Application Note 83402: PID Control
Application Note 83402: PID Control
Application Note 83402: PID Control
Original Instructions
PID Control
Woodward wishes to thank and acknowledge E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Inc. for granting
permission to use information presented in Du Pont's ELIAS Instrumentation Training Program booklet in this
Woodward publication. Du Pont's copyright to the above mention document is as follows:
Copyright (1970) E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Inc.
Woodward Governor Company reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time. Information provided
by Woodward Governor Company is believed to be correct and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Woodward
Governor Company unless otherwise expressly undertaken.
© Woodward 1992
All Rights Reserved
Application Note 83402 PID Control
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 2
Process Control Loop .............................................................................................2
Automatic Control ...................................................................................................3
Control Loop ...........................................................................................................4
Control Modes ........................................................................................................4
Control Modes (Car Analogy) .................................................................................5
Proportional Control................................................................................................5
Integral (Reset) .......................................................................................................5
Derivative (Preact and Rate Time) .........................................................................5
Control Responses .................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2. SINGLE-MODE CONTROL ......................................................... 7
On-Off Control ........................................................................................................7
Proportional Response ...........................................................................................9
Proportional Gain (Effect of Settings) .....................................................................9
Chapter 2 Summary .............................................................................................10
Chapter 2 Review Questions ................................................................................10
CHAPTER 3. INTEGRAL AND DERIVATIVE CONTROL .................................... 11
Proportional + Integral (Open Loop) .....................................................................11
Integral ..................................................................................................................12
Proportional + Integral (Closed Loop) ..................................................................13
Integral (Effects of Settings) .................................................................................14
Derivative Response ............................................................................................15
Derivative (Minutes)..............................................................................................16
Proportional + Derivative (Closed Loop) ..............................................................17
Derivative (Effects of Settings) .............................................................................18
Proportional + Integral + Derivative (Closed Loop) ..............................................19
Chapter 3 Summary .............................................................................................19
Chapter 3 Review .................................................................................................20
CHAPTER 4. TUNING GUIDELINES .............................................................. 22
Controller Tuning Method Sample ........................................................................24
Controller Field Tuning General ...........................................................................25
Controller Field Tuning Procedure .......................................................................27
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PID Control Application Note 83402
Chapter 1.
With this block diagram of a control loop, the following can be shown:
The dashes surrounding the measurement transmitter, the control station, and
the controller indicate the "local" control station since all parts are within one
The dashes surrounding the control station and controller only indicate the
"remote" control station.
Both types of control stations will have some way of indicating (or recording) the
process variable, some means for adjusting the desired set point, and a means for
reading the controller output to the control valve. The "local" control station may or
may not have a means for "manually" controlling the control valve. The "remote"
will always have this facility. The "local" control station requires frequent visitation
to determine quality of control. The "remote" station is centrally located, therefore
reducing travel time and allowing side-by-side control quality scanning.
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The function of each block of the diagram is as follows:
2. The control station provides facility for setting the desired control point,
reading the value of the measurement, transferring the operation from manual
to automatic or automatic to manual, and allows manual loading of the control
3. The controller takes the set point value of the control station, compares its
value to the measurement and reacts to the difference according to the values
set on each response, proportional, reset and derivative.
4. The output signal from the controller positions the control valve.
5. The process changes resulting from the valve changes are felt by the
measurement and the procedure continues.
Automatic Control
This chart is a simplified form of the previous chart. There are three things that take
The action is the control valve, sometimes called the final element.
Note that the arrows flow continuously as does the function of any closed loop
control system. All sections of the control system are continuously connected, even
though action does not take place unless a change takes place that results in the
process variable measured deviating from the set point (desired control point).
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To break the connection between any section of the loop would result in an open
loop configuration. Of course, the process will then not respond to controller action.
However, as later charts will show, open loop configuration is a unique way of
observing controller actions or responses on an individual basis and without the
interfering process response.
Control Loop
Measurement (Transmitter)
1. Temperature
2. Pressure
3. Level
4. Flow
5. X-Analysis
Decision (Controller)
1. Set point vs. measurement
2. Controller response
Control loop components consist of those shown on the above chart. As mentioned
earlier, three things take place in a closed loop control system—Measurement,
Decision, Action, whenever the system is in automatic. The measurement section
is connected directly to the process and transmits the variable to be controlled to
the control station, usually some distance away. The control station, which
technically includes the controller, allows comparison between the desired control
point (set point) and the measured control point. The amount of the deviation, the
rate of the deviation and the duration of the deviation all predict controller response
according to the controller's gain, derivative and reset settings.
The action is simply the result of the controller output. It may be something other
than a control valve.
Control Modes
On-Off Or (Deadband)
Proportional or (Prop_Gn)
Integral or (Int_Gn)
Derivative or (S_D_R)
Integral and Derivative are refinements of and work in conjunction with proportional
control. Special studies of each follow.
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The analogy here for On-Off control is turning the windshield wiper "on" then "off".
Its speed is not changed. It is simply turned "on" for one wipe, then turned off.
As a matter of fact, most car manufacturers have a position on the wiper control
that produces an "On-Off" characteristic.
Proportional Control
Setting hand throttle to keep constant speed on straight and level.
Proportional control (using the same analogy) results in a certain speed as long as
the car is not subjected to any load change such as a hill.
If a hand throttle is set to any particular setting, the speed of the car will remain
constant as long as the car remains straight and level. If the car goes up a hill it will
slow down. Of course, going down a hill the car would gain speed.
Integral (Reset)
Cruise control maintains constant speed regardless of hills.
In this analogy the reset response would keep the car speed constant regardless of
the terrain.
Merging into high speed traffic of a freeway from an "on" ramp is no easy task and
requires accelerated correction (temporary overcorrection) in both increasing and
decreasing directions. The application of brakes to fall behind the car in the first
continuous lane or passing gear to get ahead of the car in the first continuous lane
is derivative action.
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Control Responses
ON-OFF cyclic control
INTEGRAL compensation (load or set point change)
DERIVATIVE accelerated action
PROPORTIONAL + INTEGRAL throttling with compensation
PROPORTIONAL + DERIVATIVE throttling with accelerated action
compensation and accelerated action
The above chart shows the characteristics of the different control responses. Keep
in mind that integral and derivative work in conjunction with proportional response.
Integral compensates for load changes - process initiated or set point initiated by
adding additional proportional action until the measured variable and the desired
control point (set point) are the same. Integral action takes place only when a
difference (deviation) exists between the Set Point and the process measurement.
Derivative accelerates (advances) the Proportional action based on the speed of
the process change only. It compensates for long transfer lags and reduces
overshoot resulting from large process disturbances. Combinations of Proportional,
Integral, Derivative will provide the type of process control required.
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Chapter 2.
Single-Mode Control
On-Off Control
The control point is at 50% of the scale. The "open loop adjust" manually moves
the measurement back and forth across the control point. The controller is in
automatic with its responses set to produce "ON-OFF" control characteristic.
Whenever the measurement is moved above the control point, the controller output
moves the action to zero (let's say valve closed). Whenever the measurement is
moved below the control point, the controller drives the action to full output (valve
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This action is seen in final control elements that are either open or closed.
Examples of these elements are: some types of control valves, solenoid valves,
solenoid levers, and other devices that may be controlled by relay outputs.
This chart shows "ON-OFF" control in closed loop configuration. The controller is,
of course, in automatic and its responses are set to produce "ON-OFF" control.
Now however, the process measurement will be returned toward the control point
as a result of the valve being driven to its extreme, but because the valve is driven
to its extreme, the process measurement has inertia and will overshoot the control
point. As soon as the process measurement crosses the control point the controller
will drive the valve to its other extreme, thereby causing the cyclic action shown on
the chart. Inertia of the process will produce overshoot in both directions.
Since "ON-OFF" configuration is very simple and quite uncommon in its use in
process control, it will not be discussed further. It is shown here only to define its
characteristic and to show there are applications for it, such as home heating
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Proportional Response
This chart (in Closed Loop) graphically displays the characteristic of Proportional
response. Beginning at the bottom of the graph, a step change is introduced and
held as a load change. As a result of the step change, the measurement droops to
control at a lower value since the valve movement was Proportional to the change
in measurement only. This results in Offset between the original desired Set Point
and the resulting droop in the Control Point. As can be seen, one method of
correcting this Offset would be to manually reset the Set Point to bring the Control
Point back up to the desired (control) Set Point. This results in a different valve
position. Of course, additional process load changes or Set Point load changes
would result in additional offset.
Starting at the top of the graph a load change is introduced. With a small
Proportional gain (meaning a large process change is required to produce full valve
travel), stability is good but offset is very high.
With a moderate gain setting (higher number setting) stability is still good - offset is
still fairly high.
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With a high setting, offset is considerably smaller but the stability is poor. The 0.25
ratio effects a minimum area whereby the offset is reduced to a minimum while
stability is in a decaying manner at 0.25% ratio. The 0.25% (1/4%) decay ratio will
be discussed further during each subject block covered.
The decay ratio used (0.25%) means that if the second cycle is 1/4 of the first
cycle, then each succeeding cycle will be 1/4 of the preceding cycle until the cycle
is not visible. The last section of this document will cover recognizing the 1/4 decay
ratio more thoroughly.
Chapter 2 Summary
Controller output change proportional to process change:
Provides stability
Introduces offset
The amount of stability and offset is directly related to the setting of the
Proportional setting. Stability is of course also affected by the stability of the
In essence, the amount of output from the controller due to the Proportional setting
is from the error. If there is no error, then there is no Proportional effect.
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Chapter 3.
Integral and Derivative Control
Integral response is provided to eliminate the offset that resulted from straight
Proportional control.
This chart shows how the controller action is Proportional to the measurement
change, but as we saw earlier, this results in offset.
The Integral (or Reset) action is a function of both time and magnitude of the
deviation. As long as an offset condition (due to load changes) exists, Integral
action is taking place. The amount of Integral action is a function of four things:
The magnitude of the deviation
The duration of the deviation
The Proportional gain setting
The Integral setting
In this Open Loop graph, the Integral response is shown increasing due to the
offset condition existing between the temperature and the set point. The resultant
action is the top curve showing the step Proportional response that ends as soon
as the measurement stops changing. Then the Integral (or reset) action is added to
the Proportional action in an amount equal to the Integral of the deviation. In other
words, Reset action continues (in either or both directions) as long as there is a
difference (deviation) between the set point and the process measurement.
In this case, the deviation will never be eliminated (or even reduced) because the
system is in Open Loop.
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(repeats per minute)
Time of reset action to duplicate proportional action resulting from initial deviation
As mentioned earlier, there are two ways of expressing Integral action. The
function may also be called Reset but the units for expressing the amount are
related to Reset Time or Reset Rate.
Integral as stated in the Woodward controls is repeats per minute (or Reset Rate)
and is labeled as "INT_GN" on the PID controller. Therefore, a high amount of
Integral gain (high number) would result in a large amount of Reset action.
Conversely, a low Integral gain (low number) would result in a slower reset action.
Reset Time is just the reciprocal of Reset Rate in that the time per repeats is the
unit measure. This "minutes" per repeat is the same repeat discussed in "repeats
per minute" of Reset Time. The repeat is of course, the duplication of the
proportional response. However, in this case (Reset Time) it is the time of the
repeats that the proportional action is duplicated.
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This chart (in Closed Loop) is showing the effect of Integral action.
The next curve shows the set point and the measured variable, temperature. With
the load change the temperature droops or deviates from the set point.
The next highest curve is the Proportional action and follows the measured
variable proportionately because the gain setting is obviously very nearly 1 (or a
P.B. of 100%).
The Integral curve adds to the Proportional curve resulting in a different valve
position, thereby returning the process to the Set Point.
In Closed Loop, however (as opposed to Open Loop), as the measurement decays
toward the Set Point the Proportional action is taking place Proportionally to the
measurement change, and the Integral action is decaying proportionately to the
magnitude and duration of the deviation until the measurement reaches the set
point at which time the Integral action is zero.
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This chart shows the effect of fast or slow Integral action. The actual setting
number depends on whether the Reset is Time or Rate.
Reset Time - High number = slow Reset Low number = fast Reset Action
Reset Rate - High number = fast Reset Low number = slow Reset Action
The graph is relatively self-explanatory in that for a given load change an offset
results with Proportional response only.
Since recovery time (for a given load change) is important, the Integral setting
should remove the offset in minimum time without adding additional cycling. If two
cycles are added, then too much Reset has been added. Of course, Proportional
only must first establish the 1/4 decay ratio. If increased cycling occurs, the Integral
must be turned off or the controller switched to "manual" if allowed to go too far.
Ideally, the process should not continue to cycle after the set point has been
reached as in the second curve from the bottom.
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Derivative Response
In a process control loop the Derivative action is directly related to how fast the
process changes (rate of change). If the process change is slow then the
Derivative action is proportional to that rate of change.
The top left graph shows the process change at two rates, #1 slow and #2 fast.
The controller output just below shows proportional action follows the process
change exactly, while the Derivative action advances the proportional action.
The top right graph again shows the process changes, #1 slow and #2 fast. The
graph just beneath shows the resultant curves advanced directly related to the rate
of change of the process.
The graph at the bottom center shows a process change and the controller
response to this change in process. The proportional action is advanced when
Derivative action is applied. The amount of this advancement in time is Derivative
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Derivative (Minutes)
The net result of Derivative action is to oppose any process change and combined
with Proportional action to reduce stabilization time in returning the process to the
set point after an upset. Derivative will not remove offset.
Woodward Derivative is split into two working domains, Input dominant and
Feedback dominant. The allowed values for S_D_R range from 0 to 100, never set
the S_D_R negative. The most common derivative is Feedback dominant, it is
automatically selected with an S_D_R from 1 to 100. The less common S_D_R is
Input dominant and is selected with S_D_R values between 0 to 1.
Feedback dominant applies the derivative action to the integrator feedback term of
the PID equation and is more stable than input dominant derivative. This will not
take corrective action as early and it will be less noise sensitive. When tuning the
derivative, the S_D_R will be established in the 1 to 100 range because it is easier
to tune and more forgiving of excessive values. Most PIDs will employ feedback
dominant derivative.
Input dominant derivative applies the S_D_R term before the integrator term of the
PID equation. When the S_D_R is less than 1, the derivative is input dominant and
reacts very quickly to process upsets. This function is very adapted for PIDs that
control the load parameter, such as load shaft turbine speed. Since the input
dominant derivative is so sensitive, it should be reserved only for applications
without high frequency noise.
Except for input dominant and feedback dominant features, the reciprocal of one
domain will appear identical in the other domain. As an example, consider an
S_D_R of 5.0, the reciprocal being 1/5. That means that an S_D_R of 5.0 will
appear the same as S_D_R of 0.200. The difference in response between these
values of 5.0 and 0.2 is in the dominance feature.
If in doubt about the type of derivative to use, then set up for feedback dominant,
1 < S_D_R < 100.
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This Closed Loop graphic presentation shows how Derivative acts to oppose a
change in process in either direction. The dashed line shows the Derivative action
going through zero to oppose the process deviation traveling toward zero. Notice
offset still exists between the desired set point and the drooped control point that
resulted from the load change.
The top curve is the resultant controller output, Proportional plus Derivative.
If an upset (momentary) had occurred rather than a load change, there would be
no offset.
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This graphic presentation shows the effect of Derivative settings. The curves are
relative since it depends on what type of control is desired in order to properly
adjust Derivative time. For example, if minimum cycling is desired (as is shown
here) then Derivative is added to the 1/4 decay cycle provided by Proportional until
more than one cycle is removed and of course the 1/4 decay is destroyed.
However, in most cases it is desirable to retain the 1/4 decay cycle, in which case
Derivative is added to the point of removing only one cycle from the 1/4 decay ratio
then the gain is increased until the 1/4 decay ratio is restored.
In all the above curves, you will note offset exists since offset can only be
eliminated by the addition of Integral (or Reset).
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This graph shows the relationship of valve position to the interaction of the modes
of control whenever a load change takes place in closed loop.
As the temperature drops due to the load change, the proportional action moves
the control valve proportionately to the measurement (temperature) change. The
reset adds to the proportional action as a result of the magnitude and time
(duration) of the deviation. And the derivative temporarily over-corrects based on
the speed at which the measurement moves in any direction. The resultant curve
(at the top) shows a similar over-correction (in this case), but in addition the valve
will stay at the new position required to keep the measurement at the set point.
Chapter 3 Summary
INTEGRAL—Output acts on error duration.
Eliminates error
The Integral action duplicates the Proportional response each minute and "walks"
the output towards one extreme or the other.
Since the Integral term is so dependant on the Proportional Gain, the Integral must
be set only after the Proportional Gain has been established.
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In summary, Derivative provides a temporary over-correction to compensate for
long transfer lags and reduce stabilization time on process upsets (momentary
Derivative acts by advancing the Proportional action. Derivative acts at the start of
the process change, when the process changes its rate and when the process
stops its change.
Factors determining "how much" are: The Proportional setting, the Derivative
setting and the rate of change of the process variable.
Caution areas are: (1) If the Derivative is physically installed after the Proportional
circuit, then the Derivative settings affect Set Point changes; (2) Do not use if high
frequency noise is normally in the measured variable or the main lag is dead time.
After Proportional is set to 1/4 decay ratio and Derivative is adjusted to remove one
cycle as well as decreasing the 1/4 decay ratio, then the Proportional gain can be
increased to restore the 1/4 decay ratio.
Chapter 3 Review
I. Control
A. On-Off Control
1. High Sensitivity
2. Provides satisfactory control in certain applications.
3. No difficulty with load change conditions.
B. Proportional Control
1. Reduced sensitivity to eliminate cycling.
2. Difficulty encountered with load change conditions; and with
measurement and process lags.
3. Response—Proportional.
4. Description—Controller output change is Proportional to
measurement change only.
5. Characteristic—Provides stability, eliminates hunting or cycling.
6. Units for expressing amount—Proportional, Gain, Sensitivity.
7. How does it act? By changing controller output proportionally to
change of measurement.
8. When does it act? When process changes.
9. How much? Proportional to measurement change.
10. What happens when the measurement changes? Output changes
(Proportional to measurement change only).
B. Function. Removes offset due to process or set point load changes only.
D. Effect of Reset setting on control. Too fast Reset causes cycling. Too
slow Reset results in longer offset recovery time.
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F. When does Reset act? Any time a deviation between set point and
process variable is present.
C. Units. (Minutes)
E. When does it act? At start of process change, when rate changes, when
process change stops, any time the process changes.
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Chapter 4.
Tuning Guidelines
Controller Tuning
Control loop factors versus controllability
Suitability of responses
Criteria for good control
Controller tuning method
B. Controllers
1. Modes should be matched to the application.
Range of adjustment of modes (Proportional, Reset, Derivative).
2. Controller should be in alignment.
3. Controller must be tuned for specific conditions.
4. Little dead time/hysteresis.
E. Process
1. Must be capable of control (proper design of equipment).
2. Control Loops must be compatible with the control system.
3. The loop should be designed with the objective of making the
controller's job easy.
4. Variable selected must be the one that provides control desired
(temperature, pressure, level, flow, X).
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II. Selection of Controller Responses
In general, "good" control should include:
A. No tendency toward self-excitation.
C. Process should match set point after load change quickly and with
minimum overshoot.
E. Consider addition of Reset when frequent set point change and load
changes occur to eliminate offset. Avoid the use of Reset when the
controller is not continuously connected to final control element.
(i.e. 2 controllers through a selector switch)
A. Stability.
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C. Minimum area under the curve.
1. Put controller on Manual—from this step on it is important that no upsets or
load changes occur to process.
4. Record normal valve position and set point/Control Point relationship before
proceeding in order to know where process normally belongs (by where the
valve normally belongs).
7. Allow time for at least 90% of the change to take place and record cycle if any.
Return controller to manual when changing Proportional (if this is peculiar to
type of controller being tuned). Woodward controls do not need to be placed
in manual for Proportional gain changes.
8. If no cycle occurs, increase Proportional by doubling gain until first small cycle
appears. If observation is in error and large cycling begins, switch to manual
and return process to normal by manually positioning control valve to position
recorded in step 4 above. If the application is turbine, then reduce
Proportional Gain quickly, rather than a manual mode, to regain stability.
9. After first small cycle is seen, increase Proportional in smaller increments until
1/4 decay ratio is obtained. Be sure to allow time for 90% of change to take
place before changing settings.
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10. After 1/4 decay ratio is obtained, add Integral to remove offset conditions only.
11. Turn Integral gain on to very slow action (.01 to .1 Repeats). Make set point
disturbance change of 2 to 10% depending on how much can be tolerated
by the process. If 1/4 ratio is not affected, double Reset action until first effect
is seen (similar to Proportional step 8). After first effect is seen, add Reset in
small increments until 1/4 ratio is affected to degree required and/or one more
cycle is added to the Proportional cycle and the 1/4 ratio grows toward 1/2.
12. If other than 1/4 decay ratio is desired, then add Reset until stability is only
slightly affected.
13. Determine recovery time of a load change (set point change of 2 to 10%
depending on how much can be tolerated) if disturbance upsets were used to
tune Reset mode.
14. Determine cycle of disturbance (upset) if load changes were used to tune
Integral mode. If excessive cycling occurs, turn Integral off. If cycling does
not recover in 1/4 ratio after Integral is turned off, switch to manual.
15. When one cycle has been added to 1/4 decay ratio as in step 11, leave
Integral setting as is and lower Proportional slightly to restore original 1/4
decay ratio, then check for offset recovery time. If recovery time is too long,
add more Integral as in step 11. Then lower Proportional to restore 1/4 decay
16. Turn Derivative on to minimum (highest number).
17. Install a very small disturbance if excessive cycling occurs, turn Derivative
off. Process will recover. If it does not, switch to manual and return valve
position to normal.
19. After 1/4 decay ratio is just affected, leave Derivative setting as is and
increase Proportional until 1/4 decay ratio is restored.
20. Check both upset conditions and load change conditions after all above steps
are completed. Further refinement is only possible through restarting
procedure and more careful attention of 1/4 decay ratio or to desired stability
attained from Proportional response tuning.
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This procedure will lead to controller settings which will provide after a load
Process control without sustained cycling.
Process recovery in a minimum time
Controller settings derived for given operating conditions are valid over a narrow
range of load change. The settings made for one operating set of conditions may
result in excessive cycling or highly damped response at some other operating
condition. This procedure should be applied under the most difficult operating
conditions to assure conservative settings over the normal operating range.
There are several methods of controller tuning in use. This procedure presents one
which will be easiest to use, and at the same time, minimizes process upset. This
method is one of systematic trial and error.
The method given is based upon the 1/4-ratio decay cycle. The peak of each cycle
is 1/4 of the preceding one. The objective is to produce a trace like the figure
It is good practice to keep the average of the set point changes near the normal set
point of the process to avoid excessive departure from normal operating level.
After each set point change, allow sufficient time to observe the effect of the last
adjustment. It is wise to wait until approximately 90% of the change has been
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2. Turn the Integral adjustment to minimum Reset effect; this will reduce or
eliminate the Integral function. Check to see that Derivative adjustment is set
for minimum Derivative, or in Woodward controllers at 100.
3. Switch to automatic control. Make a small change* in the set point and
observe the response of the process to the Proportional Gain setting. If little or
no cycling takes place, increase the Proportional Gain to 150% its previous
value and make another small set point change. After each set point change,
increase the Proportional Gain to twice its previous value until an "Optimum
Proportional" response curve (see below) is obtained. If a change in
Proportional produces a "Proportional Too High" curve (see below), lower the
Proportional Gain to its last previous setting. The "Proportional Too Low"
curve illustrated below represents the condition in which the proportional is too
*—Set point changes can be made either up or down scale. The second change should
return the set point to its original setting. Repeat this pattern through the tuning procedure.
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4. With the Proportional Gain at the setting previously obtained in step 3, make a
change in set point and observe the recovery cycle. If there is no excessive
cycling, increase the Integral to 0.04 repeats per minute (or 25 minutes per
repeat). Make another set point change and observe results. After each set
point change, make a change in the Reset adjustment to increase the Reset
by 50% the previous Reset effect. Continue in this manner until a response
curve like "Optimum Reset" (see below) is obtained. If an adjustment is made
which produces a response curve like "Too Much Reset" (see below), then
reduce the setting of the reset to the last previous value.
5. With the Proportional Gain and Integral adjustments at the values previously
obtained, turn the Derivative adjustment to minimum or to a setting 30. Make
a small change in the set point and observe the response curve. If there is no
excessive cycling, decrease the Derivative ratio. Make another small change
in the set point and again observe the response. Continue making small set
point changes and halving the Derivative time until a Optimum Mode curve
(see below) results. If a Derivative setting produces a curve with "Too Much
Derivative" (see below), reduce the Derivative time to the previous value.
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6. With the Proportional Gain, Integral, and Derivative adjustments at the values
previously determined, repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until controller adjustments
show no further improvement. Normally, it will be found that with Derivative
the Proportional can be increased. Retune the Integral function with both
Proportional and Derivative settings at values which have just been
7. Now adjust the controller Proportional Gain with settings that produce a 50%
decay. This is the worst case accepted response. The final Proportional Gain
will the smaller of either half of this value or 80% of the value at the quarter
decay ratio.
8. Have the operator make a process load change to verify the adequacy of the
controller settings. Pay particular attention to the Reset response. The figure
below illustrates a typical curve.
Woodward 29
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