Haiti Research Project 2021
Haiti Research Project 2021
Haiti Research Project 2021
For this project, you will be researching a specific topic on Haiti (it can be from
ANY point in Haitian history) and making a website. You’ll ask a question about
the topic that will frame the website and its pages. The question can either be
about a debate/issue surrounding the topic, or a h istoriography of your topic.
Some topics will have clear debates- for example, for U.S. relations with Haiti:
“to what extent was the United States involved in the overthrow of President
Aristide?” Other topics, such as women’s rights, won’t necessarily have an
argumentative question. In this case, you would ask: “how have women’s
rights changed throughout Haiti’s history?” Whatever question you decide to
ask, you will explore it on your website through primary and secondary
sources-here is a list of books in the library, PDFs, primary sources, and
articles that have been compiled for you.
An additional part of your project grade will be based on your SRQ of someone
else’s website (more below). You’ll do this after you submit your website.
Here are some possible topics, although you can choose your own as long as
you confirm with me first:
PART 2: SRQ Look through your classmates’ websites. Find one that
interests you and write up an SRQ:
● 1 paragraph S
UMMARY of the topic, based on what you read
● 1 paragraph R EFLECTION on what you read (respond to their
question-what do you think?
● 3-5 Q
UESTIONS on what you read
● Choose your topic. Read these to get you started….
○ General Haiti Wikipedia
○ 2010 Haiti Earthquake Wikipedia
○ Education in Haiti Wikipedia
○ Economy of Haiti Wikipedia
○ Health in Haiti Wikipedia
○ Human Rights in Haiti Wikipedia
● Choose your main question
● Create your website
○ You can choose which platform to create your website on. Here are
some options that are definitely free: W
eebly, B
logger, Wordpress,
DAY 4: Write up the four subsections. Write up intro and conclusion.
Finally... by 1/23: Have one other group send you their website and link it to
your own with an SRQ.
For 2 points of EC on your overall grade: interview an expert, record it, add to
your website