrete
ff creep flow
fu ultimate creep coefficient
W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344 1329
1. Introduction
Concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) combines the benefits of two materials to provide
high strength and ductility. Two types of construction are feasible: bonded (BCFT)
or unbonded (UCFT). In BCFT, the tube and the concrete core both share the axial
load, either by direct loading of the tube and concrete together, or through friction
bond between the two. In UCFT, anti-friction material may be applied to the inner
surface of the tube to eliminate any composite action under axial or lateral loads.
The tube then provides only confining pressure for concrete.
Some researchers, such as Orito et al. [1], have advocated that the tube in UCFT
would be more resistant to outward buckling, and therefore, its confining effect may
be utilized more efficiently. While significant work has been carried out on the short-
term static or dynamic behavior of CFT, less emphasis has been placed on its time-
dependent response. Creep effects have been accounted for by reducing either the
strength or the initial elastic modulus of concrete [2,3]. Error in prediction of creep
strains may lead to differential axial shortening, cracking, creep rupture, and creep
buckling, all of which are of great concern in high-rise buildings [3,4]. The absolute
amount of cumulative column shortening influences the design of cladding details
and the detailing of elevator rails, and vertical pipes, whereas the differential shorten-
ing between adjacent columns and walls may cause distortion of slabs [5].
Time-dependent behavior of CFT columns is markedly different from ordinary
concrete columns in several aspects, as follows:
1. Concrete core is essentially sealed from migration of any moisture due to presence
of the tube, and therefore, drying creep and shrinkage strains are considerably
lower in CFT.
2. Confinement of concrete by the tube offers resistance to the lateral expansion of
concrete. This multi-axial stress effect does not allow concrete to freely creep in
the axial direction.
3. Stress transfer between concrete core and steel tube is possible in BCFT, resulting
in stress relaxation of concrete, and further reducing its creep.
4. As a result of stress relaxation in concrete, even though the total axial load on
the column may be constant, stresses in each component (steel and concrete) may
vary significantly over time. This variation must be accounted for in the creep
This paper evaluates the effect of these issues on creep modeling of CFT columns.
It verifies the proposed model against experimental data, and provides results of a
parametric study on creep of CFT columns under service loads, as well as creep
rupture of CFT columns at high levels of sustained load.
2. Literature review
[4] pointed out the scarce literature on the creep phenomenon in composite steel-
concrete structures.
Experiments by Terrey et al. [3] showed the moisture egress from encased concrete
to be very small or totally eliminated. As such, shrinkage of concrete core may be
safely neglected, and creep coefficients may be 50–60% of those in ordinary con-
crete. Ichinose et al. [4] also reported a series of tests to obtain creep coefficients
in composite steel-concrete columns. Uy and Das [6] studied creep and shrinkage
of concrete in a fabricated steel box column typically used in tall buildings. They
used an age-adjusted effective modulus method (AEMM) to simulate the construction
of individual floor levels in a building.
Morino et al. [7] reported on creep tests of square CFT columns, including six
concentrically loaded stubs with width-to-thickness B/t ratios from 23 to 47 and
height-to-width h/B ratios from 2:1 to 12:1; one beam with a B/t ratio of 33 and
span-to-depth L/B ratio of 26; and two eccentrically loaded columns both with B/t
ratio of 33 and h/B ratio of 8:1. Although they did not make a conclusive statement
regarding the length effect on creep behavior of CFT columns, they noted a clear
reduction in the creep coefficient of concrete core, due mainly to the stress redistri-
bution between concrete and steel. They further questioned whether creep coefficient
is a function of the loading condition, and emphasized the need to develop a uniform
method for time-dependent analysis of CFT columns.
Bradford and Wright [8] developed a model to study the long-term behavior of
lightweight concrete core in thin steel sheeting typical of that encountered in a com-
posite profiled wall. Under sustained loads, concrete creeps and shrinks, producing
compressive stresses in steel that increase over time, and may eventually be large
enough to precipitate its local buckling.
3. Analytical modeling
Of the number of creep models available for concrete [9], the effective modulus
method (EMM) is the simplest and the oldest, consisting only of a single linear
elastic solution, as
1 E(to)
EEffective ⫽ ⫽ (1)
J(t,to) 1 ⫹ φ (t,to)
where J is the creep compliance function, i.e. creep strain per unit stress, to is the
age at loading, E(to) is the initial modulus of elasticity, and f is the creep coefficient.
Total strain in concrete at any time can then be calculated as
e(t) ⫽ 冕to
J(t,to)ds(to) ⫹ eShr (2)
where s(to) is the applied stress and eShr is the shrinkage strain. To account for aging
W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344 1331
Creep of concrete consists of two components: basic and drying. The drying creep
is related to the moisture egress from concrete. Neville [14] showed that concrete,
while still drying, creeps more than both the wet (fresh) concrete and the already
dry (old) concrete, since in the latter two cases the drying component of creep does
not take place. The pores of sealed concrete are either coated with epoxy or encased
in a tube, thus preventing or significantly reducing its shrinkage and drying creep.
Russell and Corely [15] showed that creep of sealed concrete might be half as much
as that of the exposed concrete, under the same sustained loads and when loaded at
the same age.
1332 W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344
The RFM requires a creep prediction curve for the specific mix of concrete [9].
The double power law describes the basic creep of sealed or encased concrete, for
which the drying creep component could be neglected [16]. The creep compliance
function J(t, to) is expressed as
1 φ1
J(t,t0) ⫽ ⫹ (α ⫹ t⫺m
o )(t⫺to)
Eo Eo
where Eo is the asymptotic modulus for short duration of loading, and f1, a, m, and
n are all functions of concrete mix proportions and the 28-day compressive strength
of concrete. Effect of different concrete mixes on creep parameter n is shown in
Table 1 after Freudenthal and Roll [17]. The various mixes shown in the table are
used later in the model validation and the parametric study.
Net creep strain of concrete under multi-axial stresses is less than that under uniax-
ial stress of the same magnitude [18]. Gopalakrishnan et al. [18] and Jordaan and
Illston [19] have shown that despite anisotropy and creep nonlinearity, creep strain
in concrete conforms to the principle of superposition by adding creep strain in each
direction caused by each stress component acting separately. Gopalakrishnan et al.
[18] defined three Poisson’s ratios: static or elastic 冉
εelastic lateral
εelastic axial 冊
, creep Poisson’s
ratio or CPR 冉
εcreep lateral
εcreep axial 冊
, and effective Poisson’s ratio or EPR 冉
εtotal lateral
ε total axial 冊
Under triaxial loading with unequal principal stresses, creep Poisson’s ratio is
largest in the direction of the smallest stress. Gopalkrishnan et al. [18] showed the
Table 1
Concrete mix proportions and creep parameters [17]
effective Poisson’s ratio to be constant over time for both biaxial and triaxial load-
ings, with its value ranging from 0.09 to 0.17, somewhat less than the case of uniaxial
loading, which is in the range of 0.17–0.22.
Jordaan and Illston [19] also studied time-dependent effects on the Poisson’s ratio
for sealed concrete under variable multi-axial state of stresses, and concluded that
the effective Poisson’s ratio remains approximately constant over time and is equal
to its static value. The differences and variations observed in other tests, they argued,
are not so great as to exclude the possibility of forming a suitable method for calcu-
lating creep in most engineering applications. Therefore, the normal constitutive
relations for concrete under multi-axial state of stresses can be adopted for the elastic
strains, and creep strains in any direction can be computed using the principle of
superposition and a creep constitutive equation similar to those for elastic strain. The
axial creep strain in a laterally confined concrete can be written as
εca ⫽ εca-uniaxial⫺2ncJ(t,to)fr (7)
where eca-uniaxial is the creep strain from the uniaxial RFM, nc is the static Poisson’s
ratio, as discussed above, and fr is the lateral confining pressure on concrete. The
radial creep strain in concrete can be calculated using the effective Poisson’s ratio,
nEPR as
εcr ⫽ nEPRεca. (8)
Stress redistribution in hybrid systems results in stress relaxation for the compo-
nent with higher creep potential. In order to account for the variable creep stresses
in concrete with no significant drying creep, Boltzmann principle of superposition
may be used [9]. Accordingly, strain due to any stress history may be obtained by
integrating the response to small stress increments (⌬s) applied at small time inter-
vals (⌬t), as
ε(t) ⫽ [J(t ,t ) ⫹ J(tr,tq-1)] ⌬σ(tq) ⫹ εshr (9)
2 r q
where subscripts r and q refer to small time steps for the numerical integration.
Failure of CFTs under short-term (static) or long-term (creep) loading occurs when
strains in the tube exceed the yielding strain of steel. Long-term failure, termed here
as creep rupture is based on total creep strains in the tube. In UCFT, the tube is
only subjected to hoop strains, and therefore, a uniaxial failure criterion suffices, as
given by
εs2 ⬍ εsy (10)
1334 W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344
where es2 is the hoop strain in the tube, and esy is the yield strain of steel tube. The
tube in BCFT is subjected to biaxial stresses, for which von Mises yielding criterion
is considered, as given by
εs1 2 εs2 εs1εs2
( ) ⫹ ( )2 ⫹ 2 ⬍ 1 (11)
εsy εsy εsy
where es1 is the axial strain in the tube.
Two major requirements for creep modeling of CFT are as follows (see Fig. 1):
(a) Static equilibrium: In UCFT, only the equilibrium in the hoop direction needs
to be satisfied, as
fr ⫽ (12)
where fs is the hoop stress in the tube, t is the tube thickness, and D is the core
diameter. In BCFT, equilibrium in the axial direction must also be satisfied at
each time step, as
P ⫽ Pc ⫹ Ps (13)
where P is the total sustained axial load on the section, and Pc and Ps are the
contributions from the concrete core and steel tube, respectively. Therefore, axial
stress in concrete remains constant in UCFT, whereas in BCFT it changes
over time.
(b) Strain compatibility: In UCFT, the only condition is that hoop strain in the tube
must be equal to the radial strain in the concrete core, or else a gap will be
developed between the two materials. In BCFT, one needs to also satisfy the
axial strain compatibility, assuming perfect bond between the tube and the con-
crete core in the axial direction.
Based on the above discussion, an algorithm was developed for the time-dependent
analysis of both BCFT and UCFT. The following steps are used in the analysis:
1. Short-term (static) strains and stresses are determined at time to based on the
above conditions. In UCFT, concrete takes the entire axial load. On the other
hand, in BCFT, a load distribution factor (a) is assumed such that
Pc ⫽ aP, and Ps ⫽ P⫺Pc (14)
where an initial estimate of a can be simply based on the stiffness ratio of the
section, as
W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344 1335
a⫽ (15)
EcAc ⫹ EsAs
where E and A designate the modulus of elasticity and cross-sectional area,
respectively, and subscripts c and s denote concrete and steel, respectively. Once
1336 W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344
the axial load is known (or assumed) in concrete, using the iterative procedure
of Ahmad and Shah [13], the hoop stress in the tube is calculated such that it
satisfies static equilibrium and strain compatibility in the hoop direction. It should
be noted that the assumption of strain compatibility in the hoop direction may be
questionable in UCFT due to the higher Poisson’s ratio of steel in its elastic range.
However, due to the load redistribution algorithm of the model the difference is
expected to be negligible. The axial strain in the tube esa can then be calculated as
fsa fsh
esa ⫽ ⫺n (16)
Es sEs
where fsa and fsh are the axial and hoop stresses in the tube, respectively, and ns
is the Poisson’s ratio of steel. Note that fsa in UCFT is zero, and tensile hoop
strain is considered negative. While this essentially concludes short-term analysis
of UCFT, for BCFT another level of iteration must be carried out for a, until the
difference between the axial strains in steel and concrete falls within the preset
tolerance. Once convergence is achieved, the effective Poisson’s ratio of concrete
nEPR is taken as the ratio of radial to axial strain in concrete core, and is kept
constant throughout the time-dependent analysis.
2. The time step is incremented by a preset value of ⌬t.
3. Using the RFM and the double power law, the uniaxial creep strain ‘potential’
of concrete is estimated based on the current level of axial stress in concrete. In
BCFT, it is necessary to account for the varying stresses in concrete by the prin-
ciple of superposition. In UCFT, however, axial stress in concrete remains con-
4. Axial creep strain in concrete is modified for the effect of multi-axial stresses
using Eq. (7).
5. Radial creep strain in concrete is calculated using nEPR and Eq. (8).
6. Axial and lateral strains in the steel tube are calculated independently from con-
crete, taking into account the Poisson’s ratio of steel.
7. In BCFT, axial strains in concrete eca and steel esa are compared, and if the differ-
ence is larger than the preset tolerance, the axial stress in the tube is adjusted to
maintain static equilibrium, taking into account the biaxial state of stress in the
tube. In essence, a stress relaxation takes place, whereby concrete is relieved from
part of its axial stress. Previous experiments by Morino et al. [7] have shown that
the axial stress variation in the tube may be in the order of 10–20% of the initial
stress, whereas stresses in concrete may vary about 5–10%. Steps 4 to 7 are
repeated until convergence is achieved.
8. In both BCFT and UCFT, radial strain in concrete ecr is compared with the hoop
strain in steel esh, and if the difference is greater than the preset tolerance, hoop
strain in the tube is adjusted and a new confinement pressure fr is calculated.
Steps 4 to 8 are then repeated until convergence is achieved. Upon convergence,
failure of the tube is examined, according to Eq. (10) for uniaxial stresses in
UCFT and Eq. (11) for biaxial stresses in BCFT. If failure has occurred, the
procedure would stop. Otherwise, steps 2 to 9 will be repeated for the duration
of sustained loads. Before embarking on a new time step, the varying creep stress
W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344 1337
in concrete ⌬fca is determined to allow for time integral of creep strains based on
the principle of superposition.
4. Model validation
The proposed model was validated against the experimental data of Terrey et al.
[3] for a BCFT and a UCFT specimen, both of which with 600 mm height and 196
mm inside diameter, and a concrete core of 45.2 MPa. The tube thickness in BCFT
and UCFT specimens was 1.5 and 1 mm, respectively, representing a D/t ratio of
130 and 196, respectively. The inside surface of the UCFT was greased to prevent
any friction bond between steel and concrete. Both specimens were loaded 18 days
after casting with a sustained load of 350 kN for approximately 100 days. Based on
the information on the mix and strength of concrete, a creep parameter n of 0.147
was assumed for modeling of concrete.
Fig. 2 shows comparison between the experiment and the model for the total
strains in concrete and steel in the UCFT specimen. The predicted strains in the tube
were adjusted for the temperature variation of 10 °C during the creep tests. The
analytical curves are parallel to the experimental ones. The model slightly overesti-
mates strains in concrete, while underestimating those in the tube. This may be attri-
buted to (a) some stress transfer between steel and concrete, as perfect debonding
may not exist at the interface, and (b) difference in prediction of elastic strains using
the confinement model of Ahmad and Shah [13]. Fig. 3 shows a comparison between
the creep coefficients calculated for the test data and the proposed model. The creep
coefficient is defined as the ratio of the net creep strain to the elastic strain, as
j⫽ . (17)
The figure also shows creep curves of ACI 209 [21] for two different ultimate
creep coefficients fu of 1.2 and 1.45. The ACI 209 creep model follows a power
law function, as
j(t,to) ⫽ ju(to) (18)
10 ⫹ (t⫺to)0.6
where ACI 209 suggests fu in the range of 1.3 to 4.15, with a typical value of 2.35
for ordinary concrete. The figure shows that creep of UCFT is much less than that
of conventional concrete. The difference between the coefficient of 1.2 that matches
the experiments and the coefficient of 1.45 that matches the model is considerably
less than the usual range of variations for creep coefficients in concrete. The differ-
ence is due mainly to the difference in the elastic strain of concrete, which is slightly
underestimated by the confinement model of Ahmad and Shah [13]. Although the
model of Ahmad and Shah [13] was calibrated using a number of tests including
small-scale CFTs, most of its applications are in conventional reinforced concrete
Fig. 4 shows the total creep strains for the BFCT specimen along with the pre-
dicted strains from the proposed model. Also shown in the figure is the total creep
strains calculated using the AEMM by Terrey et al. [3]. A good agreement is noted
in the trend of the creep curve. The difference is again in predicting the initial elastic
strain. Fig. 5 shows a comparison between the creep coefficients calculated for the
test data and the proposed model. In the figure, creep curves of ACI 209 [21] are
also shown for two different ultimate creep coefficients of 1.2 and 1.0, of which the
former matches the test data and the latter matches the model. The difference in the
creep coefficient is again due to the initial elastic strain in concrete [13], as described
W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344 1339
above. Otherwise, the net creep strains appear to be in good correlation with the
experiments, as the creep curves in Fig. 4 are parallel to each other.
Nakai et al. [22] also tested three specimens with 1 m height, outside diameter
of 165.2 mm and tube thickness of 0.0 (i.e. with no tube), 4.5, 5.0 mm, respectively.
The specimens were filled with 29.4 MPa concrete, and tested for 6 months under
a sustained stress of 7.85 MPa. Their suggested creep coefficient of 1.44–1.60 for
CFT is compared with the proposed model in the next section.
5. Parametric study
Using the above model, a parametric study was carried out on the practical design
factors that may affect long-term behavior of CFT for creep under service loads and
for creep rupture.
1340 W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344
Fig. 6. Effect of tube thickness and concrete mix on creep of UCFT columns.
The equivalent ultimate creep coefficient fu for CFT is calculated using Eq. (18)
with the least square method, such that the ACI 209 [21] creep curve provides the
best fit to the predicted creep. Figs. 6 and 7 show the ultimate creep coefficients for
UCFT and BCFT, respectively, for different concrete mixes and column cross-sec-
tions. The mix is identified by creep parameter n, which is varied between 0.12 and
0.178 (see Table 1). The larger the n value, the greater is the creep of concrete. The
cross-section of the column is identified by D/t ratio. The figures also show the
suggested creep coefficients of Terrey et al. [3] and Nakai et al. [22] at their respect-
ive D/t ratios. The following observations can be made:
앫 For the same concrete mix and creep parameter n, regardless of the interface bond
Fig. 7. Effect of tube thickness and concrete mix on creep of BCFT columns.
W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344 1341
or lack of it, creep coefficient increases as D/t ratio increases. Creep of CFT is
asymptotically bounded by fu-Sealed for a sealed concrete of the same mix with
no steel jacket (D / t→⬁), and zero for an all steel column (D / t→0).
앫 For the same concrete mix and creep parameter n and column geometry D/t, BCFT
curtails creep of concrete much more than UCFT.
앫 Effect of D/t ratio is much more pronounced in BCFT, where stress redistribution
can relieve concrete from some of its creep stresses. On the other hand, the tube
in UCFT can only confine lateral expansion of concrete, while creep stresses in
concrete remain constant.
앫 The proposed model is in general agreement with the suggested creep coefficients
of previous studies [3,22]. However, the notion that a single creep coefficient can
be applied to any concrete mix, column geometry, and interface bond is not appro-
Creep rupture life of CFT is defined as the service life (time in years) that it takes
for the column to develop yielding in the tube under sustained loads. As discussed
earlier, failure in UCFT is uniaxial, whereas it follows the von Mises criterion in
BCFT. Figs. 8 and 9 show the estimated creep rupture life of UCFT and BCFT,
respectively, for one concrete mix No. 2 (n = 0.14), grade 60 steel tube (414 MPa
yield), and different D/t ratios, as function of P/PStatic, where P is the sustained load
and PStatic is static capacity of the column. Following observations can be made:
앫 UCFT columns with thicker tubes are much less durable for creep rupture, because
their static capacity is increased, without any stress redistribution that can relieve
concrete from its creep stress. Creep rupture life of 75 years at 50% of static
capacity is not feasible for UCFT with D/t ratios of less than 80.
앫 BCFT columns with thicker tubes are much more durable for creep rupture. This
is due to the larger stress relaxation that can occur in concrete. Creep rupture
life of 75 years is quite feasible for D/t ratios of 40 or less, at even 65% of
static capacity.
A comparison of estimated creep rupture life for UCFT and BCFT is shown in
Fig. 10, as function of absolute value of sustained load, normalized as P/f⬘cAc, where
f⬘c is the 28-day compressive strength of concrete and Ac is the area of concrete
core. The figure shows that for D/t ratios of less than 40, BCFT is much more durable
than its equivalent UCFT. Moreover, creep rupture life of both types of column
generally increases for smaller D/t ratios.
Fig. 10. Comparison of estimated creep rupture life of UCFT and BCFT columns.
W. Naguib, A. Mirmiran / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 1327–1344 1343
6. Conclusions
Using the rate of flow method and the double power law creep function, an algor-
ithm is developed for the creep of CFT columns by adhering to the strain compati-
bility and static equilibrium. The proposed model shows good agreement with pre-
vious creep tests on bonded and unbonded CFT. The study indicates that creep of
CFT columns should be considered in the design, however, with creep coefficients
much lower than those prescribed in the current ACI 209 [21]. A study on the effect
of practical design parameters revealed the following:
앫 Creep of CFT is a function of concrete mix, column geometry, and interface bond.
The notion that a single creep coefficient can be used for all concrete mixes and
column geometries and types of construction is not appropriate.
앫 Creep of CFT is asymptotically bounded by fu-Sealed for a sealed concrete of the
same mix with no steel jacket (D / t→⬁), and zero for an all steel column
(D / t→0).
앫 BCFT curtails creep of concrete much more than UCFT. This is due to the stress
relaxation of concrete, which is more pronounced for smaller D/t ratios.
앫 For the same magnitude of sustained loads, BCFT is much more durable for creep
rupture than its equivalent UCFT for D/t ratios of 40 or less.
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