Anecdotal Records: DEFINITION: An Anecdotal Record Is An Observational Method Used Frequently in Classroom or
Anecdotal Records: DEFINITION: An Anecdotal Record Is An Observational Method Used Frequently in Classroom or
Anecdotal Records: DEFINITION: An Anecdotal Record Is An Observational Method Used Frequently in Classroom or
The accuracy of the observation is improved if the behaviors being observed are defined so that
they are observable and measurable.
Observable Behavior
Observable behavior is behavior which can be noted through one of the senses (seen, heard,
tasted, smelled, or felt). Observable behaviors are usually described by action words such as
touching, walking, saying, or writing. These do not include feelings or intentions which are
inferred from other behaviors.
Measurable Behavior
In order to be measurable a behavior must first be observable. In addition, an observer must be
able to clearly determine whether the behavior is occurring, count the occurrences of the
behavior and/or time the duration of the behavior. Behaviors which have a discrete beginning
and ending are the easiest to measure.
The Teacher Assistant’s Role in Observations
As long as the planning for observation has been done by a teacher, anyone that is able to make
accurate observations can perform the actual observation of the behavior. This can include
Teacher Assistants with training in the observation technique and also a knowledge of the
behavior being observed
The Observations
When developing an observation period, the following considerations are taken into account. A
Teacher Assistant should be aware of these considerations in order to make consistent and
accurate measurements during the observation.
The teacher should be the one to identify and define the behavior. However, the Teacher
Assistant needs to have a clear understanding of the specific behavior.
Notes/ Recommendations/Actions:
Signature: _______________________