This survey form contains questions to assess a student's attitudes, development, and perceived hindrances to essay writing. It asks the student to indicate their level of agreement on a 4 point scale with statements about their confidence, writing process, and challenges. Some examples of statements include "I can write 100-300 words quickly", "Studying grammar and punctuation would greatly improve my writing", and "Stress in life hinders me to write an essay". The questionnaire is intended to help evaluate a grade 12 student's comprehension level through analyzing their essay writing skills and experience.
This survey form contains questions to assess a student's attitudes, development, and perceived hindrances to essay writing. It asks the student to indicate their level of agreement on a 4 point scale with statements about their confidence, writing process, and challenges. Some examples of statements include "I can write 100-300 words quickly", "Studying grammar and punctuation would greatly improve my writing", and "Stress in life hinders me to write an essay". The questionnaire is intended to help evaluate a grade 12 student's comprehension level through analyzing their essay writing skills and experience.
This survey form contains questions to assess a student's attitudes, development, and perceived hindrances to essay writing. It asks the student to indicate their level of agreement on a 4 point scale with statements about their confidence, writing process, and challenges. Some examples of statements include "I can write 100-300 words quickly", "Studying grammar and punctuation would greatly improve my writing", and "Stress in life hinders me to write an essay". The questionnaire is intended to help evaluate a grade 12 student's comprehension level through analyzing their essay writing skills and experience.
This survey form contains questions to assess a student's attitudes, development, and perceived hindrances to essay writing. It asks the student to indicate their level of agreement on a 4 point scale with statements about their confidence, writing process, and challenges. Some examples of statements include "I can write 100-300 words quickly", "Studying grammar and punctuation would greatly improve my writing", and "Stress in life hinders me to write an essay". The questionnaire is intended to help evaluate a grade 12 student's comprehension level through analyzing their essay writing skills and experience.
WRITING SKILLS AGREE 3 DISAGREE 1 4 2 1. Having to write makes me nervous or afraid. 2. I can write 100-300 words quickly. 3. I can get rid of most mistakes in grammar and spelling.
4. I think of myself as a writer.
5. I can revise a sentence
immediately. 6. When writing a paper, I often get ideas for other papers.
7. When I begin to write, I have
only an unclear idea of how my essay will come out.
8.Writing helps me organize
information in my mind. 9. I expect good grades on essays. 10. I do well on essay tests. OTHER PLEASE SPECIFY: _______________________________________________
ESSAY WRITING AGREE 3 DISAGREE 1 4 2 1.I can write a good introduction for an English essay. 2. I can easily write especially an essay. 3.I can easily express what I want to say through writing. 4. I can write an essay defense on the attitudes of the readers. 5. I can write essay in a question type or a declarative type. 6. Studying grammar and punctuation would greatly improve my writing. 7. I visualize what I’m writing about. 8. I use a lot of definitions and examples to make things clear. 9. I put a lot of myself in my writing. 10. I use written assignments as learning experiences. OTHER PLEASE SPECIFY: _____________________________________________ HINDRANCES OF ESSAY STRONGLY AGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE WRITING AGREE 3 DISAGREE 1 4 2 1.Frequently, some deep words are hard to explain 2.It’s hard to make one effective essay when someone disturb me 3.When making an effective essay, I am somewhat pressure when somebody’s lecturing me about my mistake 4.Stress in life hinders me to write an essay 5.I believe that lack of sleep are the fundamental blocks for writing an effective essay OTHER PLEASE SPECIFY__________________________________________________