Dran-View 6.3 Professional / Enterprise: Ac Power Analysis Software

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Dran-View 6.3
Professional / Enterprise


1000 New Durham Road
Edison, NJ 08818-4019
Tel (732) 287-3680
Fax (732) 248-1834


Chapter 1. Introduction..............................................................................................................7
1.1. What’s new in Dran-View 6? ..................................................................................... 8
Chapter 2. Getting Started .......................................................................................................10
2.1. Requirements............................................................................................................ 10
2.2. Upgrading From Dran-View 5 ................................................................................. 10
2.3. Installing Dran-View ................................................................................................ 11
2.4. Registering the Software for Automatic Updates .................................................... 12
2.5. Unverified E- mail Error Dialog............................................................................... 14
Chapter 3. The Main View .......................................................................................................15
Chapter 4. The Text Editor View..............................................................................................17
Chapter 5. The Event List Bar ..................................................................................................20
5.1. Event List Tab .......................................................................................................... 22
5.1.1. Event List Tab Toolbar Commands detailed information.................................... 23
5.2. Snapshot List Tab..................................................................................................... 28
5.3. Calculator Tab .......................................................................................................... 30
5.4. Marker List Tab........................................................................................................ 32
Chapter 6. The File Menu ........................................................................................................34
6.1. Open ......................................................................................................................... 34
6.1.1. Reading COMTRADE files................................................................................... 35
6.1.2. Reading ASCII/Text Files ..................................................................................... 39
6.2. Site Add .................................................................................................................... 41
6.3. Site Append .............................................................................................................. 41
6.4. Site Rename.............................................................................................................. 42
6.5. Site Delete ................................................................................................................ 42
6.6. Import Dranetz 658 .................................................................................................. 43
6.7. Import Nodelink ....................................................................................................... 43
6.8. Download ................................................................................................................. 44
6.9. Close ......................................................................................................................... 48
6.10. Save .......................................................................................................................... 48
6.11. Save As..................................................................................................................... 49
6.11.1. ASCII Export ........................................................................................................ 50
6.12. Print .......................................................................................................................... 51
6.13. Print Preview ............................................................................................................ 52
6.14. Print Setup ................................................................................................................ 53
6.15. Print Snapshots ......................................................................................................... 55
6.16. Print Preview Snapshots........................................................................................... 55
6.17. Report Writer............................................................................................................ 56
6.17.1. Automatic Report Writer ...................................................................................... 58
6.17.2. Custom Report Writer .......................................................................................... 59
6.17.3. Custom Report Writer Options ............................................................................. 60
6.18. File Properties .......................................................................................................... 78
6.19. File MRU List .......................................................................................................... 79
6.20. Exit ........................................................................................................................... 79
Chapter 7. The Edit Menu ........................................................................................................80
7.1. Undo ......................................................................................................................... 80
7.2. Redo ......................................................................................................................... 81

Dran-View 6 User Guide
7.3. Cut ............................................................................................................................ 82
7.4. Copy ......................................................................................................................... 83
7.5. Paste ......................................................................................................................... 84
7.6. Select All .................................................................................................................. 84
Chapter 8. The View Menu.......................................................................................................85
8.1. Instrument Setup ...................................................................................................... 85
8.2. Personal Notes .......................................................................................................... 85
8.3. Data List ................................................................................................................... 86
8.4. Toolbars.................................................................................................................... 88
8.4.1. Dran-View Professional Toolbars ....................................................................... 88
8.4.2. Dran-View Enterprise Toolbars........................................................................... 89
8.5. Event List Bar........................................................................................................... 91
8.6. Customize – Enterprise Edition Only...................................................................... 91
8.6.1. Customize Dialog - Commands Page................................................................... 92
8.6.2. Customize Dialog - Toolbars Page ...................................................................... 93
8.6.3. Customize Dialog - Keyboard Page ..................................................................... 94
8.6.4. Customize Dialog - Menu Page ........................................................................... 95
8.6.5. Customize Dialog - Options Page – Enterprise Edition Only ............................. 96
8.7. Status Bar - Main Status Bar .................................................................................... 97
8.8. Status Bar - Axis Status Bar ..................................................................................... 97
8.9. Status Bar - Used Physical RAM Meter................................................................... 97
8.10. Create Snapshot........................................................................................................ 97
8.11. Goto commands........................................................................................................ 98
Chapter 9. The Insert Menu .....................................................................................................99
9.1. Insert Text Label...................................................................................................... 99
9.2. Insert Picture ............................................................................................................ 99
9.3. Insert Phasor ........................................................................................................... 100
9.4. Insert DFT Chart .................................................................................................... 101
9.5. Insert Statistics Grid ............................................................................................... 101
9.6. Insert Timeplot Chart............................................................................................. 102
9.7. Insert Waveforms/Details Chart............................................................................. 102
9.8. Insert Magnitude/Duration Chart ........................................................................... 103
9.9. Insert Load Profile Chart ........................................................................................ 103
9.10. Insert Cumulative Probability Chart ...................................................................... 104
9.11. Insert Probability Density Chart............................................................................. 104
Chapter 10. The Tools Menu ....................................................................................................105
10.1. Active Tool Move .................................................................................................. 105
10.2. Active Tool Autoscale............................................................................................ 105
10.3. Active Tool Zoom In.............................................................................................. 106
10.4. Active Tool Unzoom.............................................................................................. 106
10.5. Active Tool Unzoom All........................................................................................ 107
10.6. Active Tool Expand/Contract................................................................................. 107
10.7. Active Tool Pan...................................................................................................... 108
10.8. Active Tool Autozoom To Event ........................................................................... 108
10.9. Active Tool Delta Measurement............................................................................ 109
10.9.1. Delta Marker Properties Dialog ........................................................................ 110
10.10. Active Tool Area Marker ................................................................................... 112

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.10.1. Moving/Resizing the Area Marker Selection .................................................. 113
10.10.2. Use for DFT Chart selection fine-tuning ....................................................... 114
10.10.3. Use for Phasor selection fine-tuning.............................................................. 114
10.10.4. Use for Statistics Table selection fine-tuning................................................. 114
10.10.5. Use for Data Removal.................................................................................... 115
10.11. Template............................................................................................................. 116
10.11.1. Introduction.................................................................................................... 116
10.11.2. Template Save As ........................................................................................... 117
10.11.3. Template Refresh............................................................................................ 118
10.11.4. Template Settings ........................................................................................... 118
10.11.5. Template Set tings Dialog ............................................................................... 118
10.12. Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator ......................................................................... 120
10.12.1. Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator .................................................................... 122
10.13. Harmonic Scaling ............................................................................................... 129
10.13.1. Harmonics Setup Page ................................................................................... 130
10.13.2. Symmetric Components Page......................................................................... 133
10.14. Rescue Kit .......................................................................................................... 134
10.14.1. Probe Connections Dialog............................................................................. 135
10.14.2. Scale Factors Dialog...................................................................................... 135
10.14.3. Time Dialog.................................................................................................... 136
10.15. Event Removal ................................................................................................... 137
10.16. Harmonic Demo Tool......................................................................................... 138
10.17. Personal Information.......................................................................................... 139
10.18. Options ............................................................................................................... 140
10.18.1. Event List Page............................................................................................... 141
10.18.2. Restore Settings Page..................................................................................... 142
10.18.3. Clipboard Page .............................................................................................. 142
10.18.4. File Extensions Page...................................................................................... 143
10.18.5. Settings Page .................................................................................................. 144
10.18.6. Used HASPs Page .......................................................................................... 147
Chapter 11. Windows Menu .....................................................................................................147
11.1. Duplicate ................................................................................................................ 147
11.2. Cascade................................................................................................................... 148
11.3. Tile ......................................................................................................................... 148
11.4. Arrange Icons ......................................................................................................... 148
11.5. Close All................................................................................................................. 149
11.6. Window List ........................................................................................................... 149
11.7. Window .................................................................................................................. 150
Chapter 12. Help Menu ............................................................................................................151
12.1. Help Topics............................................................................................................ 151
12.2. Context Help .......................................................................................................... 151
12.3. Dran-View on the Web .......................................................................................... 151
12.4. Dran-View Update ................................................................................................. 152
12.5. About DV6 ............................................................................................................. 153
Chapter 13. Charts...................................................................................................................154
13.1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 154
13.1.1. Insert Object Dialog........................................................................................... 156

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.2. Axes........................................................................................................................ 157
13.2.1. Introduction to Axes ........................................................................................... 157
13.2.2. Chart Properties Dialog – Axis Page ................................................................ 161
13.2.3. Axis Properties Dialog – General Page............................................................. 163
13.2.4. Axis Properties Dialog – Options Page ............................................................. 164
13.3. Delta Measurement ................................................................................................ 165
13.3.1. Chart Properties – Delta Page........................................................................... 165
13.4. Grid ......................................................................................................................... 166
13.5. Event Rulers ........................................................................................................... 167
13.5.1. Introduction to Event Rulers .............................................................................. 167
13.6. Legends .................................................................................................................. 168
13.6.1. Introduction to Legends ..................................................................................... 168
13.6.2. Chart Properties Dialog – Legend/Rulers Page ................................................ 169
13.7. Crosshair ................................................................................................................. 170
13.7.1. Chart Properties Dialog – Crosshair Page ....................................................... 170
13.8. Markers ................................................................................................................... 171
13.8.1. Event Marker...................................................................................................... 171
13.8.2. Area Marker ....................................................................................................... 171
13.8.3. Chart Properties – Markers Page...................................................................... 172
13.9. Channels ................................................................................................................. 173
13.9.1. Introduction to Channels.................................................................................... 173
13.9.2. Chart Properties - Channel Colors Page ........................................................... 177
13.9.3. Chart Properties - Channel Plotting Page......................................................... 179
13.9.4. Channel Properties Dialog – General Page ...................................................... 181
13.9.5. Channel Properties Dialog – Appearance Page................................................ 182
13.9.6. Channel Data Annotations (“Bubbles”)............................................................ 184
13.10. Math Channels.................................................................................................... 186
13.10.1. Math Channel Formula Editor....................................................................... 189
13.10.2. Formula Properties Dialog............................................................................ 193
13.10.3. Timeplot and Event Details/Waveform Chart Specific Information .............. 194
13.11. DFT Chart Specific Information........................................................................ 195
13.12. Magnitude/Duration Chart Specific Informa tion............................................... 196
13.13. Magnitude/Duration Limit Curve Page.............................................................. 197
13.14. Load Profile Chart Specific Information............................................................ 198
13.15. Load Profile Page ............................................................................................... 198
13.16. Cumulative Statistics Chart Specific Information.............................................. 199
13.17. Probability Density Chart Specific Information................................................. 200
13.18. Statistics Page..................................................................................................... 200
Chapter 14. Phasors .................................................................................................................202
14.1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 202
14.2. Phasor Properties Dialog – Channels Page ............................................................ 204
14.3. Phasor Properties Dialog – Colors Page ................................................................ 205
14.4. Phasor Properties Dialog – Appearance Page ........................................................ 206
Chapter 15. Pictures.................................................................................................................208
15.1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 208
15.2. Picture Properties Dialog ....................................................................................... 209
Chapter 16. Statistics Table .....................................................................................................210

Dran-View 6 User Guide
16.1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 210
16.2. Statistics Table Properties Dialog – General Page................................................. 211
16.3. Statistics Table Properties Dialog – Appearance Page .......................................... 213
Chapter 17. Text Boxes ............................................................................................................214
17.1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 214
17.2. Text Box Properties Dialog – General Page .......................................................... 215
17.3. Text Box Properties Dialog – Appearance Page .................................................... 222
Chapter 18. Working With Multiple Sites ................................................................................223
18.1. Adding Sites to Your Document ............................................................................ 223
18.2. Synchronizing Sites................................................................................................ 224
18.3. How Items Display Data From Many Sites ........................................................... 227
18.4. Multiple Sites in the Event List.............................................................................. 228
18.5. Multiple Sites and Tools ........................................................................................ 229
Chapter 19. Notes and Appendices ..........................................................................................230
19.1. Notes on Harmonics............................................................................................... 230
19.1.1. Harmonic Analysis -A Brief Overview ............................................................... 230
19.1.2. A word about conventions .................................................................................. 231
19.1.3. Harmonic Series Expansion Equations.............................................................. 231
19.1.4. Phase angles and Normalization........................................................................ 233
19.1.5. Equations to recompute waveforms from Normalized Transforms.................... 236
19.1.6. Power Dissipation Watts.................................................................................... 236
19.1.7. Important Notes about θ: ................................................................................... 237
19.1.8. Statement of Power Convention......................................................................... 237
19.1.9. Harmonic Watts.................................................................................................. 239
19.2. Weighted Statistics ................................................................................................. 240

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction

This manual contains information about the contents, installation and operation
of the Dran-View family of software packages.

Dran-View is available in two editions:

Dran-View Professional Focused on simplicity.

Dran-View Enterprise Focused on flexibility and advanced possibilities.

Reads tabulated ASCII-files and COMTRADE IEEE
C37.111-1991/1999 compatible files.

This manual describes Dran-View features in both editions. A described feature

or functionality applies to both editions, unless otherwise stated. Sections marked
with apply to Dran-View Enterprise Edition only.

When purchasing Dran-View, a set of software drivers are included to support

the features in the package. To find out about the Dranetz-BMI instrument(s)
compatible with your installation, use the Help-About command from the main

Dran-View views power quality data from the following Dranetz-BMI

instruments and TASKCards:

Legacy Package TASKCard PQLite™, TASKCard 808

TASKCard ® PQPlus™, TASKCard Flicker
TASKCard Motor Inrush, TASKCard 8000, 658 PQ
Power Analyzer
PowerXplorer PowerXplorer® PX5, PX5-400, PowerGuide® 4400
PQDIF/Signature Signature System InfoNode®, NodeLink®, other
System Package PQDIF IEEE 1159-3 compatible data sources

PQDIF Writer Saves data in the PQDIF IEEE 1159-3 file format.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
1.1. What’s new in Dran-View 6?
Enhancements for Professional and Enterprise edition:

Speed Significantly faster waveform calculations and file loading.

Memory Support for large data files and file-compression (half-size of original data) when
saving DV6 documents.
New User Improved zoom and pan functions, drag-and-drop charts, insert pictures and
Interface photos, customize toolbars, and more.
Flexibility Customizable report presentations and math functions in a wide variety of
Undo/Redo Unlimited Undo/Redo queue.
Built-in Features an internal word processor. Edit reports as they are generated, embed
Word text documents within Dran-View files, and more.
Improved Use separate harmonic scaling for voltage, current, and power parameters. For
Scaling of your convenience, there’s only one setting across the document. Re-scales
Harmonics instrument generated as well as calculated harmonics.
Improved Format templates provide consistent layout and formatting.
Web Updates Automatic updates availab le via Internet.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Enhancements for the Enterprise edition only:

Multiple Sites Presentation of up to 16 simultaneous data sets emanating from different

instrument models. This allows comparison of data from different sources in the
same chart. Performs mathematical calculations across sites.
Object Supports an unlimited number of presentation aides such as charts, statistical
Oriented tables, and phasors in each window.
Drag-and- Use simple, intuitive drag-and-drop function to manipulate screen items.
Waveform Supports a Harmonics/Timeplots Calculator for all file types resulting in more
Calculations accurate harmonic calculations, more calculated parameter, etc.
Snapshots Allows fast and painless creation of print-queues or the restoration program
Math Features an improved point-and-click formula editor.
COMTRADE Reads IEEE C37.111-1991/1999 COMTRADE and TXT/CSV data files.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 2. Getting Started
2.1. Requirements

Requirements Operating system: MS-Windows 98SE, 2000, or XP

2000 or XP recommended for optimum performance.
Processor: Pentium Pro or better.
P4 recommended.
Processor clock 1 GHz or higher recommended
Memory: 512 MB or higher recommended
Hard disk: 40 MB for installation
USB or parallel port: Required for HASP security device

2.2. Upgrading From Dran-View 5

Dran-View 6 is available in HardKey version (with HASP) or as site license

(without HASP) when buying at least 11 licenses.

The HardKey version can be installed on multiple computers, but can only be
used on a computer where a HASP driver is properly installed. If your system
already has DV5 installed, we recommend that you uninstall DV5 before
installing DV6. If you did not uninstall DV5 and you have a HASP security
device for DV5, you will need to physically switch between the HASP device
appropriate for DV5 and for DV6. You cannot run both versions of Dran-View at
the same time because the HASPs for DV5 and DV6 are not the same.

If you have a SoftKey version of DV5 or if you have a site license of DV6, you
may run both versions at the same time.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
2.3. Installing Dran-View

! As with most USB devices, the HASP key should not be inserted until the
installation of Dran-View is complete! Keep the HASP keyed to the USB port
while using Dran-View!

Insert CD Dran-View is delivered on a CD. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM player. If the
installation does not start automatically, select the disc drive where the Dran-
View CD is inserted, and run the Setup.exe program.

Welcome Select the language you wish to use

Page when installing Dran-View, and click
the “Next” button.

The selected language will also be the

default start-up language for Dran-

License Please read the license agreement.

Agreement Once you have read and approved of its
Page terms, select the “I accept the terms of
the license agreement” option and click
the “Next” button.

Wizard Please wait while the program installs.

Completed Once this process is completed, you
Page will be shown this page. Click “Finish”,
insert your HASP key into a USB port,
and launch Dran-View 6 from the
program group “Dranetz-BMI Power
Suite” in the Start menu.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
2.4. Registering the Software for Automatic Updates

Registering The second time you start Dran-View, you will be advised to run the Registration
the Software Wizard.

The Registration Wizard ensures that Dran-View will be automatically updated

with the newest service packs.

In case you ever need to re-run the Registration Guide, or change your personal
information (postal address, e- mail address, etc.), you will find it under the Tools
> Personal Information menu.

When done with the Registration Wizard, you will receive an e- mail to the
address yo u have entered. To complete the registration you must click the link in
this e-mail.

Guide -

Privacy Click this button to open a dialog box where you can read our privacy policy.
Dranetz-BMI USA/Trinergi AB Sweden guarantee that your email address and
other information provided in the registration process will not be given or sold to
any third party.

Click "Next" to proceed to the Personal Information page.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Personal Enter the requested information on this
Information page. Fields marked with a "*" are
Page mandatory and must be filled out in
order for you to proceed. Other fields
are not mandatory, but will be helpful
in case you contact Customer Support.
Make sure yo u enter the correct e- mail
address. An e-mail will be sent to the
address you specify containing a link
that you must follow to complete the
registration process.

Click "Next" to proceed to the Thank

You page.

Thank You Click "Finish" to complete the process.


Dran-View 6 User Guide
2.5. Unverified E-mail Error Dialog


This wizard will be shown whenever Dran-View attempts to look for updates and
you have not completed the registration process. After completing the
Registration Guide, you should receive an e-mail titled "Dran-View Update
Email verification". This will contain a link that you must follow (click) in order
to complete registration.

You will not be able to update your software unless you click the link in this e-

Please step through the wizard to resolve this problem. If you still can’t update,
please contact Dran-View support.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 3. The Main View

Left pane: Event Splitter Right pane: Event ruler

Timeplot chart List control Waveform/
Event details.

Two Panes To fully understand how to operate this program, it is important to know how the
items on the screen are tied together and how to manipulate them.

The document view (window) is divided into two panes. These panes are divided
by the splitter control (a vertical line between the panes).

The position of the splitter control can be changed, either by clicking and
dragging the splitter control to the left or right with the pointing device, or by
selecting one of the three split functions in the toolbar .

The left pane sho ws the timeplot chart, and the right pane shows the waveform
chart or event details (in text), if available.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Events At any time, only one event can be active (selected) in a document. To select a
particular event, pull down the event list (located in the toolbar). If you wish to
step back and forth between adjacent events, it is often easier to use the toolbar
buttons .
Another way is to click on one of the triangles (each triangle indicates an event)
in the event ruler located above each chart.

The currently selected event is always marked in the charts with a vertical line. If
zoomed, the selected e vent is shown as a rectangle with shaded (Event Marker)

Cross Hair When you place the pointing device over a chart, it will show as a cross hair. The
and coordinates for the cross hair are shown in the axis status bar indicators below
Coordinates the chart in the lower right of the screen. The keyboard arrow keys may also
move the cross hair. The zoom functions and the delta measurement feature also
use the cross hair.

Axis Status The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the Dran-View window. To display or
Bar hide the status bar, see the View Main Status Bar command.

This status bar displays the value of each axis at the point where the cursor is, and
if it is visible, the Used Physical RAM meter as the rightmost indicator.

Main Status The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the Dran-View window. To display or
Bar hide the status bar, see the View Main Status Bar command.

This status bar displays, from left to right, explanations of various objects such as
toolbar buttons when you place the pointing device over them, the template in use
(click this indicator to bring up the template pop- up menu), and the current states
of the Caps-Lock, Num-Lock and Scroll-Lock keys (click these indicators to
toggle the states of these keys).

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 4. The Text Editor View

Text Editor

The text editor is used to display Reports, Instrument Configurations, and

Personal Notes.

It is designed to have the look-and- feel common to most text editors, and should
not differ significantly in form or function from what you are used to.

When a text editor is active, the Save As command will have the added options to
save in Microsoft Word (.DOC) or Rich Text Format (.RTF).

Selecting ASCII (.TXT) in the dialog box will save the contents of the text editor
(without formatting) rather than the data.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Text Editor The top of this window contains a toolbar with the following commands.
Font Face
This command will change the font of the selected text. If no text is
selected, it will change the active font at the cursor. When clicked, a
drop-down list of available fonts will appear. Select a font by clicking
it, or press the Escape key to abort.
Font Size
This command will change the font size of the selected text. If no text
is selected, it will change the active font size at the cursor. When
clicked, a drop-down list of available font sizes will appear. Select a
font by clicking it, type a font size into the box, or press the Escape
key to abort.
This command will toggle bold text for the selected text. If no text is
selected, it will toggle bold text at the cursor.
This command will toggle italic text for the selected text. If no text is
selected, it will toggle italic text at the cursor.
This command will toggle underlined text for the selected text. If no
text is selected, it will toggle underlined text at the cursor.
Align Left
This command will align the selected rows, or the row currently
containing the cursor, to the left.
Align Center
This command will center the selected rows, or the row currently
containing the cursor.
Align Right
This command will align the selected rows, or the row currently
containing the cursor, to the right.
Text Color
This command will change the color of the selected text. If no text is
selected, it will change the active text color at the cursor. When
clicked, a drop-down list of available colors will appear. Select a color
by clicking it, click "More Colors" for advanced color selection, or
press the Escape key to abort.
Bullet List
This will toggle a bullet list at the cursor position.
Start MS-Word
This command will create a temporary .doc document and open the
word processor associated with the .doc extension.
Note: The file created is only temporary; you need to use Save-As in
Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Text Editor

Tab Control
Under this toolbar you will find the tab control. This contains one triangular icon
at the top of the control , two at the bottom , and a number of icons
representing the tab positions . The topmost triangular icon represents the left
margin for the current paragraph. When you hit "Enter", the new line will start at
this position. The leftmost of the bottom triangular icons represents the
paragraph indent. This is where lines caused by soft line breaks will begin, i.e.
when the text gets too long and the editor automatically creates a new line. The
rightmost bottom triangular icon represents the right margin. The tab markers
are the positions of the tabs. When you press the "Tab" key on your keyboard, the
cursor will move to the next tab marker. To move the paragraph indent marker,
any tab marker, or the left or right margin markers, click their icons and drag
them to the desired position. To create a new tab marker, click the bar where you
want it to appear. To remove a tab marker, drag it off the bar.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 5. The Event List Bar

Tabs Event List Bar

Event List The Event List Bar is positioned on the left hand side of the Dran-View window by
Bar default. To make it visible you need to enable the Event List Bar toolbar button ,
or use the menu command View > Toolbars > Event List (Enterprise Edition Only).

The Event List Bar contains an Event List, and the snapshot list, the calculator and
the marker list in Enterprise Edition. To switch between these two lists, use the tabs
located underneath the Event List bar.

This window is a docking window, i.e. you may move it and attach it to any side of
the main Dran-View window.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Event Types The Event List displays icons for different kinds of triggered events.

Icon Event Type

Misc. waveform events
Sag (Low threshold crossed downwards)
Sag end (Low threshold crossed upwards)
Swell (High threshold crossed upwards)
Swell end (High threshold crossed downwards)
Swell-to-Sag (High and Low thresholds crossed downwards)
Sag-to-Swell (Low and High thresholds crossed upwards)
Swell-to-Severe Swell (High- High thresholds crossed upwards)
Severe Swell- to-Swell (High- High thresholds crossed downwards)
Sag-to-Interruption (Low-Low thresholds crossed downwards)
Interruption-to-Sag (Low-Low thresholds crossed upwards)
Interruption (Low and Low-Low thresholds crossed downwards)
Interruption end (Low-Low and Low thresholds crossed upwards)
Swell-to-Interruption (High, Low and Low-Low thresholds crossed
Interruption-to-Swell (Low-Low, Low and High thresholds crossed
Crest limit crossed
Unknown event
/ Aggregate (multi-phase) event of any type

Sags, Swells and Interruptions are usually further subdivided by duration

(Instantaneous (0.5 - 30 cycles according to IEEE 1159), Momentary (0.5 s/30
cycles depending on disturbance - 3 s according to IEEE 1159), Temporary (3 s -
1 min according to IEEE 1159), and Sustained (more than 1 min according to
IEEE 1159)). Transients may be subdivided (examples are taken from
PowerXplorer) by direction (Upstream or Downstream), severity (Mild,
Moderate, Severe), duration (Impulsive, Notch, Multiple Notch, 1/8 Cycle,
Multiple 1/8 Cycle, 1/4 Cycle, Multiple 1/4 Cycle, Half Cycle, Full Cycle), or
type (Unipolar, Bipolar, Oscillating, Arcing, Multiple Z Crossings, Notching,
Dropout, Switch On, Switch Off, Phase Shift, DC, Capswitch, Flat Top, Peak
Limit, Amplitude Change or Miscellaneous). Other event types may have other

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
5.1. Event List Tab

Event This tab contains an event list,

List with the same contents as the pull-
Tab down version in the toolbar. This
event list has the benefit of being
visible all the time, and allows for
a number of customizations. Click
any event in the tree to make it the
active event.

The top of this window contains a

toolbar with the following
Event Removal On/Off
Use this command to remove events and the data associated with the particular
event(s). On each of the events in the Event List Tree, there will be a checkbox
indicating if the event is removed or not. When you have enabled or disabled the
particular events of your choice, press this toolbar button again to activate the event
removal. Any removal can be undone or changed by entering this mode again and
enabling events or disabling events from the list.
Event Subset
Use this command to only show the event types of interest in the Event List. This
filter does not remove any data; it’s a way to clean up the event list from events that
are of no concern to you at the moment.
In Enterprise Edition, the options include Multi-Site events , events occurring on
more than one site simultaneously.
Use this command to sort the Event List by Date or by Type. Sorting by Type
(actually the names of the events) is a useful way to see how many events of a
certain type exists.
Group By
Use this command to include branches in the tree. You may include tree branches
for every day, every event type, etc. Each branch is provided an icon to increase
View Information
Use this command to include/exclude details in events, i.e. the date for each event,
event characterization details, etc.
Use this command to search for a certain string within the Event List.

! Any customizations will also affect the pull-down Event List in the toolbar.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
5.1.1. Event List Tab Toolbar Commands detailed information

Event This command will toggle removal mode for the Event List. While in removal
Removal mode, this toolbar button will look like this . Checkboxes ( , or ) will
appear to the left of each item in the tree. The first time you enter removal mode,
it may take Dran-View some time to generate additional events. This is done so
that all samples will belong to an event.

While in removal mode, you may notice some events not otherwise visible, called
"Trend" and "Pre/Post Event". These are the generated events mentioned above.

Clicking a checkbox ( or ) next to an event will toggle the visibility of that

event and all samples belonging to it. Clicking the checkbox next to a branch of
any kind will toggle the visibility of all events and all samples descendant of that
branch. In addition to "On" ( ) and "Off" ( ), checkboxes next to branches may
have a third state, called "Tristate" ( ). This state indicates that some (not all)
descendants of that branch are visible.

Changes in event visibility will not take effect until you exit removal mode by
again pressing the Event Removal On/Off toolbar button. The checkboxes
should now disappear, and the toolbar button should revert to this appearance.

When disabling an event, that event will also disappear from the Event List, the
Event Box, each chart's event ruler, etc. If you wish to re-enable an event, simply
turn on the event removal again and click that event's checkbox.

To use an event removal more similar to that in Dran-View 5.x, right-click on the
Event List and select properties from the pop-up menu, then click the Event
Removal or Classic Event Removal tab. If the Event Removal appears, click the
Classic Mode checkbox at the bottom of the property page to view the classic
event removal.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Event This command allows you to choose which events should be visible. Unlike the
Subset event removal, this does not alter the data in your document. You will be
presented with the following options in a menu:

All Events All events will be shown.

All Triggered Fault All events that resulted from anomalies are shown.
Sags/Swells/Interruptions Only sags, swells and interruptions are shown.
Transient Events Only transients are shown.
Multi-Site Events Only events occurring in at least two sites at once are
Custom Selections... This option will open the "Select subset of events"
dialog box with the following options:

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide

Sags/Swells/Interruptions This option will include sags, swells, and interruptions

in the event subset.
Transients This option will include transients in the event subset.
Any other fault events This option will include triggered events that are not
sags, swells, interruptions, or transients in the event
Events without trigger This option will include events without trigger, such as
timed events and pre- or post-triggers.
Journal Triggers This option will include the PowerXplorer family
instrument journal triggered events.
Any site This option will show all selected events.

Two or more sites at the This option will show only events occurring in at least
same time (Multi-Site two sites simultaneously.
In one site only (not This option will show only events occurring in one site
coinciding with events in but not any other.
any other site)
The event TYPE must be If this option is selected, two events must have exactly
exactly the same the same type to be considered coincident.
The triggered PHASE If this option is selected, two events must be triggered
must be exactly the same on exactly the same phase to be consid ered coincident.
The triggering time must This option sets the time difference tolerance for two
not differ more than events to be considered coincident.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Sort A dot will appear next to the selected sort mode in the Event List Toolbar Sort
Sort Date/Time This command will sort the Event List and Event Box in
Ascending ascending date/time order.
Sort Date/Time This command will sort the Event List and Event Box in
Descending descending date/time order.
Sort by Event Type This command will sort the Event List and Event Box in
alphabetical order.

Only one of the Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, and Sort Alphabetically options
can be used at a time.

Group By These commands will toggle grouping for the Event List and the Event Box.
While a group mode is active, a checkmark will appear to the left of the menu

You can have three different kinds of grouping in the Event List and Event Box;
Group By Site, Group By Type, and Group By Day. The trees will branch in this
order. If you have selected all three options, the trees will branch primarily by site
(the nodes will be the roots of each tree), secondarily by type (the nodes will
be children of the nodes), and tertiary by day (the nodes will be children of
the nodes).

Group By Site When this mode is active, a site icon ( ) will appear as a root
node for each site in the Event List and the Event Box. The
nodes of all events pertaining to a site are now descendants of
the root representing that site. To remove the site nodes, select
this option again.
Group By Type This command will toggle type grouping for the Event List and
the Event Box. While this mode is active, a type icon ( ) will
appear as a parent node for each event type in the Event List and
the Event Box. The nodes of all events pertaining to a t ype are
now descendants of the parent representing that type. To remove
the type nodes, select this option again.
Group By Day This command will toggle day grouping for the Event List and
the Event Box. While this mode is active, a day icon ( ) will
appear as a parent node for each day in the Event List and the
Event Box. The nodes of all events pertaining to a day are now
descendants of the parent representing that day. To remove the
day nodes, select this option again.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
View This command will show and hide the information about each event in the Event
Information List and the Event Box. While an option is active, a checkmark will appear to
the left of the menu item. To remove the information, select the option again. The
checkmark and the information should disappear.

View Event Number This command will show and hide the event number for
each event. While it is active, a # symbol followed by a
number will appear to the left of each event in the Event
View Date This command will show and hide the date of each event.
While it is active, a date will appear to the left of each
event in the Event List and the Event Box.
View Time This command will show and hide the time of each event
in the Event List and the Event Box. While it is active, a
time stamp will appear to the left of each event in the Event
List and the Event Box.
View Extra This command will show and hide additional information
Information for each event in the Event List and the Event Box. While
it is active, additional information will appear to the right
of each event in the Event List and the Event Box.

Search This command will show and hide the

search dialog window.

From left to right, there are three controls in the search dialog:

To search for an event, select a previous search string from the

combo box or type a new search, and then press one of the
search buttons.

The string you enter is literally interpreted, though search

function is case insensitive. Any event that has a description,
including event number, date, time, and characterization
information visible in the Event List and the Event Box that is
partly or fully equal to the search string is considered a match. If
you wish to search for event number, day, time or
characterization information, and this information is not visible,
see View Event Number, View Date, View Time, and View Extra
Info, respectively.
Search backwards relative to the current active event.
Search forwards relative to the current active event.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
5.2. Snapshot List Tab

Snapshot At any time you may press the camera

List Tab toolbar button to create a snapshot of
the main window. The snapshot is not
Enterprise only an image; it is actually a “frozen
Edition state” of all the information within the
Only two panes of the active main view.

This window is a docking window.

At the bottom of this window, there are four tabs. Use these to switch between the
Event Tree, the Snapshots List, the Calculator and the Marker List.

Bookmarks You may use Snapshots as “bookmarks”. If you doub le-click a snapshot image, a
view with the exact replicated contents (charts layout, selected parameters, zoom
level, active event, etc.) as it was stored when the Snapshot was taken is
displayed. This is an excellent way to step back and forth between eve nts or
parameters of interest.

Report You may use Snapshots for printing or generating MS-Word documents with the
Writing graphs from the Snapshot list.
You may also include the graph within the Snapshot List as an integral part of the
Custom Report Writer output.

Snapshot You may enter a label for each snapshot (located underneath each preview
Labels image). When Snapshots are printed or the Snapshots Report Writer is used, these
labels will be used as header.

The snapshot list is displayed to the left of the Dran-View window by default,
provided the Event List toolbar button located on the standard toolbar has not
been shut off (i.e. has this appearance rather than this ). It lists all
snapshots present in the document.

Only one item is selectable at each time in this list. Select a snapshot by clicking
on its picture in the list. To delete a snapshot, select it and press the Delete key on
your keyboard. To restore a snapshot, double-click it. Snapshots will open in a
new window.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Snapshot The top of this window contains a toolbar with the following commands:
List Tab
(continued) Print Snapshots
This command will show the Printer Selec tion dialog box.
Print Preview Snapshots
Preview the snapshots as they will be printed.
Create Document
This command will create an .rtf document containing all snapshots in the
snapshot list and open it in a Dran-View text editor window.
Word Processor
This command will create a .doc document containing all snapshots in the
snapshot list and open the word processor associated with the .doc
Note: The file created is only temporary; you need to use Save-As in MS-
Edit Snapshot Label
This command will allow you to edit the label of the snapshot selected in
the snapshot list. You can also do this by clicking the label area below the
selected snapshot.
Move Down
This command will move the selected snapshot down one step in the
snapshot list.
Move Up
This command will move the selected snapshot up one step in the snapshot
Delete Snapshot
This command will delete the snapshot selected in the snapshot list.
Create Snapshot
This command will create a snapshot from the currently active main view of
the document.
The new snapshot is added last to the snapshot list.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
5.3. Calculator Tab

Calculator When the calculator tab is active, you

Tab may type on your keyboard or use the
buttons below the text area to issue
Enterprise commands to the calculator. When you
Edition press enter or click the "EXE" key, the
Only calculator will attempt to evaluate the
expression you have typed.

This window is a docking window.

At the bottom of this window, there are four tabs. Use these to switch between the
Event Tree, the Snapshots List, the Calculator and the Marker List

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Syntax • The calculator understands the basic arithmetic operations (1) Power to
(^), (2) Multiplication (*), Division (/), Modulus (%), (3) Addition (+) and
Subtraction (-).
• The calculator understands the following functions:
1. abs Returns the input if it is positive, otherwise returns the
negation of the input.
2. sqrt Returns square root of the input.
3. sin Returns the sine of the input. The function depends on the
RAD/DEG setting.
4. cos Returns the cosine of the input. The function depends on the
RAD/DEG setting.
5. tan Returns the tangent of the input. The function depends on the
RAD/DEG setting.
6. asin Returns the arcus sine of the input. The function depends on
the RAD/DEG setting.
7. acos Returns the arcus cosine of the input. The function depends
on the RAD/DEG setting.
8. atan Returns the arcus tangent of the input. The function depends
on the RAD/DEG setting.
9. ln Returns the natural logarithm of the input.
10. exp Returns the natural exponential of the input (the inverse of the
ln function).
11. log Returns the base-10 logarithm of the input.
• Expressions are evaluated in the following order:
1. Expressions within parenthesizes are evaluated before the value is
used with operations outside the parenthesizes.
2. Functions are evaluated after their input.
3. Basic arithmetic operations are evaluated by their numbering
under the first bullet in this list.
4. Assignments are evaluated last
• To assign a new variable, write "X = Z", where X is the variable name,
and Z is the value or expression. X and Y are given as buttons for quick
access, but you may use any name, except those reserved for constants.
• The following constants are supported:
1. e The natural logarithm.
2. pi The ratio of the circumference and the diameter of a circle.
3. g Euler's constant.
4. GoldenMean The golden mean.
• The names of constants, variables and functions are case- insensitive.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
5.4. Marker List Tab

Marker List This list contains all delta markers in

Tab the active chart.

Enterprise Only one item is selectable at each time

Edition in this list. Select a marker by clicking
Only on it in the list or in the chart. To delete
a marker, select it and press the Delete
key on your keyboard or the Delete
button. To show the property dialog for
a marker, double click it in the list or

This window is a docking window.

At the bottom of this window, there are four tabs. Use these to switch between the
Event Tree, the Snapshots List, the Calculator and the Marker List

Toolbar The top of this window contains a toolbar with the following commands:
Delta Tool
This button activates the delta tool. For more information, see the delta tool
Autocolor Delta Markers
This command gives each marker a unique color, so they can be easily told
Deletes the selected delta marker.
Delete All Delta Markers
This command will delete all delta markers in the list.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Marker On each marker item in these lists are buttons with the following commands:
To toggle a marker on/off, click this button.
Click this to zoom to the selected marker

To the right of these buttons, the current values for the marker are displayed.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 6. The File Menu

6.1. Open

Open Selecting this command will show a File-Open dialog box where you can select
the file(s) to open. Opening a file will create a new document.

Dran-View can open files created by many different instruments. Dran-View

converts the file to a Dran-View 6 format while reading/opening the file. To open
a file, select the filename and press OK to start the conversion process.

Depending on what instrument drivers you have installed and what Dran-View 6
edition you have purchased (Professional or Enterprise), Dran-View will read one
or more of the following file formats:

• Dran-View 6 files with the extension .DV6

• Dran-View 5.x files with the extension .DNV
• PQLite TASKCard files with the extension .MDB or .EVT
• PowerXplorer files with the extension .DDB
• PowerGuide files with the extension .DDB
• PQPlus TASKCard files with the extension .MDB or .EVT
• Flicker TASKCard files with the extension .MDB or .EVT
• Task808 TASKCard files with the extension .MDB or .EVT
• PQPlus TASKCard remote files, downloaded by serial link or modem with the extension
.DAT (with some restrictions)
• 658 PQ ANALYZER files with the extension .658 or .$$$
• TASKCard Inrush with the extensions .INR or .MIR
• Dranetz 808, 8000, 8000-2 or TASKCard 8000 files with the extensions .TXT, .21, .28,
•• COMTRADE files with the extension .CFG (Enterprise Edition only)
• TEXT files with the extension *.TXT, *.SKV, *.CSV (Enterprise Edition only)
When opening a file, the Calculate Harmonics/Timeplot progress indicator and/or
the Harmonic Rescaling progress indicator may appear, depending on your
settings in the Calculate Harmonics/Timeplot Welcome page and the Chart-
Harmonics-Setup page/Symmetrical Components page, respectively.

Open Multiple files can be opened if you hold down the SHIFT or CTRL keys and click
Command on another filename(s). Click OK to load the file selections automatically.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.1.1. Reading COMTRADE files

COMTRADE When opening a COMTRADE (.CFG) file, the COMTRADE Text Import
Wizard will help you define the data.
Edition Only COMTRADE is commonly used to store waveshapes from relay protection

A COMTRADE “file” is actually a pair of two files (.CFG and .DAT). The
leading file name must be identical for the two files and both must reside in the
same folder.

The flexibility offered in the COMTRADE file format generates some problems
for Dran-View and the user since Dran-View wants to have all data thoroughly
defined. Once you have gone through the import wizard, the setup you have
made will be stored fo r future use. In the future, when a COMTRADE file
contains a channel with the same name as you have previously defined, it will
suggest that particular setup. When setting up the grid, you should adjust the
combo boxes left to right, because adjustments may be made on any settings to
the right of the one you are modifying on the fly.

The options in the grid are derived from the specification of PQDIF (IEEE1159-
3), which is the way Dran-View internally defines channels when reading an
instrument file.

The first column contains a checkbox. If this checkbox is disabled, the data will
not be imported.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Wizard Dialog
Page 1

Edition Only

Data Type This column defines the basic nature of the sampling rate. For
a waveform channel, select “Y-Waveform”, for a Trend (like
a RMS value), select “Y-Trend”. The remaining options are
“X-Time” which you should not use for any channel in a
COMTRADE file and “Y-Digital” which is used to denote
Digital status channels in a COMTRADE file. “Y-Digital”
should not be used for analog channels.

Group Use this setting to group parameters together into individual

measurement points. The number “1” should always be used
for single-point measurements.
Example: A file contains voltages from two measurement
points: AV1, BV1, CV1 and AV2, BV2, CV2. In this case,
you need to set Group number=1 for parameters
AV1,BV1,CV1 and Group number=2 for parameters
AV2,BV2,CV2. As a result of using more the one group,
there will be several sites created in the Dran-View 6
document, wherein each site will contain an individual 3-
phase system measurement.

Prefix Select “None” if the channel is not scaled. Select ‘k’ (kilo) if
the data has been divided by 1000 prior to being stored (other
Greek prefixes are also available).

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
COMTRADE Unit Select the basic quantity UNIT of the channel (Volts, Amps,
Import Watts, etc.)
Wizard Dialog
Page 1 Characteristics This column defines the characteristics of the channel.
(Continued) Waveform channels should always be set to “Instantaneous”.
Trend channel should always be set to anything else from the
list, i.e. “RMS”, etc.
Edition Only

Phase This column defines the phase of the channel.

“A”, “B”, “C” Signal measured between

phase and neutral
“AB”, “BC”, “CA” Signal measured between two
“RES” Residual (normally used for
. residual current)
“TOT” Total
“NET” Net (normally used for net
“LN-Ave” Line-Neutral Average
“LL-Ave” Line-Line Average
“Worst” Typically denotes the “Worst”
“1”- “64” 64 arbitrary phases you may
use if the above is not
covering your needs

Measured This column should answer the question “What is

Typically this is “Voltage” or “Current”.

Value Type Choose value type. If you are unsure of what to choose,
“value” is recommended.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Wizard Dialog
Page 2

Edition Only

Site name The name you want to associate with the data.

Nominal Correct this if it is wrong (normally 50 or 60 Hz).


Nominal voltage Recommended setting is –1 (unknown).

Channel Names Auto

The channels will be given names and units automatically
based on the setups you have entered.

Use field names from file

The channels will be given the same names as they had in the

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.1.2. Reading ASCII/Text Files

Text Files When opening a text file, the Text Import Wizard dialog box will be shown.
Dran-View can read any ASCII file containing electrical power data.
Enterprise In the first page of the Wizard, you need to define how the text file is formatted.
Edition Only In the bottom part of the page you will find the data interpreted based on your
settings. The default settings are taken from your current language settings in
the operating system.

Text Import
Wizard Dialog

Edition Only

Set the column The delimiter is the type of character(s) that divides your
delimiters data into columns. One or several may be selected.

Skip leading If a delimiter is the first character on each row, this delimiter
delimiters will be ignored.

Treat If delimiters are repeated consecutively, they will be handled

consecutive as one delimiter.
delimiters as one

Heading row Select this if the first line contains the “name” of each

Date, time and Here you define the Date order, Date delimiter, Time
number delimiter, and decimal symbol.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Text Import
Wizard Dialog
Page 2

Edition Only

This page works the same way as the COMTRADE Import Wizard. See
previous chapter for details.

! The major difference from the COMTRADE version you should be aware of is
that the “Data Type” of the first row (containing timestamps) should be set to
“X-Time”, Prefix=None, Unit=None, Characteristics=None, Phase=None,
Measured=None, and Value Type=Value.

Text Import
Wizard Dialog
Page 3

Edition Only

This last page of the Wizard works the same way as the COMTRADE Import
Wizard. See previous chapter for details.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.2. Site Add

Site Add Use this command to add a site to the active document. Adding a site to an
existing document rather than opening a new document allows you to view data
from multiple sites (locations/instruments). It will also allow you to perform
comparative analysis between the different sites. Selecting this command will
show a File Open dialog box where you can select the file/site to add.

A data file should be appended rather than added if it originates from the same
Enterprise instrument and location. This applies in cases when the instrument has filled its
Edition Only memory and a new file was generated on another medium.

6.3. Site Append

Site Append Use this command to append data

from a selected file to an existing site.
These sites will be merged, as will
data channels with identical
properties, etc. Appending
overlapping files should be avoided.
Selecting this command will show a
File Open dialog box where you can
select the file containing the site to
append. If there is more than one site
in the document, the Choose Site
dialog box will be shown, allowing
you to select which existing site to
append to.

! A data file should be added rather than appended if it originates from a different
instrument and/or location.

Only files from the same type of instrument can be appended.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.4. Site Rename

Site Rename Use this command to change the name

of an existing site. If there is more
than one site in the document, the
Choose Site dialog box will be shown,
allowing you to select which site to

Rename Site When you have selected one of the

Dialog available sites, the Rename Site dialog
box will be shown. This allows you to
enter a new name for a site. Type the
site name and click "OK".

6.5. Site Delete

Site Delete Use this command to remove an

existing site from your document.
The Choose Site dialog box will
be shown, allowing you to select
which site to remove. This
command will not be available if
there is only one site in the
Edition Only

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.6. Import Dranetz 658

Import Selecting this command will open a dialog box where you can choose to import
Dranetz 658 data from a 658 diskette or 658GHA database. Insert the diskette into the
selected disc drive and click "OK" on the first page, or select the database you
Legacy Driver wish to use on the second page and click "OK". If the database is not located on
Required the selected drive, select the correct drive and click "Search".

6.7. Import Nodelink

Import Node - Selecting this command will open a dialog box where you can choose to import
Link data from a NodeLink site. Select the file in the tree directory, and click
"Download History". Select the file to open and click "OK". You must have
Signature Nodelink installed in your computer to use this command.
System Driver

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.8. Download

Download If the PQDIF Reader option is available, you have the possibility to download
and read data directly from Dranetz-BMI Encore Series Software (formerly
Signature called PC-InfoNode), or a Signature System InfoNode..
System Driver


Data Sources Note: In this context and in this version of Dran-View, a

“Data Source” is in fact a InfoNode or Encore server, each
connected to a number of “DataNodes” (here called
Measurement devices).

This list shows the available Data Sources and their

Measurement devices. When the dialog is first shown, the
software will access each Data Source and show the state of
the Measurement Devices. To download data from a specific
measurement device, you check the particular Data Source
check box. If you want to check or uncheck ALL
Measurement Devices of the Data Source, you do this with
the checkbox in at Data Source level.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Download New…

This button will bring up a dialog were you can add new
Data Sources to the list. You must provide a valid TCP/IP
address and the login required for ADMIN mode in the Data
Source. Modem communication is currently not supported.

Edit… Select a Data Source in the list and press Edit to change the
IP-adress or login account using the same dialog as shown in
the “New...” option.

Delete Deletes the selected Data Source. This command also

removes any downloaded data gathered from the Data

Options… Press this button to display the Options dialog:

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Dran-View 6 User Guide
Download Download folder:
Dialog Every time you download data a file will be created in a
Continued download folder. Use this dialog to change the location. If
you do, any existing data will be copied from the previous

Enable download cache:

To speed- up downloads data from previous downloads can
be saved in a cache file. This means that if the same
information is requested again, the program can reuse the
previously downloaded information. This option is default

Edit… Select a Data Source in the list and press Edit to change the
IP-adress or login account using the same dialog as shown in
the “New...” option.

Delete Deletes the selected Data Source. This command also

removes any downloaded data gathered from the Data

Options… Press this button to display the Options dialog:

Download – The structure of the download directory resembles the Data Sources you have
Technical added, and the Measuring Devices connected to the Data Sources.
In the root folder you find a file called “providers.dat” which contains the
Signature settings for all the Data Sources. Do not remove this file.
System Driver

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Download – Each of the sub - folders in the root folder represents a Data Source, and each of
Technical the Data Source folders contains sub- folders representing the Measurement
Information Devices.

Continued In each folder for Measurement Device you may find files like this:

20061018_141340.PQD - Every download from each Measurement Device is

stored in a file. The name of the file represents the date and time of the
download (ISO-format). The above file was created on Oct-18th 2006 at
14:13:40. It is safe to manually delete these files in order to save space on the

CACHE.SSF – This file contains the accumulated information of all downloads

from the Measurement Device and is used to speed up future downloads. It is
safe to manually delete these files in order to save space on the disk

6.9. Close

Close Use this command to close all windows containing the active document. Dran-
View 6 suggests that you save changes to your document before you close it. If
you close a document without saving, you lose all changes made since the last
time you saved.

See also Window – Close All

6.10. Save

Save Use this command to save the active document to its current name and
directory. When you save a document for the first time, Dran-View 6 displays
the Save As dialog box so you can name the file. If you want to change the
name and directory of an existing file before you save it, choose the Save As

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.11. Save As

Save As Use this command to save and name the active document. Dran-View 6
displays the Save As dialog box so you can name your document. If you select
an existing file, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite that file.

To save a file with its existing name and directory, use the Save command.

Depending on what view you are currently using, the Save As dialog box
allows you to save files in various format:

Main View Dran-View 6 can save in .DV6 (Dran-View 6), .TXT (ASCII text), and .PQD
(Power Quality Data Interchange) format. It cannot save data in the original
native instrument format.

Documents saved as .DV6 retain information about their views in addition to

the data. When the file is opened, identical windows will appear, the same event
will be selected, and the topmost window will be the same.

If you save data in PQDIF (.PQD) or ASCII format (.TXT), some data may be
lost such as event descriptions and details.

Saving data in ASCII format will display the Data Export dialog box. This
allows you to change formatting options for tabular data so that it can be
viewed by certain applications like spreadsheet application.

Format templates can be saved as .DVT (Dran-View Template) files.

Text Editor In the integrated word processor of Dran-View 6, you may save the text in the
file formats offered by Main View. In addition, you can also save the text as
RTF (Rich Text Format) or MS-Word (.doc).

Data List View Saving a file from the Data List View will only save the data visible in the list.
The file will be saved in ASCII format. You also have the option to save only
the currently selected rows.

Once you have selected the proper file type and filename, select the location
where you wish to save your file and click OK.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.11.1. ASCII Export

ASCII Export This dialog box will appear if you select either the Copy (Data List), Cut (Data
List), or Save As ASCII (any views) commands. It allows you to change
formatting options for tabular data so that it can be viewed by certain
applications like spreadsheet application. The default settings in this dialog box
are taken from the Windows control panel.

ASCII Export
Data Dialog

Decimal point This is the character for the decimal point in numerical data.
Normally you should use "." (point). Some countries use ","
(comma) in Windows applications.

Data selection Choose whether to export all data or only selected rows.

Delimiter This character is inserted between data items in the file. The
default delimiter in use by Microsoft Excel is TAB regardless
of the language settings of Windows.

Include If this option is checked, the date and time format for time
milliseconds stamps will also contain milliseconds. Not all spreadsheet
applications support this format. Microsoft Excel versions,
prior to version 5.0, do NOT support milliseconds.

One sample If this option is selected, only one data point every second will
per second be exported.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.12. Print

Print Use this command to print a view. This command presents a Print dialog box,
where you may specify the range of pages to be printed, the number of copies to
print, the destination printer, and other printer setup options.

To change the appearance of the printed header, select Print Setup.

To display the active view as it would appear when printed, select Print

The print dialog box offers the following options:

Printer Displays the active printer and printer connection. Choose

Setup option to change the printer and printer connection.

Setup Displays a Print Setup dialog box where you can select the
printer and printer connection.

Print Range Specifies the pages you want to print:

All Prints all pages.
Selection Prints the currently selected text.
Pages Prints the range of pages you specify
in the From and To fields.

Copies Specifies the number of copies you want to print.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.13. Print Preview

Print Preview Use this command to display the

active view as it would appear when
printed. When you choose this
command, the main window will be
replaced with a print preview window
in which one or two pages will be
displayed in their printed format. The
print preview toolbar gives you the
option to view either one or two pages
at a time, view the next/previous page
of the document, zoom in and out of
pages, and initiate a print job.

The print preview toolbar features the

following options.

Print Opens the Print dialog box to start a print job.

Next Page Previews the next printed page.

Prev Page Previews the previous printed page.

One Page / Two Previews one or two printed pages at a time.


Zoom In View page preview in detail.

Zoom Out View page preview in whole.

Close Returns from print preview to the editing window.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.14. Print Setup

Print Setup Use this command to define how your printed pages should look like. Dran-
View can provide a rectangular frame along with a header containing a logo -
type image, a multi- line centered header and to the right, and three lines of file

You may also use this command to select a printer and a printer connection by
pressing the “Settings” button. This command presents a Print Setup dialog box,
where you specify the printer and its connection.

Print Setup This dialog box allows you to

Dialog configure the appearance of printed
pages. At the top section, you will see
a preview of how the header or footer
will appear once printed. Control
codes will not be translated in the
preview. To change the text in the
header or footer, click the preview
where you wish to edit and type the
desired text. To the left of the
header/footer preview, a space is
allocated for a picture. To change this
space configuration, you can either
type a number in the "Picture Width"
box or click and drag the separator to
the desired location. To the right of
this space, a similar portion is
allocated for file information. At the
center of the dialog box, you will see a
preview of how a page will appear.

Picture Click this button to display the File Open dialog box. Use this
box to select a picture in .DIB, .BMP (bitmap), or .WMF
(metafile) format that you can display in the header or footer.
This picture will always be displayed to the left of all other
information. It will be resized, keeping its height/width ratio,
to fit the box.

Font Click this button to display a dialog box where you can change
the font type used.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Print Setup Code Click this button to display a dialog box containing a list of
Dialog control codes. Select a control code and click "OK" to insert
that code at the cursor's position.
Picture Width This option allows you to change the width of the picture to the
left of the header/footer. You can also change the width by
clicking and dragging the separator to the desired location.

Margins These input boxes allow you to change the top, bottom, left,
and right margins on the print-out.

Unit Specify the picture width and margins in centimeters or inches.

Unit selection will automatically convert the values.

Information This option allows you to change the width of the information
Width area to the right of the header/footer. You can also change the
width by clicking and dragging the separator to the desired

Orientation Choose between landscape or portrait page orientation.

Show page Disabling this option will hide the header/footer.


Header at Selecting this option will display a footer instead of a header.


Show frame Disabling this option will hide the borders surrounding each
lines box in the header/footer and the page itself.

Settings Click this button to display the standard “Printer Settings"

dialog box.

Store as Click this button to save your current print settings as the new
default default.

Load default Click this button to restore the default print settings.

Restore factory Click this button to restore all settings to the default values
settings when Dran-View was first installed.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.15. Print Snapshots

Print Use this command to print all your snapshots on one page each. This command
Snapshots presents a Print dialog box where you can specify the range of pages to be
printed, the number of copies to print, the destination printer, and other printer
Enterprise setup options.
Edition Only
To change the appearance of the printed header, se lect Print Setup.

To see the snapshots as they would appear when printed, select Bookmark Print

6.16. Print Preview Snapshots

Print Preview Use this command to display your snapshots as they would appear when
Snapshots printed. When you choose this command, the main window will be replaced
with a print preview window in which one or two pages will be displayed in
their printed format. The print preview toolbar offers you options to view either
one or two pages at a time, view the next/previous page in the document, zoom
in and out of pages, and initiate a print job.

Edition Only

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.17. Report Writer

Report This command will show the

Writer Report Writer Selection dialog
box, where you can choose the
kind of report to generate. To run
Report Writer, you will step
through the Report Writer
Wizard. Different pages will
appear depending on the options
you select.

The selections that you enter in

the Report Writer Wizard will be
stored in the document until the
next time you run the wizard.

When you save your document as a DV6 file, all your Report Writer settings will
be stored.

When done with the wizard setup, an RTF (Rich Text Format) document will be
created and the contents of the document will be displayed in the built- in text

Report Select method of report Select the Report Writer you want to use (Automatic
Writer generation: or Custom)
Dialog Start date/time Default to the current time boundaries of the zoom
End date/time in the TIME-PLOT chart of Dran-View when the
Report Writer was started. You may change these
values to set an exact time-range of data for the
Report Writer to Process.
Other settings:
Create report for: All sites In Dran-View Enterprise Edition, you can have
/specific site several Sites (measurements) within the same
document. This option lets you decide whether to
produce output pages for all sites or one specific site
within the document.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Report First page number Sets the first page number of the printouts. This is useful if
Writer you plan to use Report Writer printouts as an appendix to
Selection other documentation. This page number will be inserted
Dialog whenever the “$PAGE” control code is found in the
(Continued) DRAN-VIEW Print Setup. For example, if you wish to
label your first page “APPENDIX A:1” , manually edit the
Print Setup dialog box and insert “APPENDIX A: $PAGE”
in the page header field.

Allow colored text If you select this option, you can specify certain text in
color. If not selected, all text will be black. This setting
does not affect the color of generated charts or other

Report Writer

Open… This button allows you to lo ad a previously stored report

settings file (.REP).

Save… This button allows you to save the current settings into a
report settings file (.REP).

Site Select which site to modify using the controls below.

Nominal Voltage Use to change the nominal voltage value..

Nominal Frequency Use to change the nominal frequency value.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.17.1. Automatic Report Writer


The automatic Report Writer will analyze the instrument configuration and
suggest a suitable report mode for your measurement. You have the option to
change the report mode. The report mode will affect the type of pages produced
by the Automatic Report Writer.

Pressing “Finish” will produce a report in the integrated text editor. From there,
you may choose to edit, print, or save the report.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.17.2. Custom Report Writer


The Custom Report Writer consists of a number of modules that may or may not require
individual setup. In case individual setup is required, additional pages in the Report Writer
Wizard will be shown.

The modules are divided into categories as follows:

Continued on the next page:

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.17.3. Custom Report Writer Options
Power Quality Timeplots

Power Voltage Timeplot Current Timeplot

Quality This option will This option will
Timeplot produce a page produce a page
Category with a voltage with a current
RMS timeplot for RMS timeplot for
phase A, B, C, D phase A, B, C, D.
or A-B, B-C, C-A.

THD Timeplots Unbalance Timeplots

This options will This option will
produce a page produce a page
with voltage THD with Negative and
timeplot for phase Zero Sequence
A, B, C, D or A- Unbalance factors.
B, B-C, C-A.

Flicker Timeplots Frequency Timeplots

This option will This option will
produce a page produce a page
with a voltage with a voltage
flicker (PLT) frequency
timeplot for phase timeplot.
A, B, C or A-B,
B-C, C-A.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Power Quality

Power Quality of supply histograms THD Timeplots for Voltage and

Quality Current, with worst case spectra
Category This option will This option will
produce a page produce one
with 5%, 95%, and page/phase with
99% probability timeplots of
values for the VTHD and ITHD
following plus harmonic
parameters: spectra bar charts,
Voltage, VTHD, showing the
ITHD, Voltage harmonic contents
Unbalance Factors, at the point in time
and Frequency. where VTHD and
ITHD respectively,
have the highest

Activity charts for Sags, Swells, Worst case summaries without

Interruptions and Transients waveforms
This option will This option will
produce a page produce a page
with all Sags, consisting of tables
Swells, with the four worst
Interruptions, and Sags, Swells,
Transients Interruptions, and
presented in counts Transients. The
(Y), along a 24 tables are sorted
hour X-axis. according to
severity of event.
The tables also
information about
duration, and when
the events

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Power Worst case summaries with Voltage and Current per phase:
Quality waveforms Min,Max,Median, Average
Category This option will This option will
produce a page produce a page
with waveform with statistical
plots of the worst information about
Sags, Swells, Voltage and
Interruptions, and Current.

Magnitude / Duration Diagram EN50160 Summary

This option will This option will
produce a page produce one or
with an two pages per
ITIC/CBEMA or weekly
other measurement,
magnitude/duration containing an
scatter diagram, EN50160 analysis
showing all Sags, in a simple
Interruptions, and PASS/FAIL
Swells. fashion.

Magnitude/ The Magnitude/Duration Report Writer module has specific settings that will be
Duration displayed in the Magnitude/Duration options page.
Options Page

Select limit Select ITIC or CBEMA or your customized limit curves. You may create
curve customized limit curves using a Magnitude/Duration chart in the main window.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
EN50160 The EN50160 Report Writer module has specific settings that will be displayed
Options Page in the EN50160 options page.

EN50160 The PowerXplorer family of instruments can generate

Report by the EN50160 reports if properly set up. Selecting this option will
Instrument print the overview pages of these reports, if available

EN50160 Selecting this option will run Dran-View’s internal EN50160

Report by Dran- report generator.

Weeks begin at:

Measurement This option will subdivide the measurement in full weeks,
start starting from the selected start time of the report range.
Monday This option will divide the measurement into weeks, were each
week starts Mondays at 00:00 (am).
Sunday This option will divide the measurement into weeks, were each
week starts Sunday at 00:00 (am).

Include You may enable a second printed page containing additional

information EN50160 indicative information.

Exclude When this option is selected, only complete EN50160 reports

incomplete will be generated. Partial weeks are discarded

! Note that the instrument must be set up according to EN50160 measurement

intervals in order to arrive at the correct analysis.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Power Quantity

Power Demand and Energy Timeplots Phase and Total values for Power,
Quantity Demand and Energy
This optio n will This option will
produce a page produce a page
with Demand and containing a table
Energy timeplots. with statistical
related to Power,
Demand, and

Dran-View 6 User Guide

Other Add user-created Snapshot

This option will produce a range of pages with the contents of your previously
stored SNAPSHOTS (using the snapshot “camera” toolbar button ).

Instrument configuration

This option will produce a range of pages containing the instrument

configuration. This is the same information shown when using the command
View > Instrument Setup

List of events

This option will produce a range of

pages containing the event list
information. A setup page will be
displayed with the following content.

All triggered This will only include events that are fault-triggered (not
fault events timed).

Actual Event Enable this option if you want to show only the events
Subset used in included by the Event Subset option in the Event List
the Event List Workspace toolbar.

All events All events within the report timeframe will be shown.

Event Details Enable this option if you want to include event characterization
information in the report of events.

Dran-View 6 User Guide

Advanced User Selected Timeplots

This option allows you to plot any timeplot parameter in your Report. The setup
Enterprise page is virtually the same as the Channel Selection page of a timeplot chart, but
Edition only may contain some of the additional options described below.

Page per phase This additional checkbox allows you to choose how to
generate the pages in terms of rows or columns. If the
checkbox is unchecked, there will be one page generated for
each parameter row. If checked, there will be one page
generated per column.

In this case (page per phase is off)

there will be five pages generated. The
first page will contain timeplots for
phase A, B and C for parameter
VHG03. The second page will contain
timeplots for phase A, B and C for
parameter VH05 etc.

In this case (page per phase is on) there

will be three pages generated. The first
page will contain timeplots for phase A
showing parameters VH03, VHG05,
VHG07, VH09, and VHG11. The
second page will contain timeplots for
phase B showing parameters VH03,
HG05, VHG07, VH09, and VHG11.
The third page will contain timeplots
for phase C showing parameters VH03,
VHG05, VHG07, VH09, and VHG11.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Advanced User Selected Timeplots (continued)

Enterprise Stack This checkbox (one per row or one per column) specifies if
Edition only the parameters should be plotted in STACKED or
OVERLAID mode for the particular page.

Lim1, Lim2 These edit-boxes allow you to include your own

threshold/limit lines within each page. These limit lines are
drawn from left to right in the chart at the numerical
magnitude you specify in each edit box. If you leave the edit-
boxes blank, no limit line will be drawn.

Load Profile

This option allows you to plot any load profile parameter in your Report. The
setup page is virtually the same as the Channel Selection page of a load profile
chart, but may contain some additional options described in the User Selected
Timeplots section, as well as the Load Profile Page, described in the Load Profile
Chart section.

Probability Charts

This option allows you to plot any probability parameter in your Report. The
setup page is virtually the same as the Channel Selection page of a probability
chart, but may contain some additional options described in the User Selected
Timeplots section, as well as the Statistics Page, described in the probability
charts sectio n.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Advanced User Selected Events
This option allows you to select any
Enterprise event for inclusion in the report writer.
Edition only It contains a preview image that shows
how the final chart will look like as you
change settings or switch between
different events.

Event categories This list-box has a number of event categories (contents may
vary). The events that belongs to the selected category is
shown in the “Events in category” list-box. For each category,
the page allows you to have different settings of all the
checkboxes in the page.

Events in The events belonging to the selected category is shown in this

category list-box. If you want to include any event into the report, be
sure to enable its checkbox. If a checkbox is gray it indicates
that the same event is already enabled in another category,
since some events may belong in several categories.
If you move the selection in this list-box, the Preview window
will be updated to show that particular event.
Plot options for
this category:

Fault phases Only the triggered phases of the event will be shown in the
only graph.

Phases A, B, C, The selected phases will be shown in the graph.


Voltage This checkbox allows you to enable waveforms in the graph.

waveforms /

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Advanced User Selected Events (continued)

Voltage RMS / Current RMS

Voltage Peak (Crest) / Current Peak (Crest)
Voltage RMS Deviation / Current RMS Deviation
These options allow you to include half-cycle values generated
by the instrument (Multi-DAQ Taskcard, PX5, PG4400, and
Signature System range of products). If your instrument does
not deliver half-cycle RMS values, Dran-View can generate
these parameters us ing the command “Tools-Harmonics/
Timeplot Calculator” for any event that contains waveforms.

Stack by phase This option allows you to increase the stacking for the
parameters by subdividing into phases.

Show thresholds If this option is enabled, the instrument thresholds will be

shown in the graph.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Advanced Compare harmonics against limits
This option allows you to compare
Enterprise harmonics against your own or pre-
Edition defined limits. A set of pre-defined
Only limits is available when installing Dran-
View. These files have the extension
.DLM and can be loaded using the
“Open” button. The current settings can
be saved using the “Save” button.

The Report Writer will create a

PASS/FAIL report for the selected

Description This exit-box should contain a brief description of the limits

entered. The description will be included in the final page.

Cumulative This edit-box should contain a statistical value between 1-

threshold (1- 100%. Most power quality standards include information about
100%) this number; usually 95% or 100% is used. If a value other
than 100% is used, some fluctuations are filtered out. A 95%
value means that the worst (highest) 5% is excluded.

Planning level This edit-box allows you to scale the limits by the percentage
(1-500%) given. Typically this value is set to 100%, which means that
the limits are not modified before comparison.

Unit This combo-box contains the selection of “I” (current

harmonic) or “V” (voltage harmonic).

Harm This combo-box allows you to select what harmonic number to

analyze. Available selections include THD, DC, FND, H02-

Limit This edit-box contains the limit to compare against. If this field
is bla nk or 0.0, the row will not be part of the comparison.

Scale This combo-box allows you to select if the harmonic is in

“Abs” (volts or amps unit) or “%FND” (normalized to

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Advanced G5/4 Prediction of a new nonlinear load/Harmonics against limits

Page 1 This page allows you to enter the

current harmonics (Amps) for a new
Enterprise non- linear load. The manufacturer of
Edition the new equipment usually supplies
Only these figures. The predicted voltage
harmonics are calculated from the
given current harmonics. The predicted
and the measured voltage harmonics
are then summed up and may be
compared against the G5/4 planning
levels (limits).
This module was implemented for the UK market, but may be useful for others.
It is based on the “ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION G5/4 February

Do you want to predict Voltage Harmonics for a new non-linear load?

You need to check this option to activate this page. If it is not
checked, you will still be able to proceed to the next
(comparison) page. However you will only compare measured
harmonics without the influence of predicted harmonics.

Nominal system Only the following options can be selected: 400V, 6.6kV,
voltage 11kV, 20 kV, or 22 kV.

Cumulative This edit-box should contain a statistical value between 1-

threshold(1- 100%. Most power quality standards include information about
100%) this number; usually 95% or 100% is used. If a value other
than 100% is used, some fluctuations are filtered out. A 95%
value means that the worst (highest) 5% is excluded.

Open / Save Use these buttons to load or save you settings to a file (.DLM).

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Page 2 This page works like the module
“Compare Harmonics against limits”,
Enterprise with the option to exclude the
Edition comparison and present only the
Only predicted harmonics in the report.

Do you wish to compare Harmonics against limits?

Enable this option to activate the comparison. Use the “Open”
button to load pre-defined planning levels (limits), or design
your own.

For information about the remainder of the page, please read about the Custom
Report Writer module “Compare Harmonics against limits”.

Dran-View 6 User Guide

Enterprise Several report items are located below Custom Limits in the custom report
Edition generator. These are pre-defined standards, but they use the same report module as
Only the custom limit report. The reports listed here may vary since Dran-View
automatically detects which standards apply to the nominal voltage and frequency
of your measurement. Selecting one of the pre-defined standards will not show the
custom limits property page. Pressing the "?" button next to a standard will
display instructions on how to set up your instrume nt in order to measure and
check for compliance against that standard. Note that not all aspects of the
standards are considered in the Standards reports.

Custom This property page will allow

Limits you to define new standards, or
Property modify existing ones.

Press this button to open an existing standard.

Press this button to save your current settings.
Show as If this option is selected when you save your settings, this item will
standard appear under Standards in the Custom Report property page.
Description The name you enter here will be used as a heading for your report,
and will also appear as the name of the report in the open dialog and
the Custom Report property page (if it is listed there).
Up/Down Use these buttons to move a row up or down. The report will be
printed in the order of the rows.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Advanced If you click this button, a dialog box with the following options will
Properties appear:
Show only if If you enable this option, select Show as standard
Un is X to Y and press the button. Your report will appear in
and Fn is Z the Custom Report property page only if it matches
the given requirements.
Language In the two boxes below, you may enter names and
setup instructions for each language in this box.
Choose the language with which you wish to change
name and setup instructions.
Description Enter a description in the selected language.
Setup Enter instructions on how to set up the instrument to
Instructions measure in compliance with your newly defined
Limit List This list has the following columns:
Rec. If you select this checkbox, this row will be
considered a recommendation. Recommendations are
marked as such in the report. Failed
recommendations will be color coded in yellow, not
Parameter Select the parameter to which this limit applies.
Select Not used to delete a row.
Interval Select the time interval for this parameter. If the
measured parameter has a slower time interval, no
result can be calculated. If you select instantaneous,
you should configure your instrument to trigger at
this threshold. Instantaneous cannot be selected for

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Cum Thres.(%) If you did not select the instantaneous time interval,
this option will be enabled. This number indicates
how many % of the time the parameter must be
within limits to pass.
Max Dur. (s) If you select the instantaneous time interval, this
option will be enabled. It indicates how many
seconds the parameter may pass out of bounds
without failing.
% lim If you select this option, the limits are entered in
percentage deviation from the parameter’s nominal
value, as opposed to absolute min and max values.
Nominal If you selected the % lim option, enter the nominal
value here. For Vrms and frequency, the nominal is
known and does not need to be given.
High/Low Enter the low and high limits, or leave one at 0 to
Limit disable it. Limits are given as absolute values, unless
you selected the % lim option, in which case they are
percentage deviations from the nominal value. Note
that a - sign should precede the low limit. For
harmonic parameters, a Set Limits button will replace
these fields. Click this button to display the
Harmonics limits dialog box, where you can enter
limits for harmonics.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics Use this dialog to set limits for
Limits individual harmonics.

Limit ListUse this list to enter limits for individual harmonics. This list contains
the following columns:
Row Number Click the row number button to select the entire row.
Click the topmost button to select the entire list. This
allows you to easily copy and paste data in the list
(right-click to bring up a menu where you can select
these options).
Harm Select the harmonic, THD, FND or DC to which this
limit applies.
Limit Enter the limit for the selected harmonic in the selected
Scale Choose if the limit should be absolute (Volts/Amps) or
in % of FND.
Planning You can automatically decrease the tolerance in your report by this
Level value.
Import… Click this button to open Dran-View 5 limit files or G5/4 limits, and
import settings from them.
Populate… Click this button to auto-format the limit list. The Populate dialog box
will be shown.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Populate Use this dialog box to auto- format
Dialog the limit list in the Harmonic Limits
dialog. The current data in that
dialog box will disappear.

Include THD/DC/FND Select the checkboxes that you want to

include limits for.
Harmonics from X to Y Select which harmonics, if any, you wish to
All limits in Choose between absolute (Volts/Amps) or
% of FND.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.18. File Properties

File Select this option to display the File Properties dialog box where you can view
Properties the properties of the file you are working with or to select properties of another

File This dialog box lets you view a

Properties number of properties for the file you
Dialog are working with, as well as that of
another file. Initially, only the
currently active file will be shown. If
you press the Select File button to
view properties of another file, the
dialog box will expand and show
properties for the current file as well.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
6.19. File MRU List

Most Use the numbers and filenames listed at the bottom of the File menu to open the
Recently last five files recently used. All files opened by Dran-View will be added to the
Used Files top of this list, displacing the other files in the list and removing the last. Only
one instance of each file will exist in the list.

6.20. Exit

Exit Use this command to end your Dran-View session. You can also use the Close
command on the application system menu. Dran-View prompts you to save
documents with unsaved changes.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 7. The Edit Menu
7.1. Undo

Undo Use this command to reverse your last action, whenever possible. Click the down
arrow immediately to the right of the Undo button to display a menu containing
the last 10 undo actions. Selecting one action from the menu will undo that action
and all actions above it. If there is more than 10 undo actions, the option “More
Undo...” will appear last in the list. Selecting this option will display the More
Undo dialog box, where all available undo actions will appear. Undoing one or
more actions will cause them to appear in the Redo queue instead.

More Undo / This dialog box will appear if you select the More
More Redo Undo/Redo option in the Undo or Redo drop-down
Dialog menus. Click an item to undo/redo this action and all
actions above it in the list.

If there are many undo/redo actions in the list, a

scrollbar will appear on the right side of the list. Click
Cancel to abort.

Undoing a document- global action will affect all views attached to the active
document. Such action will appear in the undo queues for all the document's

The undo queue will not be available for Text Editor actions. While viewing the
Text Editor, only Text Editor actions can be undone. The undo command will not
be available in the Data List.

The undo queue will not be saved with the document.

! Enterprise Edition:

Most drag and drop actions will appear as two items in the undo queue, one cut
and one paste action.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
7.2. Redo

Redo Use this command to redo your last undone action, whenever possible. Click the
down arrow immediately to the right of the Redo button to display a menu
containing the last 10 undone actions. Selecting one action from the menu will
redo that action and all actions above it.

If there are more than 10 undone actions, the option “More Redo…” will appear
last in the list. Selecting this option will display the More Redo dialog box,
where all available undone actions will appear. Redoing one or more actions will
cause them to appear in the Undo queue instead.

More Undo / This dialog box will appear if you select the More
More Redo Undo/Redo option in the Undo or Redo drop-down
Dialog menus. Click an item to undo/redo this action and all
actions above it in the list.

If there are many undo/redo actions in the list, a

scrollbar will appear on the right side of the list. Click
Cancel to abort.

If any action has been placed in the undo queue after other actions were undone,
the redo queue will be cleared. Such undone actions cannot be redone.

Redoing a document- global action will affect all views attached to the active
document, and such actions will appear in the redo queues for all the document's

The redo queue will not be available for Text Editor actions. While viewing the
Text Editor, only Text Editor actions can be redone. The redo command will not
be available in the Data List.

The redo queue will not be saved with the document.

! Enterprise Edition

Most drag and drop actions will appear as two items in the undo queue, one cut
and one paste action

Dran-View 6 User Guide
7.3. Cut

Cut Cutting data to the clipboard replaces the contents previously stored there.

Main View Use this command to remove the currently selected object from the view and put
it on the clipboard. Dran-View objects can be pasted into other views or
Enterprise documents. Depending on the settings in the Clipboard Options page, a bitmap or
Edition Windows Meta File picture may also be placed on the clipboard. Cutting a Text
Only Label or Data Annotation will also place the text information on the clipboard,
but will not include text format such as font or color.

Text Editor Use this command to remove the currently selected text from the Text Editor and
put it on the clipboard. If no text is selected, this command will be unavailable.

Data List The Cut command will be unavailable in a Data List.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
7.4. Copy

Copy Copying data to the clipboard replaces the contents previously stored there.

Main view Use this command to create a copy of the currently selected object and put it on
the clipboard. Dran-View objects can be pasted into other views or documents.
Depending on the settings in the Clipboard Options page, a bitmap or Windows
Meta File picture may also be placed on the clipboard. Copying a Text Label or
Data Annotation will also place the text information on the clipboard, but will
not include text format such as font or color.

Text Editor Use this command to create a copy of the currently selected text and put it on the
clipboard. If no text is selected, this command will be unavailable.

Data List Selecting the Copy command in a Data List will cause the Export Data dialog
box to appear. This allows you to change formatting options for tabular data so
that it can be pasted into certain applications like spreadsheet application. You
also have the option to copy only the currently selected rows.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
7.5. Paste

Paste Use this command to insert a copy of the clipboard contents at the insertion
point. This command is unavailable if the clipboard is empty. The following data
types can be pasted into the Dran-View text editor:
• Bitmap pictures
• Windows Meta Files
• RTF text
• ASCII text (also in input boxes)
You cannot paste anything into the Data List.

Enterprise In Enterprise Edition, you can also paste into the main view. In addition to Dran-
Edition Only View objects such as charts, tables, etc, which will appear as they were when cut
or copied, you can also paste BMP, DIB and WMF images, (which will appear as
picture objects), and ASCII text (which will appear as text objects).

Pasting Dran-View objects, pictures or text into the main view will create objects
belonging to the currently active chart, or if no chart is active, the active frame.

7.6. Select All

Select All This command is only available in the text editor. Selecting this command will
select all text in the editor.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 8. The View Menu
8.1. Instrument Setup

Instrument This command will display a report of

Setup the instrument configuration that is
active, while the currently selected is
displayed in a Text Editor window. The
appearance of this report will vary
depending on what instrument the file
originated from. Note that the
configuration may vary if the
instrument settings were modified
during measuring. If there is more than
one setup in a site, the setup used at the
currently active event timestamp will
be used. If the document contains
multiple sites, there will be one setup
per site shown.

8.2. Personal Notes

Personal This command will display the Text

Notes Editor window where you can enter
notes attached to this document. The
text will be saved with the document
and will appear the next time you select
this command.

If the Personal Notes Text Editor

window is already open when you
select this command, Dran-View will
activate this window instead of creating

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.3. Data List

Data List This command will display the Data

List window where the visible parts in
the current X-Axis zoom of the active
channels in the chart are displayed as
numerical data.

The data list is used to display data as

text in a table. To show this view, press
the Data List toolbar button. The data
list will display the visible channels in
the current X-axis zoom range of the
selected chart.

The leftmost column will display a row number for each row, the second column
will display x-data (usually time), and the rest of the columns will display each
channel's value at that poin t. The channel values will be displayed in the same
color as the channel is drawn in the selected chart. The time range of the active
event will be colored the same way. Right-click on the data list to display the
data view pop-up menu. Selecting "Copy" or "Save As" and then selecting
"ASCII" will bring up the Export Data dialog box where you can select what data
you wish to copy/save and how it should be formatted. Selecting "Properties"
will show the Data List Properties dialog box.

! In the Enterprise Edition, it is also possible to delete data points using the Table
List. Select the rows that you want to delete using the SHIFT or CTRL key. Use
the pointer device to select a range of rows in the list. Press the keyboard “Del”
key if you want to permanently remove a selected range of data points.

The delete command may also remove data points in parameters other than those
viewed in the list, provided they have data points at/within the timestamps/time-
ranges selected.
If you have a very large file, you might notice a delay when using the delete
function. The Undo/Redo system is backing up all your data so the delete
command can be undone.
Once you save the file in a DV6 file format, and reopen it at another time, the
deleted data can never be recovered (the Undo buffer is flushed).

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Data List If you right-click on the Data List, you
(Continued) will access the Data List properties
dialog box:

Display All Selecting this option will write the text "HID" where there is
no valid data for a channel, rather than displaying an empty

Show time data as Selecting this option will display the first X-data cell as
difference from normal, but will display the elapsed time since the cell
previous value immediately above each cell for all other X-data cells. This
option has no effect if the X-data cells do not display time

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.4. Toolbars

8.4.1. Dran-View Professional Toolbars

Dran-View In Dran-View Professio nal, only two static toolbars are available. The toolbars
Professional cannot be moved and cannot be customized.
The following commands are available from the Dran-View Professional Toolbar:
Open Show/Hide Statistics Grid
Save Show/Hide Phasor
Copy Show/Hide DFT Chart
Print Show/Hide Magnitude/Duration
Toggle Timeplot Chart Toggle Waveform Chart
Toggle Event List Stacked/Overlaid chart
Undo Less Y-Axes
Redo More Y-Axes
Move Tool Data List
Zoom In Tool Splitter Right
Zoom Out Splitter Middle
Delta Tool Splitter Left
Area Marker Tool Context Help
Enlarge Fonts

First Event Next Event

Previous Waveform Event Next Waveform Event
Previous Event Last Event

Event Box

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.4.2. Dran-View Enterprise Toolbars

Dran-View The Enterprise Edition of Dran-View contains a wide

Enterprise range of options to enable pre-defined toolbars, modify
Toolbars existing toolbars, or define your own toolbars. Toolbar
buttons may be moved or deleted with a simple drag-and-
drop action while holding down the ALT-button. You may
also define your own keyboard short-cut commands to
simplify your work.

The pop-up menu shows checkboxes for the toolbars that

are currently enabled. If you want to enable or disable a
toolbar, simply check or uncheck it

The following commands are available from the Standard Toolbar in its default configuration:
Open Create Snapshot
Save Toggle Event List
Cut Undo
Copy Redo
Paste Splitter Right
Print Splitter Middle
Report Writer Splitter Left
Enlarge Fonts

The following commands are available from the Classic Toolbar in its default configuration:
Open Insert Statistics Grid
Save Insert Phasor
Copy Insert DFT Chart
Print Insert Magnitude/Duration Chart
Toggle Event List Stacked
Undo Less Y-Axes
Redo More Y-Axes
Move Tool Data List
Zoom In Tool Splitter Right
Zoom Out Splitter Middle
Delta Tool Splitter Left
Area Marker Tool Context Help
Enlarge Fonts

Dran-View 6 User Guide
The follo wing commands are available from the Event Toolbar in its default configuration:
Event Box Next Event
First Event Next Waveform Event
Previous Waveform Event Last Event
Previous Event

The following commands are available from the Chart Toolbar in its default configuration:
Move Tool Autozoom to Event
Zoom In Tool Delta Tool
Zoom Out Area Marker Tool
Pan Tool Stacked
Expand/Contract Tool Less Y-Axes
Autoscale More Y-Axes
Unzoom All Data List

The following commands are available from the Object Toolbar in its default configuration:
Insert Text Label Insert Chart
Insert Picture Insert Table
Insert Phasor Insert Data Annotation
Delete object

The following commands are available from the Area Marker Toolbar in its default
Area Marker Tool Expand Area Marker
Move Area Marker Left Contract Area Marker
Move Area Marker Right

The following commands are available from the Site Toolbar in its default configuration:
Add Site Append Site
Remove Site Rename Site

The following commands are available from the Additional Tools Toolbar in its default
Event Tree Properties Change Personal Information
Properties Options
View Instrument Configuration Duplicate Window
View Personal Notes Cascade Windows
Calculate Harmonics/Timeplots Tile Windows
Harmonic Scaling Close All Windows
Rescue Kit Dran-View Update
Event Removal Help Topics

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.5. Event List Bar

Event List This command toggles the Event List Bar to switch between Event List Tab and
Bar Snapshot List Tab windows visible/invisible.

8.6. Customize – Enterprise Edition Only

Customize This command displays the Toolbar Customize dialog box containing five tabs.


Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.6.1. Customize Dialog - Commands Page



Categories Select a category. The contents of the "Commands" list will

change depending on which category is selected.

Commands This lists all commands in the category. Drag a command to a

toolbar or menu where you want to place/drop it. To create a
new menu, drag the "New menu" command to the menu or
toolbar. To create a new toolbar, see the "Toolbars" page. To
remove any command from a menu or toolbar, drag and drop it
outside all toolbars and menus.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.6.2. Customize Dialog - Toolbars Page



Toolbars The checkboxes in this list control the visibility of each toolbar.
To show or hide a toolbar, enable/disable the checkbox next to its

Reset Click this button to restore the selected toolbar to factory default
settings. This can only be done for standard toolba rs.

Reset All Click this button to restore all toolbars to factory default settings.
This is only done for standard toolbars.

New... Click this button to create a new toolbar. A dialog box will
appear where you can enter the name of the new toolbar. This
toolbar will be initially empty. See the "Commands Page" (page
83) to learn how to place commands on toolbars.

Rename... Click this button to rename the selected toolbar. A dialog box
will appear where you can enter the name of the new toolbar.
This cannot be done for standard toolbars.

Delete Click this button to remove the selected toolbar. A dialog box
will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. This cannot be
done for standard toolbars.

Show text labels Enable this checkbox to display the tool tip for each toolbar

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.6.3. Customize Dialog - Keyboard Page



Category Select a category. The contents of the "Commands" list will

change depending on which category is selected.

Commands This lists all commands in the category. Select a command in this
combo box if you want to edit its keyboard shortcut.

Set Accelerator Choose to set keyboard shortcuts for when a file is open (DV6) or
for when no file is open (Default).

Current keys This is a list of keyboard shortcuts currently assigned to the

command selected in the "Commands" list.

Press new Press the keyboard combination that you wish to assign to the
shortcut key selected command. Below this box, you will see which
command, if any, the selected keyboard combination is currently
assigned to.

Assign This button will be enabled if you entered a keyboard

combination in the "Press new shortcut key". Press this button to
assign the selected keyboard combination as a shortcut to the
selected command.

Remove This button will be enabled if you selected a keyboard

combination in the "Current keys" list. Press this button to
remove the selected keyboard combination as a shortcut to the
selected command.

Reset All Press this button to restore all keyboard shortcuts to factory
default settings.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.6.4. Customize Dialog - Menu Page

Menu Page


Show menus for Select which menus to show. The menus will reset once you
close this dialog box. This selection is only intended for use in
manipulating the menus while they are not visible. See the
"Commands Page" (page 83) for an explanation of how to do

Reset Resets the selected menu.

Context Menus Select which context menu to show. The menu will disappear
once you close this dialog box. This selection is only intended for
use in manipulating the menus while they are not visible. See the
"Commands Page" (page 83) for an explanation of how to do

Reset Resets the selected context menu.

Menu Select the kind of menu animations, if any, that you wish Dran-
Animations View to use.

Menu Shadows Turn this option off to disable menu shadows.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.6.5. Customize Dialog - Options Page – Enterprise Edition Only



Show Disable this checkbox to hide the tool tips when the pointer is
ScreenTips on placed over toolbar buttons.

Show shortcut Disable this checkbox to hide keyboard shortcuts in tool tips.
keys in This option will be disabled if “Show ScreenTips on toolbars” is
ScreenTips not selected.

Large Icons Select this checkbox to display larger toolbar buttons.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.7. Status Bar - Main Status Bar

Status B ar Use this command to display and hide the Main Status Bar. A checkmark appears
next to the menu item when the status bar is visible.

8.8. Status Bar - Axis Status Bar

Axis Status Use this command to display and hide the Axis Status Bar. A checkmark appears
Bar next to the menu item when the status bar is visible.

8.9. Status Bar - Used Physical RAM Meter

Used RAM This toggles the Used Physical RAM Meter on the Axis Status Bar. This command
meter will be unavailable if the Axis Status Bar is hidden (to show or hide the Axis Status
Bar, use the Axis Status Bar command on the View > Status Bar menu).

The meter shows the total (by all applications, not just Dran-View) amount of used
physical (i.e. swap file is not considered) RAM.

8.10. Create Snapshot

Create This command creates a new snapshot. When you use this command, the Snapshot
Snapshot List will become active, with your newly created snapshot selected. New snapshots
are placed last in the Snapshot List.

Edition Only

Dran-View 6 User Guide
8.11. Goto commands

Goto In this pop- up menu, the following commands are available.

Goto First Event

This command sets the first event in the current site as the active event.
Events are arranged according to the sort order in use.

Goto Previous Waveform Event

This command sets the previous event containing waveform data as the
new active event. Events are arranged according to the sort order in use.

Goto Previous Event

This command sets the previous in the current site as the new active event.
Events are arranged according to the sort order in use.

Goto Next Event

This command sets the next event in the current site as the new active
event. Events are arranged according to the sort order in use.

Goto Next Waveform Event

This command sets the next event containing waveform data as the new
active event. Events are arranged according to the sort order in use.

Goto Last Event

This command sets the last event in the current site as the active event.
Events are arranged according to the sort order in use.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 9. The Insert Menu
9.1. Insert Text Label

Text Label This command adds a Text Label to the currently active Main View. If a Chart has
focus, that Chart will become the Text Label's Parent. If no Chart has focus, the
Frame belonging to the active Main View will become the Text Label's parent. If
the Chart itself has focus (or any of its axes, event rulers or legends), or a Frame,
the Text Label will be inserted at the bottom of the Chart or Frame. If a child object
has focus, the Text Label will be inserted immediately below that object.
Edition Only When the Text Label has been inserted, a dialog box displaying its General
properties will be displayed.

This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

9.2. Insert Picture

Picture This command adds a Picture to the currently active Main View. If a Chart has
focus, that Chart will become the Picture's parent. If no Chart has focus, the Frame
belonging to the active Main View will become the Picture's parent. If the Chart
itself has focus (or any of its axes, event rulers or legends) or a Frame, the Picture
will be inserted at the bottom of the Chart or Frame. If a child object has focus, the
Picture will be inserted immediately below that object.
Edition Only When the Picture has been inserted, a File Open dialog box where you can select
the picture you want to use will be displayed. The picture may be resized.

This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
9.3. Insert Phasor

Phasor This command behaves differently in Dran-View Professional and Dran-View


This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Professional Toggles the phasor to the left of the waveform chart.


Enterprise This command adds a Phasor to the currently active Main View. If a Chart has
Edition focus, that Chart will become the Phasor's parent. If no Chart has focus, the Frame
belonging to the active Main View will become the Phasor's parent. If the Chart
itself has focus (or any of its axes, event rulers or legends) or a Frame, the Phasor
will be inserted at the bottom of the Chart or Frame. If a child object has focus, the
Phasor will be inserted immediately below that object.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
9.4. Insert DFT Chart

DFT Chart This command behaves differently in Dran-View Professional and Dran-View

This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Professional Toggles the DFT chart below the waveform chart.


Enterprise This command adds a DFT Chart to the bottom of the Frame that has focus (or
Edition contains the object that has focus). If a Waveform/Details Chart has focus, the DFT
Chart will be connected to that Waveform/Details Chart.

9.5. Insert Statistics Grid

Grid This command behaves differently in Dran-View Professional and Dran-View


This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Professional Toggles the statistics table below the timeplot chart.


Enterprise This command adds a Statistics Grid to the currently active Main View. If a Chart
Edition has focus, that Chart will become the Statistics Grid's parent. If no Chart has focus,
the Frame belonging to the active Main View will become the Statistics Grid's
parent. If the Chart itself has focus (or any of its axes, event rulers or legends) or a
Frame, the Statistics Grid will be inserted at the bottom of the Chart or Frame. If a
child object has focus, the Statistics Grid will be inserted immediately below that

Dran-View 6 User Guide
9.6. Insert Timeplot Chart

Time-plot This command behaves differently in Dran-View Professional and Dran-View

chart Enterprise.

This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Professional Toggles the timeplot chart.


Enterprise This command adds a Timeplot Chart to the bottom of the Frame that has focus (or
Edition contains the object that has focus).

9.7. Insert Waveforms/Details Chart

Waveform This command behaves differently in Dran-View Professional and Dran-View

chart Enterprise.

This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Professional Toggles the waveform chart.


Enterprise This command adds a Waveforms/Details Chart to the bottom of the Frame that has
Edition focus (or contains the object that has focus).

Dran-View 6 User Guide
9.8. Insert Magnitude/Duration Chart

Magnitude/ This command behaves differently in Dran-View Professional and Dran-View

Duration Enterprise.
This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Professional Toggles the magnitude/duration chart below the timeplot chart.


Enterprise This command adds a Magnitude/Duration Chart to the bottom of the Frame that
Edition has focus (or contains the object that has focus).

9.9. Insert Load Profile Chart

Load This command adds a Load Profile Chart to the bottom of the Frame that has focus
Profile (or contains the object that has focus).
This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Edition Only

Dran-View 6 User Guide
9.10. Insert Cumulative Probability Chart

Cumulative This command adds a Cumulative Probability Chart to the bottom of the Frame that
Probability has focus (or contains the object that has focus).
This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Edition Only

9.11. Insert Probability Density Chart

Probability This command adds a Probability Density Chart to the bottom of the Frame that has
Density focus (or contains the object that has focus).
This command will be unavailable if a Main View is not active.

Edition Only

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 10. The Tools Menu
10.1. Active Tool Move

Move When this tool is active, its icon on the Chart Toolbar and in the Tools > Active
Tool menu will look like this: . This tool is used to move objects, but in
Professional Edition, any tool can be used to move axes.

To move an object, left-click on it while dragging it to the desired location on

screen. Release the pointer button when done. Legends and Event Rulers cannot be
moved. To move an axis, you must position the pointer close to the edge of the
axis. When you can move it, the cursor will look like this: . The cursor will have
this appearance whenever the pointer is positioned so that clicking will move an

In Enterprise Edition, most objects can be moved.

Although moving objec ts can be done with another tool, you must use the Move
tool for Charts. The click and drag functions for specific tools may have certain
special actions. For example, when moving objects using the Move tool, a tracking
rectangle will appear which indicates where the object would be positioned if you
drop it at the current position.

10.2. Active Tool Autoscale

Autoscale This tool will not stay active when it is clicked. When clicked, it will zoom all Y-
axes in the active Chart so that all data in the currently visible X-axis range is
visible. The margin (Auto Scale Range Factor) set on the General property page of
the axis will also become visible. Thresholds will not be considered when
determining the best zoom.

This command will only be available if a Chart or Axis has focus.

! If this command is used when a Y-axis has focus, only that axis will be zoomed.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.3. Active Tool Zoom In

Zoom In When this tool is active, its icon on the Chart, Classic Toolbar, and in the Tools >
Active Tool menu will look like this: . When this tool is active and the cursor is

positioned above a Chart, the cursor will look like this: . To zoom in on an
area, left-click on a point in the Chart while dragging the pointer to the desired area
that you want to zoom in. A tracking rectangle will appear which indicates the area
that will be magnified once you release the pointer button. All axes should now
have zoomed in to the selected squa re. Zooming will only affect one Y-Axis if the
Chart is in stacked mode.

If you select a very small area, no zoom will occur. This allows you to cancel a
zoom by moving the pointer back to where you started and releasing the pointer
button there. It also avoids accidental zooms.

! You can also zoom (in or out) by clicking and dragging an axis while holding the
SHIFT or CTRL keys. Holding the SHIFT key will maintain the axis' bottom/left
point, while holding the CTRL key will maintain its top/right point. This will zoom
the clicked axis only. When doing this, the cursor will look like this: , ,

or , depending on which key you are holding and whether it's a Y- or X-axis.
Move the pointer in the direction of the arrow to zoom in, or in the opposite
direction to zoom out. Another way to zoom is to position the pointer over an axis
and move the scroll wheel on your pointing device (some device do not have scroll
wheels) while holding the SHIFT or CTRL keys. Scroll up to zoom out and scroll
down to zoom in.

10.4. Active Tool Unzoom

Unzoom This tool will not stay active when it is clicked. Using this tool will restore the
active Chart to the zoom state it had before the last zoom in/pan operation.

If you want to unzoom all zoom actions, use the Unzoom All Tool.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.5. Active Tool Unzoom All

Unzoom All This tool will not stay active when it is clicked. Using this tool will restore the
active Chart to its original zoom state (as it was when the chart was inserted or the
document was opened).

If you want to unzoom just your last zoom action, use the Unzoom Tool.

10.6. Active Tool Expand/Contract

Expand / When this tool is active, its icon on the Chart Toolbar and in the Tools > Active
Contract Tool menu will look like this: . When this tool is active and the cursor is
positioned above a Chart, the cursor will look like this: . To zoom in on an area,
left-click on a point in the Chart while dragging the pointer up or right to zoom in
or down or left to zoom out. Release the pointer button when done. While dragging,
you will see what the chart will look like if you release the pointer button. Release
the button when you are satisfied with the pan. Zooming will affect all axes except
if the Chart is in stacked mode, in which case only one Y-Axis will be affected.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.7. Active Tool Pan

Pan When this too l is active, its icon on the Chart Toolbar and in the Tools > Active
Tool menu will look like this: . When this tool is active and the cursor is

positioned above a Chart, the cursor will look like this: . To pan the Chart, left-
click on a point in the Chart while dragging the pointer in the direction you wish to
pan. While dragging, you will see what the chart will look like if you release the
pointer button. Release the button when you are satisfied with the pan. All axes are
panned except if the Chart is in stacked mode, in which case only one Y-Axis is

You can also pan by clicking and dragging an axis. This will pan the clicked axis
only. When doing this, the mouse cursor will look like this or like this ,
depending on whether it's a Y- or X- axis. Drag the mouse up or down/left or right
to pan. Another way to pan is to position the pointer over an axis and move the
scroll wheel on your pointing device (some device do not have scroll wheels).

10.8. Active Tool Autozoom To Event

Autozoom When this tool is active, its icon on the Chart Toolbar and in the Tools > Active
to Event Tool menu will look like this: . This tool can be active simultaneously with
other tools, and does not affect their operation. The state of this tool is maintained
individually for each chart. Select the tool again to disable it.

When disabling this tool in a Waveform/Details chart, a box will appear over the
button asking you if you want to unzoom all. Clicking this box will unzoom to the
entire time range of the measurement. The box will disappear after four seconds.

Changing the active event will cause all X-axes belonging to the chart to zoom to
the time-span of the event, including the margin (Auto Scale Range Factor) set on
the General property page of the axis.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.9. Active Tool Delta Measurement

Delta When this tool is active, its icon on the Chart Toolb ar and in the Tools > Active
Measure - Tool menu will look like this: . When this tool is active and the cursor is
positioned above a Chart, the cursor will look like this: .

To measure the distance between two points, left-click over the first point in a chart
while moving the pointer to the second point. Release the mouse button. The
distance between the two points will now be displayed in the chart as a delta

The appearance and behavior of the delta tool can be modified on the Delta
property page using the chart's property dialog box, as well as in the Delta
Properties Dialog, which is displayed if you double-click a delta marker in the chart
or Marker List (Enterprise Edition Only).

By default, the delta marker will try to snap to measurement points on visible
channels. If you click near a channel, the marker will be placed on the nearest data
point in that channel. The marker will follow the first channel it has snapped to
when stacking or moving axes. It will also become invisible if that channel is
turned off.

If the end points of the delta marker do not appear where you want them, try
turning off snapping.

Professional This tool can be active simultaneously with other tools. The active state of this tool
Edition does not necessarily indicate that the tool will be used when you click in a chart,
but may instead show that a delta measurement is active in the chart which has
focus. The state of this tool is maintained individually for each chart. To disable
this tool, and hide all delta measurements in the active chart, select the tool again if
it is active.

Creating a new marker in a chart which already has one will remove the first delta
marker. Thus, only one delta marker can be show n in each chart.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Delta In the Enterprise Edition, you can create several Delta Markers in each chart.
Measure -
ments To delete a Delta Marker, select it by clicking it's text labels in the chart or the
(continued) Marker List, and click the Delete button in the Insert menu, the Object Toolbar or
the Marker List toolbar.
Edition To hide a Delta Marker, click it's Show/Hide button in the Marker List.

To zoom to a Delta Marker, click it's Zoom button in the Marker List.

To remove all Delta Markers in the selected chart, click the Remove All Markers
toolbar button in the Marker List toolbar.

10.9.1. Delta Marker Properties Dialog

Delta To show this dialog, double click the

Marker marker’s text labels, or the marker’s
Properties item in the Marker List (Enterprise
Dialog Edition Only). The settings in this
dialog only affect the selected marker
(unless you check the Apply to all

Connected to: Here you can select which channel the Delta Marker
should attatch itself to. The Delta Marker will follow
this channel when stacking, for example. A list of the
currently visible channels is selectable. When created,
the Marker attaches itself to the channel with a data
point closes to the first clicked point.
Time / 1/Time (HZ) / This option is only available for Event
Phase angle (Degrees) Details/Waveforms charts. All other charts will always
display "Time". Selecting "Time" will display the X-
axis distance as elapsed time, or duration/frequency for
Magnitude/Duration and DFT charts respectively.
Selecting "1/Time (Hz)" will display the inverse time,
and selecting "Phase angle (Degrees)" will display the
phase angle, calculated for the channel the marker is
attatched to, or first eligible waveform channel if it's
attatched to a halfcycle channel.
Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Delta Color and Font: If Standard is selected, the line color and font specified in the
Marker Standard/Custom chart's Delta Properties Page is used. If Custom is selected, the
Properties two buttons "Color" and "Font" will become active, where you
Dialog can select line color and font individually for each marker
Snap to Channel Off The Marker will not snap to any channel
On The Marker will snap only to the attached
Snap second point The Marker will snap to any channel
to any channel
Snap to min/max If this option is active, the Marker will snap to any extreme
and zero values found within the limit instead of to the closest data point.
Sensitivity Select how sensitive the snap-to-channel function should be, in
pixels (how close to a channel you must click in order for the
Delta Tool to snap to that channel).
Apply to all If this option is selected, all Delta Markers in the active chart
will use these settings when you click "OK".
Make this the new If this option is selected, all new Delta Markers will use these
default setting settings.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.10. Active Tool Area Marker

Area When this tool is active, its icon on the Chart Toolbar and in the Tools > Active
Marker Tool menu will look like this: . When this tool is active and the cursor is

positioned above a Chart, the cursor will look like this: . This tool can be
active simultaneously with other tools. An active state does not necessarily indicate
that the tool will be used when you click in a chart. Instead, an active state shows
that an area marker is active in the chart which has focus. The state of this tool is
maintained individually for each chart. Select the tool again to disable it and hide
all area markers in the active chart.

To select an area, left-click over the first point in a chart while moving the pointer
to the second point. Release the button when done. Repeating this action will
remove the first area marker. This means only one area marker can be shown in
each chart.

The area marker is used to select the ranges to be used for math calculations. For
example, DFT calculations for DFT charts, phasors, or statistic grids.

The appearance and behavior of the area marker tool can be modified on the
Markers property page in the chart's property dialog box. You will find the Free
Selection setting on this page.

! If Free Selection is enabled, the Area Marker will not analyze for automatic full-
cycle waveform selection in the Waveform Chart.

Multi-Site If there are several X-axes, and you pan or zoom in on one of them, you may see
two separate area markers. However, if you select a new range, all this will
Enterprise disappear and be replaced by overlapping markers extending between the points
Edition Only you selected, independent of the axes zoom and pan states. As waveform samples
may exist at different intervals, this may result in fewer cycles being selected for
some axes than for others. This may be hard to discern, but if you look closely, a
thin, black line will indicate the start and end points of each marker.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.10.1. Moving/Resizing the Area Marker Selection

Move Use the mouse pointer to adjust a range onc e it has been selected.

To move the area, bring the pointer above the center of the range, where the cursor
will change to this: . Click and drag the area to a new location and release the
pointer button.

You will see a preview of the area while dragging. The range will again be adjusted
to whole cycles in Waveforms/Details charts (unless you have selected the Free
Selection option described below).

In Enterprise Edition, you can also use the Area Left or Area Right buttons
on the Area Marker Toolbar.

Resize To adjust the size of the range, bring the pointer on either edge of the area, where
the cursor will change to this: . Click and drag the edge to a new location and
release the pointer button. You will see a preview of the area while dragging. The
range will again be adjusted to whole cycles in Waveforms/Details charts (unless
you have selected the Free Selection option described below).

In Enterprise Edition, you can also use the Expand Area or Contract Area
buttons on the Area Marker Toolbar.

The Area Marker Toolbar buttons in Enterprise Edition will move/resize the range
one sample. However, clicking and holding these buttons will repeat this action
progressively faster.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.10.2. Use for DFT Chart selection fine-tuning

Use for Select a Waveform chart with a waveform event visible, and select the command
DFT fine Insert > DFT Chart from the toolbar or from the menu (or right-click on the chart
tuning and select Insert DFT Chart ). The newly created DFT is now connected to the
waveform chart and will display the DFT analysis for the current event range.

Now activate the Area Marker Tool and select a range of waveform cycles. When
you release the pointer button, you will see the DFT-Chart updates. It will also
show the DFT contents of the selected waveform range. The Area Marker selection
in the waveform chart overrides the current event range for DFT calculations.

When selecting an area in a Waveforms/Details chart, the area marker will adjust
itself to the nearest full waveform cycle(s), unless you have selected the Free
Selection option (described below). This is done so you can see the true range used
for DFT calculations. This checkbox is also available in the upper right corner of
the waveform chart along with information about selected waveform sample points.

10.10.3. Use for Phasor selection fine-tuning

Use for If you have a Phasor located within a frame of Waveform chart, the phasor is
Phasor fine connected to that chart. Normally the phasor shows the phase angles for the
tuning selected event, but with an Area Marker selection in that Waveform Chart, this
behavior is overridden and the Area Marker rules the calculation of the Phasor.

10.10.4. Use for Statistics Table selection fine-tuning

Use for If you add a Statistics table to the Timeplot Chart (locate it within the frame of the
statistics chart), it normally displays information gathered within the borders of the current
tables fine X-axis zoom. However with an Area Marker selection in that Timeplot Chart, this
tuning behavior is overridden and the Area Marker rules the calculation of the Statistics

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.10.5. Use for Data Removal

Use for If you select a range of waveform in the Waveform or Timeplot chart, and hit the
data keyboard “Del” key, it is possible to permanently delete this range of data from the
Removal measurement. Use this feature with care. This command is only available in the
Enterprise Edition.
Edition When you press the delete key, this
Only dialog will be shown. Choose if
you want to delete the selected
data, delete all data except the
selection, or delete the chart (does
not remove any data), and click

Another kind of data removal is also possible within the Table List View. Use the
Event Removal command in the Event List in the Event List Bar, or use the Tools >
Data Removal command.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.11. Template

10.11.1. Introduction

Introduction Templates allow yo u to use pre-set graphical attributes i.e. font type, colors,
to channel colors, etc. as well as the layout of objects such as charts and channels,
Templates while presenting your measured data in different scenarios.

Templates may be useful when:

• Displaying Dran-View live in a presentation using a projector.
• Creating documents to fit a particular publication.
• Having customer demands for different layouts.

Dran-View typically uses the graphical attributes stored in the Windows Registry.
These are normally your default settings when you open a new data file. Once you
activate a template file, the default settings are taken from the template file
currently in use.

New templates are stored in .DLT file format, but you can also use legacy DVT
templates (saved prior to version 6.2). Legacy templates do not contain layout
information, so they will only affect default colors, fonts, etc.

When you save to a template file, it will take the current Registry settings and copy
them into the template file, if you have selected "Advanced Template Save" on the
Tools-Options-Settings page, by default the settings used in the currently active
chart is used.

The Main Status Bar will contain the name of the template file currently in use (if
the Main Status Bar is visible).

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Introduction The following information is stored in Templates:
Templates • Channel color mode • View type (single or dual pane)
(continued) • Channel colors (all modes) • View background color
• Print setup • Tabbed window settings
• Plot modes • Event list font, sort mode and
• Text styles and contents information display settings
• Harmonic scaling settings • Axis color, font and information
• Report settings display settings
• Mouse pointer mode • DFT calculations mode
• Minimum chart size • Chart grid settings
• Event color • Legend on/off
• Area marker appearance • Phasor settings and appearance
• Delta tool color, font and unit • Statistics grid settings and
(time, frequency or cycles) appearance
• The layout of objects such as • The active channels in each chart
charts, tables, pictures and text

10.11.2. Template Save As

Template Use this command to create or overwrite a template file. It will take the current
Save As Registry settings and copy them into the template file, if you have selected
"Advanced Template Save" on the Tools-Options-Settings page, by default the
settings used in the currently active chart is used.

Selecting this command will display a Save As dialog box where you can select
what file to save the current settings to.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.11.3. Template Refresh

Template Use this command to reapply the template currently in use.


10.11.4. Template Settings

Template Clicking this button will open a dialog box where you can modify your template
Settings settings.

10.11.5. Template Settings Dialog

Template This dialog controls all settings for

Settings Layout and Format Templates.
Dialog Layout Templates remembers which
objects are active, what channels are
visible, stacking layout, etc, while
Format Templates remembers
default colo rs, fonts, etc. Layout
templates were introduced in version

When you click "OK", the selected

Template will be applied

Enable Selecting or deselecting this option will switch all template

functionality on/off.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Template Use different If this option is selected, an option matrix where you can select
Settings templates for template files or turn template functions on/off individually for
Dialog different kinds of each kind of measurement file is displayed. Clicking any the '...'
(Continued) files buttons next to the file name input box in this grid will open a
dialog where you can browse for a file.

If this option is not selected, the same template is used for all
kinds of files. The currently selected templa te and a 'Browse...'
button will be displayed instead of the option matrix
Objects layouts Selecting this option activates the Layout Templates, which
and channel applies to object layout, positioning, active channels, etc.
Default colors, Selecting this option activates the Format Templates, which
fonts, etc. (Called applies default colors, fonts, object behavior, etc.
Format Templates
in previous
From other This option is only selectable if the "Default colors, fonts, etc."
template file option is active. When this option is active, a different template
file (including legacy .DVT files) than that used for Layout
Templates may be utilized as a Format Template

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.12. Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator

Harmonics / When you select this command, the Harmonics/Timeplot Calculations dialog box
Timeplot will be shown. Once you have selected the parameters that you wish to calculate,
Calculator click OK.

Introduction You may want to view parameters like half-cycle RMS values and the harmonic
contents of input waveforms. This command is useful since not all data sources
loaded into Dran-View contains this type of information.

Depending on the instrument that you are using, the following guide may assist in
determining how you should use this tool.

Dranetz-BMI Creates RMS values on a one-cycle basis, slides the one-

PowerXplorer PX5, cycle window so two RMS points are created per
PowerGuide 4400, waveform cycle. 10-cycle Harmonic Groups and 10-cycle
Signature System Interharmonic Groups may also be created.
Tech Note:
A 10-cycle harmonic analysis will produce a frequency spectra with
a resolution of 5Hz / band.
A Harmonic Group is the Harmonic frequency component weighted
together with its two 5 Hz band neighbo rs.
An Interharmonic group is the “sum” of the remaining 5Hz bands
between each Harmonic Group.

When to use this tool:

In Inrush measurement, you may want to see a sliding
one-cycle window of V,I,P,Q,S, Symmetrical
Components, Unbalance factors, and Frequency as they
change during the Inrush Waveshape. This high-density
information is not provided by the instrument.

When not to not use this tool:

The instrument 10-cycle harmonic groups are more
“steady-state”, conforms to the new standards, and should
normally be used instead of the sliding once-cycle
harmonics created by this tool.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Introduction PP4300 with Multi- Creates RMS values on a one-cycle basis, slides the one-
(Continued) DAQ TaskCard cycle window so two RMS points are created per
waveform cycle. Does not produce any Harmonics.

When to use this tool:

In Inrush measurement, you may want to see a sliding
one-cycle window of V,I,P,Q,S, Symmetrical
Components, Unbalance factors, and Frequency as they
change during the Inrush Waveshape. This high-density
information is not provided by the instrument.

If you want to create Harmonic timeplots, make sure you

have measured the proper waveforms. This tool will
provide Harmonic timeplot, containing one -cycle sliding
window values.

PP4300 with PQLite or Creates one RMS-value/cycle. Creates only one user-
PP1 with PQPlus specified harmonic number.
When to use this tool:
Anytime you want to see a parameter with higher
resolution than one cycle.

Anytime you want to create Harmonic Timeplots or

Symmetrical Components/Unbalance Factors.

PP1 with Inrush When to use this tool:

TaskCard This is the only way to create timeplot parameters /
harmonics, etc.

COMTRADE/ASCII When to use this tool:

files If the measurement only contains waveshapes, this is the
only way to create timeplot parameters / harmonics, etc.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.12.1. Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator

Harmonics/ This page provides three basic

Timeplot modes, selected from the radio
Calculator buttons.

Off In this mode, the tool is turned OFF. There are no parameters
generated by this tool in the document. In this mode, you can only
show parameters generated by the instrument in your charts. If you
click this button and press OK, the previous parameters generated
with this tool will be removed

Default Click this button if you want to load a default setup into the tool.
The following parameters and settings are enabled for calculations
by default.
Voltage Current Power
V Rms, I Rms Real Power
V Peak I Peak Reactive Power
V THD I THD Apparent Power
Frequency True Power Factor
V Harm. I Harm. Displacement Power Factor
Magnitudes Magnitudes

Symmetrical Components
V Fund. Pos., Neg. and I Fund. Pos., Neg. and Zero Sequence
Zero Sequence Symmetrical Components
Symmet rical Components
V Fund. Unbalance I Fund.Unbalance Factors

2 Data points/Cycle
50 Harmonics
Totals are calculated
Mix Calculated and Measured Parameters

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics/ Custom This option will display
Timeplot selections on what parameters
Calculator to calculate and how they
(continued) should be calculated in detail.

Automatically This option controls whether the Harmonics/Timeplot calculator

generate Most will automatically calculate the parameters selected in your "Most
Common Common" setting. This action is done whenever a file emanating
parameters from an identical instrument is opened. The "For waveform only
when opening files" option does this only if the file contains no non-waveform
a file of this parameters containing valid data.
Always Always run the calculator automatically
when opening a file created by the actual
instrument type, using the “Most Common
For waveform only Always run the calculator automatically
files when opening a file that only contains
waveforms, created by the actual
instrument type using the “Most Common
Never Never run the calculator automatically
when opening a file from an instrument of
actual type.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics/ RMS Check these options to calculate voltage and current RMS values.


Peak (Crest) Check these options to calculate voltage and current peak values.
Peak values will be calculated once per cycle regardless of your
settings on the Output Options page.

THD Check these options to calculate voltage and current total

harmonic distortion. The Output Options Page configures the
number of included harmonics.

Frequency (Hz) Check this option to calculate frequency. Only one frequency will
be calculated unless the "Generator Applications" option is
selected on the Output Options page. If there are no Voltage
signals ava ilable, it will try to track the frequency using the
current waveforms instead.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics/ Power Check this option to calculate real power, reactive power,
Timeplot apparent power, true power factor, and displacement power
Calculator factor.
(continued Phase Check this option to calculate the phase difference between the
difference fund. voltage and current fundamentals.
Totals Check this option to calculate total values for most of the selected
Add L-N wave Check this option to display the calculated line to neutral
shapes if L-L waveforms used as a base, e.g. power values if line to line was
measured measured.
Voltage Check this option to calculate magnitudes for voltage harmonics.

Voltage Check this option to calculate phase angles for voltage harmonics
Phase Angles

Current Check this option to calculate magnitudes for current harmonics.


Current Check this option to calculate phase angles for current harmonics.
Phase Angles

Power Check this option to calculate magnitudes for power harmonics.


Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics/ Voltage Select this option to calculate voltage symmetrical components
Timeplot magnitudes magnitudes.
Voltage phase Select this option to calculate voltage symmetrical components
(continued) angles phase angles.

Current Select this option to calculate current symmetrical components

magnitudes magnitudes.

Current phase Select this option to calculate current symmetrical components

angles phase angles.

Unbalance Check this option to calculate unbalance factors. Note that these
factors are equivalent to the negative and zero sequence components
normalized (divided by) to the positive sequence component.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics/ Samples per Select how many data points per cycle you wish to calculate.
Timeplot cycle Note that a high setting may cause calculations to take a long
Calculator time to complete. If the Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator is
processing slow, try decreasing this number.

Number of Select how many harmonics you wish to calculate. The

harmonics to maximum is the number of samples per cycle divided by two.
calculate Note that a high setting may cause calculations to take a long
time to complete. If the Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator is
processing slow, try decreasing this number.

Harmonics in Select how many harmonics to use in THD calculations. As a

THD rule of thumb (and standards), you should use 40 harmonics for
50 Hz and 50 harmonics for 60 Hz.

If a parameter Select if you wish to mix measured and calculated data, or

is measured discard one or the other.
Selecting this option will cause the Harmonics/Timeplot
Calculator to skip calculation of channels that have been

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics/ The channels may run on different frequencies. (Generator Application)
Timeplot Selecting this option will cause calculations to take more time to
Calculator complete, but individual values for frequency, sample rate, and
samples per cycle will be used. This may result in more accurate
(continued) values if the frequency variation is high and differs between

Display only one average data point per cluster

Selecting this option will cause the Harmonics/Timeplot
Calculator to calculate an average point for each waveform
cluster (burst of multiple successive cycles) instead of a one-
cycle sliding window over the cluster.

Calculate odd and even THD

Selecting this option will create odd and even THD channels
when THD is selected.

Increase harmonic accuracy

Selecting this option will increase the accuracy of harmonics
calculations, especially on measurements with large frequency
variations, but calculations will take more time to complete

Symmetrical components for all harmonics

Selecting this option will create the selected symmetrical
components and unbalance factors for all calculated harmonics,
instead of just the fundamental.

Restore settings Clicking this button will restore the "Most Common" settings as
they were when you fist installed Dran-View.

Make this the new 'Most Common' setting

Clicking this button will save your current settings as the "Most
Common" settings. Subsequently selecting "Calculate Most
Common Parameters" on the Welcome Page will calculate
according to your customized settings stored here.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.13. Harmonic Scaling

Harmonic This command will open the Harmonic Scaling dialog box.

Introduction Harmonics may be presented in many ways. Initially they are calculated from a
voltage or current waveform signal fed into a DFT (or FFT) algorithm that
calculate the magnitudes and phase angles of each frequency component. The
magnitude is in Volts or Amps and is an “RMS” value (using the root- mean-square
formula). In Dran-View these are called “Abs” or “Absolute” values. Others may
call it “Root-Mean-Square” values. It is the same thing.

A common way to scale these values is to divide each harmonic with the
fundamental (for example 50 or 60Hz) and multiply the result with 100. This is
called %FND in Dran-View. In this case the fundamental magnitude always equals

Another method is to divide each harmonic with the RMS- value of the signal and
multiply by 100. This is called %RMS in Dran-View.

The last method is to let the user scale the magnitude manually by a custom
number (but not 0.0). This is called %Scale in Dran-View.

Only one Dran-View allows you to have only one type of scaling for each quantity within
scaling / the same document. This means that Phasors/DFT Charts, Harmonic Timeplots
parameter is from the instrument, and Harmonic Timeplots from the Harmonics/Timeplot
allowed Calculator will all display Harmonics using the same scaling.
across the
document. To change the settings, use the command Tools > Harmonic Scaling described in
this chapter.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.13.1. Harmonics Setup Page

Harmonics The number of options on this page may

Setup Page vary depending on where you access
these settings.

This page is found in various places in


These combo boxes contain possible harmonic scaling options.
"Absolute" will not scale the harmonics. They will be displayed
as volts/amps/watts if they were not measured as a percentage.
"%FND" will scale the harmonics to % of the own channel's
fundamental, and display harmonics as %. "%RMS" will scale
the harmonics to % of the RMS value of the same quantity, and
display harmonics as %. "%Scale" will scale the harmonics to %
of a user defined number, and display harmonics as %. If you
select "%Scale", the edit box next to the combo box will be
enabled. Enter a non-zero number to scale the harmonics in this
box. These settings will also affect instrument-generated

Harmonics Select how many harmonics you wish to calculate from the
combo box. The maximum number of possible harmonics is the
nominal samples per cycle divided by two, rounded down to the
nearest five. Note that harmonics calculations will take more time
the more harmonics you select. If you have DFT charts, phasors.
or text labels containing DFT data, changing the active event may
be experienced as slow. Decreasing this number may speed up

Harmonics in Select how many harmonics to use in THD calculations. As a rule

THD of thumb (and some standards), you should use 40 harmonics for
50 Hz and 50 harmonics for 60 Hz.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics Harmonics calculation method – Enterprise Edition Only
Setup Page
Select how you wish harmonics to be calculated. This option is not
available to phasors, which always uses the "Min/Max/Avg one cycle
values" mode.

Avg of one-cycle This option calculates each cycle individually, and

values presents the average values for each channel. This
mode is significantly faster than bins or spectra if a
large number of cycles are selected. If you have DFT
charts, phasors, or text labels containing DFT data,
and changing the active event is experienced as slow,
selecting this mode may speed up Dran-View.

Min/Max/Avg of This option calculates each cycle individually, and

one-cycle values presents the minimum, average and maximum values
of each channel in a series each in the harmonic
channel. Phasors always use this mode. This mode is
significantly faster than bins or spectra if a large
number of cycles are selected. If you have DFT charts,
phasors, or text labels containing DFT data, and
changing the active event is experienced as slow,
selecting this mode may speed up Dran-View.

Harmonic and This option adds (as the square root of the sum of the
interharmonic bins squares) the interharmonics immediately next to each
harmonic to the harmonic to form a harmonic bin, and
the rest of the interharmonics to an interharmonic bin
between each harmonic. To comply with the 61000-4-
7 standard, each harmonic and interharmonic should
have a width of 5 Hz. This equals 12 cycles at 60 Hz
and 10 cycles at 50 Hz. In this mode, phase angles are

Spectra This option presents each harmonic and interharmonic

individually. A one -cycle selectio n will give the basic
harmonics. A two-cycle selection will introduce an
interharmonic between each harmonic. A three-cycle
selection will introduce two interharmonics between
each harmonic, etc.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Harmonics Expansion type This option allows you to choose if sine or cosine expansion
Setup Page should be used when calculating harmonic phase angles. If you
(Continued) are unsure of which mode you should use, sine is recommended.

This option is not available to phasors.

Phase angle This option allows you to choose how phase angles should be
normalization normalized. The channel used for normalization always has a
value of zero at all points.

This option is not available to phasors if you have selected the

"Normalize to selected harmonic" option on the General page.

DFT Chart Connected to This option lets you choose an Event Details/Waveforms chart in
specific which to connect the DFT chart to. The Event Details/Waveforms
settings chart must be located in the same view. The selected chart's area
marker is used as a time base for DFT calculations. See DFT
Chart for more information about this.

When changing the selection in this combo box, a green border

will surround the corresponding Event Details/Waveforms chart.

Show These checkboxes allows you to show and hide DC, THD, and
THD/DC/FND FND. THD will be displayed to the left of 0 (at a negative
frequency on the X-axis). Hiding the fundamental may make the
DFT chart easier to read as it normally has a s ignificantly higher
magnitude than the harmonics.

Display DFT Select whether you wish to have harmonic and interharmonic
chart X-axis as indexes on the X-axis or frequency. Note that this only affects the
X-axis labels. The delta tool and the axis status bar will always
display frequency.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.13.2. Symmetric Components Page

Setup Page

Voltage/Current These combo boxes contain possible harmonic scaling options.

"Absolute" will not scale the symmetric components. They will
be displayed as volts/amps if they were not measured as a
percentage. “% of Positive Component” scales each value
towards the positive component at the same frequency. This is
also known as the unbalance factor. “% of Positive Component
FND” scales each value towards the value of the positive
component at the fundamental frequency.

These settings will also affect the instrument- generated

symmetric components.

Phase angle This option allows you to choose how phase angles should be
normalization normalized. The channel or point used for normalization always
has a value of zero at all points.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.14. Rescue Kit

Rescue Kit When you select this command, the

Main Dialog Rescue Kit dialog box will be shown.
Select the action that you wish to
perform, enter the new information, and
click OK.

Select the site Select a site you wish to modify before pressing any of the
you want to buttons below. (Enterprise Edition only)

Correct ion of Clicking this button will open the Correction of Timestamps
Timestamps dialog box where you can modify the selected site's clock.

Correction of Clicking this button will open the Correction of Probe

Probe Connections dialog box where you can modify the selected site's
Connections connection type and nominal voltage and frequency. You can
also correct your data if you have inverted one or more probes.

Correction of Clicking this button will open the Correction of Scale Factors
Scale Factors dialog box where you can modify the selected site's scale factors,
in case you supplied incorrect scale factors for your probes when
configuring your instrument.

! The Rescue Kit is intended for emergencies. All parameters may not be
recoverable in all situations.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.14.1. Probe Connections Dialog


Nominal Enter a new nominal voltage here.


Nominal Enter a new nominal frequency here.


Measurement Select the connection type of the measurement here.


Invert Probes Check any probe(s) you may have inverted.

10.14.2. Scale Factors Dialog

Scale In this dialog it is possible to change the

Factors scaling for one or several inputs. If you
have set up the instrument K-factors
incorrectly during a measurement, you
can change them afterwards. The
program will re-calculate the parameters

Rescale Entering a number to rescale each channel to. 0.5, for example,
Voltage/Current would halve all values for that channel. 1 leaves the values as
by factor they were.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.14.3. Time Dialog

Change the With this tool, it possible to change the

Clock clock of the measurement. This
command is useful to correct the real-
time clock of the instrument in case it
was incorrect while measuring.

Base Select the unit of the adjustment.

Adjustment Select how many time units you wish to add or subtract (start the
number with a minus sign "- " to subtract) from all timestamps.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.15. Event Removal

Event This command will open the Event List

Removal properties sheet. This contains the Event
Removal page wherein you can remove
events and its associated data.

This page has two modes, the "Classic

Event Removal" mode and the "Tree"
mode. The "Tree" mode functions as the
Event Removal command except that
the tree is displayed in this dialog box
rather than in a separate window.
See the Event Removal command for more information about this. The following
text applies to the "Classic Event Removal" mode.

Classic Add/remove Specify an event range in the "Begin event #" and "End event #"
Mode event number boxes. This range is inclusive, i.e. the events with the specified
event numbers are included in the range. Press the "Add" or
"Remove" buttons to toggle all events with an event number in
the specified range on or off, respectively.

Add/remove Select the event types you wish to toggle on or off and press the
event type "Add" or "Remove" buttons to turn these events on or off,
respectively. Selecting the "Separate Channel/Parameter" option
will show events of the same type but triggered by different
channels as separate entries in the list.

Set all / Turn Click this button to turn all events on, disabling the event
removal OFF removal.

Clear all Click this button to turn all events off.

Enabled/ In this list, a separate entry for each event in the file can be
disabled events found, allowing you to toggle individual events on and off.

Tree Mode Checking this checkbox will to ggle this page to the "Tree Mode"
with the same event removal functionality as the Event List Tab
in the Event List Bar.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.16. Harmonic Demo Tool

Demo Tool This command brings up a tool to demonstrate harmonics theory. The data shown
has nothing to do with the actual document file you have loaded. You have the
option to add separate phase amplitudes for the three phases and to add separate
harmonic components, with the possibility of changing the phase angle for each
component. On the screen you can observe the three phases and how the harmonics
affect the neutral line. A Hold function makes it possible to freeze and compare
two different setups at the same time.

You will first be shown a dialog box where you can choose a waveform channel
for the initial values. The initial values are selected for the currently active event.

Manipulate the controls at the bottom of the window to see what waveforms with
the specified harmonics will look like.

3-phase stacked mode

3-phase overlaid mode

1-Phase mode with Hold activated

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.17. Personal Information

Personal When you select this command, the Dran-View Registration Guide will be shown.
Information Enter the information requested on each page and click "Next". On the last page,
click "Finish". If you have changed your e- mail address, you will shortly receive an
e-mail with a link. You must follow this link to complete registration. If you do not
complete registration, you cannot download updates for your Dran-View software.
Your e- mail address will not be given or sold to any third party. You must be
connected to the Internet while running this guide.

! You must complete the registration guide to be able to use the update feature.
Please make sure you are connected to the Internet while running this guide.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.18. Options

Options When you select this command, the Options dialog box will be shown. This allows
you to change many settings that govern the appearance and behavior of Dran-
View. This dialog box contains the following pages.

Event List
Contains settings controlling the Event Tree and Event Box.

Contains many settings that govern the appearance and behavior of Dran-

Lets you change the kind of images to export to the clipboard when cutting
or copying objects from Dran-View, and the size and resolution of those

Restore Settings
Enables you to revert to Dran-View factory settings for some or all
categories of settings.

File Extensions
Lets you choose which file formats to associate with Dran-View. When you
double-click files of selected types, Dran-View will launch and open those

Used HASPs
Contains information about which HASP keys were recently used.
This page may be used to help customer support.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.18.1. Event List Page

Event List This page is also available by right-

Settings clicking the Event List Tab in the Event
List Bar and selecting “Properties”.

All settings on this page with the

exception of "Font" is accessible
through the Event Tree toolbar.

Sort by Select a sort order for the Event Tree and the Event Box.

Tree Select what grouping you wish the Event Tree and the Event Box
to have.

Font Click this button to open a dialog box where you can choose what
font to use for the Event Tree and the Event Box.

Events Select the information that you want to display in the Event Tree
and the Event Box.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.18.2. Restore Settings Page

Restore Select "All" or "Selected" to restore all

Settings or some of Dran-Views settings to their
factory default values. If you select the
"Selected" option, specify what settings
to restore using the checkboxes. The
default settings will be restored when
you click the "OK" button. You may
need to restart Dran-View for some
options to be restored.

10.18.3. Clipboard Page

Clipboard This dialog box contains settings related

settings to the way the pictures are formatted
when using the Edit-Copy command.

Export on Edit-Copy Choose if you wish to create a BMP (bitmap picture) or a

WMF (Windows Meta-File), or both, and place it on the
clipboard when you copy an object in Dran-View.

Size and resolution Choose the size of the object when Dran-View copies and
pastes it in the clipboard. Select the "Custom" option to
display the text boxes where you can specify the size (in
pixels) of object that you want.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.18.4. File Extensions Page

File This page allows you to associate file

Extensions types with Dran-View. Double-clicking
a file associated with Dran-View will
open Dran-View and that file. Dran-
View will associate all file types
compatible at startup, if these types are
not already associated with another

Select the file types you wish Dran-View to gain ownership of, and click "OK". On
some operating systems, you may have to restart your computer for these settings
to take effect.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.18.5. Settings Page


Dual pane windows Select if you want to have two views in each window
(separated by a splitter control) or only one view per
window. You must restart Dran-View if you changed
this setting.

Tabbed windows
When this option is enabled, a row of tabs representing
each window will appear. Clicking one of these tabs
will activate that window. Tabbed views will allow you
to quickly find a window.

Show tab icons Enabling this option will show an icon to the left of
each window's name on the tabs.

Tabs at bottom Select if you wish the row of tabs representing each
window to be located above or below the windows.

Gray Background Select this option to color the background gray instead
of the default white.

Open bookmarks in a new Select whether or not to open snapshots in a new

window. window.

Toolbar theme Changing this option will change the appearance of

menues, toolbarbuttons, etc.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Settings Minimum chart size Enter the minimum size of each chart or pseudo-chart (see
Page (pixels) Overlaid/Stacked Command for an explanation of this term).


Allow stack per If this option is disabled, automatic stacking (by pressing the
series in waveform Less Axes/More
chart Axes toolbar buttons) will not stack per series in waveform

Disable smart zoom When smart zoom is enabled, Dran-View will try to eliminate
unused whitespace
to either sid e of visible data when zooming.

Compress files when This option is on by default. Deselecting it will cause Dran-
saving View to save files faster (and open those saved files quicker),
but the files will become larger. To see if a saved file is
compressed, select File > Properties. Uncompressed files can
be compressed by third party applications with reasonable
results. Compressed files, on the other hand, can be reduced
in size only marginally.
Waveform samples When selecting a large area for DFT calculations, you will be
before user approval asked to confirm that you wish to proceed. This number
of DFT calculations: governs the size of the area you can select without being
asked by the software for confirmation.

Print the event ruler Uncheck this option to remove the event ruler from all charts
during printing

Print the colored Uncheck this option to remove the event background from all
event range charts during printing

Print area marker Uncheck this option to remove the area marker from all charts
during printing.

Continued on next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Settings Skip all journal Unchecking this option will cause Dran-View to skip all
Page triggered events – journal triggered events while reading PowerXplorer PX5 /
PowerXplorerPX5/ Power Guide 4400 / PX5-400 files
(continued Power Guide 4400/
PX5-400 driver only

Calc. TDD, If this option is enabled, Total Demand istortion and Odd and
THDOdd & Even THD is calulated from timeplot harmonics whenever a
THDEven DDB file is opened

Advanced user Selecting Advanced user interface will enable all Enterprise
interface - Edition features. Deselecting it will cause Dran-View to
Enterprise Edition operate as Professional Edition, with the following
Only exceptions:
• Snapshots will be available
• Waveform Postprocessor will be available
• Formulas will be available
• All Report Writer pages will be available
• Will be able to open COMTRADE/Text files
• All DFT chart modes will be available

Advanced Template When this option is active, your default settings are saved for
Save fonts, colors, etc. when saving template files, instead of the
settings from the currently active chart.

Language Select what language you want to use from the combo box.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
10.18.6. Used HASPs Page

Used This page will display a list of the HASP

HASPs Page keys used on this computer. The most
recently used HASP key will be
displayed at the top of the list. If you
have problems with Dran-View, you
may ask Customer Support for this

Upgrade HASP If you wish to upgrade from Professional Edition to

Enterprise Edition, or if
you want to add more drivers, you can purchase a code to
upgrade your
Dran-View 6 HASP whitout having to send it back and forth.

When you have purchased such a code, click this button,

paste or type the
code into the text box, click "OK", click "OK" again (in the
dialog), and restart Dran-View. Your can now use your new
Dran-View features!

Chapter 11. Windows Menu

11.1. Duplicate

Duplicate This command creates a copy of the current Main View window.

If a Text Editor or Data List is active, a new Main View window with default
appearance will be created.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
11.2. Cascade

Cascade Use this command to arrange multiple opened windows in an overlapped fashion.

11.3. Tile

Tile Use this command to vertically arrange multiple opened windows in a non-
overlapped fashion.

11.4. Arrange Icons

Arrange Use this command to arrange the icons for minimized windows at the bottom of the
Icons main window. If there is an open window at the bottom of the application window,
then some or all of the icons may not be visible because they will be underneath
this open window.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
11.5. Close All

Close All This command will close all open windows and documents. If you have made any
changes to these documents, you will be prompted to save.

11.6. Window List

Window Dran-View displays a list of currently open windows at the bottom of the Window
List menu. A checkmark appears in front of the name of the active window. Choose
a window from this list to make it active.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
11.7. Window

Window This command will display the window

Manager manager, used to administrate windows.
To the left of this dialog box, a list of
open windows appear. You can select
one or more windows in this list. The
following commands are available in the
window manager.

Activate Activates the selected window. This command will be

unavailable if more than one window is selected.

OK Closes the window manager.

Save Saves the document in the selected window to which it belongs


Close Window(s) Closes the selected windows.

Cascade Cascades the selected windows. This command will be

unavailable if fewer than two windows have been selected.

Tile Horizontally Tiles the selected windows horizontally. This command will be
unavailable if fewer than two windows have been selected.

Tile Vertically Tiles the selected windows vertically. This command will be
unavailable if fewer than two windows have been selected.

Minimize Minimizes the selected windows.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 12. Help Menu

12.1. Help Topics

Help Topics This command will display the Help menu. For quick help on a specific subject,
you can also use the Context Help tool or position the pointer over the object you
want help about, and press F1 on your keyboard.

12.2. Context Help

Context Use this command to obtain help on some portion of Dran-View. When you choose
Help the Context Help button, the pointer will change to an arrow and question mark
, and the toolbar button will look like this: . Then click somewhere in the
Dran-View window, such as another toolbar button. The help topic will be shown
for the item you clicked.

12.3. Dran-View on the Web

Dran-View This command will open a window where you can download updates, view version
on the Web information, and obtain detailed help on some subjects. This information will be
updated at regular intervals, so check it regularly.

This command requires an active Internet connection.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
12.4. Dran-View Update

Dran-View This command will show the Dran-View

Update Update dialog box, where you can
change the way Dran-View checks for
updates, and manually check for
updates. You must complete the
registration guide to be able to use the
update feature.

Dran-View Below the radio buttons, you will see when Dran-View last successfully connected
Update to the Internet and checked for updates. For site license, these options cannot be
Dialog changed.

Check for updates Selecting this option will cause Dran-View to automatically
automatically check for updates every time it is started and at least 24 hrs
since the last check.

Download If you select this option, Dran-View updates will be

automatically downloaded automatically. You will not be prompted to
download the updates.

Install If you select this option, Dran-View updates will be installed

automatically automatically. You will not be prompted to install updates
once they have been downloaded.

Remind me every If you select this option, Dran-View will remind you to check
for updates with regular intervals. Use the text box to specify
how often you wish to be reminded for updates.

Disable Dran-View If you select this option, Dran-View will not check for
Update updates. This is not recommended.

Check for updates Clicking this button will cause Dran-View to look for updates
now immediately. Make sure you are connected to the internet
before selecting this button. If you have not selected the
"Check for updates automatically" option, we recommend
that yo u do this often.

Change personal Clicking this button will launch the Registration Guide.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
12.5. About DV6

About DV6 This command will display the About

Dran-View dialog box, where you can
see what version of Dran-View you are
using and which extra options have been
installed. For detailed information on
memory usage, report and credits, click
"More Info".

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 13. Charts

13.1. Introduction

Introduction The Main View Window contains two Views. Each of these views contains a
frame. The frame is a container, which in Professional Edition may contain one or
two charts. Other items are contained within charts.

In Enterprise Edition, frames may contain any kind of objects, i.e. textboxes,
charts, etc. Each chart is also a container and may contain the same type of items
as the frame, with the exception that a chart cannot be contained within another

This chapter describes the chart itself and the items that are integral parts of a chart
(cannot be moved outside the chart) such as axes, channels, event rulers, legends
and grids.



Terms and Charts are Dran-View's main means of graphically displaying data, and come in
Description seven main variants:

• Timeplot Charts, which are used to display long-term data

• Event Details/Waveform Charts, which are used to display event specific
instantaneous data
• DFT Charts, which are used to display harmonics data for a specific
• Magnitude/Duration Charts, which are used to plot certain events
according to magnitude and duration

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Terms and • Load Profile Charts, which are used to plot periodic variations
Description • Probability Distribution Charts, where you can see how much a parameter
(Continued) varies
• Cumulative Probability Charts, which show the parameters magnitude as a
function of their accumulated duration

Timeplot Charts and Event Details/Waveform Charts are fairly similar and will be
described together later. The other charts have special characteristics and are given
separate chapters.

Adding and To add, and in Professional Edition, remove, a chart, select one of the following
Deleting commands from the Classic Toolbar, the "Insert" menu, or the pop-up menu.
Charts Insert Timeplot Chart
Insert Waveform Chart
Insert DFT Chart
Insert Magnitude/Duration Chart

When you create a chart, two text labels (header and footer) are also created. When
you delete a chart, all items contained within it are also deleted.

In Enterprise Edition, you can also insert charts by clicking the Insert Chart button
on the Object Toolbar. Clicking this button will display the Insert Object
dialog described below. Clicking the downwards pointing arrow next to this button
displays a drop-down menu where you can select what kind of chart you want to
insert. In addition to the four charts above, Enterprise Edition also features Load
Profile Charts and probability charts, and icons for these will appear in the Insert
Insert Load Profile Chart
Insert Probability Density Chart
Insert Cumulative Probability Chart

Press keyboard “Delete” key on your keyboard or the Delete button on the Object
Toolbar to delete the selected chart.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Selection To select a chart, click on the grid area. Make sure not to click on a channel, since
doing so will select the channel instead of the chart. A blue border surrounds a
selected chart and all of its children. If a frame contains only one chart, selection
may be difficult to discern. There will always be a small, white space between the
border surrounding a chart and the edge of the window. If this white space is absent,
the frame is selected.

Mouse When you place the pointer over a chart, the pointer will change according to the
Pointer active tool. Based on default settings, a crosshair will also appear to aid you in
and determining at what point on the axes a point in the chart is located. Settings for this
Position crosshair can be changed on the Crosshair page in the chart's property dialog box. In
addition to this, the exact values of the point will also be displayed on the Axis
Status Bar, if it is visible.

13.1.1. Insert Object Dialog

Insert This dialog is displayed when you

Chart click the Insert Chart or Insert Table
Dialog toolbar buttons, and allows you to
choose what kind of chart or table
Enterprise you want to insert.

Chart/Table Type This list is displayed to the left of this dialog. It contains the
list available charts or tables. Selecting an item will display
information about that item to the left. When you click OK, a
chart or table of the selected type will be added to the active
Show Properties Selecting this option will display the inserted objects property
Dialog when dialog (chart or table properties) when the OK button is clicked.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.2. Axes

13.2.1. Introduction to Axes

Description Axes are reference points to

curves in a chart. Dran-View
will normally display time
(most charts), duration
(magnitude-duration charts), or
frequency (DFT charts) along
the X-axes (horizontal) while
displaying values of channels
along the Y-axes (vertical).

Terms Both X- and Y-axes are displayed as a thick line with thinner, longer and shorter
lines protruding from it. The longer lines are called main ticks, each of which is
accompanied by a value label, a number representing a point on the axis. The
shorter lines are known as sub-ticks, and do not have value labels next to them.
Most axes, with the exception of standard time axes, also display a unit label to
their top/right. Some Y-axes also have a longer explanation label next to them.

Zooming is used in this text to mean that the scale, such as the distance between
two main ticks, has changed. Zooming out will indicate that this distance is
increasing, while zooming in will imply that it's decreasing. Panning will mean that
the scale is unchanged, but the start and end points of the axis are changing.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Adding, Axes can only be moved within the chart, i.e. you cannot move an axis from one
Deleting chart to another. To move an axis, select it in order to see the selection rectangle
and Moving around it, then bring the pointer onto the boundaries of the rectangle. The pointer
Axes should now look like this . You can now click and drag the axis to the desired

While dragging, these symbols will appear to show you what will happen when you
drop the axis:
The axis will be moved to the same row as the indicated axis. The
arrows will appear to the left or to the right of the chart to show what
side of the chart the axis will be placed.

To do this, move the mouse over the main area of the chart on the
row and to the side where you wish to place the axis.
The axis will be placed on a new row, created where the arrow
points. The arrows will appear to the left or to the right of the chart to
show what side of the chart the axis will be placed.

To do this, move the mouse between the axes where you want to
create a new row (or over the legend), and to the side where you wish
to place the axis.
The axis will be merged with the indicated axis.

To do this, move the mouse over the axis you want to merge with.
This axis must have the same unit as the axis beeing dragged

Axes are created and destroyed as needed. If channels are added or removed, the
stack mode is changed or modified, or the X-Axis per site option is toggled. Hence,
axes cannot be added except as side effects of other actions. Deleting an a xis, either
through the axis' property page or by selecting it and pressing the delete key or
selecting Cut from the pop-up menu or the edit menu (Enterprise Edition only), will
disable all channels associated with the axis.

To remove an axis without removing it's associated channels, merge it with another
axis as described above.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Zooming Zooming an axis can be done in the following ways:
• By using the Zoom In tool on the Chart or Classic Toolbar or in the Tools >
Active Tool menu
• By using the Zoom Out command on the Chart or Classic Toolbar or in the
Tools > Active Tool menu
• By using the Autoscale command on the Chart Toolbar or in the Tools >
Active Tool menu
• By using the Expand/Contract tool on the Chart Toolbar or in the Tools >
Active Tool menu
• By using the Unzoom All command on the Chart Toolbar or in the Tools >
Active Tool menu
• By toggling the Autozoom to Event tool
• By bringing the pointer over an axis, holding Shift (to maintain the
bottom/left point) or Ctrl (to maintain the top/right point), and then clicking
and dragging the axis; OR by moving the scroll- wheel of the pointing
device as described in the Zoom In Tool and Zoom Out Tool chapters
• By changing the active event if Autozoom to Event Tool is active
• By manually entering a fixed scale on the axis' property page
• For Y-axes, by zooming another axis in the same group if the Similar Y-
Axes Have the Same Scale option is selected for this axis group

Paning Paning an axis can be done in the following ways:

• By using the Pan tool on the Chart Toolbar or in the Tools > Active Tool
• By toggling the Autozoom to Event tool
• By bringing the pointer over an axis (the pointer should look like this or
like this ) and then clicking and dragging the axis; OR by moving the
scroll-wheel of the pointing device
• By changing the active event if Autozoom to Event Tool is active
• By manually entering a fixed scale on the axis' property page
• For Y-axes, by panning another Y-axis if the Synchronize Y-axis Zero
Point option on the charts Axes property page has been selected
• For Y-axes, by zooming another axis in the same group if the Similar Y-
Axes Have the Same Scale option is selected for this axis group

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Settings There are two ways of changing the
settings of the axes.

If you double -click the chart (or right-

click on the chart and select Properties),
the Chart-Properties dialog will be

Under the section “Appearance-Axis”

you will find a page containing common
settings for X and Y-axes, and how they
are to be presented and formatted in the

If you double -click an axis (or right-

click on the axis and select Properties),
the Axis-Properties dialog box will be

Most of the settings in this dialog box

are specific for that particular axis

The following two chapters will describe the options in these two dialog boxes.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.2.2. Chart Properties Dialog – Axis Page

Properties -
Axis Page

Overlaid/Stacked Toggle chart selection between Overlaid/Stacked mode.

Customize Checking this option will enable the rest of the options in this
box. Unchecking it will disable them. When this option is
unchecked/disabled, creation of Y-axes in stacked mode will be
done automatically. If you wish to manually specify how the
chart should be stacked, check this option.

Autorange scale The percentage number you enter here determines the auto
factor scaling margins, i.e. how far it should be between the maximum
sample and the top of the chart, and between the minimum
sample and the bottom of the chart.

Create primarily Choose if you like to create one axis per unit, or one per unit
from: and channel type.

Then optionally Choose if you like to split each Y-axis per phase, per site,
split each and/or per serie.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chart X-axis per site – Checking this option will cause the chart to display one X-axis
Properties - Enterprise for each site present in the document and having visible
Axis Page Edition Only channels in the chart. If this option is selected, the site name of
(Continued) the site where each axis belongs to will be written on it.

Day of week If this option is enabled, the weekday will be written under each
main tick representing a new day on the X-axes.

Autorange scale The percentage number you enter here determines the auto
factor scaling margins, i.e. how far it should be between the first
sample and the left of the chart, and between the last sample
and the bottom of the chart.

Color Clicking this button will open a dialog box where you can
select the color of the axes lines.

Font Clicking this button will open a dialog box where you can
select the fo nt type for the axes labels.

PF zero point The At ± 1.0 will cause PF type Y-axes to range from 0 to 0 via
± 1.0. The At ± 0.0 option will cause PF type Y-axes to range
from –1.0 to 1.0.

Synchronize Y- If you select this option, the zero point of all y-axes will be
axis zero point lined up. Panning one axis will pan all axes.

Similar Y-axes When this option is selected, all Y-axes belonging to the same
have the same type of channel (VRms, Vpeak, etc) and the same phase type
scale (LN, LL or NG) have synchronized scales. This means that
paning or zooming one axis in a group pans or zooms all of
them simultaneously. In generic configurations, Dran-View
tries to guess if phases are similar based on their average VRms

Make this the new Checking this checkbox and then clicking "OK" will store your
default setting settings as the new default.

Apply to all If you select this option before clicking "OK", all other charts
charts now will also be drawn using the selected styles.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.2.3. Axis Properties Dialog – General Page

Axis The Axes property page of a chart

Settings contains settings that apply to all axes
belonging to that chart. This page is
generally used for settings that affect
all axes belonging to a chart. The
axes' own property pages contain
individual settings.

The toolbar at the top of this page

contains the following options.

Axis This option gives the axis a linear scale, i.e. the ratio of the axis unit (for
Properties example voltage) to the perceived distance is the same across the axis.
Dialog – This option gives the axis a logarithmic scale, i.e. the ratio of the axis unit
General (for example voltage) to the perceived distance increases exponentia lly.
Page This option toggles chart selection between stacked and overlaid mode.
This command auto-scales the axis.
This command places the axis to the left of the chart.
This command places the axis to the right of the chart.
This command brings up a dialog box where you can choose the font type to
use for the axis text.
This command brings up a dialog box where you can choose the color to use
for the axis.
This command deletes the axis and disables all channels connected to it.

Below the toolbar, the following options appear:

Fixed scale This checkbox enables the "Minimum" and "Maximum" text boxes
below it. It allows you to manually enter the start and end values
of the axis.

Similar Y-axes When this option is selected, all Y-axes belonging to the same type
have the same of channel (VRms, Vpeak, etc) and the same phase type (LN, LL
scale or NG) have synchronized scales. This means that paning or
zooming one axis in a group pans or zooms all of them
simultaneously. In generic configurations, Dran-View tries to
guess if phases are similar based on their average VRms

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Axis Auto scale The percentage number you enter here determines the auto scaling
Properties range factor margins, i.e. how far it should be between the maximum sample
Dialog – and the top of the chart, and between the minimum sample and the
General bottom of the chart.
Save as Checking this box before you click OK will save the auto scale
Continued Default range factor as the new default setting.

Day of week – When this option is selected, the day of week will be displayed
X axis only below each date on the axis.

13.2.4. Axis Properties Dialog – Options Page

Axis This page is available only to Y-axes.


Axis Automatic Y- Unchecking this option will display the rest of the options on this
Properties Axes page. Checking it will hide them. While this option is checked,
Dialog – creation of Y-axes in stacked mode will be done automatically. If
Options you wish to manually specify how the chart should be stacked,
Page check this option.

Create Choose if you like to create one axis per unit, or one per unit and
primarily from: channel type.

Then optionally Choose if you like to split each y-axis per phase, per site and/or
split each per serie.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.3. Delta Measurement

13.3.1. Chart Properties – Delta Page

Introduction The Delta-Measurement Tool allows you to measure the relative distance between
two points in the chart. In Professional Edition, you may only have one Delta-
measurement active at a time. To measure the distance between two points, left-
click over the first point in a chart while moving the pointer to the second point.
Release the button when done. The distance between these two points on all axes
will now be displayed in the chart as a delta marker.

Settings The settings of the Delta-Tool are found

in the Appearance-Delta Page in the
Chart Properties dialog box.

Line Color Click this button to open a dialog box where you can select the
color that you want to use to draw the Delta Tool.

Font Click this button to open a dialog box where you can select the
font type that you want to use for the Delta Tool.

Time / 1/Time (HZ) / Phase angle (Degrees)

This option is only available for Event Details/Waveforms
charts. All other charts will always display "Time". Selecting
"Time" will display the X-axis distance as elapsed time,
duration/frequency for Magnitude/Duration, and DFT charts
respectively. Selecting "1/Time (Hz)" will display the inverse
time, and selecting "Phase angle (Degrees)" will display the
phase angle, calculated for the first eligible waveform channel.

Make this the new default setting

Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
as the new default.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.4. Grid

Introduction The grid is the collection of horizontal and vertical lines drawn across the chart to
aid you in reading the data. By default, a line is drawn at each main tick of the
leftmost Y-axis on the right side of the chart and the topmost X-axis below the

Settings The settings of the Grid are found in the

Appearance-Grid Page in the Chart
Properties dialog box, accessed by
double-clicking the Chart or right
clicking the chart and selecting
"Properties" from the pop-up menu.

Main ticks: X- When this checkbox is enable d, a grid line will be drawn for
axis each main tick on the primary X-axis.

Main ticks: Y- When this checkbox is enabled, a grid line will be drawn for
axis each main tick on the primary Y-axis.

Main ticks: This option allows you to choose the color of the main tick grid
Color lines. When you click this button, a dialog box will open where
you can select the color to use for the grid lines.

Main ticks: This option allows you to choose the style of the main tick grid
Style lines. Select the desired style from the combo box.

If you want to show the grid for sub-ticks, use the Sub Ticks group of controls with
the same options as described above.

Make this the Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
new default as the new default.

Apply to all If you select this option before clicking "OK", all other charts
charts now will also be drawn using the selected styles.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.5. Event Rulers

13.5.1. Introduction to Event Rulers

Event Ruler

Event rulers appear above Timeplot, Event Details/Waveforms and

Magnitude/Duration Charts. Each triangular icon represents one event. The
icon representing the trigger time of the active event will be red with a black border
A darker background color (light yellow in these examples) indicates a higher
concentration of events. The color used is the same as the background color of an
event range in the chart. Clicking any of the icons on the event ruler will activate
the represented event.

Adding, There is at most one event ruler per site present in each chart. To hide the event
Deleting ruler, double click it and deselect the ‘Show’ option. To toggle the visibility of the
and Moving event ruler, double click the chart it belongs to and change the ‘Show’ setting under
Event ‘Event Ruler Properties’ on the ‘Legend/Rulers’ page of the chart’s property dialog.

To delete an event ruler, you can also select it and press the ‘Delete’ key on your

Settings Event rulers have no changeable properties except their background color, which is
the same as the active event range background in the chart. This can be changed on
the Markers page in the chart's property dialog box.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.6. Legends

13.6.1. Introduction to Legends


A legend appears below each chart or in the case of Stacked Mode, below each Y-
axis row. A legend contains one icon per channel showing the line, bar, or symbol
used for the particular channel in the chart or pseudo-chart that it belongs to. This
graphic representation is followed by the name of that channel. If there is more than
one site present in the document, the name of the site will follow the channel name.

Clicking an icon in the legend will select the channel it represents.

Adding, Legends cannot be moved.

and Moving To add a legend to a chart that has none, right-click on the chart, select "Properties"
Legends from the pop-up menu, and check the "Show" checkbox on the Legends page. To
remove a legend, uncheck this option.

Settings To show or hide the legend(s) for a chart, or alter their appearance, right-click on
the chart, select "Properties" from the pop-up menu, and go to the Legends page.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.6.2. Chart Properties Dialog – Legend/Rulers Page

Chart This page of the Chart properties dialog

Properties box contains settings for the Legends
Legend / and Event Rulers.

Font Click this button to open a dialog box where you can select the
font type to use for the legends.

Legend Check this option to display the legend. Uncheck to hide the
Properties: legend.

Event Ruler Check this option to display the event rulers. Uncheck to hide the
Properties: event rulers.

Make this the Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
new default as the new default.

Apply to all If you select this option before clicking "OK", all other charts
charts now will also be drawn using the selected styles.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.7. Crosshair

13.7.1. Chart Properties Dialog – Crosshair Page

Chart The crosshair settings are found in the

Properties Chart Properties dialog box, under the
Crosshair Appearance-Crosshair section.
Using a full size crosshair may increase
the readability of position coordinates of
the pointing device.

None This option will draw only the pointer of the selected tool when
positioned over a chart.

Small This option will draw a crosshair in addition to the pointer of the
selected tool when positioned over a chart.

Large This option will draw a crosshair extending to the edges of the
chart in addition to the pointer of the selected tool when
positioned over a chart.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.8. Markers

13.8.1. Event Marker

Event The event marker is a colored area

Marker showing the extents of the currently
active event. A dotted vertical line
indicates the time when the event was

13.8.2. Area Marker

Area The area marker is a range of data you

Marker manually select using the Area Marker

The selected data will override the active

event range as the data range used for
calculations by DFT Charts, Statistics
For a Waveform chart the selected
tables, and Phasors belonging to the
chart. number of points are shown, as well as a
checkbox to turn on/off the “Free
In the Enterprise Edition, you may also Selection” option. If this option is not
use the Area Marker to delete the enabled, the area marker will adjust itself
selected data from the measurement. to the nearest full waveform cycle.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.8.3. Chart Properties – Markers Page

Settings The settings of the Markers are found

in the Appearance-Markers Page in
the Chart Properties dialog box.
Double-click the chart or right-click
on the chart and select "Properties"
from the pop-up menu to open the
Chart Properties dialog box.

Event marker: Click this button to open a dialog box where you can select the
Color color used to mark the range of the active event in the chart

Show trigger line Disable this option to hide the trigger line.

Trigger line color Change the color of the trigger line by pressing this button.

Show borders Deselect this option to hide the two black lines at the edges of
the event marker.

Free Selection This option only affects the Event Details/Waveform Charts.
For all other charts, the area marker will behave as if this option
is enabled. Enabling this checkbox will allow you to choose an
arbitrary area with the area marker tool. If disabled, the area
marker will adjust itself to the nearest full cycle.

Area marker: Click this button to open a dialog box where you can select the
Color color used to draw the area marker.

Edge This slider control determines the percentage of the area

between the "center" portion of the area marker and the edges
of the chart that will be colored with a gradually fading
background by the area marker.

Center This slider control determines the percentage of the total chart
height that will be solidly colored by the area marker.

Make this the new Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
default setting as the new default.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.9. Channels

13.9.1. Introduction to Channels

Terms Channels are graphical representations

in a chart of measured data. Each
channel consists of a collection of series
with slightly different characteristics, for
example a Min, an Avg, and a Max
series. Example 1. This channel contains Min, Avg and
Max series plus two threshold series (dashed)
A channel may consist of one or several
series of the following types:
Min Minimum value during a cycle
period of time. values
Avg Average value during a period
of time. Example 2. This channel contains Min, Avg and
Max series and a Value series (Half-Cycle
Max Maximum value during a RMS).
period of time.
HF sampels LF sampels
Value A generic “value”. For a
Trend, this series normally
consists of Half-Cycle values.
For a Waveform channel, Example 3. This channel contains a Value series
these series consists of no rmal (LF-sampling) and a HF series.
(LF) waveform samples.
HF For a waveform channel, this series may contain High Frequency

HiHiLim A trigger threshold - very high limit value

HiLim A trigger threshold - high limit value

LoLim A trigger threshold - low limit value

LoLoLim A trigger threshold - very low limit value

There are three main types of channels in Dran-View, measured channels which
originate from the instrument, calculated channels which are generated by the
Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator (Enterprise Edition only), DFT calculations or
other means within Dran-View, and math channels (Enterprise Edition only) which
are user-defined channels derived from a mathematical formula.
When plotting a channel, the individual series can be enabled/d isabled.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Adding, To add or remove a measured or
Deleting calculated channel to a chart, click its
and Moving checkbox on the Channels page in the
Channels chart's property dialog box. Access this
box by right-clicking on the chart and
selecting "Properties" from the pop-up

One page of this type will exist per

channel category that contains any
channels present in the selected site. One
set of pages will exist per site present in
your document.

This button will check or uncheck A checkbox like this, will

ALL checkboxes in the page. enable/disable ALL series in the
particular CHANNEL.
As stated above, some measured channels have many series. To add (or remove)
series individually, click the ‘+’ sign to the left of the channel. It will expand the
row and turn into a ‘-’ sign.
This button expands/contracts
ALL rows in the page.

These buttons will expand/

contract the particular row.

When the row is in this mode, the checkbox will

enable/disable an individual SERIES in the
You should now be shown one checkbox per series for this channel. If you wish to
show one checkbox per series for all channels, click the + sign at the top- left of the

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
To hide all series of a specific kind, you
can also click the "Hide/Show series"
button. Disable the checkbox
corresponding to that series’ type in the
dialog box that appears.

For instance, if you uncheck the “Value”

series, all plotted channels within the
chart will exclude the “Value” series,
unless you expand a channel and
manually check the corresponding
checkbox. The settings in this dialog box
are not limited to the current page.
Changing this setting will affect all

To add a math channel (Enterprise

Edition only) to a chart, click the
checkbox on the Math Channels page of
the chart's property dialog box. Access
this box by right-clicking on the chart
and selecting "Properties" from the pop-
up menu. Math channels always consist
of a single series.

To remove a channel, disable its checkbox or select one of its series and press the
“Delete” key on your keyboard to remove that series.

As each channel is connected to one X- and one Y-axis, it cannot be moved

without moving the axes related to it.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Selection To select a channel, click on the chart.
Since this can be difficult at times, you
can also click on the channel's icon in
the legend. A selected channel should
appear thicker in the chart as well as in
the legend.

Settings As mentioned above, the visibility

settings for channels are found on the
Channels pages and the Math Channels
page (Enterprise Edition only) of the
chart's property dialog box.

Each channel’s color, style and

thickness, as well as the appearance of
thresholds can be altered on the Colors
page in the same dialog box.
Channel colors page
Here you will also find the Plotting page
containing general drawing options for
all channels in a chart.

Plotting page
Fina lly you can also alter channel-
specific settings in the channel's property
dialog box. This dialog box will appear
if you select "Properties" from the pop-
up menu of the selected channel.

You also have the option to rename a

channel in this dialog box.

Channel properties

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.9.2. Chart Properties - Channel Colors Page

Channel This page allows you to change the

Colors appearance of channels.

Channel List This list contains one entry per channel. An entry consists of the
channel name and a samp le line the channel is drawn in. The line
color, style and thickness settings affect the channel(s) selected in
this list.

Color This option allows you to choose the color of the channel line or
bar. When you click this button, a dialog box will open where
you can select a color for the line plot.

Line Style This option allows you to choose the style of the line plot for the
channel. Select the desired style from the combo box.

Line Thickness This option allows you to choose the thickness of the line plot for
the channel. Select the desired thickness from the combo box.

Color This option connects the selected style and color to a specific
Scenarios: channel definition, i.e. AVrms will always have the same line
Locked to style and color, BVrms will have its own line format, etc.

Color This option connects the selected line style and color to the order
Scenarios: of channel plots, i.e. the first plot will have its own line style and
Incremental 1 color, the second will have its own format, etc. Should you
disable the first channel, the second will assume its format, etc.

Color Same as Incremental 1, but the default values are monochrome.

Incremental 2

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Channel Thresholds Click this button to open a
Colors dialog box where you can alter
Page the appearance of threshold
(Continued) channels.

Thresholds: This option allows you to choose the color of the

Color threshold line. When you click this button, a
dialog box will open where you can select a color
for the threshold. This option will be disabled if
the "Same color as channel" option is selected.

Thresholds: Selecting this option will cause all thresholds to be

Same color drawn using the same color as the channel they
as channel belong to.

Thresholds: This option allows you to choose the style of the

Style line plot for thresholds. Select the desired style
from the combo box.

Thresholds: This option allows you to choose the thickness of

Thickness the line plot for thresholds. Select the desired
thickness from the combo box.

Make this the Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
new default as the new default.

Apply to all If you select this option before clicking "OK", all channels in
charts now other charts will also be drawn using the selected styles.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.9.3. Chart Properties - Channel Plotting Page

Channel This page allows you to change the

Plotting appearance of the chart, and the way
Page channels are drawn. The options in this
page will change the appearance of all

If you wish to specify options

individually for one or more channels,
see Channel Properties.

Chart Type List Select between 2D Line chart and 2D Bar chart. Changing this
selection will alter the controls available in the "Options" group.

2D Line chart: Options: Line Drawing: Stepwise

This option will draw a horizontal line from sample x to the
position of the next sample x, and a vertical line from sample y to
the position of the next sample y.

2D Line chart: Options: Line Drawing: Point-to-Point

This option will draw straight lines from each samples x, y to the
position of the next samples x, y.

2D Line chart: Options: Min/Max /Avg Channels Fill mode: None

This option will not color the area between the Min and Avg
series and/or the Avg and Max series.

2D Line chart: Options: Min/Max/Avg Channels Fill mode: Soft

This option will color the area between the Min and Avg series
and/or the Avg and Max series in a softer tone of the channel's
color. If several areas overlap, a mix of their colors will be used.

2D Line chart: Options: Min/Max/Avg Channels Fill mode: Solid

This option will color the area between the Min and Avg series
and/or the Avg and Max series in the channel's color. If several
areas overlap, the last channel will be drawn on top of the others.

2D Line chart: Show gaps while monitoring is off

If this option is enabled, no lines will be drawn between points
where the instrument is not measuring.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Channel 2D Bar chart: Options: Fill: Solid rectangle
Plotting This option will draw each bar as a rectangle. This is slightly
Page faster than the "Blended cylinder" option.
2D Bar chart: Options: Fill: Blended cylinder
This option will draw and shade each bar as a cylinder.

2D Bar chart: Options: Fill: Outline

This option will surround each bar with a black rectangle, as well
as draw a line between each Min/Max/Avg segment of the bar.

2D Bar chart: Options: Grouping

This combo box contains grouping options. Select the grouping
mode you wish to use from the list.

Optimize for: Speed

This option causes the chart to redraw faster.

Optimize for: Quality

This option causes an increase in graphical quality.

Make this the new default setting

Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
as the new default.

Apply to all charts (of the same type) now

If you select this option before clicking "OK", all other charts of
the same type will also be drawn using the selected styles.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.9.4. Channel Properties Dialog – General Page

Channel This page of the Channel Properties

Properties dialog box allows you to rename a
channel and its unit.
Renaming a
channel Example: If you are measuring
Temperature on one of your voltage
channels, you may want to rename the
channel to “Temperature” and change
the unit to degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit.

Channel In this text box, you can change the name of the channel.

Unit In this text box, you can change the unit of the channel.

Phase In this text box, you can change the phase of the channel.

Description In this text box, you can change the description of the channel.

Reset to default Click this button to restore the default name, unit, phase and
description of the channel.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.9.5. Channel Properties Dialog – Appearance Page

Channel The options in this page will only affect

Properties the selected channel. If you wish to
change the chart style for all channels,
Appearance do this in the Plotting Page of the charts
Page properties dialog box. If you wish a
channel to use these settings rather than
the individual settings, select the "Same
as Chart" option. This is the default

Line/Bar Toggle to plot channels as lines or as vertical bars.

Line Style This option allows you to choose the style of the line plot for the
channel. This option will be disabled if you have selected the
"Bar" option. Select the desired style from the combo box.

Line Thickness This option allows you to choose the thickness of the line plot for
the channel. This option will be disabled if you have selected the
"Bar" option. Select the desired thickness from the combo box.

Line Fill Mode This option allows you to choose the fill mode, i.e. the color of
the area between the Min, Avg and Max series. This option will
be disabled if you have selected the "Bar" option. Select the
desired style from the combo box.

Line Plot Mode This option allows you to choose the plot mode of the channel.
This option will be disabled if you have selected the "Bar"
option. Select the desired plot mode from the combo box

Color This option allows you to choose the color of the channel line or
bar. When you click this button, a dialog box will open where
you can select a color.

Bar Style This option allows you to choose the bar style. This option will
be disabled if you have selected the "Line" option. Select the
desired style from the combo box. The "Solid" option will cause
the channel to draw faster.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Channel Bar Outline This option allows you to put a solid border around the bars. This
Properties option will be disabled if you selected the "Line" option. Select
"Yes" or "No" from the combo box.
Page Make this the Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
new default as the new default.
(Continued) setting

Always use this This option will be enabled if you select "Make this the new
channel plotting default setting". If you select this option before clicking "OK",
type the bar/line setting will be included in the default settings. If so,
the channel will always plot using the same format.

Use this This option will be enabled if you select "Make this the new
appearance in default setting". If you select this option before clicking "OK",
all color the selected appearance will be used regardless of your "Color
scenarios Scenarios" selection on the Channel Colors Page of the charts
properties dialog box.

Apply to all If you select this option before clicking "OK", identical channels
charts now in other charts will also be drawn using the selected format.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.9.6. Channel Data Annotations (“Bubbles”)

Description Data annotations are textual information attached to a sample or the event in which
a sample belongs to.
Edition Only

Terms The sample to which a text annotation belongs is called the attachment point.
Similarly, the channel to which the attachment point belongs is called the
attachment channel. Hiding the attachment channel also hides the note.

Adding, To add a data annotation, select a

Deleting channel by clicking on it (it should now
and Moving appear thicker than usual) or by clicking
Data its icon in the legend. The insert data
Annotations annotation toolbar button is now
enabled. "Data Annotation" should
appear under the "Insert " submenu in the
chart's pop-up menu.
Select a channel and then right-click where on
the curve you want to attach the bubble. From
the pop -up menu select “Data Annotation”.
Select either of these methods to add a
data annotation to the selected channel.

By default, the “bubble” shows the data values

where it was attached.
Data Annotations can only be moved around the attachment point or moved to
another location on the same curve. When you bring the pointing device over the
Annotation, the pointer will now look like this . Click and drag the data
annotation to the desired location while maintaining the same attachment point.

If you hold Ctrl or Shift while dragging, the attachment point will change to the
nearest sample. A tracking rectangle will appear to guide you on where to
drop/place the annotation. The position of the data annotation is relative to the
position of the attachment point, so data annotations may not always be visible.

To delete a data annotation, select it and press the “Delete” key on your keyboard.
You can also use the delete button in its General Properties page.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Data All setting for the data annotation are found in its property dialog box. To view this
Annotation dialog box, select the data annotation, right-click on the chart, and select
Settings. "Properties" from the pop- up menu.

General This page of the dialog box works the

Page same as the properties for the text box
item. See separate chapter.

You may use plain text and/or control

codes to format text for Data Annotation.

Appearance This page governs the appearance of the

Page Data Annotation.
This page of the dialog box works the
same as the properties for the text box
item. See separate chapter.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.10. Math Channels



The main part of this page consists of a table containing one row per available math
channel. The top- left cell contains a button used to toggle all math channels on/off. The
checkbox on each row is used to show/hide an individual math channel.

Double-clicking fields in the “Name” or “Unit ” columns allows you to edit them. Duplicate
names are not allowed.

The “Formula” column contains buttons with the first part of each formula. Pressing one
of these buttons will open the Formulas Dialog box where you can edit the formula.

The remaining columns contain the formulas description and author, as entered on the Info

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Math The “Status” column consists of one icon per math channel. The icons have the
Channels following meanings:

Icon Description Explanation

Formula OK This formula can be or is calculated.

Required channel A channel that is used in this formula cannot be

not present found.
Likely causes:
 No such channel exists in this file
 The channel referred to exists in another site
 The channel name is misspelled

No formula entered The formula is empty.

Illegal recursion The formula uses some other user-defined formula. A

user-defined formula may consist of a combination of
pre-defined formulas.
Likely causes:
 You have changed the name of one or more formula.
 You have imported one or more functions from a DV6 or DFF file, which have names
identical to or contain referenced to formulas already present on your system.

Required site not A site that is used in this formula cannot be found.
Likely cause:
 There are too few sites present in the document.
 The site number is misspelled.

Syntax error The formula is malformed.

Likely causes:
 You have misspelled the name of one or more functions used in the formula
 One or more functions used in the formula has been deleted
 You have imported the formula from a DV6 or DFF file, but one or more formulas used
by the formula is missing.
 You have imported the formula from a DV6 or DFF file emanating from a newer version
of Dran-View, containing expressions your system does not have.
 You have mistakenly typed 'garbage' signs while designing the formula
 You have forgotten or placed one or more channel, function or parameter delimiters
("[", "]", "(", ")" or ";" in the wrong position.
 The formula starts or begins with an operator (+,-,*,/)
 An operand is missing between two operators
 An operator is missing between two operands

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Math New... Click this button to open the Formulas dialog box to allow you to
Channels create a new formula. If a formula is selected when doing this,
(Continued) you will be asked if you wish to use the selected formula as
template. If you select "Yes" the Formulas dialog will contain
Enterprise information identical to that of the selected formula. If you select
Edition "No", or no formula is selected, the dialog will be blank.
Edit... Pressing one of these buttons will open the Formulas dialog box
where you can edit the selected formula. If no formula is selected,
this option will be unavailable.

Delete... Click this button to delete the selected formula. You will be
asked to confirm deletion of selected formula. If no formula is
selected, this option will be unavailable.

Move Up Click this button to move the selected formula up in the list.

Move Down Click this button to move the selected formula down in the list.

Properties Click this button to display the Formula Properties dialog

described below.

Import… Click this button to open a File Open dialog box where you can
choose a DFF file to import. Importing a DFF file will add all
formulas it contains to your system. If a formula within the DFF
file has a name identical to an existing formula, the Duplicate
Formulas dialog box will be shown.

Export… Click this button to open a Save As dialog box where you can
choose an existing DFF file, or specify a new file to be created.
After clicking "OK", you will be shown a dialog box asking if
you wish to include formulas marked "Never" in the embed field.
Formulas marked "If used" will always be exported even if they
are not used, as this option only refers to DV6 files. Click "Yes"
or "No" to complete the export.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.10.1. Math Channel Formula Editor

Math This dialog box is used to create and edit

Channel math channels.


Terms An Operator is an expression that does something to Operands.

+,-,*,/ are examples of operators.
10, [Site 1.A-NVrms.VAL], SQRT(2) are examples of operands.
Functions are generally regarded as operators but since by syntax they behave as
operands (as complete expressions), they are categorized as operands in this text.
Parameters are data that go into functions.
The expression MOD([Site 1.A-NV.VAL];2.0) has two parameters, "[Site 1.A-
NV.VAL]" and "2.0".

Formula Formula Edit Box At the top of the page, you will find a text box where the
Editor formula is displayed. You can edit this text manually if you
wish to do so.

Warnings This frame may contain messages concerning errors in the

formula. The error messages have the following causes:
Message Cause
No channel selected You pressed the "Add" button below the channels list without first selecting
an item in the list.
No function selected You pressed the "Add" button below the functions list without first selecting
an item in the list.
Illegal recursion The formula uses some other user-defined formula. A user-defined formula
may consist of a combination of pre-defined formulas.
Invalid site A channel operand specifies a site that cannot be found.
Channel X not found A channel operand specifies a channel that cannot be found.
Invalid channel A channel operand specifies a series of code that does not exist. Valid values
definition are "VAL", "MIN", "AVG", and "MAX".
Unexpected X There are two consecutive operands, two consecutive operators, an
unmatched right parenthesis, or an erroneous number of parameters given a
function in your formula.
Incomplete number You have not typed anything after a "." or an "e" following a number.
Unknown function X You have entered an unknown text string.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Formula Notes on syntax
Editor • The decimal delimiter is "."
(Continued) • Numbers may be entered as exponentials using "e", i.e "10.0e2" equals 100.
• No other characters including "," and " " (space) may be used in numbers.
Enterprise • A left parenthesis "(" must follow a function name.
Edition • ";" is used as the para meter delimiter.
Only • A right parenthesis ")" must follow the parameter list.
• A function must be supplied with its correct number of parameters.
• Some functions have additional requirements to produce meaningful results,
such as that one parameter must contain zero-transitions. These are noted in
the "Information" section displayed when the function is selected in the
function list.
• Formula names may only contain the letters a- z, the numbers 0-9, and
• Formula names must begin with a letter a- z.
• Each left parenthesis "(" must be matched with a right parenthesis ")".
• Any missing right parenthesis ")" will be assumed to be positioned at the
end of the formula.
• Channel names must be enclosed in square brackets "[", "]" .
• Channel names consist of three parts appearing in this order: the site
definition, the channel definition, and the series definition. These must be
separated by ".".
• The site definition must begin with the string "Site " followed by a number.
Site 1 is considered to be the first site added to the document, site 2 the
second, etc.
• Site definitions must specify an existing site.
• If no site definition is present, site 1 is assumed.
• Channel definitions consist of the channel's phase followed by the channel's
name, without any delimiters or spaces.
• Channel definitions must be present in a channel name.
• Channel definitions must specify an existing channel.
• Valid series definitions are: "VAL", "MIN", "AVG", and "MAX".
• If no series definition is present, "AVG" is assumed if present, otherwise
• Formulas may not contain any expressions except channel names, functions,
parentheses, parameter delimiters, and the operators +, -, * and /, not even
spaces " ".

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Formula Expressions are resolved according to the following priority:
Editor 1. Parameters
(Continued) 2. Functions
Enterprise 3. Expressions within parentheses "(" and ")"
Edition 4. The operators * and /
Only 5. The operators + and -
Name Type the name of your function here. Formula names may only
contain the letters a-z, the numbers 0-9, and underscores. They
must begin with any letter from a-z. The name must also be
unique, i.e. you cannot have two formulas with the same name.
No distinction between upper case and lower case letters are

Unit Type the unit of your function here. The calculated channel will
be attached to a Y-axis with this unit. Upper case and lower case
letters are considered distinct for this purpose.

Channels Site This combo box contains all sites present in the document. The
List channel list will display channels present in the selected site.

Channels Series This combo box contains "Value", "Min", "Max", and "Avg".
List The channel list will display channels that contain the selected

Channel List This list will display channels filtered by your selection in the site
list and the series list. Double-clicking a channel will insert that
channel at the caret in the formula edit box.

Add Click this button to insert the channel selected in the channel list
at the caret in the formula edit box.

Function This combo box contains a list of function categories. Changing

Category the selection in this combo box will alter the contents of the
function list. You will find your own formulas under "Custom" at
the bottom of this list.

Function List This list will display functions filtered by your selection in the
function category combo box. Double-clicking a function will
insert that function at the caret in the formula edit box. Changing
the selection in this list will alter the information displayed in the
"Information" box.

Add Click this button to insert the function selected in the function list
at the caret in the formula edit box.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Formula Information When a function is selected in the function list, this box will
Editor display the function name, how many parameters it takes, and a
(Continued) short description of the function parameters and return value.

Enterprise Numerals and This box contains one button for each number (0-9), the decimal
Edition Basic Operators delimiter ("."), the four basic operators (+,-,*,/), parentheses ("(",
Only ")"), and the parameter delimiter (";"). Clicking any of these
buttons will insert the character it depicts at the caret in the
formula edit box.

Controls This box contains the following buttons:

This button acts as the backspace button on your keyboard,
i.e. it deletes the character immediately preceding the caret,
or the selected text in the formula edit box.
This button moves the caret in the formula edit box one
character to the left.
This button moves the caret in the formula edit box one
character to the right.
This button cuts out the selected text in the formula edit box
and places it on the clipboard.
This button pastes the content of the clipboard at the position
of the caret in the formula edit box.
This button copies selected text in the formula edit box and
places it on the clipboard.

Formula The second page of the Formula Editor

Editor dialog box contains options to add
Info Page additional information to the formula.


Author Write the name or company of the author of the formula here.

Description Write a description of the formula here. This description will

appear in the "Information" box on the Math Formulas Page.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.10.2. Formula Properties D ialog

Formula This dialog box is used to alter

Properties properties for all math formulas


Include Formulas in Select one of three options: "If used", "Always" and "Never".
DV6 files The selection in this box in dicates whether formulas should
be saved with DV6 files. "If used" only include formulas if
they has been calculated for this file, even if it is now turned
off. "Always" always include all formulas, and "Never"
include none.

Channel point- Math formulas are normally only calculated at points where
duration tolerance all channels included in the formula have valid data within
1.75 nominal point-distances. With this slider control, that
distance can be changed.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.10.3. Timeplot and Event Details/Waveform Chart Specific Information

Specific These charts always have time on their X-axes. They display event rulers and event
Information markers. Event markers are thin, vertical, dotted lines indicating the trigger time of
the active event. The time range o f the active event is also shown in a different
color in these charts. To change the settings for these, go to the Markers page on
the charts property dialog box.

Event Details/Waveform Charts have “Autozoom to Event” enabled by default.

Charts with this option enabled will display textual event information or a picture
describing the event if no waveforms are available. This picture will show an arrow
of the same color as the trigger channel, and the available thresholds for that
channel. The arrow will span over the crossed thresholds.

On PowerXplorer PX5, files containing EN50160 events, Event Details/Waveform

Charts will display a report if an event of this type is active. Many of the bars on
the first page of this report are clickable for additional information. Use the buttons
at the bottom of the page to navigate it.

Enterprise In the Enterprise Edition, you may delete a chart by selecting it and pressing the
Edition Delete key on your keyboard. You may also move a chart by clicking on it and
dragging it to another location. While dragging, a tracking rectangle will appear to
guide you where you want to drop/place the chart.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.11. DFT Chart Specific Information

Specific DFT charts display harmonics data, calculated for a specific time range. DFT charts
Information differ from the general description of charts in the following ways:
• The DFT chart defaults to bar graph.
• The DFT chart has frequency or harmonic index along the X-axis.
• The DFT chart footer contains DFT data as opposed to event data by
• The data displayed in the chart is calculated by Dran-View based on the
measured waveforms.
• The DFT chart does not always contain data.
• The DFT chart, although not a child of any other chart, can be connected to
one as a time-range source.
• Textual DFT data and child-phasors always use the same time-range for
calculations as the DFT chart itself.
• There are additional settings on the Harmonics Page of the properties dialog

For more information about harmonics, see the Harmonics Page.

Time Range The DFT chart determines the time-range to use for calculations in the following
1. If connected to an Event Details/Waveform Chart which contains an active
Area Marker, the range of the Area Marker is used.
2. If not connected to another chart, the time range of the active event is used
(if this is a full cycle).
3. If the range in 1 or 2 is not a full cycle, the starting-point is maintained and
the end-point is moved to the end of a full cycle after the starting point (if
there are enough waveforms available).
4. If there are any "gaps" and ranges with missing samples having been
determined, the starting-point is maintained and the end-point is moved to
the nearest full cycle ending before this gap.
If the range now determined does not equal at least one cycle, no data is calculated

Settings The settings for the DFT chart are mostly identical to those of other charts. Specific
differences can be found on the Harmonics Page.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.12. Magnitude/Duration Chart Specific Information

Description Magnitude/Duration charts display the magnitude-duration relations of sags, dips,

swells, and interruptions as scatter plots. Magnitude/Duration charts differ from the
general description of charts in the following ways:
• Magnitude/Duration charts do not display the measured values, but the
duration of deviations from their nominal values.
• Magnitude/Duration charts have duration along their X-axes.
• Magnitude/Duration charts default to logarithmic X-axes.
• Magnitude/Duration charts' footers by default contain Magnitude/Duration
data as opposed to event data.
• Data Annotations in Magnitude/Duration charts use events from the sample
they are attached. An event represents a source of data and time ranges
rather than the active event.
• Special limit curves are available on the Limit Curves page of their property
dialog box.
• Magnitude/Duration charts may display more than one event marker, as
different phases during the same event may have different magnitude and

Magnitude/Duration charts' lack many settings available in other charts not

applicable to Magnitude/Duration charts.

Settings The settings for Magnitude/Duration charts are mostly identical to those of other
charts, but they do not have the Plotting or Axes pages. Specific differences can be
found on the Limit Curves page.

! Clicking an event symbol in the Magnitude/Duration chart will activate that event.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.13. Magnitude/Duration Limit Curve Page

Limit Page This page is the shown if you double-

click a Magnitude/Duration chart (or
right click and select Properties from the
pop-up menu).

Select Limit This list contains the standard limit curves delivered with Dran-
Curve View and any customized limit curves you may have created in
this dialog box.

Nominal Voltage: Edit the “Volts” field to the proper Nominal Voltage.

Site In the Enterprise Edition, you may have several sites. You may
need to adjust the nominal voltages individually. Select the site
for which you want to edit the nominal voltage before changing
the value.

Advanced This checkbox activates the Limit Curve Edit part of the page.

Name This edit box allows you to give your Limit Curve a name.

Low Limit Enter X and Y values to create your Low Limit curve.

High Limit Enter X and Y values to create your High Limit curve.

Create Copy Use this button if you want to fill in the limits from an existing
curve from the “Select limit curve” list box.

Apply Changes This will immediately apply your changes to the chart.

Remove This button will remove the selected Limit curve from the list.
Dran-View standard curves cannot be removed.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.14. Load Profile Chart Specific Information

Description The Load Profile chart is useful when you do long term logging. If you for example
measure Active Power (Watts) for a month, it may be interesting to see how the
power varies over an average week or an average day. For each parameter three
traces will be plotted, MIN, MAX and AVG. If we, for example, have a weekly
plot with a measurement spanning over a month, each point in the plotted AVG
trace will show the average of four data points, one for each week in the month at a
particular day-of-week and time instance. The MIN and MAX represents the
extremes at the particular time instance. In the daily plot you can turn off data from
certain days of the week, such as weekends, since the load for these days may be
considerably different from working days

Settings The settings for Load Profile charts are mostly identical to those of other charts.
Specific differences can be found on the Load Profile page.

13.15. Load Profile Page

Load This page is only available for

Profile Load Profile charts.

Use range If this option is selected, specify a chart or "None" in the drop-down
from list to the right. If "None" is selected, the load profile will use the
entire data range. If a chart is selected, it will use the current X-axis
zoom of that chart, if it doesn't have an active Area Marker, in which
case that will be used.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Load Start Date... If this option is selected, enter a time range to use when
Profile calculating the load profile
(continued) Daily/Weekly/Custom Select the periodicity of the load profile. If the Custom
option is selected, two edit boxes where days and hours can
be selected will appear.
Exclude Unselect weekdays you do not want to include in the load
profile. If you choose "Daily", for example, you may want to
exclude weekends
Weeks start on In some parts of the world, weeks start on Sundays rather
Sundays than Mondays. If you prefer this, select this option.
Store as new defaults If you want to use the settings you have selected as the
default settings for load profile charts, select this option.

13.16. Cumulative Statistics Chart Specific Information

Description The Cumulative Probability chart shows the sorted magnitudes of parameters as
function of their duration. The X-axis is scaled 0-100%, where 100% represents the
total duration of the measurement. At 50% you find the median value, and at for
example 95%, you can read the value to be compared with requirement levels in
various power quality standards, such as EN50160.

Settings The settings for Cumulative Statistics charts are mostly identical to those of other
charts. Specific differences can be found on the Statistics page.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
13.17. Probability Density Chart Specific Information

Description The Probability Density chart (in Signature System and PQ-View, this chart is
called ‘Smart Trend’) plots 'bins' (represented by a bar in the bar chart) where the
magnitude of each bin represents the number of times a certain value occurs (scaled
in percent). The chart also plots the accumulated number of points as a line (also in

Settings The settings for Probability Density charts are mostly identical to those of other
charts. Specific differences can be found on the Statistics page.

13.18. Statistics Page

Statistics This page is only available for

Page statistics charts.

Use range If this option is selected, specify a chart or "None" in the drop-down
from list to the right. If "None" is selected, the load profile will use the
entire data range. If a chart is selected, it will use the current X-axis
zoom of that chart, if it doesn't have an active Area Marker, in which
case that will be used.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Statistics Start Date... If this option is selected, enter a time range to use when calculating
Page statistics.
(continued) Number of Move the slider to the left if you want less bars, or to the right if you
Bars want more. If the "Advanced" checkbox is selected, you will be
(Probability shown the following resolution options: Low, High and Exact. If you
Density select "Low", the distance between bins (the width of a bar) will be
charts) whole powers of ten of each channels physical unit, for example 0.1,
10.0 or 100.0 Volts. If you select "High", half and quater values will
also be possible, for example, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.5 Volts. If you select
"Exact", a control will be shown where you can see how many bins
you have selected. Exactly this ammount of bars (but some bars may
have no magnitude, and hence be invisible) will be created,
irregardless of the dis tance between the bars.
Filter out the If the "Advanced" checkbox is selected, this option will be shown. If
highest and it is active, the highest and lowest portion of the data will be
lowest X% disregarded when creating statistics. This option is included since a
few drastically different values otherwise would give undesired
results, especially in Probability Density charts. If, for example,
there are 10.000 points at 11Kv, plus minus a few volts, and 1 point
at zero volts, selecting 30 bins would give a bar width of 367 Volts,
creating one bin with all the values but one, and one bin with the
deviating value.
Filter out In some instances, values may be reported as zero when they are not
values close in fact measured. This option disregards those values.
to 0
Note: Filter settings are not used for digital channels.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 14. Phasors
14.1. Introduction

Description A phasor shows the phase angle and

relative magnitude for each channel for CV

one selected harmonic during a specific

time interval.


V 0° 240° 120°

Terms A phasor arrow is the arrow representing the average value of one channel. A
phasor range is the colored area representing the minimum and maximum values of
the phase angle for one channel. The grid is the support line, drawn to aid the
reading of the phasor arrows. The phasor labels are the names of each channel
written next to the phasor arrow. The angle labels are the values 0, 90, 180 and 270
marked on the grid. The footer is the textual information below the graphics.
For more information about harmonics, see the Harmonics Page.

Adding, To add a phasor, select “Insert Phasor ” from the Object Toolbar, "Insert "
Deleting menu, or the pop-up menu.
and Moving
Phasors To change the size of a phasor, select it and bring the pointing device over one of
the squares at each corner and at the center of each side. The pointer changes to
indicate resizing. Now click and drag the corner or side to the desired size. While
dragging, a tracking rectangle will appear to guide you in resizing a phasor.

In Enterprise Edition, you may select a phasor and press the Delete key on your
keyboard to remove it.

To move a phasor, bring the pointing device over it so that the pointer looks like
this . Now click and drag the phasor to the desired location. While dragging a
tracking rectangle will appear to guide you in moving a phasor.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Time Range The phasor determines the time-range to use for calculations in the following order:
1. If its parent is a DFT Chart, the same range as its parents will be used.
2. If its parent is an Event Details/Waveform Chart that contains an active
Area Marker, the range of the Area Marker is used.
3. If 2 is not the case, the time range of the active event is used (if this is a full
4. If the range in 1 or 2 is not a full cycle, the starting-point is maintained and
the end-point is moved to the end of a full cycle after the starting point (if
there are enough waveforms available).
5. If there are any "gaps" or ranges with missing samples in the range now
determined, the starting-point is maintained and the end-point is moved to
the nearest full cycle ending before this gap.
6. If the range now determined does not equal at least one cycle, no data is

Settings All settings for a phasor are available in its properties dialog box. To access this,
right-click on the phasor and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
14.2. Phasor Properties Dialog – Channels Page

Channels The image to the right shows the

Page Channels Page.

Parameters These checkboxes allow you to choose what parameters

you want to view.

Site This combo box allows you to choose what site you
wish to display information from. The "Auto" option
will display informat ion from the site to which the
active event belongs. If no event is active or if the site
lacks waveform data in the range of the active event,
the first site containing valid data in the selected range.

If there is only one site in your document, this option

will not be displayed.

View Harmonic This option will allow you to choose for which
harmonic you wish to display data.

Normalize to channel This combo box allows you to normalize phase angles
to a specific channel.

At the selected harmonic/at Choose whether to normalize phase angles to the

the fundamental frequency fundamental or to the chosen harmonic.

Make this the new default Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your
setting settings as the new default.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
14.3. Phasor Properties Dialog – Colors Page

Colors Page This page allows you to choose colors

and line types for each harmonic phase
angle displayed in the Phasor

Parameters This list contains all the channels available for phasor plotting.
The list also shows an example line for each of these items.
Before changing the Color, Style or Thickness options, select
the channel you want to modify in this list.

Color Click this button to display a color-picker dialog where you

can select what color you want the chosen channel to be
drawn in.

Style Select the line typ you want to use for the chosen channel.

Thickness Select the line thickness you want to use for the chosen

Make this the new Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your
default setting settings as the new default.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
14.4. Phasor Properties Dialog – Appearance Page

Appearance This page is only available in advanced

Page mode.

Show V-I Phase Select this option to display delta-phi as text information in
Angle Difference the phasor footer.

Colored Text Select this option to display items in the footer and the arrow
labels in the same color as the corresponding arrow.

Font Click this button to open a dialog where you can choose the
font type to use for the text labels, angle labels, and the
phasor footer.

Show Grid This option will enable a grid to assist interpretation of phasor
arrows and ranges.

Grid Color This option will only be available if you have selected "Show
Grid ". Choose if you wish the grid to be drawn in the same
color as the chart main tick grid, or if you wish to specify
another color. The color button will only be available if you
have selected custom color. Click this button to open a dialog
box where you can select a color to use for the grid.

Show Angle Labels This option will only be available if you have selected "Show
Grid ". When this option is available 0, 90, 180 and 270
degrees will be labeled on the grid

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Appearance Show Phase Angle Selecting this option will calculate the minimum, maximum
Page Variation as and average phase angles for each channel, if more than one
Sectors cycle is selected.
Transparent sectors This option will only be available if you have selected " Show
Phase Angle Variation as Sectors". When this option is
enabled, overlapping ranges will be drawn in a blended color.
When it is disabled, each sector will be drawn with a smaller
radius than the last. Turning this option off will increase
readability if you have many overlapping sectors.

Not transparent Transparent

Solid borders This option will only be available if you have selected " Show
Phase Angle Variation as Sectors ". When this option is
enabled, a black line will be drawn around each Min/Max

With solid borders Without solid borders

Make this the new Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your
default setting settings as the new default.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 15. Pictures
15.1. Introduction


Edition Only

Description Picture objects are used to display user-defined pictures in Dran-View.

Adding, To add a picture, select “Insert Picture ” from the Object Toolbar, "Insert "
Deleting menu, or the pop-up menu. An Open File dialog box will be shown where you can
and Moving select the picture you want to use. You can also cut or copy part of an image from
Pictures another application and paste it into the main view.

To delete a picture, select it and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

To move a picture, click on it and drag to the desired location. While dragging, a
tracking rectangle will appear to guide yo u in moving pictures. By default, large
pictures will be resized. If no picture is loaded, the text "No picture loaded" will be
displayed in place of the picture.

To change the size of a picture, select it and bring the pointing device over one of
the squares at each corner and at the center of each side. The pointer changes to
indicate resizing. Now click and drag the corner or side to the desired size. While
dragging, a tracking rectangle will appear to guide you in resizing pictures.

Settings All settings for pictures are available in their property dialog box. Double -click or
right-click on the picture and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu to open this
dialog box.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
15.2. Picture Properties Dialog

Picture All settings for pictures are available in

Settings their property dialog box. Double-click
or right-click on the picture and select
Enterprise "Properties" from the pop-up menu to
Editio n Only open this dialog box.

Width Specify your desired picture width in % of the original.

Height Specify your desired picture height in % of the original.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 16. Statistics Table
16.1. Introduction


Description Statistics tables are used to display peak values or statistics for each channel or
series in its parent chart. If the statistics table parent is not a chart, no data will be

Adding, To add a statistics table, select Insert Statistics Table from the Classic Toolbar,
Deleting "Insert" menu, or the pop-up menu.
and Moving
In Enterprise Edition, you can also insert tables by clicking the Insert Table button
on the Object Toolbar. Clicking this button will display the Insert Object
dialog described in the Charts chapter. Clicking the downwards pointing arrow next
to this button displays a drop-down menu where you can select what kind of table
you want to insert.

To delete a statistics grid, you can also select it and press the Delete key on your
keyboard, or the delete button on the Object Toolbar.

To move a statistics grid, click on it and drag it to the desired location. While
dragging, a tracking rectangle will appear to guide you in moving the grid.

Time Range The statistics grid determines the time-range to use for calculations in the following
1. If its parent chart contains an active Area Marker, the range of the Area
Marker is used.
2. If 1 is not the case, the time range of the parent chart's primary x-axis is

Settings All settings for statistics tables are available in their property dialog box. Double-
click or right-click on the statistics table and select "Properties" from the pop-up
menu to access this dialog box.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
16.2. Statistics Table Properties Dialog – General Page

Statistics The statistics table may present four

Table different types of tables:
Settings • Peak values
General • Statistics
Page • Energy calculations
• Phase Table

One row per When this option is enabled, separate statistics is shown for
series each series. If disabled, min, max, average, etc. values are
compounded for the entire channel.

Table type:
Peak Values This option allows you to display min and/or max peak values
for each channel during the specified range, together with the
time of those values.

Statistics This option allows you to display min, average, max, median,
5%, 95% and/or 99% values for each channel during the
specified range. "5%" indicates the maximum magnitude of the
channe l's lowest 5% of values.

Energy This option lets you choose on and off peak times for each day
calculations of the week, as well as the rates for these two periods. On peak,
Off peak, and Total cost may also be displayed.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Statistics Phase Table This option is only available when the parent chart is a DFT
Table Chart. The default setting is to display the same channels as the
Settings DFT chart it is connected to. If you wish to display other
General channels, you may select which phases and parameters to
Page present phase angles for, what series to display (Min, Max,
(continued) Average), and what range of frequencies to include.

DISDIP This option will display a DISDIP table. Choose one of the
standard formats from the list. Checking the Reverse Row
Order checkbox will “turn the table upside down”.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
16.3. Statistics Table Properties Dialog – Appearance Page

Statistics This page allows you to customize the

Table appearance of the Statistics Table.


Grid same color When this option is enabled, the borders of each cell in the
as chart grid statistics object are drawn in the same color as the chart grid. If
it is disabled, the color button below this option will be
enabled. Click this button to display a dialog box where you
can choose a color for the grid.

Font... Click this button to open a dialog box where you can choose the
font type to use in the statistics object.

Transparent cell When this option is enabled, cell backgrounds are drawn in the
backgrounds same color as the view background, header cell backgrounds
will be drawn in a blend of the background and the selected
header background, and the cell background button will be

Cell background This button will only be available if "Transparent cell

backgrounds" is disabled. Click this button to show a dialog
box where you can choose the color for the cell background.

Header Click this button to show a dialog box where you can choose
background the color for the header background.

Make this the new Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings
default setting as the new default.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 17. Text Boxes
17.1. Introduction

Description Text boxes are used to display text in

Dran-View. The text can be a mix of
Enterprise your custom text and control codes to
Edition automate presentation of information.
Text Boxes are commonly used as
Headers and Footers in charts.

Adding, To add a text box, select “Insert Text Box” from the Object Toolbar, "Insert"
Deleting menu, or the pop-up menu.
and Moving
Text Labels To delete a text box, select it and press the “Delete” key on your keyboard. You can
also press the "Delete" button in its property dialog box.

To move a text box, click on it and drag it to the desired location. While dragging, a
tracking rectangle will appear to guide you in moving the text box.

Settings All settings for text labels are available in the property dialog box. Double-click or
right-click on the text box and select "Properties" from the pop- up menu to open
this dialog box.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
17.2. Text Box Properties Dialog – General Page

Text Boxes

Simple mode Advanced mode

This property page is common to “Text Box” and “Data Annotation” items.

The toolbar at the top of this page contains the following options:
This option aligns the text to the left.
This option centers the text.
This option aligns the text to the right.
This command opens a dialog box where you can choose the font type to use
in the label.
This command opens the "Insert Function" dialog box that allows you to
choose between the available control codes. For more information, see
"Control Codes" further down this chapter.
This command deletes the Text Box.

Below this toolbar, there is a textbox where you can specify what text you wish the
label to use. You may freely mix text and control codes.

If you right-click the textbox, a popup- menu will appear with the standard Cut,
Copy and Paste commands.

Store all Texts and Formats as the new default setting

Enable this checkbox and then click "OK" to store your settings as the
new default.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Text Boxes Advanced To show these options, check the "Advanced" checkbox at the bottom
General Options of the page. To hide options, uncheck this checkbox.
(Continued) Texts The list contains Dran-View's standard texts, as well as any standard
text that you created. Whenever a chart is created, two text labels are
created with it. The labels are located above and below the chart. These
are called the Header and Footer respectively. Dran-View's standard
texts are paired with a chart type according to the following table:

Default Name Chart and position Default text (Default Font)

Timeplot Header Timeplot Chart header Timeplot (Large Font)
Waveform Header Event Details/ Waveforms Event Details/Waveforms
Chart header (Large Font)
DFT Header DFT Chart header Waveform harmonics
(Large Font)
Magnitude/Duration Magnitude/Duration Chart Magnitude/Duration plot
Header header (Large Font)
Footer (simple) Timeplot Chart footer Event $EVTNBR at
(Small Font)
Footer (advanced) Event Details/Waveforms Event $EVTNBR at
Chart footer $EVTDATE
(Small Font)
Footer (DFT) DFT Chart footer $DFTDETAILSBASIC
(Small Font)
Footer Magnitude/Duration Chart $MAGDURDETAILS
(Magnitude/Duration) footer (Small Font)
Data Annotation The default text whenever $CHANNEL $YDATA
a Data Annotation is $XDATA
created (Data Annotation)
Modifying any of these standard texts will affect ALL labels using

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Text Boxes Texts
General Administrate
Page button

Press this button to open the "What do you want to do?" dialog box
containing the following four options:
• "Write To..." Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will bring up
a dialog box where you can select an already existing standard
text to overwrite. This will affect all labels containing the selected
standard text. This option will only be available if you have
entered a text that does not exist as standard text.
• "Create New" Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will bring
up a dialog box where you can enter a name for the standard text.
This name will then appear in the standard texts list. This option
will only be available if you have entered a text that does not exist
as a standard text.
• "Rename" Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will bring up a
dialog box where you can enter a new name for the selected
standard text. This name will then appear in the standard texts list.
This option will only be available if you have not modified the
standard text.
• "Delete" Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will remove the
standard text. It will no longer appear in the standard texts list.
This option will only be available if you have not modified the
standard text, and is not available for the standard texts in the
above table.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Text Boxes Formats The list contains Dran-View's standard fonts, as well as any standard
General fonts that you created. The information on the Appearance Page is
Page also stored with the font information. The standard fonts have the
(Continued) following default names, fonts and appearances.
Default name Default value Default appearance
Large Font Black, bold, Arial, 14 Fill disabled, no frame.
Medium Font Black, Arial, 11 Fill disabled, no frame.
Small Font Black, Arial, 8 Fill disabled, no frame.
Data Annotation Black, Arial, 8 Fill enabled: Light yellow
Frame enabled: Rounded, black,
1 Point, Arrow: Bubble
Modifying any of these standard fonts will affect all labels using


Press this button to open the "What do you want to do?" dialog box
containing the following four options:
• "Write To..." Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will bring
up a dialog box where you can select an existing standard font
to overwrite. This will affect all labels using the selected
standard font. This option will only be available if you are using
a font that does not exist as a standard font.
• "Create New" Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will bring
up a dialog box where you can enter a name for the standard
font. This name will then appear in the standard fonts list. This
option will only be available if you are using a font that does not
exist as a standard font.
• "Rename" Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will bring up
a dialog box where you can enter a new name for the selected
standard font. This name will then appear in the standard fonts
list. This option will only be available if you have not modified
the standard font.
• "Delete" Selecting this option and clicking "OK" will remove
the standard font. It will no longer appear in the standard fonts
list. This option will only be available if you have not modified
the standard font, and is not available for the standard fonts in
the above table.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Control Control codes are replaced by data
Codes depending on code or situation. You can
enter a control code manually into the
main text box or you can choose one from
the "Insert Function " dialog box. To
access this dialog box, press the "Insert
Function" button. There is no limit to
how many control codes you can have in
each label.

Code "Insert Function" Availability

$CHANNEL Name of selected Data Annotation only
Content: Displays the name of the series in which the data annotation is attached to.
Content: Displays the RMS, FND, DC, THD and TID values for channels A, B, and C for
voltage and current. The time range for the calculations is identical to a phasor with
a chart as parent. If the text label has a frame as its parent, the text "No DFT Data
Available" is shown..

Data annotations use the event in the sample to which it is attached to rather than the
active event. Also it does not consider the active area markers when determining the
time range used for calculations.

For more information about harmonics, see the Harmonics Page.

Content: As $DFTDETAILSBASIC, but also displays the site name and the exact time used for
calculations, as well as the method used to determine the time range ("Event #" or
"Selected Area") above the data table. Channel D, power, and odd, even and triplen
THD values are also included.

For more information about harmonics, see the Harmonics Page.

$EVTNBR Event Number Always
Content: Displays a "#" followed by the event number of the active event.

Data annotations refer to the event the sample it is attached to, rather than the active
$EVTDATE Event Date/Time Always
Content: Displays the trigger date and time of the active event.

Data annotations refer to the event in the sample to which it is attached to rather
than the active event.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Control Code "Insert Function" Availability
Codes description
(Continued) $EVTNAME Event Name Always
Content: Displays the name of the active event.

Data annotations refer to the event in the sample to which it is attached to, rather
than the active event.
$EVTDET Event Details Always
Content: Displays detailed data about the active event, if available. The contents of this data
may vary between event types and instruments.

Data annotations refer to the event in the sample to which it is attached to, rather
than the active event.
$FDIR File Path Always
Content: The complete path to the file containing the first site in the document.
$FNAME File Name Always
Content: The file name of the file containing the first site in the document.
Duration charts only
Content: The name of the tolerance curve used, the nominal voltage of each site, and the
number of variations above and below the tolerance curve, if any.
$MSDATE Measurement Start Always
Content: The start date of the measurement of the site to w hich the active event belongs.

Data annotations refer to the event in the sample to which it is attached to, rather
than the active event.
$MSTIME Measurement Start Always
Content: The start time of the measurement of the site to which the active event belongs.

Data annotations refer to the event the sample it is attached to, rather than the
active event.
$MEDATE Measurement End Always
Content: The end date of the measurement of the site to which the active event belongs.

Data annotations refer to the event in the sample to which it is attached to, rather
than the active event.
$METIME Measurement End Always
Content: The end date of the measurement of the site to which the active event belongs.

Data annotations refer to the event in the sample to which it is attached to, rather
than the active event.
$PAGE Page number While printing only
Content: The page number wherein the text appears in..

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Control Code "Insert Function" Availability
Codes description
(Continued) $PRNDATE Print Date While printing only
Content: The date the text was printed.
$SITE Site Always
Content: The name of the site to which the active event belongs to.

Data annotations refer to the event in the sample to which it is attached to, rather
than the active event.
$XDATA X-value of selected Data Annotation only
Content: The X-value of the sample the data annotation is attached to.
$YDATA Y-value of selected Data Annotation only
Content: The Y-value of the sample the data annotation is attached to.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
17.3. Text Box Properties Dialog – Appearance Page

Appearance This page governs the appearance of the

Page Text Box (or Data Annotation Bubble).
Fill Enable Enable this checkbox
if you want the label
to have a solid
background color,
rather than a

Fill Color If you selected the "Fill" option, click this button to select the
desired background color. A dialog box will open where you can
select a color.
Arrow Type This option is only available to data annotations. The combo box
contains a list of arrow types. Select the kind of arrow you want
pointing from the data annotation to the sample it is attached to.
Frame Type This option allows you to choose the kind of frame to use around
the label. Pick the desired type from the combo box.
Frame Color This option allows you to choose the color of the frame around
the label, if any. When you click this button, a dialog box will
open where you can select a color.
Frame This option allows you to choose the thickness of the frame
Thickness around the label, if any. Select the desired thickness from the
combo box.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 18. Working With Multiple Sites

! All commands and information in this chapter relates to the Enterprise Edition Only

Site A site is intended as a conceptual geographic location. The ability to have multiple
sites in Dran-View allows you to view two or more sets of data simultaneously in
the same document, and perform comparative analyses between them.

Adding a site rather than appending it to an existing site keeps channels, events, etc.
as separate entities. This gives you the ability to view the same quantity from two
or more different locations, and have these recorded simultaneously in the same
chart or other data representation object in Dran-View. For example, you could
measure with two different instruments on either side of a load to see how that load
affects the power quality on your grid.

18.1. Adding Sites to Your Document

New Site To add a site, select Site New from the File menu or the event list popup menu.
Browse to the file containing the site that you wish to add and click “OK”.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
18.2. Synchronizing Sites

Synchro - Once you have added sites to your document, you may need to synchronize their
nize Sites clock times or compensate for clock drift. This is usually not required for Signature
System sites, as they have built-in time sync hronization.

To align sites, enable “One X-axis per Site” from the X-axis
popup menu.

When ‘one X-axis per site’ is enabled, each X-axis will have
the name of the site it belongs to written on it:

Pan each site’s x-axis left/right by using the pointer so that

the sites align in time, and select “Apply clock offset” from
the X-axis popup menu. All timestamps in each site will now
be adjusted. The time indicated in the topmost x-axis is used.

A good way to synchronize times between sites is to find some characteristic event,
preferably containing waveforms, and try to align them first in a timeplot chart and
then in a waveform chart.

The next page shows an example of how this is done.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Synchro -
nize Sites

1) This is what our 2) Zooming in a bit 3) After having enabled 4) After selecting
sites look like before further reveals that the ‘One X-axis per site’, ‘Apply clock offset
we synchronize them. sites are not perfectly we have now moved adjustment’, we look at
The times seem to line synchronized. the axes so that the the waveform chart.
up when looking at a event we are looking at The times are still
large portion of the file. align in the two sites. slightly off.

5) Again enabling ‘One 6) A closer look at a 7) After zooming in

X-axis per site’, we half-cycle after this and adjusting a few
align the waveforms. adjustment. times, we arrive at a
point where we are
satisfied and apply the
clock offset adjustment
for the final time.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Adjusting If you have two or more sites and one or more of their clocks
for clock are too fast or too slow, first align their starting times as
drift described above. Once you have done this, repeat the
procedure with a point near the end of each file, but use
“Apply clock drift adjustment” from the X-axis popup menu
instead of apply clock offset. This should compensate for each
site’s clock drift. The time indicated in the topmost x-axis is

The following two graphs explain how the timestamps are modified when applying
the “Clock offset adjustment”.
Before adjustment After adjustment

T1 T1

a T2 T2

T1=Instrument time, T2=”Real Time”

The blue curve is the reference Site, and the red curve is the secondary Site. ‘a’ indicates the clock
offset synchronization point.

The following two graphs explain how the timestamps are modified when applying
the “Clock drift adjustment”.
Before adjustment After adjustment
T1 T1

T2 T2

Site. ‘b’ indicates the clock drift synchronization point.

! If both correction methods are to be used, it is preferable to apply the offset

adjustment at the beginning of the measurement and the drift adjustment at the end
of the measurement.

The method to adjust clock drift assumes that the clock drift is linear over time.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
18.3. How Items Display Data From Many Sites

Items Items work more or less in the same way, whether you have one or more sites in
Display your document. The few differences are outlined below:

Text boxes: Control codes will display data for the first file opened, except for
DFT data, which will be displayed for all sites.

Statistics: Data for all sites will be displayed.

Pictures: Multiple sites do not affect pictures.

Phasors: By default, phasors display data from the first site with valid data
in the selected time range. To choose a specific site, select it on the
general page of the phasor’s property dialog box.

Charts: Channels from different sites will appear under each site’s icon in
the Chart Propert ies dialog box.

One Event Bar will appear for each site above charts.

Site names will appear in the Legends.

You will now be given the option to stack Y-axes per site.

You may now select ‘One X-axis per site’

A list of sites will appear in the Edit Math Formula dialog box.
This may prove useful in certain situations, like calculating the
difference of a parameter between sites.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
18.4. Multiple Sites in the Event List

Event List When you have more than one site, you may select ‘Group by Site’ in the “Group
By” menu of the event list. This will create top-level nodes for each site in the

Using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ keys on your keyboard to change events will bring you to the
next or previous event in the same site as the currently selected event. While using
the arrow keys will activate the next event in the list regardless of site.

The name of the site where each event belongs to will appear after each event
number in the event list, if you have chosen to display event numbers.

The ‘Multi-Site Events’ option in the event subset menu will also be available.
Selecting this option will filter out any events which only occurs in one site (but not
remove data belonging to such events). This will give you quick access to
disturbances occurring at more than one of your sites simultaneously. If you wish to
fine-tune this selection, you can select ‘Custom selection…’ and change the options
under the ‘Occurring in’ header. You may also elect to view only local events
(occurring in one site but not any other).

Dran-View 6 User Guide
18.5. Multiple Sites and Tools

File - Report When running the File > Report Writer command, select to create one report per
Writer site, or select one particular site to create a report for.

View - When running the View > Instrument Setup command, one configuration report
Instrument will be created for each site present in your document. The reports will be arranged
Setup in the order they were added.

View-Goto These commands will take you to the first, previous, next, etc. event in the same
site as the currently active event.

Tools- The Harmonics/Timeplot Calculator will run once with the same settings for each
Harmonics site. You cannot select different settings for each site. If the nominal number of
/Timeplot samples per cycle differs between the sites, you may not get as many harmonics
Calculator and/or calculated samples per cycle as you have selected for all sites. The
maximum settings available are for the site with the highest number of samples per
cycle. If it not be possible to create as many harmonics or calculate as many points
per cycle for other sites, as many as possible are calculated.

Tools- You cannot select different settings for each site. Scaling or normalizing to another
Harmonic channel is always done within the same site.

Tools- You must select what site to affect with the rescue kit.
Rescue Kit

Tools- Only the first site in a document is available to the Harmonic Demo tool.
Demo Tool

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Chapter 19. Notes and Appendices

19.1. Notes on Harmonics

How does Dran-View do harmonic analysis?

19.1.1. Harmonic Analysis -A Brief Overview

The essential concept of harmonic analysis is that a band limited, periodic, time
domain signal may be equally expressed as a summation of harmonically related
sine and cosine functions. To do this, the harmonic amplitudes and phase angle
offsets of the sine/cosine functions must be chosen properly. We refer to the
process of decomposing the time domain signal (the waveform) into amplitude and
phase components as harmonic analysis. Dran-View transforms the selected (see
Area Marker tool), or if no time range has been selected, the visible part o f a
displayed time domain (Waveform) signal into its equivalent amplitude and phase
components by doing a Fourier Transform. This function is invoked by insertion of
a DFT Chart, a Text Label containing either the $DFTDETAILSFULL or
$DFTDETAILSBASIC control codes, or a Phasor. Multiple cycles of the
fundamental may be analyzed to achieve better averaging or interharmonics.

Using an appropriate sine/cosine series summation, the original time domain signal
(the waveform) may be approximately reconstructed from the provided phase and
amplitude information. The full set of required harmonics coupled with infinite
arithmetic accuracy would make it theoretically possible to regenerate the signal
exactly. The number of harmonics required to do an “ideal” reconstruction would
be N divided by two, where N is the number of samples in the highlighted sample

Dran-View 6 User Guide
19.1.2. A word about conventions

To minimize confusion, Dran-View expresses all phase information as an unsigned

positive angle, in degrees modulo 360. The author has found it wise to follow this
convention religiously. Failure to do so will usually result in incorrect (or
confusing) results. In all the equations in this document, all symbolic variables used
on the right side of the equation are inherently, or have been resolved to, positive
unsigned numbers. The only exception would be the variable t (time). Negative t
might buy you the dubious joy of traversing “backwards” (right to left) through a
signal. Except for Harmonic Watts, the outputs of the equations can be resolved to
positive unsigned values. It has been the author’s experience that once the basic
math is understood, the greatest obstruction to getting correct and consistent
answers is the failure to consistently handle phase angles and phase angle

19.1.3. Harmonic Series Expansion Equations

The following equations are for harmonic volts and amps, not Harmonic Watts.

Equations for UN-Normalized Transforms

These series expansions are used for un- normalized harmonic transforms. Un-
normalized phase information is generated from Dran-View when you have
“Normalization-None” selected in the Harmonics Page of the chart and phasor
properties dialogs or the harmonic scaling dialog. The equations may be used to
approximately reconstruct a highlighted waveform from the un- normalized
transform data.

f(t) = for un-normalized cosine transforms

f(t) = for un-normalized sine transforms


f(t) is the periodic time domain signal. Usually volts or amps.

n is the harmonic number.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
An is the peak amplitude of the nth harmonic sine/cosine. In Dran-View you may
read rms amplitudes from the DFT Chart, a Text Label containing either the
$DFTDETAILSFULL or $DFTDETAILSBASIC control codes, or a Phasor. These
values may be converted to peak form by multiplying them by the square root of
two. Because the energy generation potential of a voltage or amperage harmonic
signal is proportional to the Root Mean Square (RMS) of the peak value, Dran-
View displays these values in RMS format for convenience. Using the rms values
you can easily compute the rms energy in any subset of harmonics by taking the
square root of the sum of their rms amplitudes squared. This becomes useful if you
are interested in the energy contribution of a small subset of harmonics rather than
the total harmonic energy which Dran-View provides directly. For example, to find
the rms contribution of the third and fifth, sum their squared values and take the
square root. To convert to percent of the total, divide by the Total RMS value.

ω is the angular frequency. Conventionally this is 2πf1 where f1 is the fundamental

frequency in reciprocal seconds (one over the period, T1 ) and 2π is in radians.
Dran-View expresses all angles in degrees so this value resolves to 360°/T1 where
T1 is the fundamental period in seconds. Note that in special situations the period T1
may be an integral fraction of the time range used for the transform. This rule
applies primarily when more than one fundamental wave is highlighted, and
Min/Max/Avg mode is selected.

t is in seconds.

δ Is the positive modulo 360 degree phase angle offset at t equals zero.

Note that the phase offset, δn , is subtracted in the cosine expansion and added in the
sine expansion. The cosine expansion is included as an option primarily because it
is the form that many texts on the subject of Fourier Analysis prefer to use. It is not
the preferred form for power calculations. Agreement with math texts is also the
reason that the minus sign was preserved in the cosine expansion above. Negating
the un-normalized cosine expansion δn before presentation in the Dran-View would
have allowed the sine and cosine expansion forms to be analogous (it would be
much easier to remember that way). Because of the preponderance of cosine
transforms in texts, you are more likely to get agreement using the cosine transform
option if you are using a typical textbook application to do your own transforms on
the same data. In the power industry, the sine transform makes the most sense and
is the preferred form. For example, the phase relationship of a positive sequence
three phase system is usually expressed as 0, 240 and 120 degrees for phases A, B
and C, respectively.

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Expressed in the cos(ωt- δ ) form preferred by mathematicians these phasor angles
would become 90, 210 and 330, respectively. Confusing, to say the least. Most non-
mathematicians visualize and speak of sine waves not cosine waves. Phasors in the
power industry almost always come from sine transforms.

NOTE: In the expansions above (and throughout most of this document) the contribution of
the DC component (harmonic zero) has been ignored. To be technically correct, it
should be included but it is typically discarded because in AC circuits it is usually
close to zero. The DC component is simply the algebraic average of all the data
points in the cycle. If the DC component is significant, then f(t) may be more
accurately computed by including the average voltage or current in the summation.

19.1.4. Phase angles and Normalization

Normalization, as used by Dranetz-BMI, refers to the process of recomputing the

phase offsets output by the harmonic transform in order to relocate the expression
of the signal to a new origin. Since the phase angles generated by a harmonic
transform are dependent on both the start point of the sample window and the form
of the transform (whether it is sine or cosine, whether the phase angle is added or
subtracted, etc.) it is possible to get a bewildering set of equivalent phase angle data
sets for the same set of waveforms. Normalization attempts to standardize the
expression of a (set of) waveform(s) by always referencing the data to the same
point. The most useful application of this option is in referencing the phase angles
of the harmonic transform to the positive zero crossing of the voltage sample
synchronization channel fundamental. This is particularly helpful when viewing the
fundamental phasors of highly distorted signals in a three phase system. In the
presence of high distortion, typical sampling hardware may not synchronize itself
exactly to the zero crossing of a sync channel fundamental. This could cause the
phase offsets of the fundamentals that are returned from the un-normalized sine
transforms to be, for example, 343, 223 and 103 degrees for channels A, B and C,
respectively. Normalizing this data to the fundamental of channel A will yield a
familiar 0, 240, 120 degree sequence that we easily recognize as a positive
sequence three pha se system. This is calculated as follows. Since we wish to
normalize to the sync channel (Channel A) we must “subtract out” the phase offset
of the sync channel from each of the channels as follows:

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
Normalized Phase A = 343 - 343 = 0

Normalized Phase B = 223 - 343 = -120 + 360 = 240

Normalized Phase C = 103 - 343 = -240 + 360 = 120

Note that for phases B and C we add 360 degrees back in because, by convention,
we always resolve angles to positive modulo 360. If we were to use these
normalized angles in the sine expansion equation given above to generate f(t), we
would get approximately the original signals except that their time origins would be
shifted left 343 degrees. Alternatively you could view it as shifting the time axis
forward (to the right) -343+360 = 17 degrees. Imagine it as clipping 343 degrees
from the end of the cycle and pasting it to the front, or clipping 17 degrees from the
front of the cycle and pasting it to the end.

Normalization to the fundamental of a single channel does not change the channel
to channel phase offsets. This is important because the channel to channel phase
offsets are used to compute Harmonic Watts. If you “Normalize to Own
Fundamental” you are essentially “zeroing out” the fundamental phase angles of all
the channels. This will destroy the true phase to phase relationships between
channels and thus change the hand computed Harmonic Watts from their true
values. This is very important to remember! Because of the potential to corrupt the
Harmonic Watts computations, we recommend that you exercise caution when
using the “Normalize to Own Fundamental” option. In order to insure that the
harmonic watts computations are correct, Dran-View always internally uses the un-
normalized voltage and current phase angles to compute watts.

The following equations are used in normalization.

To Compute a Normalized Phase Angle from the UN-Normalized Expression

Below is the general formula that may be used to normalize un- normalized phase
angles which were intended to be used in expressions of the form sin (ω t ±δ ) or cos
(ωt ±δ ). Remember, δ n is unsigned modulo 360!

δ Normalized = b * (nφ - δUnNormalized)

For Dran-View the equation above resolves to two forms:

δ Normalized = nφ − δUnNormalized Used for cosine expansion

δ Normalized = δ UnNormalized - nφ Used for sine expansion

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide

b=1 if you wish the sign of the expression ωt ±δ to be the same for the normalized
expansion as it was in the UN normalized expansion (i.e., if the un normalized
expansion used sin(ω t ± δ ) and the normalized expansion used sin (ωt ±δNormalized),
then b=1). Otherwise, b=(-1). For example, in Dran-View the expansion is changed
from cos(ωt - δ ) to cos ( ωt +δ Normalized), here b=(-1).

δn is the nth harmonic phase angle. δ n on the right side of the equation is the phase
angle generated from the Un-Normalized Transform. The left side is the phase
angle transformed to its normalized perspective. δ n is expressed as a positive
number modulo 360.

φ is the Un-Normalized fundamental phase angle of the selected channel. If you

selected “Normalize To the Fnd” φ is the un normalized phase angle of the
currently displayed channel. If you select “Normalize to the Fnd of:” then φ is the
unnormalized phase angle of the selected voltage channel.

n is the harmonic number

The expression used to normalize a sine expansion is what one would intuitively
expect to see. We wish to “subtract out” the fundamental phase angle, therefore it is
logical to subtract nφ degrees from each harmonic phase offset. The harmonic
number “n” is required because one degree of shift along the fundamental is equal
to n degrees of shift along the nth harmonic. Note that the normalization equation
for cosine expansions is just the negation of the expression for sine expansions.
This unfortunate bit of confusion is caused by the fact that in the process of
normalizing the cosine expansion, the form of the expansion is changed from cos
(ωt - δ ) to cos (ωt + δ ). The change of the minus sign to a plus sign requires the
negation of the normalization result. Note that if we are normalizing the channel
from which we get φ the phase of the normalized fundamental will always be zero.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
19.1.5. Equations to recompute waveforms from Normalized Transforms

f( t ) = normalized cosine transform

f( t ) = normalize sine transform

The above equations will generate the original signal just like the equations shown
for un-normalized transforms. Note that if you drop the nφ term from either
equation, what remains would be the equation required to redraw the original signal
phase shifted φ modulo 360 degrees (of the fundamental).

19.1.6. Power Dissipation Watts

Before discussing harmonic watts, terms are defined as follows:

The average steady state power dissipation, PAverage , for an integral number of
cycles of a sinusoidal current driven by a sinusoidal voltage is:

PAverage = VRMS * I RMS * cos θ

VRMS = RMS Voltage applied to the current.
IRMS = RMS current in amps.
θ = The phase difference between the volts and the current using volts as the
reference (i.e. if volts are referenced at 0 degrees (its display looks like a sine wave)
and the associated current is at 90 degrees (it looks like a cosine wave) the n θ = 0° -
90° = -90°+360° = 270°). Using this convention (keeping volts at 0 degrees), we
find that when θ is in the first and fourth quadrant (when θ is 0° to ± 90° degrees
but not equal ± 90° ) PAverage is positive (power goes to the load). The second and
third quadrants (90°< θ <270°) generate negative power (i.e. your “load” is actually
a generator; this usually means your probe is on backwards). When θ is exactly 90°
or 270° no active power is generated (P Average = 0). In this special case the power is
pure reactive. If θ is 90° then it is pure inductive. At 270° it is pure capacitive.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
19.1.7. Important Notes about θ:

Because cos( θ ) is equal to cos (-θ) the computation of watts is correct if you
reference current to volts or volts to current, either way. As we shall see, this
flexibility sets the stage for endless confusion. The reactive power, VAR, is
computed as sin( θ). Since sin (- θ) is equal to –sin(θ) we can see that the
computation of VAR is greatly affected by how you compute the phase difference,
θ, between volts and current. Referencing current to voltage will give a different
reactive power than if you reference volts to current. To further confuse the issue,
the way in which you express the signals also affects your results. For example, the
phase angles from the signals expressed as sin (ωt +δ) must be handled differently
than if you take the phase angles from the same signals expressed as cos (ω t -δPrime)
if you wish to get the same results. Obviously, we need to establish a conventio n if
we ever wish to get consistent power calculations.

19.1.8. Statement of Power Convention

When the current signal lags the voltage signal that is driving it, we say that it is
inductive and by convention, we assign the reactive power (VAR) to be positive.
When the current signal leads the voltage signal that is driving it, it is considered
capacitive and by convention, the reactive power is assigned to be negative. This is
the standard used on all Dranetz-BMI products. This power industry standard is
reasonable when you consider that most real world loads are inductive. If you
accept that “normal” should be positive then it is reasonable to assign positive to
inductive (normal) loads. The terms leading and lagging are taken from phasor
notation. The phasors are imagined to be rotating in a counter clockwise direction.
They are conventionally shown starting at some arbitrary phase offset equivalent to
time t equal zero. The phase offset is the phase angle offset gotten when the signals
are expressed in the form sin (ωt +δ ). Expressed in this fashion the leading signal is
the signal with the greatest unsigned phase offset unless the difference between the
larger and the smaller δ n is greater than 180 degrees. In this case the signal with the
smaller δ n is the leading signal. Remember, we always express δ n in unsigned
modulo 360 format. Using this carefully constructed convention the phase
difference between volts and current is correct for computing both active power,
watts, and reactive power, VAR, when the signals are expressed in sin (ωt +δ)
format and the current phase angle offset is subtracted from the voltage phase

Continued on the next page

Dran-View 6 User Guide
The following example illustrates what happens if you fail to exercise care when
doing power calculations. Given a capacitive load with a voltage signal expressed
as sin (ωt + .2°) and a current signal expressed as sin (ωt + 35°) we can compute
the watts as cos (.2 - 35° + 360°) = cos (325.2°) = .82 watts. The VAR is computed
as sin (325.2°) = -.57 VAR. By our convention, a negative sign on the VAR
indicates that the current leads the voltage and consistent with that convention, we
can say that it is capacitive. The positive sign on the watts indicates that the power
is flowing from the source to the load, as you would expect. If the sign of the watts
value was negative it would imply that the “load” was behaving as a generator. If
you were looking at the fundamental, it would indicate that you probably have your
current probe reversed. Now, if you use the trigonometric identities cos(θ) = cos(-
θ) and cos (90° - θ) = sin (θ) to express the signals in cos(ω t - δ) format you will get
very different results.

sin (ωt + .2°) = cos (90° -( ωt + .2°)) = cos (ω t - + 89.8°) = cos (ω t - 89.8°) (Volts)

sin (ωt + 35°) = cos (90° -( ωt + 35°)) = cos (- ωt + 55°) = cos (ω t - 55°) (Current)

Now, using the 89.8° and 55° values that would be presented in the un-normalized
cosine expansion phase table and using the same conventions as before to compute
watts and VAR you will get the correct value for watts (cos(89.8° - 55°) = .82
watts) but the value you get for VAR will be the negation of the previous
computation (sin(89.8° - 55°) = .57 VAR). If you had known to use (-89.8°-(-55°))
= -34.8° + 360° = 325.2° as your θ, then both your watts and VAR would have
worked out correctly. Dran-View always presents the phase angle θ in a manner
consistent with computing both watts and VAR correctly regardless of which
expansion form you choose.

Dran-View 6 User Guide
19.1.9. Harmonic Watts

In a non-sinusoidal system it turns out that dissimilar voltage and current harmonics
do not interact to generate useable power. You can readily convince yourself of this
by graphically sketching the power curve resulting from a fundamental voltage
signal and a second harmonic of current. The power curve results from a point by
point multiplication of the two signals. The average power results from dividing the
area under the curve by the total time. You will be able to see that the average
power over one cycle of the fundamental and two cycles of the second harmonic
will average to zero (by symmetry you will see the positive lobes will cancel the
negative lobes). The result of this little mathematical bonus is that only harmonics
of the same order interact to generate power. This means that in the frequency
domain the average active power dissipation over one cycle of the fundamental in a
system rich in harmonics may be computed by summating the individual “harmonic
watts dissipations”.

Mathematically this is:

PAverage = VDC*IDC +

VRMS Is rms voltage at the Jth harmonic
IRMS Is the rms current at the Jth harmonic
θi Is the difference between the phase angles Φ, of the voltage and current at the Jth
harmonic. (θi = Φvoltage i - Φ currenti). See previous discussion on how to compute
PDC Is the power dissipation due to the dc components VDC*IDC. It can usually be

Caveats Harmonic watts may have dubious meaning if “Normalize to Own Fundamental” is
selected. Although Dran-View always gives the correct value, hand calculations
may be erroneous. Generally, the phase angles for the amperage harmonics are not
phase corrected for the lead/lag introduced by the probes. If this value proves to be
a significant proportion of the total phase difference between the volts and amps
signals then a significant error will be introduced. The phase accuracy decreases
significantly as a function of increasing harmonic frequency therefore the greater
the harmonic content the more error you are likely to see in the harmonic watts
calculations. It is possible for the phasors and the fundamental angles to disagree if
cosine expansion is chosen or if the phasors and DFT Chart and Text Label
normalization configuration disagree ("Always use Sine Expansion" is selected for
the Phasors).

Dran-View 6 User Guide
19.2. Weighted Statistics

The samples inside the current time limits are sorted in ascending sample
magnitude order along with their associated durations. A given sample is assumed
to be the best estimate of line conditions until a new sample comes along to replace
it. Therefore its duration (or weighting) is given as the time difference between the
sample and the next sample. Starting at the lowest sample magnitude the associated
sample durations are summed. When the duration sum equals or exceeds the
desired percentage of the total duration of all samples, the magnitude is extracted
and shown. These are the values used for the median and percentage value

We can think of the result as:

For N% of the time the values are less than or equal to the N% value. For the rest of
the time it is greater.

The weighted standard deviation is carried out using the following formulas. D
denotes durations and X denotes sample magnitudes:

Duration of all samples = Dtotal =

Where D n is equal to the time duration associated with each individual sample.

Weighted (by duration) Average of Samples = weighted =

Using the weighted average as our model the formula for the weighted standard
deviation is as follows:

Weighted (by duration) Standard Deviation (biased) =

Dran-View 6 User Guide

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