Occupational Therapy Home Safety Intervention Via Telehealth
Occupational Therapy Home Safety Intervention Via Telehealth
Occupational Therapy Home Safety Intervention Via Telehealth
Photography can be an effective addition for education-based telehealth services delivered by an occupational therapist. In
this study, photography was used as antecedent to telehealth sessions delivered by an occupational therapist focused on
narrative learning about home safety. After taking photographs of past home safety challenges, six participants experienced
three web-based occupational therapy sessions. Sessions were recorded and transcribed. Data were examined using
content analysis. The content analysis identified the following themes: the value of photos to support learning; the value of
narrative learning related to home safety education; and abstract versus concrete learners. Procedural findings are included
to support future endeavors. Findings indicate that within a wellness context, home safety education for older adults can be
delivered effectively via telehealth when using photography as a part of an occupational therapy intervention.
According to the workforce survey by the American How does the use of digital photography facilitate
Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA, 2010), most narrative learning and impact individuals’
occupational therapists, approximately 55.4%, work in a awareness of safety challenges in their home?
direct style of service delivery wherein a therapist provides
One of the many challenges in occupational therapy is
one-to-one treatment in a medical setting. Given the current
a lack of adherence by older adults with regard to home
trend in health care toward shorter hospitalizations, and
safety. This is especially challenging when working with
recent reform legislation, occupational therapists are
community dwelling, independent older adults whose range
exploring different models of service delivery. In telehealth,
of performance is decreasing but who are otherwise
a new type of service delivery for many occupational
functioning well. They may not see a reason to change their
therapists, the methods and quality of client education can
environment or habits when they have not yet experienced
be important factors in determining successful client
difficulties with safety. These clients can be very resistant to
recommendations from health care practitioners about
Patient education in a clinical setting is often guided by safety in their homes. Helping older adults anticipate their
an occupational therapist’s understanding of activity changing function by balancing knowledge of past
analysis, use of adaptation, and the structuring of tasks that functioning with a realistic view of their future may increase
provide the best challenge for patients (Dahlin-Ivanoff, their openness to suggestions for home safety.
Sonn, & Svensson, 2002; Schemm & Gitlin, 1998). These
Involving these clients in decision-making processes
methods provide a client with opportunities to learn through
can facilitate adherence. Clemson, Cusick, and Fozzard
practice with a skilled clinician present. Telehealth practice
(1999) stated, “the ownership of ideas and exerting control
can challenge occupational therapists to use different
within the context of an individual’s environment and life
methods of client education that do not rely on hands-on
experiences strongly influences acceptance and follow
assistance or practice. There is a lack of evidence to
through of recommendations” (p. 539). Additionally, these
support educational strategies in telehealth practice. To
researchers recommend “joint decision making and
address this gap, this multi-case study examines the
negotiation” (Clemson et al., 1999, p. 539) as being most
experience of educating older adults about home safety via
likely to result in changed home environments. Radomski
telehealth using photography as an antecedent to narrative
(2011) recommends that adherence is a function of the
client, the provider and the recommendations set within the
The central research questions were as follows: environment; and that adherence is a process of client and
provider decisions rather than recommendations.
What is the process of home safety education with
older adults as delivered via telehealth?
Does the combination of digital photographs and
narrative learning impact home safety as scored by FALL PREVENTION
the Safety Assessment of Function and the
Of great concern when working with community
Environment for Rehabilitation-Health Outcome
dwelling older adults are the physical and psychological
Measurement and Evaluation, version 3 (SAFER-
injuries that accompany a fall. The Centers for Disease
HOME v. 3)?
Participant 5 struggled with the abstract nature of the Participant 5 seemed to maintain a focus throughout
photo assignment: that she was part of the study to help out the researcher,
and would do whatever was needed. This helpful
Participant 5: A picture of something—well, that’s going
perspective seemed to limit her ability to reflect and learn
to be—I’ve had a driving challenge before and, in
from her experiences.
several ways.
Participant 6 seemed to see his role as the family’s
Researcher: Okay.
problem solver. Each time he and his wife experienced a
Participant 5: I’m not sure, I’m not sure I can send you safety problem, he sought out advice and implemented a
a picture of like ice on the road. change. This process worked well for Participant 6 and his
wife, so he was less inclined to dive deeper into a reflective
Researcher: Okay. experience and tie the past safety issues to potential future
Participant 5: I don’t know how I’m going to send you a issues. He perceived the problem to be fixed after changes
picture of that. were made.
Findings in this study indicate that older adults were
quite comfortable with the use of technology. Broady, Chan,
and Caputi (2010) examined existing literature related to
attitudes and abilities with computers and essentially found
that the attitude and experiences of young and old are
similar, countering the popular myths about older adults and
computer use. The authors identified several factors that
are likely to enhance an older person’s experience with
computers. These include allowing ample time for skill
mastery, treating the older adult user/learner in a positive
manner that makes them feel valued, and the teacher’s
expectation of success.
Figure 4. Participant 5’s car parked in the garage.
Clemson, L., Cusick, A., & Fozzard, C. (1999). Managing risk and Naufel, K. Z., & Beike, D. R. (2009). Abstract thought emphasizes
exerting control: Determining follow through with falls goal performance; Concrete Thought Emphasizes Goal
prevention. Disability and Rehabilitation, 21, 531-541. Completion. North American Journal of Psychology, 11(1), 97-
Collier, J. & Collier, M. (1986). Interviewing with photographs. Visual
anthropology: photography as a research method. Radomski, M.V., (2011). The Issue is…More than good intentions:
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. Advancing adherence to therapy recommendations. American
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 471-477.