Overvoltages and Insulation Coordination of 1000-kV AC Transmission Systems in China

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Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93

Published online 6 September 2011 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/etep.628

Overvoltages and insulation coordination of 1000-kV AC

transmission systems in China

Gu Dingxie*,†, Zhou Peihong, Dai Min, Xiu Muhong and He Huiwen

High Voltage Research Division, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute of China, Wuhan, China

Overvoltages and insulation coordination requirements of 1000-kV AC transmission systems in China are
introduced. On the basis of the single-circuit transmission project, which has been put into operation since
2009, and the planned double-circuit transmission projects, the control of temporary overvoltage and
switching overvoltages and the determination of the rated voltage of metal oxide arrester are presented. The
lightning protection measures for transmission lines and substations are given. Determination of insulation
level of substation apparatus and clearance of external insulation for transmission lines and substations are
provided. Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

key words: China; 1000-kV transmission system; overvoltage; insulation coordination


The schematic diagrams of two typical 1000-kV transmission systems are presented in Figures 1 and 2,
respectively. The 1000-kV AC demonstration project in China shown in Figure 1, Jindongnan–Nanyang–
Jingmen, has been put into operation since January 2009. It is a single-circuit transmission system. The
planned Huainan–Shanghai 1000-kV double-circuit transmission system is shown in Figure 2.



2.1. Amplitude and duration of temporary overvoltage

For the single-circuit transmission lines, the elevated voltages as a result of load rejection with no fault
and with single line-to-ground fault should be mainly taken into consideration during temporary
overvoltage (TOV) calculation.
For the double-circuit transmission lines, the situation with one of the circuits out of service also
should be considered, besides the situation with two operation circuits. In addition, it is worth noting
that six-phase load rejection should be considered [1,2].
Most of the future 1000-kV lines in China will be relatively long, and generally, shunt reactors will
be installed for such transmission lines. It is the major measure to control the TOVs. The highest TOV
may usually be caused by single-phase-to-ground fault with load rejection. The following two kinds of
circumstances will lead to the situation described previously with the single-phase reclosing, which is
adopted in China.
(1) The three-phase circuit breakers (CBs) are opened by relay protection because of the unsuccessful
single-phase reclosing.

*Correspondence to: Gu Dingxie, High Voltage Research Division, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute,
Wuhan, China.

E-mail: gudingxie@sgepri.sgcc.com.cn

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.p


North China Central China

500kV Power Grid 500kV Power Grid

Power Plant
358km 283km

Jindongnan Jingmen

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the 1000-kV AC demonstration project (single circuit) in China.

30km Huainan Wannan Zhebei Huxi


2 600MW 720Mvar 720Mvar 720Mvar 720Mvar


2 720MVA

Double circuit line Double circuit line Double circuit line

Tianji 12km 322km 146km 164km
2 600MW 500kV

2 720MVA

Pingwei 3km 2 210Mvar


720Mvar 720Mvar 720Mvar 720Mvar 1 210Mvar

2 600MW

2 720MVA

500kV 500kV 500kV

1 210Mvar 1 210Mvar


Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the planned 1000-kV AC double-circuit transmission system in China.

(2) In live working process, single-phase reclosing is usually required to be locked. The three-
phase CBs will be opened when single-phase-to-ground fault occurs.
The power frequency phase-to-ground TOVs are limited to 1.3 per unit at the bus-side terminal of
the CB and 1.4 per unit at the line-side terminal in China.
The TOV duration plays an important role in the determination of the metal oxide arrester (MOA)-
rated voltage and the equipment insulation level. In China, a linkage method for opening CBs at the
sending and the receiving end is adopted, which means that CBs at both ends will be opened
synchronously if one of the CBs is opened for any reasons. This method is efficient to shorten the
duration of TOV and reduce the energy absorbed by MOA. The maximum switching time difference
between CBs at both ends can generally be controlled within 0.2s, and the TOV duration will not be over
0.5s even if the CB at one of the ends failed to be opened and the backup protection is carried out [1,2].

2.2. Metal oxide arrester parameters

The traditional principle for determining Un of MOA is that Un should be not less than TOV, where
Un is the rated voltage. However, because of good performance of MOA for withstanding overvoltage
in short time, the 1000-kV projects of China do not follow the principle, and Un is allowed to be lower
than TOV for a short time. Un of MOA for 1000-kV system in China has been selected as 828kV,
which is equivalent to 1.3 per unit and less than 1.4 per unit. According to the test data from MOA
manufacturers in China, MOA is able to withstand 1.4 per unit TOV with the duration up to 10s [2].
Main electrical parameters for MOA (Un is equal to 828kV) installed at the bus-side and line-side
terminals of CB or at the transformer side are listed in Table I.
The energy absorption capability is 40MJ [3]. The calculation results show that the actual maximum
absorption energy of MOA will be less than 10MJ after it withstands TOV, which lasts 0.5s, and absorbs

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Table I. Main electrical parameters of the 1000-kV substation metal oxide arrester (unit, kV).

System Rated Continuous 30/60μs and 2kA 8/20μs and 20kA

voltage voltage Un operation voltage switching impulse residual lightning impulse residual
(RMS) (RMS) voltage voltage
1000 828 638 ≤1460 ≤1620
RMS, root mean square.

injected energy produced by twice closing switching overvoltages (SOVs) before TOV. Therefore, there
is still sufficient margin of MOA absorption capability with 828-kV Un. At the same time, the reduction
of MOA Un will be beneficial to lowering the lightning and switching impulse protection levels as well
as the requirements of the equipment insulation level. The overvoltages on the lines can also be limited to
a certain extent.


The important sources of SOVs are associated with the following events [4,5]:
(1) Line energization and re-energization
(2) Ground-fault occurrence
(3) Ground-fault clearing
(4) Transformer switching at no load

3.1. Line energization and re-energization

Switching overvoltages because of line energization and re-energization are control factors for the
insulation design of 1000-kV lines in China. The main measure to control the overvoltages is the use
of CBs with pre-insertion resistors. In China, the 600-Ω pre-insertion resistors are used, and the pre-
insertion time is 9.51.5ms.
The maximum phase-to-ground statistical SOVs along a 1000-kV line shall be not more than 1.7 per
unit in China. The maximum phase-to-ground statistical SOVs in a 1000-kV substation shall be not more
than 1.6 per unit and the maximum phase-to-phase statistical SOVs shall be not more than 2.9 per unit [6].
The times-to-crests of SOVs as a result line energization and re-energization are generally 1000~
3000ms, which may greatly influence the clearance design of transmission line [6].

3.2. Ground-fault occurrence

For single-circuit 1000-kV transmission lines in China, only the SOVs as a result of single-line-to-
ground fault occurrence are taken into account. The double-line-to-ground fault event can be ignored.
For double-circuit 1000-kV transmission lines, it is sufficient to consider only the SOVs as a result of
single-line-to-ground fault occurrence on one of the circuits. The event of single-line-to-ground faults on
both circuits can be ignored, or the SOVs on health phases are allowed to exceed 1.7 per unit.
However, the probability of simultaneous single-line-to-ground faults on both circuits is close to 0
according to the calculation results of lightning protection for 1000-kV transmission lines and the
operating experience of 500-kV double-circuit lines for over 10years. Thus, this kind of events can be
neglected during insulation coordination [7].
Switching overvoltages as a result single-line-to-ground fault occurrence are low, with the
maximum 2% overvoltage below 1.51 per unit [6]. It is not the control factor that determines the line
insulation level.

3.3. Ground-fault clearing

Switching overvoltages on a transmission line can be caused by ground-fault clearing on the adjacent
lines. The number of grounded phases may significantly influence the crest of such overvoltage. The

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

SOVs can be within the allowable range while clearing a single-phase ground fault and may exceed
the allowable values while clearing a two-phase or three-phase ground fault. Opening resistor can be
used to control this kind of SOVs.
For Jindongnan–Nanyang–Jingmen 1000-kV transmission line in China, the following points
should be taken into consideration:
(1) The installation of opening resistors will increase the cost and CB fault probability because of
the mechanical complexities of the breaker mechanisms.
(2) The probability of two-phase or three-phase ground faults on 1000-kV transmission lines is very low.
(3) The maximum overvoltage occurs on transmission lines rather than in substations. Probably,
the SOVs may result in line insulation flashover. However, it will not threaten the equipment in
So, it is not necessary to install opening resistors for Jindongnan–Nanyang–Jingmen 1000-kV
transmission lines.

3.4. Transformer switching at no load

Both calculation research and field tests made in China indicate that the pre-insertion resistors are not
necessary for the 500-kV CBs during transformer switching at no load at the 500-kV side. In such
case, no excessively high resonance overvoltage will be caused, and both amplitudes of inrush current
and overvoltage are within the allowable range.
The possibility of relatively high resonance overvoltage and the inrush current caused by transformer
switching at no load at the 1000-kV side is greater than that at the 500-kV side. The adoption of pre-
insertion resistors is beneficial for reducing resonance overvoltage and inrush current. However, it is not
effective for all system wiring configurations and may lead to higher cost and lower reliability. It is
recommended to install the pre-insertion resistors in CBs, which are used for energizing both 1000-kV
unloaded transformer and 1000-kV unloaded transmission line. And for the CBs, which are used only for
energizing 1000-kV unloaded transformer, the pre-insertion resistors are not necessary.
To effectively restrict the harmonic resonance overvoltage and make it possible to use CB with no pre-
insertion resistors at B13 for switching 1000-kV transformer, the following measures can be adopted:

(1) Energizing the transformer at the 500-kV side.

(2) If measure 1 cannot be achieved, switch the unloaded transformer by line CB B12 with pre-
insertion resistors, which are in the middle position of the CB branch, as shown in Figure 3 and
pointed by the arrow.


The operation of disconnect switch (DS) within a gas-insulated-switchgear (GIS) system generates
very fast transient overvoltage (VFTO) with very steep wave front and very high amplitude. Such
VFTO will probably damage insulation of the following equipment:
1000kV 500kV

B11 B51

B12 B52

B12 B53

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the transformer switching at no load.

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

(1) GIS bodies;

(2) Equipment with windings, such as transformers;
(3) Secondary equipment.
Very fast transient overvoltage should be more worthy of attention for 1000-kV GIS. Generally,
the higher the system-rated voltage is, the lower the ratio of the lightning impulse withstand
voltage (LIWV) of equipment and the system-rated voltage is. For example, the rated voltage of
1000-kV GIS and the crest VFTO are two times higher than that of 500-kV GIS; however, the
LIWV of the 1000-kV GIS equipment is only 1.55 times higher than that of 500-kV GIS
equipment. Therefore, VFTO may be more harmful to 1000-kV GIS equipment than to 500-kV
GIS equipment.
The calculation research on VFTO has been carried out for 1000-kV GIS. The results show the
following [8,9]:
(1) Shunt resistors are necessary for DSs in GIS to effectively limit VFTO. The resistance is 500Ω, and
the crest VFTO can be limited to 1.13 per unit from 3.11 per unit (1 per unit is equal to 898kV).
(2) The crest VFTO caused by the DS operation can be up to 2.15 per unit in the hybrid GIS, which
is within allowable range. Therefore, shunt resistors are not necessary for the DSs of the hybrid
GIS from a safe and economic point of view.
(3) The wiring configurations of GIS, such as bus length, will affect the crest VFTO, and both the
initial wiring configuration and the future wiring configuration should be considered.
Because the transformers of GIS in China are usually connected via overhead lines with a distance
from several 10 to 100m, the amplitude of VFTO will attenuate fast and the wave front will be less
steep. The crest VFTO at the transformers is low (the calculated crest value is 925kV) with slow rising
speed (the calculated time-to-crest is longer than 1.5ms). There should be no any harm to the
transformer insulation.



The incoming lightning overvoltage to 1000-kV substation is the control factor for the equipment
insulation design.
While calculating the incoming lightning overvoltages to 1000-kV substations of China, two wiring
configurations with rigorous conditions should be taken into consideration (as shown in Figure 4).
(1) Single line with CBs opened
(2) Single line single transformer wiring configuration
The maximum incoming lightning overvoltage to substations is caused by the shielding failure in
the entrance section of the transmission line. Two kinds of measures for limiting incoming lightning
overvoltage have been adopted in China.
(1) Limiting the maximum lightning shielding failure current in the entrance section of the
transmission line
Ground wire protection angle less than 4 and three ground wires (as shown in Figure 5) in the
entrance section of the transmission line are effective methods to limit the current.
(2) Optimizing the layout of MOAs
The layout with less MOAs has been adopted. One group of three-phase MOA is installed at the
entrance of each circuit. One group is installed for each busbar. One group is installed beside the
transformer. The amplitudes of overvoltages in different substations are different. The calculated typical
maximum lightning overvoltages are 2040kV for GIS, 1854kV for shunt reactors, and 1796kV for
transformers. The LIWVs of the transformers and the shunt reactors are 2250kV and that of other
equipment are 2400kV in China. The allowed LIWVs of equipment are higher than the maximum

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Incoming lightning Single transmission line Incoming lightning Single transmission line
wave u(t) wave u(t)

Bushing Bushing

CB which CB which
CB which is opened CB which is closed
is opened is closed


Transformer Transformer

Figure 4. Substation wiring configurations considered during the incoming lightning overvoltage
calculation, (a) single line with CBs opened, (b) single line single transformer wiring configuration.

incoming lightning overvoltage and can meet the requirements of safety margin of internal (15%) and
external (5%) insulation. Because of the small probability of single-line wiring configuration, the safety
margin of internal insulation can be reduced to 10% for this kind of wiring configuration.
Probabilistic or statistical method is also used to calculate the incoming lightning overvoltage to
substation in addition to deterministic method. The mean time between failures of substation as a
result of lightning is required to be more than 1500years while using statistical method.


Because of the importance and the higher insulation level of the 1000-kV transmission lines, their
expected lightning trip-out rate should be lower than that of the 500-kV lines by adopting control
measures. According to the operating experience of 500-kV transmission lines in China, the average
lightning trip-out rate is 0.14 times per 100km/year. So, the expected lightning trip-out rate of 1000-kV
transmission lines can be set as 0.1 times per 100km/year, which is equal to 70% of the trip-out rate of
500-kV transmission lines. The schematic diagrams of towers of 1000-kV single-circuit and double-
circuit transmission lines are shown in Figure 6.

Figure 5. Three ground wires adopted in the entrance section of the transmission line.

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

a) Typical towers of single-circuit (b) Typical tower of double-circuit

transmission lines transmission lines

Figure 6. Schematic diagrams of towers of 1000kV single-circuit and double-circuit transmission lines (unit, m),
(a) typical towers of single-circuit transmission lines, (b) typical tower of double-circuit transmission lines.

Operating experience shows that the proportion of the lightning back flashover rate is becoming less
and less to the total lightning trip-out rate as the line insulation level improved. The proportion is less
than 10% for 500-kV transmission lines in China. The calculation results show that the lightning back
flashover at 1000-kV line will not occur. Lightning shielding failure is the main cause of lightning trip
out. Therefore, to prevent lightning shielding failure is the key point of lightning protection of 1000-kV
The main method for calculating the shielding failure rate is the improved electrical geometric
model (EGM). The influence of terrain along the transmission line, correction coefficient of the
lightning striking distance to the earth, and the probability distribution of the intruding lightning
angle of lightning leader have been considered to improve the EGM model. At the same time, the
study on the leader propagation model has been carried out in China. However, the calculation
results are quite different with different parameters and criterions, and the determination of these
parameters and criterions is difficult so far. Therefore, the calculation results from EGM are the main
design basis for the lightning protection, and the results from leader propagation model are taken as
Reducing the ground wire protection angle a can reduce the shielding failure trip-out rate, and the
trip-out rate is affected by terrain along the lines significantly too. The following principles for ground
wire protection angle a of 1000kV lines should be used.

(1) For single-circuit transmission lines, a used in plain area is less than 6 and less than 4 in the
mountain area.
(2) For double-circuit transmission lines, a used in plain area is less than 3 and less than 5 in
the mountain area.
(3) For jumper line at the strained angled towers, a of single-circuit transmission lines in plain area
is less than 6 and not more than 0 for the single-circuit or the double-circuit transmission lines
in the mountain area.

The protection angle mentioned previously refers to the angle between the connecting line from
the ground wire to the outermost sub-conductor and the perpendicular line of the horizontal
With long air gap clearances, higher insulation level and no arcing horn installed on China 1000-kV
transmission lines, it is possible to limit the lightning trip-out rate to the expected value.
Because the 1000-kV AC demonstration project (Jindongnan–Nanyang–Jingmen) in China was put
into operation in January 2009, no lightning trip-out fault has occurred until now.

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep


7.1. Principles of insulation coordination

In the insulation coordination process, safety margin of internal insulation (15%) and external
insulation (5%) are required in China [2,10].
To determine the air gap clearance of 1000-kV AC lines and substations, lightning and switching
surge impulse and power frequency voltage testing using a full-scale model are conducted, and a serial
of critical 50% flashover voltage curves was obtained, which is important for insulation coordination
process [2].

7.2. Insulation levels of substation equipment

The insulation levels of the major equipment in 1000-kV substations of China are shown in Table II.
In general, the equipment insulation levels of China are lower than those of Russia and higher than
those of Japan [11]. They are determined by the overvoltage levels to which 1000-kV transmission
systems are exposed and the equipment manufacturing experience of China.

7.2.1. Transformer insulation level. The transformer insulation levels are shown in Table III.
The insulation level of 1000-kV transformer is determined by its LIWV and the power frequency
voltage withstand. LIWV 2250kV of China can meet the requirement of safety margin, for the
lightning overvoltage incoming to the transformer terminal will be not so high with low lightning
impulse protection level of MOA and reduced maximum shielding failure lightning current.
Operating experience indicates that most transformer faults occurred under the normal operating
voltage. The power frequency voltage withstand testing is conducted to check the existence of partial
discharges in transformer, and it is strictly considered in China. In China, the testing power frequency
voltage is 1100kV, and the duration of its application is 5min, which is more strict than 1min
recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission [12].

7.2.2. Testing voltage on longitudinal insulation of CB and DS. The lightning impulse testing voltage
on longitudinal insulation of 1000-kV CBs and DSs of China is 2250+900 (kV), in which 900kV is
the amplitude of the power frequency component of opposite polarity.
However, the amplitude of the ppower
ffiffiffi pffiffifrequency
ffi component of opposite polarity recommended by
the IEC 60071-1 is 0:7  Um  2 = 3 , which refers to the peak value of the operating voltage
multiplied with the coefficient 0.7, and with this coefficient, about one-fourth cycle of the operating
voltage cannot be covered and the guaranteed coverage probability is 0.75.

Table II. Rated insulation withstand voltages for 1000-kV equipment (unit, kV).
Equipment Lightning impulse Switching impulse Power-frequency short-
withstand voltage withstand voltage duration withstand voltage
Transformer and reactor 2250 (chopped 1800 1100 (5min)
lightning impulse:
GIS (CB, DS, pipe) 2400 1800 1100 (1min)
Post insulator and DS 2550 1800 1100 (1min)
(open type)
Capacitive voltage 2400 1800 1300 (5min)
Bushing of transformer 2400 (chopped 1950 1200 (5min)
and reactor lightning impulse:
Bushing of GIS 2400 1800 1100 (1min)
Longitudinal insulation 2400+900 1675+900 1100+635 (1min)
of switching device
GIS, gas-insulated-switchgear; DS, disconnect switch.

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Table III. Insulation levels of ultra-high voltage transformers of China and Japan (unit, kV).

Country Lightning impulse withstand Switching impulse withstand Power frequency voltage
voltage voltage withstand
China 2250 1800 1100(5min)
Japan 1950 1425 1100(5min)

In China, the coefficient is specified as 0.7~1.0 in the National Standard ‘Insulation Coordination—
Part 2: Application Guide for Insulation Coordination for High Voltage Transmission and Distribution
Equipment’ (GB311.1-1997), and the coefficient is set as 1 for 1000-kV CBs and DSs. For the
importance of the 1000-kV equipment, the coefficient is set as 1 and the amplitude of the power
frequency component of opposite polarity is the peak value of the operating voltage.

7.3. Minimum air clearances of substation

The minimum air clearances of 1000-kV substations of China with altitude above sea level below
1000m are listed in Table IV. In Table IV, A1′ is the minimum clearance between conductor and
framework, A100 is the minimum clearance between equipment and the framework, and A2 is the
minimum clearance between two phases.

7.4. Line insulation levels

To determine the minimum number of insulators, contamination withstand voltage method and
specific creepage distance method can be used. The insulator selection of 1000-kV AC demonstration
project in China is regulated as follows:
(1) Suspension string. For area with pollution level II medium, where equivalent salt deposit
density (ESDD) is 0.06~0.10mg/cm2, 54 units of double-shed disk-type insulators (for 300kN)
are required. For areas with pollution level III heavy (ESDD=0.10~0.25mg/cm2) and IV very
heavy (ESDD=0.25~0.35mg/cm2), the composite insulator with total length of 9750mm and
creepage distance of 30300mm is required [10].
(2) Tension string. For area with pollution levels II, III, and IV, 44, 54, and 60 units of disk-type
insulators with creepage distance of 700mm (for 550kN) is required, respectively.
The minimum air clearances for 1000-kV transmission lines in China are listed in Table V.
For single-circuit transmission lines, the minimum conductor-to-tower clearances of the middle
phase are determined to withstand the expected maximum switching overvoltages, and the clearances
of the two outer phases are determined to withstand the operating voltage at high wind speed. So, the
minimum air gap clearances for lightning impulse withstand have not been regulated.
However, towers of double-circuit transmission lines are higher. They are more likely to be struck
by lightning because of the larger lightning attraction area and weakened shielding effect of earth.

Table IV. Minimum air clearance for the 1000-kV substation with altitude above sea level below 1000m
(unit, m).
Type of voltage applied A1 A2
A1′ A1
Power frequency 4.2 6.8
Switching impulse 6.8 7.5 10.1 (corona ring–corona
ring) 9.2 (four-bundled
conductors) 11.3 (tubular
bus–tubular bus)
Lightning impulse 5.0 5.5

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Table V. Minimum clearances for 1000-kV transmission lines in China (unit, m).

Type of voltage applied Type of lines Minimum clearances

Power frequency Single circuit and 2.7 at elevations 500m above sea level
voltage double circuit 2.9 at elevations 1000m above sea level
3.1 at elevations 1500m above sea level
Switching Single circuit outer phase: 5.9, middle phase: 6.7* or 7.9** at
impulse elevations 500m above sea level
outer phase: 6.2, middle phase: 7.2* or 8.0** at
elevations 1000m above sea level
outer phase: 6.4, middle phase: 7.9* or 8.1** at
elevations 1500m above sea level
Double circuit 6.0 at elevations 500m above sea level
6.2 at elevations 1000m above sea level
6.4 at elevations 1500m above sea level
Lightning Single circuit Not to be specified
impulse Double circuit Plain area: 6.7; mountain area: 7.0 at elevations 500m
above sea level
Plain area: 7.1; mountain area: 7.4 at elevations 1000m
above sea level
Plain area: 7.6; mountain area: 7.9 at elevations 1500m
above sea level
*These values are air gap clearances between the middle phases and the tower trusses above them.
**These values are air gap clearances between the middle phases and the tower trusses below them.

Because shielding failure will not be caused by heavy current, appropriate improved insulation can
effectively reduce the number of lightning shielding failures. One of the main measures for insulation
improvement is to increase the air gap clearances between the phase conductors and the towers,
especially the clearances between the conductors and the tower trusses under them. Thus, the
minimum air gap clearances for lightning impulse withstand have been regulated.
To determine the air gap clearance of 1000-kV AC lines considering the influence of tower
width, full-scale switching surge impulse testing was conducted. The times-to-crest of switching
impulse is 1000ms. The influence of the number of parallel gaps on the discharge voltage has been
considered in the insulation coordination process, and the flashover rate of the entire line insulation
under SOV has been calculated. During the calculation, the variation of SOVs amplitude at different
positions along the line and the probability distribution of SOVs at each position are taken into
account. It is regulated that the flashover rate of the entire line insulation under SOV must be not
higher than 0.01 times per year.


(1) The power frequency phase to ground TOVs are limited to 1.3 per unit at the bus-side-terminal
of the CB and 1.4 per unit at the line side terminal in China, and generally, the TOV duration
can be controlled within 0.2s and will not be more than 0.5s.
(2) Rated voltage Un of MOA for 1000-kV system in China has been selected as 828kV.
(3) The maximum phase-to-ground statistical SOVs along a 1000-kV line shall be not more than
1.7 per unit in China. The maximum phase-to-ground statistical SOVs in a 1000-kV
substation shall be not more than 1.6 per unit, and the maximum phase-to-phase statistical
SOVs shall be not more than 2.9 per unit.
(4) Shunt resistors of 500Ω are necessary for DSs in GIS to effectively limit VFTO.
(5) The maximum incoming lightning overvoltage to substations is caused by the shielding failure
in the entrance section of the transmission line. Limiting the maximum lightning shielding
failure current in the entrance section of the transmission line and optimizing the layout of
MOAs can limit the overvoltage. Ground wire protection angle less than 4 and three ground
wires in the entrance section of the transmission line are measures adopted in China to limit the
maximum lightning shielding failure current.

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

(6) To prevent lightning shielding failure is the key point of lightning protection of 1000-kV lines.
Reducing the ground wire protection angle a can reduce the shielding failure trip-out rate
(7) The equipment insulation levels of China are lower than those of Russia and higher than those
of Japan.


TOV temporary overvoltage

CB circuit breaker
MOA metal oxide arrester
SOV switching overvoltages
DS disconnect switch
GIS gas-insulated-switchgear
VFTO very fast transient overvoltage
LIWV lightning impulse withstand voltage
EGM electrical geometric model
α ground wire protection angle
ESDD equivalent salt deposit density

1. Liu Zhengya. Overvoltage and insulation coordination of UHV AC transmission system. Electric Power Press,
Beijing: China, 2008; 10 –17. (in Chinese)
2. National standard of P.R.C. GB/Z 24842–2009. Overvoltage and insulation corordination of 1000kV UHV AC
transmission project, 2009; 3. (in Chinese)
3. National standard of P.R.C. GB/Z 24845–2009. Specification of metal–oxide surge arresters without gaps for
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Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2012; 22:83–93
DOI: 10.1002/etep

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