Contenidos - Módulo 1: # Weeks Unit

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Contenidos – Módulo 1

SUBJECT Number of students: 326
Work period/shift: Morning February-June 2020
Ability (ies) and Resources Evaluation
# Communicative Grammar content Vocabulary Teaching
Unit standard (s) and and elaboration of (Cognitive
function strategies
competence (s) didactic material performance)
1 •Tell a • Verb be: Listening: -Occupations -Warm up -Student´s Reading
classmate your • Singular and -Recognize Integrated book Text
occupation plural responses. -The alphabet practice. -Vocabulary •Simple
statements, -Identify formal -Vocabulary -Flash Card forms and
•Identify your contractions. and informal booster Player business
classmates • Yes/no greetings. -Conversation, -Pronunciation cards
questions and -Use “And you?” model, rhythm Coach Video Writing
•Spell names short answers to show interest in and intonation, -Teacher´s Task
• Common another person -Conversation resources, •Write
1 errors -Use “Excuse me” activator, and active teacher affirmative
• Subject to initiate a change in software and
pronouns conversation partners. and book. negative
• Articles a/an -Use “Excuse -Recycle this -Audio CDs statements
• Nouns: me?” to indicate language. -Platform about
• Singular and you haven’t heard myEnglishlab people in a
plural I or picture
Common and didn’t understand WRITING
proper -Use “Thanks!” to BOOSTER
2 •Introduce •Relationships -Reading different •Possessive -Warm up -Student´s Reading
people (non-family) members of nouns and -Integrated book texts:
•Tell someone •Titles family. adjectives practice. -Vocabulary
2 your first and •First and last -Identify •Be from I -Vocabulary -Flash card -Short
last name names someone’s Questions booster player descriptions
•Get someone's •Numbers 0-20 relationship to with “Where”, -Conversation, -Pronunciation of famous
contact you when making common model, rhythm coach video people,
information an introduction errors and intonation, -Teacher´s their
-Use “too” to •Verb be: -Conversation resources, occupations
reciprocate a information activator, and active teacher , and
greeting questions change in software countries of
-Begin a question with “What” partners. and book. origin
with “And” to -Recycle this -Audio CDs
indicate you want language. -Platform Writing
additional myEnglishlab task:
-Repeat part of a -Write
question to clarify sentences
-Repeat about your
information to relationship
confirm s
3 •Talk about •Places in the -Listen to a •Verb be: -Warm up -Student´s Reading
locations neighborhood classroom questions Integrated book Texts
•Discuss how to •Locations conversation. with “Where” practice. -Vocabulary •Simple
get places •Ways to get -Identifying what •Subject -Vocabulary -Flash card maps and
•Discuss places are the locations. pronoun it booster player diagrams
transportation •Means of -Use “You’re •The -Conversation, -Pronunciation
transportation welcome” to imperative model, rhythm coach video •Write
•Destinations formally •”By” to and intonation, -Teacher´s questions
3 acknowledge express -Conversation resources, and
“thanks” means of activator, and active teacher answers
•Use “OK” to transportation change in software about the
acknowledge partners. and book. places
advice -Recycle this -Audio CDs in a
•Use “What about language. -Platform complex
you?” to show myEnglishlab picture
interest in another
4 4 • Identify people •Family -Write questions •Verb “be”: -Warm up -Student´s Reading
in your family relationships about describing questions Integrated book Texts
• Describe your •Adjectives to people in your with “Who” practice. -Vocabulary •A family
relatives describe people family. and common -Vocabulary -Flash card tree
•Talk about your •Numbers 21- -Following errors with booster player •A
family 101 numbers adjectives -Conversation, -Pronunciation magazine
•Confirm that •What time is -Practice the time •Questions model, rhythm coach video article
you're on time it? and events with “How and intonation, -Teacher´s about
•Talk about the •Early, on time, •Use “And” to shift old” -Conversation resources, famous
time of an event late the topic •Adverbs activator, and active teacher actors and
•Ask about •Events •Use “Tell me “very” and change in software their
birthdays •Days of the about” to invite “so” partners. and book. families
week someone to talk •Verb have / -Recycle this -Audio CDs
•Ordinal about a topic has in language. -Platform Writing
numbers •Use “Well,” to affirmative myEnglishlab Task
•Months of the indicate you are statements •Write a
5 year deciding how to •Verb “be”: description
begin questions of the
a response about time people in
•Use “And how •Prepositions your family
about?” to ask for “in”, “on”, “at”, WRITING
more information and “for” for BOOSTER
•Use “Really?” to dates and Guided
show interest or times writing
mild surprise •Contractions practice
and common

Review Copies First test

-Test 1 Cd´s audio
6 6 •Give and accept •Clothes Listening: •Demonstrativ -Warm up -Student´s Reading
a compliment •Colors and -Description of es “this”, “that”, Integrated book Texts:
•Ask for colors sizes people clothes “these”, practice. -Vocabulary •A sales flyer
and sizes •Opposite “those” -Vocabulary -Flash card from a
•Describe adjectivesto Writing: • The simple booster player department
clothes describe -Write questions present tense: - - store
clothes about colors, “like”, “want”, Conversation, Pronunciatio
sizes. “need” and model, n coach Writing Task
-Acknowledge a “have”: rhythm and video •Write
compliment with •Affirmative intonation, -Teacher´s sentences
“Thank you” and negative - resources, about the
•Apologize with statements Conversation active clothes you
“I’m sorry” when •Questions activator, and teacher in have,
expressing and short change software need, want,
disappointing answers partners. and book. and like
information •Spelling rules -Recycle this -Audio CDs
•Use “That’s too and language. -Platform WRITING
bad” to express contractions myEnglishla BOOSTER
disappointment •Adjective b Guided
•Use “What placement and writing
about you?” to common errors practice
ask for • 􀃦and on􀃧
•Use “Well…” to
soften a strong
7 7 •Talk about •Daily -Reading about The simple -Warm up -Student´s Reading Text
morning and activities at daily activities present tense: Integrated book •A review of
evening home -writing practice. -Vocabulary housekeepin
activities •Leisure questions and •Third-person -Vocabulary -Flash card g robots
•Describe what activities answers of free singular booster player
you do in your •Household time activities. spelling rules - - Writing Task
free time chores -Say “Me?” to •Questions Conversation, Pronunciatio •Describe
•Discuss give yourself with “When” model, n coach your typical
household time to think of a and “What” rhythm and video week, using
chores personal time intonation, -Teacher´s adverbs of
response •Questions - resources, frequency
•Use “Well” to with “How Conversation active and time
introduce a often” and time activator, and teacher in expressions
lengthy expressions change software
response •Questions partners. and book. WRITING
•Use “What with “Who” as -Recycle this -Audio CDs BOOSTER
about you?” to subject, language. -Platform Guided
ask for parallel common errors myEnglishla writing
information •Frequency b practice
•Use “So” to adverbs and
introduce a time
conversation expressions:
topic •Usage,
•Use “How placement,
about you?” to and common
ask for parallel errors
•Say “Sure” to
indicate a
willingness to
•Begin a
response to an
question with
8 8 •Describe your •Buildings Writing: The simple -Warm up -Student´s Reading
neighborhood •Places in the -Describing your present tense: Integrated book Texts
•Ask about neighborhood neighborhood, practice. -Vocabulary
someone’s •Rooms someone´s °Questions -Vocabulary -Flash card •House and
home •Furniture and home and giving with “Where”, booster player apartment
•Talk about appliances directions. prepositions of - - rental listings
furniture and -Begin a place Conversation, Pronunciatio •Descriptions
appliances question with model, n coach of people and
“And” to indicate There is and rhythm and video their homes
you want there are: intonation, -Teacher´s
additional °Statements - resources, Writing Task
information and yes / no Conversation active •Compare
•Use “Really?” questions activator, and teacher in and contrast
to introduce °Contractions change software
contradictory and common partners. and book.
information errors -Recycle this -Audio CDs
•Use “Well” to •Questions language. -Platform
indicate you are with “How myEnglishla
deciding how to many” b
a response
Revi Copies Second Test
ew Cd´s audio
10 9 •Describe •Weather Listening: The present-Warm up -Student´s Reading
today’s weather expressions -Listen to topics continuous: Integrated book Texts
•Discuss plans •Present and in a °Statements: practice. -Vocabulary •A daily
•Ask about future time conversation form and-Vocabulary -Flash card planner
people’s expressions and then react usage booster player •The weather
activities to statements °Yes / no- - forecast for
about the questions Conversation, Pronunciatio four cities
weather. °Information model, n coach
questions for rhythm and video Writing Task
Reading: future plans intonation, -Teacher´s •Write about
-Classified - resources, plans for the
information The present Conversation active week, using
about people´s participle: activator, and teacher in the
activities. -Spelling rules change software present
partners. and book. continuous
-Recycle this -Audio CDs
language. -Platform
10 •Discuss •Foods and Listening: •How much / -Warm up -Student´s Reading Texts
ingredients for a drinks -Practice of Are there any Integrated book •Recipe cards
recipe •Places to keep ingredients and •Count nouns practice. -Vocabulary •A weekly
•Offer and ask for food in a recipes. and non-count -Vocabulary -Flash card schedule
foods kitchen -How to offer nouns booster player
•Invite someone •Containers food and ask for •How much / Is - - Writing Task
to join you at the and quantities invitations. there any Conversation, Pronunciatio •Write about
table •Cooking verbs -Use “Well, model, n coach what you eat
actually” to begin rhythm and video in a typical
11 an excuse intonation, -Teacher´s day
•Say “Oh, I’m - resources,
sorry” after Conversation active
interrupting activator, and teacher in
•Say “Talk to you change software
later” partners. and book.
-Recycle this -Audio CDs
language. -Platform
12 11 •Tell someone •Past-time -Ask “Why?” to The past tense -Warm up -Student´s Reading Text
about an event expressions ask for a clearer of “be”; “There Integrated book •A blog in
•Describe your •Outdoor explanation was” / “there practice. -Vocabulary which people
past activities activities •Use “What were”: -Vocabulary -Flash card describe what
•Talk about your about?” to ask °Statements, booster player they did
weekend for more questions, and - - the previous
information contractions Conversation, Pronunciatio weekend
•Use a double model, n coach
question to The simple rhythm and video Writing Task
clarify past tense intonation, -Teacher´s •Write about
•Use “just” to °Regular verbs, - resources, the activities
minimize the irregular verbs Conversation active of two people,
importance of an °Statements, activator, and teacher in based
action questions, and change software on a complex
•Say “Let me short answers partners. and book. picture
think” to gain -Recycle this -Audio CDs •Write about
time to answer language. -Platform your weekend
•Say “Oh yeah” myEnglishla and what you
to different b did

practice about
events and past
-Writing and
reading about
activities during
the weekend.
13 12 •Describe •Adjectives to -Use “Oh” to •Describing -Warm up -Student´s Reading Text
appearance describe hair indicate you’ve people with Integrated book •A magazine
•Show concern •The face understood “be” and “have” practice. -Vocabulary article about
about an injury •Parts of the -Say “No kidding” •Should + base -Vocabulary -Flash card two celebrities
•Suggest a body to show surprise form for booster player
remedy •Accidents and -Say “I’m sorry to suggestions - - Writing Task
injuries hear that”, “Oh, Conversation, Pronunciatio •Write a
•Ailments, no”, and model, n coach description of
remedies “That’s too bad” rhythm and video someone you
to express intonation, -Teacher´s know
sympathy - resources,
-Use “Actually” to Conversation active
introduce an activator, and teacher in
opinion that change software
might surprise partners. and book.
-Listen to -Recycle this -Audio CDs
conversations language. -Platform
about people myEnglishla
appearance. b
practice about
13 •Discuss your •Abilities -Accept a refusal •”Can” and -Warm up, -Student´s Reading Text
abilities •Adverbs “well” with “Maybe “can’t” for grammar, book •An article
•Politely decline and “badly” some other time” ability pronunciation -Teacher´s about infant-
an invitation •Reasons for -Use “Sure” and •”Too” + and speaking resources, toddler
•Ask for and not doing “No problem” to adjective, -Conversation active development
agree to do a something agree to common errors strategies teacher in
favor •Favors someone’s •Polite requests -Strategies for software and Writing Task
request for a with “Could learning book. •Describe
14 favor you” + base vocabulary. -Audio CDs things people
-Listen to a form -Platform can and can’t
person talking . myEnglishla do when
about abilities, b they get old
how to decline
agreements to
do favors
15 14 •Get to know •Some life -Responding with •”Be going to” + -Conversation -Student´s Reading Text
someone’s life events expressions to base form strategies, book •A short
story •Academic talk about strategies for -Teacher´s biography of
•Discuss plans subjects someone's life learning resources, Harry Houdini
•Share your •More leisure stories vocabulary active
dreams for the activities -Discussing -Game: find teacher in Writing Task
future •Some dreams plans and share someone software and •Write your
for the future dreams for the who… book. own illustrated
future. (Students -Audio CDs life story,
interview each -Platform including
other to find myEnglishla plans and
out who did b dreams for the
certain things future
on vacation).
After the
they must
present their
findings in the
Revie -Describe the -Simple past -Listen to how Irregular verbs Controlled -Student´s -Free talk
w past week irregular verbs, people writing. Use book -Guided
-Talk about how time remember clues in a -Teacher´s speaking
Final you remember -Expressions things, and picture to resources, -Oral quiz
test things. for the past identify the remember active -Listening and
-Activity: When I methods they what you did. teacher in Writing quiz
was young. use. software and
-Students think book.
about how things -Audio CDs
were different in -Platform
the past and talk myEnglishla
about things they b
did/didn’t do or
had/didn’t have
when they were
3 Copies.

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