Postclimax: It is often developed in regions having greater moisture than in normal
climax community. A strip of vegetation of higher life-forms found
within a climax e.g. a forest along a stream in grassland. Another
example is a community at a lower altitude than a particular climax
community, e.g. on a mountain. An example is of Potohar Plateau in
the plains of Punjab.
Sereclimax: The community, which becomes stabilized at any of the seral stages of
succession due to microclimate.
Subclimax: The stage in succession just preceding the climatic climax
Disclimax: The community, which becomes stabilized due of recurrent
disturbance by man or other biotic factors.
• According to the monoclimax concept, all these communities, over a long
period of time are believed to undergo modification by the action of
climate into a true climax vegetation