Setting Manufacturing Strategy For A Factory-Within-A-Factory

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Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

Setting manufacturing strategy for a factory-within-a-factory

John Miltenburg
School of Business, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
Received 1 June 2007; accepted 3 September 2007
Available online 5 October 2007


Manufacturing strategy is a plan for moving a company from where it is to where it wants to be. Determining the best
manufacturing strategy is not easy because of the wide range of choices and constraints a company faces. Manufacturing
strategy frameworks or models are helpful because they identify the objects that comprise manufacturing strategy and
organize these objects into a structure that enables a company to understand and use the objects to develop strategy. Many
frameworks are possible and there is no single framework that is best for all companies.
In this paper, we are interested in the levels of cost, quality, delivery, and flexibility that manufacturing provides for each
product family it produces. This is determined primarily by a company’s factories-within-a-factory (FWFs) and so the level
of analysis in this paper is the FWF. We identify and examine five manufacturing strategy objects (production systems,
manufacturing outputs, manufacturing levers, manufacturing capability, competitive analysis), linkages between these
objects, and the manufacturing strategy framework for an FWF that follows from these objects and linkages. We apply the
framework to the FWFs of two multi-national companies. This paper is descriptive and exploratory. Strategy objects,
linkages, and framework are presented and their use is illustrated. The work of rigorous empirical analysis is left for future
r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Manufacturing strategy; Focusing manufacturing; Factories-within-a-factory

1. Introduction for the possession value-type through activities such

as pricing, credit, advertising, and customer service.
Marketing professionals talk about four types of Manufacturing creates value in its network of
value: form, time, place, and possession. Manufac- factories, distribution centers, offices, research
turing is primarily responsible for the form and time laboratories, and so on. Factories can be large or
value-types with some participation from marketing small, and can consist of one or more factories-
and accounting. Manufacturing forms products by within-a-factory, FWFs (also called plants-within-a-
completing design and production activities in a plant, PWPs). See Hill (2007).
timely manner. Manufacturing and marketing gen- Manufacturing strategy can be analyzed at the
erate the place value-type through their distribution level of industry, company, strategic business unit,
activities. Marketing and accounting are responsible network, factory, FWF, or product (Swink and
Hegarty, 1998). In this paper, the level of analysis is
Tel.: +1 905 5259140; fax: +1 905 5218995. the FWF. FWFs are important parts of a factory
E-mail address: and a manufacturing network. Miltenburg (2005)

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
308 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

examines the constraints a manufacturing network at the level of an individual factory. They describe a
imposes on the factories and FWFs that comprise it. framework with two objects: competitive priorities
In an FWF the form and time value-types are and operating decisions. Competitive priorities are
operationalized as levels of cost, quality, delivery, the levels at which the factory is required to provide
and flexibility that the FWF provides for the cost, quality, delivery, and flexibility. Operating
products it produces. The goal of manufacturing decisions are decisions the factory makes in the
strategy for an FWF is to determine the levels of structural and infrastructural areas that comprise it.
cost, quality, delivery, and flexibility that are There are four structural areas: capacity, facilities,
required, and the actions that are needed to achieve technology, and vertical integration/sourcing, and
these levels. four infrastructural areas: workforce, quality, pro-
Minor et al. (1994) and Dangayach and Deshmukh duction planning, and organization. Boyer and
(2001) give good reviews of manufacturing strategy. Lewis describe this as the ‘‘prevailing model of the
At a macro level manufacturing strategy can be content of operations strategy y (and this model)
studied as one of several functional strategies in a conveys the idea that operating decisions such as
hierarchy of industrial, corporate, business, and capacity, technology, workforce issues, and quality
functional strategies (Gupta and Lonial, 1998), or systems must be carefully matched with the
as the way a company uses its assets and prioritizes organization’s key competitive priorities’’ (p. 10).
its activities to achieve business goals and generate Morita and Flynn (1997) show that a framework
competitive advantage (Kotha and Orne, 1989; with three objects, which is one more than Boyer
Miller and Roth, 1994). A distinction can be made than Lewis, is also an appropriate way to organize
between the content of manufacturing strategy and the contents of manufacturing strategy for a
the process of formulating manufacturing strategy factory. Their three objects are strategy, processes,
(Barnes, 2002; Papke-Shields et al., 2002; Platts and structure. Their first object, strategy, corre-
et al., 1998). Pun (2004) gives an excellent review sponds to Boyer and Lewis’s first object, competi-
and synthesis of different processes for formulating tive priorities. It is ‘‘the choice of product-markets,
manufacturing strategy. Ahmed and Montagno positioning and competitive features’’ (p. 968). The
(1996), Devaraj et al. (2004), and others verify second object, which has no corresponding object in
empirically a positive correlation between strategy Boyer and Lewis’s framework, is called processes. It
formulation and company performance. Demeter is ‘‘the manufacturing and technological choice y
(2003), for example, reviewed the literature from the process choice’’ (p. 968). The third object,
1983 to 1999, completed an empirical analysis of the structure, corresponds to Boyer and Lewis’s second
IMSS-II data (International Manufacturing Strat- object, operating decisions. This is ‘‘the choice of
egy Survey in 1996–1997), and found that ‘‘(T)he how to define roles of functional processes into
most important result y is that ROS (return on specific tasks y as well as the organizational
sales, which is the ratio of profit before tax to sales) mechanisms which integrate individuals, groups,
is significantly higher in companies with existing MS and units y It is the (object) where most of the
(manufacturing strategy)’’ (pp. 210–211). practices identified as ‘best practices’ should be’’
Setting manufacturing strategy for an FWF is the (p. 968). Morita and Flynn emphasize the impor-
subject of this paper. The next section describes the tance of the linkages between the three objects:
objects, linkages, and framework that comprise the ‘‘thoroughness of the linkages between these
manufacturing strategy for an FWF. Section 3 (objects), especially with the manufacturing process,
illustrates the use of these objects, linkages, and affects performance’’ (p. 969).
framework by studying the manufacturing strategies In the subsections that follow we show that a
of two multi-national companies. The paper finishes framework with five objects is a very useful way to
with a summary in Section 4. organize the contents of manufacturing strategy
when the level of analysis is an FWF. The five
2. New model for manufacturing strategy for a objects are competitive analysis, manufacturing
focused factory-within-a-factory outputs, production systems, manufacturing levers,
and manufacturing capabilities. These objects are
Boyer and Lewis (2002) show that there is some firmly grounded in the literature. They are, for
agreement among researchers as to the framework example, related as follows to the objects in Boyer
and contents that comprise manufacturing strategy and Lewis, and Morita and Flynn. The competitive
J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323 309

priorities object (Boyer and Lewis) or strategy (1990, pp. 12–14) we may group these production
object (Morita and Flynn) is similar to the systems into three categories: craft production (job
competitive analysis object in this paper. This object shop, batch flow), mass production (operator-paced
determines the levels at which the FWF is required line flow, equipment-paced line flow, continuous
to provide cost, quality, delivery, performance, flow), and lean production (just-in-time, flexible
flexibility, and innovativeness for the product family manufacturing). Production systems are well
it produces. These six outputs are called the known. See, for example, Schmenner (1993) (who
manufacturing outputs. The processes object (Morita uses the term ‘production process types’ rather than
and Flynn) is similar to the production systems production systems), or Hill (2000) (who uses the
object in this paper. This object describes precisely term ‘manufacturing process types’), or Miltenburg
the technological operating systems that are avail- (2005).
able to an FWF and, therefore, the levels at which The production system object is depicted in Fig. 1
the manufacturing outputs can be provided. The by the block in the middle left area of the figure.
operating decisions object (Boyer and Lewis) or Although similar in form, this representation
structure object (Morita and Flynn) is similar to the extends the traditional product–process matrix of
manufacturing levers object in this paper. This object Hayes and Wheelwright (1979). Their matrix
describes the decisions the FWF makes in its identifies the production processes that are used to
structural and infrastructural areas. The manufac- produce a product at different stages in the
turing capabilities object describes the capabilities of product’s life cycle. For example, a product that is
each manufacturing lever and, therefore, the ability in the introduction stage of its life cycle is produced
of the production system to provide high levels of by a job shop process. The production system object
the manufacturing outputs. in this paper is broader than this. The starting point
The five objects of manufacturing strategy for an for the production system object is the realization
FWF do not follow one another in a sequential that only a limited number of production systems
fashion. The linkages among them are more are available for use in an FWF. (This is one
complex than this. The effect of linkages between example of trade-offs, which, along with other
objects is accounted for by arranging the objects trade-offs, is discussed later in Section 2.7.) These
into the multi-dimensional framework shown in production systems differ from each other in many
Fig. 1 and by thinking of linkages in terms of the ways. Three particularly important ways in which
‘fit’ among the objects. A ‘good’ manufacturing they differ are product mix (number of products
strategy for an FWF is one in which the results in produced and production volume of each product),
each object fit or are consistent with the results in layout and the resulting material flow, and manu-
every other object. facturing outputs (delivery, cost, quality, perfor-
The presentation of the objects, linkages, and mance, flexibility, innovativeness). These three key
framework that follows is descriptive and explora- differences give a convenient way to represent the
tory. That is, we describe the objects, linkages, and production systems object. This is what is done in
framework and illustrate their use. However, we do the middle left and middle right blocks of Fig. 1.
not present any empirical analysis. We leave this There the seven production systems are arranged
work for future research. according to production mix, layout and material
flow, and manufacturing outputs. This is not the
2.1. Production systems only way to represent the production systems
object. The product profiling approach of Hill
In this paper, an FWF is a well-defined produc- (2000, p. 145) is a different representation.
tion system that produces most or all products in a
product family and, with respect to these products, 2.2. Manufacturing outputs
provides six manufacturing outputs: cost, quality,
delivery, performance, flexibility, and innovative- This paper separates the manufacturing outputs
ness. Technologically speaking only seven different provided by an FWF into six individual outputs:
production systems are possible: job shop, batch delivery, cost, quality, performance, flexibility, and
flow, operator-paced line flow, equipment-paced innovativeness. Fig. 2 gives definitions for these out-
line flow, continuous flow, just-in-time, and flexible puts. Other researchers separate manufacturing out-
manufacturing systems. Following Womack et al. puts into different numbers of individual outputs.
310 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

Fig. 1. Manufacturing strategy framework for a factory-within-a-factory (Miltenburg, 2005).

Mapes et al. (1997) identify seven individual out- that both have to do with ‘‘product features y
puts: cost, quality consistency, quality specification, more expensive materials y higher levels of
lead time, delivery reliability, flexibility, and in- precision’’ (p. 1024). Lead time and delivery
novativeness. Quality specification in this scheme is reliability in this scheme are combined into the
similar to the performance output in this paper in delivery output in this paper. Many researchers use
J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323 311

Cost Cost of material, labor, overhead, and other resources used to produce
a product.

Quality Extent to which materials and activities conform to specifications and

customer expectations, and how tight or difficult the specifications
and expectations are.

Delivery time and Time between order taking and delivery to the customer. How often
delivery time reliability are orders late, and how late are they when they are late?

Performance Product’s features, and the extent to which the features permit the
product to do things that other products cannot do.

Flexibility Extent to which volumes ofexisting products can be increased or

decreased to respond quickly to the needs of customers.

Innovativeness Ability to quickly introduce new products or make design changes to

existing products.

Fig. 2. Manufacturing outputs provided by a factory-within-a-factory.

only four individual outputs: cost, quality, delivery, Consider, for example, the equipment-paced line
and flexibility. Ward et al. (1998) empirically flow production system in the middle left block in
develop operational measures for these four out- Fig. 1. This production system produces a small
puts. Quality in this scheme combines the quality number of different products in high volumes on
and performance outputs in this paper. Flexibility in specialized, synchronized equipment arranged in a
this scheme combines the flexibility and innovative- line. It provides short delivery time and high
ness outputs in this paper. Most often the difference delivery time reliability because it operates at high
in the number of outputs is due to ‘‘the lack of speeds for long continuous periods of time without
generally accepted definitions of these key concepts’’ stoppages for changeovers or breakdowns. It
(Mapes et al., 1997, p. 1021). Another reason for the provides low cost because high production volume
difference in the number of outputs is the level of produces high equipment utilization, which spreads
analysis. If the level of analysis is an entire company costs over a large number of units. It provides a
or an entire factory, then a smaller number of high level of quality because the specialized,
broader manufacturing outputs can be appropriate. automated equipment is designed to reliably pro-
However, if the level of analysis is an FWF that uses duce products that meet all specifications. The
a single production system to produce a limited mix equipment-paced line flow production system pro-
and volume of products that meets and exceeds vides a low level of performance. A high level of
customer expectations, then a slightly larger number performance requires a steady stream of new
of narrowly defined manufacturing outputs is more products as well as enhancements to existing
useful for developing strategy. products. In order to produce these products,
No production system is able to provide all changes must be made to equipment and processes.
manufacturing outputs at the best possible levels. This is difficult for an equipment-paced line flow
(As we will see later in Section 2.7, this reflects an production system because it is so specialized. It is
‘integrative’ approach to trade-offs, which we take costly to change automated machines and specia-
in this paper.) Therefore it is necessary to determine lized tooling, retrain operators, change processes at
which outputs are most important to customers now suppliers, and so on. And it is costly to take high-
and which outputs will be most important in the speed lines out of production in order to make these
future. De Meyer (1998), for example, investigates changes. Changes can be made from time to time,
changes in the relative importance of outputs but not with the regularity needed to provide a high
between 1986 and 1996 at European manufacturing level of performance year after year. In a similar
companies. Once we know which outputs customers way, the specialization of the equipment-paced
require, then we can select the production system line flow production system makes it impossible
that is best able to provide these outputs. to provide high levels of flexibility (i.e. change
312 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

products and volumes) and innovativeness (i.e. (1998) examine the sourcing subsystem at Toyota
make product design changes and introduce new where the just-in-time production system is in use.
products). Several researchers have examined subsystems when
flexibility is one of the most important manufactur-
2.3. Manufacturing levers ing outputs. For example, Kathuria and Partovi
(1999) examine the human resources subsystem,
It is useful to divide a production system into Vickery et al. (1999) examine the organization
infrastructural and structural subsystems. In this structure and controls subsystem, and Lau (1999)
paper, we use three infrastructural subsystems: examines aspects of several subsystems (e.g. work-
human resources, organization structure and con- force autonomy in the human resources subsystem,
trols, and production planning and control; and inter-departmental relationships and communica-
three structural subsystems: sourcing, process tech- tion in the organization structure and controls
nology, and facilities. Fig. 3 gives definitions for subsystem, and aspects of the process technology
these subsystems. Different ways in which a subsystem and the sourcing subsystem). In all three
production system can be divided into subsystems papers, flexibility is defined broadly and includes the
are reviewed by Fine and Hax (1985), Leong et al. flexibility and innovativeness manufacturing out-
(1990), and others. Hallgren and Olhager (2006), for puts in this paper. Kathuria and Partovi found
example, recommend four infrastructural subsys- empirically that relationship-oriented practices,
tems and four structural subsystems. Any division such as networking, team building, supporting,
of a production system into subsystems should have mentoring, inspiring, recognizing and rewarding,
the following characteristics. Subsystems should be and participative leadership and delegation prac-
comprehensive (i.e. all manufacturing decisions fall tices are important in the human resources
within the subsystems), discriminating (i.e. manu- subsystem when flexibility is an important manufac-
facturing decisions can be broken into analyzable turing output. Vickery et al. empirically examined
pieces and each piece falls within one subsystem), the relationship between the product customization
and reflective (i.e. the subsystems are consistent with aspect of flexibility and the organizational structure
manufacturing’s view of itself). subsystem, and found that product customization is
Each of the infrastructural and structural sub- associated with more formal control, fewer layers,
systems is the subject of its own rich literature. and narrower spans of control. They report that
Sourcing, for example, is the subsystem that ‘‘small firms can plan on cutting one entire layer of
connects the production system with the production the hierarchy when a firm makes the transition from
systems of the FWF’s suppliers. Hines and Rich high standardization to high customization y (and)

Human resources Skill level, wages, training,promotion policies, employment

security, and so on, of each group of employees.

Organization structure Relationships between groups ofemployees in the production

system. How are decisions made? What is the underlying culture?
and controls
What systems are used to measure performance and provide

Production planning Rules and systems that plan and control the flow ofmaterial,
production activities, and support activities such as maintenance
and control
and the introduction of new products.

Sourcing Amount of vertical integration. What is the relationship with

suppliers? How does the production system manage other parts of
the supply chain?

Process technology Nature of the production processes,type of equipment, amount of

automation, and linkages between parts of the production process.

Facilities Location, size, focus, and types and timing of changes.

Fig. 3. Manufacturing levers or subsystems that comprise a production system.

J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323 313

senior spans of control decrease, on average, by to encourage operators to do rapid setups and
about one subordinate’’ (p. 387). Spring and produce products in smaller batches and penalize
Dalrymple (2000) found that when product custo- operators who avoid setups by producing large
mization is very important the organization struc- batches. Finally, the effect an adjustment to one
ture is adjusted so that design ‘‘engineering activities lever has on the other levers should be considered.
become part of routine, repetitive operations’’ For example, the previous change to the incentive
(p. 464). They also examine how linkages between wage scheme in the batch flow production system
production systems, manufacturing outputs, and will affect scheduling in the FWF (i.e. production
manufacturing capability (Section 2.4) make possi- planning and control lever) and at suppliers (i.e.
ble new manufacturing practices such as mass sourcing lever), and equipment setups (i.e. process
customization and agile manufacturing. technology lever). In summary, possible adjust-
Each subsystem is an equally important part of a ments to a manufacturing lever must take into
production system in the sense that no subsystem account the linkages within the manufacturing
can be marginalized or overlooked. In this paper, levers object and the linkages between this object
we use the phrase manufacturing levers instead of and the other factory manufacturing strategy
production subsystems in order to emphasize the objects (Fig. 1).
concept that managers make adjustments to the
production subsystems. Adjustments vary in size 2.4. Manufacturing capability
and scope. Small adjustments are made to one or
more levers to improve an existing production Manufacturing improvement activities (which are
system. Large adjustments are made to all six levers also called improvement initiatives, best practices,
to improve greatly an existing production system, or world-class manufacturing techniques, new technol-
to change an existing system to a different produc- ogy practices, and hard and soft technologies) are
tion system. For example, to change a batch flow adjustments to manufacturing levers. Filippini et al.
production system to a just-in-time production (1998) found that individual improvement activities
system an FWF needs to make significant adjust- are often elements in a sequence of improvement
ments to human resources, organization structure activities. There are four common sequences and the
and controls, production planning and control, sequence used depends in large part on the ‘‘variety
sourcing, process technology, and facilities. New of end product, y levels of unitary volume and y
manufacturing practices are groups of adjustments continuity in the productive process’’ (p. 205). In
to several levers. Examples of new practices are total other words the sequence used depends on the
quality management, computer-integrated manu- product mix, volume, and material flow, which are
facturing, and supply chain management. the variables in Fig. 1 that prescribe the production
The current position of a manufacturing lever is system in use. This means that the sequence of
the outcome of managerial decisions made in a improvement activities used depends on the produc-
particular production subsystem over a long period tion system in use. Similarly, Morita and Flynn
of time. The current positions of all six levers (1997) found that companies use clusters of best
determine the type of production system, the level of practices (they use the term ‘best practices’ instead
capability of the production system, and the levels of improvement activities) that are appropriate for
at which the manufacturing outputs are provided the production system in use. ‘‘Each cluster is a set
(Fig. 1). Consequently adjustments to the manu- of contingent, or linked, practices which should be
facturing levers are not made haphazardly. Adjust- selected together for maximum effectiveness. This is
ments must be appropriate for the production consistent with the process choice model’’ (p. 977).
system in use. Consider, for example, wage policies Some FWFs have no difficulty making improve-
which are part of the human resources lever. An ments or changes, even very large ones. Other
incentive wage scheme is appropriate for a batch FWFs struggle to make small changes. One factor
flow production system but is not appropriate for a that has an important affect on an FWF’s ability to
just-in-time production system. Adjustments should make changes is the level of manufacturing cap-
help the production system provide the required ability of the production system. New manufactur-
manufacturing outputs. For example, if a batch flow ing capabilities are built on a foundation of existing
production system wants to raise its level of capabilities. The larger this foundation is, the easier
flexibility it can change its incentive wage scheme it is to build on. A production system with a high
314 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

level of capability can make changes quickly and manufacturing strategy identifies these levers and
easily. Even more importantly a high level of the adjustments that are needed to raise the low
manufacturing capability enables a production levels of capability. The goal is to have a production
system to provide high levels of the manufacturing system where all levers have the same high level of
outputs. Morita and Flynn (1997) report that the capability.
‘‘strength of the relationship between best practices
(i.e. improvement activities) and performance also 2.5. Competitive analysis
suggests that the use of best practices must be
considered as part of building factory capability y An FWF should use the production system that is
(and) the creation of competitive advantage’’ most able to produce the mix and volume of
(p. 979). products in its product family and provide the
Improvement activities that raise the level of manufacturing outputs required by its customers
manufacturing capability can enable an FWF to (Adamides and Voutsina, 2006). The competitive
operate with a less than ideal production system. analysis object (upper right block in Fig. 1)
For example, an FWF operating with a batch flow organizes the information that is required to
production system having a very high level of identify this production system. First, specific
capability may be able to provide the cost and measures or ‘attributes’ that are important to
quality outputs at the same level as a competitor’s customers are determined for each manufacturing
FWF operating with an equipment-paced line flow output. For example, important attributes of
production system with a low level of capability. In quality may be rework cost per unit, defects per
their survey of 128 plants, Ahmad and Schroeder unit, warranty cost as a percent of sales, and so on.
(2002) found that ‘‘less than half of the plants Next, values of each attribute are collected for the
operate near the diagonal of the (product–process) product family produced by the FWF, the average
matrix y (T)he off-diagonal plants are using product family in the industry, and the best product
innovative initiatives to overcome the lack of family in the industry. On the basis of these values
product structure and process structure match’’ the FWF decides whether each manufacturing
(p. 103). The notion of ‘innovative initiatives’ to output is market qualifying, order winning, or
build manufacturing capability is part of what the relatively unimportant, and then selects the produc-
literature calls dynamic capability (Da Silveira, tion system that is best able to provide the market
2005). Dynamic capability relies on improvements qualifying and order winning outputs.
to push the boundaries or limits that technology A manufacturing output is market qualifying,
imposes on manufacturing processes and, therefore, order winning, or relatively unimportant, depending
is one approach for dealing with trade-offs in on whether it is provided at a high, very high, or
manufacturing. (More on this follows in Section 2.7.) medium level. Market qualifying outputs are what
A production system’s overall level of capability customers expect to receive. A product needs these
is the sum of the capabilities of each subsystem or outputs to be competitive in its market (Hill, 2000).
lever. The higher the manufacturing capability of Providing a market qualifying output requires
each lever is, the higher will be the overall capability providing each attribute of that output at a high
of the production system. In this paper, the level. An order winning output is provided at a
manufacturing capability of a lever is measured on higher level than the market qualifying level. It is
a scale from 1.0 to 4.0. (See the lower left block in provided at the order winning level, which is the
Fig. 1.) A value of 1.0 indicates an infant level of highest level possible in the industry. Consequently
capability; 2.0 is industry average; 3.0 is adult; and order winning outputs are not common in a
4.0 is world class. (This scale is similar to the ‘stages product’s market. Yet they are important to
of manufacturing effectiveness’ in Wheelwright and customers and, therefore, are a very important
Hayes (1985).) Exactly what constitutes each level reason that customers buy from an FWF. If the
of capability for each lever depends on the produc- level of an order winning output is raised, then
tion system and is usually determined from bench- orders increase. Providing an output at an order
marking studies. The level of capability is not winning level makes an FWF an industry leader for
necessarily the same for each lever. However, levers that product and output.
with lower levels of capability diminish the overall Competitive analysis aligns manufacturing and
level of capability of the production system. Good marketing when it matches production systems with
J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323 315

market qualifying and order winning manufacturing characteristics in the plant was shown to be associated
outputs. Ward et al. (1998) and others find consider- with poorer performance’’ (pp. 177–178). In another
able empirical support for the goal of aligning study, this time of 782 UK factories, Mapes et al.
manufacturing and marketing. ‘‘(T)he expected (1997) found that their ‘‘research also confirms
relationship between process choice (i.e. production existing thinking on manufacturing focus. y Plants
system) and competitive priority (i.e. manufacturing with a narrow product range tend to perform better
outputs) that is central to much of the conceptual on most measures of operating performance than
work in manufacturing strategy can be demonstrated plants with a wide product range’’ (p. 1032).
empirically’’ (p. 1043). Other schemes for achieving
this alignment are possible. Hallgren and Olhager 2.6. Illustrative example
(2006) separate outputs into two categories: market-
ing and manufacturing. For marketing they identify The well-documented competitive battle between
seven ‘market requirements’ (quality, price, delivery Yamaha’s and Honda’s motorcycle businesses in
speed and reliability, product range, customization, the early 1980s (Stalk and Hout, 1990) is easy to
and innovativeness) and for manufacturing they analyze using the five manufacturing strategy
identify four ‘main manufacturing capabilities’ (cost, objects. In 1981 Yamaha opened a new, state-of-
quality, lead time, and flexibility). They measure the the-art motorcycle factory and overtook Honda to
seven market requirements for each product family become the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the
and set relative priorities. From these and other world. Honda, which had been concentrating on its
information they then set objectives for the four automobile business, launched a counterattack. It
manufacturing capabilities. raised the levels of its market qualifying outputs,
Manufacturing–marketing alignment is a type of which were cost and delivery, by cutting prices and
focus. In this paper, we say that an FWF is focused flooding distribution channels. It also raised the
when it uses the production system that is best able levels of its order winning outputs, which were
to produce the mix and volume of products and innovativeness and performance, by introducing
provide the market qualifying and order winning new products and raising the technological sophis-
manufacturing outputs that are desired by the tication of its existing products. More specifically,
FWF’s customers. over the next 18 months Honda introduced or
Bozarth and Edwards (1997) found additional replaced 113 motorcycle models (Yamaha re-
types of focus in their study of 26 US factories. They sponded with 37 changes) and introduced new
found market requirements focus, manufacturing features such as four-valve engines, composite
characteristics focus, and market–manufacturing materials, and direct drive. Yamaha could not
congruence. Market requirements focus is similar to provide its manufacturing outputs at the new
Hallgren and Olhager’s seven ‘market requirements’, market qualifying levels, let alone at the order
and to the market qualifying and order winning winning levels, and demand for its products
concepts in this paper. Manufacturing characteristics plummeted. Yamaha’s President ended the ruinous
focus is ‘‘the degree of internal consistency found in fight with Honda with a public statement: ‘‘We want
the physical processes and infrastructural elements to end the Honda–Yamaha war. It is our fault. Of
y (for example) process choices, work-force skills, course, there will be competition in the future, but it
planning and control systems’’ (pp. 162–163). will be based on a mutual recognition of our
Market–manufacturing congruence is ‘‘the degree competitive positions’’ (Stalk, 1988).
of fit between market requirements and manufactur- Fig. 4 displays Yamaha’s and Honda’s manufac-
ing characteristics. Congruence is distinct from the turing strategies and identifies the strategic reasons
other two dimensions: one can have a focused set of as to why Honda was able to overcome Yamaha’s
market requirements y and a focused set of challenge to its leadership in the motorcycle
manufacturing capabilities y but incongruence industry. Honda raised the levels of its market
between the two’’ (p. 163). Bozath and Edwards qualifying outputs and order winning outputs so
conclude that ‘‘the results support the general fast and so high that Yamaha could not keep up.
argument that market requirements focus and Yamaha’s products no longer met customer ex-
manufacturing characteristics focus have an impact pectations and so customers left Yamaha and
on manufacturing performance. A lack of focus placed their orders with Honda. Honda was able
in either market requirements or manufacturing to do this for the following two reasons.
316 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

Fig. 4. Manufacturing strategy at Honda and Yamaha motorcycles.

2.6.1. Production systems used equipment-paced line flow production systems.

Honda’s production systems were more suitable for Operator-paced line flow and JIT production systems
providing the order winning outputs than Yamaha’s. are able to provide higher levels of performance and
Honda used operator-paced line flow production innovativeness (i.e. the order winning outputs) than the
systems and JIT production systems, whereas Yamaha equipment-paced line flow production system.
J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323 317

2.6.2. Manufacturing capability the market qualifying and order winning outputs,
Honda had a higher level of manufacturing by the production system in use, and so on.
capability. Yamaha had just completed a period of Boyer and Lewis (2002) categorize trade-off
expansion during which it built new facilities, hired research into rigid, cumulative, and integrative
new employees, started new processes, and launched models. In the first category, a trade-off is ‘‘the
new systems. The expansion spread Yamaha’s need for plants to prioritize their strategic objectives
existing manufacturing capability over a large and devote resources to improving those capabil-
number of sites and operations. This dilution of ities. For example y plants must make choices
expertise reduced Yamaha’s overall level of manu- between achieving low costs or high flexibility’’
facturing capability. Fig. 4 shows manufacturing (p. 11). In this category a trade-off is a choice
capability profiles for Honda and Yamaha. The between mutually exclusive alternatives. Hence
level of manufacturing capability for each of the trade-offs in this category are called rigid. In the
first three levers was 3.5 for Honda and 2.5 for cumulative category the alternatives in a trade-off
Yamaha. The lower figures for Yamaha were the are not mutually exclusive. ‘‘Plants improve along
result of its expansion. The level of manufacturing all four dimensions y (by) developing capabilities
capability for sourcing was 4.0 at Honda because that reinforce one another. y (For example,)
Honda’s suppliers were the best in the industry. The advanced manufacturing technology—flexible man-
levels of manufacturing capability for process ufacturing systems, computer-integrated manufac-
technology and facilities were high for Yamaha turing, and other programmable automation—helps
because many of its processes and facilities were develop multiple capabilities simultaneously’’
new. The levels of manufacturing capability for (p. 11). The ‘sand cone’ model of Ferdows and
process technology and facilities were also high for De Meyer (1990) is an example of a cumulative
Honda. Although processes and facilities at Honda trade-off model. ‘‘Plants should build capabilities
were older, the company’s established improvement sequentially, first seeking high quality, then depend-
programs had made numerous improvements over able delivery, followed by low costs and flexibility.
the years. Not only was Honda’s manufacturing Each successive capability becomes the primary
capability profile better than Yamaha’s profile, but focus once minimum levels of the preceding
the three levers (organization structure and con- capabilities have been achieved’’ (Boyer and Lewis,
trols, production planning and control, and sour- 2002, p. 11). The integrative trade-off category
cing), which most affected the order winning believes that some elements of the rigid trade-off
outputs (performance and innovativeness), had model and some elements of the integrative trade-
higher levels of capability at Honda. off model are present in an FWF. This is the view
taken in this paper. Trade-offs are technological
2.7. Trade-offs boundaries that are always present. But the
boundaries can be moved within limits. Boundaries
Trade-offs are a part of each manufacturing ‘move out’ when, for example, improvements and
strategy object. An important trade-off in the new technology raise manufacturing capability.
competitive analysis object is the level at which Boundaries ‘move in’ when, for example, the
outputs will be provided. Will an output be market alignment between manufacturing and marketing
qualifying or order winning? Products may qualify deteriorates. There are limits to how far the
for consideration by customers in one way but win boundaries can be moved. For example, raising
orders in a different way. Trade-offs in the the level of capability of a job shop production
production systems object follow from the techno- system to a world-class level of capability by making
logical nature of production systems. Consider, for improvements and adding technology will not
example, job shop and equipment-paced line flow produce the same level of cost as an equipment-
production systems. The job shop is more flexible paced line flow production system with a world-
but the equipment-paced line flow production class level of capability. Da Silveira and Slack
system has a faster pace of production. Trade-offs (2001) found the same view of trade-offs among
also exist in the manufacturing levers and the managers at five companies in the UK and Brazil.
manufacturing capability objects. Decisions made ‘‘Trade-offs are not the problematic issue for
in these objects are affected by decisions made practicing managers that they are for academics. y
previously in the objects, by decisions made about (They are) an easily understood concept, which
318 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

describes the operational compromises routinely (i.e. JIT and FMS) are not used because they are
made by managers. y (T)rade-offs are seen as technologically unable to manufacture upholstered
focusing attention on the areas of an operation most wood furniture products. Dutailier does use some
in need of improvement. y (S)ome trade-offs are just-in-time practices (e.g. setup time reduction and
more clearly governed by identifiable resource and quality control) but it does not use the JIT
capability constraints than others’’ (p. 962). production system.
Fig. 5 describes the manufacturing activities at
3. Applying the new model for manufacturing each factory. The first facility in Fig. 5 is the
strategy in an FWF company’s lead factory at Saint-Pie. (‘Lead’ refers
to the strategic reason for a factory. Ferdows (1997)
Pun (2004) reports that many manufacturing describes six strategic reasons for a factory and six
strategy frameworks are possible and no single corresponding factory types: lead, contributor,
framework is best for all companies. Safsten and source, server, outpost, and off-shore. See also
Winroth (2002) examined the effectiveness of a Miltenburg (2005).) The Saint-Pie factory has three
framework similar to Fig. 1 for small- and medium- FWFs. One FWF is a job shop production system
sized manufacturing companies. Based on their work that is used for new product introductions and for
at two Swedish companies they report that the product and process innovations. Innovativeness
framework is useful. In this section we illustrate the and flexibility are the most important manufactur-
use of the new model (i.e. Fig. 1) for manufacturing ing outputs. The factory also has an FWF with a
strategy in an FWF by studying the strategic activities batch flow production system that produces low-
of two multi-national manufacturing companies: volume, high-end products. Performance and in-
Groupe Dutailier and Rheem Manufacturing. novativeness are important for the high-end pro-
ducts. The third FWF is an operator-paced line flow
3.1. Groupe Dutailier production system that produces higher-volume
products. These products are in the mature stage
Dutailier was founded in 1976 in a small town of their product life cycles and so cost and delivery
near Montreal, Canada. For the next 12 years it are important.
manufactured living room and bedroom furniture The next facility is at Saint-Elie de Caxton. This is
and rocking chairs. In 1988 Dutailier dropped its the company’s contributor factory for ottoman
living room and bedroom furniture in order to focus products. It is a small facility and has one FWF
on one particular type of rocking chair called a with an operator-paced line flow production system
glider rocker. It concentrated all of its R&D that produces high-volume products. Cost and
activities on developing glider rocker products for delivery are the important manufacturing outputs.
selected target markets. The decision to focus was Fig. 5 gives similar information for Dutailier’s other
the start of a journey that made Dutailier a leader in facilities. Fig. 6 transfers some of the information
glider rocker products for North America and from Fig. 5 to the FWF strategy worksheet. Notice
Europe. The company is now North America’s that the same production systems are used in several
largest manufacturer of glider rockers and offers FWFs. This allows the company to develop and
one of the largest selections of glider rocker follow standard practices, employ common im-
products. There are more than 45 different styles, provement programs, and share information in the
70 fabrics, and 15 finishes, all organized into three FWFs that use the same production system, and,
product collections. consequently, increase the levels of manufacturing
Dutailier began in 1976 with 40 employees in one capability to above average and adult. The syner-
factory. In 1991 there were 550 employees in four gistic combination of the best production system
factories. Today the company, which is still family and high level of capability produces the highest
owned, employs more than 780 employees in seven possible levels of manufacturing outputs.
factories in Canada, the United States, and Eng- Finally, notice in Fig. 5 that the first six facilities are
land. Dutailier’s factories are organized into FWFs. focused on the production of glider rocker products.
The FWFs use job shop, batch flow, and operator- However the last facility, at Sainte-Anne-de-
paced line flow production systems. Other mass la-Perade, produces an entirely different product
production systems (i.e. equipment-paced line flow family—high-quality, wood bedroom furniture for
and continuous flow) and lean production systems babies, children, and teens. This facility was
J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323 319

Facility (1) Details Focus FWFs Important Manufacturing Outputs

Saint-Pie Head Office R&D, Sales, Customer Service & After 1. Job shop for new products Innovativeness, flexibility
(head office and original … 80 people Sales, Marketing, Production Planning,
facility -- lead factory) Purchasing, Computing, Technical 2. Batch flow for low volume, high- Performance, innovativeness
Services, Credit, Finance & Accounting, end products
Factory Quality, Human Resources
… 110,000 sf, 220 Focused on production of middle- to 3. Operator-paced line for medium Delivery, cost
people high-end wood glider products volume, middle-end products

Saint-Elie de Caxton 18,500 sf, 60 people Focused on production of ottoman 4. Operator-paced line for high Delivery, cost
(acquisition in 1990 of Les products volume products
Artisants du Bois Caxton,
Joliette 48,000 sf, 100 people Focused on production of high volume 5. Operator-paced line high volume Delivery, cost
(acquisition in 1988 of Les wood glider products for large U.S. and products
Freres Pelletier Canada, Canadian chain stores
Saint-Hyacinthe 85,000 sf, 100 people Focused on production of ‘high 6. Batch flow for low volume Performance, innovativeness
(new factory established in performance’ products (i.e. products products
1997) made of metal, wood, leather that glide, Performance, quality
swivel, recline) 7. Operator-paced line for medium
volume products

Martinsville, Virginia 53,000 sf, 60 people Focused on upholstered products and 8. Operator-paced line for high Delivery, cost
(acquisition in 1990 of chair cushions for other facilities. volume products
Regent Industries)
Perivale, England European Sales
(new facility established in … 30 people
1993) Warehouse/factory Assemble components imported from 9. Batch flow Flexibility, delivery
… 18,800 sf, 30 people North America

Sainte-Anne-de-la-Perade 60,000 sf, 100 people Focused on production of wood bedroom 10. Batch flow for low volume Flexibility, quality
(acquisition in 2003 of furniture products
E.G. Furniture) 11. Operator-paced line for medium Cost, quality
volume products

1. The information in Facility, Details, and Focus is from the company website (

Fig. 5. Manufacturing facilities at Dutailier.

acquired in 2003 and marks Dutailier’s decision to sidiary that manufactured swimming pool heaters)—
diversify its product line. This reverses the decision generated an annual revenue of $725 million. In
the company made 25 years earlier to focus on 1988 Paloma Industries of Nagoya, Japan, a family-
glider rockers. The decision in 2003 to diversify is owned company and the world’s largest producer of
not unreasonable so long as the new product lines gas appliances, purchased Rheem for $850 million.
are produced in separate FWFs. It would be Today the Paloma Group of Companies employs
inappropriate to produce these new products in 10,400 people.
FWFs that are focused on glider rocker products. In 2002 Rheem began a major initiative to
This would cause problems for the specialized improve the performance of its sagging Air Con-
production systems, reduce the level of manufactur- ditioning Division. The division’s market share had
ing capability, and lower the levels of the manu- dropped to 11% from a high of 16% in the mid-
facturing outputs. 1980s. One reason for the decline was an old
product line that was in need of redesign. Rheem
3.2. Rheem manufacturing installed a new management team and started
programs to improve cost, quality, and customer
In 1927 Richard and Donald Rheem of California service.
formed the Rheem Manufacturing Company. By
1936 the company was manufacturing water heaters 3.2.1. Events in Australia
and distributing them coast-to-coast in the United In 2002 Rheem re-acquired its Australian manu-
States. In 1939 Rheem opened its first foreign facturing operations. These operations, which em-
factory near Sydney, Australia, and 8 years later it ployed 1400 people and generated $150 million in
opened a second foreign factory in Hamilton, annual revenue, included water heater businesses in
Canada, to serve the Canadian market. Rheem Australia and New Zealand, a solar water heater
began manufacturing warm air furnaces in 1947 and company, and a joint-venture business in China.
central air conditioning systems in 1965. In 1973
Rheem sold its manufacturing operations in Aus- 3.2.2. Events in Canada
tralia. In 1986 Rheem’s three divisions—Water In 1989 the United States and Canada signed a
Heaters, Air Conditioning, and Rayback (a sub- free trade agreement to eliminate import and export
320 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

Fig. 6. Manufacturing strategy at Dutailier’s FWFs.

duties, relax foreign investment restrictions, and were high. So the batch flow production system in
ease business travel between the two countries. This the Canadian factory was changed to an operator-
reduced the need for a Canadian factory whose sole paced line flow production system. Manufacturing
purpose was to serve the Canadian market. How- equipment was upgraded and the number of employ-
ever, rather than close the Canadian factory, Rheem ees was reduced from 255 to 150. (The Montgomery
decided to focus the factory’s production. In 1993 factory had more than 1000 employees.)
production was focused on 40-gallon (181 liter) In 1994 Mexico joined the free trade agreement
water heaters. All other products were transferred between the United States and Canada. (The new
to the Water Heater Division factory in Montgom- agreement was called the North American Free
ery, Alabama (USA). The Canadian factory, though Trade Agreement or NAFTA.) Several years later
small, was strategically important. Water heater the Water Heater Division opened a new factory in
products sold in Canada were slightly different from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, to take advantage of that
products sold in the United States, large Canadian country’s low labor costs. It quickly became
commercial customers wanted the reliability of a apparent that the cost of production in the large
local manufacturer, and transportation costs from Mexican factory was so low that, even with the high
the factory in Alabama to customers in Canada cost of transportation from Mexico to Canada, it
J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323 321

was significantly more profitable to produce in A production system consists of six subsystems
Mexico and ship to Canada than to produce in called manufacturing levers. They are human
Canada. At about the same time new government resources, organization structure and controls,
policies in Canada aimed at deregulating business production planning and control, sourcing, process
and increasing trade reduced the importance of the technology, and facilities. Adjustments to manufac-
large Canadian commercial customers. So by the turing levers must consider the linkages between
late 1990s there was no longer any need to have a manufacturing levers and the linkages between
factory in Canada. strategy objects. For example, each adjustment
The Canadian factory used an operator-paced must be appropriate for the production system in
line flow production system to produce a medium use and must help the production system provide
volume of 40-gallon water heaters (Fig. 7). Even the manufacturing outputs at required levels. The
with an adult level of manufacturing capability, this levels at which the manufacturing outputs are
production system was not able to provide the order provided depend on the production system in use
winning levels of cost and quality and the market and its level of manufacturing capability. A
qualifying level of delivery required in the very production system’s level of capability is the sum
competitive marketplace for water heaters. The of the levels of capability of each subsystem or lever.
Canadian factory needed to change its production Manufacturing capability is measured on a contin-
system to an equipment-paced line flow production uous scale from 1.0 to 4.0: 1.0 is an infant level of
system with a high level of capability. But this capability; 2.0 is an industry average level; 3.0 is an
production system required new, expensive manu- adult level; and 4.0 is a world-class level.
facturing equipment, a much higher production Competitive analysis identifies the manufacturing
volume, and time to raise the level of manufacturing outputs that customers desire. It requires informa-
capability. When the Water Heater Division, head- tion on the FWF’s products, competitors’ products,
quartered in Montgomery, Alabama, decided not to customer requirements, and the current production
make this investment, or assign this production system. Outcomes from the competitive analysis are
volume, and or let the Canadian factory raise its the market qualifying and order winning manufac-
capabilities, the factory’s fate was sealed. In 2005 turing outputs for the product family, and the
Rheem announced its intention to move its Canadian production system that can provide these outputs
production to Mexico, and in 2006 it closed the and can be put into practice by the FWF. Fig. 1
60-year-old Canadian factory. arranges the five manufacturing strategy objects
for an FWF into a manufacturing strategy frame-
4. Summary work. We illustrate the use of these objects and
framework by studying the strategic activities of
The manufacturing strategy framework for an Groupe Dutailier Inc. and Rheem Manufacturing
FWF consists of five objects: production systems, Company.
manufacturing outputs, manufacturing levers, man- We can also use the five objects and manufactur-
ufacturing capability, and competitive analysis, and ing strategy framework to formulate a manufactur-
the linkages between these objects. An FWF uses ing strategy for an FWF. First we determine the
one production system to produce most or all FWF’s current manufacturing state by examining
products in a product family and provide six its production system, its manufacturing capability,
manufacturing outputs: cost, quality, delivery, and its manufacturing outputs. Second we deter-
performance, flexibility, and innovativeness. No mine the FWF’s desired future manufacturing state
FWF is able to provide all outputs at the best by using the competitive analysis object. Finally we
possible levels. So it is important to determine which use the manufacturing levers object to determine the
outputs are most important to customers. These are changes that are required to move the FWF from its
the market–qualifying and order–winning outputs. current manufacturing state to its desired future
There are seven production systems: job shop, batch manufacturing state. Safsten and Winroth (2002)
flow, operator-paced line flow, equipment-paced studied this process at some small- and medium-size
line flow, continuous flow, just-in-time, and flexible manufacturing companies.
manufacturing systems. Each produces a unique This paper is descriptive and exploratory.
mix of products and volumes, and provides a unique A manufacturing strategy framework for an FWF
combination of manufacturing outputs. is presented and its use is illustrated. The strategy
322 J. Miltenburg / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 307–323

Fig. 7. Manufacturing strategy in Rheem’s Canadian factory.

objects and the framework they comprise are not and the referees for their comments on earlier
analyzed empirically. This work is left for future versions of this paper.
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