Gross Motor Domain: Gross Motor Materials/Procedure Present Comments Parental Report Will Suffice
Gross Motor Domain: Gross Motor Materials/Procedure Present Comments Parental Report Will Suffice
Gross Motor Domain: Gross Motor Materials/Procedure Present Comments Parental Report Will Suffice
PROCEDURE: Ask the child to point
Points to family member when asked
1. to his mother/caregiver. Credit if he
to do so
does so
PROCEDURE: Have the child point
Points to 5 body parts on himself to his eyes, nose, mouth, hands and
when asked to do so feet. Credit if he can point to all
MATERIAL: picture book
PROCEDURE: Show the child a
picture book (one picture per page)
Points to 5 named pictured objects
3. and ask him to point to the picture by
when asked to do so
saying “Where's the____?” Credit if
the child can use his finger to point to
at least 5 pictures
MATERIALS :block/toy
PROCEDURE Ask the child to put a
Follows one-step instructions that block/toy under the table; on the
4. include simple prepositions (e.g., in, table; in the bag. Do not point or use
on, under, etc.) gestures when giving the instructions.
Credit if the child is able to follow at
least one of the instructions.
PROCEDURE: Ask the child to get a
block/toy from under the table and
Follows 2-step instructions that
5. then place it on the table. Do not
include simple prepositions
point or use gestures when giving the
instruction. Credit if the child is able
to follow
PROCEDURE: Ask the caregiver if
the child can clearly say 5-6 words
1. Uses 5-20 recognizable words
aside from mama and papa. This will
be the minimum number.
2. Uses pronouns (e.g. I, me, ako, akin) Parental report will suffice.
Uses 2-3 words verb-noun
3. Parental report will suffice.
combinations (e.g. hingi gatas)
MATERIALS: picture book
PROCEDURE: Show the child a
picture book, point to an object in the
4. Names objects in pictures book, then ask him to name this (e.g.
“Ano ito?”). Credit if the child can
say the correct name of at least 4
Speaks in grammatically correct 23
5. Parental report will suffice.
word sentences
6. Asks “what” questions Parental report will suffice.
7. Asks “who”' and “why” questions Parental report will suffice.
PROCEDURE: Ask the caregiver if
the child can recount recent
experiences in correct sequence and
Gives account of recent experiences
using past tenses correctly. The
8. (with prompting) in order of
caregiver can prompt him so he can
occurrence using past tense
complete what he is talking about
(e.g., tapos, ano pang nangyari)
Parental report will suffice.
MATERIALS: spoon /ball
PROCEDURE: With the child
seated, get his attention and drop a
spoon/ball in front of him. Then
1. Looks at direction of fallen object
observe if his eyes look down as it
falls. Credit if the child can bring his
eyes and head down as the object
Imitates behavior just seen a few
2. Parental report will suffice.
minutes earlier
3. Offers object but will not release it Parental report will suffice.
4. Looks for completely hidden object MATERIALS: ball, small towel/cloth
PROCEDURE: With the child facing
you, hide a ball completely under a
5small towel and observe if he will
look under the towel. Credit if he
looks under the towel and gets the
hidden ball
MATERIALS: doll or toy car/block
PROCEDURE: If the child is a girl,
Exhibits simple pretend play (feed, carry the doll and try to rock it to
put doll To sleep) sleep. If the child is a boy, move the
toy car/block back and forth. Credit
if the child can imitate this.
MATERIALS: pairs of spoon, balls,
blocks PROCEDURE: Place one
spoon, one ball, and one block on the
table. (live the child the other set of
objects arranged in random order.
6. Matches objects Demonstrate a matching, response
(e.g. spoon to spoon) then return the
objects to the child. Say, “Put each
object on the one that is just like it.”
Credit if the child can match the
objects correctly.
MATERIALS: 3 pairs of crayons
(blue, red, yellow) PROCEDURE:
Place one crayon of each color on the
table or flat surface. Give the child
the other crayons arranged in random
7. Matches 2 – 3 color order. Demonstrate a matching
repose (e.g., red crayon with another
red crayon) then return the crayons to
the child. Say, “Put each crayon on
the one that is just like it.” Credit if
the child can match
MATERIALS: 3 pairs of picture
cards (e.g., pictures of an apple,
orange, banana) PROCEDURE:
Place one copy of each picture on the
table or flat surface. Give the child
the other pictures arranged in random
8. Matches pictures order. Demonstrate a matching
response (e.g., picture of an apple
with another apple) then return the
pictures to the child. Say, “Put each
picture on the one that is just like it.”
Credit if the child can match all the
pictures correctly.
MATERIALS: 4 pairs of different
shapes that are of the same size and
color. PROCEDURE: Show the child
the shapes. Tell the child, “Put
together the ones that are the same.”
After the child sorts and groups the
9. Sorts based on shapes shapes, point to the ones with the
same shape and ask. “Why did you
put these together?” Credit if the
child can group the same shapes and
say why they are the same (pareho
sila, pareho sila ng hugis/shape, puro
sila bilog).
10. Sorts objects based on 2 attributes MATERIALS: 4 pairs of the same
shape that differ in size and color.
PROCEDURE: Show the child the
shapes. Tell the child, “Put together
(e.g., size and color)
the ones that are the same”. Credit if
the child can sort all the shapes
according to size and color.
MATERIALS: 4 pieces of graduated
sized squares and 4 pieces of
graduated sized circles
PROCEDURE: Show the child the
first set of squares spread out at
random on a table or flat surface.
Say, “Here are 4 squares. Look, I
can begin with the smallest, then the
next big one, until the biggest one.”
Arranges objects according to size Demonstrate how to arrange the
from smallest to biggest squares. Then disarrange these and
tell the child, “Now you start with
the smallest, put the next one and the
next big one until the last one.”
Repeat this procedure using the
circles without demonstrating. Credit
if the child arranges at least one set of
shapes in correct order from smallest
to biggest. Allow one trial for each
set of shapes
MATERIALS; 6 papers of different
colors PROCEDURE: Ask the child,
12. Names 4 – 6 colors
“What color is this?” Credit if the
child can name 4 – 6 colors correctly
MATERIALS: Paper and pen/crayon
PROCEDURE: Let the child copy a
13. Copies shapes circle, triangle, and circle after
demonstrating how each of this is
Names 3 animals or vegetables when Credit if the child can name 3
asked animals or vegetables.
Credit if he can state the use of
States what common household
15. function of at least 2 household items
items are used for
like a bed and a drinking glass.
MATERIAL: simple 4 – 6 piece
16. Can assemble simple puzzles
Demonstrates an understanding of
opposites by completing a statement Credit if the child can give an
(e.g., Ang aso ay malaki, ang daga opposite word.
ay _____”)
PRCEDURE: Sit across the child and
ask “Show me your left hand.” Do
the same for the following: Right
hand, left foot, right knee, left
18. Points to left and right sides of body
shoulder, right eye, right knee, left
leg. Credit if the child can correctly
point out the left and right side on at
least 5 body parts as requested.
19. Can state what is silly or wrong with MATERIALS: A picture
pictures (e.g. Ano ang mali sa PROCEDURE: Show the pictured
scenes to the child one at a time and
ask, “What is wrong with this
larawang ito?) picture?” Credit if the child correctly
identifies what made the picture
MATERIAL/s: Alphabet card with
20. Matches upper and lower case letters
upper and lower case letters.