Majick: Miscellaneous Notes: Cyrapti

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The text describes various arcane knowledges and skills related to magic and divination. It also discusses concepts like constellations, stars, and their significance. Spellcasting techniques like invocation, evocation, permutation and others are explained.

Some divination techniques mentioned include dropping earthenware vessels and interpreting the broken pieces, a necromantic technique called Kharzali involving crushing and dissecting small birds, and tossing carved wooden sticks into a flowing stream.

The levels of spell familiarity mentioned are: acquaintance, studied, experience, familiarity, expertise, and mastery.

Majick: Miscellaneous notes


Precept of Bliss
Precept of Essence
Precept of Knowledge
Precept of Milieu
Precept of Fury
Arcane Knowledges Descriptive List

Astrology – beyond simple divination. Astrology is the method of achieving change through
knowledge/attunement/manipulation of astral/etheric forces. Astrology as a form of divination is a
perception of changes (often made by other astrologers) in these forces.
Consecration – includes heka-forging. Method of enchantment of items (only). Methods and effects
highly variable, based on entitial/extra-planar source.
Divination – consist of many subareas of divinitory techniques (see GD material) especially
haruspomancy (sacrificial divination) and onycomancy (by nails reflecting the sun's rays). It also
includes the mythus k/s of fortune-telling. Develop list, then subdivide by cultural and planar sources.
Priestcraft – includes exorcism
Shamanism – includes apatropaism
Sorcery – general form of majick, comparable to wizardry (Warhammer) or dwoemercraeft (mythus).
Beyond the basic incantations, each sorcerer will also have one (at start) theoretical specialization (see
below). These are the most common theories, others are believed to exist.
Precept of Bliss
Precept of Essence
Precept of Knowledge
Precept of Milieu
Precept of Fury
Theurgy – includes elements of hermeticism, enochian techniques, sha’ir, lovecraftian & Arabian
elements, poetry & possession, contact with the muse, a physical manifestation of the eidolon
Witchcraft – consists of mythus k/s areas witchcraeft & sorcery, as well as influences from dark
Sorcery and other arts
The difficulty is expressed as a percentile score, the higher, the more powerful and difficult. For a first
level (in AD&D terminology), it would be approx. 30 (40?), a 4th 75, an 8th 115.

Sorcery is arranged in three bodies: the arcane knowledge, the arcane crafts (or Cyraptiin the Chlendi
tongue), and the arcane traditions. The knowledges and bodies of spells, group together by similarities
or purposes, such as Necromancy or Herbalism. The crafts are the methods used to cast spells. They are
invocation, evocation, permutation, divinaton, adjuration, and glamour, it is rumored that ancient magi
knew of others. Invocation is commonly used by priests and involves bringing a quality or energy into a
being, often onesself. Evocation brings matter or energy into existence outside of a another body.
Permutations change an existing condition. Divinations (combine within invocation) bring to the caster
knowledge organization of existing thought, sense, or knowledge. Adjurations push something away,
protect, prevent the existence of energy or matter. Glamour gives something magicakal qualities or
effects the thoughts and emotions another. The traditions are a matter of convenience.

Typical Cryprati Associated with the Arcane Knowledges

Alchemy: Permutaion, Glamour

Apotropaism: Adjuration, Glamour
Astrology: Invocation, Glamour
Conjuration (Demonolgae, Tyrapti Chlendi): Evocation, Adjuration
Divination (Onycomancy): Invocation
Dweomercraeft (Now Sorcery): Evocation, Permutation, Invocation
Exorcism: Adjuration
Fortunetelling (Haruspomancy): Invocation
Heka-forging: Glamour, Permutation
Herbalism: Glamour, Permutation
Mediumship: Invocation (from Issendil)
Mysticism: Invocation, Permutation
Necromancy: Invocation, Glamour, Adjuration
Priestcraeft: Invocation, Adjuration, Evocation
Sorcery (combine w/ witchcraeft):
Spellsongs: Glamour, Invocation, Evocation
Witchcraeft (Fascination?): Glamour, Permutation
Arcane Knowledges: Skill Selection and Skill Programs:
Magickal Programs:

Sorcerer's Apprentice Program

majickal theory

Acolyte Program
Cultist Program
Visionseeker Program
Specialist Program
[one secondary majickal skill]
lore (with specialization)
Exclusive Programs:
requires pact or vow of service
aspect cost limit


 cyrapti: number of standard cyrapti the character is able to use (EVER!!!). attainmaint of
nonstandard cyrapti are possible, but usually only through vows of service or other extreme
 eidolon: the divine or supernatural fragment that is part of the character; the “higher (or lower)
self”, possily a connection to a specific dimension or plane
 items: items of a majickal nature, or pertaining to the performance of majick
 knowledges: the number of arcane knowledges possessed by the character at the start of play.
Unlike cyrapti, this priority has no impact on the future or potential number of arcane knowledges
that can be learned.
 mentor: the continued presence of a one skilled in majickal techniques, who is willing to assist the
character (but not always for free!). Useful in acquiring new incantations, rituals, items, or arcane
knowledges, as well as pertinent skills in general.

Arcane Lore Skills

In addition to cyrapti and arcane knowledges, there exists a body of skills, the arcane lore, which are
mastered by simple book learning. These skills do not allow the performance of rituals or incantations,
nor special capabilities or majick use. These skills contain the knowledge, theory, mythology, and
history useful, and oft times essential to the majickal practitioner.

Majickal Theory Metaphysics

Philosophy Mythology
Religion Theology
Demonology Planar Studies
Ancient Languages Hypnosis
 different “currents” of majick:
 based on cultural groups
 different styles of sorcery (different laws?)
 character can only use one current at time – requires lengthy initiation
 current forms basis for many schools of majick
 caused on entital (divine) source
 based on planar source of incantation
 based on planar origin of the muse/eidolon
 cyrapti: look at Changeling for inspiration (for additional forms) -- 8d8 at start (??)
 majickal damage: 1/3 (mental x10)
 scale attributes
 drain: spell power determines dice roll, subtract willpower, then mark from "heka blocks"
(shadowrun) -- overnight sleep gives complete recovery
Spiritual Degeneration (WHFRP p138-140)
“The study and practice of the unspeakable acts of Demonology and Necromancy soon take their toll on
the magician’s mind and body. Likewise, Evil and Chaotic majicians following other majickal careers
also suffer physical and mental degeneration. This reflected by the acquisition of one or more Penalities
at each level. Every time Demonologists advance a level, they gain 1d6 Insanity points plus one of the
Disablities described below. Necromancers also gain a disability at each level, and have a steadily
increasing chance of contracting tomb rot. Other penalities, gained by summoning demons or using
demonic power-summoning spells, for example,are described in the introduction to the relevant careers.

Some of these disabilities are progressive, in that they get steadily worse over time. The effects of such
disabilities are therefore described in three stages. The character will suffer the effects of the first stage
of the disability immediately it has been acquired. Advance changes occurance within the year or upon
career changes.”

Majickal Disability

Demonologist Necromancer Evil/Chaotic Wizard Disability

01-09 01-12 01-14 Allergy
10-18 13-25 15-28 Animal Aversion
--- always possessed 29-31 Cadaverous Appearence
19-30 26-35 32-35 Disfigurement
31-40 36-43 36-46 Insanity
41-51 44-58 47-55 Nocturnal Lifestyle
52-60 59-69 56-69 Palsy
61-66 --- 70-77 Strength Loss
67-73 70-77 78-85 Toughness Loss
74-80 --- 86-87 Transformation
81-92 78-92 88-94 Unpleasent Odour
93-100 93-100 95-100 Wound Loss

System Modifications
 create appendix as System interpretation for this idea. Create a table that lists all the majickal skills,
so this can applied in some version (good or bad) to all these skills
 the onset of disabilities is marked by a particular level or percentage
 further disabilites occur upon the increase of the skill (or level). Once the skill increase has been
determined, a disability is gained if an additional roll under the skill percentage
 influx of energy from planar sources drags on the body of the sorceror. The effects of the
degeneration depnds on the specific skills and the extra-planar sources used.
 allergy: the charcter develops a painful discomfort upon contact or close proximity to the substance,
which is chosen by the player, but requires GM approval. Suggestions: leather, cloth, fur, plants
 stage 1: upon physical contact, the charcter suffers itchy, streaming eyes, and violent fits of
sneezing (init, dex, lead, cool)
 stage 2: when within 5 feet, an itchy rash develops on exposed skin (same as stage 1, but
more intense )
 stage 3: occurs within 10 feet, causes rash all over the body and nausea
 animal aversion: animals and children become very sensistive to the character’s presence
 stage 1: domestic animals and children will avoid the character if at all possible
 stage 2: all animals and young children will display signs of fear and loathing of the
character (howling, crying, etc)
 stage 3: animals will attack the character on sight
 cadaverous appearence: as time progresses the character grows to look more and more corpse-like
 stage 1: skin becomes deathly pale and dark rings form around the eyes (appearence)
 stage 2:
Other Ideas
transmorgify sorcery transfiguration
sciomancy enchantment glamour
permutation deviation perversion
domination fascination adjuration

forms of divination
Haruspicy, Hieromancy - sacrificial divination
Onycomancy - by nails reflecting the sun's rays

Miscellaneous Majickal Thoughts

Leylines – magical geography (archaeosophy, geocraeft) – (k/s area or subarea, sorcery law???)
Sha'ir – majick concerning djinn, spirits, holy guardian angel/muse, poetry, possession
add powers and skills (cost exp) to traditions or arcane skills
disabilities chance according to level of arcane skills.
disabilites can be used in merits & flaws
Wards/Talismantic Majick

Occult Notes/Ideas (Elements to address in the majick system, campaign settings, and elsewhere)
 initiation – see Crowley, Regardie, Kraig, Buckland, Shadowrun … use as a replacement for full
practicioner status
 material components – unlike the simple items of AD&D, require each grade of spells to have
consecrated items of significance, thus requiring quests and studies of the majician at various stages in
his development. Also this provides opportunities for the overlapping of skills, and interdependence
ofthe characters (one can either learn astrology himself, or have a proficient comrade assist him.)
 as the cultural systems of majick develop, create a system of corresponde within each, and on a
greater level provide a modicum of overlapping between each, showing some elements of syncritism.
Perhaps each system show have a numerical system with a different base. Base 20, base 16, base 7, etc.
Factoring the larger base systems can provide a system of syncretism.
 adapt ideas from Mesoamerican studies.
 expand yoga rules from mythus, incorporating tantric ideas (see Book 4)
 integrate GD, Crowley, Kraig ideas into alchemy, do not abandon typical frp treatment, but
incorporate truly “spiritual” ideas…check Cheryl’s books.

Sha’ir Rules (Al Quadim p97)

 do not learn or cast spells as usual
 do not use spell books
 summon familiar (level 1) which provides spells
 identify the work, presence, and majick of djinn (level 3)
 call on jann for aid (L5)
 protection versus elemental attacks (L7)
 bind true djinn as a personal servant (L11)
 entrap djinn (L13)
 enter elemental planes at will (L15)
 enter into audience with djinn rulers (L17)
 the gen (familiar) has a specific elemental nature
 the gen, upon request, disappears to receive the spell (percentage roll)
 sha’ir can cast the spell anytime w/in the next 30 minutes

 the gen becomes the muse, an aspect of the character’s eidolon

 incorporate elements of spellsongs (with the goal of eliminating it)
 use poetry – sign of djinn of possession
 combine with elements of Enochian – invocation of spirits to emphasize aspects of the character
 Arabian/Lovecraftian mystique – conjuring in Mindaron culture

Maldaer Mindaron Chlendi Heteri Issendil

Consecration Talismantics Conjuration Herbalism Mediumship
Sorcery Necromancy Astrology Witchcraft Mysticism
Theurgy Shamanism

 sources and description of majickal energy: fresh blood, fae dust, etc…
 foci: associate with cyrapti, but specific form is dictated by arcane knowledge
 can foci be abandoned? No, incantations can still be performed, but with penalty. All foci are
consecrated, purified, or enchanted (dependent on knowledge).
 stargates: stars show map of doors to astral plane/otherworld…all teleports/correspondenmce goes
through here. Division between astral/etheric subplanes and Tezram
 coporeal/stomatic magic-physical
 use latin roots to find terminology
 zodiac: spirits go thru constellations (&particular stars???) during birth/conception
 anime/animation – anything moving has a spirit
 each number of star in constellation has siginificance.
 actions affecting success/effects:
 foci (mage/shadowrun)
 assistants
 offerings/sacrifices
 spiritual mentorship
 divination (includes astrology)
 other incantations
 exhaustion factor
set by level of enlightenment, experience, stamina, spell knowledge.
incantations below this factor affect the sorceror insignificantly or not at all.
 specialization in cyrapti
 increase fasciniation, decrease invocation (for example)
 also in terms of associated arcane knowledge:
 instead of 4d8 for invocations, 5d8 for necromantic invocations, and 3d8 for all
other invocations (shadowrun)
 cyrapti specialized for a single arcane knowledge only
 same as general cyrapti specialization, but only applies to use with a particular
arcane knowledge
 constellations and stars reflect the nature and structure of the universe. Each star is named, and
reflects a point on the astral plane that connects to another area. Each constellation is a door to
another realm, in which its component stars are paricular spots/gates within that realm.
 a reference to the Zodiac or astrology reflects the passage of the individual’s soul/spirit from a dying
person or realm through the astral (through a constellation) to the birth spot.
 anime/animation – imbuing a body or object to allow for movement or sentience. Everything has a
 corporeal/somatic – majick relating to the body, shell, or physical objects in general.
Spell Familiarity
aquaintence seen spell in action, heard description, understand general function
studied possession of written copy
experience possession, as well at least one performance
familiarity possession, but lack of talent for adequate performance
allows performance with a written copy
expertise can perform without a written copy, but mistakes may occur
mastery memorization; no need for written copy during performance

minor – 1 spell or spell level
major – rounds/hours/days per level
master – permanent

change: duration, area of effect, power, colour, sound, image, shape, temporal


see permutation – also effects number of creatures

overlaps charm
hold monsters in place
prevents charm to caster/others
conjuration won’t expire

chi-type cyrapti
for use with martial art styles
develop weapons, manuever,styles
set of castings/rituals for different cultures
increase phys, combat powers
ignore pain/penalties
explore monk (ad&d), physical adept, ninjas & superspies, gurps stuff

form of divination specific to each major culture

heteri  fortune-telling
chlendi  astrology

convert Riders of Elvenflow to Mythus/RME

hermetic magick ~~ ars magica

symbols ~~ palladium diabolism
painting -- animating statues, tatoos, summoning, div
music -- spirit, emotion, and faerie spells
mental -- ego used to imporve self
rituals --
invocation -- powers granted thru entity

Divination Techniques in Tezrhait

1. The dropping of earthen ware vessels – the size and shapes of the broken bits are then read.
2. Kharzali – A practice used primarily by only necromancers and the like. Involves the crushing
of small bird (to death) in the sorcerer’s hand. It is then dissected and the bone and organ
damage is examined.
3. Carved wooden sticks tossed into a slowly flowing stream.

1. Unless otherwise specified, follow the guidelines on p134 of the AD&D player’s handbook.
2. The range of mental communication is 1 mi./level of the sorcerer.
3. Under normal circumstances, the familiar will not be subject to damage. See rules for item
saving throws.
4. Familiars can be augmented. See Dragon magazine or supplemental pages.

A. Intelligence Augmentations: requires one spell level for every two intelligence points beyond 2.
B. Sensory Augmentations:

Direct telepathy 3rd

Speech 4th

Vision Link 3rd

Olfactory Link 1st

Tactile Link 2nd

Auditory Link 2nd

Infravision 3rd

See Invisible 5th
C. Defensive Augmentation – Recreate based on power of spell base and level of use.

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